# ~*~ coding: utf-8 ~*~ import json import os from collections import defaultdict from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ __all__ = ['JMSInventory'] class JMSInventory: def __init__(self, assets, account_policy='privileged_first', account_prefer='root,Administrator', host_callback=None, exclude_localhost=False): """ :param assets: :param account_prefer: account username name if not set use account_policy :param account_policy: privileged_only, privileged_first, skip """ self.assets = self.clean_assets(assets) self.account_prefer = self.get_account_prefer(account_prefer) self.account_policy = account_policy self.host_callback = host_callback self.exclude_hosts = {} self.exclude_localhost = exclude_localhost @staticmethod def clean_assets(assets): from assets.models import Asset asset_ids = [asset.id for asset in assets] assets = Asset.objects.filter(id__in=asset_ids, is_active=True) \ .prefetch_related('platform', 'domain', 'accounts') return assets @staticmethod def group_by_platform(assets): groups = defaultdict(list) for asset in assets: groups[asset.platform].append(asset) return groups @staticmethod def make_proxy_command(gateway): proxy_command_list = [ "ssh", "-o", "Port={}".format(gateway.port), "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "{}@{}".format(gateway.username, gateway.address), "-W", "%h:%p", "-q", ] if gateway.password: proxy_command_list.insert( 0, "sshpass -p {}".format(gateway.password) ) if gateway.private_key: proxy_command_list.append("-i {}".format(gateway.private_key_path)) proxy_command = "-o ProxyCommand='{}'".format( " ".join(proxy_command_list) ) return {"ansible_ssh_common_args": proxy_command} @staticmethod def make_account_ansible_vars(account): var = { 'ansible_user': account.username, } if not account.secret: return var if account.secret_type == 'password': var['ansible_password'] = account.secret elif account.secret_type == 'ssh_key': var['ansible_ssh_private_key_file'] = account.private_key_path return var def make_ssh_account_vars(self, host, asset, account, automation, protocols, platform, gateway): if not account: host['error'] = _("No account available") return host ssh_protocol_matched = list(filter(lambda x: x.name == 'ssh', protocols)) ssh_protocol = ssh_protocol_matched[0] if ssh_protocol_matched else None host['ansible_host'] = asset.address host['ansible_port'] = ssh_protocol.port if ssh_protocol else 22 su_from = account.su_from if platform.su_enabled and su_from: host.update(self.make_account_ansible_vars(su_from)) become_method = 'sudo' if platform.su_method != 'su' else 'su' host['ansible_become'] = True host['ansible_become_method'] = 'sudo' host['ansible_become_user'] = account.username if become_method == 'sudo': host['ansible_become_password'] = su_from.secret else: host['ansible_become_password'] = account.secret else: host.update(self.make_account_ansible_vars(account)) if gateway: host.update(self.make_proxy_command(gateway)) @staticmethod def get_primary_protocol(protocols): if protocols: primary = protocols[0] protocol = primary.name port = primary.port else: protocol = 'null' port = 0 return protocol, port def asset_to_host(self, asset, account, automation, protocols, platform): protocol, port = self.get_primary_protocol(protocols) host = { 'name': '{}'.format(asset.name.replace(' ', '_')), 'jms_asset': { 'id': str(asset.id), 'name': asset.name, 'address': asset.address, 'type': asset.type, 'category': asset.category, 'protocol': protocol, 'port': port, 'spec_info': asset.spec_info, 'secret_info': asset.secret_info, 'protocols': [{'name': p.name, 'port': p.port} for p in protocols], }, 'jms_account': { 'id': str(account.id), 'username': account.username, 'secret': account.secret, 'secret_type': account.secret_type } if account else None } if host['jms_account'] and asset.platform.type == 'oracle': host['jms_account']['mode'] = 'sysdba' if account.privileged else None try: ansible_config = dict(automation.ansible_config) except Exception as e: ansible_config = {} ansible_connection = ansible_config.get('ansible_connection', 'ssh') host.update(ansible_config) gateway = None if not asset.is_gateway and asset.domain: gateway = asset.domain.select_gateway() if ansible_connection == 'local': if gateway: host['gateway'] = { 'address': gateway.address, 'port': gateway.port, 'username': gateway.username, 'secret': gateway.password } else: self.make_ssh_account_vars(host, asset, account, automation, protocols, platform, gateway) return host def get_asset_sorted_accounts(self, asset): accounts = list(asset.accounts.filter(is_active=True)) connectivity_score = {'ok': 2, '-': 1, 'err': 0} sort_key = lambda x: (x.privileged, connectivity_score.get(x.connectivity, 0), x.date_updated) accounts_sorted = sorted(accounts, key=sort_key, reverse=True) return accounts_sorted @staticmethod def get_account_prefer(account_prefer): account_usernames = [] if isinstance(account_prefer, str) and account_prefer: account_usernames = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), account_prefer.split(','))) return account_usernames def get_refer_account(self, accounts): account = None if accounts: account = list(filter( lambda a: a.username.lower() in self.account_prefer, accounts )) account = account[0] if account else None return account def select_account(self, asset): accounts = self.get_asset_sorted_accounts(asset) if not accounts: return None refer_account = self.get_refer_account(accounts) if refer_account: return refer_account account_selected = accounts[0] if self.account_policy == 'skip': return None elif self.account_policy == 'privileged_first': return account_selected elif self.account_policy == 'privileged_only' and account_selected.privileged: return account_selected else: return None def generate(self, path_dir): hosts = [] platform_assets = self.group_by_platform(self.assets) for platform, assets in platform_assets.items(): automation = platform.automation for asset in assets: protocols = asset.protocols.all() account = self.select_account(asset) host = self.asset_to_host(asset, account, automation, protocols, platform) if not automation.ansible_enabled: host['error'] = _('Ansible disabled') if self.host_callback is not None: host = self.host_callback( host, asset=asset, account=account, platform=platform, automation=automation, path_dir=path_dir ) if isinstance(host, list): hosts.extend(host) else: hosts.append(host) exclude_hosts = list(filter(lambda x: x.get('error'), hosts)) if exclude_hosts: print(_("Skip hosts below:")) for i, host in enumerate(exclude_hosts, start=1): print("{}: [{}] \t{}".format(i, host['name'], host['error'])) self.exclude_hosts[host['name']] = host['error'] hosts = list(filter(lambda x: not x.get('error'), hosts)) data = {'all': {'hosts': {}}} for host in hosts: name = host.pop('name') data['all']['hosts'][name] = host if self.exclude_localhost and data['all']['hosts'].__contains__('localhost'): data['all']['hosts'].update({'localhost': {'ansible_host': ''}}) return data def write_to_file(self, path): path_dir = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(path_dir): os.makedirs(path_dir, 0o700, True) data = self.generate(path_dir) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4))