#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # __version__ = '0.3.3' import sys import os import base64 import time from binascii import hexlify import sys import threading from multiprocessing.process import Process import traceback import tty import termios import struct import fcntl import signal import socket import select import errno import paramiko import django BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) APP_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR), 'apps') sys.path.append(APP_DIR) os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'jumpserver.settings' try: django.setup() except IndexError: pass from django.conf import settings from users.utils import ssh_key_gen, check_user_is_valid from utils import get_logger, SSHServerException, control_char logger = get_logger(__name__) paramiko.util.log_to_file(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'logs', 'paramiko.log')) class SSHServer(paramiko.ServerInterface): host_key_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'host_rsa_key') channel_pools = [] def __init__(self, client, addr): self.event = threading.Event() self.change_window_size_event = threading.Event() self.client = client self.addr = addr self.username = None self.user = None self.channel_width = None self.channel_height = None @classmethod def host_key(cls): return cls.get_host_key() @classmethod def get_host_key(cls): logger.debug("Get ssh server host key") if not os.path.isfile(cls.host_key_path): cls.host_key_gen() return paramiko.RSAKey(filename=cls.host_key_path) @classmethod def host_key_gen(cls): logger.debug("Generate ssh server host key") ssh_key, ssh_pub_key = ssh_key_gen() with open(cls.host_key_path, 'w') as f: f.write(ssh_key) def check_channel_request(self, kind, chanid): if kind == 'session': return paramiko.OPEN_SUCCEEDED return paramiko.OPEN_FAILED_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED def check_auth_password(self, username, password): self.user = user = check_user_is_valid(username=username, password=password) if self.user: self.username = username = user.username logger.info('Accepted password for %(username)s from %(host)s port %(port)s ' % { 'username': username, 'host': self.addr[0], 'port': self.addr[1], }) return paramiko.AUTH_SUCCESSFUL else: logger.info('Authentication password failed for %(username)s from %(host)s port %(port)s ' % { 'username': username, 'host': self.addr[0], 'port': self.addr[1], }) return paramiko.AUTH_FAILED def check_auth_publickey(self, username, public_key): self.user = user = check_user_is_valid(username=username, public_key=public_key) if self.user: self.username = username = user.username logger.info('Accepted public key for %(username)s from %(host)s port %(port)s ' % { 'username': username, 'host': self.addr[0], 'port': self.addr[1], }) return paramiko.AUTH_SUCCESSFUL else: logger.info('Authentication public key failed for %(username)s from %(host)s port %(port)s ' % { 'username': username, 'host': self.addr[0], 'port': self.addr[1], }) return paramiko.AUTH_FAILED def get_allowed_auths(self, username): auth_method_list = [] if settings.CONFIG.SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH: auth_method_list.append('password') if settings.CONFIG.SSH_PUBLICK_KEY_AUTH: auth_method_list.append('publickey') return ','.join(auth_method_list) def check_channel_shell_request(self, channel): self.event.set() self.__class__.channel_pools.append(channel) channel.username = self.username channel.addr = self.addr return True def check_channel_pty_request(self, channel, term, width, height, pixelwidth, pixelheight, modes): channel.change_window_size_event = threading.Event() channel.width = width channel.height = height return True def check_channel_window_change_request(self, channel, width, height, pixelwidth, pixelheight): channel.change_window_size_event.set() channel.width = width channel.height = height return True class BackendServer: def __init__(self, host, port, username): self.host = host self.port = port self.username = username self.ssh = None self.channel = None def connect(self, term='xterm', width=80, height=24, timeout=10): self.ssh = ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(hostname=self.host, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.host_password, pkey=self.host_private_key, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=True, compress=True, timeout=timeout) except Exception: logger.warning('Connect backend server %s failed' % self.host) return None self.channel = channel = ssh.invoke_shell(term=term, width=width, height=height) logger.info('Connect backend server %(username)s@%(host)s:%(port)s successfully' % { 'username': self.username, 'host': self.host, 'port': self.port, }) channel.settimeout(100) channel.host = self.host channel.port = self.port channel.username = self.username return channel @property def host_password(self): return 'redhat' @property def host_private_key(self): return None class Navigation: def __init__(self, username, client_channel): self.username = username self.client_channel = client_channel def display_banner(self): client_channel = self.client_channel client_channel.send(control_char.clear) client_channel.send('\r\n\r\n\t\tWelcome to use Jumpserver open source system !\r\n\r\n') client_channel.send('If you find some bug please contact us <ibuler@qq.com>\r\n') client_channel.send('See more at https://www.jumpserver.org\r\n') # client_channel.send(self.username) def display(self): self.display_banner() def return_to_connect(self): pass class JumpServer: backend_server_pools = [] backend_channel_pools = [] client_channel_pools = [] CONTROL_CHAR = { 'clear': '' } def __init__(self): self.listen_host = '' self.listen_port = 2222 def display_navigation(self, username, client_channel): nav = Navigation(username, client_channel) nav.display() return '', 22, 'root' def get_client_channel(self, client, addr): transport = paramiko.Transport(client, gss_kex=False) transport.set_gss_host(socket.getfqdn("")) try: transport.load_server_moduli() except: logger.warning('Failed to load moduli -- gex will be unsupported.') raise transport.add_server_key(SSHServer.get_host_key()) ssh_server = SSHServer(client, addr) try: transport.start_server(server=ssh_server) except paramiko.SSHException: logger.warning('SSH negotiation failed.') client_channel = transport.accept(20) if client_channel is None: logger.warning('No ssh channel get.') return None self.__class__.client_channel_pools.append(client_channel) if not ssh_server.event.is_set(): logger.warning('Client never asked for a shell.') return client_channel def get_backend_channel(self, host, port, username, term='xterm', width=80, height=24): backend_server = BackendServer(host, port, username) backend_channel = backend_server.connect(term=term, width=width, height=height) if backend_channel is None: logger.warning('Connect %(username)s@%(host)s:%(port)s failed' % { 'username': username, 'host': host, 'port': port, }) return None self.__class__.backend_server_pools.append(backend_server) self.__class__.backend_channel_pools.append(backend_channel) return backend_channel def handle_ssh_request(self, client, addr): logger.info("Get ssh request from %(host)s:%(port)s" % { 'host': addr[0], 'port': addr[1], }) try: client_channel = self.get_client_channel(client, addr) if client_channel is None: client.close() return host, port, username = self.display_navigation('root', client_channel) backend_channel = self.get_backend_channel(host, port, username, width=client_channel.width, height=client_channel.height) if backend_channel is None: client.shutdown() client.close() client.send('Close') print(client) print(dir(client)) return while True: r, w, x = select.select([client_channel, backend_channel], [], []) if client_channel.change_window_size_event.is_set(): backend_channel.resize_pty(width=client_channel.width, height=client_channel.height) if client_channel in r: client_data = client_channel.recv(1024) if len(client_data) == 0: logger.info('Logout from ssh server %(host)s: %(username)s' % { 'host': addr[0], 'username': client_channel.username, }) break print('CC: ' + repr(client_data)) backend_channel.send(client_data) if backend_channel in r: backend_data = backend_channel.recv(1024) if len(backend_data) == 0: client_channel.send('Disconnect from %s \r\n' % backend_channel.host) client_channel.close() logger.info('Logout from backend server %(host)s: %(username)s' % { 'host': backend_channel.host, 'username': backend_channel.username, }) break print('SS: ' + repr(backend_data)) client_channel.send(backend_data) # if len(recv_data) > 20: # server_data.append('...') # else: # server_data.append(recv_data) # try: # if repr(server_data[-2]) == u'\r\n': # result = server_data.pop() # server_data.pop() # command = ''.join(server_data) # server_data = [] # except IndexError: # pass # Todo: catch other exception except IndexError: logger.info('Close with server %s from %s' % (addr[0], addr[1])) sys.exit(100) def listen(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((self.listen_host, self.listen_port)) sock.listen(5) print(time.ctime()) print('Jumpserver version %s, more see https://www.jumpserver.org' % __version__) print('Starting ssh server at %(host)s:%(port)s' % {'host': self.listen_host, 'port': self.listen_port}) print('Quit the server with CONTROL-C.') while True: try: client, addr = sock.accept() thread = threading.Thread(target=self.handle_ssh_request, args=(client, addr)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() except Exception as e: logger.error('Bind failed: ' + str(e)) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': server = JumpServer() try: server.listen() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1)