#!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 import os import sys import subprocess import MySQLdb import pexpect import struct import fcntl import termios import signal import re import time from Crypto.Cipher import AES from binascii import b2a_hex, a2b_hex import ConfigParser import paramiko import pxssh base_dir = "/opt/jumpserver/" cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cf.read('%s/jumpserver.conf' % base_dir) db_host = cf.get('db', 'host') db_port = cf.getint('db', 'port') db_user = cf.get('db', 'user') db_password = cf.get('db', 'password') db_db = cf.get('db', 'db') log_dir = cf.get('jumpserver', 'log_dir') user_table = cf.get('jumpserver', 'user_table') assets_table = cf.get('jumpserver', 'assets_table') assets_user_table = cf.get('jumpserver', 'assets_user_table') key = cf.get('jumpserver', 'key') class PyCrypt(object): """It's used to encrypt and decrypt password.""" def __init__(self, key): self.key = key self.mode = AES.MODE_CBC def encrypt(self, text): cryptor = AES.new(self.key, self.mode, b'0000000000000000') length = 16 count = len(text) if count < length: add = (length - count) text += ('\0' * add) elif count > length: add = (length - (count % length)) text += ('\0' * add) ciphertext = cryptor.encrypt(text) return b2a_hex(ciphertext) def decrypt(self, text): cryptor = AES.new(self.key, self.mode, b'0000000000000000') plain_text = cryptor.decrypt(a2b_hex(text)) return plain_text.rstrip('\0') def sigwinch_passthrough(sig, data): """This function use to set the window size of the terminal!""" winsize = getwinsize() try: foo.setwinsize(winsize[0], winsize[1]) except: pass def getwinsize(): """This function use to get the size of the windows!""" if 'TIOCGWINSZ' in dir(termios): TIOCGWINSZ = termios.TIOCGWINSZ else: TIOCGWINSZ = 1074295912L # Assume s = struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0) x = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), TIOCGWINSZ, s) return struct.unpack('HHHH', x)[0:2] def connect_db(user, passwd, db, host='', port=3306): """This function connect db and return db and cursor""" db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, port=port, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db, charset='utf8') cursor = db.cursor() return db, cursor def run_cmd(cmd): """run command and return stdout""" pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if pipe.stdout: stdout = pipe.stdout.read().strip() pipe.wait() return stdout if pipe.stderr: stderr = pipe.stderr.read() pipe.wait() return stderr def connect(host, port, user, password): """Use pexpect module to connect other server.""" log_date_dir = '%s/%s' % (log_dir, time.strftime('%Y%m%d')) if not os.path.isdir(log_date_dir): os.mkdir(log_date_dir) logfile = open("%s/%s_%s" % (log_date_dir, host, user), 'a') logfile.write('\n\n%s\n\n' % time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')) try: global foo foo = pxssh.pxssh() foo.login(host, user, password, port=port, auto_prompt_reset=False) foo.logfile = logfile foo.sendline('') signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sigwinch_passthrough) foo.interact(escape_character=chr(28)) except pxssh.ExceptionPxssh as e: print('登录失败: %s' % e) except KeyboardInterrupt: foo.logout() def ip_all_select(username): """select all the server of the user can control.""" ip_all = [] ip_all_dict = {} db, cursor = connect_db(db_user, db_password, db_db, db_host, db_port) cursor.execute('select t2.ip, t2.comment from %s t1, %s t2, %s t3 where t1.username="%s" and t1.id=t3.uid_id and t2.id = t3.aid_id;' % (user_table, assets_table, assets_user_table, username)) ip_all_record = cursor.fetchall() if ip_all_record: for record in ip_all_record: ip_all.append(record[0]) ip_all_dict[record[0]] = record[1] db.close() return ip_all, ip_all_dict def sth_select(username='', ip=''): """if username: return password elif ip return port""" db, cursor = connect_db(db_user, db_password, db_db, db_host, db_port) if username: cursor.execute('select ldap_password from %s where username="%s"' % (user_table, username)) try: password = cursor.fetchone()[0] except IndexError: password = '' db.close() return password if ip: cursor.execute('select port from %s where ip="%s"' % (assets_table, ip)) try: port = int(cursor.fetchone()[0]) except IndexError: port = 22 db.close() return port return None def remote_exec_cmd(host, user, cmd): jm = PyCrypt(key) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) port = sth_select(ip=host) password = jm.decrypt(sth_select(username=username)) try: ssh.connect(host, port, user, password) except paramiko.AuthenticationException: print 'Password Error .' return None stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) print '\033[32m' + '#'*15 + ' ' + host + ' ' + '#'*15 + '\n' + '\033[0m' output = stdout.read() error = stderr.read() if output: print output if error: print error print '\033[32m' + '#'*15 + ' End result ' + '#'*15 + '\n' + '\033[0m' ssh.close() def match_ip(all_ip, string): ip_matched = [] pattern = re.compile(r'%s' % string) for ip in all_ip: if pattern.search(ip): ip_matched.append(ip) return ip_matched def print_prompt(): print """ \033[1;32m### Welcome Use JumpServer To Login. ### \033[0m 1) Type \033[32mIP ADDRESS\033[0m To Login. 2) Type \033[32mP/p\033[0m To Print The Servers You Available. 3) Type \033[32mE/e\033[0m To Execute Command On Several Servers. 4) Type \033[32mQ/q\033[0m To Quit. """ def print_your_server(username): ip_all, ip_all_dict = ip_all_select(username) for ip in ip_all: if ip_all_dict[ip]: print "%s -- %s" % (ip, ip_all_dict[ip]) else: print ip def exec_cmd_servers(username): print '\nInput the \033[32mHost IP(s)\033[0m,Separated by Commas, q/Q to Quit.\n' while True: hosts = raw_input('\033[1;32mip(s)>: \033[0m') if hosts in ['q', 'Q']: break hosts = hosts.split(',') hosts.append('') hosts = list(set(hosts)) hosts.remove('') ip_all, ip_all_dict = ip_all_select(username) no_perm = set(hosts)-set(ip_all) if no_perm: print "You have NO PERMISSION on %s..." % list(no_perm) continue print '\nInput the \033[32mCommand\033[0m , The command will be Execute on servers, q/Q to quit.\n' while True: cmd = raw_input('\033[1;32mCmd(s): \033[0m') if cmd in ['q', 'Q']: break for host in hosts: remote_exec_cmd(host, username, cmd) def connect_one(username, option): ip_input = option.strip() ip_all, ip_all_dict = ip_all_select(username) ip_matched = match_ip(ip_all, ip_input) ip_len = len(ip_matched) ip = '' if ip_len >= 1: if ip_len == 1: ip = ip_matched[0] else: if ip_input in ip_matched: ip = ip_input else: for one_ip in ip_matched: print one_ip if ip: password = jm.decrypt(sth_select(username=username)) port = sth_select(ip=ip) print "Connecting %s ..." % ip connect(ip, port, username, password) else: print '\033[31mNo permision .\033[0m' if __name__ == '__main__': username = run_cmd('whoami') jm = PyCrypt(key) print_prompt() try: while True: try: option = raw_input("\033[1;32mOpt or IP>:\033[0m ") except EOFError: print continue if option in ['P', 'p']: print_your_server(username) continue elif option in ['e', 'E']: exec_cmd_servers(username) elif option in ['q', 'Q']: sys.exit() else: connect_one(username, option) #except (BaseException, Exception): except IndexError: print "Exit." sys.exit()