# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.urls import reverse from django.conf import settings from common.exceptions import JMSException from .signals import post_auth_failed from users.utils import ( increase_login_failed_count, get_login_failed_count ) reason_password_failed = 'password_failed' reason_password_decrypt_failed = 'password_decrypt_failed' reason_mfa_failed = 'mfa_failed' reason_mfa_unset = 'mfa_unset' reason_user_not_exist = 'user_not_exist' reason_password_expired = 'password_expired' reason_user_invalid = 'user_invalid' reason_user_inactive = 'user_inactive' reason_backend_not_match = 'backend_not_match' reason_acl_not_allow = 'acl_not_allow' reason_choices = { reason_password_failed: _('Username/password check failed'), reason_password_decrypt_failed: _('Password decrypt failed'), reason_mfa_failed: _('MFA failed'), reason_mfa_unset: _('MFA unset'), reason_user_not_exist: _("Username does not exist"), reason_password_expired: _("Password expired"), reason_user_invalid: _('Disabled or expired'), reason_user_inactive: _("This account is inactive."), reason_backend_not_match: _("Auth backend not match"), reason_acl_not_allow: _("ACL is not allowed"), } old_reason_choices = { '0': '-', '1': reason_choices[reason_password_failed], '2': reason_choices[reason_mfa_failed], '3': reason_choices[reason_user_not_exist], '4': reason_choices[reason_password_expired], } session_empty_msg = _("No session found, check your cookie") invalid_login_msg = _( "The username or password you entered is incorrect, " "please enter it again. " "You can also try {times_try} times " "(The account will be temporarily locked for {block_time} minutes)" ) block_login_msg = _( "The account has been locked " "(please contact admin to unlock it or try again after {} minutes)" ) mfa_failed_msg = _("MFA code invalid, or ntp sync server time") mfa_required_msg = _("MFA required") mfa_unset_msg = _("MFA not set, please set it first") login_confirm_required_msg = _("Login confirm required") login_confirm_wait_msg = _("Wait login confirm ticket for accept") login_confirm_error_msg = _("Login confirm ticket was {}") class AuthFailedNeedLogMixin: username = '' request = None error = '' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) post_auth_failed.send( sender=self.__class__, username=self.username, request=self.request, reason=self.error ) class AuthFailedNeedBlockMixin: username = '' ip = '' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) increase_login_failed_count(self.username, self.ip) class AuthFailedError(Exception): username = '' msg = '' error = '' request = None ip = '' def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def as_data(self): return { 'error': self.error, 'msg': self.msg, } def __str__(self): return str(self.msg) class CredentialError(AuthFailedNeedLogMixin, AuthFailedNeedBlockMixin, AuthFailedError): def __init__(self, error, username, ip, request): super().__init__(error=error, username=username, ip=ip, request=request) times_up = settings.SECURITY_LOGIN_LIMIT_COUNT times_failed = get_login_failed_count(username, ip) times_try = int(times_up) - int(times_failed) block_time = settings.SECURITY_LOGIN_LIMIT_TIME default_msg = invalid_login_msg.format( times_try=times_try, block_time=block_time ) if error == reason_password_failed: self.msg = default_msg else: self.msg = reason_choices.get(error, default_msg) class MFAFailedError(AuthFailedNeedLogMixin, AuthFailedError): error = reason_mfa_failed msg = mfa_failed_msg def __init__(self, username, request): super().__init__(username=username, request=request) class MFAUnsetError(AuthFailedNeedLogMixin, AuthFailedError): error = reason_mfa_unset msg = mfa_unset_msg def __init__(self, user, request, url): super().__init__(username=user.username, request=request) self.user = user self.url = url class BlockLoginError(AuthFailedNeedBlockMixin, AuthFailedError): error = 'block_login' def __init__(self, username, ip): self.msg = block_login_msg.format(settings.SECURITY_LOGIN_LIMIT_TIME) super().__init__(username=username, ip=ip) class SessionEmptyError(AuthFailedError): msg = session_empty_msg error = 'session_empty' class NeedMoreInfoError(Exception): error = '' msg = '' def __init__(self, error='', msg=''): if error: self.error = error if msg: self.msg = msg def as_data(self): return { 'error': self.error, 'msg': self.msg, } class MFARequiredError(NeedMoreInfoError): msg = mfa_required_msg error = 'mfa_required' def as_data(self): return { 'error': self.error, 'msg': self.msg, 'data': { 'choices': ['code'], 'url': reverse('api-auth:mfa-challenge') } } class ACLError(AuthFailedNeedLogMixin, AuthFailedError): msg = reason_acl_not_allow error = 'acl_error' def __init__(self, msg, **kwargs): self.msg = msg super().__init__(**kwargs) def as_data(self): return { "error": reason_acl_not_allow, "msg": self.msg } class LoginIPNotAllowed(ACLError): def __init__(self, username, request, **kwargs): self.username = username self.request = request super().__init__(_("IP is not allowed"), **kwargs) class LoginConfirmBaseError(NeedMoreInfoError): def __init__(self, ticket_id, **kwargs): self.ticket_id = ticket_id super().__init__(**kwargs) def as_data(self): return { "error": self.error, "msg": self.msg, "data": { "ticket_id": self.ticket_id } } class LoginConfirmWaitError(LoginConfirmBaseError): msg = login_confirm_wait_msg error = 'login_confirm_wait' class LoginConfirmOtherError(LoginConfirmBaseError): error = 'login_confirm_error' def __init__(self, ticket_id, status): msg = login_confirm_error_msg.format(status) super().__init__(ticket_id=ticket_id, msg=msg) class SSOAuthClosed(JMSException): default_code = 'sso_auth_closed' default_detail = _('SSO auth closed') class PasswdTooSimple(JMSException): default_code = 'passwd_too_simple' default_detail = _('Your password is too simple, please change it for security') def __init__(self, url, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.url = url class PasswordRequireResetError(JMSException): default_code = 'passwd_has_expired' default_detail = _('Your password has expired, please reset before logging in') def __init__(self, url, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.url = url