from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from datetime import datetime from celery import shared_task from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from accounts.backends import vault_client from accounts.models import Account, AccountTemplate from common.utils import get_logger from orgs.utils import tmp_to_root_org logger = get_logger(__name__) def sync_instance(instance): instance_desc = f'[{instance._meta.verbose_name}-{}-{instance}]' if instance.secret_has_save_to_vault: msg = f'\033[32m- 跳过同步: {instance_desc}, 原因: [已同步]' return "skipped", msg try: vault_client.create(instance) except Exception as e: msg = f'\033[31m- 同步失败: {instance_desc}, 原因: [{e}]' return "failed", msg else: msg = f'\033[32m- 同步成功: {instance_desc}' return "succeeded", msg @shared_task( verbose_name=_('Sync secret to vault'), description=_( "When clicking 'Sync' in 'System Settings - Features - Account Storage' this task will be executed" ) ) def sync_secret_to_vault(): if not vault_client.enabled: # 这里不能判断 settings.VAULT_ENABLED, 必须判断当前 vault_client 的类型 print('\033[35m>>> 当前 Vault 功能未开启, 不需要同步') return failed, skipped, succeeded = 0, 0, 0 to_sync_models = [Account, AccountTemplate, Account.history.model] print(f'\033[33m>>> 开始同步密钥数据到 Vault ({"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")})') with tmp_to_root_org(): instances = [] for model in to_sync_models: instances += list(model.objects.all()) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor: tasks = [executor.submit(sync_instance, instance) for instance in instances] for future in as_completed(tasks): status, msg = future.result() print(msg) if status == "succeeded": succeeded += 1 elif status == "failed": failed += 1 elif status == "skipped": skipped += 1 total = succeeded + failed + skipped print( f'\033[33m>>> 同步完成: {model.__module__}, ' f'共计: {total}, ' f'成功: {succeeded}, ' f'失败: {failed}, ' f'跳过: {skipped}' ) print(f'\033[33m>>> 全部同步完成 ({"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")})') print('\033[0m')