# coding: utf-8 import datetime from celery import shared_task from celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django_celery_beat.models import PeriodicTask from django.conf import settings from common.const.crontab import CRONTAB_AT_AM_TWO from common.utils import get_logger, get_object_or_none, get_log_keep_day from ops.celery import app from ops.serializers.job import JobExecutionSerializer from orgs.utils import tmp_to_org, tmp_to_root_org from .celery.decorator import ( register_as_period_task, after_app_ready_start ) from .celery.utils import ( create_or_update_celery_periodic_tasks, get_celery_periodic_task, disable_celery_periodic_task, delete_celery_periodic_task ) from .models import Job, JobExecution from .notifications import ServerPerformanceCheckUtil logger = get_logger(__file__) def job_task_activity_callback(self, job_id, *args, **kwargs): job = get_object_or_none(Job, id=job_id) if not job: return resource_ids = [job.id] org_id = job.org_id return resource_ids, org_id def _run_ops_job_execution(execution): try: with tmp_to_org(execution.org): execution.start() except SoftTimeLimitExceeded: execution.set_error('Run timeout') logger.error("Run adhoc timeout") except Exception as e: execution.set_error(e) logger.error("Start adhoc execution error: {}".format(e)) @shared_task( soft_time_limit=60, queue="ansible", verbose_name=_("Run ansible task"), activity_callback=job_task_activity_callback, description=_( "Execute scheduled adhoc and playbooks, periodically invoking the task for execution" ) ) def run_ops_job(job_id): if not settings.SECURITY_COMMAND_EXECUTION: return with tmp_to_root_org(): job = get_object_or_none(Job, id=job_id) if not job: logger.error("Did not get the execution: {}".format(job_id)) return with tmp_to_org(job.org): execution = job.create_execution() execution.creator = job.creator if job.periodic_variable: execution.parameters = JobExecutionSerializer.validate_parameters(job.periodic_variable) _run_ops_job_execution(execution) def job_execution_task_activity_callback(self, execution_id, *args, **kwargs): execution = get_object_or_none(JobExecution, id=execution_id) if not execution: return resource_ids = [execution.id] org_id = execution.org_id return resource_ids, org_id @shared_task( soft_time_limit=60, queue="ansible", verbose_name=_("Run ansible task execution"), activity_callback=job_execution_task_activity_callback, description=_( "Execute the task when manually adhoc or playbooks" ) ) def run_ops_job_execution(execution_id, **kwargs): if not settings.SECURITY_COMMAND_EXECUTION: return with tmp_to_root_org(): execution = get_object_or_none(JobExecution, id=execution_id) if not execution: logger.error("Did not get the execution: {}".format(execution_id)) return _run_ops_job_execution(execution) @shared_task( verbose_name=_('Clear celery periodic tasks'), description=_( "At system startup, clean up celery tasks that no longer exist" ) ) @after_app_ready_start def clean_celery_periodic_tasks(): """清除celery定时任务""" logger.info('Start clean celery periodic tasks.') register_tasks = PeriodicTask.objects.all() for task in register_tasks: if task.task in app.tasks: continue task_name = task.name logger.info('Start clean task: {}'.format(task_name)) disable_celery_periodic_task(task_name) delete_celery_periodic_task(task_name) task = get_celery_periodic_task(task_name) if task is None: logger.info('Clean task success: {}'.format(task_name)) else: logger.info('Clean task failure: {}'.format(task)) @shared_task( verbose_name=_('Create or update periodic tasks'), description=_( """With version iterations, new tasks may be added, or task names and execution times may be modified. Therefore, upon system startup, tasks will be registered or the parameters of scheduled tasks will be updated""" ) ) @after_app_ready_start def create_or_update_registered_periodic_tasks(): from .celery.decorator import get_register_period_tasks for task in get_register_period_tasks(): create_or_update_celery_periodic_tasks(task) @shared_task( verbose_name=_("Periodic check service performance"), description=_( """Check every hour whether each component is offline and whether the CPU, memory, and disk usage exceed the thresholds, and send an alert message to the administrator""" ) ) @register_as_period_task(interval=3600) def check_server_performance_period(): ServerPerformanceCheckUtil().check_and_publish() @shared_task( verbose_name=_("Clean up unexpected jobs"), description=_( """Due to exceptions caused by executing adhoc and playbooks in the Job Center, which result in the task status not being updated, the system will clean up abnormal jobs that have not been completed for more than 3 hours every hour and mark these tasks as failed""" ) ) @register_as_period_task(interval=3600) def clean_up_unexpected_jobs(): with tmp_to_root_org(): JobExecution.clean_unexpected_execution() @shared_task( verbose_name=_('Clean job_execution db record'), description=_( """Due to the execution of adhoc and playbooks in the Job Center, execution records will be generated. The system will clean up records that exceed the retention period every day at 2 a.m., based on the configuration of 'System Settings - Tasks - Regular clean-up - Job execution retention days'""" ) ) @register_as_period_task(crontab=CRONTAB_AT_AM_TWO) def clean_job_execution_period(): logger.info("Start clean job_execution db record") now = timezone.now() days = get_log_keep_day('JOB_EXECUTION_KEEP_DAYS') expired_day = now - datetime.timedelta(days=days) with tmp_to_root_org(): del_res = JobExecution.objects.filter(date_created__lt=expired_day).delete() logger.info( f"clean job_execution db record success! delete {days} days {del_res[0]} records") # 测试使用,注释隐藏 # @shared_task # def longtime_add(x, y): # print('long time task begins') # time.sleep(50) # print('long time task finished') # return x + y