# coding: utf-8 import os import subprocess import datetime import time from django.conf import settings from celery import shared_task, subtask from celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded from django.utils import timezone from common.utils import get_logger, get_object_or_none from .celery.decorator import ( register_as_period_task, after_app_shutdown_clean_periodic, after_app_ready_start ) from .celery.utils import create_or_update_celery_periodic_tasks from .models import Task, CommandExecution, CeleryTask logger = get_logger(__file__) def rerun_task(): pass @shared_task(queue="ansible") def run_ansible_task(tid, callback=None, **kwargs): """ :param tid: is the tasks serialized data :param callback: callback function name :return: """ task = get_object_or_none(Task, id=tid) if task: result = task.run() if callback is not None: subtask(callback).delay(result, task_name=task.name) return result else: logger.error("No task found") @shared_task(soft_time_limit=60, queue="ansible") def run_command_execution(cid, **kwargs): execution = get_object_or_none(CommandExecution, id=cid) if execution: try: os.environ.update({ "TERM_ROWS": kwargs.get("rows", ""), "TERM_COLS": kwargs.get("cols", ""), }) execution.run() except SoftTimeLimitExceeded: logger.error("Run time out") else: logger.error("Not found the execution id: {}".format(cid)) @shared_task @after_app_shutdown_clean_periodic @register_as_period_task(interval=3600*24) def clean_tasks_adhoc_period(): logger.debug("Start clean task adhoc and run history") tasks = Task.objects.all() for task in tasks: adhoc = task.adhoc.all().order_by('-date_created')[5:] for ad in adhoc: ad.history.all().delete() ad.delete() @shared_task @after_app_shutdown_clean_periodic @register_as_period_task(interval=3600*24) def clean_celery_tasks_period(): expire_days = 30 logger.debug("Start clean celery task history") one_month_ago = timezone.now() - timezone.timedelta(days=expire_days) tasks = CeleryTask.objects.filter(date_start__lt=one_month_ago) for task in tasks: if os.path.isfile(task.full_log_path): try: os.remove(task.full_log_path) except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): pass task.delete() tasks = CeleryTask.objects.filter(date_start__isnull=True) tasks.delete() command = "find %s -mtime +%s -name '*.log' -type f -exec rm -f {} \\;" % ( settings.CELERY_LOG_DIR, expire_days ) subprocess.call(command, shell=True) command = "echo > {}".format(os.path.join(settings.LOG_DIR, 'celery.log')) subprocess.call(command, shell=True) @shared_task @after_app_ready_start def create_or_update_registered_periodic_tasks(): from .celery.decorator import get_register_period_tasks for task in get_register_period_tasks(): create_or_update_celery_periodic_tasks(task) @shared_task(queue="ansible") def hello(name, callback=None): import time time.sleep(10) print("Hello {}".format(name)) @shared_task # @after_app_shutdown_clean_periodic # @register_as_period_task(interval=30) def hello123(): p = subprocess.Popen('ls /tmp', shell=True) print("{} Hello world".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S"))) return None @shared_task def hello_callback(result): print(result) print("Hello callback") @shared_task def add(a, b): time.sleep(5) return a + b @shared_task def add_m(x): from celery import chain a = range(x) b = [a[i:i + 10] for i in range(0, len(a), 10)] s = list() s.append(add.s(b[0], b[1])) for i in b[1:]: s.append(add.s(i)) res = chain(*tuple(s))() return res