from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from rest_framework import serializers class TerminalSettingSerializer(serializers.Serializer): PREFIX_TITLE = _('Terminal') SORT_BY_CHOICES = ( ('name', _('Hostname')), ('ip', _('IP')) ) PAGE_SIZE_CHOICES = ( ('all', _('All')), ('auto', _('Auto')), ('10', '10'), ('15', '15'), ('25', '25'), ('50', '50'), ) TERMINAL_PASSWORD_AUTH = serializers.BooleanField(required=False, label=_('Password auth')) TERMINAL_PUBLIC_KEY_AUTH = serializers.BooleanField( required=False, label=_('Public key auth'), help_text=_('Tips: If use other auth method, like AD/LDAP, you should disable this to ' 'avoid being able to log in after deleting') ) TERMINAL_ASSET_LIST_SORT_BY = serializers.ChoiceField( SORT_BY_CHOICES, required=False, label=_('List sort by') ) TERMINAL_ASSET_LIST_PAGE_SIZE = serializers.ChoiceField( PAGE_SIZE_CHOICES, required=False, label=_('List page size') ) TERMINAL_TELNET_REGEX = serializers.CharField( allow_blank=True, max_length=1024, required=False, label=_('Telnet login regex'), help_text=_("Tips: The login success message varies with devices. " "if you cannot log in to the device through Telnet, set this parameter") ) TERMINAL_MAGNUS_ENABLED = serializers.BooleanField(label=_("Enable database proxy")) TERMINAL_RAZOR_ENABLED = serializers.BooleanField(label=_("Enable Razor")) TERMINAL_KOKO_SSH_ENABLED = serializers.BooleanField(label=_("Enable SSH Client")) RESOLUTION_CHOICES = ( ('Auto', 'Auto'), ('1024x768', '1024x768'), ('1366x768', '1366x768'), ('1600x900', '1600x900'), ('1920x1080', '1920x1080') ) TERMINAL_GRAPHICAL_RESOLUTION = serializers.ChoiceField( default='Auto', choices=RESOLUTION_CHOICES, required=False, label=_('Default graphics resolution'), help_text=_('Tip: Default resolution to use when connecting graphical assets in Luna pages') )