import socket import paramiko from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from assets.const import AutomationTypes, Connectivity from assets.models import Gateway from common.utils import get_logger logger = get_logger(__name__) class PingGatewayManager: def __init__(self, execution): self.execution = execution @classmethod def method_type(cls): return AutomationTypes.ping_gateway def execute_task(self, gateway, account): from accounts.models import Account local_port = self.execution.snapshot.get('local_port') local_port = gateway.port if local_port is None else local_port client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) proxy = paramiko.SSHClient() proxy.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) if not isinstance(account, Account): err = _('No account') return False, err print('- ' + _('Asset, {}, using account {}').format(gateway, account)) try: proxy.connect( gateway.address, port=gateway.port, username=account.username, password=account.secret, pkey=account.private_key_obj ) except( paramiko.AuthenticationException, paramiko.BadAuthenticationType, paramiko.SSHException, paramiko.ChannelException, paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError, socket.gaierror ) as e: err = str(e) if err.startswith('[Errno None] Unable to connect to port'): err = _('Unable to connect to port {port} on {address}') err = err.format(port=gateway.port, address=gateway.address) elif err == 'Authentication failed.': err = _('Authentication failed') elif err == 'Connect failed': err = _('Connect failed') return False, err try: sock = proxy.get_transport().open_channel( 'direct-tcpip', ('', local_port), ('', 0) ) client.connect( '', sock=sock, timeout=5, port=local_port, username=account.username, password=account.secret, key_filename=account.private_key_path, ) except ( paramiko.SSHException, paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException, paramiko.ChannelException, paramiko.AuthenticationException, TimeoutError ) as e: err = getattr(e, 'text', str(e)) if err == 'Connect failed': err = _('Connect failed') return False, err finally: client.close() return True, None @staticmethod def on_host_success(gateway, account): print('\033[32m {} -> {}\033[0m\n'.format(gateway, account)) try: gateway.set_connectivity(Connectivity.OK) if not account: return account.set_connectivity(Connectivity.OK) except Exception as e: print(f'\033[31m Update account {} or ' f'update asset {} connectivity failed: {e} \033[0m\n') @staticmethod def on_host_error(gateway, account, error): print('\033[31m {} -> {} 原因: {} \033[0m\n'.format(gateway, account, error)) try: gateway.set_connectivity(Connectivity.ERR) if not account: return account.set_connectivity(Connectivity.ERR) except Exception as e: print(f'\033[31m Update account {} or ' f'update asset {} connectivity failed: {e} \033[0m\n') @staticmethod def before_runner_start(): print(_(">>> Start executing the task to test gateway connectivity")) def get_accounts(self, gateway): account = gateway.select_account return [account] def run(self): asset_ids = self.execution.snapshot['assets'] gateways = Gateway.objects.filter(id__in=asset_ids) self.execution.date_start = self.before_runner_start() for gateway in gateways: accounts = self.get_accounts(gateway) for account in accounts: ok, e = self.execute_task(gateway, account) if ok: self.on_host_success(gateway, account) else: self.on_host_error(gateway, account, e) print('\n') self.execution.status = 'success' self.execution.date_finished =