# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import uuid import re from django.db import models, transaction from django.db.models import Q from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.utils.translation import ugettext from django.core.cache import cache from orgs.mixins import OrgModelMixin from orgs.utils import set_current_org, get_current_org from orgs.models import Organization __all__ = ['Node'] class FamilyMixin: _parents = None _children = None _all_children = None is_node = True @property def children(self): if self._children: return self._children pattern = r'^{0}:[0-9]+$'.format(self.key) return Node.objects.filter(key__regex=pattern) @children.setter def children(self, value): self._children = value @property def all_children(self): if self._all_children: return self._all_children pattern = r'^{0}:'.format(self.key) return Node.objects.filter( key__regex=pattern ) def get_children(self, with_self=False): children = list(self.children) if with_self: children.append(self) return children def get_all_children(self, with_self=False): children = self.all_children if with_self: children = list(children) children.append(self) return children @property def parents(self): if self._parents: return self._parents ancestor_keys = self.get_ancestor_keys() ancestor = Node.objects.filter( key__in=ancestor_keys ).order_by('key') return ancestor @parents.setter def parents(self, value): self._parents = value def get_ancestor(self, with_self=False): parents = self.parents if with_self: parents = list(parents) parents.append(self) return parents @property def parent(self): if self._parents: return self._parents[0] if self.is_root(): return self try: parent = Node.objects.get(key=self.parent_key) return parent except Node.DoesNotExist: return Node.root() @parent.setter def parent(self, parent): if not self.is_node: self.key = parent.key + ':fake' return children = self.get_all_children() old_key = self.key with transaction.atomic(): self.key = parent.get_next_child_key() for child in children: child.key = child.key.replace(old_key, self.key, 1) child.save() self.save() def get_sibling(self, with_self=False): key = ':'.join(self.key.split(':')[:-1]) pattern = r'^{}:[0-9]+$'.format(key) sibling = Node.objects.filter( key__regex=pattern.format(self.key) ) if not with_self: sibling = sibling.exclude(key=self.key) return sibling def get_family(self): ancestor = self.get_ancestor() children = self.get_all_children() return [*tuple(ancestor), self, *tuple(children)] def get_ancestor_keys(self, with_self=False): parent_keys = [] key_list = self.key.split(":") if not with_self: key_list.pop() for i in range(len(key_list)): parent_keys.append(":".join(key_list)) key_list.pop() return parent_keys def is_children(self, other): pattern = re.compile(r'^{0}:[0-9]+$'.format(self.key)) return pattern.match(other.key) def is_parent(self, other): pattern = re.compile(r'^{0}:[0-9]+$'.format(other.key)) return pattern.match(self.key) @property def parent_key(self): parent_key = ":".join(self.key.split(":")[:-1]) return parent_key @property def parents_keys(self, with_self=False): keys = [] key_list = self.key.split(":") if not with_self: key_list.pop() for i in range(len(key_list)): keys.append(':'.join(key_list)) key_list.pop() return keys class FullValueMixin: _full_value_cache_key = '_NODE_VALUE_{}' _full_value = '' key = '' @property def full_value(self): if self._full_value: return self._full_value key = self._full_value_cache_key.format(self.key) cached = cache.get(key) if cached: return cached if self.is_root(): return self.value parent_full_value = self.parent.full_value value = parent_full_value + ' / ' + self.value self.full_value = value return value @full_value.setter def full_value(self, value): self._full_value = value key = self._full_value_cache_key.format(self.key) cache.set(key, value, 3600*24) def expire_full_value(self): key = self._full_value_cache_key.format(self.key) cache.delete_pattern(key+'*') @classmethod def expire_nodes_full_value(cls, nodes=None): key = cls._full_value_cache_key.format('*') cache.delete_pattern(key+'*') class AssetsAmountMixin: _assets_amount_cache_key = '_NODE_ASSETS_AMOUNT_{}' _assets_amount = None key = '' @property def assets_amount(self): """ 获取节点下所有资产数量速度太慢,所以需要重写,使用cache等方案 :return: """ if self._assets_amount is not None: return self._assets_amount cache_key = self._assets_amount_cache_key.format(self.key) cached = cache.get(cache_key) if cached is not None: return cached assets_amount = self.get_all_assets().count() self.assets_amount = assets_amount return assets_amount @assets_amount.setter def assets_amount(self, value): self._assets_amount = value cache_key = self._assets_amount_cache_key.format(self.key) cache.set(cache_key, value) def expire_assets_amount(self): ancestor_keys = self.get_ancestor_keys(with_self=True) cache_keys = [self._assets_amount_cache_key.format(k) for k in ancestor_keys] cache.delete_many(cache_keys) @classmethod def expire_nodes_assets_amount(cls, nodes=None): key = cls._assets_amount_cache_key.format('*') cache.delete_pattern(key) @classmethod def refresh_nodes(cls): from ..utils import NodeUtil util = NodeUtil(with_assets_amount=True) util.set_assets_amount() util.set_full_value() class Node(OrgModelMixin, FamilyMixin, FullValueMixin, AssetsAmountMixin): id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, primary_key=True) key = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=64, verbose_name=_("Key")) # '1:1:1:1' value = models.CharField(max_length=128, verbose_name=_("Value")) child_mark = models.IntegerField(default=0) date_create = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) is_node = True _parents = None class Meta: verbose_name = _("Node") ordering = ['key'] def __str__(self): return self.full_value def __eq__(self, other): if not other: return False return self.id == other.id def __gt__(self, other): # if self.is_root() and not other.is_root(): # return False # elif not self.is_root() and other.is_root(): # return True self_key = [int(k) for k in self.key.split(':')] other_key = [int(k) for k in other.key.split(':')] self_parent_key = self_key[:-1] other_parent_key = other_key[:-1] if self_parent_key and other_parent_key and \ self_parent_key == other_parent_key: return self.value > other.value # if len(self_parent_key) < len(other_parent_key): # return True # elif len(self_parent_key) > len(other_parent_key): # return False return self_key > other_key def __lt__(self, other): return not self.__gt__(other) @property def name(self): return self.value @property def level(self): return len(self.key.split(':')) def get_next_child_key(self): mark = self.child_mark self.child_mark += 1 self.save() return "{}:{}".format(self.key, mark) def get_next_child_preset_name(self): name = ugettext("New node") values = [ child.value[child.value.rfind(' '):] for child in self.get_children() if child.value.startswith(name) ] values = [int(value) for value in values if value.strip().isdigit()] count = max(values) + 1 if values else 1 return '{} {}'.format(name, count) def create_child(self, value, _id=None): with transaction.atomic(): child_key = self.get_next_child_key() child = self.__class__.objects.create(id=_id, key=child_key, value=value) return child def get_assets(self): from .asset import Asset if self.is_default_node(): assets = Asset.objects.filter(Q(nodes__id=self.id) | Q(nodes__isnull=True)) else: assets = Asset.objects.filter(nodes__id=self.id) return assets.distinct() def get_valid_assets(self): return self.get_assets().valid() def get_all_assets(self): from .asset import Asset pattern = r'^{0}$|^{0}:'.format(self.key) args = [] kwargs = {} if self.is_root(): args.append(Q(nodes__key__regex=pattern) | Q(nodes=None)) else: kwargs['nodes__key__regex'] = pattern assets = Asset.objects.filter(*args, **kwargs).distinct() return assets def get_all_valid_assets(self): return self.get_all_assets().valid() def is_default_node(self): return self.is_root() and self.key == '1' def is_root(self): if self.key.isdigit(): return True else: return False @classmethod def create_root_node(cls): # 如果使用current_org 在set_current_org时会死循环 _current_org = get_current_org() with transaction.atomic(): if not _current_org.is_real(): return cls.default_node() set_current_org(Organization.root()) org_nodes_roots = cls.objects.filter(key__regex=r'^[0-9]+$') org_nodes_roots_keys = org_nodes_roots.values_list('key', flat=True) or ['1'] key = max([int(k) for k in org_nodes_roots_keys]) key = str(key + 1) if key != 0 else '2' set_current_org(_current_org) root = cls.objects.create(key=key, value=_current_org.name) return root @classmethod def root(cls): root = cls.objects.filter(key__regex=r'^[0-9]+$') if root: return root[0] else: return cls.create_root_node() @classmethod def default_node(cls): defaults = {'value': 'Default'} obj, created = cls.objects.get_or_create(defaults=defaults, key='1') return obj def as_tree_node(self): from common.tree import TreeNode name = '{} ({})'.format(self.value, self.assets_amount) data = { 'id': self.key, 'name': name, 'title': name, 'pId': self.parent_key, 'isParent': True, 'open': self.is_root(), 'meta': { 'node': { "id": self.id, "name": self.name, "value": self.value, "key": self.key, }, 'type': 'node' } } tree_node = TreeNode(**data) return tree_node @classmethod def get_queryset(cls): from ..utils import NodeUtil util = NodeUtil() return util.nodes @classmethod def generate_fake(cls, count=100): import random org = get_current_org() if not org or not org.is_real(): Organization.default().change_to() for i in range(count): node = random.choice(cls.objects.all()) node.create_child('Node {}'.format(i))