/** * @license Highcharts JS v4.0.1 (2014-04-24) * Solid angular gauge module * * (c) 2010-2014 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ /*global Highcharts*/ (function (H) { "use strict"; var defaultPlotOptions = H.getOptions().plotOptions, pInt = H.pInt, pick = H.pick, each = H.each, colorAxisMethods, UNDEFINED; // The default options defaultPlotOptions.solidgauge = H.merge(defaultPlotOptions.gauge, { colorByPoint: true }); // These methods are defined in the ColorAxis object, and copied here. // If we implement an AMD system we should make ColorAxis a dependency. colorAxisMethods = { initDataClasses: function (userOptions) { var axis = this, chart = this.chart, dataClasses, colorCounter = 0, options = this.options; this.dataClasses = dataClasses = []; each(userOptions.dataClasses, function (dataClass, i) { var colors; dataClass = H.merge(dataClass); dataClasses.push(dataClass); if (!dataClass.color) { if (options.dataClassColor === 'category') { colors = chart.options.colors; dataClass.color = colors[colorCounter++]; // loop back to zero if (colorCounter === colors.length) { colorCounter = 0; } } else { dataClass.color = axis.tweenColors(H.Color(options.minColor), H.Color(options.maxColor), i / (userOptions.dataClasses.length - 1)); } } }); }, initStops: function (userOptions) { this.stops = userOptions.stops || [ [0, this.options.minColor], [1, this.options.maxColor] ]; each(this.stops, function (stop) { stop.color = H.Color(stop[1]); }); }, /** * Translate from a value to a color */ toColor: function (value, point) { var pos, stops = this.stops, from, to, color, dataClasses = this.dataClasses, dataClass, i; if (dataClasses) { i = dataClasses.length; while (i--) { dataClass = dataClasses[i]; from = dataClass.from; to = dataClass.to; if ((from === UNDEFINED || value >= from) && (to === UNDEFINED || value <= to)) { color = dataClass.color; if (point) { point.dataClass = i; } break; } } } else { if (this.isLog) { value = this.val2lin(value); } pos = 1 - ((this.max - value) / (this.max - this.min)); i = stops.length; while (i--) { if (pos > stops[i][0]) { break; } } from = stops[i] || stops[i + 1]; to = stops[i + 1] || from; // The position within the gradient pos = 1 - (to[0] - pos) / ((to[0] - from[0]) || 1); color = this.tweenColors( from.color, to.color, pos ); } return color; }, tweenColors: function (from, to, pos) { // Check for has alpha, because rgba colors perform worse due to lack of // support in WebKit. var hasAlpha = (to.rgba[3] !== 1 || from.rgba[3] !== 1); if (from.rgba.length === 0 || to.rgba.length === 0) { return 'none'; } return (hasAlpha ? 'rgba(' : 'rgb(') + Math.round(to.rgba[0] + (from.rgba[0] - to.rgba[0]) * (1 - pos)) + ',' + Math.round(to.rgba[1] + (from.rgba[1] - to.rgba[1]) * (1 - pos)) + ',' + Math.round(to.rgba[2] + (from.rgba[2] - to.rgba[2]) * (1 - pos)) + (hasAlpha ? (',' + (to.rgba[3] + (from.rgba[3] - to.rgba[3]) * (1 - pos))) : '') + ')'; } }; // The series prototype H.seriesTypes.solidgauge = H.extendClass(H.seriesTypes.gauge, { type: 'solidgauge', bindAxes: function () { var axis; H.seriesTypes.gauge.prototype.bindAxes.call(this); axis = this.yAxis; H.extend(axis, colorAxisMethods); // Prepare data classes if (axis.options.dataClasses) { axis.initDataClasses(axis.options); } axis.initStops(axis.options); }, /** * Draw the points where each point is one needle */ drawPoints: function () { var series = this, yAxis = series.yAxis, center = yAxis.center, options = series.options, renderer = series.chart.renderer; H.each(series.points, function (point) { var graphic = point.graphic, rotation = yAxis.startAngleRad + yAxis.translate(point.y, null, null, null, true), radius = (pInt(pick(options.radius, 100)) * center[2]) / 200, innerRadius = (pInt(pick(options.innerRadius, 60)) * center[2]) / 200, shapeArgs, d, toColor = yAxis.toColor(point.y, point), fromColor; if (toColor !== 'none') { fromColor = point.color; point.color = toColor; } // Handle the wrap option if (options.wrap === false) { rotation = Math.max(yAxis.startAngleRad, Math.min(yAxis.endAngleRad, rotation)); } rotation = rotation * 180 / Math.PI; shapeArgs = { x: center[0], y: center[1], r: radius, innerR: innerRadius, start: yAxis.startAngleRad, end: rotation / (180 / Math.PI) }; if (graphic) { d = shapeArgs.d; /*jslint unparam: true*/ graphic.attr({ fill: point.color }).animate(shapeArgs, { step: function (value, fx) { graphic.attr('fill', colorAxisMethods.tweenColors(H.Color(fromColor), H.Color(toColor), fx.pos)); } }); /*jslint unparam: false*/ shapeArgs.d = d; // animate alters it } else { point.graphic = renderer.arc(shapeArgs) .attr({ stroke: options.borderColor || 'none', 'stroke-width': options.borderWidth || 0, fill: point.color }) .add(series.group); } }); }, animate: null }); }(Highcharts));