- hosts: demo gather_facts: no tasks: - name: "Test privileged {{ jms_account.username }} account" ansible.builtin.ping: - name: "Check if {{ account.username }} user exists" getent: database: passwd key: "{{ account.username }}" register: user_info ignore_errors: yes # 忽略错误,如果用户不存在时不会导致playbook失败 - name: "Add {{ account.username }} user" ansible.builtin.user: name: "{{ account.username }}" uid: "{{ params.uid | int if params.uid | length > 0 else omit }}" shell: "{{ params.shell if params.shell | length > 0 else omit }}" home: "{{ params.home if params.home | length > 0 else '/home/' + account.username }}" groups: "{{ params.groups if params.groups | length > 0 else omit }}" append: yes expires: -1 state: present when: user_info.failed - name: "Set {{ account.username }} sudo setting" ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: /etc/sudoers state: present regexp: "^{{ account.username }} ALL=" line: "{{ account.username + ' ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ' + params.sudo }}" validate: visudo -cf %s when: - user_info.failed or params.modify_sudo - params.sudo - name: "Change {{ account.username }} password" ansible.builtin.user: name: "{{ account.username }}" password: "{{ account.secret | password_hash('sha512') }}" update_password: always ignore_errors: true when: account.secret_type == "password" - name: "Get home directory for {{ account.username }}" ansible.builtin.shell: "getent passwd {{ account.username }} | cut -d: -f6" register: home_dir when: account.secret_type == "ssh_key" ignore_errors: yes - name: "Check if home directory exists for {{ account.username }}" ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ home_dir.stdout.strip() }}" register: home_dir_stat when: account.secret_type == "ssh_key" ignore_errors: yes - name: "Ensure {{ account.username }} home directory exists" ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ home_dir.stdout.strip() }}" state: directory owner: "{{ account.username }}" group: "{{ account.username }}" mode: '0750' when: - account.secret_type == "ssh_key" - home_dir_stat.stat.exists == false ignore_errors: yes - name: Remove jumpserver ssh key ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ home_dir.stdout.strip() }}/.ssh/authorized_keys" regexp: "{{ ssh_params.regexp }}" state: absent when: - account.secret_type == "ssh_key" - ssh_params.strategy == "set_jms" ignore_errors: yes - name: "Change {{ account.username }} SSH key" ansible.builtin.authorized_key: user: "{{ account.username }}" key: "{{ account.secret }}" exclusive: "{{ ssh_params.exclusive }}" when: account.secret_type == "ssh_key" - name: Refresh connection ansible.builtin.meta: reset_connection - name: "Verify {{ account.username }} password (paramiko)" ssh_ping: login_user: "{{ account.username }}" login_password: "{{ account.secret }}" login_host: "{{ jms_asset.address }}" login_port: "{{ jms_asset.port }}" gateway_args: "{{ jms_asset.ansible_ssh_common_args | default(None) }}" become: "{{ account.become.ansible_become | default(False) }}" become_method: su become_user: "{{ account.become.ansible_user | default('') }}" become_password: "{{ account.become.ansible_password | default('') }}" become_private_key_path: "{{ account.become.ansible_ssh_private_key_file | default(None) }}" old_ssh_version: "{{ jms_asset.old_ssh_version | default(False) }}" when: account.secret_type == "password" and check_conn_after_change delegate_to: localhost - name: "Verify {{ account.username }} SSH KEY (paramiko)" ssh_ping: login_host: "{{ jms_asset.address }}" login_port: "{{ jms_asset.port }}" login_user: "{{ account.username }}" login_private_key_path: "{{ account.private_key_path }}" gateway_args: "{{ jms_asset.ansible_ssh_common_args | default(None) }}" old_ssh_version: "{{ jms_asset.old_ssh_version | default(False) }}" when: account.secret_type == "ssh_key" and check_conn_after_change delegate_to: localhost