# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import base64 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA from Cryptodome.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5 from Cryptodome import Random from django.conf import settings from .notifications import DifferentCityLoginMessage from audits.models import UserLoginLog from audits.const import DEFAULT_CITY from common.utils import get_request_ip from common.utils import validate_ip, get_ip_city from common.utils import get_logger logger = get_logger(__file__) def gen_key_pair(): """ 生成加密key 用于登录页面提交用户名/密码时,对密码进行加密(前端)/解密(后端) """ random_generator = Random.new().read rsa = RSA.generate(1024, random_generator) rsa_private_key = rsa.exportKey().decode() rsa_public_key = rsa.publickey().exportKey().decode() return rsa_private_key, rsa_public_key def rsa_encrypt(message, rsa_public_key): """ 加密登录密码 """ key = RSA.importKey(rsa_public_key) cipher = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key) cipher_text = base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(message.encode())).decode() return cipher_text def rsa_decrypt(cipher_text, rsa_private_key=None): """ 解密登录密码 """ if rsa_private_key is None: # rsa_private_key 为 None,可以能是API请求认证,不需要解密 return cipher_text key = RSA.importKey(rsa_private_key) cipher = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key) cipher_decoded = base64.b64decode(cipher_text.encode()) # Todo: 弄明白为何要以下这么写,https://xbuba.com/questions/57035263 if len(cipher_decoded) == 127: hex_fixed = '00' + cipher_decoded.hex() cipher_decoded = base64.b16decode(hex_fixed.upper()) message = cipher.decrypt(cipher_decoded, b'error').decode() return message def check_different_city_login_if_need(user, request): if not settings.SECURITY_CHECK_DIFFERENT_CITY_LOGIN: return ip = get_request_ip(request) or '' if not (ip and validate_ip(ip)): city = DEFAULT_CITY else: city = get_ip_city(ip) or DEFAULT_CITY city_white = ['LAN', ] if city not in city_white: last_user_login = UserLoginLog.objects.exclude(city__in=city_white) \ .filter(username=user.username, status=True).first() if last_user_login and last_user_login.city != city: DifferentCityLoginMessage(user, ip, city).publish_async()