# ~*~ coding: utf-8 ~*~ from celery import shared_task from django.utils.translation import gettext_noop, gettext_lazy as _ from assets.const import AutomationTypes from common.utils import get_logger from orgs.utils import tmp_to_org, current_org from .common import quickstart_automation logger = get_logger(__file__) __all__ = [ 'test_gateways_connectivity_task', 'test_gateways_connectivity_manual', ] @shared_task( verbose_name=_('Test gateways connectivity'), queue='ansible', activity_callback=lambda self, asset_ids, org_id, *args, **kwargs: (asset_ids, org_id), description=_( """ When clicking 'Test Connection' in 'Domain Details - Gateway' this task will be executed """ ) ) def test_gateways_connectivity_task(asset_ids, org_id, local_port, task_name=None): from assets.models import PingAutomation if task_name is None: task_name = gettext_noop("Test gateways connectivity") task_name = PingAutomation.generate_unique_name(task_name) task_snapshot = {'assets': asset_ids, 'local_port': local_port} with tmp_to_org(org_id): quickstart_automation(task_name, AutomationTypes.ping_gateway, task_snapshot) def test_gateways_connectivity_manual(gateway_ids, local_port): task_name = gettext_noop("Test gateways connectivity") gateway_ids = [str(i) for i in gateway_ids] return test_gateways_connectivity_task.delay(gateway_ids, str(current_org.id), local_port, task_name)