// ==ClosureCompiler==
// @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS

 * @license Highcharts JS v4.0.1 (2014-04-24)
 * (c) 2009-2014 Torstein Honsi
 * License: www.highcharts.com/license

// JSLint options:
/*global Highcharts, HighchartsAdapter, document, window, navigator, setInterval, clearInterval, clearTimeout, setTimeout, location, jQuery, $, console */

(function (Highcharts, UNDEFINED) {
var arrayMin = Highcharts.arrayMin,
	arrayMax = Highcharts.arrayMax,
	each = Highcharts.each,
	extend = Highcharts.extend,
	merge = Highcharts.merge,
	map = Highcharts.map,
	pick = Highcharts.pick,
	pInt = Highcharts.pInt,
	defaultPlotOptions = Highcharts.getOptions().plotOptions,
	seriesTypes = Highcharts.seriesTypes,
	extendClass = Highcharts.extendClass,
	splat = Highcharts.splat,
	wrap = Highcharts.wrap,
	Axis = Highcharts.Axis,
	Tick = Highcharts.Tick,
	Point = Highcharts.Point,
	Pointer = Highcharts.Pointer,
	CenteredSeriesMixin = Highcharts.CenteredSeriesMixin,
	TrackerMixin = Highcharts.TrackerMixin,
	Series = Highcharts.Series,
	math = Math,
	mathRound = math.round,
	mathFloor = math.floor,
	mathMax = math.max,
	Color = Highcharts.Color,
	noop = function () {};/**
 * The Pane object allows options that are common to a set of X and Y axes.
 * In the future, this can be extended to basic Highcharts and Highstock.
function Pane(options, chart, firstAxis) {
	this.init.call(this, options, chart, firstAxis);

// Extend the Pane prototype
extend(Pane.prototype, {
	 * Initiate the Pane object
	init: function (options, chart, firstAxis) {
		var pane = this,
			defaultOptions = pane.defaultOptions;
		pane.chart = chart;
		// Set options
		if (chart.angular) { // gauges
			defaultOptions.background = {}; // gets extended by this.defaultBackgroundOptions
		pane.options = options = merge(defaultOptions, options);
		backgroundOption = options.background;
		// To avoid having weighty logic to place, update and remove the backgrounds,
		// push them to the first axis' plot bands and borrow the existing logic there.
		if (backgroundOption) {
			each([].concat(splat(backgroundOption)).reverse(), function (config) {
				var backgroundColor = config.backgroundColor; // if defined, replace the old one (specific for gradients)
				config = merge(pane.defaultBackgroundOptions, config);
				if (backgroundColor) {
					config.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
				config.color = config.backgroundColor; // due to naming in plotBands
	 * The default options object
	defaultOptions: {
		// background: {conditional},
		center: ['50%', '50%'],
		size: '85%',
		startAngle: 0
		//endAngle: startAngle + 360
	 * The default background options
	defaultBackgroundOptions: {
		shape: 'circle',
		borderWidth: 1,
		borderColor: 'silver',
		backgroundColor: {
			linearGradient: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1 },
			stops: [
				[0, '#FFF'],
				[1, '#DDD']
		from: Number.MIN_VALUE, // corrected to axis min
		innerRadius: 0,
		to: Number.MAX_VALUE, // corrected to axis max
		outerRadius: '105%'
var axisProto = Axis.prototype,
	tickProto = Tick.prototype;
 * Augmented methods for the x axis in order to hide it completely, used for the X axis in gauges
var hiddenAxisMixin = {
	getOffset: noop,
	redraw: function () {
		this.isDirty = false; // prevent setting Y axis dirty
	render: function () {
		this.isDirty = false; // prevent setting Y axis dirty
	setScale: noop,
	setCategories: noop,
	setTitle: noop

 * Augmented methods for the value axis
/*jslint unparam: true*/
var radialAxisMixin = {
	isRadial: true,
	 * The default options extend defaultYAxisOptions
	defaultRadialGaugeOptions: {
		labels: {
			align: 'center',
			x: 0,
			y: null // auto
		minorGridLineWidth: 0,
		minorTickInterval: 'auto',
		minorTickLength: 10,
		minorTickPosition: 'inside',
		minorTickWidth: 1,
		tickLength: 10,
		tickPosition: 'inside',
		tickWidth: 2,
		title: {
			rotation: 0
		zIndex: 2 // behind dials, points in the series group
	// Circular axis around the perimeter of a polar chart
	defaultRadialXOptions: {
		gridLineWidth: 1, // spokes
		labels: {
			align: null, // auto
			distance: 15,
			x: 0,
			y: null // auto
		maxPadding: 0,
		minPadding: 0,
		showLastLabel: false, 
		tickLength: 0
	// Radial axis, like a spoke in a polar chart
	defaultRadialYOptions: {
		gridLineInterpolation: 'circle',
		labels: {
			align: 'right',
			x: -3,
			y: -2
		showLastLabel: false,
		title: {
			x: 4,
			text: null,
			rotation: 90
	 * Merge and set options
	setOptions: function (userOptions) {
		var options = this.options = merge(

		// Make sure the plotBands array is instanciated for each Axis (#2649)
		if (!options.plotBands) {
			options.plotBands = [];
	 * Wrap the getOffset method to return zero offset for title or labels in a radial 
	 * axis
	getOffset: function () {
		// Call the Axis prototype method (the method we're in now is on the instance)
		// Title or label offsets are not counted
		this.chart.axisOffset[this.side] = 0;
		// Set the center array
		this.center = this.pane.center = CenteredSeriesMixin.getCenter.call(this.pane);

	 * Get the path for the axis line. This method is also referenced in the getPlotLinePath
	 * method.
	getLinePath: function (lineWidth, radius) {
		var center = this.center;
		radius = pick(radius, center[2] / 2 - this.offset);
		return this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(
			this.left + center[0],
			this.top + center[1],
				start: this.startAngleRad,
				end: this.endAngleRad,
				open: true,
				innerR: 0

	 * Override setAxisTranslation by setting the translation to the difference
	 * in rotation. This allows the translate method to return angle for 
	 * any given value.
	setAxisTranslation: function () {
		// Call uber method		
		// Set transA and minPixelPadding
		if (this.center) { // it's not defined the first time
			if (this.isCircular) {
				this.transA = (this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) / 
					((this.max - this.min) || 1);
			} else { 
				this.transA = (this.center[2] / 2) / ((this.max - this.min) || 1);
			if (this.isXAxis) {
				this.minPixelPadding = this.transA * this.minPointOffset;
			} else {
				// This is a workaround for regression #2593, but categories still don't position correctly.
				// TODO: Implement true handling of Y axis categories on gauges.
				this.minPixelPadding = 0; 
	 * In case of auto connect, add one closestPointRange to the max value right before
	 * tickPositions are computed, so that ticks will extend passed the real max.
	beforeSetTickPositions: function () {
		if (this.autoConnect) {
			this.max += (this.categories && 1) || this.pointRange || this.closestPointRange || 0; // #1197, #2260
	 * Override the setAxisSize method to use the arc's circumference as length. This
	 * allows tickPixelInterval to apply to pixel lengths along the perimeter
	setAxisSize: function () {

		if (this.isRadial) {

			// Set the center array
			this.center = this.pane.center = Highcharts.CenteredSeriesMixin.getCenter.call(this.pane);

			// The sector is used in Axis.translate to compute the translation of reversed axis points (#2570)
			if (this.isCircular) {
				this.sector = this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad;	
			// Axis len is used to lay out the ticks
			this.len = this.width = this.height = this.center[2] * pick(this.sector, 1) / 2;

	 * Returns the x, y coordinate of a point given by a value and a pixel distance
	 * from center
	getPosition: function (value, length) {
		return this.postTranslate(
			this.isCircular ? this.translate(value) : 0, // #2848
			pick(this.isCircular ? length : this.translate(value), this.center[2] / 2) - this.offset
	 * Translate from intermediate plotX (angle), plotY (axis.len - radius) to final chart coordinates. 
	postTranslate: function (angle, radius) {
		var chart = this.chart,
			center = this.center;
		angle = this.startAngleRad + angle;

		return {
			x: chart.plotLeft + center[0] + Math.cos(angle) * radius,
			y: chart.plotTop + center[1] + Math.sin(angle) * radius
	 * Find the path for plot bands along the radial axis
	getPlotBandPath: function (from, to, options) {
		var center = this.center,
			startAngleRad = this.startAngleRad,
			fullRadius = center[2] / 2,
			radii = [
				pick(options.outerRadius, '100%'),
				pick(options.thickness, 10)
			percentRegex = /%$/,
			isCircular = this.isCircular, // X axis in a polar chart
		// Polygonal plot bands
		if (this.options.gridLineInterpolation === 'polygon') {
			ret = this.getPlotLinePath(from).concat(this.getPlotLinePath(to, true));
		// Circular grid bands
		} else {
			// Plot bands on Y axis (radial axis) - inner and outer radius depend on to and from
			if (!isCircular) {
				radii[0] = this.translate(from);
				radii[1] = this.translate(to);
			// Convert percentages to pixel values
			radii = map(radii, function (radius) {
				if (percentRegex.test(radius)) {
					radius = (pInt(radius, 10) * fullRadius) / 100;
				return radius;
			// Handle full circle
			if (options.shape === 'circle' || !isCircular) {
				start = -Math.PI / 2;
				end = Math.PI * 1.5;
				open = true;
			} else {
				start = startAngleRad + this.translate(from);
				end = startAngleRad + this.translate(to);
			ret = this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(
				this.left + center[0],
				this.top + center[1],
					start: start,
					end: end,
					innerR: pick(radii[1], radii[0] - radii[2]),
					open: open
		return ret;
	 * Find the path for plot lines perpendicular to the radial axis.
	getPlotLinePath: function (value, reverse) {
		var axis = this,
			center = axis.center,
			chart = axis.chart,
			end = axis.getPosition(value),
		// Spokes
		if (axis.isCircular) {
			ret = ['M', center[0] + chart.plotLeft, center[1] + chart.plotTop, 'L', end.x, end.y];
		// Concentric circles			
		} else if (axis.options.gridLineInterpolation === 'circle') {
			value = axis.translate(value);
			if (value) { // a value of 0 is in the center
				ret = axis.getLinePath(0, value);
		// Concentric polygons 
		} else {
			// Find the X axis in the same pane
			each(chart.xAxis, function (a) {
				if (a.pane === axis.pane) {
					xAxis = a;
			ret = [];
			value = axis.translate(value);
			tickPositions = xAxis.tickPositions;
			if (xAxis.autoConnect) {
				tickPositions = tickPositions.concat([tickPositions[0]]);
			// Reverse the positions for concatenation of polygonal plot bands
			if (reverse) {
				tickPositions = [].concat(tickPositions).reverse();
			each(tickPositions, function (pos, i) {
				xy = xAxis.getPosition(pos, value);
				ret.push(i ? 'L' : 'M', xy.x, xy.y);
		return ret;
	 * Find the position for the axis title, by default inside the gauge
	getTitlePosition: function () {
		var center = this.center,
			chart = this.chart,
			titleOptions = this.options.title;
		return { 
			x: chart.plotLeft + center[0] + (titleOptions.x || 0), 
			y: chart.plotTop + center[1] - ({ high: 0.5, middle: 0.25, low: 0 }[titleOptions.align] * 
				center[2]) + (titleOptions.y || 0)  
/*jslint unparam: false*/

 * Override axisProto.init to mix in special axis instance functions and function overrides
wrap(axisProto, 'init', function (proceed, chart, userOptions) {
	var axis = this,
		angular = chart.angular,
		polar = chart.polar,
		isX = userOptions.isX,
		isHidden = angular && isX,
		chartOptions = chart.options,
		paneIndex = userOptions.pane || 0,
	// Before prototype.init
	if (angular) {
		extend(this, isHidden ? hiddenAxisMixin : radialAxisMixin);
		isCircular =  !isX;
		if (isCircular) {
			this.defaultRadialOptions = this.defaultRadialGaugeOptions;
	} else if (polar) {
		//extend(this, userOptions.isX ? radialAxisMixin : radialAxisMixin);
		extend(this, radialAxisMixin);
		isCircular = isX;
		this.defaultRadialOptions = isX ? this.defaultRadialXOptions : merge(this.defaultYAxisOptions, this.defaultRadialYOptions);
	// Run prototype.init
	proceed.call(this, chart, userOptions);
	if (!isHidden && (angular || polar)) {
		options = this.options;
		// Create the pane and set the pane options.
		if (!chart.panes) {
			chart.panes = [];
		this.pane = pane = chart.panes[paneIndex] = chart.panes[paneIndex] || new Pane(
		paneOptions = pane.options;
		// Disable certain features on angular and polar axes
		chart.inverted = false;
		chartOptions.chart.zoomType = null;
		// Start and end angle options are
		// given in degrees relative to top, while internal computations are
		// in radians relative to right (like SVG).
		this.startAngleRad = startAngleRad = (paneOptions.startAngle - 90) * Math.PI / 180;
		this.endAngleRad = endAngleRad = (pick(paneOptions.endAngle, paneOptions.startAngle + 360)  - 90) * Math.PI / 180;
		this.offset = options.offset || 0;
		this.isCircular = isCircular;
		// Automatically connect grid lines?
		if (isCircular && userOptions.max === UNDEFINED && endAngleRad - startAngleRad === 2 * Math.PI) {
			this.autoConnect = true;

 * Add special cases within the Tick class' methods for radial axes.
wrap(tickProto, 'getPosition', function (proceed, horiz, pos, tickmarkOffset, old) {
	var axis = this.axis;
	return axis.getPosition ? 
		axis.getPosition(pos) :
		proceed.call(this, horiz, pos, tickmarkOffset, old);	

 * Wrap the getLabelPosition function to find the center position of the label
 * based on the distance option
wrap(tickProto, 'getLabelPosition', function (proceed, x, y, label, horiz, labelOptions, tickmarkOffset, index, step) {
	var axis = this.axis,
		optionsY = labelOptions.y,
		align = labelOptions.align,
		angle = ((axis.translate(this.pos) + axis.startAngleRad + Math.PI / 2) / Math.PI * 180) % 360;

	if (axis.isRadial) {
		ret = axis.getPosition(this.pos, (axis.center[2] / 2) + pick(labelOptions.distance, -25));
		// Automatically rotated
		if (labelOptions.rotation === 'auto') {
				rotation: angle
		// Vertically centered
		} else if (optionsY === null) {
			optionsY = axis.chart.renderer.fontMetrics(label.styles.fontSize).b - label.getBBox().height / 2;
		// Automatic alignment
		if (align === null) {
			if (axis.isCircular) {
				if (angle > 20 && angle < 160) {
					align = 'left'; // right hemisphere
				} else if (angle > 200 && angle < 340) {
					align = 'right'; // left hemisphere
				} else {
					align = 'center'; // top or bottom
			} else {
				align = 'center';
				align: align
		ret.x += labelOptions.x;
		ret.y += optionsY;
	} else {
		ret = proceed.call(this, x, y, label, horiz, labelOptions, tickmarkOffset, index, step);
	return ret;

 * Wrap the getMarkPath function to return the path of the radial marker
wrap(tickProto, 'getMarkPath', function (proceed, x, y, tickLength, tickWidth, horiz, renderer) {
	var axis = this.axis,
	if (axis.isRadial) {
		endPoint = axis.getPosition(this.pos, axis.center[2] / 2 + tickLength);
		ret = [
	} else {
		ret = proceed.call(this, x, y, tickLength, tickWidth, horiz, renderer);
	return ret;
 * The AreaRangeSeries class

 * Extend the default options with map options
defaultPlotOptions.arearange = merge(defaultPlotOptions.area, {
	lineWidth: 1,
	marker: null,
	threshold: null,
	tooltip: {
		pointFormat: '<span style="color:{series.color}">\u25CF</span> {series.name}: <b>{point.low}</b> - <b>{point.high}</b><br/>'
	trackByArea: true,
	dataLabels: {
		verticalAlign: null,
		xLow: 0,
		xHigh: 0,
		yLow: 0,
		yHigh: 0	
	states: {
		hover: {
			halo: false

 * Add the series type
seriesTypes.arearange = extendClass(seriesTypes.area, {
	type: 'arearange',
	pointArrayMap: ['low', 'high'],
	toYData: function (point) {
		return [point.low, point.high];
	pointValKey: 'low',
	 * Extend getSegments to force null points if the higher value is null. #1703.
	getSegments: function () {
		var series = this;

		each(series.points, function (point) {
			if (!series.options.connectNulls && (point.low === null || point.high === null)) {
				point.y = null;
			} else if (point.low === null && point.high !== null) {
				point.y = point.high;
	 * Translate data points from raw values x and y to plotX and plotY
	translate: function () {
		var series = this,
			yAxis = series.yAxis;


		// Set plotLow and plotHigh
		each(series.points, function (point) {

			var low = point.low,
				high = point.high,
				plotY = point.plotY;

			if (high === null && low === null) {
				point.y = null;
			} else if (low === null) {
				point.plotLow = point.plotY = null;
				point.plotHigh = yAxis.translate(high, 0, 1, 0, 1);
			} else if (high === null) {
				point.plotLow = plotY;
				point.plotHigh = null;
			} else {
				point.plotLow = plotY;
				point.plotHigh = yAxis.translate(high, 0, 1, 0, 1);
	 * Extend the line series' getSegmentPath method by applying the segment
	 * path to both lower and higher values of the range
	getSegmentPath: function (segment) {
		var lowSegment,
			highSegment = [],
			i = segment.length,
			baseGetSegmentPath = Series.prototype.getSegmentPath,
			options = this.options,
			step = options.step,
		// Remove nulls from low segment
		lowSegment = HighchartsAdapter.grep(segment, function (point) {
			return point.plotLow !== null;
		// Make a segment with plotX and plotY for the top values
		while (i--) {
			point = segment[i];
			if (point.plotHigh !== null) {
					plotX: point.plotX,
					plotY: point.plotHigh
		// Get the paths
		lowerPath = baseGetSegmentPath.call(this, lowSegment);
		if (step) {
			if (step === true) {
				step = 'left';
			options.step = { left: 'right', center: 'center', right: 'left' }[step]; // swap for reading in getSegmentPath
		higherPath = baseGetSegmentPath.call(this, highSegment);
		options.step = step;
		// Create a line on both top and bottom of the range
		linePath = [].concat(lowerPath, higherPath);
		// For the area path, we need to change the 'move' statement into 'lineTo' or 'curveTo'
		higherPath[0] = 'L'; // this probably doesn't work for spline			
		this.areaPath = this.areaPath.concat(lowerPath, higherPath);
		return linePath;
	 * Extend the basic drawDataLabels method by running it for both lower and higher
	 * values.
	drawDataLabels: function () {
		var data = this.data,
			length = data.length,
			originalDataLabels = [],
			seriesProto = Series.prototype,
			dataLabelOptions = this.options.dataLabels,
			inverted = this.chart.inverted;
		if (dataLabelOptions.enabled || this._hasPointLabels) {
			// Step 1: set preliminary values for plotY and dataLabel and draw the upper labels
			i = length;
			while (i--) {
				point = data[i];
				// Set preliminary values
				point.y = point.high;
				point._plotY = point.plotY;
				point.plotY = point.plotHigh;
				// Store original data labels and set preliminary label objects to be picked up 
				// in the uber method
				originalDataLabels[i] = point.dataLabel;
				point.dataLabel = point.dataLabelUpper;
				// Set the default offset
				point.below = false;
				if (inverted) {
					dataLabelOptions.align = 'left';
					dataLabelOptions.x = dataLabelOptions.xHigh;								
				} else {
					dataLabelOptions.y = dataLabelOptions.yHigh;
			if (seriesProto.drawDataLabels) {
				seriesProto.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments); // #1209
			// Step 2: reorganize and handle data labels for the lower values
			i = length;
			while (i--) {
				point = data[i];
				// Move the generated labels from step 1, and reassign the original data labels
				point.dataLabelUpper = point.dataLabel;
				point.dataLabel = originalDataLabels[i];
				// Reset values
				point.y = point.low;
				point.plotY = point._plotY;
				// Set the default offset
				point.below = true;
				if (inverted) {
					dataLabelOptions.align = 'right';
					dataLabelOptions.x = dataLabelOptions.xLow;
				} else {
					dataLabelOptions.y = dataLabelOptions.yLow;
			if (seriesProto.drawDataLabels) {
				seriesProto.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments);
	alignDataLabel: function () {
		seriesTypes.column.prototype.alignDataLabel.apply(this, arguments);
	getSymbol: seriesTypes.column.prototype.getSymbol,
	drawPoints: noop
 * The AreaSplineRangeSeries class

defaultPlotOptions.areasplinerange = merge(defaultPlotOptions.arearange);

 * AreaSplineRangeSeries object
seriesTypes.areasplinerange = extendClass(seriesTypes.arearange, {
	type: 'areasplinerange',
	getPointSpline: seriesTypes.spline.prototype.getPointSpline

(function () {
	var colProto = seriesTypes.column.prototype;

	 * The ColumnRangeSeries class
	defaultPlotOptions.columnrange = merge(defaultPlotOptions.column, defaultPlotOptions.arearange, {
		lineWidth: 1,
		pointRange: null

	 * ColumnRangeSeries object
	seriesTypes.columnrange = extendClass(seriesTypes.arearange, {
		type: 'columnrange',
		 * Translate data points from raw values x and y to plotX and plotY
		translate: function () {
			var series = this,
				yAxis = series.yAxis,


			// Set plotLow and plotHigh
			each(series.points, function (point) {
				var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs,
					minPointLength = series.options.minPointLength,

				point.tooltipPos = null; // don't inherit from column
				point.plotHigh = plotHigh = yAxis.translate(point.high, 0, 1, 0, 1);
				point.plotLow = point.plotY;

				// adjust shape
				y = plotHigh;
				height = point.plotY - plotHigh;

				if (height < minPointLength) {
					heightDifference = (minPointLength - height);
					height += heightDifference;
					y -= heightDifference / 2;
				shapeArgs.height = height;
				shapeArgs.y = y;
		trackerGroups: ['group', 'dataLabels'],
		drawGraph: noop,
		pointAttrToOptions: colProto.pointAttrToOptions,
		drawPoints: colProto.drawPoints,
		drawTracker: colProto.drawTracker,
		animate: colProto.animate,
		getColumnMetrics: colProto.getColumnMetrics

 * The GaugeSeries class

 * Extend the default options
defaultPlotOptions.gauge = merge(defaultPlotOptions.line, {
	dataLabels: {
		enabled: true,
		defer: false,
		y: 15,
		borderWidth: 1,
		borderColor: 'silver',
		borderRadius: 3,
		crop: false,
		style: {
			fontWeight: 'bold'
		verticalAlign: 'top',
		zIndex: 2
	dial: {
		// radius: '80%',
		// backgroundColor: 'black',
		// borderColor: 'silver',
		// borderWidth: 0,
		// baseWidth: 3,
		// topWidth: 1,
		// baseLength: '70%' // of radius
		// rearLength: '10%'
	pivot: {
		//radius: 5,
		//borderWidth: 0
		//borderColor: 'silver',
		//backgroundColor: 'black'
	tooltip: {
		headerFormat: ''
	showInLegend: false

 * Extend the point object
var GaugePoint = extendClass(Point, {
	 * Don't do any hover colors or anything
	setState: function (state) {
		this.state = state;

 * Add the series type
var GaugeSeries = {
	type: 'gauge',
	pointClass: GaugePoint,
	// chart.angular will be set to true when a gauge series is present, and this will
	// be used on the axes
	angular: true, 
	drawGraph: noop,
	fixedBox: true,
	forceDL: true,
	trackerGroups: ['group', 'dataLabels'],
	 * Calculate paths etc
	translate: function () {
		var series = this,
			yAxis = series.yAxis,
			options = series.options,
			center = yAxis.center;
		each(series.points, function (point) {
			var dialOptions = merge(options.dial, point.dial),
				radius = (pInt(pick(dialOptions.radius, 80)) * center[2]) / 200,
				baseLength = (pInt(pick(dialOptions.baseLength, 70)) * radius) / 100,
				rearLength = (pInt(pick(dialOptions.rearLength, 10)) * radius) / 100,
				baseWidth = dialOptions.baseWidth || 3,
				topWidth = dialOptions.topWidth || 1,
				overshoot = options.overshoot,
				rotation = yAxis.startAngleRad + yAxis.translate(point.y, null, null, null, true);

			// Handle the wrap and overshoot options
			if (overshoot && typeof overshoot === 'number') {
				overshoot = overshoot / 180 * Math.PI;
				rotation = Math.max(yAxis.startAngleRad - overshoot, Math.min(yAxis.endAngleRad + overshoot, rotation));			
			} else if (options.wrap === false) {
				rotation = Math.max(yAxis.startAngleRad, Math.min(yAxis.endAngleRad, rotation));

			rotation = rotation * 180 / Math.PI;
			point.shapeType = 'path';
			point.shapeArgs = {
				d: dialOptions.path || [
					-rearLength, -baseWidth / 2, 
					baseLength, -baseWidth / 2,
					radius, -topWidth / 2,
					radius, topWidth / 2,
					baseLength, baseWidth / 2,
					-rearLength, baseWidth / 2,
				translateX: center[0],
				translateY: center[1],
				rotation: rotation
			// Positions for data label
			point.plotX = center[0];
			point.plotY = center[1];
	 * Draw the points where each point is one needle
	drawPoints: function () {
		var series = this,
			center = series.yAxis.center,
			pivot = series.pivot,
			options = series.options,
			pivotOptions = options.pivot,
			renderer = series.chart.renderer;
		each(series.points, function (point) {
			var graphic = point.graphic,
				shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs,
				d = shapeArgs.d,
				dialOptions = merge(options.dial, point.dial); // #1233
			if (graphic) {
				shapeArgs.d = d; // animate alters it
			} else {
				point.graphic = renderer[point.shapeType](shapeArgs)
						stroke: dialOptions.borderColor || 'none',
						'stroke-width': dialOptions.borderWidth || 0,
						fill: dialOptions.backgroundColor || 'black',
						rotation: shapeArgs.rotation // required by VML when animation is false
		// Add or move the pivot
		if (pivot) {
			pivot.animate({ // #1235
				translateX: center[0],
				translateY: center[1]
		} else {
			series.pivot = renderer.circle(0, 0, pick(pivotOptions.radius, 5))
					'stroke-width': pivotOptions.borderWidth || 0,
					stroke: pivotOptions.borderColor || 'silver',
					fill: pivotOptions.backgroundColor || 'black'
				.translate(center[0], center[1])
	 * Animate the arrow up from startAngle
	animate: function (init) {
		var series = this;

		if (!init) {
			each(series.points, function (point) {
				var graphic = point.graphic;

				if (graphic) {
					// start value
						rotation: series.yAxis.startAngleRad * 180 / Math.PI

					// animate
						rotation: point.shapeArgs.rotation
					}, series.options.animation);

			// delete this function to allow it only once
			series.animate = null;
	render: function () {
		this.group = this.plotGroup(
			this.visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden', 
	 * Extend the basic setData method by running processData and generatePoints immediately,
	 * in order to access the points from the legend.
	setData: function (data, redraw) {
		Series.prototype.setData.call(this, data, false);
		if (pick(redraw, true)) {

	 * If the tracking module is loaded, add the point tracker
	drawTracker: TrackerMixin && TrackerMixin.drawTrackerPoint
seriesTypes.gauge = extendClass(seriesTypes.line, GaugeSeries);

/* ****************************************************************************
 * Start Box plot series code											      *

// Set default options
defaultPlotOptions.boxplot = merge(defaultPlotOptions.column, {
	fillColor: '#FFFFFF',
	lineWidth: 1,
	//medianColor: null,
	medianWidth: 2,
	states: {
		hover: {
			brightness: -0.3
	//stemColor: null,
	//stemDashStyle: 'solid'
	//stemWidth: null,
	threshold: null,
	tooltip: {
		pointFormat: '<span style="color:{series.color}">\u25CF</span> <b> {series.name}</b><br/>' +
			'Maximum: {point.high}<br/>' +
			'Upper quartile: {point.q3}<br/>' +
			'Median: {point.median}<br/>' +
			'Lower quartile: {point.q1}<br/>' +
			'Minimum: {point.low}<br/>'
	//whiskerColor: null,
	whiskerLength: '50%',
	whiskerWidth: 2

// Create the series object
seriesTypes.boxplot = extendClass(seriesTypes.column, {
	type: 'boxplot',
	pointArrayMap: ['low', 'q1', 'median', 'q3', 'high'], // array point configs are mapped to this
	toYData: function (point) { // return a plain array for speedy calculation
		return [point.low, point.q1, point.median, point.q3, point.high];
	pointValKey: 'high', // defines the top of the tracker
	 * One-to-one mapping from options to SVG attributes
	pointAttrToOptions: { // mapping between SVG attributes and the corresponding options
		fill: 'fillColor',
		stroke: 'color',
		'stroke-width': 'lineWidth'
	 * Disable data labels for box plot
	drawDataLabels: noop,

	 * Translate data points from raw values x and y to plotX and plotY
	translate: function () {
		var series = this,
			yAxis = series.yAxis,
			pointArrayMap = series.pointArrayMap;


		// do the translation on each point dimension
		each(series.points, function (point) {
			each(pointArrayMap, function (key) {
				if (point[key] !== null) {
					point[key + 'Plot'] = yAxis.translate(point[key], 0, 1, 0, 1);

	 * Draw the data points
	drawPoints: function () {
		var series = this,  //state = series.state,
			points = series.points,
			options = series.options,
			chart = series.chart,
			renderer = chart.renderer,
			doQuartiles = series.doQuartiles !== false, // error bar inherits this series type but doesn't do quartiles
			whiskerLength = parseInt(series.options.whiskerLength, 10) / 100;

		each(points, function (point) {

			graphic = point.graphic;
			shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs; // the box
			stemAttr = {};
			whiskersAttr = {};
			medianAttr = {};
			color = point.color || series.color;
			if (point.plotY !== UNDEFINED) {

				pointAttr = point.pointAttr[point.selected ? 'selected' : ''];

				// crisp vector coordinates
				width = shapeArgs.width;
				left = mathFloor(shapeArgs.x);
				right = left + width;
				halfWidth = mathRound(width / 2);
				//crispX = mathRound(left + halfWidth) + crispCorr;
				q1Plot = mathFloor(doQuartiles ? point.q1Plot : point.lowPlot);// + crispCorr;
				q3Plot = mathFloor(doQuartiles ? point.q3Plot : point.lowPlot);// + crispCorr;
				highPlot = mathFloor(point.highPlot);// + crispCorr;
				lowPlot = mathFloor(point.lowPlot);// + crispCorr;
				// Stem attributes
				stemAttr.stroke = point.stemColor || options.stemColor || color;
				stemAttr['stroke-width'] = pick(point.stemWidth, options.stemWidth, options.lineWidth);
				stemAttr.dashstyle = point.stemDashStyle || options.stemDashStyle;
				// Whiskers attributes
				whiskersAttr.stroke = point.whiskerColor || options.whiskerColor || color;
				whiskersAttr['stroke-width'] = pick(point.whiskerWidth, options.whiskerWidth, options.lineWidth);
				// Median attributes
				medianAttr.stroke = point.medianColor || options.medianColor || color;
				medianAttr['stroke-width'] = pick(point.medianWidth, options.medianWidth, options.lineWidth);
				medianAttr['stroke-linecap'] = 'round'; // #1638
				// The stem
				crispCorr = (stemAttr['stroke-width'] % 2) / 2;
				crispX = left + halfWidth + crispCorr;				
				stemPath = [
					// stem up
					crispX, q3Plot,
					crispX, highPlot,
					// stem down
					crispX, q1Plot,
					crispX, lowPlot
				// The box
				if (doQuartiles) {
					crispCorr = (pointAttr['stroke-width'] % 2) / 2;
					crispX = mathFloor(crispX) + crispCorr;
					q1Plot = mathFloor(q1Plot) + crispCorr;
					q3Plot = mathFloor(q3Plot) + crispCorr;
					left += crispCorr;
					right += crispCorr;
					boxPath = [
						left, q3Plot,
						left, q1Plot,
						right, q1Plot,
						right, q3Plot,
						left, q3Plot,
				// The whiskers
				if (whiskerLength) {
					crispCorr = (whiskersAttr['stroke-width'] % 2) / 2;
					highPlot = highPlot + crispCorr;
					lowPlot = lowPlot + crispCorr;
					whiskersPath = [
						// High whisker
						crispX - halfWidth * whiskerLength, 
						crispX + halfWidth * whiskerLength, 
						// Low whisker
						crispX - halfWidth * whiskerLength, 
						crispX + halfWidth * whiskerLength, 
				// The median
				crispCorr = (medianAttr['stroke-width'] % 2) / 2;				
				medianPlot = mathRound(point.medianPlot) + crispCorr;
				medianPath = [
				// Create or update the graphics
				if (graphic) { // update
					point.stem.animate({ d: stemPath });
					if (whiskerLength) {
						point.whiskers.animate({ d: whiskersPath });
					if (doQuartiles) {
						point.box.animate({ d: boxPath });
					point.medianShape.animate({ d: medianPath });
				} else { // create new
					point.graphic = graphic = renderer.g()
					point.stem = renderer.path(stemPath)
					if (whiskerLength) {
						point.whiskers = renderer.path(whiskersPath) 
					if (doQuartiles) {
						point.box = renderer.path(boxPath)
					point.medianShape = renderer.path(medianPath)



/* ****************************************************************************
 * End Box plot series code												*
/* ****************************************************************************
 * Start error bar series code                                                *

// 1 - set default options
defaultPlotOptions.errorbar = merge(defaultPlotOptions.boxplot, {
	color: '#000000',
	grouping: false,
	linkedTo: ':previous',
	tooltip: {
		pointFormat: '<span style="color:{series.color}">\u25CF</span> {series.name}: <b>{point.low}</b> - <b>{point.high}</b><br/>'
	whiskerWidth: null

// 2 - Create the series object
seriesTypes.errorbar = extendClass(seriesTypes.boxplot, {
	type: 'errorbar',
	pointArrayMap: ['low', 'high'], // array point configs are mapped to this
	toYData: function (point) { // return a plain array for speedy calculation
		return [point.low, point.high];
	pointValKey: 'high', // defines the top of the tracker
	doQuartiles: false,
	drawDataLabels: seriesTypes.arearange ? seriesTypes.arearange.prototype.drawDataLabels : noop,

	 * Get the width and X offset, either on top of the linked series column
	 * or standalone
	getColumnMetrics: function () {
		return (this.linkedParent && this.linkedParent.columnMetrics) || 

/* ****************************************************************************
 * End error bar series code                                                  *
/* ****************************************************************************
 * Start Waterfall series code                                                *

// 1 - set default options
defaultPlotOptions.waterfall = merge(defaultPlotOptions.column, {
	lineWidth: 1,
	lineColor: '#333',
	dashStyle: 'dot',
	borderColor: '#333'

// 2 - Create the series object
seriesTypes.waterfall = extendClass(seriesTypes.column, {
	type: 'waterfall',

	upColorProp: 'fill',

	pointArrayMap: ['low', 'y'],

	pointValKey: 'y',

	 * Init waterfall series, force stacking
	init: function (chart, options) {
		// force stacking
		options.stacking = true;

		seriesTypes.column.prototype.init.call(this, chart, options);

	 * Translate data points from raw values
	translate: function () {
		var series = this,
			options = series.options,
			axis = series.yAxis,
			threshold = options.threshold;

		// run column series translate

		previousY = threshold;
		points = series.points;

		for (i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
			// cache current point object
			point = points[i];
			shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;

			// get current stack
			stack = series.getStack(i);
			stackPoint = stack.points[series.index + ',' + i];

			// override point value for sums
			if (isNaN(point.y)) {
				point.y = series.yData[i];

			// up points
			y = mathMax(previousY, previousY + point.y) + stackPoint[0];
			shapeArgs.y = axis.translate(y, 0, 1);

			// sum points
			if (point.isSum || point.isIntermediateSum) {
				shapeArgs.y = axis.translate(stackPoint[1], 0, 1);
				shapeArgs.height = axis.translate(stackPoint[0], 0, 1) - shapeArgs.y;

			// if it's not the sum point, update previous stack end position
			} else {
				previousY += stack.total;

			// negative points
			if (shapeArgs.height < 0) {
				shapeArgs.y += shapeArgs.height;
				shapeArgs.height *= -1;

			point.plotY = shapeArgs.y = mathRound(shapeArgs.y) - (series.borderWidth % 2) / 2;
			shapeArgs.height = mathRound(shapeArgs.height);
			point.yBottom = shapeArgs.y + shapeArgs.height;

	 * Call default processData then override yData to reflect waterfall's extremes on yAxis
	processData: function (force) {
		var series = this,
			options = series.options,
			yData = series.yData,
			points = series.points,
			dataLength = yData.length,
			threshold = options.threshold || 0,

		sum = subSum = dataMin = dataMax = threshold;

		for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
			y = yData[i];
			point = points && points[i] ? points[i] : {};

			if (y === "sum" || point.isSum) {
				yData[i] = sum;
			} else if (y === "intermediateSum" || point.isIntermediateSum) {
				yData[i] = subSum;
				subSum = threshold;
			} else {
				sum += y;
				subSum += y;
			dataMin = Math.min(sum, dataMin);
			dataMax = Math.max(sum, dataMax);

		Series.prototype.processData.call(this, force);

		// Record extremes
		series.dataMin = dataMin;
		series.dataMax = dataMax;

	 * Return y value or string if point is sum
	toYData: function (pt) {
		if (pt.isSum) {
			return "sum";
		} else if (pt.isIntermediateSum) {
			return "intermediateSum";

		return pt.y;

	 * Postprocess mapping between options and SVG attributes
	getAttribs: function () {
		seriesTypes.column.prototype.getAttribs.apply(this, arguments);

		var series = this,
			options = series.options,
			stateOptions = options.states,
			upColor = options.upColor || series.color,
			hoverColor = Highcharts.Color(upColor).brighten(0.1).get(),
			seriesDownPointAttr = merge(series.pointAttr),
			upColorProp = series.upColorProp;

		seriesDownPointAttr[''][upColorProp] = upColor;
		seriesDownPointAttr.hover[upColorProp] = stateOptions.hover.upColor || hoverColor;
		seriesDownPointAttr.select[upColorProp] = stateOptions.select.upColor || upColor;

		each(series.points, function (point) {
			if (point.y > 0 && !point.color) {
				point.pointAttr = seriesDownPointAttr;
				point.color = upColor;

	 * Draw columns' connector lines
	getGraphPath: function () {

		var data = this.data,
			length = data.length,
			lineWidth = this.options.lineWidth + this.borderWidth,
			normalizer = mathRound(lineWidth) % 2 / 2,
			path = [],
			M = 'M',
			L = 'L',

		for (i = 1; i < length; i++) {
			pointArgs = data[i].shapeArgs;
			prevArgs = data[i - 1].shapeArgs;

			d = [
				prevArgs.x + prevArgs.width, prevArgs.y + normalizer,
				pointArgs.x, prevArgs.y + normalizer

			if (data[i - 1].y < 0) {
				d[2] += prevArgs.height;
				d[5] += prevArgs.height;

			path = path.concat(d);

		return path;

	 * Extremes are recorded in processData
	getExtremes: noop,

	 * Return stack for given index
	getStack: function (i) {
		var axis = this.yAxis,
			stacks = axis.stacks,
			key = this.stackKey;

		if (this.processedYData[i] < this.options.threshold) {
			key = '-' + key;

		return stacks[key][i];

	drawGraph: Series.prototype.drawGraph

/* ****************************************************************************
 * End Waterfall series code                                                  *
/* ****************************************************************************
 * Start Bubble series code											          *

// 1 - set default options
defaultPlotOptions.bubble = merge(defaultPlotOptions.scatter, {
	dataLabels: {
		format: '{point.z}',
		inside: true,
		style: {
			color: 'white',
			textShadow: '0px 0px 3px black'
		verticalAlign: 'middle'
	// displayNegative: true,
	marker: {
		// fillOpacity: 0.5,
		lineColor: null, // inherit from series.color
		lineWidth: 1
	minSize: 8,
	maxSize: '20%',
	// negativeColor: null,
	// sizeBy: 'area'
	states: {
		hover: {
			halo: {
				size: 5
	tooltip: {
		pointFormat: '({point.x}, {point.y}), Size: {point.z}'
	turboThreshold: 0,
	zThreshold: 0

var BubblePoint = extendClass(Point, {
	haloPath: function () {
		return Point.prototype.haloPath.call(this, this.shapeArgs.r + this.series.options.states.hover.halo.size);

// 2 - Create the series object
seriesTypes.bubble = extendClass(seriesTypes.scatter, {
	type: 'bubble',
	pointClass: BubblePoint,
	pointArrayMap: ['y', 'z'],
	parallelArrays: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
	trackerGroups: ['group', 'dataLabelsGroup'],
	bubblePadding: true,
	 * Mapping between SVG attributes and the corresponding options
	pointAttrToOptions: { 
		stroke: 'lineColor',
		'stroke-width': 'lineWidth',
		fill: 'fillColor'
	 * Apply the fillOpacity to all fill positions
	applyOpacity: function (fill) {
		var markerOptions = this.options.marker,
			fillOpacity = pick(markerOptions.fillOpacity, 0.5);
		// When called from Legend.colorizeItem, the fill isn't predefined
		fill = fill || markerOptions.fillColor || this.color; 
		if (fillOpacity !== 1) {
			fill = Color(fill).setOpacity(fillOpacity).get('rgba');
		return fill;
	 * Extend the convertAttribs method by applying opacity to the fill
	convertAttribs: function () {
		var obj = Series.prototype.convertAttribs.apply(this, arguments);
		obj.fill = this.applyOpacity(obj.fill);
		return obj;

	 * Get the radius for each point based on the minSize, maxSize and each point's Z value. This
	 * must be done prior to Series.translate because the axis needs to add padding in 
	 * accordance with the point sizes.
	getRadii: function (zMin, zMax, minSize, maxSize) {
		var len,
			zData = this.zData,
			radii = [],
			sizeByArea = this.options.sizeBy !== 'width',
		// Set the shape type and arguments to be picked up in drawPoints
		for (i = 0, len = zData.length; i < len; i++) {
			zRange = zMax - zMin;
			pos = zRange > 0 ? // relative size, a number between 0 and 1
				(zData[i] - zMin) / (zMax - zMin) : 
			if (sizeByArea && pos >= 0) {
				pos = Math.sqrt(pos);
			radii.push(math.ceil(minSize + pos * (maxSize - minSize)) / 2);
		this.radii = radii;
	 * Perform animation on the bubbles
	animate: function (init) {
		var animation = this.options.animation;
		if (!init) { // run the animation
			each(this.points, function (point) {
				var graphic = point.graphic,
					shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;

				if (graphic && shapeArgs) {
					// start values
					graphic.attr('r', 1);

					// animate
						r: shapeArgs.r
					}, animation);

			// delete this function to allow it only once
			this.animate = null;
	 * Extend the base translate method to handle bubble size
	translate: function () {
		var i,
			data = this.data,
			radii = this.radii;
		// Run the parent method
		// Set the shape type and arguments to be picked up in drawPoints
		i = data.length;
		while (i--) {
			point = data[i];
			radius = radii ? radii[i] : 0; // #1737

			// Flag for negativeColor to be applied in Series.js
			point.negative = point.z < (this.options.zThreshold || 0);
			if (radius >= this.minPxSize / 2) {
				// Shape arguments
				point.shapeType = 'circle';
				point.shapeArgs = {
					x: point.plotX,
					y: point.plotY,
					r: radius
				// Alignment box for the data label
				point.dlBox = {
					x: point.plotX - radius,
					y: point.plotY - radius,
					width: 2 * radius,
					height: 2 * radius
			} else { // below zThreshold
				point.shapeArgs = point.plotY = point.dlBox = UNDEFINED; // #1691
	 * Get the series' symbol in the legend
	 * @param {Object} legend The legend object
	 * @param {Object} item The series (this) or point
	drawLegendSymbol: function (legend, item) {
		var radius = pInt(legend.itemStyle.fontSize) / 2;
		item.legendSymbol = this.chart.renderer.circle(
			legend.baseline - radius,
			zIndex: 3
		item.legendSymbol.isMarker = true;	
	drawPoints: seriesTypes.column.prototype.drawPoints,
	alignDataLabel: seriesTypes.column.prototype.alignDataLabel

 * Add logic to pad each axis with the amount of pixels
 * necessary to avoid the bubbles to overflow.
Axis.prototype.beforePadding = function () {
	var axis = this,
		axisLength = this.len,
		chart = this.chart,
		pxMin = 0, 
		pxMax = axisLength,
		isXAxis = this.isXAxis,
		dataKey = isXAxis ? 'xData' : 'yData',
		min = this.min,
		extremes = {},
		smallestSize = math.min(chart.plotWidth, chart.plotHeight),
		zMin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
		zMax = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
		range = this.max - min,
		transA = axisLength / range,
		activeSeries = [];

	// Handle padding on the second pass, or on redraw
	if (this.tickPositions) {
		each(this.series, function (series) {

			var seriesOptions = series.options,

			if (series.bubblePadding && (series.visible || !chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries)) {

				// Correction for #1673
				axis.allowZoomOutside = true;

				// Cache it

				if (isXAxis) { // because X axis is evaluated first
					// For each series, translate the size extremes to pixel values
					each(['minSize', 'maxSize'], function (prop) {
						var length = seriesOptions[prop],
							isPercent = /%$/.test(length);
						length = pInt(length);
						extremes[prop] = isPercent ?
							smallestSize * length / 100 :
					series.minPxSize = extremes.minSize;
					// Find the min and max Z
					zData = series.zData;
					if (zData.length) { // #1735
						zMin = math.min(
								seriesOptions.displayNegative === false ? seriesOptions.zThreshold : -Number.MAX_VALUE
						zMax = math.max(zMax, arrayMax(zData));

		each(activeSeries, function (series) {

			var data = series[dataKey],
				i = data.length,

			if (isXAxis) {
				series.getRadii(zMin, zMax, extremes.minSize, extremes.maxSize);
			if (range > 0) {
				while (i--) {
					if (typeof data[i] === 'number') {
						radius = series.radii[i];
						pxMin = Math.min(((data[i] - min) * transA) - radius, pxMin);
						pxMax = Math.max(((data[i] - min) * transA) + radius, pxMax);
		if (activeSeries.length && range > 0 && pick(this.options.min, this.userMin) === UNDEFINED && pick(this.options.max, this.userMax) === UNDEFINED) {
			pxMax -= axisLength;
			transA *= (axisLength + pxMin - pxMax) / axisLength;
			this.min += pxMin / transA;
			this.max += pxMax / transA;

/* ****************************************************************************
 * End Bubble series code                                                     *

(function () {

	 * Extensions for polar charts. Additionally, much of the geometry required for polar charts is
	 * gathered in RadialAxes.js.

	var seriesProto = Series.prototype,
		pointerProto = Pointer.prototype,

	 * Translate a point's plotX and plotY from the internal angle and radius measures to 
	 * true plotX, plotY coordinates
	seriesProto.toXY = function (point) {
		var xy,
			chart = this.chart,
			plotX = point.plotX,
			plotY = point.plotY,
		// Save rectangular plotX, plotY for later computation
		point.rectPlotX = plotX;
		point.rectPlotY = plotY;
		// Record the angle in degrees for use in tooltip
		clientX = ((plotX / Math.PI * 180) + this.xAxis.pane.options.startAngle) % 360;
		if (clientX < 0) { // #2665
			clientX += 360;
		point.clientX = clientX;

		// Find the polar plotX and plotY
		xy = this.xAxis.postTranslate(point.plotX, this.yAxis.len - plotY);
		point.plotX = point.polarPlotX = xy.x - chart.plotLeft;
		point.plotY = point.polarPlotY = xy.y - chart.plotTop;

	 * Order the tooltip points to get the mouse capture ranges correct. #1915. 
	seriesProto.orderTooltipPoints = function (points) {
		if (this.chart.polar) {
			points.sort(function (a, b) {
				return a.clientX - b.clientX;

			// Wrap mouse tracking around to capture movement on the segment to the left
			// of the north point (#1469, #2093).
			if (points[0]) {
				points[0].wrappedClientX = points[0].clientX + 360;

	 * Add some special init logic to areas and areasplines
	function initArea(proceed, chart, options) {
		proceed.call(this, chart, options);
		if (this.chart.polar) {
			 * Overridden method to close a segment path. While in a cartesian plane the area 
			 * goes down to the threshold, in the polar chart it goes to the center.
			this.closeSegment = function (path) {
				var center = this.xAxis.center;
			// Instead of complicated logic to draw an area around the inner area in a stack,
			// just draw it behind
			this.closedStacks = true;

	if (seriesTypes.area) {		
		wrap(seriesTypes.area.prototype, 'init', initArea);	
	if (seriesTypes.areaspline) {		
		wrap(seriesTypes.areaspline.prototype, 'init', initArea);			

	if (seriesTypes.spline) {
		 * Overridden method for calculating a spline from one point to the next
		wrap(seriesTypes.spline.prototype, 'getPointSpline', function (proceed, segment, point, i) {
			var ret,
				smoothing = 1.5, // 1 means control points midway between points, 2 means 1/3 from the point, 3 is 1/4 etc;
				denom = smoothing + 1,
			if (this.chart.polar) {
				plotX = point.plotX;
				plotY = point.plotY;
				lastPoint = segment[i - 1];
				nextPoint = segment[i + 1];
				// Connect ends
				if (this.connectEnds) {
					if (!lastPoint) {
						lastPoint = segment[segment.length - 2]; // not the last but the second last, because the segment is already connected
					if (!nextPoint) {
						nextPoint = segment[1];

				// find control points
				if (lastPoint && nextPoint) {
					lastX = lastPoint.plotX;
					lastY = lastPoint.plotY;
					nextX = nextPoint.plotX;
					nextY = nextPoint.plotY;
					leftContX = (smoothing * plotX + lastX) / denom;
					leftContY = (smoothing * plotY + lastY) / denom;
					rightContX = (smoothing * plotX + nextX) / denom;
					rightContY = (smoothing * plotY + nextY) / denom;
					distanceLeftControlPoint = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(leftContX - plotX, 2) + Math.pow(leftContY - plotY, 2));
					distanceRightControlPoint = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(rightContX - plotX, 2) + Math.pow(rightContY - plotY, 2));
					leftContAngle = Math.atan2(leftContY - plotY, leftContX - plotX);
					rightContAngle = Math.atan2(rightContY - plotY, rightContX - plotX);
					jointAngle = (Math.PI / 2) + ((leftContAngle + rightContAngle) / 2);
					// Ensure the right direction, jointAngle should be in the same quadrant as leftContAngle
					if (Math.abs(leftContAngle - jointAngle) > Math.PI / 2) {
						jointAngle -= Math.PI;
					// Find the corrected control points for a spline straight through the point
					leftContX = plotX + Math.cos(jointAngle) * distanceLeftControlPoint;
					leftContY = plotY + Math.sin(jointAngle) * distanceLeftControlPoint;
					rightContX = plotX + Math.cos(Math.PI + jointAngle) * distanceRightControlPoint;
					rightContY = plotY + Math.sin(Math.PI + jointAngle) * distanceRightControlPoint;
					// Record for drawing in next point
					point.rightContX = rightContX;
					point.rightContY = rightContY;

				// moveTo or lineTo
				if (!i) {
					ret = ['M', plotX, plotY];
				} else { // curve from last point to this
					ret = [
						lastPoint.rightContX || lastPoint.plotX,
						lastPoint.rightContY || lastPoint.plotY,
						leftContX || plotX,
						leftContY || plotY,
					lastPoint.rightContX = lastPoint.rightContY = null; // reset for updating series later
			} else {
				ret = proceed.call(this, segment, point, i);
			return ret;

	 * Extend translate. The plotX and plotY values are computed as if the polar chart were a
	 * cartesian plane, where plotX denotes the angle in radians and (yAxis.len - plotY) is the pixel distance from
	 * center. 
	wrap(seriesProto, 'translate', function (proceed) {
		// Run uber method
		// Postprocess plot coordinates
		if (this.chart.polar && !this.preventPostTranslate) {
			var points = this.points,
				i = points.length;
			while (i--) {
				// Translate plotX, plotY from angle and radius to true plot coordinates

	 * Extend getSegmentPath to allow connecting ends across 0 to provide a closed circle in 
	 * line-like series.
	wrap(seriesProto, 'getSegmentPath', function (proceed, segment) {
		var points = this.points;
		// Connect the path
		if (this.chart.polar && this.options.connectEnds !== false && 
				segment[segment.length - 1] === points[points.length - 1] && points[0].y !== null) {
			this.connectEnds = true; // re-used in splines
			segment = [].concat(segment, [points[0]]);
		// Run uber method
		return proceed.call(this, segment);

	function polarAnimate(proceed, init) {
		var chart = this.chart,
			animation = this.options.animation,
			group = this.group,
			markerGroup = this.markerGroup,
			center = this.xAxis.center,
			plotLeft = chart.plotLeft,
			plotTop = chart.plotTop,

		// Specific animation for polar charts
		if (chart.polar) {
			// Enable animation on polar charts only in SVG. In VML, the scaling is different, plus animation
			// would be so slow it would't matter.
			if (chart.renderer.isSVG) {

				if (animation === true) {
					animation = {};
				// Initialize the animation
				if (init) {
					// Scale down the group and place it in the center
					attribs = {
						translateX: center[0] + plotLeft,
						translateY: center[1] + plotTop,
						scaleX: 0.001, // #1499
						scaleY: 0.001
					if (markerGroup) {
						//markerGroup.attrSetters = group.attrSetters;
				// Run the animation
				} else {
					attribs = {
						translateX: plotLeft,
						translateY: plotTop,
						scaleX: 1,
						scaleY: 1
					group.animate(attribs, animation);
					if (markerGroup) {
						markerGroup.animate(attribs, animation);
					// Delete this function to allow it only once
					this.animate = null;
		// For non-polar charts, revert to the basic animation
		} else {
			proceed.call(this, init);

	// Define the animate method for regular series
	wrap(seriesProto, 'animate', polarAnimate);

	 * Throw in a couple of properties to let setTooltipPoints know we're indexing the points
	 * in degrees (0-360), not plot pixel width.
	wrap(seriesProto, 'setTooltipPoints', function (proceed, renew) {
		if (this.chart.polar) {
			extend(this.xAxis, {
				tooltipLen: 360 // degrees are the resolution unit of the tooltipPoints array
		// Run uber method
		return proceed.call(this, renew);

	if (seriesTypes.column) {

		colProto = seriesTypes.column.prototype;
		* Define the animate method for columnseries
		wrap(colProto, 'animate', polarAnimate);

		 * Extend the column prototype's translate method
		wrap(colProto, 'translate', function (proceed) {
			var xAxis = this.xAxis,
				len = this.yAxis.len,
				center = xAxis.center,
				startAngleRad = xAxis.startAngleRad,
				renderer = this.chart.renderer,
			this.preventPostTranslate = true;
			// Run uber method
			// Postprocess plot coordinates
			if (xAxis.isRadial) {
				points = this.points;
				i = points.length;
				while (i--) {
					point = points[i];
					start = point.barX + startAngleRad;
					point.shapeType = 'path';
					point.shapeArgs = {
						d: renderer.symbols.arc(
							len - point.plotY,
								start: start,
								end: start + point.pointWidth,
								innerR: len - pick(point.yBottom, len)
					// Provide correct plotX, plotY for tooltip
					point.tooltipPos = [point.plotX, point.plotY];
					point.ttBelow = point.plotY > center[1];

		 * Align column data labels outside the columns. #1199.
		wrap(colProto, 'alignDataLabel', function (proceed, point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew) {
			if (this.chart.polar) {
				var angle = point.rectPlotX / Math.PI * 180,
				// Align nicely outside the perimeter of the columns
				if (options.align === null) {
					if (angle > 20 && angle < 160) {
						align = 'left'; // right hemisphere
					} else if (angle > 200 && angle < 340) {
						align = 'right'; // left hemisphere
					} else {
						align = 'center'; // top or bottom
					options.align = align;
				if (options.verticalAlign === null) {
					if (angle < 45 || angle > 315) {
						verticalAlign = 'bottom'; // top part
					} else if (angle > 135 && angle < 225) {
						verticalAlign = 'top'; // bottom part
					} else {
						verticalAlign = 'middle'; // left or right
					options.verticalAlign = verticalAlign;
				seriesProto.alignDataLabel.call(this, point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew);
			} else {
				proceed.call(this, point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew);

	 * Extend the mouse tracker to return the tooltip position index in terms of
	 * degrees rather than pixels
	wrap(pointerProto, 'getIndex', function (proceed, e) {
		var ret,
			chart = this.chart,
		if (chart.polar) {
			center = chart.xAxis[0].center;
			x = e.chartX - center[0] - chart.plotLeft;
			y = e.chartY - center[1] - chart.plotTop;
			ret = 180 - Math.round(Math.atan2(x, y) / Math.PI * 180);
		} else {
			// Run uber method
			ret = proceed.call(this, e);
		return ret;

	 * Extend getCoordinates to prepare for polar axis values
	wrap(pointerProto, 'getCoordinates', function (proceed, e) {
		var chart = this.chart,
			ret = {
				xAxis: [],
				yAxis: []
		if (chart.polar) {	

			each(chart.axes, function (axis) {
				var isXAxis = axis.isXAxis,
					center = axis.center,
					x = e.chartX - center[0] - chart.plotLeft,
					y = e.chartY - center[1] - chart.plotTop;
				ret[isXAxis ? 'xAxis' : 'yAxis'].push({
					axis: axis,
					value: axis.translate(
						isXAxis ?
							Math.PI - Math.atan2(x, y) : // angle 
							Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2)), // distance from center
		} else {
			ret = proceed.call(this, e);
		return ret;

