# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! # 加密密钥 生产环境中请修改为随机字符串,请勿外泄, 可使用命令生成 # $ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 49;echo SECRET_KEY: # SECURITY WARNING: keep the bootstrap token used in production secret! # 预共享Token coco和guacamole用来注册服务账号,不在使用原来的注册接受机制 BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN: # Development env open this, when error occur display the full process track, Production disable it # DEBUG 模式 开启DEBUG后遇到错误时可以看到更多日志 # DEBUG: true # DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL can set. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/logging/ # 日志级别 # LOG_LEVEL: DEBUG # LOG_DIR: # Session expiration setting, Default 1 hour, Also set expired on on browser close # 浏览器Session过期时间,默认 1 小时, 也可以设置浏览器关闭则过期 # SESSION_COOKIE_AGE: 3600 # SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE: false # Database setting, Support sqlite3, mysql, postgres .... # 数据库设置 # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/#databases # SQLite setting: # 使用单文件sqlite数据库 # DB_ENGINE: sqlite3 # DB_NAME: # MySQL or postgres setting like: # 使用 PostgreSQL 作为数据库 DB_ENGINE: postgresql DB_HOST: DB_PORT: 5432 DB_USER: jumpserver DB_PASSWORD: DB_NAME: jumpserver # When Django start it will bind this host and port # ./manage.py runserver # 运行时绑定端口 HTTP_BIND_HOST: HTTP_LISTEN_PORT: 8080 WS_LISTEN_PORT: 8070 # Use Redis as broker for celery and web socket # Redis配置 REDIS_HOST: REDIS_PORT: 6379 # REDIS_PASSWORD: # REDIS_DB_CELERY: 3 # REDIS_DB_CACHE: 4 # LDAP/AD settings # LDAP 搜索分页数量 # AUTH_LDAP_SEARCH_PAGED_SIZE: 1000 # # 定时同步用户 # 启用 / 禁用 # AUTH_LDAP_SYNC_IS_PERIODIC: True # 同步间隔 (单位: 时) (优先) # AUTH_LDAP_SYNC_INTERVAL: 12 # Crontab 表达式 # AUTH_LDAP_SYNC_CRONTAB: * 6 * * * # # LDAP 用户登录时仅允许在用户列表中的用户执行 LDAP Server 认证 # AUTH_LDAP_USER_LOGIN_ONLY_IN_USERS: False # # LDAP 认证时如果日志中出现以下信息将参数设置为 0 (详情参见:https://www.python-ldap.org/en/latest/faq.html) # In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection # AUTH_LDAP_OPTIONS_OPT_REFERRALS: -1 # OTP settings # OTP/MFA 配置 # OTP_VALID_WINDOW: 0 # OTP_ISSUER_NAME: JumpServer # 启用定时任务 # PERIOD_TASK_ENABLED: True # # 是否开启 Luna 水印 # SECURITY_WATERMARK_ENABLED: False # 浏览器关闭页面后,会话过期 # SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE: False # 每次 api 请求,session 续期 # SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST: True # 仅允许用户从来源处登录 # ONLY_ALLOW_AUTH_FROM_SOURCE: False # 仅允许已存在的用户登录,不允许第三方认证后,自动创建用户 # ONLY_ALLOW_EXIST_USER_AUTH: False # 开启人脸识别 XPACK 功能 #FACE_RECOGNITION_ENABLED: true #FACE_RECOGNITION_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD': 0.35 #FACE_RECOGNITION_COSINE_THRESHOLD': 0.95