# coding: utf-8 import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') import os import re import time import datetime import textwrap import getpass import readline import django import paramiko import struct, fcntl, signal, socket, select os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'jumpserver.settings' if django.get_version() != '1.6': django.setup() from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session from jumpserver.api import ServerError, User, Asset, PermRole, AssetGroup, get_object, mkdir, get_asset_info, get_role from jumpserver.api import logger, Log, TtyLog, get_role_key, CRYPTOR from jperm.perm_api import gen_resource, get_group_asset_perm, get_group_user_perm, user_have_perm from jumpserver.settings import LOG_DIR from jperm.ansible_api import Command login_user = get_object(User, username=getpass.getuser()) try: import termios import tty except ImportError: print '\033[1;31m仅支持类Unix系统 Only unix like supported.\033[0m' time.sleep(3) sys.exit() def color_print(msg, color='red', exits=False): """ Print colorful string. 颜色打印字符或者退出 """ color_msg = {'blue': '\033[1;36m%s\033[0m', 'green': '\033[1;32m%s\033[0m', 'red': '\033[1;31m%s\033[0m'} print color_msg.get(color, 'blue') % msg if exits: time.sleep(2) sys.exit() class Tty(object): """ A virtual tty class 一个虚拟终端类,实现连接ssh和记录日志,基类 """ def __init__(self, user, asset, role): self.username = user.username self.asset_name = asset.hostname self.ip = None self.port = 22 self.channel = None self.asset = asset self.user = user self.role = role self.ssh = None self.remote_ip = '' self.connect_info = None self.login_type = 'ssh' self.vim_flag = False self.ps1_pattern = re.compile('\[.*@.*\][\$#]') self.vim_data = '' @staticmethod def is_output(strings): newline_char = ['\n', '\r', '\r\n'] for char in newline_char: if char in strings: return True return False def deal_command(self, str_r): """ 处理命令中特殊字符 """ str_r = re.sub('\x07', '', str_r) # 删除响铃 patch_char = re.compile('\x08\x1b\[C') # 删除方向左右一起的按键 while patch_char.search(str_r): str_r = patch_char.sub('', str_r.rstrip()) result_command = '' # 最后的结果 backspace_num = 0 # 光标移动的个数 reach_backspace_flag = False # 没有检测到光标键则为true pattern_str = '' while str_r: tmp = re.match(r'\s*\w+\s*', str_r) if tmp: if reach_backspace_flag: pattern_str += str(tmp.group(0)) str_r = str_r[len(str(tmp.group(0))):] continue else: result_command += str(tmp.group(0)) str_r = str_r[len(str(tmp.group(0))):] continue tmp = re.match(r'\x1b\[K[\x08]*', str_r) if tmp: if backspace_num > 0: if backspace_num > len(result_command): result_command += pattern_str result_command = result_command[0:-backspace_num] else: result_command = result_command[0:-backspace_num] result_command += pattern_str del_len = len(str(tmp.group(0)))-3 if del_len > 0: result_command = result_command[0:-del_len] reach_backspace_flag = False backspace_num = 0 pattern_str = '' str_r = str_r[len(str(tmp.group(0))):] continue tmp = re.match(r'\x08+', str_r) if tmp: str_r = str_r[len(str(tmp.group(0))):] if len(str_r) != 0: if reach_backspace_flag: result_command = result_command[0:-backspace_num] + pattern_str pattern_str = '' else: reach_backspace_flag = True backspace_num = len(str(tmp.group(0))) continue else: break if reach_backspace_flag: pattern_str += str_r[0] else: result_command += str_r[0] str_r = str_r[1:] if backspace_num > 0: result_command = result_command[0:-backspace_num] + pattern_str control_char = re.compile(r""" \x1b[ #%()*+\-.\/]. | \r | #匹配 回车符(CR) (?:\x1b\[|\x9b) [ -?]* [@-~] | #匹配 控制顺序描述符(CSI)... Cmd (?:\x1b\]|\x9d) .*? (?:\x1b\\|[\a\x9c]) | \x07 | #匹配 操作系统指令(OSC)...终止符或振铃符(ST|BEL) (?:\x1b[P^_]|[\x90\x9e\x9f]) .*? (?:\x1b\\|\x9c) | #匹配 设备控制串或私讯或应用程序命令(DCS|PM|APC)...终止符(ST) \x1b. #匹配 转义过后的字符 [\x80-\x9f] | (?:\x1b\]0.*) | \[.*@.*\][\$#] | (.*mysql>.*) #匹配 所有控制字符 """, re.X) result_command = control_char.sub('', result_command.strip()) if not self.vim_flag: if result_command.startswith('vi') or result_command.startswith('fg'): self.vim_flag = True return result_command.decode('utf8', "ignore") else: return '' def get_log(self): """ Logging user command and output. 记录用户的日志 """ tty_log_dir = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'tty') date_today = datetime.datetime.now() date_start = date_today.strftime('%Y%m%d') time_start = date_today.strftime('%H%M%S') today_connect_log_dir = os.path.join(tty_log_dir, date_start) log_file_path = os.path.join(today_connect_log_dir, '%s_%s_%s' % (self.username, self.asset_name, time_start)) try: mkdir(os.path.dirname(today_connect_log_dir), mode=0777) mkdir(today_connect_log_dir, mode=0777) except OSError: logger.debug('创建目录 %s 失败,请修改%s目录权限' % (today_connect_log_dir, tty_log_dir)) raise ServerError('Create %s failed, Please modify %s permission.' % (today_connect_log_dir, tty_log_dir)) try: log_file_f = open(log_file_path + '.log', 'a') log_time_f = open(log_file_path + '.time', 'a') except IOError: logger.debug('创建tty日志文件失败, 请修改目录%s权限' % today_connect_log_dir) raise ServerError('Create logfile failed, Please modify %s permission.' % today_connect_log_dir) if self.login_type == 'ssh': # 如果是ssh连接过来,记录connect.py的pid,web terminal记录为日志的id pid = os.getpid() self.remote_ip = os.popen("who -m | awk '{ print $5 }'").read().strip('()\n') # 获取远端IP else: pid = 0 log = Log(user=self.username, host=self.asset_name, remote_ip=self.remote_ip, login_type=self.login_type, log_path=log_file_path, start_time=date_today, pid=pid) log.save() if self.login_type == 'web': log.pid = log.id log.save() log_file_f.write('Start at %s\n' % datetime.datetime.now()) return log_file_f, log_time_f, log def get_connect_info(self): """ 获取需要登陆的主机的信息和映射用户的账号密码 """ asset_info = get_asset_info(self.asset) role_key = get_role_key(self.user, self.role) role_pass = CRYPTOR.decrypt(self.role.password) self.connect_info = {'user': self.user, 'asset': self.asset, 'ip': asset_info.get('ip'), 'port': int(asset_info.get('port')), 'role_name': self.role.name, 'role_pass': role_pass, 'role_key': role_key} logger.debug("Connect: Host: %s Port: %s User: %s Pass: %s Key: %s" % (asset_info.get('ip'), asset_info.get('port'), self.role.name, role_pass, role_key)) return self.connect_info def get_connection(self): """ 获取连接成功后的ssh """ connect_info = self.get_connect_info() # 发起ssh连接请求 Make a ssh connection ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: role_key = connect_info.get('role_key') if role_key and os.path.isfile(role_key): try: ssh.connect(connect_info.get('ip'), port=connect_info.get('port'), username=connect_info.get('role_name'), key_filename=role_key, look_for_keys=False) self.ssh = ssh return ssh except (paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException, paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException): logger.warning('Use ssh key %s Failed.' % role_key) pass ssh.connect(connect_info.get('ip'), port=connect_info.get('port'), username=connect_info.get('role_name'), password=connect_info.get('role_pass'), look_for_keys=False) except paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException, paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: raise ServerError('认证失败 Authentication Error.') except socket.error: raise ServerError('端口可能不对 Connect SSH Socket Port Error, Please Correct it.') else: self.ssh = ssh return ssh class SshTty(Tty): """ A virtual tty class 一个虚拟终端类,实现连接ssh和记录日志 """ @staticmethod def get_win_size(): """ This function use to get the size of the windows! 获得terminal窗口大小 """ if 'TIOCGWINSZ' in dir(termios): TIOCGWINSZ = termios.TIOCGWINSZ else: TIOCGWINSZ = 1074295912L s = struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0) x = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), TIOCGWINSZ, s) return struct.unpack('HHHH', x)[0:2] def set_win_size(self, sig, data): """ This function use to set the window size of the terminal! 设置terminal窗口大小 """ try: win_size = self.get_win_size() self.channel.resize_pty(height=win_size[0], width=win_size[1]) except Exception: pass def posix_shell(self): """ Use paramiko channel connect server interactive. 使用paramiko模块的channel,连接后端,进入交互式 """ log_file_f, log_time_f, log = self.get_log() old_tty = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) pre_timestamp = time.time() data = '' input_mode = False try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin.fileno()) self.channel.settimeout(0.0) while True: try: r, w, e = select.select([self.channel, sys.stdin], [], []) except Exception: pass if self.channel in r: try: x = self.channel.recv(1024) if len(x) == 0: break if self.vim_flag: self.vim_data += x sys.stdout.write(x) sys.stdout.flush() now_timestamp = time.time() log_time_f.write('%s %s\n' % (round(now_timestamp-pre_timestamp, 4), len(x))) log_file_f.write(x) pre_timestamp = now_timestamp log_file_f.flush() log_time_f.flush() if input_mode and not self.is_output(x): data += x except socket.timeout: pass if sys.stdin in r: x = os.read(sys.stdin.fileno(), 1) input_mode = True if str(x) in ['\r', '\n', '\r\n']: if self.vim_flag: match = self.ps1_pattern.search(self.vim_data) if match: self.vim_flag = False data = self.deal_command(data)[0:200] if len(data) > 0: TtyLog(log=log, datetime=datetime.datetime.now(), cmd=data).save() else: data = self.deal_command(data)[0:200] if len(data) > 0: TtyLog(log=log, datetime=datetime.datetime.now(), cmd=data).save() data = '' self.vim_data = '' input_mode = False if len(x) == 0: break self.channel.send(x) finally: termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_tty) log_file_f.write('End time is %s' % datetime.datetime.now()) log_file_f.close() log_time_f.close() log.is_finished = True log.end_time = datetime.datetime.now() log.save() def connect(self): """ Connect server. 连接服务器 """ ps1 = "PS1='[\u@%s \W]\$ '\n" % self.ip login_msg = "clear;echo -e '\\033[32mLogin %s done. Enjoy it.\\033[0m'\n" % self.ip # 发起ssh连接请求 Make a ssh connection ssh = self.get_connection() # 获取连接的隧道并设置窗口大小 Make a channel and set windows size global channel win_size = self.get_win_size() self.channel = channel = ssh.invoke_shell(height=win_size[0], width=win_size[1], term='xterm') try: signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self.set_win_size) except: pass # 设置PS1并提示 Set PS1 and msg it #channel.send(ps1) #channel.send(login_msg) # channel.send('echo ${SSH_TTY}\n') # global SSH_TTY # while not channel.recv_ready(): # time.sleep(1) # tmp = channel.recv(1024) #print 'ok'+tmp+'ok' # SSH_TTY = re.search(r'(?<=/dev/).*', tmp).group().strip() # SSH_TTY = '' # channel.send('clear\n') # Make ssh interactive tunnel self.posix_shell() # Shutdown channel socket channel.close() ssh.close() class Nav(object): def __init__(self, user): self.user = user self.search_result = {} self.user_perm = {} @staticmethod def print_nav(): """ Print prompt 打印提示导航 """ msg = """\n\033[1;32m### Welcome To Use JumpServer, A Open Source System . ### \033[0m 1) Type \033[32mID\033[0m To Login. 2) Type \033[32m/\033[0m + \033[32mIP, Host Name, Host Alias or Comments \033[0mTo Search. 3) Type \033[32mP/p\033[0m To Print The Servers You Available. 4) Type \033[32mG/g\033[0m To Print The Server Groups You Available. 5) Type \033[32mG/g\033[0m\033[0m + \033[32mGroup ID\033[0m To Print The Server Group You Available. 6) Type \033[32mE/e\033[0m To Execute Command On Several Servers. 7) Type \033[32mQ/q\033[0m To Quit. """ msg = """\n\033[1;32m### 欢迎使用Jumpserver开源跳板机 ### \033[0m 1) 输入 \033[32mID\033[0m 直接登录. 2) 输入 \033[32m/\033[0m + \033[32mIP, 主机名, 主机别名 or 备注 \033[0m搜索. 3) 输入 \033[32mP/p\033[0m 显示您有权限的主机. 4) 输入 \033[32mG/g\033[0m 显示您有权限的主机组. 5) 输入 \033[32mG/g\033[0m\033[0m + \033[32m组ID\033[0m 显示该组下主机. 6) 输入 \033[32mE/e\033[0m 批量执行命令. 7) 输入 \033[32mQ/q\033[0m 退出. """ print textwrap.dedent(msg) def search(self, str_r=''): gid_pattern = re.compile(r'^g\d+$') # 获取用户授权的所有主机信息 if not self.user_perm: self.user_perm = get_group_user_perm(self.user) user_asset_all = self.user_perm.get('asset').keys() # 搜索结果保存 user_asset_search = [] if str_r: # 资产组组id匹配 if gid_pattern.match(str_r): gid = int(str_r.lstrip('g')) # 获取资产组包含的资产 user_asset_search = get_object(AssetGroup, id=gid).asset_set.all() else: # 匹配 ip, hostname, 备注 for asset in user_asset_all: if str_r in asset.ip or str_r in str(asset.hostname) or str_r in str(asset.comment): user_asset_search.append(asset) else: # 如果没有输入就展现所有 user_asset_search = user_asset_all self.search_result = dict(zip(range(len(user_asset_search)), user_asset_search)) print '\033[32m[%-3s] %-15s %-15s %-5s %-10s %s \033[0m' % ('ID', 'AssetName', 'IP', 'Port', 'Role', 'Comment') for index, asset in self.search_result.items(): # 获取该资产信息 asset_info = get_asset_info(asset) # 获取该资产包含的角色 role = [str(role.name) for role in self.user_perm.get('asset').get(asset).get('role')] if asset.comment: print '[%-3s] %-15s %-15s %-5s %-10s %s' % (index, asset.hostname, asset.ip, asset_info.get('port'), role, asset.comment) else: print '[%-3s] %-15s %-15s %-5s %-10s' % (index, asset.hostname, asset.ip, asset_info.get('port'), role) print def print_asset_group(self): """ 打印用户授权的资产组 """ user_asset_group_all = get_group_user_perm(self.user).get('asset_group', []) print '\033[32m[%-3s] %-15s %s \033[0m' % ('ID', 'GroupName', 'Comment') for asset_group in user_asset_group_all: if asset_group.comment: print '[%-3s] %-15s %s' % (asset_group.id, asset_group.name, asset_group.comment) else: print '[%-3s] %-15s' % (asset_group.id, asset_group.name) print def exec_cmd(self): """ 批量执行命令 """ self.search() while True: print "请输入主机名、IP或ansile支持的pattern, q退出" try: pattern = raw_input("\033[1;32mPattern>:\033[0m ").strip() if pattern == 'q': break else: if not self.user_perm: self.user_perm = get_group_user_perm(self.user) res = gen_resource(self.user, perm=self.user_perm) cmd = Command(res) logger.debug(res) for inv in cmd.inventory.get_hosts(pattern=pattern): print inv.name confirm_host = raw_input("\033[1;32mIs that [y/n]>:\033[0m ").strip() if confirm_host == 'y': while True: print "请输入执行的命令, 按q退出" command = raw_input("\033[1;32mCmds>:\033[0m ").strip() if command == 'q': break result = cmd.run(module_name='shell', command=command, pattern=pattern) for k, v in result.items(): if k == 'ok': for host, output in v.items(): color_print("%s => %s" % (host, 'Ok'), 'green') print output print else: for host, output in v.items(): color_print("%s => %s" % (host, k), 'red') color_print(output, 'red') print print "=" * 20 print else: continue except EOFError: print break def main(): """ he he 主程序 """ if not login_user: # 判断用户是否存在 color_print(u'没有该用户,或许你是以root运行的 No that user.', exits=True) gid_pattern = re.compile(r'^g\d+$') nav = Nav(login_user) nav.print_nav() try: while True: try: option = raw_input("\033[1;32mOpt or ID>:\033[0m ").strip() except EOFError: nav.print_nav() continue except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) if option in ['P', 'p', '\n', '']: nav.search() continue if option.startswith('/') or gid_pattern.match(option): nav.search(option.lstrip('/')) elif option in ['G', 'g']: nav.print_asset_group() continue elif option in ['E', 'e']: nav.exec_cmd() continue elif option in ['Q', 'q', 'exit']: sys.exit() else: try: asset = nav.search_result[int(option)] roles = get_role(login_user, asset) if len(roles) > 1: role_check = dict(zip(range(len(roles)), roles)) print role_check for index, role in role_check.items(): print "[%s] %s" % (index, role.name) print "输入角色ID, q退出" try: role_index = raw_input("\033[1;32mID>:\033[0m ").strip() if role_index == 'q': continue else: role = role_check[int(role_index)] except IndexError: color_print('请输入正确ID', 'red') continue elif len(roles) == 1: role = roles[0] else: color_print('没有映射用户', 'red') continue ssh_tty = SshTty(login_user, asset, role) ssh_tty.connect() except (KeyError, ValueError): color_print('请输入正确ID', 'red') except ServerError, e: color_print(e, 'red') except IndexError: pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()