# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import asyncio import functools import inspect import os import threading import time from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from functools import wraps from django.db import transaction from .utils import logger from .db.utils import open_db_connection def on_transaction_commit(func): """ 如果不调用on_commit, 对象创建时添加多对多字段值失败 """ def inner(*args, **kwargs): transaction.on_commit(lambda: func(*args, **kwargs)) return inner class Singleton(object): """ 单例类 """ def __init__(self, cls): self._cls = cls self._instance = {} def __call__(self): if self._cls not in self._instance: self._instance[self._cls] = self._cls() return self._instance[self._cls] def default_suffix_key(*args, **kwargs): return 'default' def key_by_org(*args, **kwargs): values = list(kwargs.values()) if not values: return 'default' return values[0][0].org_id class EventLoopThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() def run(self) -> None: asyncio.set_event_loop(self._loop) try: self._loop.run_forever() except Exception as e: logger.error("Event loop stopped with err: {} ".format(e)) def get_loop(self): return self._loop _loop_thread = EventLoopThread() _loop_thread.daemon = True _loop_thread.start() executor = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=10, thread_name_prefix='debouncer' ) _loop_debouncer_func_task_cache = {} _loop_debouncer_func_args_cache = {} _loop_debouncer_func_task_time_cache = {} def get_loop(): return _loop_thread.get_loop() def cancel_or_remove_debouncer_task(cache_key): task = _loop_debouncer_func_task_cache.get(cache_key, None) if not task: return if task.done(): del _loop_debouncer_func_task_cache[cache_key] else: task.cancel() def run_debouncer_func(cache_key, org, ttl, func, *args, **kwargs): cancel_or_remove_debouncer_task(cache_key) run_func_partial = functools.partial(_run_func_with_org, cache_key, org, func) current = time.time() first_run_time = _loop_debouncer_func_task_time_cache.get(cache_key, None) if first_run_time is None: _loop_debouncer_func_task_time_cache[cache_key] = current first_run_time = current if current - first_run_time > ttl: _loop_debouncer_func_args_cache.pop(cache_key, None) _loop_debouncer_func_task_time_cache.pop(cache_key, None) executor.submit(run_func_partial, *args, **kwargs) logger.debug('pid {} executor submit run {}'.format( os.getpid(), func.__name__, )) return loop = _loop_thread.get_loop() _debouncer = Debouncer(run_func_partial, lambda: True, ttl, loop=loop, executor=executor) task = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(_debouncer(*args, **kwargs), loop=loop) _loop_debouncer_func_task_cache[cache_key] = task class Debouncer(object): def __init__(self, callback, check, delay, loop=None, executor=None): self.callback = callback self.check = check self.delay = delay self.loop = loop if not loop: self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.executor = executor async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): await asyncio.sleep(self.delay) ok = await self._run_sync_to_async(self.check) if ok: callback_func = functools.partial(self.callback, *args, **kwargs) return await self._run_sync_to_async(callback_func) async def _run_sync_to_async(self, func): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): return await func() return await self.loop.run_in_executor(self.executor, func) ignore_err_exceptions = ( "(3101, 'Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.')", ) def _run_func_with_org(key, org, func, *args, **kwargs): from orgs.utils import set_current_org try: with open_db_connection() as conn: # 保证执行时使用的是新的 connection 数据库连接 # 避免出现 MySQL server has gone away 的情况 set_current_org(org) func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) log_func = logger.error if msg in ignore_err_exceptions: log_func = logger.info pid = os.getpid() thread_name = threading.current_thread() log_func('pid {} thread {} delay run {} error: {}'.format( pid, thread_name, func.__name__, msg)) _loop_debouncer_func_task_cache.pop(key, None) _loop_debouncer_func_args_cache.pop(key, None) _loop_debouncer_func_task_time_cache.pop(key, None) def delay_run(ttl=5, key=None): """ 延迟执行函数, 在 ttl 秒内, 只执行最后一次 :param ttl: :param key: 是否合并参数, 一个 callback :return: """ def inner(func): suffix_key_func = key if key else default_suffix_key sigs = inspect.signature(func) if len(sigs.parameters) != 0: raise ValueError('Merge delay run must not arguments: %s' % func.__name__) @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): from orgs.utils import get_current_org org = get_current_org() func_name = f'{func.__module__}_{func.__name__}' key_suffix = suffix_key_func(*args) cache_key = f'DELAY_RUN_{func_name}_{key_suffix}' run_debouncer_func(cache_key, org, ttl, func, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return inner def merge_delay_run(ttl=5, key=None): """ 延迟执行函数, 在 ttl 秒内, 只执行最后一次, 并且合并参数 :param ttl: :param key: 是否合并参数, 一个 callback :return: """ def delay(func, *args, **kwargs): from orgs.utils import get_current_org suffix_key_func = key if key else default_suffix_key org = get_current_org() func_name = f'{func.__module__}_{func.__name__}' key_suffix = suffix_key_func(*args, **kwargs) cache_key = f'MERGE_DELAY_RUN_{func_name}_{key_suffix}' cache_kwargs = _loop_debouncer_func_args_cache.get(cache_key, {}) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(v, (tuple, list, set)): raise ValueError('func kwargs value must be list or tuple: %s %s' % (func.__name__, v)) v = set(v) if k not in cache_kwargs: cache_kwargs[k] = v else: cache_kwargs[k] = cache_kwargs[k].union(v) _loop_debouncer_func_args_cache[cache_key] = cache_kwargs run_debouncer_func(cache_key, org, ttl, func, *args, **cache_kwargs) def apply(func, sync=False, *args, **kwargs): if sync: return func(*args, **kwargs) else: return delay(func, *args, **kwargs) def inner(func): sigs = inspect.signature(func) if len(sigs.parameters) != 1: raise ValueError('func must have one arguments: %s' % func.__name__) param = list(sigs.parameters.values())[0] if not isinstance(param.default, tuple): raise ValueError('func default must be tuple: %s' % param.default) func.delay = functools.partial(delay, func) func.apply = functools.partial(apply, func) @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return inner @delay_run(ttl=5) def test_delay_run(): print("Hello, now is %s" % time.time()) @merge_delay_run(ttl=5, key=lambda users=(): users[0][0]) def test_merge_delay_run(users=()): name = ','.join(users) time.sleep(2) print("Hello, %s, now is %s" % (name, time.time())) def do_test(): s = time.time() print("start : %s" % time.time()) for i in range(100): # test_delay_run('test', year=i) test_merge_delay_run(users=['test %s' % i]) test_merge_delay_run(users=['best %s' % i]) test_delay_run('test run %s' % i) end = time.time() using = end - s print("end : %s, using: %s" % (end, using)) def cached_method(ttl=20): _cache = {} def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key = (func, args, tuple(sorted(kwargs.items()))) # 检查缓存是否存在且未过期 if key in _cache and time.time() - _cache[key]['timestamp'] < ttl: return _cache[key]['result'] # 缓存过期或不存在,执行方法并缓存结果 result = func(*args, **kwargs) _cache[key] = {'result': result, 'timestamp': time.time()} return result return wrapper return decorator