from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from rest_framework import serializers

from acls.serializers.rules import ip_group_help_text, ip_group_child_validator

__all__ = [
    'SecurityPasswordRuleSerializer', 'SecuritySessionSerializer',
    'SecurityAuthSerializer', 'SecuritySettingSerializer',
    'SecurityLoginLimitSerializer', 'SecurityBasicSerializer',

class SecurityPasswordRuleSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    SECURITY_PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_TIME = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=1, max_value=99999, required=True,
        label=_('User password expiration (day)'),
            'If the user does not update the password during the time, '
            'the user password will expire failure;The password expiration reminder mail will be '
            'automatic sent to the user by system within 5 days (daily) before the password expires'
    OLD_PASSWORD_HISTORY_LIMIT_COUNT = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=0, max_value=99999, required=True,
        label=_('Recent password count'),
            'Tip: When the user resets the password, it cannot be '
            'the previous n historical passwords of the user'
    SECURITY_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=6, max_value=30, required=True,
        label=_("Minimum length (User)")
        min_value=6, max_value=30, required=True,
        label=_('Minimum length (Admin)')
    SECURITY_PASSWORD_UPPER_CASE = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, label=_('Uppercase')
    SECURITY_PASSWORD_LOWER_CASE = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, label=_('Lowercase')
    SECURITY_PASSWORD_NUMBER = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, label=_('Digits')
    SECURITY_PASSWORD_SPECIAL_CHAR = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, label=_('Special characters')

login_ip_limit_time_help_text = _(
    'If the user has failed to log in for a limited number of times, '
    'no login is allowed during this time interval.'

class SecurityLoginLimitSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    SECURITY_LOGIN_LIMIT_COUNT = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=3, max_value=99999,
        label=_('Login failures count')
    SECURITY_LOGIN_LIMIT_TIME = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=5, max_value=99999, required=True,
        label=_('Login failure period (minute)'),

    SECURITY_LOGIN_IP_LIMIT_COUNT = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=3, max_value=99999,
        label=_('Login failures count')
    SECURITY_LOGIN_IP_LIMIT_TIME = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=5, max_value=99999, required=True,
        label=_('Login failure period (minute)'),
    SECURITY_LOGIN_IP_WHITE_LIST = serializers.ListField(
        default=[], label=_('Login IP whitelist'), allow_empty=True,
        child=serializers.CharField(max_length=1024, validators=[ip_group_child_validator]),
    SECURITY_LOGIN_IP_BLACK_LIST = serializers.ListField(
        default=[], label=_('Login IP blacklist'), allow_empty=True,
        child=serializers.CharField(max_length=1024, validators=[ip_group_child_validator]),
    USER_LOGIN_SINGLE_MACHINE_ENABLED = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, default=False, label=_("Only single device login"),
        help_text=_("After the user logs in on the new device, other logged-in devices will automatically log out")
    ONLY_ALLOW_EXIST_USER_AUTH = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, default=False, label=_("Only exist user login"),
            "If enabled, non-existent users will not be allowed to log in; if disabled, "
            "users of other authentication methods except local authentication methods are allowed "
            "to log in and automatically create users (if the user does not exist)"
    ONLY_ALLOW_AUTH_FROM_SOURCE = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, default=False, label=_("Only from source login"),
            "If it is enabled, the user will only authenticate to the source when logging in; "
            "if it is disabled, the user will authenticate all the enabled authentication methods "
            "in a certain order when logging in, and as long as one of the authentication methods is successful, "
            "they can log in directly"

class SecurityAuthSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    SECURITY_MFA_AUTH = serializers.ChoiceField(
            [0, _('Not enabled')],
            [1, _('All users')],
            [2, _('Only admin users')],
        required=False, label=_("Global MFA")
        required=False, default=True,
        label=_('Third-party login MFA'),
        help_text=_('The third-party login modes include OIDC, CAS, and SAML2'),
    OTP_ISSUER_NAME = serializers.CharField(
        required=False, max_length=16, label=_('OTP issuer name'),
    OTP_VALID_WINDOW = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=0, max_value=10,
        label=_("OTP valid window")
    SECURITY_MFA_VERIFY_TTL = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=5, max_value=60 * 60 * 10,
        label=_("MFA verify TTL"),
            "Unit: second, The verification MFA takes effect only when you view the account password"
    SECURITY_MFA_IN_LOGIN_PAGE = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, default=False,
        label=_("MFA in login page"),
        help_text=_("Eu security regulations(GDPR) require MFA to be on the login page")
    VERIFY_CODE_TTL = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=5, max_value=60 * 60 * 10,
        label=_("Verify code TTL (second)"),
        help_text=_("Reset password and send SMS code expiration time")
    SECURITY_LOGIN_CHALLENGE_ENABLED = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, default=False,
        label=_("Login dynamic code"),
        help_text=_("The password and additional code are sent to a third party "
                    "authentication system for verification")
    SECURITY_LOGIN_CAPTCHA_ENABLED = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, default=False, label=_("Login captcha"),
        help_text=_("Enable captcha to prevent robot authentication")
    SECURITY_CHECK_DIFFERENT_CITY_LOGIN = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, label=_('Suspicious Login Verification'),
            'The system determines whether the login IP address belongs to a common login city. '
            'If the account is logged in from a common login city, the system sends a remote login reminder'
    SECURITY_UNCOMMON_USERS_TTL = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=30, max_value=99999, required=False,
        label=_('Auto Disable Threshold (day)'),
        help_text=_("Detect infrequent users daily and disable them if they exceed the predetermined time limit")

    def validate(self, attrs):
        if attrs.get('SECURITY_MFA_AUTH') != 1:
            attrs['SECURITY_MFA_IN_LOGIN_PAGE'] = False
        return attrs

    def to_representation(self, instance):
        data = super().to_representation(instance)
            data['SECURITY_MFA_IN_LOGIN_PAGE'] = False
            data['SECURITY_LOGIN_CAPTCHA_ENABLED'] = False
        elif data['SECURITY_MFA_IN_LOGIN_PAGE']:
            data['SECURITY_LOGIN_CAPTCHA_ENABLED'] = False
        return data

class SecuritySessionSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    SECURITY_WATERMARK_ENABLED = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=True, label=_('Watermark'),
        help_text=_('Enabled, the web session and replay contains watermark information')
    SECURITY_MAX_IDLE_TIME = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=1, max_value=99999, required=False,
        label=_('Max idle time (minute)'),
        help_text=_('If idle time more than it, disconnect connection.')
    SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, default=False, label=_('Session expire at browser closed'),
        help_text=_('Whether to expire the session when the user closes their browser.')
    SECURITY_MAX_SESSION_TIME = serializers.IntegerField(
        min_value=1, max_value=99999, required=False,
        label=_('Max online time (hour)'),
        help_text=_('If session connection time more than it, disconnect connection.')
    SECURITY_LUNA_REMEMBER_AUTH = serializers.BooleanField(
        label=_("Remember manual auth")
    SECURITY_SESSION_SHARE = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=True, label=_('Session share'),
        help_text=_("Enabled, Allows user active session to be shared with other users")

class SecurityBasicSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    SECURITY_INSECURE_COMMAND = serializers.BooleanField(
        required=False, label=_('Insecure command alert')
        max_length=8192, required=False, allow_blank=True, label=_('Email recipient'),
        help_text=_('Multiple user using , split')

class SecuritySettingSerializer(
    SecurityPasswordRuleSerializer, SecurityAuthSerializer,
    SecuritySessionSerializer, SecurityBasicSerializer,
    PREFIX_TITLE = _('Security')

class SecurityBlockIPSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    id = serializers.UUIDField(required=False)
    ip = serializers.CharField(max_length=1024, required=False, allow_blank=True)