# coding: utf-8 import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') import os import re import time import datetime import textwrap import getpass import readline import django import paramiko import struct, fcntl, signal, socket, select from io import open as copen os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'jumpserver.settings' if django.get_version() != '1.6': django.setup() from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session from jumpserver.api import ServerError, User, Asset, PermRole, AssetGroup, get_object, mkdir, get_asset_info, get_role from jumpserver.api import logger, Log, TtyLog, get_role_key, CRYPTOR from jperm.perm_api import gen_resource, get_group_asset_perm, get_group_user_perm, user_have_perm from jumpserver.settings import LOG_DIR from jperm.ansible_api import Command from jlog.log_api import escapeString login_user = get_object(User, username=getpass.getuser()) try: import termios import tty except ImportError: print '\033[1;31m仅支持类Unix系统 Only unix like supported.\033[0m' time.sleep(3) sys.exit() def color_print(msg, color='red', exits=False): """ Print colorful string. 颜色打印字符或者退出 """ color_msg = {'blue': '\033[1;36m%s\033[0m', 'green': '\033[1;32m%s\033[0m', 'red': '\033[1;31m%s\033[0m'} msg = color_msg.get(color, 'blue') % msg print msg if exits: time.sleep(2) sys.exit() return msg def write_log(f, msg): msg = re.sub(r'[\r\n]', '\r\n', msg) f.write(msg) f.flush() class Tty(object): """ A virtual tty class 一个虚拟终端类,实现连接ssh和记录日志,基类 """ def __init__(self, user, asset, role): self.username = user.username self.asset_name = asset.hostname self.ip = None self.port = 22 self.channel = None self.asset = asset self.user = user self.role = role self.ssh = None self.remote_ip = '' self.connect_info = None self.login_type = 'ssh' self.vim_flag = False self.ps1_pattern = re.compile('\[.*@.*\][\$#]') self.vim_data = '' @staticmethod def is_output(strings): newline_char = ['\n', '\r', '\r\n'] for char in newline_char: if char in strings: return True return False @staticmethod def remove_obstruct_char(cmd_str): '''删除一些干扰的特殊符号''' control_char = re.compile(r'\x07 | \x1b\[1P | \r ', re.X) cmd_str = control_char.sub('',cmd_str.strip()) patch_char = re.compile('\x08\x1b\[C') #删除方向左右一起的按键 while patch_char.search(cmd_str): cmd_str = patch_char.sub('', cmd_str.rstrip()) return cmd_str def remove_control_char(self, result_command): """ 处理日志特殊字符 """ control_char = re.compile(r""" \x1b[ #%()*+\-.\/]. | \r | #匹配 回车符(CR) (?:\x1b\[|\x9b) [ -?]* [@-~] | #匹配 控制顺序描述符(CSI)... Cmd (?:\x1b\]|\x9d) .*? (?:\x1b\\|[\a\x9c]) | \x07 | #匹配 操作系统指令(OSC)...终止符或振铃符(ST|BEL) (?:\x1b[P^_]|[\x90\x9e\x9f]) .*? (?:\x1b\\|\x9c) | #匹配 设备控制串或私讯或应用程序命令(DCS|PM|APC)...终止符(ST) \x1b. #匹配 转义过后的字符 [\x80-\x9f] | (?:\x1b\]0.*) | \[.*@.*\][\$#] | (.*mysql>.*) #匹配 所有控制字符 """, re.X) result_command = control_char.sub('', result_command.strip()) if not self.vim_flag: if result_command.startswith('vi') or result_command.startswith('fg'): self.vim_flag = True return result_command.decode('utf8',"ignore") else: return '' def deal_command(self, str_r): """ 处理命令中特殊字符 """ str_r = re.sub('\x07', '', str_r) # 删除响铃 patch_char = re.compile('\x08\x1b\[C') # 删除方向左右一起的按键 while patch_char.search(str_r): str_r = patch_char.sub('', str_r.rstrip()) result_command = '' # 最后的结果 backspace_num = 0 # 光标移动的个数 reach_backspace_flag = False # 没有检测到光标键则为true pattern_str = '' while str_r: tmp = re.match(r'\s*\w+\s*', str_r) if tmp: if reach_backspace_flag: pattern_str += str(tmp.group(0)) str_r = str_r[len(str(tmp.group(0))):] continue else: result_command += str(tmp.group(0)) str_r = str_r[len(str(tmp.group(0))):] continue tmp = re.match(r'\x1b\[K[\x08]*', str_r) if tmp: if backspace_num > 0: if backspace_num > len(result_command): result_command += pattern_str result_command = result_command[0:-backspace_num] else: result_command = result_command[0:-backspace_num] result_command += pattern_str del_len = len(str(tmp.group(0)))-3 if del_len > 0: result_command = result_command[0:-del_len] reach_backspace_flag = False backspace_num = 0 pattern_str = '' str_r = str_r[len(str(tmp.group(0))):] continue tmp = re.match(r'\x08+', str_r) if tmp: str_r = str_r[len(str(tmp.group(0))):] if len(str_r) != 0: if reach_backspace_flag: result_command = result_command[0:-backspace_num] + pattern_str pattern_str = '' else: reach_backspace_flag = True backspace_num = len(str(tmp.group(0))) continue else: break if reach_backspace_flag: pattern_str += str_r[0] else: result_command += str_r[0] str_r = str_r[1:] if backspace_num > 0: result_command = result_command[0:-backspace_num] + pattern_str control_char = re.compile(r""" \x1b[ #%()*+\-.\/]. | \r | #匹配 回车符(CR) (?:\x1b\[|\x9b) [ -?]* [@-~] | #匹配 控制顺序描述符(CSI)... Cmd (?:\x1b\]|\x9d) .*? (?:\x1b\\|[\a\x9c]) | \x07 | #匹配 操作系统指令(OSC)...终止符或振铃符(ST|BEL) (?:\x1b[P^_]|[\x90\x9e\x9f]) .*? (?:\x1b\\|\x9c) | #匹配 设备控制串或私讯或应用程序命令(DCS|PM|APC)...终止符(ST) \x1b. #匹配 转义过后的字符 [\x80-\x9f] | (?:\x1b\]0.*) | \[.*@.*\][\$#] | (.*mysql>.*) #匹配 所有控制字符 """, re.X) result_command = control_char.sub('', result_command.strip()) if not self.vim_flag: if result_command.startswith('vi') or result_command.startswith('fg'): self.vim_flag = True return result_command.decode('utf8', "ignore") else: return '' def get_log(self): """ Logging user command and output. 记录用户的日志 """ tty_log_dir = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'tty') date_today = datetime.datetime.now() date_start = date_today.strftime('%Y%m%d') time_start = date_today.strftime('%H%M%S') today_connect_log_dir = os.path.join(tty_log_dir, date_start) log_file_path = os.path.join(today_connect_log_dir, '%s_%s_%s' % (self.username, self.asset_name, time_start)) try: mkdir(os.path.dirname(today_connect_log_dir), mode=0777) mkdir(today_connect_log_dir, mode=0777) except OSError: logger.debug('创建目录 %s 失败,请修改%s目录权限' % (today_connect_log_dir, tty_log_dir)) raise ServerError('Create %s failed, Please modify %s permission.' % (today_connect_log_dir, tty_log_dir)) try: # log_file_f = copen(log_file_path + '.log', mode='at', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') # log_time_f = copen(log_file_path + '.time', mode='at', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') log_file_f = open(log_file_path + '.log', 'a') log_time_f = open(log_file_path + '.time', 'a') except IOError: logger.debug('创建tty日志文件失败, 请修改目录%s权限' % today_connect_log_dir) raise ServerError('Create logfile failed, Please modify %s permission.' % today_connect_log_dir) if self.login_type == 'ssh': # 如果是ssh连接过来,记录connect.py的pid,web terminal记录为日志的id pid = os.getpid() self.remote_ip = os.popen("who -m | awk '{ print $5 }'").read().strip('()\n') # 获取远端IP else: pid = 0 log = Log(user=self.username, host=self.asset_name, remote_ip=self.remote_ip, login_type=self.login_type, log_path=log_file_path, start_time=date_today, pid=pid) log.save() if self.login_type == 'web': log.pid = log.id log.save() log_file_f.write('Start at %s\r\n' % datetime.datetime.now()) return log_file_f, log_time_f, log def get_connect_info(self): """ 获取需要登陆的主机的信息和映射用户的账号密码 """ asset_info = get_asset_info(self.asset) role_key = get_role_key(self.user, self.role) role_pass = CRYPTOR.decrypt(self.role.password) self.connect_info = {'user': self.user, 'asset': self.asset, 'ip': asset_info.get('ip'), 'port': int(asset_info.get('port')), 'role_name': self.role.name, 'role_pass': role_pass, 'role_key': role_key} logger.debug("Connect: Host: %s Port: %s User: %s Pass: %s Key: %s" % (asset_info.get('ip'), asset_info.get('port'), self.role.name, role_pass, role_key)) return self.connect_info def get_connection(self): """ 获取连接成功后的ssh """ connect_info = self.get_connect_info() # 发起ssh连接请求 Make a ssh connection ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: role_key = connect_info.get('role_key') if role_key and os.path.isfile(role_key): try: ssh.connect(connect_info.get('ip'), port=connect_info.get('port'), username=connect_info.get('role_name'), key_filename=role_key, look_for_keys=False) self.ssh = ssh return ssh except (paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException, paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException): logger.warning('Use ssh key %s Failed.' % role_key) pass ssh.connect(connect_info.get('ip'), port=connect_info.get('port'), username=connect_info.get('role_name'), password=connect_info.get('role_pass'), look_for_keys=False) except paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException, paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: raise ServerError('认证失败 Authentication Error.') except socket.error: raise ServerError('端口可能不对 Connect SSH Socket Port Error, Please Correct it.') else: self.ssh = ssh return ssh class SshTty(Tty): """ A virtual tty class 一个虚拟终端类,实现连接ssh和记录日志 """ @staticmethod def get_win_size(): """ This function use to get the size of the windows! 获得terminal窗口大小 """ if 'TIOCGWINSZ' in dir(termios): TIOCGWINSZ = termios.TIOCGWINSZ else: TIOCGWINSZ = 1074295912L s = struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0) x = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), TIOCGWINSZ, s) return struct.unpack('HHHH', x)[0:2] def set_win_size(self, sig, data): """ This function use to set the window size of the terminal! 设置terminal窗口大小 """ try: win_size = self.get_win_size() self.channel.resize_pty(height=win_size[0], width=win_size[1]) except Exception: pass def posix_shell(self): """ Use paramiko channel connect server interactive. 使用paramiko模块的channel,连接后端,进入交互式 """ log_file_f, log_time_f, log = self.get_log() old_tty = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) pre_timestamp = time.time() data = '' input_mode = False try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin.fileno()) self.channel.settimeout(0.0) while True: try: r, w, e = select.select([self.channel, sys.stdin], [], []) except Exception: pass if self.channel in r: try: x = self.channel.recv(1024) if len(x) == 0: break if self.vim_flag: self.vim_data += x sys.stdout.write(x) sys.stdout.flush() now_timestamp = time.time() log_time_f.write('%s %s\n' % (round(now_timestamp-pre_timestamp, 4), len(x))) log_time_f.flush() log_file_f.write(x) log_file_f.flush() pre_timestamp = now_timestamp log_file_f.flush() if input_mode and not self.is_output(x): data += x except socket.timeout: pass if sys.stdin in r: x = os.read(sys.stdin.fileno(), 1) input_mode = True if str(x) in ['\r', '\n', '\r\n']: if self.vim_flag: match = self.ps1_pattern.search(self.vim_data) if match: self.vim_flag = False data = self.deal_command(data)[0:200] if len(data) > 0: TtyLog(log=log, datetime=datetime.datetime.now(), cmd=data).save() else: data = self.deal_command(data)[0:200] if len(data) > 0: TtyLog(log=log, datetime=datetime.datetime.now(), cmd=data).save() data = '' self.vim_data = '' input_mode = False if len(x) == 0: break self.channel.send(x) finally: termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_tty) log_file_f.write('End time is %s' % datetime.datetime.now()) log_file_f.close() log_time_f.close() log.is_finished = True log.end_time = datetime.datetime.now() log.save() def connect(self): """ Connect server. 连接服务器 """ ps1 = "PS1='[\u@%s \W]\$ '\n" % self.ip login_msg = "clear;echo -e '\\033[32mLogin %s done. Enjoy it.\\033[0m'\n" % self.ip # 发起ssh连接请求 Make a ssh connection ssh = self.get_connection() # 获取连接的隧道并设置窗口大小 Make a channel and set windows size global channel win_size = self.get_win_size() self.channel = channel = ssh.invoke_shell(height=win_size[0], width=win_size[1], term='xterm') try: signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self.set_win_size) except: pass # 设置PS1并提示 Set PS1 and msg it #channel.send(ps1) #channel.send(login_msg) # channel.send('echo ${SSH_TTY}\n') # global SSH_TTY # while not channel.recv_ready(): # time.sleep(1) # tmp = channel.recv(1024) #print 'ok'+tmp+'ok' # SSH_TTY = re.search(r'(?<=/dev/).*', tmp).group().strip() # SSH_TTY = '' # channel.send('clear\n') # Make ssh interactive tunnel self.posix_shell() # Shutdown channel socket channel.close() ssh.close() class Nav(object): def __init__(self, user): self.user = user self.search_result = {} self.user_perm = {} @staticmethod def print_nav(): """ Print prompt 打印提示导航 """ msg = """\n\033[1;32m### Welcome To Use JumpServer, A Open Source System . ### \033[0m 1) Type \033[32mID\033[0m To Login. 2) Type \033[32m/\033[0m + \033[32mIP, Host Name, Host Alias or Comments \033[0mTo Search. 3) Type \033[32mP/p\033[0m To Print The Servers You Available. 4) Type \033[32mG/g\033[0m To Print The Server Groups You Available. 5) Type \033[32mG/g\033[0m\033[0m + \033[32mGroup ID\033[0m To Print The Server Group You Available. 6) Type \033[32mE/e\033[0m To Execute Command On Several Servers. 7) Type \033[32mQ/q\033[0m To Quit. """ msg = """\n\033[1;32m### 欢迎使用Jumpserver开源跳板机 ### \033[0m 1) 输入 \033[32mID\033[0m 直接登录. 2) 输入 \033[32m/\033[0m + \033[32mIP, 主机名, 主机别名 or 备注 \033[0m搜索. 3) 输入 \033[32mP/p\033[0m 显示您有权限的主机. 4) 输入 \033[32mG/g\033[0m 显示您有权限的主机组. 5) 输入 \033[32mG/g\033[0m\033[0m + \033[32m组ID\033[0m 显示该组下主机. 6) 输入 \033[32mE/e\033[0m 批量执行命令. 7) 输入 \033[32mQ/q\033[0m 退出. """ print textwrap.dedent(msg) def search(self, str_r=''): gid_pattern = re.compile(r'^g\d+$') # 获取用户授权的所有主机信息 if not self.user_perm: self.user_perm = get_group_user_perm(self.user) user_asset_all = self.user_perm.get('asset').keys() # 搜索结果保存 user_asset_search = [] if str_r: # 资产组组id匹配 if gid_pattern.match(str_r): gid = int(str_r.lstrip('g')) # 获取资产组包含的资产 user_asset_search = get_object(AssetGroup, id=gid).asset_set.all() else: # 匹配 ip, hostname, 备注 for asset in user_asset_all: if str_r in asset.ip or str_r in str(asset.hostname) or str_r in str(asset.comment): user_asset_search.append(asset) else: # 如果没有输入就展现所有 user_asset_search = user_asset_all self.search_result = dict(zip(range(len(user_asset_search)), user_asset_search)) print '\033[32m[%-3s] %-15s %-15s %-5s %-10s %s \033[0m' % ('ID', 'AssetName', 'IP', 'Port', 'Role', 'Comment') for index, asset in self.search_result.items(): # 获取该资产信息 asset_info = get_asset_info(asset) # 获取该资产包含的角色 role = [str(role.name) for role in self.user_perm.get('asset').get(asset).get('role')] if asset.comment: print '[%-3s] %-15s %-15s %-5s %-10s %s' % (index, asset.hostname, asset.ip, asset_info.get('port'), role, asset.comment) else: print '[%-3s] %-15s %-15s %-5s %-10s' % (index, asset.hostname, asset.ip, asset_info.get('port'), role) print def print_asset_group(self): """ 打印用户授权的资产组 """ user_asset_group_all = get_group_user_perm(self.user).get('asset_group', []) print '\033[32m[%-3s] %-15s %s \033[0m' % ('ID', 'GroupName', 'Comment') for asset_group in user_asset_group_all: if asset_group.comment: print '[%-3s] %-15s %s' % (asset_group.id, asset_group.name, asset_group.comment) else: print '[%-3s] %-15s' % (asset_group.id, asset_group.name) print def get_exec_log(self, assets_name_str): exec_log_dir = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'exec') date_today = datetime.datetime.now() date_start = date_today.strftime('%Y%m%d') time_start = date_today.strftime('%H%M%S') today_connect_log_dir = os.path.join(exec_log_dir, date_start) log_file_path = os.path.join(today_connect_log_dir, '%s_%s' % (self.user.username, time_start)) try: mkdir(os.path.dirname(today_connect_log_dir), mode=0777) mkdir(today_connect_log_dir, mode=0777) except OSError: logger.debug('创建目录 %s 失败,请修改%s目录权限' % (today_connect_log_dir, exec_log_dir)) raise ServerError('Create %s failed, Please modify %s permission.' % (today_connect_log_dir, exec_log_dir)) try: log_file_f = open(log_file_path + '.log', 'a') log_file_f.write('Start at %s\r\n' % datetime.datetime.now()) log_time_f = open(log_file_path + '.time', 'a') except IOError: logger.debug('创建tty日志文件失败, 请修改目录%s权限' % today_connect_log_dir) raise ServerError('Create logfile failed, Please modify %s permission.' % today_connect_log_dir) remote_ip = os.popen("who -m | awk '{ print $5 }'").read().strip('()\n') log = Log(user=self.user.username, host=assets_name_str, remote_ip=remote_ip, login_type='exec', log_path=log_file_path, start_time=datetime.datetime.now(), pid=os.getpid()) log.save() return log_file_f, log_time_f, log def exec_cmd(self): """ 批量执行命令 """ while True: if not self.user_perm: self.user_perm = get_group_user_perm(self.user) print '\033[32m[%-2s] %-15s \033[0m' % ('ID', '角色') roles = self.user_perm.get('role').keys() role_check = dict(zip(range(len(roles)), roles)) for i, r in role_check.items(): print '[%-2s] %-15s' % (i, r.name) print print "请输入运行命令角色的ID, q退出" try: role_id = raw_input("\033[1;32mRole>:\033[0m ").strip() if role_id == 'q': break else: role = role_check[int(role_id)] assets = list(self.user_perm.get('role', {}).get(role).get('asset')) print "该角色有权限的所有主机" for asset in assets: print asset.hostname print print "请输入主机名、IP或ansile支持的pattern, q退出" pattern = raw_input("\033[1;32mPattern>:\033[0m ").strip() if pattern == 'q': break else: res = gen_resource({'user': self.user, 'asset': assets, 'role': role}, perm=self.user_perm) cmd = Command(res) logger.debug("res: %s" % res) asset_name_str = '' for inv in cmd.inventory.get_hosts(pattern=pattern): print inv.name asset_name_str += inv.name print log_file_f, log_time_f, log = self.get_exec_log(asset_name_str) pre_timestamp = time.time() while True: print "请输入执行的命令, 按q退出" data = 'ansible> ' write_log(log_file_f, data) now_timestamp = time.time() write_log(log_time_f, '%s %s\n' % (round(now_timestamp-pre_timestamp, 4), len(data))) pre_timestamp = now_timestamp command = raw_input("\033[1;32mCmds>:\033[0m ").strip() data = '%s\r\n' % command write_log(log_file_f, data) now_timestamp = time.time() write_log(log_time_f, '%s %s\n' % (round(now_timestamp-pre_timestamp, 4), len(data))) pre_timestamp = now_timestamp TtyLog(log=log, cmd=command, datetime=datetime.datetime.now()).save() if command == 'q': log.is_finished = True log.end_time = datetime.datetime.now() log.save() break result = cmd.run(module_name='shell', command=command, pattern=pattern) for k, v in result.items(): if k == 'ok': for host, output in v.items(): header = color_print("%s => %s" % (host, 'Ok'), 'green') print output output = re.sub(r'[\r\n]', '\r\n', output) data = '%s\r\n%s\r\n' % (header, output) now_timestamp = time.time() write_log(log_file_f, data) write_log(log_time_f, '%s %s\n' % (round(now_timestamp-pre_timestamp, 4), len(data))) pre_timestamp = now_timestamp print else: for host, output in v.items(): header = color_print("%s => %s" % (host, k), 'red') output = color_print(output, 'red') output = re.sub(r'[\r\n]', '\r\n', output) data = '%s\r\n%s\r\n' % (header, output) now_timestamp = time.time() write_log(log_file_f, data) write_log(log_time_f, '%s %s\n' % (round(now_timestamp-pre_timestamp, 4), len(data))) pre_timestamp = now_timestamp print print "=" * 20 print except (IndexError, KeyError): color_print('ID输入错误') continue except EOFError: print break finally: log.is_finished = True log.end_time = datetime.datetime.now() def main(): """ he he 主程序 """ if not login_user: # 判断用户是否存在 color_print(u'没有该用户,或许你是以root运行的 No that user.', exits=True) gid_pattern = re.compile(r'^g\d+$') nav = Nav(login_user) nav.print_nav() try: while True: try: option = raw_input("\033[1;32mOpt or ID>:\033[0m ").strip() except EOFError: nav.print_nav() continue except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) if option in ['P', 'p', '\n', '']: nav.search() continue if option.startswith('/') or gid_pattern.match(option): nav.search(option.lstrip('/')) elif option in ['G', 'g']: nav.print_asset_group() continue elif option in ['E', 'e']: nav.exec_cmd() continue elif option in ['Q', 'q', 'exit']: sys.exit() else: try: asset = nav.search_result[int(option)] roles = get_role(login_user, asset) if len(roles) > 1: role_check = dict(zip(range(len(roles)), roles)) print "\033[32m[ID] 角色\033[0m" for index, role in role_check.items(): print "[%-2s] %s" % (index, role.name) print print "授权角色超过1个,请输入角色ID, q退出" try: role_index = raw_input("\033[1;32mID>:\033[0m ").strip() if role_index == 'q': continue else: role = role_check[int(role_index)] except IndexError: color_print('请输入正确ID', 'red') continue elif len(roles) == 1: role = roles[0] else: color_print('没有映射用户', 'red') continue ssh_tty = SshTty(login_user, asset, role) ssh_tty.connect() except (KeyError, ValueError): color_print('请输入正确ID', 'red') except ServerError, e: color_print(e, 'red') except IndexError: pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()