# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ansible.inventory.group import Group from ansible.inventory.host import Host from ansible.inventory import Inventory from ansible.runner import Runner from ansible.playbook import PlayBook from ansible import callbacks from ansible import utils from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt from utils import get_rand_pass import os.path API_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ANSIBLE_DIR = os.path.join(API_DIR, 'playbooks') class AnsibleError(StandardError): """ the base AnsibleError which contains error(required), data(optional) and message(optional). 存储所有Ansible 异常对象 """ def __init__(self, error, data='', message=''): super(AnsibleError, self).__init__(message) self.error = error self.data = data self.message = message class CommandValueError(AnsibleError): """ indicate the input value has error or invalid. the data specifies the error field of input form. 输入不合法 异常对象 """ def __init__(self, field, message=''): super(CommandValueError, self).__init__('value:invalid', field, message) class MyInventory(Inventory): """ this is my ansible inventory object. """ def __init__(self, resource): """ resource的数据格式是一个列表字典,比如 { "group1": { "hosts": [{"hostname": "", "port": "22", "username": "test", "password": "mypass"}, ...], "vars": {"var1": value1, "var2": value2, ...} } } 如果你只传入1个列表,这默认该列表内的所有主机属于my_group组,比如 [{"hostname": "", "port": "22", "username": "test", "password": "mypass"}, ...] """ self.resource = resource self.inventory = Inventory(host_list=[]) self.gen_inventory() def my_add_group(self, hosts, groupname, groupvars=None): """ add hosts to a group """ my_group = Group(name=groupname) # if group variables exists, add them to group if groupvars: for key, value in groupvars.iteritems(): my_group.set_variable(key, value) # add hosts to group for host in hosts: # set connection variables hostname = host.get("hostname") hostip = host.get('ip', hostname) hostport = host.get("port") username = host.get("username") password = host.get("password") ssh_key = host.get("ssh_key") my_host = Host(name=hostname, port=hostport) my_host.set_variable('ansible_ssh_host', hostip) my_host.set_variable('ansible_ssh_port', hostport) my_host.set_variable('ansible_ssh_user', username) my_host.set_variable('ansible_ssh_pass', password) my_host.set_variable('ansible_ssh_private_key_file', ssh_key) # set other variables for key, value in host.iteritems(): if key not in ["hostname", "port", "username", "password"]: my_host.set_variable(key, value) # add to group my_group.add_host(my_host) self.inventory.add_group(my_group) def gen_inventory(self): """ add hosts to inventory. """ if isinstance(self.resource, list): self.my_add_group(self.resource, 'default_group') elif isinstance(self.resource, dict): for groupname, hosts_and_vars in self.resource.iteritems(): self.my_add_group(hosts_and_vars.get("hosts"), groupname, hosts_and_vars.get("vars")) class MyRunner(MyInventory): """ This is a General object for parallel execute modules. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MyRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.results = {} def run(self, module_name, module_args='', timeout=10, forks=10, pattern='', sudo=False, sudo_user='root', sudo_pass=''): """ run module from andible ad-hoc. module_name: ansible module_name module_args: ansible module args """ hoc = Runner(module_name=module_name, module_args=module_args, timeout=timeout, inventory=self.inventory, pattern=pattern, forks=forks, become=sudo, become_method='sudo', become_user=sudo_user, become_pass=sudo_pass ) self.results = hoc.run() return self.results class Command(MyInventory): """ this is a command object for parallel execute command. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Command, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.results = {} def run(self, command, module_name="command", timeout=10, forks=10, pattern='*'): """ run command from andible ad-hoc. command : 必须是一个需要执行的命令字符串, 比如 'uname -a' """ data = {} if module_name not in ["raw", "command", "shell"]: raise CommandValueError("module_name", "module_name must be of the 'raw, command, shell'") hoc = Runner(module_name=module_name, module_args=command, timeout=timeout, inventory=self.inventory, pattern=pattern, forks=forks, ) self.results = hoc.run() ret = {} if self.stdout: data['ok'] = self.stdout if self.stderr: data['err'] = self.stderr if self.dark: data['dark'] = self.dark return data @property def raw_results(self): """ get the ansible raw results. """ return self.results @property def exec_time(self): """ get the command execute time. """ result = {} all = self.results.get("contacted") for key, value in all.iteritems(): result[key] = { "start": value.get("start"), "end" : value.get("end"), "delta": value.get("delta"),} return result @property def stdout(self): """ get the comamnd standard output. """ result = {} all = self.results.get("contacted") for key, value in all.iteritems(): result[key] = value.get("stdout") return result @property def stderr(self): """ get the command standard error. """ result = {} all = self.results.get("contacted") for key, value in all.iteritems(): if value.get("stderr") or value.get("warnings"): result[key] = { "stderr": value.get("stderr"), "warnings": value.get("warnings"),} return result @property def dark(self): """ get the dark results. """ return self.results.get("dark") class Tasks(Command): """ this is a tasks object for include the common command. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Tasks, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __run(self, module_args, module_name="command", timeout=5, forks=10, group='default_group', pattern='*', become=False, ): """ run command from andible ad-hoc. command : 必须是一个需要执行的命令字符串, 比如 'uname -a' """ hoc = Runner(module_name=module_name, module_args=module_args, timeout=timeout, inventory=self.inventory, subset=group, pattern=pattern, forks=forks, become=become, ) self.results = hoc.run() return {"msg": self.msg, "result": self.results} @property def msg(self): """ get the contacted and dark msg """ msg = {} for result in ["contacted", "dark"]: all = self.results.get(result) for key, value in all.iteritems(): if value.get("msg"): msg[key] = value.get("msg") return msg def push_key(self, user, key_path): """ push the ssh authorized key to target. """ module_args = 'user="%s" key="{{ lookup("file", "%s") }}" state=present' % (user, key_path) self.__run(module_args, "authorized_key") return {"status": "failed", "msg": self.msg} if self.msg else {"status": "ok"} def push_multi_key(self, **user_info): """ push multi key :param user_info: :return: """ ret_failed = [] ret_success = [] for user, key_path in user_info.iteritems(): ret = self.push_key(user, key_path) if ret.get("status") == "ok": ret_success.append(ret) if ret.get("status") == "failed": ret_failed.append(ret) if ret_failed: return {"status": "failed", "msg": ret_failed} else: return {"status": "success", "msg": ret_success} def del_key(self, user, key_path): """ push the ssh authorized key to target. """ module_args = 'user="%s" key="{{ lookup("file", "%s") }}" state="absent"' % (user, key_path) self.__run(module_args, "authorized_key") return {"status": "failed", "msg": self.msg} if self.msg else {"status": "ok"} def add_user(self, username, password=''): """ add a host user. """ if password: encrypt_pass = sha512_crypt.encrypt(password) module_args = 'name=%s shell=/bin/bash password=%s' % (username, encrypt_pass) else: module_args = 'name=%s shell=/bin/bash' % username self.__run(module_args, "user") return {"status": "failed", "msg": self.msg} if self.msg else {"status": "ok"} def add_multi_user(self, **user_info): """ add multi user :param user_info: keyword args {username: password} :return: """ ret_success = [] ret_failed = [] for user, password in user_info.iteritems(): ret = self.add_user(user, password) if ret.get("status") == "ok": ret_success.append(ret) if ret.get("status") == "failed": ret_failed.append(ret) if ret_failed: return {"status": "failed", "msg": ret_failed} else: return {"status": "success", "msg": ret_success} def del_user(self, username): """ delete a host user. """ module_args = 'name=%s state=absent remove=yes move_home=yes force=yes' % (username) self.__run(module_args, "user",) return {"status": "failed","msg": self.msg} if self.msg else {"status": "ok"} def add_init_users(self): """ add initail users: SA, DBA, DEV """ results = {} action = results["action_info"] = {} users = {"SA": get_rand_pass(), "DBA": get_rand_pass(), "DEV": get_rand_pass()} for user, password in users.iteritems(): ret = self.add_user(user, password) action[user] = ret results["user_info"] = users return results def del_init_users(self): """ delete initail users: SA, DBA, DEV """ results = {} action = results["action_info"] = {} for user in ["SA", "DBA", "DEV"]: ret = self.del_user(user) action[user] = ret return results def get_host_info(self): """ use the setup module get host informations :return: all_ip is list processor_count is int system_dist_version is string system_type is string disk is dict (device_name: device_size} system_dist is string processor_type is string default_ip is string hostname is string product_sn is string memory_total is int (MB) default_mac is string product_name is string """ self.__run('', 'setup', become=True) result = {} all = self.results.get("contacted") for key, value in all.iteritems(): setup =value.get("ansible_facts") # get disk informations disk_all = setup.get("ansible_devices") disk_need = {} for disk_name, disk_info in disk_all.iteritems(): if disk_name.startswith('sd') or disk_name.startswith('hd'): disk_need[disk_name] = disk_info.get("size") result[key] = { "all_ip": setup.get("ansible_all_ipv4_addresses"), "hostname" : setup.get("ansible_hostname"), "default_ip": setup.get("ansible_default_ipv4").get("address"), "default_mac": setup.get("ansible_default_ipv4").get("macaddress"), "product_name": setup.get("ansible_product_name"), "processor_type": ' '.join(setup.get("ansible_processor")), "processor_count": setup.get("ansible_processor_count"), "memory_total": setup.get("ansible_memtotal_mb"), "disk": disk_need, "system_type": setup.get("ansible_system"), "system_dist": setup.get("ansible_distribution"), "system_dist_verion": setup.get("ansible_distribution_major_version"), "product_sn": setup.get("ansible_product_serial") } return {"failed": self.msg, "ok": result} def push_sudo_file(self, file_path): """ use template to render pushed sudoers file :return: """ module_args1 = file_path ret1 = self.__run(module_args1, "script") module_args2 = 'visudo -c | grep "parsed OK" &> /dev/null && echo "ok" || echo "failed"' ret2 = self.__run(module_args2, "shell") ret2_status = [host_value.get("stdout") for host_value in ret2["result"]["contacted"].values()] result = {} if not ret1["msg"]: result["step1"] = "ok" else: result["msg"] = ret1["msg"] if not ret2["msg"] and "failed" not in ret2_status: result["step2"] = "ok" else: result["msg"] = ret1["msg"] return result class CustomAggregateStats(callbacks.AggregateStats): """ Holds stats about per-host activity during playbook runs. """ def __init__(self): super(CustomAggregateStats, self).__init__() self.results = [] def compute(self, runner_results, setup=False, poll=False, ignore_errors=False): """ Walk through all results and increment stats. """ super(CustomAggregateStats, self).compute(runner_results, setup, poll, ignore_errors) self.results.append(runner_results) def summarize(self, host): """ Return information about a particular host """ summarized_info = super(CustomAggregateStats, self).summarize(host) # Adding the info I need summarized_info['result'] = self.results return summarized_info class MyPlaybook(MyInventory): """ this is my playbook object for execute playbook. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MyPlaybook, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def run(self, playbook_relational_path, extra_vars=None): """ run ansible playbook, only surport relational path. """ stats = callbacks.AggregateStats() playbook_cb = callbacks.PlaybookCallbacks(verbose=utils.VERBOSITY) runner_cb = callbacks.PlaybookRunnerCallbacks(stats, verbose=utils.VERBOSITY) playbook_path = os.path.join(ANSIBLE_DIR, playbook_relational_path) pb = PlayBook( playbook=playbook_path, stats=stats, callbacks=playbook_cb, runner_callbacks=runner_cb, inventory=self.inventory, extra_vars=extra_vars, check=False) self.results = pb.run() @property def raw_results(self): """ get the raw results after playbook run. """ return self.results class App(MyPlaybook): """ this is a app object for inclue the common playbook. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(App, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if __name__ == "__main__": # resource = { # "group1": { # "hosts": [{"hostname": "", "port": "22", "username": "root", "password": "xxx"},], # "vars" : {"var1": "value1", "var2": "value2"}, # }, # } resource = [{"hostname": "", "port": "22", "username": "yumaojun", "password": "yusky0902", # "ansible_become": "yes", # "ansible_become_method": "sudo", # # "ansible_become_user": "root", # "ansible_become_pass": "yusky0902", }] cmd = Command(resource) print cmd.run('ls') # resource = [{"hostname": "", "port": "22", "username": "root", "password": "xxx"}] # task = Tasks(resource) # print task.get_host_info() # playbook = MyPlaybook(resource) # playbook.run('test.yml') # print playbook.raw_results # task = Tasks(resource) # print task.add_user('test', 'mypass') # print task.del_user('test') # print task.push_key('root', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') # print task.del_key('root', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') # task = Tasks(resource) # print task.add_init_users() # print task.del_init_users()