// Custom scripts $(document).ready(function () { // MetsiMenu $('#side-menu').metisMenu(); // Collapse ibox function $('.collapse-link').click( function() { var ibox = $(this).closest('div.ibox'); var button = $(this).find('i'); var content = ibox.find('div.ibox-content'); content.slideToggle(200); button.toggleClass('fa-chevron-up').toggleClass('fa-chevron-down'); ibox.toggleClass('').toggleClass('border-bottom'); setTimeout(function () { ibox.resize(); ibox.find('[id^=map-]').resize(); }, 50); }); // Close ibox function $('.close-link').click( function() { var content = $(this).closest('div.ibox'); content.remove(); }); // Small todo handler $('.check-link').click( function(){ var button = $(this).find('i'); var label = $(this).next('span'); button.toggleClass('fa-check-square').toggleClass('fa-square-o'); label.toggleClass('todo-completed'); return false; }); // Append config box / Only for demo purpose $.get("/skin_config/", function (data) { $('body').append(data); }); // minimalize menu $('.navbar-minimalize').click(function () { $("body").toggleClass("mini-navbar"); SmoothlyMenu(); }) // tooltips $('.tooltip-demo').tooltip({ selector: "[data-toggle=tooltip]", container: "body" }) // Move modal to body // Fix Bootstrap backdrop issu with animation.css $('.modal').appendTo("body") // Full height of sidebar function fix_height() { var heightWithoutNavbar = $("body > #wrapper").height() - 61; $(".sidebard-panel").css("min-height", heightWithoutNavbar + "px"); } fix_height(); // Fixed Sidebar // unComment this only whe you have a fixed-sidebar // $(window).bind("load", function() { // if($("body").hasClass('fixed-sidebar')) { // $('.sidebar-collapse').slimScroll({ // height: 'auto', // railOpacity: 0.9, // }); // } // }) $(window).bind("load resize click scroll", function() { if(!$("body").hasClass('body-small')) { fix_height(); } }) $("[data-toggle=popover]") .popover(); }); // For demo purpose - animation css script function animationHover(element, animation){ element = $(element); element.hover( function() { element.addClass('animated ' + animation); }, function(){ //wait for animation to finish before removing classes window.setTimeout( function(){ element.removeClass('animated ' + animation); }, 2000); }); } // Minimalize menu when screen is less than 768px $(function() { $(window).bind("load resize", function() { if ($(this).width() < 769) { $('body').addClass('body-small') } else { $('body').removeClass('body-small') } }) }) function SmoothlyMenu() { if (!$('body').hasClass('mini-navbar') || $('body').hasClass('body-small')) { // Hide menu in order to smoothly turn on when maximize menu $('#side-menu').hide(); // For smoothly turn on menu setTimeout( function () { $('#side-menu').fadeIn(500); }, 100); } else if ($('body').hasClass('fixed-sidebar')){ $('#side-menu').hide(); setTimeout( function () { $('#side-menu').fadeIn(500); }, 300); } else { // Remove all inline style from jquery fadeIn function to reset menu state $('#side-menu').removeAttr('style'); } } // Dragable panels function WinMove() { var element = "[class*=col]"; var handle = ".ibox-title"; var connect = "[class*=col]"; $(element).sortable( { handle: handle, connectWith: connect, tolerance: 'pointer', forcePlaceholderSize: true, opacity: 0.8, }) .disableSelection(); } // Checkbox select all function selectAll(){ var checklist = document.getElementsByName ("selected"); if(document.getElementById("select_all").checked) { for(var i=0;i<checklist.length;i++) { checklist[i].checked = 1; } }else { for(var j=0;j<checklist.length;j++) { checklist[j].checked = 0; } } }