From e1f02d79c4b7973a0e5b8aa97dab60b5c3414819 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: feng <>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 16:15:01 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] perf: Lina translate
apps/i18n/lina/en.json | 2820 ++++++++++-----------
apps/i18n/lina/ja.json | 2886 +++++++++++-----------
apps/i18n/lina/zh.json | 2814 ++++++++++-----------
apps/i18n/lina/zh_hant.json | 4568 +++++++++++++++++------------------
4 files changed, 6544 insertions(+), 6544 deletions(-)
diff --git a/apps/i18n/lina/en.json b/apps/i18n/lina/en.json
index 8deeb2d6f..45e77eb17 100644
--- a/apps/i18n/lina/en.json
+++ b/apps/i18n/lina/en.json
@@ -1,1411 +1,1411 @@
- "ACLs": "ACLs",
- "APIKey": "API key",
- "AWS_China": "AWS(China)",
- "AWS_Int": "AWS(International)",
- "About": "About",
- "Accept": "Accept",
- "AccessIP": "IP whitelist",
- "AccessKey": "Access key",
- "Account": "Account",
- "AccountAmount": "Account amount",
- "AccountSessions": "Sessions",
- "AccountActivity": "Activity",
- "AccountBackup": "Backup accounts",
- "AccountBackupCreate": "Create account backup",
- "AccountBackupDetail": "Backup account details",
- "AccountBackupList": "Backup account",
- "AccountBackupUpdate": "Update account backup",
- "AccountChangeSecret": "Change account secret",
- "AccountChangeSecretDetail": "Change account secret details",
- "AccountDeleteConfirmMsg": "Delete account, continue?",
- "AccountExportTips": "The exported information contains sensitive information such as encrypted account numbers. the exported format is an encrypted zip file (if you have not set the encryption password, please go to personal info to set the file encryption password).",
- "AccountDiscoverDetail": "Gather account details",
- "AccountDiscoverList": "Discover accounts",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskCreate": "Create discover accounts task",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskList": "Discover accounts tasks",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskUpdate": "Update the discover accounts task",
- "AccountList": "Accounts",
- "AccountPolicy": "Account policy",
- "AccountPolicyHelpText": "For accounts that do not meet the requirements when creating, such as: non-compliant key types and unique key constraints, you can choose the above strategy.",
- "AccountPushCreate": "Create push account",
- "AccountPushDetail": "Push account details",
- "AccountPushList": "Push accounts",
- "AccountPushUpdate": "Update push account",
- "AccountStorage": "Account storage",
- "AccountTemplate": "Account templates",
- "AccountTemplateList": "Account templates",
- "AccountTemplateUpdateSecretHelpText": "The account list shows the accounts created through the template. when the secret is updated, the ciphertext of the accounts created through the template will be updated.",
- "Accounts": "Accounts",
- "Action": "Action",
- "ActionCount": "Action count",
- "ActionSetting": "Action setting",
- "Actions": "Actions",
- "ActionsTips": "The effects of each authority's agreement are different, click on the icon behind the authority to view",
- "Activate": "Activate",
- "ActivateSelected": "Activate selected",
- "ActivateSuccessMsg": "Successful activated",
- "Active": "Active",
- "ActiveAsset": "Recently logged in",
- "ActiveAssetRanking": "Login asset ranking",
- "ActiveUser": "Logged in recently",
- "ActiveUsers": "Active users",
- "Activity": "Activities",
- "Add": "Add",
- "AddAccount": "Add account",
- "AddAccountByTemplate": "Add account from template",
- "AddAccountResult": "Account batch adding results",
- "AddAllMembersWarningMsg": "Are you sure add all user to this group ?",
- "AddAsset": "Add assets",
- "AddAssetInDomain": "Add asset in domain",
- "AddAssetToNode": "Add assets to node",
- "AddAssetToThisPermission": "Add assets",
- "AddGatewayInDomain": "Add gateway in domain",
- "AddInDetailText": "After successful creation or update, add to the details",
- "AddNode": "Add node",
- "AddNodeToThisPermission": "Add nodes",
- "AddPassKey": "Add passkey",
- "AddRolePermissions": "Add permissions to the details after successful creation/update",
- "AddSuccessMsg": "Add successful",
- "AddUserGroupToThisPermission": "Add user groups",
- "AddUserToThisPermission": "Add users",
- "Address": "Address",
- "AdhocCreate": "Create the command",
- "AdhocDetail": "Command details",
- "AdhocManage": "Script",
- "AdhocUpdate": "Update the command",
- "Advanced": "Advanced settings",
- "AfterChange": "After changes",
- "AjaxError404": "404 request error",
- "AlibabaCloud": "Alibaba cloud",
- "Aliyun": "Alibaba cloud",
- "All": "All",
- "AllAccountTip": "All accounts already added on the asset",
- "AllAccounts": "All existing accounts",
- "AllClickRead": "Mark all as read",
- "AllMembers": "All members",
- "AllowInvalidCert": "Ignore certificate check",
- "Announcement": "Announcement",
- "AnonymousAccount": "Anonymous account",
- "AnonymousAccountTip": "Connect to assets without using username and password, only support web type and custom type assets",
- "ApiKey": "API key",
- "ApiKeyList": "Authenticate via api key in the header of each request, which differs from one request to another, offering greater security than token method. please consult the documentation for usage.
to minimize the risk of leaks, the secret can only be viewed upon creation, and each user can create up to 10",
- "ApiKeyWarning": "To reduce the risk of accesskey leakage, the secret is only provided at creation and cannot be queried later, please keep it safe.",
- "AppEndpoint": "App access address",
- "AppOps": "Job center",
- "AppProvider": "Application providers",
- "AppProviderDetail": "Application provider details",
- "AppletDetail": "RemoteApp",
- "AppletHelpText": "In the upload process, if the application does not exist, create the application; if it exists, update the application.",
- "AppletHostCreate": "Add RemoteApp machine",
- "AppletHostDetail": "RemoteApp machine",
- "AppletHostSelectHelpMessage": "When connecting to an asset, the selection of the application publishing machine is random (but the last used one is preferred). if you want to assign a specific publishing machine to an asset, you can tag it as or ;
when selecting an account for the publishing machine, the following situations will choose the user's own account with the same name or proprietary account (starting with js), otherwise use a public account (starting with jms):
1. both the publishing machine and application support concurrent;
2. the publishing machine supports concurrent, but the application does not, and the current application does not use a proprietary account;
3. the publishing machine does not support concurrent, the application either supports or does not support concurrent, and no application uses a proprietary account;
note: whether the application supports concurrent connections is decided by the developer, and whether the host supports concurrent connections is decided by the single user single session setting in the publishing machine configuration",
- "AppletHostUpdate": "Update the remote app publishing machine",
- "AppletHostZoneHelpText": "This domain belongs to the system organization",
- "AppletHosts": "RemoteApp machine",
- "Applets": "RemoteApp",
- "Applicant": "Applicant",
- "Applications": "Applications",
- "ApplyAsset": "Apply for assets",
- "ApplyFromCMDFilterRule": "Command filter rules",
- "ApplyFromSession": "Session",
- "ApplyInfo": "Apply info",
- "ApplyLoginAccount": "Login account",
- "ApplyLoginAsset": "Login asset",
- "ApplyLoginUser": "Login user",
- "ApplyRunAsset": "Assets for which operations are requested",
- "ApplyRunCommand": "Command for application",
- "ApplyRunUser": "Users applying for run",
- "Appoint": "Specify",
- "ApprovaLevel": "Approval information",
- "ApprovalLevel": "Approval level",
- "ApprovalProcess": "Approval process",
- "ApprovalSelected": "Batch approval",
- "Approved": "Agreed",
- "ApproverNumbers": "Approvers",
- "ApsaraStack": "Alibaba private cloud",
- "Asset": "Asset",
- "AssetAccount": "Accounts",
- "AssetAccountDetail": "Account details",
- "AssetAclCreate": "Create asset connect rule",
- "AssetAclDetail": "Asset connect rule details",
- "AssetAclList": "Asset connect",
- "AssetAclUpdate": "Update the asset connect rules",
- "AssetAddress": "Asset (ip/hostname)",
- "AssetAmount": "Asset amount",
- "AssetAndNode": "Assets/nodes",
- "AssetBulkUpdateTips": "Network devices, cloud services, web, batch updating of zones not supported",
- "AssetChangeSecretCreate": "Create account secret change",
- "AssetChangeSecretUpdate": "Update account secret change",
- "AssetData": "Asset",
- "AssetDetail": "Asset details",
- "AssetList": "Assets",
- "AssetListHelpMessage": "On the left is the asset tree. right-click to create, delete or modify tree nodes. assets are also organized in node form. on the right are the assets under this node. \n",
- "AssetLoginACLHelpMsg": "When logging into assets, it can be audited based on the user's login ip and time segment to determine whether the assets can be logged into",
- "AssetLoginACLHelpText": "When logging into assets, it can be audited based on the user's login ip and time segment to determine whether the assets can be logged into",
- "AssetName": "Asset name",
- "AssetPermission": "Authorization",
- "AssetPermissionCreate": "Create asset authorization rule",
- "AssetPermissionDetail": "Asset authorization details",
- "AssetPermissionHelpMsg": "Asset authorization allows you to select users and assets, grant the assets to users for access. once completed, users can conveniently view these assets. additionally, you can set specific permissions to further define the users' rights to the assets.",
- "AssetPermissionRules": "Authorization rules",
- "AssetPermissionUpdate": "Update the asset authorization rules",
- "AssetPermsAmount": "Asset authorization number",
- "AssetProtocolHelpText": "! The protocols supported by the assets are restricted by the platform. Click the settings button to view the protocol settings. If updates are required, please update the platform",
- "AssetTree": "Asset tree",
- "Assets": "Assets",
- "AssetsAmount": "Assets",
- "AssetsOfNumber": "Assets",
- "AssetsTotal": "Total assets",
- "AssignedInfo": "Approval information",
- "Assignee": "Handler",
- "Assignees": "Pending handler",
- "AttrName": "Attribute name",
- "AttrValue": "Attribute value",
- "Audits": "Audits",
- "Auth": "Authentication",
- "AuthConfig": "Authentication",
- "AuthLimit": "Login restriction",
- "AuthSAMLCertHelpText": "Save after uploading the certificate key, then view sp metadata",
- "AuthSAMLKeyHelpText": "Sp certificates and keys are used for encrypted communication with idp",
- "AuthSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "The keys on the left are saml2 user attributes, the values on the right are authentication platform user attributes",
- "AuthSecurity": "Auth security",
- "AuthSettings": "Authentication configuration",
- "AuthUserAttrMapHelpText": "The key on the left belongs to the jumpserver user properties, and the value on the right belongs to the authentication platform user properties",
- "Authentication": "Authentication",
- "AutoPush": "Auto push",
- "Automations": "Automations",
- "AverageTimeCost": "Average spend time",
- "AwaitingMyApproval": "Assigned",
- "Azure": "Azure (China)",
- "Azure_Int": "Azure (International)",
- "Backup": "Backup",
- "BackupAccountsHelpText": "Backup account information externally. it can be stored in an external system or sent via email, supporting segmented delivery.",
- "BadConflictErrorMsg": "Refreshing, please try again later",
- "BadRequestErrorMsg": "Request error, please check the filled content",
- "BadRoleErrorMsg": "Request error, no permission for this action",
- "BaiduCloud": "Baidu cloud",
- "BaseAccount": "Account",
- "BaseAccountBackup": "Account Backup",
- "BaseAccountChangeSecret": "Account Change Secret",
- "BaseAccountDiscover": "Account Gather",
- "BaseAccountPush": "Account Push",
- "BaseAccountTemplate": "Account Template",
- "BaseApplets": "Applets",
- "BaseAssetAclList": "Login Asset ACLs",
- "BaseAssetList": "Asset List",
- "BaseAssetPermission": "Asset Permission",
- "BaseCloudAccountList": "Cloud Account List",
- "BaseCloudSync": "Cloud Sync",
- "BaseCmdACL": "Cmd ACL",
- "BaseCmdGroups": "Cmd Groups",
- "BaseCommandFilterAclList": "Command filter",
- "BaseConnectMethodACL": "Connect Method ACL",
- "BaseFlowSetUp": "Flow Set Up",
- "BaseJobManagement": "Job Management",
- "BaseLoginLog": "Login Log",
- "BaseMyAssets": "My Assets",
- "BaseOperateLog": "Operate Log",
- "BasePort": "Listening ports",
- "BaseSessions": "Sessions",
- "BaseStorage": "Storage",
- "BaseStrategy": "Strategy",
- "BaseSystemTasks": "System Tasks",
- "BaseTags": "Tags",
- "BaseTerminal": "Terminal",
- "BaseTickets": "Tickets",
- "BaseUserLoginAclList": "User Login ACL List",
- "Basic": "Basic",
- "BasicInfo": "Basic information",
- "BasicSettings": "General",
- "BatchConsent": "Batch Approval",
- "BatchDeployment": "Batch deployment",
- "BatchProcessing": "{number} items selected",
- "BatchReject": "Batch reject",
- "BatchTest": "Batch test",
- "BeforeChange": "Before change",
- "Beian": "Record",
- "BelongAll": "Include all",
- "BelongTo": "Include any",
- "Bind": "Binding",
- "BindLabel": "Associated tags",
- "BindResource": "Associate resources",
- "BindSuccess": "Binding successful",
- "BlockedIPS": "Locked ips",
- "BuiltinVariable": "Built-in variables",
- "BulkClearErrorMsg": "Bulk clear failed: ",
- "BulkDeleteErrorMsg": "Bulk delete failed: ",
- "BulkDeleteSuccessMsg": "Bulk delete successful",
- "BulkDeploy": "Bulk deploy",
- "BulkRemoveErrorMsg": "Bulk remove failed: ",
- "BulkRemoveSuccessMsg": "Bulk remove successful",
- "BulkSyncErrorMsg": "Bulk sync failed: ",
- "CACertificate": "Ca certificate",
- "CAS": "CAS",
- "CMPP2": "Cmpp v2.0",
- "CalculationResults": "Error in cron expression",
- "CallRecords": "Call Records",
- "CanDragSelect": "Select time period by dragging mouse;No selection means all selected",
- "Cancel": "Cancel",
- "CancelCollection": "Cancel favorite",
- "CancelTicket": "Cancel Ticket",
- "CannotAccess": "Can't access the current page",
- "Category": "Category",
- "CeleryTaskLog": "Celery task log",
- "Certificate": "Certificate",
- "CertificateKey": "Client key",
- "ChangeCredentials": "Change account secrets",
- "ChangeSecret": "Change secrets",
- "ChangeCredentialsHelpText": "The secret is the password or key used to connect to the asset. when the secret is changed, the asset will be updated with the new secret",
- "ChangeField": "Change field",
- "ChangeOrganization": "Change organization",
- "ChangePassword": "Change password",
- "ChangeSecretParams": "Change secret parameters",
- "ChangeViewHelpText": "Click to switch different views",
- "Chat": "Chat",
- "ChatAI": "Chat AI",
- "ChatHello": "Hello, can I help you?",
- "ChdirHelpText": "By default, the execution directory is the user's home directory",
- "CheckAssetsAmount": "Check asset quantity",
- "CheckViewAcceptor": "Click to view the acceptance person",
- "CleanHelpText": "A scheduled cleanup task will be carried out every day at 2 a.m. the data cleaned up will not be recoverable",
- "Cleaning": "Regular clean-up",
- "Clear": "Clear",
- "ClearErrorMsg": "Clearing failed:",
- "ClearScreen": "Clear screen",
- "ClearSecret": "Clear secret",
- "ClearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "ClearSuccessMsg": "Clear successful",
- "ClickCopy": "Click to copy",
- "ClientCertificate": "Client certificate",
- "Clipboard ": "Clipboard",
- "ClipboardCopyPaste": "Clipboard copy and paste",
- "Clone": "Clone",
- "Close": "Close",
- "CloseConfirm": "Confirm close",
- "CloseConfirmMessage": "File has changed, save?",
- "CloseStatus": "Completed",
- "Closed": "Completed",
- "CloudAccountCreate": "Create a cloud account",
- "CloudAccountDetail": "Details of cloud account",
- "CloudAccountList": "Accounts",
- "CloudAccountUpdate": "Update the cloud account",
- "CloudCreate": "Create asset - cloud",
- "CloudRegionTip": "The region was not obtained, please check the account",
- "CloudSource": "Sync source",
- "CloudSync": "Cloud provider",
- "CloudSyncConfig": "Cloud sync settings",
- "CloudUpdate": "Update the asset - cloud",
- "Cluster": "Cluster",
- "CollectionSucceed": "Collection successful",
- "Command": "Command",
- "CommandConfirm": "Command review",
- "CommandFilterACL": "Command filter",
- "CommandFilterACLHelpMsg": "By filtering commands, you can control if commands can be sent to assets. based on your set rules, some commands can be allowed while others are prohibited.",
- "CommandFilterACLHelpText": "By filtering commands, you can control if commands can be sent to assets. based on your set rules, some commands can be allowed while others are prohibited.",
- "CommandFilterAclCreate": "Create command filter rule",
- "CommandFilterAclDetail": "Details of command filter rule",
- "CommandFilterAclUpdate": "Update the command filter rule",
- "CommandFilterRuleContentHelpText": "One command per line",
- "CommandFilterRules": "Command filter rules",
- "CommandGroup": "Command group",
- "CommandGroupCreate": "Create command group",
- "CommandGroupDetail": "Command set details",
- "CommandGroupList": "Command group",
- "CommandGroupUpdate": "Update the command group",
- "CommandStorage": "Command storage",
- "CommandStorageUpdate": "Update the cmd storage",
- "Commands": "Commands",
- "CommandsTotal": "Total commands",
- "Comment": "Description",
- "CommentHelpText": "Description will be displayed when hovered over in the Luna page's user authorization asset tree. Ordinary users can view these remarks, so please do not include sensitive information.",
- "CommunityEdition": "Community version",
- "Component": "Component",
- "ComponentMonitor": "Monitoring",
- "Components": "Components",
- "ConceptContent": "I want you to act like a python interpreter. i will give you python code, and you will execute it. do not provide any explanations. respond with nothing except the output of the code.",
- "ConceptTitle": "🤔 python interpreter",
- "Config": "Settings",
- "Configured": "Configured",
- "Confirm": "Confirm",
- "ConfirmPassword": "Confirm password",
- "Connect": "Connect",
- "ConnectAssets": "Access assets",
- "ConnectMethod": "Connect method",
- "ConnectMethodACLHelpMsg": "Connect methods can be filtered to control whether users can use a certain connect method to login to the asset. according to your set rules, some connect methods can be allowed, while others can be prohibited (globally effective).",
- "ConnectMethodACLHelpText": "Connect methods can be filtered to control whether users can use a certain connect method to login to the asset. according to your set rules, some connect methods can be allowed, while others can be prohibited.",
- "ConnectMethodAclCreate": "Create connect method control",
- "ConnectMethodAclDetail": "Connect method control details",
- "ConnectMethodAclList": "Connect method",
- "ConnectMethodAclUpdate": "Update the connect method control",
- "ConnectWebSocketError": "Connection to websocket failed",
- "ConnectionDropped": "Connection disconnected",
- "ConnectionToken": "Connection tokens",
- "ConnectionTokenList": "The connection token is a type of authentication information that combines identity verification with connecting assets. it supports one-click user login to assets. currently supported components include: koko, lion, magnus, razor, etc.",
- "Console": "Console",
- "Consult": "Consult",
- "ContainAttachment": "With attachment",
- "Containers": "Container",
- "Contains": "Contains",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "ConvenientOperate": "Convenient action",
- "Copy": "Copy",
- "CopySuccess": "Copy successful",
- "Corporation": "Company",
- "Create": "Create",
- "CreateAccessKey": "Create access key",
- "CreateAccountTemplate": "Create account template",
- "CreateCommandStorage": "Create command storage",
- "CreateEndpoint": "Create endpoint",
- "CreateEndpointRule": "Create endpoint rule",
- "CreateErrorMsg": "Creation failed",
- "CreateNode": "Create node",
- "CreatePlaybook": "Create playbook",
- "CreateReplayStorage": "Create object storage",
- "CreateSuccessMsg": "Successfully created !",
- "CreateUserContent": "Creating User Content",
- "CreateUserSetting": "User creation",
- "Created": "Created",
- "CreatedBy": "Creator",
- "CriticalLoad": "Serious",
- "CronExpression": "Complete crontab expression",
- "Crontab": "Crontab",
- "CrontabDiffError": "Please ensure that the interval for scheduled execution is no less than ten minutes!",
- "CrontabHelpText": "If both interval and crontab are set, crontab is prioritized",
- "CrontabHelpTip": "For example: perform every sunday at 03:05 <5 3 * * 0>
use 5-digit linux crontab expressions (online tool)
- "CrontabOfCreateUpdatePage": "",
- "CurrentConnectionUsers": "Online users",
- "CurrentConnections": "Current connections",
- "CurrentUserVerify": "Verify current user",
- "Custom": "Custom",
- "CustomCol": "Customize display columns",
- "CustomCreate": "Create asset - custom",
- "CustomFields": "Custom attributes",
- "CustomFile": "Please place custom files in the specified directory (data/sms/, and enable configuration item `SMS_CUSTOM_FILE_MD5=` in config.txt",
- "CustomHelpMessage": "Custom assets type is dependent on remote applications. please configure it in system settings in the remote applications",
- "CustomParams": "The left side are parameters received by the sms platform, and the right side are jumpserver parameters waiting for formatting, which will eventually be as follows:
{\"phone_numbers\": \"123,134\", \"content\": \"verification code: 666666\"}",
- "CustomUpdate": "Update the asset - custom",
- "CustomUser": "Customized user",
- "CycleFromWeek": "Week cycle from",
- "CyclePerform": "Execute periodically",
- "Danger": "Danger",
- "DangerCommand": "Dangerous command",
- "DangerousCommandNum": "Total dangerous commands",
- "Dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "Database": "Database",
- "DatabaseCreate": "Create asset - database",
- "DatabasePort": "Database protocol port",
- "DatabaseUpdate": "Update the asset-database",
- "Date": "Date",
- "DateCreated": "Date created",
- "DateEnd": "End date",
- "DateExpired": "Expiration date",
- "DateFinished": "Completion date",
- "DateJoined": "Creation date",
- "DateLast24Hours": "Last day",
- "DateLast3Months": "Last 3 months",
- "DateLastHarfYear": "Last 6 months",
- "DateLastLogin": "Last login date",
- "DateLastMonth": "Last month",
- "DateLastSync": "Last sync",
- "DataLastUsed": "Last used",
- "DateLastWeek": "Last week",
- "DateLastYear": "Last year",
- "DatePasswordLastUpdated": "Last password update date",
- "DateStart": "Start date",
- "DateSync": "Sync date",
- "DateUpdated": "Update date",
- "Datetime": "Datetime",
- "Day": "Day",
- "DeclassificationLogNum": "Password change logs",
- "DefaultDatabase": "Default database",
- "DefaultPort": "Default port",
- "Delete": "Delete",
- "DeleteConfirmMessage": "Deletion is irreversible, do you wish to continue?",
- "DeleteErrorMsg": "Delete failed",
- "DeleteNode": "Delete node",
- "DeleteOrgMsg": "User, User group, Asset, Node, Label, Zone, Authorization",
- "DeleteOrgTitle": "Please delete the following resources within the organization first",
- "DeleteReleasedAssets": "Delete released assets",
- "DeleteSelected": "Delete selected",
- "DeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted",
- "DeleteSuccessMsg": "Successfully deleted",
- "DeleteWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to delete",
- "Deploy": "Deployment",
- "Description": "Description",
- "DestinationIP": "Destination address",
- "DestinationPort": "Destination port",
- "Detail": "Detail",
- "DeviceCreate": "Create asset - device",
- "DeviceUpdate": "Update the asset - device",
- "Digit": "Number",
- "DingTalk": "Dingtalk",
- "DingTalkOAuth": "DingTalk OAuth",
- "DingTalkTest": "Test",
- "Disable": "Disable",
- "DisableSelected": "Disable selected",
- "DisableSuccessMsg": "Successfully disabled",
- "DisplayName": "Name",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Download": "Download",
- "DownloadCenter": "Download",
- "DownloadFTPFileTip": "The current action does not record files, or the file size exceeds the threshold (default 100m), or it has not yet been saved to the corresponding storage",
- "DownloadImportTemplateMsg": "Download creation template",
- "DownloadReplay": "Download recording",
- "DownloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "Download update template",
- "DragUploadFileInfo": "Drag files here, or click to upload",
- "DropConfirmMsg": "Do you want to move node: {src} to {dst}?",
- "Duplicate": "Duplicate",
- "DuplicateFileExists": "Uploading a file with the same name is not allowed, please delete the file with the same name",
- "Duration": "Duration",
- "DynamicUsername": "Dynamic username",
- "Edit": "Edit",
- "EditRecipient": "Edit recipient",
- "Edition": "Version",
- "Email": "Email",
- "EmailContent": "Custom content",
- "EmailTemplate": "Template",
- "EmailTemplateHelpTip": "Email template is used for sending emails and includes the email subject prefix and email content",
- "EmailTest": "Test connection",
- "Empty": "Empty",
- "Enable": "Enable",
- "EnableDomain": "Gateway enabled",
- "EnableKoKoSSHHelpText": "When switched on, connecting to the asset will display ssh client pull-up method",
- "Endpoint": "Endpoint",
- "EndpointListHelpMessage": "The service endpoint is the address (port) for users to access the service. when users connect to assets, they choose service endpoints based on endpoint rules and asset tags, using them as access points to establish connections and achieve distributed connections to assets",
- "EndpointRuleListHelpMessage": "For the server endpoint selection strategy, there are currently two options:
1. specify the endpoint according to the endpoint rule (current page);
2. choose the endpoint through asset tags, with the fixed tag name being 'endpoint' and the value being the name of the endpoint.
the tag matching method is preferred for both methods, as the ip range may conflict, and the tag method exists as a supplement to the rules.",
- "EndpointRules": "Endpoint rules",
- "Endpoints": "Endpoints",
- "Endswith": "Ending with...",
- "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo1": "Please make sure this number is greater than or equal to 1",
- "EnterForSearch": "Press enter to search",
- "EnterRunUser": "Running account",
- "EnterRunningPath": "Running path",
- "EnterToContinue": "Enter to continue",
- "EnterUploadPath": "Upload path",
- "Enterprise": "Enterprise",
- "EnterpriseEdition": "Enterprise edition",
- "Equal": "Equals",
- "Error": "Error",
- "ErrorMsg": "Error",
- "EsDisabled": "Node is unavailable, please contact administrator",
- "EsIndex": "Es provides the default index: jumpserver. if indexing by date is enabled, the entered value will serve as the index prefix",
- "EsUrl": "Cannot include special char `#`; eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
- "Every": "Every",
- "Exclude": "Does not include",
- "ExcludeAsset": "Skipped assets",
- "ExcludeSymbol": "Exclude char",
- "ExecCloudSyncErrorMsg": "The cloud account configuration is incomplete, please update and try again.",
- "Execute": "Execute",
- "ExecuteOnce": "Execute once",
- "ExecutionDetail": "Execution details",
- "ExecutionList": "Executions",
- "ExistError": "This element already exists",
- "Existing": "Already exists",
- "ExpirationTimeout": "Expiration timeout (seconds)",
- "Expire": "Expired",
- "Expired": "Expiration date",
- "Export": "Export",
- "ExportAll": "Export all",
- "ExportOnlyFiltered": "Export filtered items",
- "ExportOnlySelectedItems": "Export selected items",
- "ExportRange": "Export range",
- "FC": "Fusion compute",
- "Failed": "Failed",
- "FailedAsset": "Failed assets",
- "FaviconTip": "Note: website icon (suggested image size: 16px*16px)",
- "Features": "Features",
- "FeiShu": "FeiShu",
- "FeiShuOAuth": "Feishu OAuth",
- "FeiShuTest": "Test",
- "FieldRequiredError": "This field is required",
- "FileExplorer": "File explorer",
- "FileManagement": "File manager",
- "FileNameTooLong": "File name too long",
- "FileSizeExceedsLimit": "File size exceeds limit",
- "FileTransfer": "File transfer",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips1": "Select one asset or node",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips2": "Select running account and input command",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips3": "Transfer,display output results",
- "FileTransferNum": "Number of file transfers",
- "FileType": "File type",
- "Filename": "File name",
- "FingerPrint": "Fingerprint",
- "Finished": "Complete",
- "FinishedTicket": "Complete ticket",
- "FirstLogin": "First login",
- "FlowSetUp": "Flow setup",
- "Footer": "Footer",
- "ForgotPasswordURL": "Forgot password URL",
- "FormatError": "Format error",
- "Friday": "Fri",
- "From": "From",
- "FromTicket": "From the ticket",
- "FullName": "Full name",
- "FullySynchronous": "Assets completely synchronized",
- "FullySynchronousHelpTip": "Whether to continue synchronizing such assets when the asset conditions do not meet the matching policy rules",
- "GCP": "Google cloud",
- "GPTCreate": "Create asset - gpt",
- "GPTUpdate": "Update the asset - gpt",
- "Gateway": "Gateway",
- "GatewayCreate": "Create gateway",
- "GatewayList": "Gateways",
- "GatewayPlatformHelpText": "Only platforms with names starting with ‘Gateway’ can be used as gateways.",
- "GatewayUpdate": "Update the gateway",
- "DiscoverAccounts": "Discover accounts",
- "DiscoverAccountsHelpText": "Collect account information on assets. the collected account information can be imported into the system for centralized management.",
- "DiscoveredAccountList": "Discovered accounts",
- "General": "General",
- "GeneralAccounts": "General accounts",
- "GeneralSetting": "General",
- "Generate": "Generate",
- "GenerateAccounts": "Regenerate account",
- "GenerateSuccessMsg": "Account creation successful",
- "GoHomePage": "Go to homepage",
- "Goto": "Goto",
- "GrantedAssets": "Authorized assets",
- "GreatEqualThan": "Greater than or equal to",
- "GroupsAmount": "User group",
- "HTTPSRequiredForSupport": "HTTPS is required for support",
- "HandleTicket": "Handle ticket",
- "Hardware": "Hardware information",
- "HardwareInfo": "Hardware information",
- "HasImportErrorItemMsg": "There are import failures, click on the left x to view the failure reasons, after editing the table, you can continue to import failures.",
- "Help": "Help",
- "HighLoad": "Higher",
- "HistoricalSessionNum": "Total historical sessions",
- "History": "History",
- "HistoryDate": "Date",
- "HistoryPassword": "Historical password",
- "HistoryRecord": "History record",
- "Host": "Asset",
- "HostCreate": "Create asset - host",
- "HostDeployment": "Deploy publishing machine",
- "HostList": "Host",
- "HostUpdate": "Update the asset - host",
- "HostnameStrategy": "Used to generate hostnames for assets. for example: 1. instance name (instancedemo); 2. instance name and part of ip (last two letters) (instancedemo-250.1)",
- "Hour": "Hour",
- "HuaweiCloud": "Huawei cloud",
- "HuaweiPrivateCloud": "Huawei private cloud",
- "IAgree": "I agree",
- "ID": "ID",
- "IP": "IP",
- "IPDomain": "Address",
- "IPGroup": "IP group",
- "IPGroupHelpText": "* indicates match all. for example:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
- "IPLoginLimit": "IP restriction",
- "IPMatch": "IP matching",
- "IPNetworkSegment": "IP segment",
- "IPType": "IP type",
- "Id": "Id",
- "IdeaContent": "I want you to act as a linux terminal. i will input the commands, you will respond with what the terminal should display. i hope you to reply only in a unique code block, not others. no interpretations. when i need to tell you something, i'm gonna put the words in braces {note text}",
- "IdeaTitle": "🌱 linux terminal",
- "IdpMetadataHelpText": "Either idp metadata url or idp metadata xml is acceptable, with idp metadata url having higher priority",
- "IdpMetadataUrlHelpText": "Load idp metadata from remote address",
- "ImageName": "Image name",
- "Images": "Image",
- "Import": "Import",
- "ImportAll": "Import all",
- "ImportFail": "Import failed",
- "ImportLdapUserTip": "Please submit ldap configuration before import",
- "ImportLdapUserTitle": "Ldap user",
- "ImportLicense": "Import license",
- "ImportLicenseTip": "Please import license",
- "ImportMessage": "Please go to the corresponding type of page to import data",
- "ImportOrg": "Import organization",
- "InActiveAsset": "Not recently logged in",
- "InActiveUser": "No recent login",
- "InAssetDetail": "Update account info in asset details",
- "Inactive": "Disabled",
- "Index": "Index",
- "Info": "Information",
- "InformationModification": "Information Modification",
- "InheritPlatformConfig": "Inherited from platform configuration, to change, please modify the configuration in the platform",
- "InitialDeploy": "Initialization deployment",
- "Input": "Input",
- "InputEmailAddress": "Please enter the correct email address",
- "InputMessage": "Enter message...",
- "InputPhone": "Phone number",
- "InstanceAddress": "Instance address",
- "InstanceName": "Instance name",
- "InstancePlatformName": "Instance platform name",
- "Interface": "Appearance",
- "InterfaceSettings": "Appearance",
- "Interval": "Interval",
- "IntervalOfCreateUpdatePage": "Unit: hour",
- "InvalidJson": "Invalid json",
- "InviteSuccess": "Invitation successful",
- "InviteUser": "Invite",
- "InviteUserInOrg": "Invite users to join this organization",
- "IsActive": "Active",
- "IsAlwaysUpdate": "Keeping assets up to date",
- "IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTip": "Whether to synchronize and update asset information, including hostname, ip, platform, domain, node, etc. each time a synchronization task is performed",
- "IsFinished": "Finished",
- "IsLocked": "Suspend",
- "IsSuccess": "Success",
- "IsSyncAccountHelpText": "Upon collection completion, the collected account will be synced to asset",
- "IsSyncAccountLabel": "Sync to assets",
- "JDCloud": "JD cloud",
- "Job": "Job",
- "JobCenter": "Job center",
- "JobCreate": "Create job",
- "JobDetail": "Job details",
- "JobExecutionLog": "Job logs",
- "JobManagement": "Jobs",
- "JobUpdate": "Update the job",
- "KingSoftCloud": "KingSoft cloud",
- "KokoSetting": "KoKo",
- "LAN": "LAN",
- "LDAPUser": "LDAP Users",
- "LOWER_CASE_REQUIRED": "Must contain lowercase letters",
- "Language": "Language",
- "LarkOAuth": "Lark OAuth",
- "Last30": "Recent 30 items",
- "Last30Days": "Monthly",
- "Last7Days": "Weekly",
- "LastPublishedTime": "Last publish time",
- "Ldap": "LDAP",
- "LdapBulkImport": "User import",
- "LdapConnectTest": "Test connection",
- "LdapLoginTest": "Test login",
- "Length": "Length",
- "LessEqualThan": "Less than or equal to",
- "LevelApproval": "Level approval",
- "License": "License",
- "LicenseExpired": "The license has expired",
- "LicenseFile": "License file",
- "LicenseForTest": "Test purpose license, this license is only for testing (poc) and demonstration",
- "LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "The assets has exceeded the license limit",
- "LicenseWillBe": "License expiring soon",
- "Loading": "Loading",
- "LockedIP": "Locked ip {count}",
- "Log": "Log",
- "LogData": "Log data",
- "LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "Total successful login",
- "Logging": "Log record",
- "LoginAssetConfirm": "Asset connect review",
- "LoginAssetToday": "Active assets today",
- "LoginAssets": "Active assets",
- "LoginConfirm": "Login review",
- "LoginConfirmUser": "Confirm by",
- "LoginCount": "Login times",
- "LoginDate": "Login date",
- "LoginFailed": "Login failed",
- "LoginFrom": "Login source",
- "LoginImageTip": "Note: it will appear on the enterprise user login page (recommended image size: 492*472px)",
- "LoginLog": "Login logs",
- "LoginLogTotal": "Total login logs",
- "LoginNum": "Total login logs",
- "LoginPasswordSetting": "Login password",
- "LoginRequiredMsg": "The account has logged out, please login again.",
- "LoginSSHKeySetting": "Login SSH key",
- "LoginSucceeded": "Login successful",
- "LoginTitleTip": "Note: it will be displayed on the enterprise edition user ssh login koko login page (e.g.: welcome to use jumpserver open source PAM)",
- "LoginUserRanking": "Login user ranking",
- "LoginUserToday": "Users logged today",
- "LoginUsers": "Active account",
- "LogoIndexTip": "Tip: it will be displayed in the upper left corner of the page (recommended image size: 185px*55px)",
- "LogoLogoutTip": "Tip: it will be displayed on the web terminal page of enterprise edition users (recommended image size: 82px*82px)",
- "Logout": "Sign out",
- "LogsAudit": "Activities",
- "Lowercase": "Lowercase",
- "LunaSetting": "Luna",
- "MFAErrorMsg": "MFA errors, please check",
- "MFAOfUserFirstLoginPersonalInformationImprovementPage": "Enable multi-factor authentication to make your account more secure.
after enabling, you will enter the multi-factor authentication binding process the next time you login; you can also directly bind in (personal information->quick modification->change multi-factor settings)!",
- "MFAOfUserFirstLoginUserGuidePage": "In order to protect your and the company's security, please carefully safeguard important sensitive information such as your account, password, and key (for example, set a complex password, and enable multi-factor authentication)
personal information such as email, mobile number, and wechat are only used for user authentication and platform internal message notifications.",
- "MIN_LENGTH_ERROR": "Passwords must be at least {0} characters.",
- "MailRecipient": "Email recipients",
- "MailSend": "Sending",
- "ManualAccount": "Manual account",
- "ManualAccountTip": "Manual input of username/password upon login",
- "ManualExecution": "Manual execution",
- "ManyChoose": "Select multiple",
- "MarkAsRead": "Mark as read",
- "Marketplace": "App market",
- "Match": "Match",
- "MatchIn": "In...",
- "MatchResult": "Match results",
- "MatchedCount": "Match results",
- "Members": "Members",
- "MenuAccountTemplates": "Templates",
- "MenuAccounts": "Accounts",
- "MenuAcls": "Acls",
- "MenuAssets": "Assets",
- "MenuMore": "Others",
- "MenuPermissions": "Policies",
- "MenuUsers": "Users",
- "Message": "Message",
- "MessageType": "Message type",
- "MfaLevel": "MFA",
- "Min": "Min",
- "MinNumber30": "Number must be greater or equal 30",
- "Modify": "Edit",
- "Module": "Module",
- "Monday": "Mon",
- "Monitor": "Monitor",
- "Month": "Month",
- "More": "More",
- "MoreActions": "Actions",
- "MoveAssetToNode": "Move assets to node",
- "MsgSubscribe": "Subscription",
- "MyAssets": "My assets",
- "MyTickets": "Submitted",
- "NUMBER_REQUIRED": "Must contain numbers",
- "Name": "Name",
- "NavHelp": "Navigation",
- "Navigation": "Navigation",
- "NeedReLogin": "Need to re-login",
- "New": "Create",
- "NewChat": "New chat",
- "NewCount": "Add",
- "NewCron": "Generate cron",
- "NewDirectory": "Create new directory",
- "NewFile": "Create new file",
- "NewPassword": "New password",
- "NewPublicKey": "New Public Key",
- "NewSSHKey": "New SSH key",
- "NewSecret": "New secret",
- "NewSyncCount": "New sync",
- "Next": "Next",
- "No": "No",
- "NoAccountFound": "No account found",
- "NoContent": "No content",
- "NoData": "No data available",
- "NoFiles": "No file, upload on the left",
- "NoLog": "No log",
- "NoPermission": "No permissions",
- "NoPermission403": "403 no permission",
- "NoPermissionInGlobal": "No permission in GLOBAL",
- "NoPermissionVew": "No permission to view the current page",
- "NoUnreadMsg": "You have unread notifications",
- "Node": "Node",
- "NodeInformation": "Node information",
- "NodeOfNumber": "Number of node",
- "NodeSearchStrategy": "Node search strategy",
- "NormalLoad": "Normal",
- "NotEqual": "Not equal to",
- "NotSet": "Not set",
- "NotSpecialEmoji": "Special emoji input not allowed",
- "Nothing": "None",
- "NotificationConfiguration": "Notification Configuration",
- "Notifications": "Notifications",
- "Now": "Now",
- "Number": "No.",
- "NumberOfVisits": "Visits",
- "OAuth2": "OAuth2",
- "OAuth2LogoTip": "Note: authentication provider (recommended image size: 64px*64px)",
- "OIDC": "OIDC",
- "ObjectNotFoundOrDeletedMsg": "No corresponding resources found or it has been deleted.",
- "ObjectStorage": "Object Storage",
- "Offline": "Offline",
- "OfflineSelected": "Offline selected",
- "OfflineSuccessMsg": "Successfully offline",
- "OfflineUpload": "Offline upload",
- "OldPassword": "Old password",
- "OldPublicKey": "Old Public Key",
- "OldSecret": "Old secret",
- "OneAssignee": "First-level approver",
- "OneAssigneeType": "First-level handler type",
- "OneClickReadMsg": "Are you sure you want to mark all as read?",
- "OnlineSession": "Online devices",
- "OnlineSessionHelpMsg": "Unable to log out of the current session because it is the current user's online session. currently only users logged in via web are being logged.",
- "OnlineSessions": "Online sessions",
- "OnlineUserDevices": "Online user devices",
- "OnlyInitialDeploy": "Only initial deployment",
- "OnlyMailSend": "Current support for email sending",
- "OnlySearchCurrentNodePerm": "Only search the current node's authorization",
- "Open": "Open",
- "OpenCommand": "Open command",
- "OpenStack": "Openstack",
- "OpenStatus": "In approval",
- "OpenTicket": "Create ticket",
- "OperateLog": "Operate logs",
- "OperationLogNum": "Operation logs",
- "Options": "Options",
- "OrgAdmin": "Organization admin",
- "OrgAuditor": "Organizational auditors",
- "OrgName": "Authorized organization",
- "OrgRole": "Organizational roles",
- "OrgRoleHelpMsg": "Organization roles are roles tailored to individual organizations within the platform. these roles are assigned when inviting users to join a particular organization and dictate their permissions and access levels within that organization. unlike system roles, organization roles are customizable and apply only within the scope of the organization they are assigned to.",
- "OrgRoleHelpText": "The org role is the user's role within the current organization",
- "OrgRoles": "Organizational roles",
- "OrgUser": "Organize users",
- "OrganizationCreate": "Create organization",
- "OrganizationDetail": "Organization details",
- "OrganizationList": "Organizations",
- "OrganizationManage": "Manage orgs",
- "OrganizationUpdate": "Update the organization",
- "OrgsAndRoles": "Org and roles",
- "Other": "Other",
- "Output": "Output",
- "Overview": "Overview",
- "PageNext": "Next",
- "PagePrev": "Previous",
- "Params": "Parameter",
- "ParamsHelpText": "Password parameter settings, currently only effective for assets of the host type.",
- "PassKey": "Passkey",
- "Passkey": "Passkey",
- "PasskeyAddDisableInfo": "Your authentication source is {source}, and adding a passkey is not supported",
- "Passphrase": "Key password",
- "Password": "Password",
- "PasswordAndSSHKey": "Password & SSH key",
- "PasswordChangeLog": "Password change",
- "PasswordExpired": "Password expired",
- "PasswordPlaceholder": "Please enter password",
- "PasswordRecord": "Password record",
- "PasswordRule": "Password rules",
- "PasswordSecurity": "User password",
- "PasswordStrategy": "Secret strategy",
- "PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "Password will be in",
- "PasswordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "It will expire in days, please change your password as soon as possible.",
- "Paste": "Paste",
- "Pause": "Pause",
- "PauseTaskSendSuccessMsg": "Task pausing issued, please refresh and check later",
- "Pending": "Pending",
- "PermAccount": "Authorized accounts",
- "PermAction": "Permission Action",
- "PermUserList": "Authorized users",
- "PermissionCompany": "Authorized companies",
- "PermissionName": "Authorization rule name",
- "Permissions": "Permission",
- "PersonalInformationImprovement": "Complete personal information",
- "PersonalSettings": "Personal Settings",
- "Phone": "Phone",
- "Plan": "Plan",
- "Platform": "Platform",
- "PlatformCreate": "Create platform",
- "PlatformDetail": "Platform details",
- "PlatformList": "Platforms",
- "PlatformPageHelpMsg": "The platform categorizes assets, such as windows, linux, network devices, etc. configuration settings, such as protocols, gateways, etc., can also be specified on the platform to determine whether certain features are enabled on assets.",
- "PlatformProtocolConfig": "Platform protocol configuration",
- "PlatformUpdate": "Update the platform",
- "PlaybookDetail": "Playbook details",
- "PlaybookManage": "Playbook",
- "PlaybookUpdate": "Update the playbook",
- "PleaseAgreeToTheTerms": "Please agree to the terms",
- "PleaseSelect": "Please select ",
- "PolicyName": "Policy name",
- "Port": "Port",
- "Ports": "Port",
- "Preferences": "Preferences",
- "PrepareSyncTask": "Preparing to perform synchronization task...",
- "Primary": "Primary",
- "Priority": "Priority",
- "PrivateCloud": "Private cloud",
- "PrivateIP": "Private IP",
- "PrivateKey": "Private key",
- "Privileged": "Privileged",
- "PrivilegedFirst": "Privileged first",
- "PrivilegedOnly": "Privileged only",
- "PrivilegedTemplate": "Privileged",
- "Product": "Product",
- "ProfileSetting": "Profile info",
- "Project": "Project name",
- "Prompt": "Prompt",
- "Proportion": "New this week",
- "ProportionOfAssetTypes": "Asset type proportion",
- "Protocol": "Protocol",
- "Protocols": "Protocols",
- "Provider": "Provider",
- "Proxy": "Agent",
- "PublicCloud": "Public cloud",
- "PublicIP": "Public IP",
- "PublicKey": "Public key",
- "Publish": "Publish",
- "PublishAllApplets": "Publish all applications",
- "PublishStatus": "Release status",
- "Push": "Push",
- "PushAccount": "Push accounts",
- "PushAccountsHelpText": "Pushing the account to the target asset allows for configuring different push methods for assets on different platforms.",
- "PushParams": "Push parameters",
- "Qcloud": "Tencent cloud",
- "QcloudLighthouse": "Tencent cloud (Lighthouse)",
- "QingYunPrivateCloud": "Qingyun private cloud",
- "Queue": "Queue",
- "QuickAdd": "Quick add",
- "QuickJob": "Adhoc",
- "QuickUpdate": "Quick update",
- "Radius": "Radius",
- "Ranking": "Rank",
- "RazorNotSupport": "Rdp client session, monitoring not supported",
- "ReLogin": "Login again",
- "ReLoginTitle": "Current third-party login user (cas/saml), not bound to mfa and does not support password verification, please login again.",
- "RealTimeData": "Real-time",
- "Reason": "Reason",
- "Receivers": "Receiver",
- "RecentLogin": "Recent login",
- "RecentSession": "Recent sessions",
- "RecentlyUsed": "Recently",
- "Recipient": "Recipient",
- "RecipientHelpText": "If both recipients A and B are set, the account's ciphertext will be split into two parts; if only one recipient is set, the key will not be split.",
- "RecipientServer": "Receiving server",
- "Reconnect": "Reconnect",
- "Refresh": "Refresh",
- "RefreshHardware": "Refresh hardware info",
- "Regex": "Regular expression",
- "Region": "Region",
- "RegularlyPerform": "Periodic execution",
- "Reject": "Reject",
- "Rejected": "Rejected",
- "ReleaseAssets": "Release assets",
- "ReleaseAssetsHelpTips": "Whether to automatically delete assets synchronized through this task and released on the cloud at the end of the task",
- "ReleasedCount": "Released",
- "RelevantApp": "Application",
- "RelevantAsset": "Assets",
- "RelevantAssignees": "Related recipient",
- "RelevantCommand": "Command",
- "RelevantSystemUser": "System user",
- "RemoteAddr": "Remote address",
- "Remove": "Remove",
- "RemoveAssetFromNode": "Remove assets from node",
- "RemoveSelected": "Remove selected",
- "RemoveSuccessMsg": "Successfully removed",
- "RemoveWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to remove",
- "Rename": "Rename",
- "RenameNode": "Rename node",
- "ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUserWithThis": "Replace asset admin",
- "Replay": "Playback",
- "ReplaySession": "Session replay",
- "ReplayStorage": "Object storage",
- "ReplayStorageCreateUpdateHelpMessage": "Notice: current sftp storage only supports account backup, video storage is not yet supported.",
- "ReplayStorageUpdate": "Update the object storage",
- "Reply": "Reply",
- "RequestAssetPerm": "Request asset authorization",
- "RequestPerm": "Authorization request",
- "RequestTickets": "New ticket",
- "RequiredAssetOrNode": "Please select at least one asset or node",
- "RequiredContent": "Please input command",
- "RequiredEntryFile": "This file acts as the entry point for running and must be present",
- "RequiredRunas": "Enter exec user",
- "RequiredSystemUserErrMsg": "Please select account",
- "RequiredUploadFile": "Please upload the file!",
- "Reset": "Reset",
- "ResetAndDownloadSSHKey": "Reset and download key",
- "ResetMFA": "Reset mfa",
- "ResetMFAWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to reset the user's mfa?",
- "ResetMFAdSuccessMsg": "Mfa reset successful, user can reset mfa again",
- "ResetPassword": "Reset password",
- "ResetPasswordNextLogin": "Password must be changed during next login",
- "ResetPasswordSuccessMsg": "Reset password message sent to user",
- "ResetPasswordWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to send the password reset email for the user",
- "ResetPublicKeyAndDownload": "Reset and download ssh key",
- "ResetSSHKey": "Reset ssh key",
- "ResetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "Email task submitted, user will receive a url to reset shortly",
- "ResetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to send a reset ssh key email to the user?",
- "Resource": "Resources",
- "ResourceType": "Resource type",
- "RestoreButton": "Restore",
- "RestoreDefault": "Reset to default",
- "RestoreDialogMessage": "Are you sure you want to restore to default initialization?",
- "RestoreDialogTitle": "Do you confirm?",
- "Result": "Result",
- "Resume": "Recovery",
- "ResumeTaskSendSuccessMsg": "Recovery task issued, please refresh later",
- "Retry": "Retry",
- "RetrySelected": "Retry selected",
- "Reviewer": "Approvers",
- "Role": "Role",
- "RoleCreate": "Create role",
- "RoleDetail": "Role details",
- "RoleInfo": "Role information",
- "RoleList": "Roles",
- "RoleUpdate": "Update the role",
- "RoleUsers": "Authorized users",
- "Rows": "Row",
- "Rule": "Condition",
- "RuleCount": "Condition quantity",
- "RuleDetail": "Rule details",
- "RuleRelation": "Relationship conditions",
- "RuleRelationHelpTip": "And: the action will be executed only when all conditions are met; or: the action will be executed as long as one condition is met",
- "RuleSetting": "Condition settings",
- "Rules": "Rules",
- "Run": "Execute",
- "RunAgain": "Execute again",
- "RunAs": "Run user",
- "RunCommand": "Run command",
- "RunJob": "Run job",
- "RunSucceed": "Task successfully completed",
- "RunTaskManually": "Manually execute",
- "RunasHelpText": "Enter username for running script",
- "RunasPolicy": "Account policy",
- "RunasPolicyHelpText": "When there are no users currently running on the asset, what account selection strategy should be adopted. skip: do not execute. prioritize privileged accounts: if there are privileged accounts, select them first; if not, select regular accounts. only privileged accounts: select only from privileged accounts; if none exist, do not execute.",
- "Running": "Running",
- "RunningPath": "Running path",
- "RunningPathHelpText": "Enter the run path of the script, this setting only applies to shell scripts",
- "RunningTimes": "Last 5 run times",
- "SCP": "Sangfor cloud platform",
- "SMS": "Message",
- "SMSProvider": "SMS service provider",
- "SMTP": "Server",
- "SPECIAL_CHAR_REQUIRED": "Must contain special characters",
- "SSHKey": "SSH key",
- "SSHKeyOfProfileSSHUpdatePage": "You can click the button below to reset and download your key, or copy your SSH public key and submit it.",
- "SSHPort": "SSH Port",
- "SSHSecretKey": "SSH secret key",
- "SafeCommand": "Secure command",
- "SameAccount": "Same account",
- "SameAccountTip": "Account with the same username as authorized users",
- "SameTypeAccountTip": "An account with the same username and key type already exists",
- "Saturday": "Sat",
- "Save": "Save",
- "SaveAdhoc": "Save command",
- "SaveAndAddAnother": "Save & Continue",
- "SaveCommand": "Save command",
- "SaveCommandSuccess": "Command saved successfully",
- "SaveSetting": "Synchronization settings",
- "SaveSuccess": "Save successful",
- "SaveSuccessContinueMsg": "Creation successful, you can continue to add content after updating.",
- "ScrollToBottom": "Scroll to the bottom",
- "ScrollToTop": "Scroll to top",
- "Search": "Search",
- "SearchAncestorNodePerm": "Search for authorizations simultaneously on the current node and ancestor nodes",
- "Secret": "Password",
- "SecretKey": "Key",
- "SecretKeyStrategy": "Password policy",
- "Secure": "Security",
- "Security": "Security",
- "Select": "Select",
- "SelectAdhoc": "Select command",
- "SelectAll": "Select all",
- "SelectAtLeastOneAssetOrNodeErrMsg": "Select at least one asset or node",
- "SelectAttrs": "Select attributes",
- "SelectByAttr": "Filter by attribute",
- "SelectFile": "Select file",
- "SelectKeyOrCreateNew": "Select tag key or create new one",
- "SelectLabelFilter": "Select tag for search",
- "SelectProperties": "Attributes",
- "SelectProvider": "Select provider",
- "SelectProviderMsg": "Please select a cloud platform",
- "SelectResource": "Select resources",
- "SelectTemplate": "Select template",
- "SelectValueOrCreateNew": "Select tag value or create new one",
- "Selected": "Selected",
- "Selection": "Selection",
- "Selector": "Selector",
- "Send": "Send",
- "SendVerificationCode": "Send verification code",
- "SerialNumber": "Serial number",
- "Server": "Server",
- "ServerAccountKey": "Service account key",
- "ServerError": "Server error",
- "ServerTime": "Server time",
- "Session": "Session",
- "SessionCommands": "Session commands",
- "SessionConnectTrend": "Session connection trends",
- "SessionData": "Session data",
- "SessionDetail": "Session details",
- "SessionID": "Session id",
- "SessionJoinRecords": "collaboration records",
- "SessionList": "Asset sessions",
- "SessionMonitor": "Monitor",
- "SessionOffline": "Historical sessions",
- "SessionOnline": "Online sessions",
- "SessionSecurity": "Asset session",
- "SessionState": "Session status",
- "SessionTerminate": "Session termination",
- "SessionTrend": "Session trends",
- "Sessions": "Sessions",
- "SessionsAudit": "Sessions",
- "SessionsNum": "Sessions",
- "Set": "Configured",
- "SetDingTalk": "Dingtalk oauth",
- "SetFailed": "Setting failed",
- "SetFeiShu": "Set feishu authentication",
- "SetMFA": "Multi-factor authentication",
- "SetSuccess": "Successfully set",
- "SetToDefault": "Set as default",
- "Setting": "Setting",
- "SettingInEndpointHelpText": "Configure service address and port in system settings / component settings / server endpoints",
- "Settings": "System settings",
- "Share": "Share",
- "Show": "Display",
- "ShowAssetAllChildrenNode": "Show all sub-nodes assets",
- "ShowAssetOnlyCurrentNode": "Only show current node assets",
- "ShowNodeInfo": "Show node details",
- "SignChannelNum": "Channel signature",
- "SiteMessage": "Notifications",
- "SiteMessageList": "Notifications",
- "SiteURLTip": "For example:",
- "Skip": "Skip this asset",
- "Skipped": "Skipped",
- "Slack": "Slack",
- "SlackOAuth": "Slack OAuth",
- "Source": "Source",
- "SourceIP": "Source address",
- "SourcePort": "Source port",
- "Spec": "Specific",
- "SpecAccount": "Specified accounts",
- "SpecAccountTip": "Specify username to choose authorized account",
- "SpecialSymbol": "Special char",
- "SpecificInfo": "Special information",
- "SshKeyFingerprint": "Ssh fingerprint",
- "Startswith": "Starts with...",
- "State": "Status",
- "StateClosed": "Is closed",
- "StatePrivate": "State private",
- "Status": "Status",
- "StatusGreen": "Recently in good condition",
- "StatusRed": "Last task execution failed",
- "StatusYellow": "There have been recent failures",
- "Step": "Step",
- "Stop": "Stop",
- "StopLogOutput": "Task Canceled: The current task (currentTaskId) has been manually stopped. Since the progress of each task varies, the following is the final execution result of the task. A failed execution indicates that the task has been successfully stopped.",
- "Storage": "Storage",
- "StorageSetting": "Storage",
- "Strategy": "Strategy",
- "StrategyCreate": "Create policy",
- "StrategyDetail": "Policy details",
- "StrategyHelpTip": "Identify the unique attributes of assets (such as platforms) based on priority of strategies; when an asset's attribute (like nodes) can be configured to multiple, all actions of the strategies will be executed.",
- "StrategyList": "Policy",
- "StrategyUpdate": "Update the policy",
- "SuEnabled": "Enabled su",
- "SuFrom": "Switch from",
- "Submit": "Submit",
- "SubscriptionID": "ID",
- "Success": "Success",
- "Success/Total": "Success/Total",
- "SuccessAsset": "Successful assets",
- "SuccessfulOperation": "Action successful",
- "Summary": "Summary",
- "Summary(success/total)": " overview( successful/total )",
- "Sunday": "Sun",
- "SuperAdmin": "Super administrator",
- "SuperOrgAdmin": "Super admin + organization admin",
- "Support": "Support",
- "SupportedProtocol": "Protocols",
- "SupportedProtocolHelpText": "Set supported protocols for the asset, you can modify the custom configurations, such as sftp directory, rdp ad domain, etc., by clicking on the set button",
- "Sync": "Sync",
- "SyncAction": "Synchronized action",
- "SyncDelete": "Sync deletion",
- "SyncDeleteSelected": "Sync deletion selected",
- "SyncErrorMsg": "Sync failed",
- "SyncInstanceTaskCreate": "Create sync task",
- "SyncInstanceTaskDetail": "Sync task details",
- "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryAssetList": "Synchronize instance",
- "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryList": "Synchronization history",
- "SyncInstanceTaskList": "Synchronization task",
- "SyncInstanceTaskUpdate": "Update the sync task",
- "SyncManual": "Manual sync",
- "SyncOnline": "Online sync",
- "SyncProtocolToAsset": "Sync protocols to assets",
- "SyncRegion": "Sync region",
- "SyncSelected": "Sync selected",
- "SyncSetting": "Sync settings",
- "SyncStrategy": "Sync policy",
- "SyncSuccessMsg": "Sync succeeded, select the host to import into the system",
- "SyncTask": "Sync tasks",
- "SyncTiming": "Timing sync",
- "SyncUpdateAccountInfo": "Sync new secret to accounts",
- "SyncUser": "Sync users",
- "SyncedCount": "Synchronized",
- "SystemError": "System error",
- "SystemRole": "System roles",
- "SystemRoleHelpMsg": "System roles are roles that apply universally across all organizations within the platform. these roles allow you to define specific permissions and access levels for users across the entire system. changes made to system roles will affect all organizations using the platform.",
- "SystemRoles": "System roles",
- "SystemSetting": "System settings",
- "SystemTasks": "Tasks",
- "SystemTools": "Tools",
- "TableColSetting": "Select visible attribute columns",
- "TableSetting": "Table preferences",
- "TagCreate": "Create tag",
- "TagInputFormatValidation": "Tag format error, the correct format is: name:value",
- "TagList": "Tags",
- "TagUpdate": "Update the tag",
- "Tags": "Tags",
- "TailLog": "Tail Log",
- "Target": "Target",
- "TargetResources": "Target resource",
- "Task": "Task",
- "TaskDetail": "Task details",
- "TaskDone": "Task finished",
- "RiskDetection": "Risk detection",
- "DetectTasks": "Detect tasks",
- "DetectResults": "Detect results",
- "DetectEngines": "Detect engines",
- "TaskID": "Task id",
- "TaskList": "Tasks",
- "TaskMonitor": "Monitoring",
- "TechnologyConsult": "Technical consultation",
- "TempPasswordTip": "The temporary password is valid for 300 seconds and becomes invalid immediately after use",
- "TempToken": "Temporary tokens",
- "TemplateAdd": "Add from template",
- "TemplateCreate": "Create template",
- "TemplateHelpText": "When selecting a template to add, accounts that do not exist under the asset will be automatically created and pushed",
- "TemplateManagement": "Templates",
- "TencentCloud": "Tencent cloud",
- "Terminal": "Components",
- "TerminalDetail": "Terminal details",
- "TerminalUpdate": "Update the terminal",
- "TerminalUpdateStorage": "Update the terminal storage",
- "Terminate": "Terminate",
- "TerminateTaskSendSuccessMsg": "Task termination has been issued, please refresh and check later",
- "TermsAndConditions": "Terms and conditions",
- "Test": "Test",
- "TestAccountConnective": "Test connectivity",
- "TestAssetsConnective": "Test connectivity",
- "TestConnection": "Test connection",
- "TestGatewayHelpMessage": "If nat port mapping is used, please set it to the real port listened to by ssh",
- "TestGatewayTestConnection": "Test connect to gateway",
- "TestLdapLoginTitle": "Test ldap user login",
- "TestNodeAssetConnectivity": "Test assets connectivity of node",
- "TestPortErrorMsg": "Port error, please re-enter",
- "TestSelected": "Verify selected",
- "TestSuccessMsg": "Test succeeded",
- "Thursday": "Thu",
- "Ticket": "Ticket",
- "TicketDetail": "Ticket details",
- "TicketFlow": "Ticket flow",
- "TicketFlowCreate": "Create approval flow",
- "TicketFlowUpdate": "Update the approval flow",
- "Tickets": "Tickets",
- "Time": "Time",
- "TimeDelta": "Duration",
- "TimeExpression": "Time expression",
- "Timeout": "Timeout",
- "TimeoutHelpText": "When this value is -1, no timeout is specified.",
- "Timer": "Timer",
- "Title": "Title",
- "To": "To",
- "Today": "Today",
- "TodayFailedConnections": "Failed sessions today",
- "Token": "Token",
- "Total": "Total",
- "TotalJobFailed": "Failed execution actions",
- "TotalJobLog": "Total job executions",
- "TotalJobRunning": "Running jobs",
- "TotalSyncAsset": "Assets",
- "TotalSyncRegion": "Regions",
- "TotalSyncStrategy": "Number of strategies",
- "Transfer": "Transfer",
- "TriggerMode": "Trigger mode",
- "Tuesday": "Tue",
- "TwoAssignee": "Subscribe to authorization id",
- "TwoAssigneeType": "Secondary recipient type",
- "Type": "Type",
- "TypeTree": "Type tree",
- "Types": "Type",
- "UCloud": "Ucloud uhost",
- "UPPER_CASE_REQUIRED": "Must contain uppercase letters",
- "UnFavoriteSucceed": "Unfavorite Successful",
- "UnSyncCount": "Not synced",
- "Unbind": "Unlink",
- "UnbindHelpText": "Local users are the source of this authentication and cannot be unbound",
- "Unblock": "Unlock",
- "UnblockSelected": "Unblock selected",
- "UnblockSuccessMsg": "Unlock successful",
- "UnblockUser": "Unlock user",
- "Uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "UniqueError": "Only one of the following properties can be set",
- "UnlockSuccessMsg": "Unlock successful",
- "UnselectedOrg": "No organization selected",
- "UnselectedUser": "No user selected",
- "UpDownload": "Upload & download",
- "Update": "Update",
- "UpdateAccount": "Update the account",
- "UpdateAccountTemplate": "Update the account template",
- "UpdateAssetDetail": "Configure more information",
- "UpdateAssetUserToken": "Update account authentication information",
- "UpdateEndpoint": "Update the endpoint",
- "UpdateEndpointRule": "Update the endpoint rule",
- "UpdateErrorMsg": "Update failed",
- "UpdateNodeAssetHardwareInfo": "Update node assets hardware information",
- "UpdatePlatformHelpText": "The asset will be updated only if the original platform type is the same as the selected platform type. if the platform types before and after the update are different, it will not be updated.",
- "UpdateSSHKey": "Change ssh public key",
- "UpdateSelected": "Update selected",
- "UpdateSuccessMsg": "Successfully updated !",
- "Updated": "Updated",
- "Upload": "Upload",
- "UploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "Only csv/xlsx can be uploaded, and no more than 10m",
- "UploadDir": "Upload path",
- "UploadFileLthHelpText": "Less than {limit}m supported",
- "UploadHelpText": "Please upload a .zip file containing the following sample directory structure",
- "UploadPlaybook": "Upload playbook",
- "UploadSucceed": "Upload succeeded",
- "UploadZipTips": "Please upload a file in zip format",
- "Uploading": "Uploading file",
- "Uppercase": "Uppercase",
- "UseProtocol": "User agreement",
- "UseSSL": "Use ssl/tls",
- "User": "User",
- "UserAclLists": "Login ACLs",
- "UserAssetActivity": "User/Asset activity",
- "UserCreate": "Create user",
- "UserData": "User data",
- "UserDetail": "User details",
- "UserGroupCreate": "Create user group",
- "UserGroupDetail": "User group details",
- "UserGroupList": "Groups",
- "UserGroupUpdate": "Update the user group",
- "UserGroups": "Groups",
- "UserList": "Users",
- "UserLoginACLHelpMsg": "When logging into the system, the user's login ip and time range can be audited to determine whether they are allowed to loginto the system (effective globally)",
- "UserLoginACLHelpText": "When logging in, it can be audited based on the user's login ip and time segment to determine whether the user can login",
- "UserLoginAclCreate": "Create user login control",
- "UserLoginAclDetail": "User login control details",
- "UserLoginAclList": "User login",
- "UserLoginAclUpdate": "Update the user login control",
- "UserLoginLimit": "User restriction",
- "UserLoginTrend": "Account login trend",
- "UserPasswordChangeLog": "User password change log",
- "UserSession": "Asset sessions",
- "UserSwitchFrom": "Switch from",
- "UserUpdate": "Update the user",
- "Username": "Username",
- "UsernamePlaceholder": "Please enter username",
- "Users": "User",
- "UsersAmount": "User",
- "UsersAndUserGroups": "Users/groups",
- "UsersTotal": "Total users",
- "Valid": "Valid",
- "Variable": "Variable",
- "VariableHelpText": "You can use {{ key }} to read built-in variables in commands",
- "VaultHCPMountPoint": "The mount point of the Vault server, default is jumpserver",
- "VaultHelpText": "1. for security reasons, vault storage must be enabled in the configuration file.
2. after enabled, fill in other configurations, and perform tests.
3. carry out data synchronization, which is one-way, only syncing from the local database to the distant vault, once synchronization is completed, the local database will no longer store passwords, please back up your data.
4. after modifying vault configuration the second time, you need to restart the service.",
- "VerificationCodeSent": "Verification code has been sent",
- "VerifySignTmpl": "Sms template",
- "Version": "Version",
- "View": "View",
- "ViewMore": "View more",
- "ViewPerm": "View",
- "ViewSecret": "View ciphertext",
- "VirtualAccountDetail": "Virtual account details",
- "VirtualAccountHelpMsg": "Virtual accounts are specialized accounts with specific purposes when connecting assets.",
- "VirtualAccountUpdate": "Virtual account update",
- "VirtualAccounts": "Virtual accounts",
- "VirtualApp": "VirtualApp",
- "VirtualAppDetail": "Virtual App details",
- "VirtualApps": "VirtualApp",
- "Volcengine": "Volcengine",
- "Warning": "Warning",
- "WeChat": "WeChat",
- "WeCom": "WeCom",
- "WeComOAuth": "WeCom OAuth",
- "WeComTest": "Test",
- "WebCreate": "Create asset - web",
- "WebHelpMessage": "Web type assets depend on remote applications, please go to system settings and configure in remote applications",
- "WebSocketDisconnect": "Websocket disconnected",
- "WebTerminal": "Web terminal",
- "WebUpdate": "Update the asset - web",
- "Wednesday": "Wed",
- "Week": "Week",
- "WeekAdd": "Weekly add",
- "WeekOrTime": "Day/time",
- "WildcardsAllowed": "Allowed wildcards",
- "WindowsPushHelpText": "Windows assets temporarily do not support key push",
- "WordSep": " ",
- "Workbench": "Workbench",
- "Workspace": "Workspace",
- "Yes": "Yes",
- "YourProfile": "Your profile",
- "ZStack": "ZStack",
- "Zone": "Zone",
- "ZoneCreate": "Create zone",
- "ZoneEnabled": "Enable zone",
- "ZoneHelpMessage": "The zone is the location where assets are located, which can be a data center, public cloud, or VPC. Gateways can be set up within the region. When the network cannot be directly accessed, users can utilize gateways to login to the assets.",
- "ZoneList": "Zones",
- "ZoneUpdate": "Update the zone",
- "disallowSelfUpdateFields": "Not allowed to modify the current fields yourself",
- "forceEnableMFAHelpText": "If force enable, user can not disable by themselves",
- "removeWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to remove",
- "TaskPath": "Task path"
+ "ACLs": "ACLs",
+ "APIKey": "API key",
+ "AWS_China": "AWS(China)",
+ "AWS_Int": "AWS(International)",
+ "About": "About",
+ "Accept": "Accept",
+ "AccessIP": "IP whitelist",
+ "AccessKey": "Access key",
+ "Account": "Account",
+ "AccountActivity": "Activity",
+ "AccountAmount": "Account amount",
+ "AccountBackup": "Backup accounts",
+ "AccountBackupCreate": "Create account backup",
+ "AccountBackupDetail": "Backup account details",
+ "AccountBackupList": "Backup account",
+ "AccountBackupUpdate": "Update account backup",
+ "AccountChangeSecret": "Change account secret",
+ "AccountChangeSecretDetail": "Change account secret details",
+ "AccountDeleteConfirmMsg": "Delete account, continue?",
+ "AccountDiscoverDetail": "Gather account details",
+ "AccountDiscoverList": "Discover accounts",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskCreate": "Create discover accounts task",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskList": "Discover accounts tasks",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskUpdate": "Update the discover accounts task",
+ "AccountExportTips": "The exported information contains sensitive information such as encrypted account numbers. the exported format is an encrypted zip file (if you have not set the encryption password, please go to personal info to set the file encryption password).",
+ "AccountList": "Accounts",
+ "AccountPolicy": "Account policy",
+ "AccountPolicyHelpText": "For accounts that do not meet the requirements when creating, such as: non-compliant key types and unique key constraints, you can choose the above strategy.",
+ "AccountPushCreate": "Create push account",
+ "AccountPushDetail": "Push account details",
+ "AccountPushList": "Push accounts",
+ "AccountPushUpdate": "Update push account",
+ "AccountSessions": "Sessions",
+ "AccountStorage": "Account storage",
+ "AccountTemplate": "Account templates",
+ "AccountTemplateList": "Account templates",
+ "AccountTemplateUpdateSecretHelpText": "The account list shows the accounts created through the template. when the secret is updated, the ciphertext of the accounts created through the template will be updated.",
+ "Accounts": "Accounts",
+ "Action": "Action",
+ "ActionCount": "Action count",
+ "ActionSetting": "Action setting",
+ "Actions": "Actions",
+ "ActionsTips": "The effects of each authority's agreement are different, click on the icon behind the authority to view",
+ "Activate": "Activate",
+ "ActivateSelected": "Activate selected",
+ "ActivateSuccessMsg": "Successful activated",
+ "Active": "Active",
+ "ActiveAsset": "Recently logged in",
+ "ActiveAssetRanking": "Login asset ranking",
+ "ActiveUser": "Logged in recently",
+ "ActiveUsers": "Active users",
+ "Activity": "Activities",
+ "Add": "Add",
+ "AddAccount": "Add account",
+ "AddAccountByTemplate": "Add account from template",
+ "AddAccountResult": "Account batch adding results",
+ "AddAllMembersWarningMsg": "Are you sure add all user to this group ?",
+ "AddAsset": "Add assets",
+ "AddAssetInDomain": "Add asset in domain",
+ "AddAssetToNode": "Add assets to node",
+ "AddAssetToThisPermission": "Add assets",
+ "AddGatewayInDomain": "Add gateway in domain",
+ "AddInDetailText": "After successful creation or update, add to the details",
+ "AddNode": "Add node",
+ "AddNodeToThisPermission": "Add nodes",
+ "AddPassKey": "Add passkey",
+ "AddRolePermissions": "Add permissions to the details after successful creation/update",
+ "AddSuccessMsg": "Add successful",
+ "AddUserGroupToThisPermission": "Add user groups",
+ "AddUserToThisPermission": "Add users",
+ "Address": "Address",
+ "AdhocCreate": "Create the command",
+ "AdhocDetail": "Command details",
+ "AdhocManage": "Script",
+ "AdhocUpdate": "Update the command",
+ "Advanced": "Advanced settings",
+ "AfterChange": "After changes",
+ "AjaxError404": "404 request error",
+ "AlibabaCloud": "Alibaba cloud",
+ "Aliyun": "Alibaba cloud",
+ "All": "All",
+ "AllAccountTip": "All accounts already added on the asset",
+ "AllAccounts": "All existing accounts",
+ "AllClickRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "AllMembers": "All members",
+ "AllowInvalidCert": "Ignore certificate check",
+ "Announcement": "Announcement",
+ "AnonymousAccount": "Anonymous account",
+ "AnonymousAccountTip": "Connect to assets without using username and password, only support web type and custom type assets",
+ "ApiKey": "API key",
+ "ApiKeyList": "Authenticate via api key in the header of each request, which differs from one request to another, offering greater security than token method. please consult the documentation for usage.
to minimize the risk of leaks, the secret can only be viewed upon creation, and each user can create up to 10",
+ "ApiKeyWarning": "To reduce the risk of accesskey leakage, the secret is only provided at creation and cannot be queried later, please keep it safe.",
+ "AppEndpoint": "App access address",
+ "AppOps": "Job center",
+ "AppProvider": "Application providers",
+ "AppProviderDetail": "Application provider details",
+ "AppletDetail": "RemoteApp",
+ "AppletHelpText": "In the upload process, if the application does not exist, create the application; if it exists, update the application.",
+ "AppletHostCreate": "Add RemoteApp machine",
+ "AppletHostDetail": "RemoteApp machine",
+ "AppletHostSelectHelpMessage": "When connecting to an asset, the selection of the application publishing machine is random (but the last used one is preferred). if you want to assign a specific publishing machine to an asset, you can tag it as or ;
when selecting an account for the publishing machine, the following situations will choose the user's own account with the same name or proprietary account (starting with js), otherwise use a public account (starting with jms):
1. both the publishing machine and application support concurrent;
2. the publishing machine supports concurrent, but the application does not, and the current application does not use a proprietary account;
3. the publishing machine does not support concurrent, the application either supports or does not support concurrent, and no application uses a proprietary account;
note: whether the application supports concurrent connections is decided by the developer, and whether the host supports concurrent connections is decided by the single user single session setting in the publishing machine configuration",
+ "AppletHostUpdate": "Update the remote app publishing machine",
+ "AppletHostZoneHelpText": "This domain belongs to the system organization",
+ "AppletHosts": "RemoteApp machine",
+ "Applets": "RemoteApp",
+ "Applicant": "Applicant",
+ "Applications": "Applications",
+ "ApplyAsset": "Apply for assets",
+ "ApplyFromCMDFilterRule": "Command filter rules",
+ "ApplyFromSession": "Session",
+ "ApplyInfo": "Apply info",
+ "ApplyLoginAccount": "Login account",
+ "ApplyLoginAsset": "Login asset",
+ "ApplyLoginUser": "Login user",
+ "ApplyRunAsset": "Assets for which operations are requested",
+ "ApplyRunCommand": "Command for application",
+ "ApplyRunUser": "Users applying for run",
+ "Appoint": "Specify",
+ "ApprovaLevel": "Approval information",
+ "ApprovalLevel": "Approval level",
+ "ApprovalProcess": "Approval process",
+ "ApprovalSelected": "Batch approval",
+ "Approved": "Agreed",
+ "ApproverNumbers": "Approvers",
+ "ApsaraStack": "Alibaba private cloud",
+ "Asset": "Asset",
+ "AssetAccount": "Accounts",
+ "AssetAccountDetail": "Account details",
+ "AssetAclCreate": "Create asset connect rule",
+ "AssetAclDetail": "Asset connect rule details",
+ "AssetAclList": "Asset connect",
+ "AssetAclUpdate": "Update the asset connect rules",
+ "AssetAddress": "Asset (ip/hostname)",
+ "AssetAmount": "Asset amount",
+ "AssetAndNode": "Assets/nodes",
+ "AssetBulkUpdateTips": "Network devices, cloud services, web, batch updating of zones not supported",
+ "AssetChangeSecretCreate": "Create account secret change",
+ "AssetChangeSecretUpdate": "Update account secret change",
+ "AssetData": "Asset",
+ "AssetDetail": "Asset details",
+ "AssetList": "Assets",
+ "AssetListHelpMessage": "On the left is the asset tree. right-click to create, delete or modify tree nodes. assets are also organized in node form. on the right are the assets under this node. \n",
+ "AssetLoginACLHelpMsg": "When logging into assets, it can be audited based on the user's login ip and time segment to determine whether the assets can be logged into",
+ "AssetLoginACLHelpText": "When logging into assets, it can be audited based on the user's login ip and time segment to determine whether the assets can be logged into",
+ "AssetName": "Asset name",
+ "AssetPermission": "Authorization",
+ "AssetPermissionCreate": "Create asset authorization rule",
+ "AssetPermissionDetail": "Asset authorization details",
+ "AssetPermissionHelpMsg": "Asset authorization allows you to select users and assets, grant the assets to users for access. once completed, users can conveniently view these assets. additionally, you can set specific permissions to further define the users' rights to the assets.",
+ "AssetPermissionRules": "Authorization rules",
+ "AssetPermissionUpdate": "Update the asset authorization rules",
+ "AssetPermsAmount": "Asset authorization number",
+ "AssetProtocolHelpText": "! The protocols supported by the assets are restricted by the platform. Click the settings button to view the protocol settings. If updates are required, please update the platform",
+ "AssetTree": "Asset tree",
+ "Assets": "Assets",
+ "AssetsAmount": "Assets",
+ "AssetsOfNumber": "Assets",
+ "AssetsTotal": "Total assets",
+ "AssignedInfo": "Approval information",
+ "Assignee": "Handler",
+ "Assignees": "Pending handler",
+ "AttrName": "Attribute name",
+ "AttrValue": "Attribute value",
+ "Audits": "Audits",
+ "Auth": "Authentication",
+ "AuthConfig": "Authentication",
+ "AuthLimit": "Login restriction",
+ "AuthSAMLCertHelpText": "Save after uploading the certificate key, then view sp metadata",
+ "AuthSAMLKeyHelpText": "Sp certificates and keys are used for encrypted communication with idp",
+ "AuthSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "The keys on the left are saml2 user attributes, the values on the right are authentication platform user attributes",
+ "AuthSecurity": "Auth security",
+ "AuthSettings": "Authentication configuration",
+ "AuthUserAttrMapHelpText": "The key on the left belongs to the jumpserver user properties, and the value on the right belongs to the authentication platform user properties",
+ "Authentication": "Authentication",
+ "AutoPush": "Auto push",
+ "Automations": "Automations",
+ "AverageTimeCost": "Average spend time",
+ "AwaitingMyApproval": "Assigned",
+ "Azure": "Azure (China)",
+ "Azure_Int": "Azure (International)",
+ "Backup": "Backup",
+ "BackupAccountsHelpText": "Backup account information externally. it can be stored in an external system or sent via email, supporting segmented delivery.",
+ "BadConflictErrorMsg": "Refreshing, please try again later",
+ "BadRequestErrorMsg": "Request error, please check the filled content",
+ "BadRoleErrorMsg": "Request error, no permission for this action",
+ "BaiduCloud": "Baidu cloud",
+ "BaseAccount": "Account",
+ "BaseAccountBackup": "Account Backup",
+ "BaseAccountChangeSecret": "Account Change Secret",
+ "BaseAccountDiscover": "Account Gather",
+ "BaseAccountPush": "Account Push",
+ "BaseAccountTemplate": "Account Template",
+ "BaseApplets": "Applets",
+ "BaseAssetAclList": "Login Asset ACLs",
+ "BaseAssetList": "Asset List",
+ "BaseAssetPermission": "Asset Permission",
+ "BaseCloudAccountList": "Cloud Account List",
+ "BaseCloudSync": "Cloud Sync",
+ "BaseCmdACL": "Cmd ACL",
+ "BaseCmdGroups": "Cmd Groups",
+ "BaseCommandFilterAclList": "Command filter",
+ "BaseConnectMethodACL": "Connect Method ACL",
+ "BaseFlowSetUp": "Flow Set Up",
+ "BaseJobManagement": "Job Management",
+ "BaseLoginLog": "Login Log",
+ "BaseMyAssets": "My Assets",
+ "BaseOperateLog": "Operate Log",
+ "BasePort": "Listening ports",
+ "BaseSessions": "Sessions",
+ "BaseStorage": "Storage",
+ "BaseStrategy": "Strategy",
+ "BaseSystemTasks": "System Tasks",
+ "BaseTags": "Tags",
+ "BaseTerminal": "Terminal",
+ "BaseTickets": "Tickets",
+ "BaseUserLoginAclList": "User Login ACL List",
+ "Basic": "Basic",
+ "BasicInfo": "Basic information",
+ "BasicSettings": "General",
+ "BatchConsent": "Batch Approval",
+ "BatchDeployment": "Batch deployment",
+ "BatchProcessing": "{number} items selected",
+ "BatchReject": "Batch reject",
+ "BatchTest": "Batch test",
+ "BeforeChange": "Before change",
+ "Beian": "Record",
+ "BelongAll": "Include all",
+ "BelongTo": "Include any",
+ "Bind": "Binding",
+ "BindLabel": "Associated tags",
+ "BindResource": "Associate resources",
+ "BindSuccess": "Binding successful",
+ "BlockedIPS": "Locked ips",
+ "BuiltinVariable": "Built-in variables",
+ "BulkClearErrorMsg": "Bulk clear failed: ",
+ "BulkDeleteErrorMsg": "Bulk delete failed: ",
+ "BulkDeleteSuccessMsg": "Bulk delete successful",
+ "BulkDeploy": "Bulk deploy",
+ "BulkRemoveErrorMsg": "Bulk remove failed: ",
+ "BulkRemoveSuccessMsg": "Bulk remove successful",
+ "BulkSyncErrorMsg": "Bulk sync failed: ",
+ "CACertificate": "Ca certificate",
+ "CAS": "CAS",
+ "CMPP2": "Cmpp v2.0",
+ "CalculationResults": "Error in cron expression",
+ "CallRecords": "Call Records",
+ "CanDragSelect": "Select time period by dragging mouse;No selection means all selected",
+ "Cancel": "Cancel",
+ "CancelCollection": "Cancel favorite",
+ "CancelTicket": "Cancel Ticket",
+ "CannotAccess": "Can't access the current page",
+ "Category": "Category",
+ "CeleryTaskLog": "Celery task log",
+ "Certificate": "Certificate",
+ "CertificateKey": "Client key",
+ "ChangeCredentials": "Change account secrets",
+ "ChangeCredentialsHelpText": "The secret is the password or key used to connect to the asset. when the secret is changed, the asset will be updated with the new secret",
+ "ChangeField": "Change field",
+ "ChangeOrganization": "Change organization",
+ "ChangePassword": "Change password",
+ "ChangeSecret": "Change secrets",
+ "ChangeSecretParams": "Change secret parameters",
+ "ChangeViewHelpText": "Click to switch different views",
+ "Chat": "Chat",
+ "ChatAI": "Chat AI",
+ "ChatHello": "Hello, can I help you?",
+ "ChdirHelpText": "By default, the execution directory is the user's home directory",
+ "CheckAssetsAmount": "Check asset quantity",
+ "CheckViewAcceptor": "Click to view the acceptance person",
+ "CleanHelpText": "A scheduled cleanup task will be carried out every day at 2 a.m. the data cleaned up will not be recoverable",
+ "Cleaning": "Regular clean-up",
+ "Clear": "Clear",
+ "ClearErrorMsg": "Clearing failed:",
+ "ClearScreen": "Clear screen",
+ "ClearSecret": "Clear secret",
+ "ClearSelection": "Clear selection",
+ "ClearSuccessMsg": "Clear successful",
+ "ClickCopy": "Click to copy",
+ "ClientCertificate": "Client certificate",
+ "Clipboard ": "Clipboard",
+ "ClipboardCopyPaste": "Clipboard copy and paste",
+ "Clone": "Clone",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "CloseConfirm": "Confirm close",
+ "CloseConfirmMessage": "File has changed, save?",
+ "CloseStatus": "Completed",
+ "Closed": "Completed",
+ "CloudAccountCreate": "Create a cloud account",
+ "CloudAccountDetail": "Details of cloud account",
+ "CloudAccountList": "Accounts",
+ "CloudAccountUpdate": "Update the cloud account",
+ "CloudCreate": "Create asset - cloud",
+ "CloudRegionTip": "The region was not obtained, please check the account",
+ "CloudSource": "Sync source",
+ "CloudSync": "Cloud provider",
+ "CloudSyncConfig": "Cloud sync settings",
+ "CloudUpdate": "Update the asset - cloud",
+ "Cluster": "Cluster",
+ "CollectionSucceed": "Collection successful",
+ "Command": "Command",
+ "CommandConfirm": "Command review",
+ "CommandFilterACL": "Command filter",
+ "CommandFilterACLHelpMsg": "By filtering commands, you can control if commands can be sent to assets. based on your set rules, some commands can be allowed while others are prohibited.",
+ "CommandFilterACLHelpText": "By filtering commands, you can control if commands can be sent to assets. based on your set rules, some commands can be allowed while others are prohibited.",
+ "CommandFilterAclCreate": "Create command filter rule",
+ "CommandFilterAclDetail": "Details of command filter rule",
+ "CommandFilterAclUpdate": "Update the command filter rule",
+ "CommandFilterRuleContentHelpText": "One command per line",
+ "CommandFilterRules": "Command filter rules",
+ "CommandGroup": "Command group",
+ "CommandGroupCreate": "Create command group",
+ "CommandGroupDetail": "Command set details",
+ "CommandGroupList": "Command group",
+ "CommandGroupUpdate": "Update the command group",
+ "CommandStorage": "Command storage",
+ "CommandStorageUpdate": "Update the cmd storage",
+ "Commands": "Commands",
+ "CommandsTotal": "Total commands",
+ "Comment": "Description",
+ "CommentHelpText": "Description will be displayed when hovered over in the Luna page's user authorization asset tree. Ordinary users can view these remarks, so please do not include sensitive information.",
+ "CommunityEdition": "Community version",
+ "Component": "Component",
+ "ComponentMonitor": "Monitoring",
+ "Components": "Components",
+ "ConceptContent": "I want you to act like a python interpreter. i will give you python code, and you will execute it. do not provide any explanations. respond with nothing except the output of the code.",
+ "ConceptTitle": "🤔 python interpreter",
+ "Config": "Settings",
+ "Configured": "Configured",
+ "Confirm": "Confirm",
+ "ConfirmPassword": "Confirm password",
+ "Connect": "Connect",
+ "ConnectAssets": "Access assets",
+ "ConnectMethod": "Connect method",
+ "ConnectMethodACLHelpMsg": "Connect methods can be filtered to control whether users can use a certain connect method to login to the asset. according to your set rules, some connect methods can be allowed, while others can be prohibited (globally effective).",
+ "ConnectMethodACLHelpText": "Connect methods can be filtered to control whether users can use a certain connect method to login to the asset. according to your set rules, some connect methods can be allowed, while others can be prohibited.",
+ "ConnectMethodAclCreate": "Create connect method control",
+ "ConnectMethodAclDetail": "Connect method control details",
+ "ConnectMethodAclList": "Connect method",
+ "ConnectMethodAclUpdate": "Update the connect method control",
+ "ConnectWebSocketError": "Connection to websocket failed",
+ "ConnectionDropped": "Connection disconnected",
+ "ConnectionToken": "Connection tokens",
+ "ConnectionTokenList": "The connection token is a type of authentication information that combines identity verification with connecting assets. it supports one-click user login to assets. currently supported components include: koko, lion, magnus, razor, etc.",
+ "Console": "Console",
+ "Consult": "Consult",
+ "ContainAttachment": "With attachment",
+ "Containers": "Container",
+ "Contains": "Contains",
+ "Continue": "Continue",
+ "ConvenientOperate": "Convenient action",
+ "Copy": "Copy",
+ "CopySuccess": "Copy successful",
+ "Corporation": "Company",
+ "Create": "Create",
+ "CreateAccessKey": "Create access key",
+ "CreateAccountTemplate": "Create account template",
+ "CreateCommandStorage": "Create command storage",
+ "CreateEndpoint": "Create endpoint",
+ "CreateEndpointRule": "Create endpoint rule",
+ "CreateErrorMsg": "Creation failed",
+ "CreateNode": "Create node",
+ "CreatePlaybook": "Create playbook",
+ "CreateReplayStorage": "Create object storage",
+ "CreateSuccessMsg": "Successfully created !",
+ "CreateUserContent": "Creating User Content",
+ "CreateUserSetting": "User creation",
+ "Created": "Created",
+ "CreatedBy": "Creator",
+ "CriticalLoad": "Serious",
+ "CronExpression": "Complete crontab expression",
+ "Crontab": "Crontab",
+ "CrontabDiffError": "Please ensure that the interval for scheduled execution is no less than ten minutes!",
+ "CrontabHelpText": "If both interval and crontab are set, crontab is prioritized",
+ "CrontabHelpTip": "For example: perform every sunday at 03:05 <5 3 * * 0>
use 5-digit linux crontab expressions (online tool)
+ "CrontabOfCreateUpdatePage": "",
+ "CurrentConnectionUsers": "Online users",
+ "CurrentConnections": "Current connections",
+ "CurrentUserVerify": "Verify current user",
+ "Custom": "Custom",
+ "CustomCol": "Customize display columns",
+ "CustomCreate": "Create asset - custom",
+ "CustomFields": "Custom attributes",
+ "CustomFile": "Please place custom files in the specified directory (data/sms/, and enable configuration item `SMS_CUSTOM_FILE_MD5=` in config.txt",
+ "CustomHelpMessage": "Custom assets type is dependent on remote applications. please configure it in system settings in the remote applications",
+ "CustomParams": "The left side are parameters received by the sms platform, and the right side are jumpserver parameters waiting for formatting, which will eventually be as follows:
{\"phone_numbers\": \"123,134\", \"content\": \"verification code: 666666\"}",
+ "CustomUpdate": "Update the asset - custom",
+ "CustomUser": "Customized user",
+ "CycleFromWeek": "Week cycle from",
+ "CyclePerform": "Execute periodically",
+ "Danger": "Danger",
+ "DangerCommand": "Dangerous command",
+ "DangerousCommandNum": "Total dangerous commands",
+ "Dashboard": "Dashboard",
+ "DataLastUsed": "Last used",
+ "Database": "Database",
+ "DatabaseCreate": "Create asset - database",
+ "DatabasePort": "Database protocol port",
+ "DatabaseUpdate": "Update the asset-database",
+ "Date": "Date",
+ "DateCreated": "Date created",
+ "DateEnd": "End date",
+ "DateExpired": "Expiration date",
+ "DateFinished": "Completion date",
+ "DateJoined": "Creation date",
+ "DateLast24Hours": "Last day",
+ "DateLast3Months": "Last 3 months",
+ "DateLastHarfYear": "Last 6 months",
+ "DateLastLogin": "Last login date",
+ "DateLastMonth": "Last month",
+ "DateLastSync": "Last sync",
+ "DateLastWeek": "Last week",
+ "DateLastYear": "Last year",
+ "DatePasswordLastUpdated": "Last password update date",
+ "DateStart": "Start date",
+ "DateSync": "Sync date",
+ "DateUpdated": "Update date",
+ "Datetime": "Datetime",
+ "Day": "Day",
+ "DeclassificationLogNum": "Password change logs",
+ "DefaultDatabase": "Default database",
+ "DefaultPort": "Default port",
+ "Delete": "Delete",
+ "DeleteConfirmMessage": "Deletion is irreversible, do you wish to continue?",
+ "DeleteErrorMsg": "Delete failed",
+ "DeleteNode": "Delete node",
+ "DeleteOrgMsg": "User, User group, Asset, Node, Label, Zone, Authorization",
+ "DeleteOrgTitle": "Please delete the following resources within the organization first",
+ "DeleteReleasedAssets": "Delete released assets",
+ "DeleteSelected": "Delete selected",
+ "DeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted",
+ "DeleteSuccessMsg": "Successfully deleted",
+ "DeleteWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to delete",
+ "Deploy": "Deployment",
+ "Description": "Description",
+ "DestinationIP": "Destination address",
+ "DestinationPort": "Destination port",
+ "Detail": "Detail",
+ "DetectEngines": "Detect engines",
+ "DetectResults": "Detect results",
+ "DetectTasks": "Detect tasks",
+ "DeviceCreate": "Create asset - device",
+ "DeviceUpdate": "Update the asset - device",
+ "Digit": "Number",
+ "DingTalk": "Dingtalk",
+ "DingTalkOAuth": "DingTalk OAuth",
+ "DingTalkTest": "Test",
+ "Disable": "Disable",
+ "DisableSelected": "Disable selected",
+ "DisableSuccessMsg": "Successfully disabled",
+ "DiscoverAccounts": "Discover accounts",
+ "DiscoverAccountsHelpText": "Collect account information on assets. the collected account information can be imported into the system for centralized management.",
+ "DiscoveredAccountList": "Discovered accounts",
+ "DisplayName": "Name",
+ "Docs": "Docs",
+ "Download": "Download",
+ "DownloadCenter": "Download",
+ "DownloadFTPFileTip": "The current action does not record files, or the file size exceeds the threshold (default 100m), or it has not yet been saved to the corresponding storage",
+ "DownloadImportTemplateMsg": "Download creation template",
+ "DownloadReplay": "Download recording",
+ "DownloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "Download update template",
+ "DragUploadFileInfo": "Drag files here, or click to upload",
+ "DropConfirmMsg": "Do you want to move node: {src} to {dst}?",
+ "Duplicate": "Duplicate",
+ "DuplicateFileExists": "Uploading a file with the same name is not allowed, please delete the file with the same name",
+ "Duration": "Duration",
+ "DynamicUsername": "Dynamic username",
+ "Edit": "Edit",
+ "EditRecipient": "Edit recipient",
+ "Edition": "Version",
+ "Email": "Email",
+ "EmailContent": "Custom content",
+ "EmailTemplate": "Template",
+ "EmailTemplateHelpTip": "Email template is used for sending emails and includes the email subject prefix and email content",
+ "EmailTest": "Test connection",
+ "Empty": "Empty",
+ "Enable": "Enable",
+ "EnableDomain": "Gateway enabled",
+ "EnableKoKoSSHHelpText": "When switched on, connecting to the asset will display ssh client pull-up method",
+ "Endpoint": "Endpoint",
+ "EndpointListHelpMessage": "The service endpoint is the address (port) for users to access the service. when users connect to assets, they choose service endpoints based on endpoint rules and asset tags, using them as access points to establish connections and achieve distributed connections to assets",
+ "EndpointRuleListHelpMessage": "For the server endpoint selection strategy, there are currently two options:
1. specify the endpoint according to the endpoint rule (current page);
2. choose the endpoint through asset tags, with the fixed tag name being 'endpoint' and the value being the name of the endpoint.
the tag matching method is preferred for both methods, as the ip range may conflict, and the tag method exists as a supplement to the rules.",
+ "EndpointRules": "Endpoint rules",
+ "Endpoints": "Endpoints",
+ "Endswith": "Ending with...",
+ "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo1": "Please make sure this number is greater than or equal to 1",
+ "EnterForSearch": "Press enter to search",
+ "EnterRunUser": "Running account",
+ "EnterRunningPath": "Running path",
+ "EnterToContinue": "Enter to continue",
+ "EnterUploadPath": "Upload path",
+ "Enterprise": "Enterprise",
+ "EnterpriseEdition": "Enterprise edition",
+ "Equal": "Equals",
+ "Error": "Error",
+ "ErrorMsg": "Error",
+ "EsDisabled": "Node is unavailable, please contact administrator",
+ "EsIndex": "Es provides the default index: jumpserver. if indexing by date is enabled, the entered value will serve as the index prefix",
+ "EsUrl": "Cannot include special char `#`; eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
+ "Every": "Every",
+ "Exclude": "Does not include",
+ "ExcludeAsset": "Skipped assets",
+ "ExcludeSymbol": "Exclude char",
+ "ExecCloudSyncErrorMsg": "The cloud account configuration is incomplete, please update and try again.",
+ "Execute": "Execute",
+ "ExecuteOnce": "Execute once",
+ "ExecutionDetail": "Execution details",
+ "ExecutionList": "Executions",
+ "ExistError": "This element already exists",
+ "Existing": "Already exists",
+ "ExpirationTimeout": "Expiration timeout (seconds)",
+ "Expire": "Expired",
+ "Expired": "Expiration date",
+ "Export": "Export",
+ "ExportAll": "Export all",
+ "ExportOnlyFiltered": "Export filtered items",
+ "ExportOnlySelectedItems": "Export selected items",
+ "ExportRange": "Export range",
+ "FC": "Fusion compute",
+ "Failed": "Failed",
+ "FailedAsset": "Failed assets",
+ "FaviconTip": "Note: website icon (suggested image size: 16px*16px)",
+ "Features": "Features",
+ "FeiShu": "FeiShu",
+ "FeiShuOAuth": "Feishu OAuth",
+ "FeiShuTest": "Test",
+ "FieldRequiredError": "This field is required",
+ "FileExplorer": "File explorer",
+ "FileManagement": "File manager",
+ "FileNameTooLong": "File name too long",
+ "FileSizeExceedsLimit": "File size exceeds limit",
+ "FileTransfer": "File transfer",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips1": "Select one asset or node",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips2": "Select running account and input command",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips3": "Transfer,display output results",
+ "FileTransferNum": "Number of file transfers",
+ "FileType": "File type",
+ "Filename": "File name",
+ "FingerPrint": "Fingerprint",
+ "Finished": "Complete",
+ "FinishedTicket": "Complete ticket",
+ "FirstLogin": "First login",
+ "FlowSetUp": "Flow setup",
+ "Footer": "Footer",
+ "ForgotPasswordURL": "Forgot password URL",
+ "FormatError": "Format error",
+ "Friday": "Fri",
+ "From": "From",
+ "FromTicket": "From the ticket",
+ "FullName": "Full name",
+ "FullySynchronous": "Assets completely synchronized",
+ "FullySynchronousHelpTip": "Whether to continue synchronizing such assets when the asset conditions do not meet the matching policy rules",
+ "GCP": "Google cloud",
+ "GPTCreate": "Create asset - gpt",
+ "GPTUpdate": "Update the asset - gpt",
+ "Gateway": "Gateway",
+ "GatewayCreate": "Create gateway",
+ "GatewayList": "Gateways",
+ "GatewayPlatformHelpText": "Only platforms with names starting with ‘Gateway’ can be used as gateways.",
+ "GatewayUpdate": "Update the gateway",
+ "General": "General",
+ "GeneralAccounts": "General accounts",
+ "GeneralSetting": "General",
+ "Generate": "Generate",
+ "GenerateAccounts": "Regenerate account",
+ "GenerateSuccessMsg": "Account creation successful",
+ "GoHomePage": "Go to homepage",
+ "Goto": "Goto",
+ "GrantedAssets": "Authorized assets",
+ "GreatEqualThan": "Greater than or equal to",
+ "GroupsAmount": "User group",
+ "HTTPSRequiredForSupport": "HTTPS is required for support",
+ "HandleTicket": "Handle ticket",
+ "Hardware": "Hardware information",
+ "HardwareInfo": "Hardware information",
+ "HasImportErrorItemMsg": "There are import failures, click on the left x to view the failure reasons, after editing the table, you can continue to import failures.",
+ "Help": "Help",
+ "HighLoad": "Higher",
+ "HistoricalSessionNum": "Total historical sessions",
+ "History": "History",
+ "HistoryDate": "Date",
+ "HistoryPassword": "Historical password",
+ "HistoryRecord": "History record",
+ "Host": "Asset",
+ "HostCreate": "Create asset - host",
+ "HostDeployment": "Deploy publishing machine",
+ "HostList": "Host",
+ "HostUpdate": "Update the asset - host",
+ "HostnameStrategy": "Used to generate hostnames for assets. for example: 1. instance name (instancedemo); 2. instance name and part of ip (last two letters) (instancedemo-250.1)",
+ "Hour": "Hour",
+ "HuaweiCloud": "Huawei cloud",
+ "HuaweiPrivateCloud": "Huawei private cloud",
+ "IAgree": "I agree",
+ "ID": "ID",
+ "IP": "IP",
+ "IPDomain": "Address",
+ "IPGroup": "IP group",
+ "IPGroupHelpText": "* indicates match all. for example:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
+ "IPLoginLimit": "IP restriction",
+ "IPMatch": "IP matching",
+ "IPNetworkSegment": "IP segment",
+ "IPType": "IP type",
+ "Id": "Id",
+ "IdeaContent": "I want you to act as a linux terminal. i will input the commands, you will respond with what the terminal should display. i hope you to reply only in a unique code block, not others. no interpretations. when i need to tell you something, i'm gonna put the words in braces {note text}",
+ "IdeaTitle": "🌱 linux terminal",
+ "IdpMetadataHelpText": "Either idp metadata url or idp metadata xml is acceptable, with idp metadata url having higher priority",
+ "IdpMetadataUrlHelpText": "Load idp metadata from remote address",
+ "ImageName": "Image name",
+ "Images": "Image",
+ "Import": "Import",
+ "ImportAll": "Import all",
+ "ImportFail": "Import failed",
+ "ImportLdapUserTip": "Please submit ldap configuration before import",
+ "ImportLdapUserTitle": "Ldap user",
+ "ImportLicense": "Import license",
+ "ImportLicenseTip": "Please import license",
+ "ImportMessage": "Please go to the corresponding type of page to import data",
+ "ImportOrg": "Import organization",
+ "InActiveAsset": "Not recently logged in",
+ "InActiveUser": "No recent login",
+ "InAssetDetail": "Update account info in asset details",
+ "Inactive": "Disabled",
+ "Index": "Index",
+ "Info": "Information",
+ "InformationModification": "Information Modification",
+ "InheritPlatformConfig": "Inherited from platform configuration, to change, please modify the configuration in the platform",
+ "InitialDeploy": "Initialization deployment",
+ "Input": "Input",
+ "InputEmailAddress": "Please enter the correct email address",
+ "InputMessage": "Enter message...",
+ "InputPhone": "Phone number",
+ "InstanceAddress": "Instance address",
+ "InstanceName": "Instance name",
+ "InstancePlatformName": "Instance platform name",
+ "Interface": "Appearance",
+ "InterfaceSettings": "Appearance",
+ "Interval": "Interval",
+ "IntervalOfCreateUpdatePage": "Unit: hour",
+ "InvalidJson": "Invalid json",
+ "InviteSuccess": "Invitation successful",
+ "InviteUser": "Invite",
+ "InviteUserInOrg": "Invite users to join this organization",
+ "IsActive": "Active",
+ "IsAlwaysUpdate": "Keeping assets up to date",
+ "IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTip": "Whether to synchronize and update asset information, including hostname, ip, platform, domain, node, etc. each time a synchronization task is performed",
+ "IsFinished": "Finished",
+ "IsLocked": "Suspend",
+ "IsSuccess": "Success",
+ "IsSyncAccountHelpText": "Upon collection completion, the collected account will be synced to asset",
+ "IsSyncAccountLabel": "Sync to assets",
+ "JDCloud": "JD cloud",
+ "Job": "Job",
+ "JobCenter": "Job center",
+ "JobCreate": "Create job",
+ "JobDetail": "Job details",
+ "JobExecutionLog": "Job logs",
+ "JobManagement": "Jobs",
+ "JobUpdate": "Update the job",
+ "KingSoftCloud": "KingSoft cloud",
+ "KokoSetting": "KoKo",
+ "LAN": "LAN",
+ "LDAPUser": "LDAP Users",
+ "LOWER_CASE_REQUIRED": "Must contain lowercase letters",
+ "Language": "Language",
+ "LarkOAuth": "Lark OAuth",
+ "Last30": "Recent 30 items",
+ "Last30Days": "Monthly",
+ "Last7Days": "Weekly",
+ "LastPublishedTime": "Last publish time",
+ "Ldap": "LDAP",
+ "LdapBulkImport": "User import",
+ "LdapConnectTest": "Test connection",
+ "LdapLoginTest": "Test login",
+ "Length": "Length",
+ "LessEqualThan": "Less than or equal to",
+ "LevelApproval": "Level approval",
+ "License": "License",
+ "LicenseExpired": "The license has expired",
+ "LicenseFile": "License file",
+ "LicenseForTest": "Test purpose license, this license is only for testing (poc) and demonstration",
+ "LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "The assets has exceeded the license limit",
+ "LicenseWillBe": "License expiring soon",
+ "Loading": "Loading",
+ "LockedIP": "Locked ip {count}",
+ "Log": "Log",
+ "LogData": "Log data",
+ "LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "Total successful login",
+ "Logging": "Log record",
+ "LoginAssetConfirm": "Asset connect review",
+ "LoginAssetToday": "Active assets today",
+ "LoginAssets": "Active assets",
+ "LoginConfirm": "Login review",
+ "LoginConfirmUser": "Confirm by",
+ "LoginCount": "Login times",
+ "LoginDate": "Login date",
+ "LoginFailed": "Login failed",
+ "LoginFrom": "Login source",
+ "LoginImageTip": "Note: it will appear on the enterprise user login page (recommended image size: 492*472px)",
+ "LoginLog": "Login logs",
+ "LoginLogTotal": "Total login logs",
+ "LoginNum": "Total login logs",
+ "LoginPasswordSetting": "Login password",
+ "LoginRequiredMsg": "The account has logged out, please login again.",
+ "LoginSSHKeySetting": "Login SSH key",
+ "LoginSucceeded": "Login successful",
+ "LoginTitleTip": "Note: it will be displayed on the enterprise edition user ssh login koko login page (e.g.: welcome to use jumpserver open source PAM)",
+ "LoginUserRanking": "Login user ranking",
+ "LoginUserToday": "Users logged today",
+ "LoginUsers": "Active account",
+ "LogoIndexTip": "Tip: it will be displayed in the upper left corner of the page (recommended image size: 185px*55px)",
+ "LogoLogoutTip": "Tip: it will be displayed on the web terminal page of enterprise edition users (recommended image size: 82px*82px)",
+ "Logout": "Sign out",
+ "LogsAudit": "Activities",
+ "Lowercase": "Lowercase",
+ "LunaSetting": "Luna",
+ "MFAErrorMsg": "MFA errors, please check",
+ "MFAOfUserFirstLoginPersonalInformationImprovementPage": "Enable multi-factor authentication to make your account more secure.
after enabling, you will enter the multi-factor authentication binding process the next time you login; you can also directly bind in (personal information->quick modification->change multi-factor settings)!",
+ "MFAOfUserFirstLoginUserGuidePage": "In order to protect your and the company's security, please carefully safeguard important sensitive information such as your account, password, and key (for example, set a complex password, and enable multi-factor authentication)
personal information such as email, mobile number, and wechat are only used for user authentication and platform internal message notifications.",
+ "MIN_LENGTH_ERROR": "Passwords must be at least {0} characters.",
+ "MailRecipient": "Email recipients",
+ "MailSend": "Sending",
+ "ManualAccount": "Manual account",
+ "ManualAccountTip": "Manual input of username/password upon login",
+ "ManualExecution": "Manual execution",
+ "ManyChoose": "Select multiple",
+ "MarkAsRead": "Mark as read",
+ "Marketplace": "App market",
+ "Match": "Match",
+ "MatchIn": "In...",
+ "MatchResult": "Match results",
+ "MatchedCount": "Match results",
+ "Members": "Members",
+ "MenuAccountTemplates": "Templates",
+ "MenuAccounts": "Accounts",
+ "MenuAcls": "Acls",
+ "MenuAssets": "Assets",
+ "MenuMore": "Others",
+ "MenuPermissions": "Policies",
+ "MenuUsers": "Users",
+ "Message": "Message",
+ "MessageType": "Message type",
+ "MfaLevel": "MFA",
+ "Min": "Min",
+ "MinNumber30": "Number must be greater or equal 30",
+ "Modify": "Edit",
+ "Module": "Module",
+ "Monday": "Mon",
+ "Monitor": "Monitor",
+ "Month": "Month",
+ "More": "More",
+ "MoreActions": "Actions",
+ "MoveAssetToNode": "Move assets to node",
+ "MsgSubscribe": "Subscription",
+ "MyAssets": "My assets",
+ "MyTickets": "Submitted",
+ "NUMBER_REQUIRED": "Must contain numbers",
+ "Name": "Name",
+ "NavHelp": "Navigation",
+ "Navigation": "Navigation",
+ "NeedReLogin": "Need to re-login",
+ "New": "Create",
+ "NewChat": "New chat",
+ "NewCount": "Add",
+ "NewCron": "Generate cron",
+ "NewDirectory": "Create new directory",
+ "NewFile": "Create new file",
+ "NewPassword": "New password",
+ "NewPublicKey": "New Public Key",
+ "NewSSHKey": "New SSH key",
+ "NewSecret": "New secret",
+ "NewSyncCount": "New sync",
+ "Next": "Next",
+ "No": "No",
+ "NoAccountFound": "No account found",
+ "NoContent": "No content",
+ "NoData": "No data available",
+ "NoFiles": "No file, upload on the left",
+ "NoLog": "No log",
+ "NoPermission": "No permissions",
+ "NoPermission403": "403 no permission",
+ "NoPermissionInGlobal": "No permission in GLOBAL",
+ "NoPermissionVew": "No permission to view the current page",
+ "NoUnreadMsg": "You have unread notifications",
+ "Node": "Node",
+ "NodeInformation": "Node information",
+ "NodeOfNumber": "Number of node",
+ "NodeSearchStrategy": "Node search strategy",
+ "NormalLoad": "Normal",
+ "NotEqual": "Not equal to",
+ "NotSet": "Not set",
+ "NotSpecialEmoji": "Special emoji input not allowed",
+ "Nothing": "None",
+ "NotificationConfiguration": "Notification Configuration",
+ "Notifications": "Notifications",
+ "Now": "Now",
+ "Number": "No.",
+ "NumberOfVisits": "Visits",
+ "OAuth2": "OAuth2",
+ "OAuth2LogoTip": "Note: authentication provider (recommended image size: 64px*64px)",
+ "OIDC": "OIDC",
+ "ObjectNotFoundOrDeletedMsg": "No corresponding resources found or it has been deleted.",
+ "ObjectStorage": "Object Storage",
+ "Offline": "Offline",
+ "OfflineSelected": "Offline selected",
+ "OfflineSuccessMsg": "Successfully offline",
+ "OfflineUpload": "Offline upload",
+ "OldPassword": "Old password",
+ "OldPublicKey": "Old Public Key",
+ "OldSecret": "Old secret",
+ "OneAssignee": "First-level approver",
+ "OneAssigneeType": "First-level handler type",
+ "OneClickReadMsg": "Are you sure you want to mark all as read?",
+ "OnlineSession": "Online devices",
+ "OnlineSessionHelpMsg": "Unable to log out of the current session because it is the current user's online session. currently only users logged in via web are being logged.",
+ "OnlineSessions": "Online sessions",
+ "OnlineUserDevices": "Online user devices",
+ "OnlyInitialDeploy": "Only initial deployment",
+ "OnlyMailSend": "Current support for email sending",
+ "OnlySearchCurrentNodePerm": "Only search the current node's authorization",
+ "Open": "Open",
+ "OpenCommand": "Open command",
+ "OpenStack": "Openstack",
+ "OpenStatus": "In approval",
+ "OpenTicket": "Create ticket",
+ "OperateLog": "Operate logs",
+ "OperationLogNum": "Operation logs",
+ "Options": "Options",
+ "OrgAdmin": "Organization admin",
+ "OrgAuditor": "Organizational auditors",
+ "OrgName": "Authorized organization",
+ "OrgRole": "Organizational roles",
+ "OrgRoleHelpMsg": "Organization roles are roles tailored to individual organizations within the platform. these roles are assigned when inviting users to join a particular organization and dictate their permissions and access levels within that organization. unlike system roles, organization roles are customizable and apply only within the scope of the organization they are assigned to.",
+ "OrgRoleHelpText": "The org role is the user's role within the current organization",
+ "OrgRoles": "Organizational roles",
+ "OrgUser": "Organize users",
+ "OrganizationCreate": "Create organization",
+ "OrganizationDetail": "Organization details",
+ "OrganizationList": "Organizations",
+ "OrganizationManage": "Manage orgs",
+ "OrganizationUpdate": "Update the organization",
+ "OrgsAndRoles": "Org and roles",
+ "Other": "Other",
+ "Output": "Output",
+ "Overview": "Overview",
+ "PageNext": "Next",
+ "PagePrev": "Previous",
+ "Params": "Parameter",
+ "ParamsHelpText": "Password parameter settings, currently only effective for assets of the host type.",
+ "PassKey": "Passkey",
+ "Passkey": "Passkey",
+ "PasskeyAddDisableInfo": "Your authentication source is {source}, and adding a passkey is not supported",
+ "Passphrase": "Key password",
+ "Password": "Password",
+ "PasswordAndSSHKey": "Password & SSH key",
+ "PasswordChangeLog": "Password change",
+ "PasswordExpired": "Password expired",
+ "PasswordPlaceholder": "Please enter password",
+ "PasswordRecord": "Password record",
+ "PasswordRule": "Password rules",
+ "PasswordSecurity": "User password",
+ "PasswordStrategy": "Secret strategy",
+ "PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "Password will be in",
+ "PasswordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "It will expire in days, please change your password as soon as possible.",
+ "Paste": "Paste",
+ "Pause": "Pause",
+ "PauseTaskSendSuccessMsg": "Task pausing issued, please refresh and check later",
+ "Pending": "Pending",
+ "PermAccount": "Authorized accounts",
+ "PermAction": "Permission Action",
+ "PermUserList": "Authorized users",
+ "PermissionCompany": "Authorized companies",
+ "PermissionName": "Authorization rule name",
+ "Permissions": "Permission",
+ "PersonalInformationImprovement": "Complete personal information",
+ "PersonalSettings": "Personal Settings",
+ "Phone": "Phone",
+ "Plan": "Plan",
+ "Platform": "Platform",
+ "PlatformCreate": "Create platform",
+ "PlatformDetail": "Platform details",
+ "PlatformList": "Platforms",
+ "PlatformPageHelpMsg": "The platform categorizes assets, such as windows, linux, network devices, etc. configuration settings, such as protocols, gateways, etc., can also be specified on the platform to determine whether certain features are enabled on assets.",
+ "PlatformProtocolConfig": "Platform protocol configuration",
+ "PlatformUpdate": "Update the platform",
+ "PlaybookDetail": "Playbook details",
+ "PlaybookManage": "Playbook",
+ "PlaybookUpdate": "Update the playbook",
+ "PleaseAgreeToTheTerms": "Please agree to the terms",
+ "PleaseSelect": "Please select ",
+ "PolicyName": "Policy name",
+ "Port": "Port",
+ "Ports": "Port",
+ "Preferences": "Preferences",
+ "PrepareSyncTask": "Preparing to perform synchronization task...",
+ "Primary": "Primary",
+ "Priority": "Priority",
+ "PrivateCloud": "Private cloud",
+ "PrivateIP": "Private IP",
+ "PrivateKey": "Private key",
+ "Privileged": "Privileged",
+ "PrivilegedFirst": "Privileged first",
+ "PrivilegedOnly": "Privileged only",
+ "PrivilegedTemplate": "Privileged",
+ "Product": "Product",
+ "ProfileSetting": "Profile info",
+ "Project": "Project name",
+ "Prompt": "Prompt",
+ "Proportion": "New this week",
+ "ProportionOfAssetTypes": "Asset type proportion",
+ "Protocol": "Protocol",
+ "Protocols": "Protocols",
+ "Provider": "Provider",
+ "Proxy": "Agent",
+ "PublicCloud": "Public cloud",
+ "PublicIP": "Public IP",
+ "PublicKey": "Public key",
+ "Publish": "Publish",
+ "PublishAllApplets": "Publish all applications",
+ "PublishStatus": "Release status",
+ "Push": "Push",
+ "PushAccount": "Push accounts",
+ "PushAccountsHelpText": "Pushing the account to the target asset allows for configuring different push methods for assets on different platforms.",
+ "PushParams": "Push parameters",
+ "Qcloud": "Tencent cloud",
+ "QcloudLighthouse": "Tencent cloud (Lighthouse)",
+ "QingYunPrivateCloud": "Qingyun private cloud",
+ "Queue": "Queue",
+ "QuickAdd": "Quick add",
+ "QuickJob": "Adhoc",
+ "QuickUpdate": "Quick update",
+ "Radius": "Radius",
+ "Ranking": "Rank",
+ "RazorNotSupport": "Rdp client session, monitoring not supported",
+ "ReLogin": "Login again",
+ "ReLoginTitle": "Current third-party login user (cas/saml), not bound to mfa and does not support password verification, please login again.",
+ "RealTimeData": "Real-time",
+ "Reason": "Reason",
+ "Receivers": "Receiver",
+ "RecentLogin": "Recent login",
+ "RecentSession": "Recent sessions",
+ "RecentlyUsed": "Recently",
+ "Recipient": "Recipient",
+ "RecipientHelpText": "If both recipients A and B are set, the account's ciphertext will be split into two parts; if only one recipient is set, the key will not be split.",
+ "RecipientServer": "Receiving server",
+ "Reconnect": "Reconnect",
+ "Refresh": "Refresh",
+ "RefreshHardware": "Refresh hardware info",
+ "Regex": "Regular expression",
+ "Region": "Region",
+ "RegularlyPerform": "Periodic execution",
+ "Reject": "Reject",
+ "Rejected": "Rejected",
+ "ReleaseAssets": "Release assets",
+ "ReleaseAssetsHelpTips": "Whether to automatically delete assets synchronized through this task and released on the cloud at the end of the task",
+ "ReleasedCount": "Released",
+ "RelevantApp": "Application",
+ "RelevantAsset": "Assets",
+ "RelevantAssignees": "Related recipient",
+ "RelevantCommand": "Command",
+ "RelevantSystemUser": "System user",
+ "RemoteAddr": "Remote address",
+ "Remove": "Remove",
+ "RemoveAssetFromNode": "Remove assets from node",
+ "RemoveSelected": "Remove selected",
+ "RemoveSuccessMsg": "Successfully removed",
+ "RemoveWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to remove",
+ "Rename": "Rename",
+ "RenameNode": "Rename node",
+ "ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUserWithThis": "Replace asset admin",
+ "Replay": "Playback",
+ "ReplaySession": "Session replay",
+ "ReplayStorage": "Object storage",
+ "ReplayStorageCreateUpdateHelpMessage": "Notice: current sftp storage only supports account backup, video storage is not yet supported.",
+ "ReplayStorageUpdate": "Update the object storage",
+ "Reply": "Reply",
+ "RequestAssetPerm": "Request asset authorization",
+ "RequestPerm": "Authorization request",
+ "RequestTickets": "New ticket",
+ "RequiredAssetOrNode": "Please select at least one asset or node",
+ "RequiredContent": "Please input command",
+ "RequiredEntryFile": "This file acts as the entry point for running and must be present",
+ "RequiredRunas": "Enter exec user",
+ "RequiredSystemUserErrMsg": "Please select account",
+ "RequiredUploadFile": "Please upload the file!",
+ "Reset": "Reset",
+ "ResetAndDownloadSSHKey": "Reset and download key",
+ "ResetMFA": "Reset mfa",
+ "ResetMFAWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to reset the user's mfa?",
+ "ResetMFAdSuccessMsg": "Mfa reset successful, user can reset mfa again",
+ "ResetPassword": "Reset password",
+ "ResetPasswordNextLogin": "Password must be changed during next login",
+ "ResetPasswordSuccessMsg": "Reset password message sent to user",
+ "ResetPasswordWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to send the password reset email for the user",
+ "ResetPublicKeyAndDownload": "Reset and download ssh key",
+ "ResetSSHKey": "Reset ssh key",
+ "ResetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "Email task submitted, user will receive a url to reset shortly",
+ "ResetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to send a reset ssh key email to the user?",
+ "Resource": "Resources",
+ "ResourceType": "Resource type",
+ "RestoreButton": "Restore",
+ "RestoreDefault": "Reset to default",
+ "RestoreDialogMessage": "Are you sure you want to restore to default initialization?",
+ "RestoreDialogTitle": "Do you confirm?",
+ "Result": "Result",
+ "Resume": "Recovery",
+ "ResumeTaskSendSuccessMsg": "Recovery task issued, please refresh later",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
+ "RetrySelected": "Retry selected",
+ "Reviewer": "Approvers",
+ "RiskDetection": "Risk detection",
+ "Role": "Role",
+ "RoleCreate": "Create role",
+ "RoleDetail": "Role details",
+ "RoleInfo": "Role information",
+ "RoleList": "Roles",
+ "RoleUpdate": "Update the role",
+ "RoleUsers": "Authorized users",
+ "Rows": "Row",
+ "Rule": "Condition",
+ "RuleCount": "Condition quantity",
+ "RuleDetail": "Rule details",
+ "RuleRelation": "Relationship conditions",
+ "RuleRelationHelpTip": "And: the action will be executed only when all conditions are met; or: the action will be executed as long as one condition is met",
+ "RuleSetting": "Condition settings",
+ "Rules": "Rules",
+ "Run": "Execute",
+ "RunAgain": "Execute again",
+ "RunAs": "Run user",
+ "RunCommand": "Run command",
+ "RunJob": "Run job",
+ "RunSucceed": "Task successfully completed",
+ "RunTaskManually": "Manually execute",
+ "RunasHelpText": "Enter username for running script",
+ "RunasPolicy": "Account policy",
+ "RunasPolicyHelpText": "When there are no users currently running on the asset, what account selection strategy should be adopted. skip: do not execute. prioritize privileged accounts: if there are privileged accounts, select them first; if not, select regular accounts. only privileged accounts: select only from privileged accounts; if none exist, do not execute.",
+ "Running": "Running",
+ "RunningPath": "Running path",
+ "RunningPathHelpText": "Enter the run path of the script, this setting only applies to shell scripts",
+ "RunningTimes": "Last 5 run times",
+ "SCP": "Sangfor cloud platform",
+ "SMS": "Message",
+ "SMSProvider": "SMS service provider",
+ "SMTP": "Server",
+ "SPECIAL_CHAR_REQUIRED": "Must contain special characters",
+ "SSHKey": "SSH key",
+ "SSHKeyOfProfileSSHUpdatePage": "You can click the button below to reset and download your key, or copy your SSH public key and submit it.",
+ "SSHPort": "SSH Port",
+ "SSHSecretKey": "SSH secret key",
+ "SafeCommand": "Secure command",
+ "SameAccount": "Same account",
+ "SameAccountTip": "Account with the same username as authorized users",
+ "SameTypeAccountTip": "An account with the same username and key type already exists",
+ "Saturday": "Sat",
+ "Save": "Save",
+ "SaveAdhoc": "Save command",
+ "SaveAndAddAnother": "Save & Continue",
+ "SaveCommand": "Save command",
+ "SaveCommandSuccess": "Command saved successfully",
+ "SaveSetting": "Synchronization settings",
+ "SaveSuccess": "Save successful",
+ "SaveSuccessContinueMsg": "Creation successful, you can continue to add content after updating.",
+ "ScrollToBottom": "Scroll to the bottom",
+ "ScrollToTop": "Scroll to top",
+ "Search": "Search",
+ "SearchAncestorNodePerm": "Search for authorizations simultaneously on the current node and ancestor nodes",
+ "Secret": "Password",
+ "SecretKey": "Key",
+ "SecretKeyStrategy": "Password policy",
+ "Secure": "Security",
+ "Security": "Security",
+ "Select": "Select",
+ "SelectAdhoc": "Select command",
+ "SelectAll": "Select all",
+ "SelectAtLeastOneAssetOrNodeErrMsg": "Select at least one asset or node",
+ "SelectAttrs": "Select attributes",
+ "SelectByAttr": "Filter by attribute",
+ "SelectFile": "Select file",
+ "SelectKeyOrCreateNew": "Select tag key or create new one",
+ "SelectLabelFilter": "Select tag for search",
+ "SelectProperties": "Attributes",
+ "SelectProvider": "Select provider",
+ "SelectProviderMsg": "Please select a cloud platform",
+ "SelectResource": "Select resources",
+ "SelectTemplate": "Select template",
+ "SelectValueOrCreateNew": "Select tag value or create new one",
+ "Selected": "Selected",
+ "Selection": "Selection",
+ "Selector": "Selector",
+ "Send": "Send",
+ "SendVerificationCode": "Send verification code",
+ "SerialNumber": "Serial number",
+ "Server": "Server",
+ "ServerAccountKey": "Service account key",
+ "ServerError": "Server error",
+ "ServerTime": "Server time",
+ "Session": "Session",
+ "SessionCommands": "Session commands",
+ "SessionConnectTrend": "Session connection trends",
+ "SessionData": "Session data",
+ "SessionDetail": "Session details",
+ "SessionID": "Session id",
+ "SessionJoinRecords": "collaboration records",
+ "SessionList": "Asset sessions",
+ "SessionMonitor": "Monitor",
+ "SessionOffline": "Historical sessions",
+ "SessionOnline": "Online sessions",
+ "SessionSecurity": "Asset session",
+ "SessionState": "Session status",
+ "SessionTerminate": "Session termination",
+ "SessionTrend": "Session trends",
+ "Sessions": "Sessions",
+ "SessionsAudit": "Sessions",
+ "SessionsNum": "Sessions",
+ "Set": "Configured",
+ "SetDingTalk": "Dingtalk oauth",
+ "SetFailed": "Setting failed",
+ "SetFeiShu": "Set feishu authentication",
+ "SetMFA": "Multi-factor authentication",
+ "SetSuccess": "Successfully set",
+ "SetToDefault": "Set as default",
+ "Setting": "Setting",
+ "SettingInEndpointHelpText": "Configure service address and port in system settings / component settings / server endpoints",
+ "Settings": "System settings",
+ "Share": "Share",
+ "Show": "Display",
+ "ShowAssetAllChildrenNode": "Show all sub-nodes assets",
+ "ShowAssetOnlyCurrentNode": "Only show current node assets",
+ "ShowNodeInfo": "Show node details",
+ "SignChannelNum": "Channel signature",
+ "SiteMessage": "Notifications",
+ "SiteMessageList": "Notifications",
+ "SiteURLTip": "For example:",
+ "Skip": "Skip this asset",
+ "Skipped": "Skipped",
+ "Slack": "Slack",
+ "SlackOAuth": "Slack OAuth",
+ "Source": "Source",
+ "SourceIP": "Source address",
+ "SourcePort": "Source port",
+ "Spec": "Specific",
+ "SpecAccount": "Specified accounts",
+ "SpecAccountTip": "Specify username to choose authorized account",
+ "SpecialSymbol": "Special char",
+ "SpecificInfo": "Special information",
+ "SshKeyFingerprint": "Ssh fingerprint",
+ "Startswith": "Starts with...",
+ "State": "Status",
+ "StateClosed": "Is closed",
+ "StatePrivate": "State private",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "StatusGreen": "Recently in good condition",
+ "StatusRed": "Last task execution failed",
+ "StatusYellow": "There have been recent failures",
+ "Step": "Step",
+ "Stop": "Stop",
+ "StopLogOutput": "Task Canceled: The current task (currentTaskId) has been manually stopped. Since the progress of each task varies, the following is the final execution result of the task. A failed execution indicates that the task has been successfully stopped.",
+ "Storage": "Storage",
+ "StorageSetting": "Storage",
+ "Strategy": "Strategy",
+ "StrategyCreate": "Create policy",
+ "StrategyDetail": "Policy details",
+ "StrategyHelpTip": "Identify the unique attributes of assets (such as platforms) based on priority of strategies; when an asset's attribute (like nodes) can be configured to multiple, all actions of the strategies will be executed.",
+ "StrategyList": "Policy",
+ "StrategyUpdate": "Update the policy",
+ "SuEnabled": "Enabled su",
+ "SuFrom": "Switch from",
+ "Submit": "Submit",
+ "SubscriptionID": "ID",
+ "Success": "Success",
+ "Success/Total": "Success/Total",
+ "SuccessAsset": "Successful assets",
+ "SuccessfulOperation": "Action successful",
+ "Summary": "Summary",
+ "Summary(success/total)": " overview( successful/total )",
+ "Sunday": "Sun",
+ "SuperAdmin": "Super administrator",
+ "SuperOrgAdmin": "Super admin + organization admin",
+ "Support": "Support",
+ "SupportedProtocol": "Protocols",
+ "SupportedProtocolHelpText": "Set supported protocols for the asset, you can modify the custom configurations, such as sftp directory, rdp ad domain, etc., by clicking on the set button",
+ "Sync": "Sync",
+ "SyncAction": "Synchronized action",
+ "SyncDelete": "Sync deletion",
+ "SyncDeleteSelected": "Sync deletion selected",
+ "SyncErrorMsg": "Sync failed",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskCreate": "Create sync task",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskDetail": "Sync task details",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryAssetList": "Synchronize instance",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryList": "Synchronization history",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskList": "Synchronization task",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskUpdate": "Update the sync task",
+ "SyncManual": "Manual sync",
+ "SyncOnline": "Online sync",
+ "SyncProtocolToAsset": "Sync protocols to assets",
+ "SyncRegion": "Sync region",
+ "SyncSelected": "Sync selected",
+ "SyncSetting": "Sync settings",
+ "SyncStrategy": "Sync policy",
+ "SyncSuccessMsg": "Sync succeeded, select the host to import into the system",
+ "SyncTask": "Sync tasks",
+ "SyncTiming": "Timing sync",
+ "SyncUpdateAccountInfo": "Sync new secret to accounts",
+ "SyncUser": "Sync users",
+ "SyncedCount": "Synchronized",
+ "SystemError": "System error",
+ "SystemRole": "System roles",
+ "SystemRoleHelpMsg": "System roles are roles that apply universally across all organizations within the platform. these roles allow you to define specific permissions and access levels for users across the entire system. changes made to system roles will affect all organizations using the platform.",
+ "SystemRoles": "System roles",
+ "SystemSetting": "System settings",
+ "SystemTasks": "Tasks",
+ "SystemTools": "Tools",
+ "TableColSetting": "Select visible attribute columns",
+ "TableSetting": "Table preferences",
+ "TagCreate": "Create tag",
+ "TagInputFormatValidation": "Tag format error, the correct format is: name:value",
+ "TagList": "Tags",
+ "TagUpdate": "Update the tag",
+ "Tags": "Tags",
+ "TailLog": "Tail Log",
+ "Target": "Target",
+ "TargetResources": "Target resource",
+ "Task": "Task",
+ "TaskDetail": "Task details",
+ "TaskDone": "Task finished",
+ "TaskID": "Task id",
+ "TaskList": "Tasks",
+ "TaskMonitor": "Monitoring",
+ "TaskPath": "Task path",
+ "TechnologyConsult": "Technical consultation",
+ "TempPasswordTip": "The temporary password is valid for 300 seconds and becomes invalid immediately after use",
+ "TempToken": "Temporary tokens",
+ "TemplateAdd": "Add from template",
+ "TemplateCreate": "Create template",
+ "TemplateHelpText": "When selecting a template to add, accounts that do not exist under the asset will be automatically created and pushed",
+ "TemplateManagement": "Templates",
+ "TencentCloud": "Tencent cloud",
+ "Terminal": "Components",
+ "TerminalDetail": "Terminal details",
+ "TerminalUpdate": "Update the terminal",
+ "TerminalUpdateStorage": "Update the terminal storage",
+ "Terminate": "Terminate",
+ "TerminateTaskSendSuccessMsg": "Task termination has been issued, please refresh and check later",
+ "TermsAndConditions": "Terms and conditions",
+ "Test": "Test",
+ "TestAccountConnective": "Test connectivity",
+ "TestAssetsConnective": "Test connectivity",
+ "TestConnection": "Test connection",
+ "TestGatewayHelpMessage": "If nat port mapping is used, please set it to the real port listened to by ssh",
+ "TestGatewayTestConnection": "Test connect to gateway",
+ "TestLdapLoginTitle": "Test ldap user login",
+ "TestNodeAssetConnectivity": "Test assets connectivity of node",
+ "TestPortErrorMsg": "Port error, please re-enter",
+ "TestSelected": "Verify selected",
+ "TestSuccessMsg": "Test succeeded",
+ "Thursday": "Thu",
+ "Ticket": "Ticket",
+ "TicketDetail": "Ticket details",
+ "TicketFlow": "Ticket flow",
+ "TicketFlowCreate": "Create approval flow",
+ "TicketFlowUpdate": "Update the approval flow",
+ "Tickets": "Tickets",
+ "Time": "Time",
+ "TimeDelta": "Duration",
+ "TimeExpression": "Time expression",
+ "Timeout": "Timeout",
+ "TimeoutHelpText": "When this value is -1, no timeout is specified.",
+ "Timer": "Timer",
+ "Title": "Title",
+ "To": "To",
+ "Today": "Today",
+ "TodayFailedConnections": "Failed sessions today",
+ "Token": "Token",
+ "Total": "Total",
+ "TotalJobFailed": "Failed execution actions",
+ "TotalJobLog": "Total job executions",
+ "TotalJobRunning": "Running jobs",
+ "TotalSyncAsset": "Assets",
+ "TotalSyncRegion": "Regions",
+ "TotalSyncStrategy": "Number of strategies",
+ "Transfer": "Transfer",
+ "TriggerMode": "Trigger mode",
+ "Tuesday": "Tue",
+ "TwoAssignee": "Subscribe to authorization id",
+ "TwoAssigneeType": "Secondary recipient type",
+ "Type": "Type",
+ "TypeTree": "Type tree",
+ "Types": "Type",
+ "UCloud": "Ucloud uhost",
+ "UPPER_CASE_REQUIRED": "Must contain uppercase letters",
+ "UnFavoriteSucceed": "Unfavorite Successful",
+ "UnSyncCount": "Not synced",
+ "Unbind": "Unlink",
+ "UnbindHelpText": "Local users are the source of this authentication and cannot be unbound",
+ "Unblock": "Unlock",
+ "UnblockSelected": "Unblock selected",
+ "UnblockSuccessMsg": "Unlock successful",
+ "UnblockUser": "Unlock user",
+ "Uninstall": "Uninstall",
+ "UniqueError": "Only one of the following properties can be set",
+ "UnlockSuccessMsg": "Unlock successful",
+ "UnselectedOrg": "No organization selected",
+ "UnselectedUser": "No user selected",
+ "UpDownload": "Upload & download",
+ "Update": "Update",
+ "UpdateAccount": "Update the account",
+ "UpdateAccountTemplate": "Update the account template",
+ "UpdateAssetDetail": "Configure more information",
+ "UpdateAssetUserToken": "Update account authentication information",
+ "UpdateEndpoint": "Update the endpoint",
+ "UpdateEndpointRule": "Update the endpoint rule",
+ "UpdateErrorMsg": "Update failed",
+ "UpdateNodeAssetHardwareInfo": "Update node assets hardware information",
+ "UpdatePlatformHelpText": "The asset will be updated only if the original platform type is the same as the selected platform type. if the platform types before and after the update are different, it will not be updated.",
+ "UpdateSSHKey": "Change ssh public key",
+ "UpdateSelected": "Update selected",
+ "UpdateSuccessMsg": "Successfully updated !",
+ "Updated": "Updated",
+ "Upload": "Upload",
+ "UploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "Only csv/xlsx can be uploaded, and no more than 10m",
+ "UploadDir": "Upload path",
+ "UploadFileLthHelpText": "Less than {limit}m supported",
+ "UploadHelpText": "Please upload a .zip file containing the following sample directory structure",
+ "UploadPlaybook": "Upload playbook",
+ "UploadSucceed": "Upload succeeded",
+ "UploadZipTips": "Please upload a file in zip format",
+ "Uploading": "Uploading file",
+ "Uppercase": "Uppercase",
+ "UseProtocol": "User agreement",
+ "UseSSL": "Use ssl/tls",
+ "User": "User",
+ "UserAclLists": "Login ACLs",
+ "UserAssetActivity": "User/Asset activity",
+ "UserCreate": "Create user",
+ "UserData": "User data",
+ "UserDetail": "User details",
+ "UserGroupCreate": "Create user group",
+ "UserGroupDetail": "User group details",
+ "UserGroupList": "Groups",
+ "UserGroupUpdate": "Update the user group",
+ "UserGroups": "Groups",
+ "UserList": "Users",
+ "UserLoginACLHelpMsg": "When logging into the system, the user's login ip and time range can be audited to determine whether they are allowed to loginto the system (effective globally)",
+ "UserLoginACLHelpText": "When logging in, it can be audited based on the user's login ip and time segment to determine whether the user can login",
+ "UserLoginAclCreate": "Create user login control",
+ "UserLoginAclDetail": "User login control details",
+ "UserLoginAclList": "User login",
+ "UserLoginAclUpdate": "Update the user login control",
+ "UserLoginLimit": "User restriction",
+ "UserLoginTrend": "Account login trend",
+ "UserPasswordChangeLog": "User password change log",
+ "UserSession": "Asset sessions",
+ "UserSwitchFrom": "Switch from",
+ "UserUpdate": "Update the user",
+ "Username": "Username",
+ "UsernamePlaceholder": "Please enter username",
+ "Users": "User",
+ "UsersAmount": "User",
+ "UsersAndUserGroups": "Users/groups",
+ "UsersTotal": "Total users",
+ "Valid": "Valid",
+ "Variable": "Variable",
+ "VariableHelpText": "You can use {{ key }} to read built-in variables in commands",
+ "VaultHCPMountPoint": "The mount point of the Vault server, default is jumpserver",
+ "VaultHelpText": "1. for security reasons, vault storage must be enabled in the configuration file.
2. after enabled, fill in other configurations, and perform tests.
3. carry out data synchronization, which is one-way, only syncing from the local database to the distant vault, once synchronization is completed, the local database will no longer store passwords, please back up your data.
4. after modifying vault configuration the second time, you need to restart the service.",
+ "VerificationCodeSent": "Verification code has been sent",
+ "VerifySignTmpl": "Sms template",
+ "Version": "Version",
+ "View": "View",
+ "ViewMore": "View more",
+ "ViewPerm": "View",
+ "ViewSecret": "View ciphertext",
+ "VirtualAccountDetail": "Virtual account details",
+ "VirtualAccountHelpMsg": "Virtual accounts are specialized accounts with specific purposes when connecting assets.",
+ "VirtualAccountUpdate": "Virtual account update",
+ "VirtualAccounts": "Virtual accounts",
+ "VirtualApp": "VirtualApp",
+ "VirtualAppDetail": "Virtual App details",
+ "VirtualApps": "VirtualApp",
+ "Volcengine": "Volcengine",
+ "Warning": "Warning",
+ "WeChat": "WeChat",
+ "WeCom": "WeCom",
+ "WeComOAuth": "WeCom OAuth",
+ "WeComTest": "Test",
+ "WebCreate": "Create asset - web",
+ "WebHelpMessage": "Web type assets depend on remote applications, please go to system settings and configure in remote applications",
+ "WebSocketDisconnect": "Websocket disconnected",
+ "WebTerminal": "Web terminal",
+ "WebUpdate": "Update the asset - web",
+ "Wednesday": "Wed",
+ "Week": "Week",
+ "WeekAdd": "Weekly add",
+ "WeekOrTime": "Day/time",
+ "WildcardsAllowed": "Allowed wildcards",
+ "WindowsPushHelpText": "Windows assets temporarily do not support key push",
+ "WordSep": " ",
+ "Workbench": "Workbench",
+ "Workspace": "Workspace",
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "YourProfile": "Your profile",
+ "ZStack": "ZStack",
+ "Zone": "Zone",
+ "ZoneCreate": "Create zone",
+ "ZoneEnabled": "Enable zone",
+ "ZoneHelpMessage": "The zone is the location where assets are located, which can be a data center, public cloud, or VPC. Gateways can be set up within the region. When the network cannot be directly accessed, users can utilize gateways to login to the assets.",
+ "ZoneList": "Zones",
+ "ZoneUpdate": "Update the zone",
+ "disallowSelfUpdateFields": "Not allowed to modify the current fields yourself",
+ "forceEnableMFAHelpText": "If force enable, user can not disable by themselves",
+ "removeWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to remove"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/i18n/lina/ja.json b/apps/i18n/lina/ja.json
index 54bc2f6ac..627cebbc3 100644
--- a/apps/i18n/lina/ja.json
+++ b/apps/i18n/lina/ja.json
@@ -1,1444 +1,1444 @@
- "ACLs": "アクセス制御",
- "APIKey": "API Key",
- "AWS_China": "AWS(中国)",
- "AWS_Int": "AWS(国際)",
- "About": "について",
- "Accept": "同意",
- "AccessIP": "IP ホワイトリスト",
- "AccessKey": "アクセスキー",
- "Account": "アカウント情報",
- "AccountAmount": "アカウント数",
- "AccountBackup": "アカウントのバックアップ",
- "AccountBackupCreate": "アカウントバックアップを作成",
- "AccountBackupDetail": "アカウントバックアップの詳細",
- "AccountBackupList": "アカウントバックアップリスト",
- "AccountBackupUpdate": "アカウントバックアップの更新",
- "AccountChangeSecret": "アカウントパスワード変更",
- "AccountChangeSecretDetail": "アカウントのパスワード変更詳細",
- "AccountDeleteConfirmMsg": "アカウントを削除しますか?続行しますか?",
- "AccountExportTips": "エクスポートする情報には口座の暗号文が含まれ、これは機密情報に関連しています。エクスポートする形式は、暗号化されたzipファイルです(暗号化パスワードを設定していない場合は、個人情報でファイルの暗号化パスワードを設定してください)。",
- "AccountDiscoverDetail": "アカウント収集詳細",
- "AccountDiscoverList": "アカウントの収集",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskCreate": "アカウント収集タスクの作成",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskList": "アカウント収集タスク",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskUpdate": "アカウント収集タスクを更新",
- "AccountList": "クラウドアカウント",
- "AccountPolicy": "アカウントポリシー",
- "AccountPolicyHelpText": "作成時に要件を満たさないアカウント,例えば:キータイプが規格外,一意キー制約,上記の方針を選択できます。",
- "AccountPushCreate": "アカウントプッシュの作成",
- "AccountPushDetail": "アカウントプッシュの詳細",
- "AccountPushList": "アカウントプッシュ",
- "AccountPushUpdate": "アカウント更新プッシュ",
- "AccountStorage": "アカウントストレージ",
- "AccountTemplate": "アカウントテンプレート",
- "AccountTemplateList": "アカウントテンプレートリスト",
- "AccountTemplateUpdateSecretHelpText": "テンプレートによって作成されたアカウントをアカウントリストに表示します。秘密の文を更新すると、テンプレートで作成されたアカウントの秘密の文も更新されます。",
- "Accounts": "アカウント",
- "Action": "動作",
- "ActionCount": "Action数",
- "ActionSetting": "Action設定",
- "Actions": "操作",
- "ActionsTips": "各権限の役割はプロトコルにより異なります、アイコンをクリックして確認してください",
- "Activate": "有効化",
- "ActivateSelected": "選択を有効化",
- "ActivateSuccessMsg": "アクティベーション成功",
- "Active": "アクティベーション中",
- "ActiveAsset": "最近ログインされた",
- "ActiveAssetRanking": "ログイン資産ランキング",
- "ActiveUser": "最近ログインした",
- "ActiveUsers": "活動ユーザー",
- "Activity": "Action",
- "Add": "新規追加",
- "AddAccount": "新規アカウントの追加",
- "AddAccountByTemplate": "テンプレートからアカウントを追加",
- "AddAccountResult": "アカウントの一括追加の結果",
- "AddAllMembersWarningMsg": "全員を追加しますか?",
- "AddAsset": "資産を追加",
- "AddAssetInDomain": "ドメインにアセットを追加",
- "AddAssetToNode": "ノードに資産を追加",
- "AddAssetToThisPermission": "資産の追加",
- "AddGatewayInDomain": "ドメインにゲートウェイを追加する",
- "AddInDetailText": "作成または更新に成功した後、詳細情報を追加する",
- "AddNode": "ノードの追加",
- "AddNodeToThisPermission": "ノードを追加する",
- "AddPassKey": "Passkey(通行鍵)を追加する",
- "AddRolePermissions": "作成/更新成功後、詳細に権限を追加",
- "AddSuccessMsg": "追加成功",
- "AddUserGroupToThisPermission": "ユーザーグループを追加",
- "AddUserToThisPermission": "ユーザーを追加する",
- "Address": "アドレス",
- "AdhocCreate": "アドホックコマンドを作成",
- "AdhocDetail": "コマンド詳細",
- "AdhocManage": "スクリプト管理",
- "AdhocUpdate": "コマンドを更新",
- "Advanced": "高度な設定",
- "AfterChange": "変更後",
- "AjaxError404": "404 リクエストエラー",
- "AlibabaCloud": "アリババクラウド",
- "Aliyun": "阿里雲",
- "All": "全て",
- "AllAccountTip": "資産上に既に追加された全てのアカウント",
- "AllAccounts": "すべてのアカウント",
- "AllClickRead": "すべて既読",
- "AllMembers": "全メンバー",
- "AllowInvalidCert": "証明書チェックを無視",
- "Announcement": "お知らせ",
- "AnonymousAccount": "匿名アカウント",
- "AnonymousAccountTip": "ユーザー名とパスワードを使わずに資産に接続し、Webタイプとカスタムタイプの資産のみをサポートします",
- "ApiKey": "API Key",
- "ApiKeyList": "Api keyを使用してリクエストヘッダーに署名し、認証します。各リクエストのヘッダーは異なるため、Token方式に比べてより安全です。詳細はドキュメンテーションをご覧ください。
- "ApiKeyWarning": "AccessKey の漏洩リスクを低減するため、Secretは作成時にのみ提供し、それ以降は再度問い合わせることはできません。適切に保存してください",
- "AppEndpoint": "アプリケーションアクセスアドレス",
- "AppOps": "タスクセンター",
- "AppProvider": "アプリプライダー",
- "AppProviderDetail": "アプリケーションプロバイダの詳細",
- "AppletDetail": "リモートアプリケーション",
- "AppletHelpText": "アップロード過程で、該当アプリケーションが存在しない場合は作成し、存在する場合はアプリケーションを更新します。",
- "AppletHostCreate": "リモートアプリケーションリリースマシンを追加",
- "AppletHostDetail": "リモートアプリケーションパブリッシャーの詳細",
- "AppletHostSelectHelpMessage": "アプリケーションがアセットに接続する際、パブリッシャーはランダムに選ばれます(ただし、前回使用したものが優先されます)。特定のアセットにパブリッシャーを固定するには、<パブリシャー:パブリシャー名>またはというタグを指定できます。
1. パブリッシャーとアプリケーションの両方が並行処理をサポートしている場合;
2. パブリッシャーが並行処理をサポートしていて、アプリケーションが並行処理をサポートしていない場合、現在のアプリケーションが専用アカウントを使用していない場合;
3. パブリッシャーが並行処理をサポートしていない場合、アプリケーションが並行処理をサポートしているかサポートしていない場合、どのアプリケーションも専用アカウントを使用していない場合;
注意: アプリケーションが並行処理をサポートするかどうかは開発者が決定し、サポートがないかどうかはパブリッシャーの設定による単一ユーザーのセッションによるものです",
- "AppletHostUpdate": "リモートアプリケーション発行機を更新",
- "AppletHostZoneHelpText": "ここはSystem組織のネットワークです",
- "AppletHosts": "アプリケーションリリースマシン",
- "Applets": "リモートアプリケーション",
- "Applicant": "申請者",
- "Applications": "アプリケーション",
- "ApplyAsset": "資産申請",
- "ApplyFromCMDFilterRule": "コマンドフィルタールール",
- "ApplyFromSession": "セッション",
- "ApplyInfo": "申請情報",
- "ApplyLoginAccount": "ログインアカウントの申請",
- "ApplyLoginAsset": "登録資産の申請",
- "ApplyLoginUser": "ログインユーザーの申請",
- "ApplyRunAsset": "実行申請の資産",
- "ApplyRunCommand": "実行するコマンドを申請する",
- "ApplyRunUser": "申請を実行するユーザー",
- "Appoint": "指定",
- "ApprovaLevel": "承認情報",
- "ApprovalLevel": "承認レベル",
- "ApprovalProcess": "承認プロセス",
- "ApprovalSelected": "大量承認です",
- "Approved": "同意済み",
- "ApproverNumbers": "アプルーバの数",
- "ApsaraStack": "アリババクラウド専用クラウド",
- "Asset": "資産",
- "AssetAccount": "アカウントリスト",
- "AssetAccountDetail": "アカウント詳細",
- "AssetAclCreate": "アセットログインルールを作成",
- "AssetAclDetail": "資産ログインルール詳細",
- "AssetAclList": "資産ログイン",
- "AssetAclUpdate": "資産ログインルールの更新",
- "AssetAddress": "資産(IP/ホスト名)",
- "AssetAmount": "資産量",
- "AssetAndNode": "資産/ノード",
- "AssetBulkUpdateTips": "ネットワークデバイス、クラウドサービス、web、バッチでドメインを更新することはできません",
- "AssetChangeSecretCreate": "アカウント作成・パスワード変更",
- "AssetChangeSecretUpdate": "アカウントパスワードの更新",
- "AssetData": "資産データ",
- "AssetDetail": "アセット詳細",
- "AssetList": "アセットリスト",
- "AssetListHelpMessage": "左側は資産ツリーで、右クリックで新規作成、削除、ツリーノードの変更ができます。資産の認証もノード方式で組織されています。右側はそのノードの下にある資産です。",
- "AssetLoginACLHelpMsg": "ユーザのログインIPと時間帯をもとに、アセットへのログインの承認可否を判断します",
- "AssetLoginACLHelpText": "資産にログインする際、ユーザーのログインIPと時間帯を審査し、資産にログインできるかどうかを判断します",
- "AssetName": "資産名称",
- "AssetPermission": "アセット権限",
- "AssetPermissionCreate": "資産認証ルールの作成",
- "AssetPermissionDetail": "資産認証の詳細",
- "AssetPermissionHelpMsg": "資産の承認は、ユーザーと資産を選択して、ユーザーがアクセスできるように資産を承認することができます。承認が完了すると、ユーザーはこれらの資産を簡単に閲覧できます。さらに、特定の権限位を設定して、ユーザーが資産に対する権限範囲をさらに定義することができます。",
- "AssetPermissionRules": "資産承認ルール",
- "AssetPermissionUpdate": "資産の認可ルール更新",
- "AssetPermsAmount": "資産の承認数",
- "AssetProtocolHelpText": "アセットサポートプロトコルはプラットフォームの制限を受けます。設定ボタンをクリックすると、プロトコルの設定を表示できます。更新が必要であれば、プラットフォームを更新してください",
- "AssetTree": "アセットツリー",
- "Assets": "アセット",
- "AssetsAmount": "資産数",
- "AssetsOfNumber": "アセット数",
- "AssetsTotal": "総資産数",
- "AssignedInfo": "承認情報",
- "Assignee": "処理者",
- "Assignees": "未処理の担当者",
- "AttrName": "属性名",
- "AttrValue": "プロパティ値",
- "Audits": "監査台",
- "Auth": "認証設定",
- "AuthConfig": "資格認定構成",
- "AuthLimit": "ログイン制限",
- "AuthSAMLCertHelpText": "証明書キーをアップロードした後で保存し、SP Metadataを確認してください",
- "AuthSAMLKeyHelpText": "SP 証明書とキーはIDPとの暗号化通信用です",
- "AuthSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "左側のキーはSAML2ユーザーの属性で、右側の値は認証プラットフォームのユーザー属性です",
- "AuthSecurity": "認証セキュリティ",
- "AuthSettings": "認証の設定",
- "AuthUserAttrMapHelpText": "左側のキーはJumpServerのユーザー属性であり、右側の値は認証プラットフォームのユーザー属性です",
- "Authentication": "認証",
- "AutoPush": "自動プッシュ",
- "Automations": "自動化",
- "AverageTimeCost": "平均所要時間",
- "AwaitingMyApproval": "私の承認待ち",
- "Azure": "Azure(中国)",
- "Azure_Int": "アジュール(インターナショナル)",
- "Backup": "バックアップ",
- "BackupAccountsHelpText": "アカウント情報を外部にバックアップする。外部システムに保存するかメールを送信することもできます、セクション方式をサポートしています",
- "BadConflictErrorMsg": "更新中です、しばらくお待ちください",
- "BadRequestErrorMsg": "リクエストエラーです。入力内容を確認してください",
- "BadRoleErrorMsg": "リクエストエラー、該当する操作権限がありません",
- "BaiduCloud": "百度クラウド",
- "BaseAccount": "アカウント",
- "BaseAccountBackup": "アカウントバックアップ",
- "BaseAccountChangeSecret": "アカウントのパスワード変更",
- "BaseAccountDiscover": "アカウント収集",
- "BaseAccountPush": "アカウントプッシュ",
- "BaseAccountTemplate": "アカウントテンプレート",
- "BaseApplets": "アプリケーション",
- "BaseAssetAclList": "ログイン許可",
- "BaseAssetList": "資産リスト",
- "BaseAssetPermission": "資産承認",
- "BaseCloudAccountList": "クラウドアカウントリスト",
- "BaseCloudSync": "クラウド同期",
- "BaseCmdACL": "コマンド認証",
- "BaseCmdGroups": "コマンドグループ",
- "BaseCommandFilterAclList": "コマンドフィルタ",
- "BaseConnectMethodACL": "接続方法の承認",
- "BaseFlowSetUp": "フロー設定",
- "BaseJobManagement": "作業管理",
- "BaseLoginLog": "ログインログ",
- "BaseMyAssets": "私の資産",
- "BaseOperateLog": "Actionログ",
- "BasePort": "リスニングポート",
- "BaseSessions": "会話",
- "BaseStorage": "ストレージ",
- "BaseStrategy": "戦略",
- "BaseSystemTasks": "タスク",
- "BaseTags": "タグ",
- "BaseTerminal": "エンドポイント",
- "BaseTickets": "ワークオーダーリスト",
- "BaseUserLoginAclList": "ユーザーログイン",
- "Basic": "基本設定",
- "BasicInfo": "基本情報",
- "BasicSetting": "基本設定",
- "BasicSettings": "基本設定",
- "BasicTools": "基本的なツール",
- "BatchActivate": "一括アクティブ化",
- "BatchApproval": "大量承認です",
- "BatchCommand": "一括コマンド",
- "BatchCommandNotExecuted": "未実行コマンド",
- "BatchConsent": "一括同意",
- "BatchDelete": "一括削除",
- "BatchDeployment": "一括デプロイ",
- "BatchDisable": "一括無効化",
- "BatchProcessing": "バルク処理({number} アイテムが選択されています)",
- "BatchReject": "一括拒否",
- "BatchRemoval": "一括除去",
- "BatchRetry": "一括リトライ",
- "BatchScript": "バッチ スクリプト",
- "BatchTest": "一括テスト",
- "BatchUpdate": "ロット更新",
- "BeforeChange": "変更前",
- "Beian": "登記",
- "BelongAll": "同時に含む",
- "BelongTo": "任意に含む",
- "Bind": "バインド",
- "BindLabel": "関連タグ",
- "BindResource": "関連リソース",
- "BindSuccess": "バインディング成功",
- "BlockedIPS": "ロックされたIP",
- "BuiltinVariable": "組み込み変数",
- "BulkClearErrorMsg": "一括クリアエラー:",
- "BulkDeleteErrorMsg": "一括削除エラー:",
- "BulkDeleteSuccessMsg": "一括削除成功",
- "BulkDeploy": "一括展開",
- "BulkRemoveErrorMsg": "一括削除エラー:",
- "BulkRemoveSuccessMsg": "一括削除成功",
- "BulkSyncErrorMsg": "一括同期エラー:",
- "CACertificate": "CA 証明書",
- "CAS": "CAS",
- "CMPP2": "CMPP v2.0",
- "CTYunPrivate": "天翼プライベートクラウド",
- "CalculationResults": "cron 式のエラー",
- "CallRecords": "つうわきろく",
- "CanDragSelect": "マウスドラッグで時間帯を選択可能;未選択は全選択と同じです",
- "Cancel": "キャンセル",
- "CancelCollection": "お気に入りキャンセル",
- "CancelTicket": "作業指示をキャンセルする",
- "CannotAccess": "現在のページへのアクセスができません",
- "Category": "カテゴリ",
- "CeleryTaskLog": "セロリタスクノログ",
- "Certificate": "証明書",
- "CertificateKey": "クライアントキー",
- "ChangeCredentials": "パスワードを変更",
- "ChangeCredentialsHelpText": "定期的にアカウントキーのパスワードを変更します。アカウントはランダムにパスワードを生成し、目的の資産に同期します。同期が成功すれば、そのアカウントのパスワードを更新します",
- "ChangeField": "フィールドの変更",
- "ChangeOrganization": "組織の 변경",
- "ChangePassword": "パスワード更新",
- "ChangeReceiver": "メッセージ受信者の変更",
- "ChangeSecretParams": "パスワード変更パラメータ",
- "ChangeViewHelpText": "クリックして異なるビューを切り替え",
- "Chat": "チャット",
- "ChatAI": "スマートアンサー",
- "ChatHello": "こんにちは!お手伝いできることがあれば何でもお申し付けください。",
- "ChdirHelpText": "デフォルトの実行ディレクトリは実行ユーザーのホームディレクトリです",
- "CheckAssetsAmount": "資産の数量を確認",
- "CheckViewAcceptor": "受付人を見るにはクリック",
- "CleanHelpText": "定期的なクリーンアップタスクは毎日午前2時に実行され、クリーンアップ後のデータは回復できません",
- "Cleaning": "定期的にクリーニング",
- "Clear": "クリア",
- "ClearErrorMsg": "クリアに失敗:",
- "ClearScreen": "画面クリア",
- "ClearSecret": "暗号文のクリア",
- "ClearSelection": "選択をクリア",
- "ClearSuccessMsg": "クリアに成功",
- "ClickCopy": "クリックでコピー",
- "ClientCertificate": "クライアント証明書",
- "Clipboard": "クリップボード",
- "ClipboardCopyPaste": "クリップボードのコピーペースト",
- "Clone": "クローン",
- "Close": "閉じる",
- "CloseConfirm": "閉じるのを確認",
- "CloseConfirmMessage": "ファイルが変更されました、保存しますか?",
- "CloseStatus": "完了",
- "Closed": "完了",
- "CloudAccountCreate": "クラウドプラットフォームアカウントを作成",
- "CloudAccountDetail": "クラウドアカウントの詳細",
- "CloudAccountList": "クラウドプラットフォームアカウント",
- "CloudAccountUpdate": "クラウドプラットフォームのアカウントを更新",
- "CloudCreate": "資産作成-クラウドプラットフォーム",
- "CloudRegionTip": "地域が取得できませんでした。アカウントを確認してください",
- "CloudSource": "同期ソース",
- "CloudSync": "クラウド同期",
- "CloudSyncConfig": "クラウド同期構成",
- "CloudUpdate": "資産の更新-クラウドプラットフォーム",
- "Clouds": "クラウド プラットフォーム",
- "Cluster": "クラスター",
- "CollectionSucceed": "お気に入り登録成功",
- "Command": "コマンド",
- "CommandConfirm": "コマンドの審査",
- "CommandFilterACL": "コマンドフィルター",
- "CommandFilterACLHelpMsg": "コマンドフィルタリングを使用して、どのコマンドを資産に対して送信できるかを制御することができます。設定したルールに従い、一部のコマンドは許可される一方で、他のコマンドは禁止されます。",
- "CommandFilterACLHelpText": "コマンドフィルターを使用すると、コマンドが資産に送信できるかどうかを制御できます。設定したルールにより、一部のコマンドは許可され、他のコマンドは禁止されます。",
- "CommandFilterAclCreate": "コマンドフィルタールールを作成",
- "CommandFilterAclDetail": "コマンドフィルタールールの詳細",
- "CommandFilterAclUpdate": "コマンドフィルタルールを更新する",
- "CommandFilterRuleContentHelpText": "コマンドを一行ずつ",
- "CommandFilterRules": "コマンドフィルター規則",
- "CommandGroup": "コマンドグループ",
- "CommandGroupCreate": "コマンドグループを作成",
- "CommandGroupDetail": "コマンドグループ詳細",
- "CommandGroupList": "コマンドグループ",
- "CommandGroupUpdate": "コマンドグループを更新",
- "CommandStorage": "コマンドストレージ",
- "CommandStorageUpdate": "コマンドストレージを更新",
- "Commands": "指令の記録",
- "CommandsTotal": "コマンド記録の総数",
- "Comment": "注釈",
- "CommentHelpText": "注:コメント情報はLunaページのユーザー権限アセットツリーでホバー表示され、一般ユーザーが表示できます。機密情報を記入しないでください。",
- "CommunityEdition": "コミュニティ版",
- "Component": "コンポーネント",
- "ComponentMonitor": "コンポーネントの監視",
- "Components": "コンポーネントリスト",
- "ConceptContent": "あなたにはPythonインタープリタのように行動してほしい。Pythonのコードを提供しますので、それを実行してください。説明は一切不要です。コードの出力以外では何も反応しないでください。",
- "ConceptTitle": "🤔 Python インタープリター",
- "Config": "設定",
- "Configured": "設定済み",
- "Confirm": "確認",
- "ConfirmPassword": "パスワードの確認",
- "Connect": "接続",
- "ConnectAssets": "接続資産",
- "ConnectMethod": "接続方法",
- "ConnectMethodACLHelpMsg": "接続方式でフィルタリングすることで、ユーザーが特定の接続方式で資産にログインできるかどうかを制御できます。あなたが設定したルールに基づき、一部の接続方法は許可され、他の接続方法は禁止されます(全域で有効)。",
- "ConnectMethodACLHelpText": "接続方法のフィルタリングにより、ユーザーが特定の接続方法を使用して資産にログインできるかどうかを制御できます。設定したルールにより、いくつかの接続方法は許可され、他の接続方法は禁止されます。",
- "ConnectMethodAclCreate": "接続方式制御の作成",
- "ConnectMethodAclDetail": "接続方法の詳細制御",
- "ConnectMethodAclList": "接続方法",
- "ConnectMethodAclUpdate": "接続方法のコントロールを更新",
- "ConnectWebSocketError": "WebSocketへの接続に失敗",
- "ConnectionDropped": "接続が切断された",
- "ConnectionToken": "接続トークン",
- "ConnectionTokenList": "コネクショントークンは、認証情報とアセット接続を組み合わせて用いるもので、ユーザーが一键でアセットにログインすることを支援します。現在対応しているコンポーネントにはKoKo、Lion、Magnus、Razorなどがあります。",
- "Console": "コンソール",
- "Consult": "コンサルティング",
- "ContainAttachment": "添付ファイル付き",
- "Containers": "コンテナ",
- "Contains": "含む",
- "Continue": "続ける",
- "ConvenientOperate": "Action操作.",
- "Copy": "コピー",
- "CopySuccess": "コピーサクセス",
- "Corporation": "会社",
- "Create": "作成",
- "CreateAccessKey": "アクセスキーの作成",
- "CreateAccountTemplate": "アカウントテンプレート作成",
- "CreateCommandStorage": "コマンドストレージを作成する",
- "CreateEndpoint": "エンドポイントを作成",
- "CreateEndpointRule": "エンドポイントルールの作成",
- "CreateErrorMsg": "作成に失敗しました",
- "CreateNode": "ノードの作成",
- "CreatePlaybook": "Playbookの作成",
- "CreateReplayStorage": "オブジェクトストレージの作成",
- "CreateSuccessMsg": "作成成功",
- "CreateUserContent": "ユーザーコンテンツの作成",
- "CreateUserSetting": "ユーザーコンテンツを作成",
- "Created": "作成済み",
- "CreatedBy": "作成者",
- "CriticalLoad": "重大",
- "CronExpression": "crontab完全表現",
- "Crontab": "定時実行タスク",
- "CrontabDiffError": "定期実行の間隔が10分以上であることをご確認ください!",
- "CrontabHelpText": "同時にintervalとcrontabを設定した場合、crontabが優先されます",
- "CrontabHelpTip": "例えば:日曜日の03:05に実行 <5 3 * * 0>
5桁のlinux crontab表現を使用 (オンラインツール)
- "CrontabOfCreateUpdatePage": "例:毎週日曜日の03:05に実行 <5 3 * * 0>
5桁のLinux crontab表現を使用してください <分 時 日 月 星期> (オンラインツール)
- "CurrentConnectionUsers": "現在のセッションユーザー数",
- "CurrentConnections": "現在のコネクション数",
- "CurrentUserVerify": "現在のユーザーを検証",
- "Custom": "カスタマイズ",
- "CustomCol": "カスタムリストフィールド",
- "CustomCreate": "資産作成-カスタマイズ",
- "CustomFields": "カスタム属性",
- "CustomFile": "カスタムファイルを指定されたディレクトリ(data/sms/に置き、config.txt内で設定項目SMS_CUSTOM_FILE_MD5=<ファイルmd5値>を有効化してください。",
- "CustomHelpMessage": "カスタムタイプの資産で、リモートアプリケーションに依存しています。システム設定でリモートアプリケーションを設定してください",
- "CustomParams": "左側はメッセージプラットフォームが受信したパラメーターで、右側はJumpServerのパラメーターをフォーマット待ちです。最終結果は次の通りです:
{\"phone_numbers\": \"123,134\", \"content\": \"認証コード: 666666\"}",
- "CustomUpdate": "アセット更新-カスタム",
- "CustomUser": "カスタムユーザー",
- "CycleFromWeek": "周期は週から",
- "CyclePerform": "定期実行",
- "Danger": "危険",
- "DangerCommand": "危険なコマンド",
- "DangerousCommandNum": "危険なコマンド数",
- "Dashboard": "ダッシュボード",
- "Database": "データベース",
- "DatabaseCreate": "資産-データベースの作成",
- "DatabasePort": "データベースプロトコルポート",
- "DatabaseUpdate": "資産-データベースの更新",
- "Date": "日付",
- "DateCreated": "作成時間",
- "DateEnd": "終了日",
- "DateExpired": "失効日",
- "DateFinished": "完了日",
- "DateJoined": "作成日",
- "DateLast24Hours": "最近一日",
- "DateLast3Months": "最近三か月",
- "DateLastHarfYear": "過去半年",
- "DateLastLogin": "最後にログインした日",
- "DateLastMonth": "最近一ヶ月",
- "DateLastSync": "最終同期日",
- "DataLastUsed": "さいごしようび",
- "DateLastWeek": "最新の一週間",
- "DateLastYear": "最近一年",
- "DatePasswordLastUpdated": "最終パスワード更新日",
- "DateStart": "開始日",
- "DateSync": "同期日",
- "DateUpdated": "更新日",
- "Datetime": "日時",
- "Day": "日",
- "DeclassificationLogNum": "パスワード変更ログ数",
- "DefaultDatabase": "デフォルトのデータベース",
- "DefaultPort": "デフォルトポート",
- "Delete": "削除",
- "DeleteConfirmMessage": "一度削除すると復元はできません、続けますか?",
- "DeleteErrorMsg": "削除に失敗",
- "DeleteNode": "ノードを削除",
- "DeleteOrgMsg": "ユーザー、ユーザーグループ、アセット、ノード、ラベル、ドメイン、アセットの認可",
- "DeleteOrgTitle": "以下の組織内の情報が削除されたことを確認してください",
- "DeleteReleasedAssets": "リリースされたアセットの削除",
- "DeleteSelected": "選択した項目を削除する",
- "DeleteSuccess": "削除成功",
- "DeleteSuccessMsg": "削除成功",
- "DeleteWarningMsg": "削除してもよろしいですか",
- "Deploy": "デプロイ",
- "Description": "説明",
- "DestinationIP": "目的のアドレス",
- "DestinationPort": "目的ポート",
- "Detail": "詳細",
- "DeviceCreate": "資産作成 - ネットワークデバイス",
- "DeviceUpdate": "資産の更新-ネットワークデバイス",
- "Digit": "数字",
- "DingTalk": "ディーングトーク",
- "DingTalkOAuth": "ディンディン認証",
- "DingTalkTest": "テスト",
- "Disable": "無効化",
- "DisableSelected": "選択を無効にする",
- "DisableSuccessMsg": "無効化成功",
- "DisplayName": "名前",
- "Docs": "文書",
- "Download": "ダウンロード",
- "DownloadCenter": "ダウンロードセンター",
- "DownloadFTPFileTip": "現在のActionでは、ファイルは記録されず、またはファイルサイズが閾値(デフォルトは100M)を超える、またはまだ対応するストレージに保存されていない",
- "DownloadImportTemplateMsg": "テンプレートをダウンロードで作成",
- "DownloadReplay": "ビデオのダウンロード",
- "DownloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "更新テンプレートをダウンロード",
- "DragUploadFileInfo": "ここにファイルをドラッグするか、ここをクリックしてアップロードしてください",
- "DropConfirmMsg": "ノード: {src} を {dst} に移動しますか?",
- "Duplicate": "ダブリケート",
- "DuplicateFileExists": "同名のファイルのアップロードは許可されていません、同名のファイルを削除してください",
- "Duration": "時間",
- "DynamicUsername": "ダイナミックユーザー名",
- "Edit": "編集",
- "EditRecipient": "受取人の編集",
- "Edition": "バージョン",
- "Email": "メールボックス",
- "EmailContent": "メールコンテンツのカスタマイズ",
- "EmailTemplate": "メールテンプレート",
- "EmailTemplateHelpTip": "メールテンプレートはメールを送るためのテンプレートで、メールの件名のプレフィックスとメールの内容を含む",
- "EmailTest": "接続テスト",
- "Empty": "空",
- "Enable": "有効化",
- "EnableDomain": "ドメインの有効化",
- "EnableKoKoSSHHelpText": "起動時にアセットに接続すると、 SSH Client の起動方法が表示されます",
- "Endpoint": "サーバーエンドポイント",
- "EndpointListHelpMessage": "サービスエンドポイントはユーザーがサービスにアクセスするアドレス(ポート)で、ユーザーが資産に接続する際、エンドポイントルールと資産ラベルに基づいてサービスエンドポイントを選択し、アクセスポイントを設定して分散接続資産を実現します",
- "EndpointRuleListHelpMessage": "サーバーエンドポイント選択策略については、現在2つの方式をサポートしています:
- "EndpointRules": "エンドポイントのルール",
- "Endpoints": "サーバーエンドポイント",
- "Endswith": "...で終わる",
- "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo1": "この値が1以上であることを確認してください",
- "EnterForSearch": "Enterキーを押して検索",
- "EnterRunUser": "実行ユーザーの入力",
- "EnterRunningPath": "実行パスを入力",
- "EnterToContinue": "Enter を押して入力を続ける",
- "EnterUploadPath": "アップロードパスを入力してください",
- "Enterprise": "エンタープライズエディション",
- "EnterpriseEdition": "エンタープライズエディション",
- "Equal": "等しい",
- "Error": "エラー",
- "ErrorMsg": "エラー",
- "EsDisabled": "ノードが利用できません、管理者に連絡してください",
- "EsIndex": "es はデフォルト index:jumpserverを提供します。日付でインデックスを作成する設定が有効な場合、入力値はインデックスのプレフィックスとして使用されます",
- "EsUrl": "特殊文字 `#` は含むことができません;例: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
- "Every": "毎",
- "Exclude": "除外",
- "ExcludeAsset": "スキップされた資産",
- "ExcludeSymbol": "文字の除外",
- "ExecCloudSyncErrorMsg": "クラウドアカウントの設定が完全でないので、更新して再試行してください",
- "Execute": "実行",
- "ExecuteOnce": "一度実行する",
- "ExecutionDetail": "Action詳細",
- "ExecutionList": "実行リスト",
- "ExistError": "この要素は既に存在します",
- "Existing": "既に存在しています",
- "ExpirationTimeout": "有効期限タイムアウト(秒)",
- "Expire": " 期限切れ",
- "Expired": "有効期限",
- "Export": "エクスポート",
- "ExportAll": "全てをエクスポート",
- "ExportOnlyFiltered": "検索結果のみをエクスポート",
- "ExportOnlySelectedItems": "選択オプションのみをエクスポート",
- "ExportRange": "エクスポート範囲",
- "FC": "Fusion Compute",
- "Failed": "失敗",
- "FailedAsset": "失敗した資産",
- "FaviconTip": "ヒント:ウェブサイトのアイコン(推奨画像サイズ:16px*16px)",
- "Features": "機能設定",
- "FeiShu": "フェイシュ",
- "FeiShuOAuth": "Feishu認証",
- "FeiShuTest": "テスト",
- "FieldRequiredError": "このフィールドは必須項目です",
- "FileExplorer": "ファイルブラウズ",
- "FileManagement": "ファイル",
- "FileNameTooLong": "ファイル名が長すぎます",
- "FileSizeExceedsLimit": "ファイルサイズが制限を超えています",
- "FileTransfer": "ファイル転送",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips1": "Assetまたはノードを選択",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips2": "実行アカウントを選択し、コマンドを入力",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips3": "転送、結果の表示",
- "FileTransferNum": "ファイル転送数",
- "FileType": "ファイルタイプ",
- "Filename": "ファイル名",
- "FingerPrint": "指紋",
- "Finished": "完了",
- "FinishedTicket": "工事の完了",
- "FirstLogin": "初回ログイン",
- "FlowSetUp": "プロセス設定",
- "Footer": "フッター",
- "ForgotPasswordURL": "パスワード忘れのリンク",
- "FormatError": "形式エラー",
- "Friday": "金曜日",
- "From": "から",
- "FromTicket": "ワークオーダーから",
- "FullName": "全称",
- "FullySynchronous": "資産の完全な同期",
- "FullySynchronousHelpTip": "アセットの条件がマッチングポリシーのルールを満たしていない場合、そのアセットを同期し続けますか",
- "GCP": "Google Cloud",
- "GPTCreate": "アセット作成-GPT",
- "GPTUpdate": "資産を更新-GPT",
- "Gateway": "ゲートウェイ",
- "GatewayCreate": "ゲートウェイの作成",
- "GatewayList": "ゲートウェイリスト",
- "GatewayPlatformHelpText": "ゲートウェイプラットフォームは、Gatewayで始まるプラットフォームのみ選択可能です。",
- "GatewayUpdate": "ゲートウェイの更新",
- "DiscoverAccounts": "アカウント収集",
- "DiscoverAccountsHelpText": "資産上のアカウント情報を収集します。収集したアカウント情報は、システムにインポートして一元管理が可能です",
- "DiscoveredAccountList": "収集したアカウント",
- "General": "基本",
- "GeneralAccounts": "一般アカウント",
- "GeneralSetting": "汎用設定",
- "Generate": "生成",
- "GenerateAccounts": "アカウント再生成",
- "GenerateSuccessMsg": "アカウント作成成功",
- "GenericSetting": "汎用設定",
- "GoHomePage": "ホームページへ行く",
- "Goto": "へ移動",
- "GrantedAssets": "資産の承認",
- "GreatEqualThan": "以上または等しい",
- "GroupsAmount": "ユーザーグループ",
- "HTTPSRequiredForSupport": "HTTPS サポートが必要で、それを有効にする",
- "HandleTicket": "ワークオーダーを処理",
- "Hardware": "ハードウェア情報",
- "HardwareInfo": "ハードウェア情報",
- "HasImportErrorItemMsg": "インポートに失敗した項目があります、左側の x をクリックして失敗原因を確認し、テーブルを編集した後、失敗した項目を再度インポートできます",
- "Help": "ヘルプ",
- "HelpDocumentTip": "ウェブサイトのナビゲーションバーのURLを変更できます ヘルプ -> ドキュメント",
- "HelpSupportTip": "ウェブサイトのナビゲーションバーのURLを変更できます。ヘルプ->サポート",
- "HighLoad": "高い",
- "HistoricalSessionNum": "歴史的なセッション数",
- "History": "履歴記録",
- "HistoryDate": "日付",
- "HistoryPassword": "過去のパスワード",
- "HistoryRecord": "履歴記録",
- "Host": "資産",
- "HostCreate": "資産-ホストの作成",
- "HostDeployment": "リリースマシンのデプロイ",
- "HostList": "ホストリスト",
- "HostUpdate": "資産-ホストの更新",
- "HostnameStrategy": "資産ホスト名の生成に使用します。例:1. インスタンス名 (instanceDemo); 2. インスタンス名と部分IP(後ろ2桁) (instanceDemo-250.1)",
- "Hour": "時間",
- "HuaweiCloud": "華為雲",
- "HuaweiPrivateCloud": "华为プライベートクラウド",
- "IAgree": "私は同意します",
- "ID": "ID",
- "IP": "IP",
- "IPLoginLimit": "IPログイン制限",
- "IPMatch": "IPマッチング",
- "IPNetworkSegment": "IP範囲",
- "IPType": "IPタイプ",
- "Id": "ID",
- "IdeaContent": "あなたがLinuxターミナルとして機能することを望んでいます。私はコマンドを入力し、あなたはターミナルが表示すべき内容を回答します。ターミナルの出力はユニークなコードブロック内でだけ応答してほしい、その他ではない。説明を書かないでください。何かをあなたに伝える必要があるとき、私はテキストを大括弧{備考テキスト}の中に置きます。",
- "IdeaTitle": "🌱 Linux 端末",
- "IdpMetadataHelpText": "IDP Metadata URLとIDP MetadataXMLのパラメータのうち、一つだけ選択すればよいです。 IDP Metadata URLは優先順位が高い",
- "IdpMetadataUrlHelpText": "IDP Metadataをリモートアドレスから読み込むのを拒否",
- "ImageName": "イメージ名",
- "Images": "画像",
- "Import": "インポート",
- "ImportAll": "全てをインポート",
- "ImportFail": "インポートに失敗しました",
- "ImportLdapUserTip": "LDAP設定を先に送信してからインポートを進めてください",
- "ImportLdapUserTitle": "LDAPユーザーリスト",
- "ImportLicense": "ライセンスのインポート",
- "ImportLicenseTip": "ライセンスをインポートしてください",
- "ImportMessage": "対応するタイプのページにデータをインポートする為に移動してください",
- "ImportOrg": "組織をインポート",
- "InActiveAsset": "最近ログインされていない",
- "InActiveUser": "最近ログインしていない",
- "InAssetDetail": "資産詳細でアカウント情報を更新",
- "Inactive": "禁用",
- "Index": "インデックス",
- "Info": "情報",
- "InformationModification": "情報変更",
- "InheritPlatformConfig": "プラットフォーム設定からの継承、変更する場合は、プラットフォームの設定を変更してください。",
- "InitialDeploy": "初期化デプロイ",
- "Input": "入力",
- "InputEmailAddress": "正しいメールアドレスを入力してください",
- "InputMessage": "メッセージを入力...",
- "InputPhone": "携帯電話番号を入力してください",
- "InstanceAddress": "インスタンスのアドレス",
- "InstanceName": "インスタンス名",
- "InstancePlatformName": "インスタンスプラットフォーム名",
- "Interface": "ネットワークインターフェース",
- "InterfaceSettings": "インターフェースの設定",
- "Interval": "間隔",
- "IntervalOfCreateUpdatePage": "単位:時間",
- "InvalidJson": "合法的なJSONではありません",
- "InviteSuccess": "招待が成功しました。",
- "InviteUser": "ユーザーを招待",
- "InviteUserInOrg": "ユーザーをこの組織に招待する",
- "Ip": "IP",
- "IpDomain": "IP ドメイン",
- "IpGroup": "IPグループ",
- "IpGroupHelpText": "*はすべてに一致します。例えば:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
- "IpType": "IP タイプ",
- "IsActive": "Activate",
- "IsAlwaysUpdate": "最新の資産を保持",
- "IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTip": "同期タスクを実行するたびに、資産情報(ホスト名、ip、プラットフォーム、ドメイン、ノードなど)を同期更新するかどうか",
- "IsFinished": "完了",
- "IsLocked": "一時停止しますか",
- "IsSuccess": "成功",
- "IsSyncAccountHelpText": "収集が完了すると、収集したアカウントが資産に同期されます",
- "IsSyncAccountLabel": "資産に同期",
- "JDCloud": "京東クラウド",
- "Job": "ジョブ",
- "JobCenter": "Actionセンター",
- "JobCreate": "ジョブ作成",
- "JobDetail": "作業詳細",
- "JobExecutionLog": "作業ログ",
- "JobManagement": "作業管理",
- "JobUpdate": "アップデート作業",
- "KingSoftCloud": "Kingsoftクラウド",
- "KokoSetting": "KoKo 設定",
- "LAN": "LAN",
- "LDAPUser": "LDAP ユーザー",
- "LOWER_CASE_REQUIRED": "小文字を含む必要があります",
- "Label": "タグ",
- "LabelCreate": "タグを作成",
- "LabelInputFormatValidation": "タグの形式が間違っています。正しい形式は:name:valueです。",
- "LabelList": "タグリスト",
- "LabelUpdate": "タグを更新",
- "Language": "言語",
- "LarkOAuth": "Lark 認証",
- "Last30": "最近30回",
- "Last30Days": "過去30日間",
- "Last7Days": "過去7日間",
- "LastPublishedTime": "最終公開時間",
- "Ldap": "LDAP",
- "LdapBulkImport": "ユーザーのインポート",
- "LdapConnectTest": "接続テスト",
- "LdapLoginTest": "ログインテスト",
- "Length": "長さ",
- "LessEqualThan": "以下または等しい",
- "LevelApproval": "レベル承認",
- "License": "ライセンス",
- "LicenseExpired": "ライセンスが期限切れ",
- "LicenseFile": "ライセンスファイル",
- "LicenseForTest": "テスト用ライセンス。このライセンスはテスト(PoC)とデモンストレーションにのみ使用されます",
- "LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "資産の数量がライセンスの数量制限を超えています",
- "LicenseWillBe": "ライセンスは間もなく ",
- "Loading": "読み込み中",
- "LockedIP": "IP {count} つがロックされました",
- "Log": "ログ",
- "LogData": "ログデータ",
- "LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "成功したログインログ数",
- "Logging": "ログ記録",
- "LoginAssetConfirm": "資産ログインレビュー",
- "LoginAssetToday": "本日のアクティブな資産数",
- "LoginAssets": "アクティブな資産",
- "LoginConfirm": "ログインレビュー",
- "LoginConfirmUser": "ログインレビュー担当者",
- "LoginCount": "ログイン回数",
- "LoginDate": "ログイン日",
- "LoginFailed": "ログイン失敗",
- "LoginFrom": "ログイン元",
- "LoginImageTip": "ヒント:これは企業版ユーザーのログイン画面で表示されます(推奨画像サイズ:492*472px)",
- "LoginLog": "ログインログ",
- "LoginLogTotal": "ログイン成功ログ数",
- "LoginNum": "ログイン数",
- "LoginPasswordSetting": "ログインパスワード",
- "LoginRequiredMsg": "アカウントはログアウトしました、再度ログインしてください",
- "LoginSSHKeySetting": "SSH公開鍵のログイン",
- "LoginSucceeded": "ログイン成功",
- "LoginTitleTip": "ヒント:企業版ユーザーのSSHログイン KoKo ログインページに表示されます(例:JumpServerオープンソースバスチオンへようこそ)",
- "LoginUserRanking": "ログインアカウントランキング",
- "LoginUserToday": "今日のログインユーザー数",
- "LoginUsers": "アクティブなアカウント",
- "LogoIndexTip": "ヒント:管理ページの左上に表示されます(推奨画像サイズ:185px*55px)",
- "LogoLogoutTip": "ヒント:これは、エンタープライズ版ユーザーのWebターミナルページに表示されます(推奨画像サイズ:82px*82px)",
- "Logout": "ログアウト",
- "LogsAudit": "ログ監査",
- "Lowercase": "小文字",
- "LunaSetting": "Luna 設定",
- "MFAErrorMsg": "MFAエラー、確認してください",
- "MFAOfUserFirstLoginPersonalInformationImprovementPage": "多要素認証を有効にしてアカウントをより安全にします。
- "MFAOfUserFirstLoginUserGuidePage": "あなたと会社の安全を保つために、アカウント、パスワード、鍵などの重要な機密情報を適切に管理してください。(例:複雑なパスワードの設定、そして多要素認証の有効化)
- "MIN_LENGTH_ERROR": "パスワードの長さは少なくとも {0} 文字でなければなりません",
- "MailRecipient": "メール受信者",
- "MailSend": "メール送信",
- "ManualAccount": "手動アカウント",
- "ManualAccountTip": "ログイン時に手動でユーザー名/パスワードを入力",
- "ManualExecution": "手動で実行",
- "ManyChoose": "複数選択可能",
- "MarkAsRead": "既読マーク",
- "Marketplace": "アプリマーケット",
- "Match": "マッチング",
- "MatchIn": "...にて",
- "MatchResult": "マッチング結果",
- "MatchedCount": "マッチング結果",
- "Members": "メンバー",
- "MenuAccountTemplates": "アカウントテンプレート",
- "MenuAccounts": "アカウント管理",
- "MenuAcls": "アクセスコントロール",
- "MenuAssets": "資産管理",
- "MenuMore": "もっと...",
- "MenuPermissions": "管理",
- "MenuUsers": "ユーザー管理",
- "Message": "メッセージ",
- "MessageType": "メッセージタイプ",
- "MfaLevel": "マルチファクター認証",
- "Min": "分",
- "MinLengthError": "パスワードは少なくとも {0} 文字必要です",
- "MinNumber30": "数字は30以上でなければならない",
- "Modify": "修正",
- "Module": "モジュール",
- "Monday": "月曜日",
- "Monitor": "監視",
- "Month": "月",
- "More": "もっと",
- "MoreActions": "More Action",
- "MoveAssetToNode": "アセットをノードに移動",
- "MsgSubscribe": "メッセージの購読",
- "MyAssets": "私の資産",
- "MyTickets": "私が始めた",
- "NUMBER_REQUIRED": "数字を含める必要があります",
- "Name": "名称",
- "NavHelp": "ナビゲーションバーリンク",
- "Navigation": "ナビゲーション",
- "NeedReLogin": "再ログインが必要",
- "New": "新規作成",
- "NewChat": "新しいチャット",
- "NewCount": "新規追加",
- "NewCron": "Cronの生成",
- "NewDirectory": "新しいディレクトリを作成",
- "NewFile": "新規ファイル",
- "NewPassword": "新しいパスワード",
- "NewPublicKey": "新しい SSH 公開鍵",
- "NewSSHKey": "SSH公開鍵",
- "NewSecret": "新しい暗号文",
- "NewSyncCount": "新規同期",
- "Next": "次へ",
- "No": "いいえ",
- "NoAccountFound": "アカウントが見つかりません",
- "NoContent": "内容がありません",
- "NoData": "データなし",
- "NoFiles": "ファイルなし",
- "NoLog": "ログがありません",
- "NoPermission": "権限なし",
- "NoPermission403": "403 権限がありません",
- "NoPermissionInGlobal": "全体的に権限がありません",
- "NoPermissionVew": "現在のページを表示する権限がありません",
- "NoPublished": "未発表",
- "NoResourceImport": "インポートできるリソースがありません",
- "NoSQLProtocol": "非リレーショナルデータベース",
- "NoSystemUserWasSelected": "選択されていないシステムユーザー",
- "NoUnreadMsg": "未読メッセージなし",
- "Node": "ノード",
- "NodeAmount": "ノード数",
- "NodeInformation": "ノード情報",
- "NodeOfNumber": "ノード数",
- "NodeSearchStrategy": "ノード検索戦略",
- "NormalLoad": "正常",
- "NotEqual": "等しくない",
- "NotSet": "設定されていません",
- "NotSpecialEmoji": "特殊な絵文字の入力は許されません",
- "Nothing": "無",
- "NotificationConfiguration": "通知設定",
- "Notifications": "通知設定",
- "Now": "現在",
- "Number": "番号",
- "NumberOfVisits": "アクセス回数",
- "OAuth2": "OAuth2",
- "OAuth2LogoTip": "ヒント:認証サービスプロバイダ(推奨画像サイズ: 64px*64px)",
- "OIDC": "OIDC",
- "ObjectNotFoundOrDeletedMsg": "該当するリソースが見つからないか削除されています",
- "ObjectStorage": "オブジェクトストレージ",
- "Offline": "オフライン",
- "OfflineSelected": "選択したものをオフライン",
- "OfflineSuccessMsg": "正常にサインアウト",
- "OfflineUpload": "オフラインアップロード",
- "OldPassword": "旧パスワード",
- "OldPublicKey": "旧 SSH 公開鍵",
- "OldSecret": "オリジナル暗号文",
- "OneAssignee": "一次審査員",
- "OneAssigneeType": "一次受理者タイプ",
- "OneClickReadMsg": "すべてを既読にしますか?",
- "OnlineSession": "オンラインユーザー",
- "OnlineSessionHelpMsg": "現在のセッションをオフラインにすることはできません。そのため、現在のユーザーがオンラインセッションです。現在、Webでログインするユーザーだけが記録されます。",
- "OnlineSessions": "オンラインセッション数",
- "OnlineUserDevices": "オンラインユーザーデバイス",
- "OnlyInitialDeploy": "初期設定のみ",
- "OnlyMailSend": "現在、メール送信のみをサポートしています",
- "OnlySearchCurrentNodePerm": "現在のノードの認可のみを検索",
- "Open": "開く",
- "OpenCommand": "コマンドを開く",
- "OpenStack": "OpenStack",
- "OpenStatus": "審査中",
- "OpenTicket": "ワークオーダーの作成",
- "OperateLog": "操作ログ",
- "OperationLogNum": "Actionログ数",
- "Options": "オプション",
- "OrgAdmin": "管理",
- "OrgAuditor": "組織監査員",
- "OrgName": "Actionグループの名前",
- "OrgRole": "組織の役職",
- "OrgRoleHelpMsg": "組織ロールは、プラットフォーム内の各組織に合わせてカスタマイズされたロールです。これらのロールは、ユーザーを特定の組織に招待する際に割り当てられ、彼らがその組織内での権限とアクセスレベルを規定します。システムロールとは異なり、組織ロールはカスタマイズ可能で、それぞれ割り当てられた組織の範囲内でのみ適用されます。",
- "OrgRoleHelpText": "組織ロールは、現在の組織内でのユーザーのロールです",
- "OrgRoles": "組織の役割",
- "OrgUser": "組織のユーザー",
- "OrganizationCreate": "組織の作成",
- "OrganizationDetail": "組織の詳細",
- "OrganizationList": "組織管理",
- "OrganizationManage": "組織管理",
- "OrganizationUpdate": "組織を更新",
- "OrgsAndRoles": "組織とロール",
- "Other": "その他の設定",
- "Output": "出力",
- "Overview": "概要",
- "PageNext": "次のページ",
- "PagePrev": "前のページ",
- "Params": "パラメータ",
- "ParamsHelpText": "パスワード変更パラメータ設定、現在はプラットフォーム種別がホストのアセットにのみ適用。",
- "PassKey": "Passkey",
- "Passkey": "Passkey",
- "PasskeyAddDisableInfo": "認証ソースは {source} で、Passkeyの追加はサポートされていません",
- "Passphrase": "キーコード",
- "Password": "パスワード",
- "PasswordAndSSHKey": "認証設定",
- "PasswordChangeLog": "パスワード変更ログ",
- "PasswordExpired": "パスワードが期限切れ",
- "PasswordPlaceholder": "パスワードを入力してください",
- "PasswordRecord": "パスワード履歴",
- "PasswordRule": "パスワードルール",
- "PasswordSecurity": "パスワードセキュリティ",
- "PasswordStrategy": "暗号文生成戦略",
- "PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "パスワードは間もなく ",
- "PasswordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "日後に期限切れとなりますので、早急にパスワードの変更をお願いします。",
- "Paste": "ペースト",
- "Pause": "停止",
- "PauseTaskSendSuccessMsg": "停止タスクが発行されていますので、しばらくしてから再度更新してください。",
- "Pending": "未処理",
- "Periodic": "定期的にAction ",
- "PermAccount": "認証済みアカウント",
- "PermAction": "Actionを承認する",
- "PermUserList": "ユーザーへの承認",
- "PermissionCompany": "会社に権限を与える",
- "PermissionName": "承認ルール名",
- "Permissions": "権限",
- "PersonalInformationImprovement": "個人情報の完全化",
- "PersonalSettings": "個人設定",
- "Phone": "携帯電話",
- "Plan": "計画",
- "Platform": "プラットフォーム",
- "PlatformCreate": "プラットフォームの作成",
- "PlatformDetail": "プラットフォーム詳細",
- "PlatformList": "プラットフォームリスト",
- "PlatformPageHelpMsg": "プラットフォームはアセットの分類であり、例えば:Windows、Linux、ネットワーク機器等。プラットフォーム上でいくつかの設定を指定することもでき、プロトコルやゲートウェイ等を設定し、アセット上の特定の機能を有効にするか否かを決定できます。",
- "PlatformProtocolConfig": "プラットフォームプロトコル設定",
- "PlatformUpdate": "プラットフォームを更新",
- "PlaybookDetail": "Playbook詳細",
- "PlaybookManage": "Playbook管理",
- "PlaybookUpdate": "Playbookを更新",
- "PleaseAgreeToTheTerms": "規約に同意してください",
- "PleaseSelect": "選択してくださ",
- "PolicyName": "ポリシー名称",
- "Port": "ポート",
- "Ports": "ポート",
- "Preferences": "好みの設定",
- "PrepareSyncTask": "同期タスクの実行準備中...",
- "Primary": "主な",
- "PrimaryProtocol": "主要協議は、資産にとって最も基本的で最も一般的に使用されるプロトコルであり、1つのみ設定でき、必ず設定する必要があります",
- "Priority": "優先順位",
- "PriorityHelpMessage": "1-100、1最低優先度、100最高優先度。複数のユーザーを許可する場合、優先度の高いシステムユーザーはデフォルトのログインユーザーになります",
- "PrivateCloud": "プライベートクラウド",
- "PrivateIp": "プライベート IP",
- "PrivateKey": "秘密鍵",
- "Privileged": "特権アカウント",
- "PrivilegedFirst": "優先的な特権アカウント",
- "PrivilegedOnly": "特権アカウントのみ",
- "PrivilegedTemplate": "特別な権限の",
- "Product": "商品",
- "ProfileSetting": "個人情報設定",
- "Project": "プロジェクト名",
- "Prompt": "プロンプトワード",
- "Proportion": "占有率",
- "ProportionOfAssetTypes": "資産タイプの比率",
- "Protocol": "協定",
- "Protocols": "契約",
- "Provider": "供給業者",
- "Proxy": "代理",
- "PublicCloud": "パブリッククラウド",
- "PublicIp": "パブリック IP",
- "PublicKey": "公開鍵",
- "Publish": "公開",
- "PublishAllApplets": "すべてのアプリを公開",
- "PublishStatus": "公開状態",
- "Push": "プッシュ",
- "PushAccount": "アカウントプッシュ",
- "PushAccountsHelpText": "既存のアカウントを資産に推し進めます。アカウントをプッシュする際、アカウントが既に存在する場合は、パスワードを更新し、存在しない場合は、アカウントを新規作成します",
- "PushParams": "パラメータをプッシュ",
- "Qcloud": "テンセントクラウド",
- "QcloudLighthouse": "テンセントクラウド(ライトウェイトアプリケーションサーバー)",
- "QingYunPrivateCloud": "青云プライベートクラウド",
- "Queue": "キュー",
- "QuickAdd": "迅速に追加",
- "QuickJob": "ショートカットコマンド",
- "QuickUpdate": "クイックアップデート",
- "Radius": "Radius",
- "Ranking": "ランキング",
- "RazorNotSupport": "RDPクライアントセッション、現時点でサポートされていません",
- "ReLogin": "再ログイン",
- "ReLoginTitle": "現在のサードパーティーログインユーザー(CAS/SAML)はMFAにバインドされておらず、パスワードチェックをサポートしていません。再度ログインしてください。",
- "RealTimeData": "リアルタイムデータ",
- "Reason": "理由",
- "Receivers": "受取人",
- "RecentLogin": "最近のログイン",
- "RecentSession": "最近の会話",
- "RecentlyUsed": "最近使用",
- "Recipient": "受取人",
- "RecipientHelpText": "受信者 A と B が同時に設定されている場合、アカウントの暗号文は 2 つの部分に分割されます。受信者が 1 つだけ設定されている場合、キーは分割されません。",
- "RecipientServer": "受信サーバー",
- "Reconnect": "再接続",
- "Refresh": "更新",
- "RefreshHardware": "ハードウェア情報の更新",
- "Regex": "正規表現",
- "Region": "地域",
- "RegularlyPerform": "定期実行",
- "Reject": "拒否",
- "Rejected": "拒否されました",
- "ReleaseAssets": "資産の同期及び解放",
- "ReleaseAssetsHelpTips": "タスク終了時に、このタスクを通じて同期され、すでにクラウドでリリースされたアセットを自動的に削除しますか",
- "ReleasedCount": "リリース済み",
- "RelevantApp": "アプリケーション",
- "RelevantAsset": "資産",
- "RelevantAssignees": "関連受理者",
- "RelevantCommand": "Command",
- "RelevantSystemUser": "システムユーザー",
- "RemoteAddr": "リモートアドレス",
- "Remove": "削除",
- "RemoveAssetFromNode": "ノードから資産を削除",
- "RemoveSelected": "選択したものを削除",
- "RemoveSuccessMsg": "削除成功",
- "RemoveWarningMsg": "削除してもよろしいですか",
- "Rename": "名前変更",
- "RenameNode": "ノードの名前を変更",
- "ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUserWithThis": "アセットの管理者を交換する",
- "Replay": "再生",
- "ReplaySession": "セッションのリプレイ",
- "ReplayStorage": "オブジェクトストレージ",
- "ReplayStorageCreateUpdateHelpMessage": "注意:現在、SFTPストレージはアカウントバックアップのみをサポートし、映像ストレージはサポートしていません。",
- "ReplayStorageUpdate": "オブジェクトストレージを更新",
- "Reply": "返信",
- "RequestAssetPerm": "アセット承認の申請",
- "RequestPerm": "Action申請",
- "RequestTickets": "ワークオーダーの申請",
- "RequiredAssetOrNode": "少なくとも一つの資産またはノードを選択してください",
- "RequiredContent": "コマンドを入力してください",
- "RequiredEntryFile": "このファイルは実行のエントリポイントとして存在する必要があります",
- "RequiredRunas": "実行ユーザーを入力",
- "RequiredSystemUserErrMsg": "アカウントを選択してください",
- "RequiredUploadFile": "ファイルをアップロードしてください!",
- "Reset": "復元",
- "ResetAndDownloadSSHKey": "キーをリセットしてダウンロード",
- "ResetMFA": "MFAをリセット",
- "ResetMFAWarningMsg": "ユーザーのMFAをリセットしますか?",
- "ResetMFAdSuccessMsg": "MFAのリセットに成功し、ユーザーは再度MFAを設定できるようになりました",
- "ResetPassword": "パスワードリセット",
- "ResetPasswordNextLogin": "次回のログインでパスワードの変更が必要",
- "ResetPasswordSuccessMsg": "ユーザーにパスワードリセットメッセージを送信しました",
- "ResetPasswordWarningMsg": "ユーザーパスワードのリセットメールを送信してもよろしいですか",
- "ResetPublicKeyAndDownload": "SSHキーをリセットしてダウンロード",
- "ResetSSHKey": "SSHキーのリセット",
- "ResetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "メール送信タスクが提出されました。ユーザーは後でリセットキーのメールを受け取ります",
- "ResetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "ユーザーのSSH Keyをリセットするメールを送信してもよろしいですか?",
- "Resource": "リソース",
- "ResourceType": "リソースタイプ",
- "RestoreButton": "デフォルトに戻す",
- "RestoreDefault": "デフォルトの復元",
- "RestoreDialogMessage": "デフォルトの初期化を復元してもよろしいですか?",
- "RestoreDialogTitle": "確認してよろしいですか",
- "Result": "結果",
- "Resume": "回復",
- "ResumeTaskSendSuccessMsg": "リカバリータスクが発行されました、しばらくしてから更新してご確認ください",
- "Retry": "再試行",
- "RetrySelected": "選択したものを再試行",
- "Reviewer": "承認者",
- "Role": "役割",
- "RoleCreate": "ロール作成",
- "RoleDetail": "ロールの詳細",
- "RoleInfo": "ロール情報",
- "RoleList": "役割リスト",
- "RoleUpdate": "ロールの更新",
- "RoleUsers": "権限ユーザー",
- "Rows": "行",
- "Rule": "条件",
- "RuleCount": "条件の数",
- "RuleDetail": "ルール詳細",
- "RuleRelation": "条件関係",
- "RuleRelationHelpTip": "そして:すべての条件が満たされたときのみ、そのActionが実行されます; or:条件が一つでも満たされれば、そのActionが実行されます",
- "RuleSetting": "条件設定",
- "Rules": "規則",
- "Run": "Action",
- "RunAgain": "再実行",
- "RunAs": "実行ユーザー",
- "RunCommand": "コマンドの実行",
- "RunJob": "ジョブを実行",
- "RunSucceed": "タスクが成功",
- "RunTaskManually": "手動で実行",
- "RunasHelpText": "実行スクリプトのユーザー名を入力してください",
- "RunasPolicy": "アカウント戦略",
- "RunasPolicyHelpText": "現在の資産にはこの実行ユーザーがいない場合、どのアカウント選択戦略を採用するか。スキップ:実行しない。特権アカウントを優先:特権アカウントがあれば最初に特権アカウントを選び、なければ一般アカウントを選ぶ。特権アカウントのみ:特権アカウントからのみ選択し、なければ実行しない",
- "Running": "実行中",
- "RunningPath": "実行パス",
- "RunningPathHelpText": "スクリプトの実行パスを記入してください、この設定はシェルスクリプトのみ有効です",
- "RunningTimes": "最近5回の実行時間",
- "SCP": "Deeptrustクラウドプラットフォーム",
- "SMS": "ショートメッセージ",
- "SMSProvider": "メッセージサービスプロバイダ",
- "SMTP": "メールサーバ",
- "SPECIAL_CHAR_REQUIRED": "特別な文字を含む必要があります",
- "SSHKey": "SSHキー",
- "SSHKeyOfProfileSSHUpdatePage": "下のボタンをクリックしてSSH公開鍵をリセットおよびダウンロードするか、あなたのSSH公開鍵をコピーして提出できます。",
- "SSHPort": "SSH ポート",
- "SSHSecretKey": "SSHキー",
- "SafeCommand": "セキュアコマンド",
- "SameAccount": "同名アカウント",
- "SameAccountTip": "権限を持つユーザーのユーザー名と同じアカウント",
- "SameTypeAccountTip": "同じユーザー名、鍵の種類のアカウントがすでに存在しています",
- "Saturday": "土曜日",
- "Save": "保存",
- "SaveAdhoc": "コマンドを保存する",
- "SaveAndAddAnother": "保存して続けて追加する",
- "SaveCommand": "コマンド保存",
- "SaveCommandSuccess": "保存コマンド成功",
- "SaveSetting": "同期設定",
- "SaveSuccess": "保存成功",
- "SaveSuccessContinueMsg": "作成に成功し、内容を更新した後、追加できます",
- "ScrollToBottom": "下部までスクロール",
- "ScrollToTop": "トップにスクロール",
- "Search": "検索",
- "SearchAncestorNodePerm": "現在のノードと親ノードの権限を同時に検索",
- "Secret": "パスワード",
- "SecretKey": "キー",
- "SecretKeyStrategy": "パスワードポリシー",
- "Secure": "安全",
- "Security": "セキュリティ設定",
- "Select": "選択",
- "SelectAdhoc": "コマンドの選択",
- "SelectAll": "全選択",
- "SelectAtLeastOneAssetOrNodeErrMsg": "アセットまたはノードは少なくとも一つ選択してください",
- "SelectAttrs": "属性の選択",
- "SelectByAttr": "プロパティフィルタ",
- "SelectCreateMethod": "作り方を選ぶ",
- "SelectFile": "ファイル選択",
- "SelectKeyOrCreateNew": "タグキーを選択するか、新しいものを作成します",
- "SelectLabelFilter": "タグを選択して検索",
- "SelectProperties": "属性を選択",
- "SelectProvider": "プラットフォームの選択",
- "SelectProviderMsg": "クラウドプラットフォームを選択してください",
- "SelectResource": "リソースを選択",
- "SelectTemplate": "テンプレートを選択",
- "SelectValueOrCreateNew": "タグの値を選択または新規作成",
- "Selected": "選択済み",
- "Selection": "選択可能",
- "Selector": "セレクタ",
- "Send": "送信",
- "SendVerificationCode": "認証コードを送信",
- "SerialNumber": "シリアルナンバー",
- "Server": "サービス",
- "ServerAccountKey": "サービスアカウントキー",
- "ServerError": "サーバーエラー",
- "ServerTime": "サーバータイム",
- "Session": "コンバセーション",
- "SessionCommands": "セッションアクション",
- "SessionConnectTrend": "セッションの接続トレンド",
- "SessionData": "セッションデータ",
- "SessionDetail": "セッションの詳細",
- "SessionID": "セッションID",
- "SessionJoinRecords": "協力記録",
- "SessionList": "セッション記録",
- "SessionMonitor": "監視",
- "SessionOffline": "過去のセッション",
- "SessionOnline": "オンラインセッション",
- "SessionSecurity": "セッションセキュリティ",
- "SessionState": "セッションステータス",
- "SessionTerminate": "セッション終了",
- "SessionTrend": "セッショントレンド",
- "Sessions": "会話管理",
- "SessionsAudit": "セッション監査",
- "SessionsNum": "セッション数",
- "Set": "設定済み",
- "SetDingTalk": "ディングトーク認証の設定",
- "SetFailed": "設定失敗",
- "SetFeiShu": "フェイスブック認証の設定",
- "SetMFA": "MFA 認証",
- "SetSuccess": "設定成功",
- "SetToDefault": "デフォルトに設定",
- "Setting": "設定",
- "SettingInEndpointHelpText": "システム設定/コンポーネント設定/サーバーエンドポイントでサービスのアドレスとポートを設定してください",
- "Settings": "システム設定",
- "Share": "共有",
- "Show": "表示",
- "ShowAssetAllChildrenNode": "すべての子ノードの資産を表示",
- "ShowAssetOnlyCurrentNode": "現在のノードアセットのみを表示",
- "ShowNodeInfo": "ノードの詳細を表示",
- "SignChannelNum": "署名チャネル番号",
- "SiteMessage": "内部メール",
- "SiteMessageList": "内部メール",
- "SiteURLTip": "例えば:",
- "Skip": "現在の資産を無視する",
- "Skipped": "スキップ済み",
- "Slack": "Slack",
- "SlackOAuth": "Slack認証",
- "Source": "源泉",
- "SourceIP": "ソースアドレス",
- "SourcePort": "Source Port",
- "Spec": "指定",
- "SpecAccount": "指定アカウント",
- "SpecAccountTip": "指定したユーザー名で承認アカウントを選択",
- "SpecialSymbol": "特殊文字",
- "SpecificInfo": "特別情報",
- "SshKeyFingerprint": "SSH フィンガープリント",
- "Startswith": "...で始まる",
- "State": "状態",
- "StateClosed": "閉じられた",
- "StatePrivate": "プライベート",
- "Status": "状況",
- "StatusGreen": "最近の状態は良好",
- "StatusRed": "前回のタスク実行は失敗しました",
- "StatusYellow": "最近、実行に失敗があり。",
- "Step": "ステップ",
- "Stop": "停止",
- "StopLogOutput": "ask Canceled:現在のタスク(currentTaskId)は手動で停止されました。各タスクの進行状況が異なるため、以下はタスクの最終実行結果です。実行が失敗した場合は、タスクが正常に停止されました。",
- "Storage": "ストレージ",
- "StorageSetting": "ストレージ設定",
- "Strategy": "ポリシー",
- "StrategyCreate": "ポリシーの作成",
- "StrategyDetail": "ポリシー詳細",
- "StrategyHelpTip": "戦略の優先度に基づいて資産(たとえばプラットフォーム)のユニークな属性を認識します。資産の属性(つまりノード)が複数設定可能な場合、戦略のすべてのアクションが実行されます。",
- "StrategyList": "ポリシーリスト",
- "StrategyUpdate": "ポリシーの更新",
- "SuEnabled": "有効スイッチ",
- "SuFrom": "こちらからの切り替え",
- "Submit": "送信",
- "SubscriptionID": "サブスクリプションの承認ID",
- "Success": "成功",
- "Success/Total": "成功/合計数",
- "SuccessAsset": "成功な資産",
- "SuccessfulOperation": "操作成功",
- "Summary": "まとめ",
- "Summary(success/total)": "概要(成功/総数)",
- "Sunday": "日曜日",
- "SuperAdmin": "スーパー管理者",
- "SuperOrgAdmin": "スーパー管理者+組織管理",
- "Support": "サポート",
- "SupportedProtocol": "サポートされているプロトコル",
- "SupportedProtocolHelpText": "資産がサポートするプロトコルを設定します。設定ボタンをクリックして、プロトコルのカスタム設定を変更することができます。例えば、SFTPディレクトリやRDP ADドメインなど",
- "SwitchPage": "ビューを切り替える",
- "SwitchToUser": "Suユーザー",
- "SwitchToUserListTips": "次のユーザーからアセットに接続すると、現在のシステムユーザーログインを使用して切り替えます。",
- "SymbolSet": "特殊記号集合",
- "SymbolSetHelpText": "このタイプのデータベースでサポートされている特殊記号の集合を入力してください。生成されたランダムパスワードにこのようなデータベースでサポートされていない特殊文字があると、変更計画は失敗します",
- "Sync": "同期する",
- "SyncAction": "同期アクション",
- "SyncDelete": "同期削除",
- "SyncDeleteSelected": "選択を同期削除",
- "SyncErrorMsg": "同期失敗:",
- "SyncInstanceTaskCreate": "同期タスクを作成",
- "SyncInstanceTaskDetail": "同期タスクの詳細",
- "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryAssetList": "インスタンスリストの同期",
- "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryList": "履歴リストの同期",
- "SyncInstanceTaskList": "同期タスクリスト",
- "SyncInstanceTaskUpdate": "同期タスクの更新",
- "SyncManual": "手動同期",
- "SyncOnline": "オンライン同期",
- "SyncProtocolToAsset": "同期プロトコルを資産へ",
- "SyncRegion": "地域を同期",
- "SyncSelected": "選択した同期",
- "SyncSetting": "同期設定",
- "SyncStrategy": "同期方針",
- "SyncSuccessMsg": "同期成功",
- "SyncTask": "同期化シスクリプト",
- "SyncTiming": "タイミング同期",
- "SyncUpdateAccountInfo": "アカウント情報の同期更新",
- "SyncUser": "ユーザー同期",
- "SyncedCount": "同期済み",
- "SystemError": "システムエラー",
- "SystemRole": "システムロール",
- "SystemRoleHelpMsg": "システムロールはすべての組織に一般的に適用可能なプラットフォーム内の役割です。これらのロールでは、システム全体のユーザーに対して特定の権限とアクセスレベルを定義することができます。システムロールの変更は、このプラットフォームを使用するすべての組織に影響を与えます。",
- "SystemRoles": "システムロール",
- "SystemSetting": "システム設定",
- "SystemTasks": "タスクリスト",
- "SystemTools": "システムツール",
- "TableColSetting": "表示属性列の選択",
- "TableSetting": "テーブル環境設定",
- "TagCreate": "ラベルの作成",
- "TagInputFormatValidation": "ラベルの形式が間違っています、正しい形式は:name:value",
- "TagList": "タグ一覧",
- "TagUpdate": "タグの更新",
- "Tags": "ラベル",
- "TailLog": "ログの追跡",
- "Target": "目標",
- "TargetResources": "目標リソース",
- "Task": "タスク",
- "TaskDetail": "タスクの詳細",
- "TaskDone": "ジョブ終了",
- "TaskID": "タスク ID",
- "TaskList": "タスク一覧",
- "TaskMonitor": "タスクモニタリング",
- "TechnologyConsult": "技術相談",
- "TempPasswordTip": "一時的なパスワードの有効期間は300秒で、使用後すぐに無効になります",
- "TempToken": "一時的なパスワード",
- "TemplateAdd": "テンプレート追加",
- "TemplateCreate": "テンプレート作成",
- "TemplateHelpText": "テンプレートを選択して追加すると、資産の下に存在しないアカウントが自動的に作成され、プッシュされます",
- "TemplateManagement": "テンプレート管理",
- "TencentCloud": "テンセントクラウド",
- "Terminal": "コンポーネント設定",
- "TerminalDetail": "コンポーネントの詳細",
- "TerminalUpdate": "端末の更新",
- "TerminalUpdateStorage": "ターミナルストレージの更新",
- "Terminate": "終了",
- "TerminateTaskSendSuccessMsg": "タスクの中断が指示されました、少々お待ちください。",
- "TermsAndConditions": "規約と条件",
- "Test": "テスト",
- "TestAccountConnective": "テストアカウントの接続性を確認",
- "TestAssetsConnective": "アセットの接続性をテスト",
- "TestConnection": "接続テスト",
- "TestGatewayHelpMessage": "NATポートマッピングを使用している場合は、sshが実際にリッスンしているポートに設定してください",
- "TestGatewayTestConnection": "ゲートウェイへの接続テスト",
- "TestLdapLoginTitle": "LDAP ユーザーログインテスト",
- "TestNodeAssetConnectivity": "テスト資産ノードの接続性",
- "TestPortErrorMsg": "ポートエラー、再入力してください",
- "TestSelected": "選択したテスト",
- "TestSuccessMsg": "テスト成功",
- "Thursday": "木曜日",
- "Ticket": "チケット",
- "TicketDetail": "作業詳細",
- "TicketFlow": "ワークフロー",
- "TicketFlowCreate": "承認フローの作成",
- "TicketFlowUpdate": "承認フローを更新",
- "Tickets": "チケットリスト",
- "Time": "時間",
- "TimeDelta": "運用時間",
- "TimeExpression": "時間表現",
- "Timeout": "タイムアウト",
- "TimeoutHelpText": "この値が-1の場合、タイムアウト時間を指定しない",
- "Timer": "定期的にAction",
- "Title": "タイトル",
- "To": "至",
- "Today": "今日",
- "TodayFailedConnections": "今日の接続失敗数",
- "Token": "トークン",
- "Total": "合計",
- "TotalJobFailed": "実行に失敗したジョブ数",
- "TotalJobLog": "タスク実行総数",
- "TotalJobRunning": "実行中のジョブ数",
- "TotalSyncAsset": "同期資産数(個)",
- "TotalSyncRegion": "同期地域数(個)",
- "TotalSyncStrategy": "バインドポリシー数(個)",
- "Transfer": "転送",
- "TriggerMode": "トリガーメソッド",
- "True": "はい",
- "Tuesday": "火曜日",
- "TwoAssignee": "二次受理者",
- "TwoAssigneeType": "二次受信者タイプ",
- "Type": "タイプ",
- "TypeTree": "タイプツリー",
- "Types": "タイプ",
- "UCloud": "UCloud(ユウコクデ)",
- "UPPER_CASE_REQUIRED": "大文字を含む必要があります",
- "UnFavoriteSucceed": "取消收藏成功",
- "UnSyncCount": "未同期化",
- "Unbind": "解除",
- "UnbindHelpText": "このユーザーはローカル認証源であり、解除できません",
- "Unblock": "ロック解除",
- "UnblockSelected": "選択解除",
- "UnblockSuccessMsg": "解除成功",
- "UnblockUser": "ユーザーのロック解除",
- "Uninstall": "アンインストール",
- "UniqueError": "以下の属性は一つだけ設定できます",
- "UnlockSuccessMsg": "アンロックに成功しました",
- "UnselectedOrg": "組織が選択されていません",
- "UnselectedUser": "ユーザーが選択されていません",
- "UpDownload": "アップロードダウンロード",
- "Update": "更新",
- "UpdateAccount": "アカウントを更新",
- "UpdateAccountTemplate": "アカウントテンプレートの更新",
- "UpdateAssetDetail": "より多くの情報を設定",
- "UpdateAssetUserToken": "アカウント認証情報を更新",
- "UpdateEndpoint": "エンドポイントを更新",
- "UpdateEndpointRule": "エンドポイントルールの更新",
- "UpdateErrorMsg": "更新失敗",
- "UpdateNodeAssetHardwareInfo": "ノードアセットのハードウェア情報を更新する",
- "UpdatePlatformHelpText": "更新が行われるのは、資産の元のプラットフォームタイプと選択したプラットフォームタイプが一致した場合のみで、更新前後のプラットフォームタイプが異なる場合には更新されません。",
- "UpdateSSHKey": "SSH公開鍵を更新する",
- "UpdateSelected": "選択したものを更新",
- "UpdateSuccessMsg": "更新成功",
- "Updated": "更新済み",
- "Upload": "アップロード",
- "UploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "アップロード可能なのは csv/xlsx のみで、10Mを超えないこと",
- "UploadDir": "アップロードディレクトリ",
- "UploadFileLthHelpText": "{limit}MB以下のファイルのみアップロード可能",
- "UploadHelpText": "次のサンプル構造ディレクトリを含む .zip ファイルをアップロードしてください。",
- "UploadPlaybook": "Playbookのアップロード",
- "UploadSucceed": "アップロード成功",
- "UploadZipTips": "zip形式のファイルをアップロードしてください",
- "Uploading": "ファイルアップロード中",
- "Uppercase": "大文字",
- "UseProtocol": "利用規約",
- "UseSSL": "SSL/TLSの使用",
- "User": "ユーザー",
- "UserAclLists": "ユーザーログインルール",
- "UserAssetActivity": "アカウント/アクティブアセット状況",
- "UserCreate": "ユーザーを作成する",
- "UserData": "ユーザーデータ",
- "UserDetail": "ユーザーの詳細",
- "UserGroupCreate": "ユーザーグループの作成",
- "UserGroupDetail": "ユーザーグループ詳細",
- "UserGroupList": "ユーザーグループ",
- "UserGroupUpdate": "ユーザーグループを更新",
- "UserGroups": "ユーザーグループ",
- "UserList": "ユーザーリスト",
- "UserLoginACLHelpMsg": "システムにログインする際に、ユーザーのログイン IP と時間帯を検証して、システムにログインできるかどうかを判断します(全体に適用)",
- "UserLoginACLHelpText": "システムにログインする際、ユーザーのログインIPと時間帯を審査し、ログイン可能かどうかを判断します",
- "UserLoginAclCreate": "ユーザーログイン制御を作成",
- "UserLoginAclDetail": "ユーザーログインコントロール詳細",
- "UserLoginAclList": "ユーザーログイン",
- "UserLoginAclUpdate": "ユーザーログイン制御の更新",
- "UserLoginLimit": "ユーザーログイン制限",
- "UserLoginTrend": "アカウントログインの傾向",
- "UserPasswordChangeLog": "ユーザーパスワード変更ログ",
- "UserSession": "ユーザーセッション",
- "UserSwitchFrom": "から切り替え",
- "UserUpdate": "ユーザーの更新",
- "Username": "ユーザー名",
- "UsernamePlaceholder": "ユーザー名を入力してください",
- "Users": "ユーザー",
- "UsersAmount": "ユーザー",
- "UsersAndUserGroups": "ユーザー/ユーザーグループ",
- "UsersTotal": "総ユーザー数",
- "Valid": "有効",
- "Variable": "変数",
- "VariableHelpText": "コマンド中で {{ key }} を使用して内蔵変数を読み取ることができます",
- "VaultHCPMountPoint": "Vault サーバのマウントポイント、デフォルトはjumpserver",
- "VaultHelpText": "1. セキュリティ上の理由により、設定ファイルで Vault ストレージをオンにする必要があります。
2. オンにした後、他の設定を入力してテストを行います。
3. データ同期を行います。同期は一方向です。ローカルデータベースからリモートの Vault にのみ同期します。同期が終了すればローカルデータベースはパスワードを保管していませんので、データのバックアップをお願いします。
4. Vault の設定を二度変更した後はサービスを再起動する必要があります。",
- "VerificationCodeSent": "認証コードが送信されました",
- "VerifySignTmpl": "認証コードのSMSテンプレート",
- "Version": "バージョン",
- "View": "閲覧",
- "ViewMore": "もっと見る",
- "ViewPerm": "認可を表示",
- "ViewSecret": "暗号文を見る",
- "VirtualAccountDetail": "バーチャルアカウントの詳細",
- "VirtualAccountHelpMsg": "仮想アカウントは特定の目的で資産に接続する専用アカウントです。",
- "VirtualAccountUpdate": "仮想アカウントの更新",
- "VirtualAccounts": "仮想アカウント",
- "VirtualApp": "仮想アプリケーション",
- "VirtualAppDetail": "仮想アプリケーションの詳細",
- "VirtualApps": "仮想アプリケーション",
- "Volcengine": "ヴォルケーノエンジン",
- "Warning": "警告",
- "WeChat": "WeChat",
- "WeCom": "企業WeChat",
- "WeComOAuth": "企業WeChat認証",
- "WeComTest": "テスト",
- "WebCreate": "資産作成-Web",
- "WebHelpMessage": "Webタイプの資産はリモートアプリケーションに依存しています。システム設定でリモートアプリケーションを設定してください",
- "WebSocketDisconnect": "WebSocket 切断",
- "WebTerminal": "Web端末",
- "WebUpdate": "アップデートアセット-Web",
- "Wednesday": "水曜日",
- "Week": "週",
- "WeekAdd": "今週の新規追加",
- "WeekOrTime": "週間/時間",
- "WildcardsAllowed": "許可されるワイルドカード",
- "WindowsPushHelpText": "Windows資産はキーシーンを推進することは現在サポートしていません。",
- "WordSep": "",
- "Workbench": "ワークベンチ",
- "Workspace": "ワークスペース",
- "Yes": "は",
- "YourProfile": "個人情報",
- "ZStack": "ZStack",
- "Zone": "エリア",
- "ZoneCreate": "エリアを作成",
- "ZoneEnabled": "ゲートウェイを有効にする",
- "ZoneHelpMessage": "エリアとはアセットの位置で、データセンターやパブリッククラウド、あるいはVPCが該当します。エリアにはゲートウェイを設定でき、ネットワークが直接接続できない場合、ゲートウェイを経由してアセットにログインすることができます",
- "ZoneList": "地域リスト",
- "ZoneUpdate": "更新エリア",
- "disallowSelfUpdateFields": "現在のフィールドを自分で変更することは許可されていません",
- "forceEnableMFAHelpText": "強制的に有効化すると、ユーザーは自分で無効化することができません。",
- "removeWarningMsg": "削除してもよろしいですか"
+ "ACLs": "アクセス制御",
+ "APIKey": "API Key",
+ "AWS_China": "AWS(中国)",
+ "AWS_Int": "AWS(国際)",
+ "About": "について",
+ "Accept": "同意",
+ "AccessIP": "IP ホワイトリスト",
+ "AccessKey": "アクセスキー",
+ "Account": "アカウント情報",
+ "AccountAmount": "アカウント数",
+ "AccountBackup": "アカウントのバックアップ",
+ "AccountBackupCreate": "アカウントバックアップを作成",
+ "AccountBackupDetail": "アカウントバックアップの詳細",
+ "AccountBackupList": "アカウントバックアップリスト",
+ "AccountBackupUpdate": "アカウントバックアップの更新",
+ "AccountChangeSecret": "アカウントパスワード変更",
+ "AccountChangeSecretDetail": "アカウントのパスワード変更詳細",
+ "AccountDeleteConfirmMsg": "アカウントを削除しますか?続行しますか?",
+ "AccountDiscoverDetail": "アカウント収集詳細",
+ "AccountDiscoverList": "アカウントの収集",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskCreate": "アカウント収集タスクの作成",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskList": "アカウント収集タスク",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskUpdate": "アカウント収集タスクを更新",
+ "AccountExportTips": "エクスポートする情報には口座の暗号文が含まれ、これは機密情報に関連しています。エクスポートする形式は、暗号化されたzipファイルです(暗号化パスワードを設定していない場合は、個人情報でファイルの暗号化パスワードを設定してください)。",
+ "AccountList": "クラウドアカウント",
+ "AccountPolicy": "アカウントポリシー",
+ "AccountPolicyHelpText": "作成時に要件を満たさないアカウント,例えば:キータイプが規格外,一意キー制約,上記の方針を選択できます。",
+ "AccountPushCreate": "アカウントプッシュの作成",
+ "AccountPushDetail": "アカウントプッシュの詳細",
+ "AccountPushList": "アカウントプッシュ",
+ "AccountPushUpdate": "アカウント更新プッシュ",
+ "AccountStorage": "アカウントストレージ",
+ "AccountTemplate": "アカウントテンプレート",
+ "AccountTemplateList": "アカウントテンプレートリスト",
+ "AccountTemplateUpdateSecretHelpText": "テンプレートによって作成されたアカウントをアカウントリストに表示します。秘密の文を更新すると、テンプレートで作成されたアカウントの秘密の文も更新されます。",
+ "Accounts": "アカウント",
+ "Action": "動作",
+ "ActionCount": "Action数",
+ "ActionSetting": "Action設定",
+ "Actions": "操作",
+ "ActionsTips": "各権限の役割はプロトコルにより異なります、アイコンをクリックして確認してください",
+ "Activate": "有効化",
+ "ActivateSelected": "選択を有効化",
+ "ActivateSuccessMsg": "アクティベーション成功",
+ "Active": "アクティベーション中",
+ "ActiveAsset": "最近ログインされた",
+ "ActiveAssetRanking": "ログイン資産ランキング",
+ "ActiveUser": "最近ログインした",
+ "ActiveUsers": "活動ユーザー",
+ "Activity": "Action",
+ "Add": "新規追加",
+ "AddAccount": "新規アカウントの追加",
+ "AddAccountByTemplate": "テンプレートからアカウントを追加",
+ "AddAccountResult": "アカウントの一括追加の結果",
+ "AddAllMembersWarningMsg": "全員を追加しますか?",
+ "AddAsset": "資産を追加",
+ "AddAssetInDomain": "ドメインにアセットを追加",
+ "AddAssetToNode": "ノードに資産を追加",
+ "AddAssetToThisPermission": "資産の追加",
+ "AddGatewayInDomain": "ドメインにゲートウェイを追加する",
+ "AddInDetailText": "作成または更新に成功した後、詳細情報を追加する",
+ "AddNode": "ノードの追加",
+ "AddNodeToThisPermission": "ノードを追加する",
+ "AddPassKey": "Passkey(通行鍵)を追加する",
+ "AddRolePermissions": "作成/更新成功後、詳細に権限を追加",
+ "AddSuccessMsg": "追加成功",
+ "AddUserGroupToThisPermission": "ユーザーグループを追加",
+ "AddUserToThisPermission": "ユーザーを追加する",
+ "Address": "アドレス",
+ "AdhocCreate": "アドホックコマンドを作成",
+ "AdhocDetail": "コマンド詳細",
+ "AdhocManage": "スクリプト管理",
+ "AdhocUpdate": "コマンドを更新",
+ "Advanced": "高度な設定",
+ "AfterChange": "変更後",
+ "AjaxError404": "404 リクエストエラー",
+ "AlibabaCloud": "アリババクラウド",
+ "Aliyun": "阿里雲",
+ "All": "全て",
+ "AllAccountTip": "資産上に既に追加された全てのアカウント",
+ "AllAccounts": "すべてのアカウント",
+ "AllClickRead": "すべて既読",
+ "AllMembers": "全メンバー",
+ "AllowInvalidCert": "証明書チェックを無視",
+ "Announcement": "お知らせ",
+ "AnonymousAccount": "匿名アカウント",
+ "AnonymousAccountTip": "ユーザー名とパスワードを使わずに資産に接続し、Webタイプとカスタムタイプの資産のみをサポートします",
+ "ApiKey": "API Key",
+ "ApiKeyList": "Api keyを使用してリクエストヘッダーに署名し、認証します。各リクエストのヘッダーは異なるため、Token方式に比べてより安全です。詳細はドキュメンテーションをご覧ください。
+ "ApiKeyWarning": "AccessKey の漏洩リスクを低減するため、Secretは作成時にのみ提供し、それ以降は再度問い合わせることはできません。適切に保存してください",
+ "AppEndpoint": "アプリケーションアクセスアドレス",
+ "AppOps": "タスクセンター",
+ "AppProvider": "アプリプライダー",
+ "AppProviderDetail": "アプリケーションプロバイダの詳細",
+ "AppletDetail": "リモートアプリケーション",
+ "AppletHelpText": "アップロード過程で、該当アプリケーションが存在しない場合は作成し、存在する場合はアプリケーションを更新します。",
+ "AppletHostCreate": "リモートアプリケーションリリースマシンを追加",
+ "AppletHostDetail": "リモートアプリケーションパブリッシャーの詳細",
+ "AppletHostSelectHelpMessage": "アプリケーションがアセットに接続する際、パブリッシャーはランダムに選ばれます(ただし、前回使用したものが優先されます)。特定のアセットにパブリッシャーを固定するには、<パブリシャー:パブリシャー名>またはというタグを指定できます。
1. パブリッシャーとアプリケーションの両方が並行処理をサポートしている場合;
2. パブリッシャーが並行処理をサポートしていて、アプリケーションが並行処理をサポートしていない場合、現在のアプリケーションが専用アカウントを使用していない場合;
3. パブリッシャーが並行処理をサポートしていない場合、アプリケーションが並行処理をサポートしているかサポートしていない場合、どのアプリケーションも専用アカウントを使用していない場合;
注意: アプリケーションが並行処理をサポートするかどうかは開発者が決定し、サポートがないかどうかはパブリッシャーの設定による単一ユーザーのセッションによるものです",
+ "AppletHostUpdate": "リモートアプリケーション発行機を更新",
+ "AppletHostZoneHelpText": "ここはSystem組織のネットワークです",
+ "AppletHosts": "アプリケーションリリースマシン",
+ "Applets": "リモートアプリケーション",
+ "Applicant": "申請者",
+ "Applications": "アプリケーション",
+ "ApplyAsset": "資産申請",
+ "ApplyFromCMDFilterRule": "コマンドフィルタールール",
+ "ApplyFromSession": "セッション",
+ "ApplyInfo": "申請情報",
+ "ApplyLoginAccount": "ログインアカウントの申請",
+ "ApplyLoginAsset": "登録資産の申請",
+ "ApplyLoginUser": "ログインユーザーの申請",
+ "ApplyRunAsset": "実行申請の資産",
+ "ApplyRunCommand": "実行するコマンドを申請する",
+ "ApplyRunUser": "申請を実行するユーザー",
+ "Appoint": "指定",
+ "ApprovaLevel": "承認情報",
+ "ApprovalLevel": "承認レベル",
+ "ApprovalProcess": "承認プロセス",
+ "ApprovalSelected": "大量承認です",
+ "Approved": "同意済み",
+ "ApproverNumbers": "アプルーバの数",
+ "ApsaraStack": "アリババクラウド専用クラウド",
+ "Asset": "資産",
+ "AssetAccount": "アカウントリスト",
+ "AssetAccountDetail": "アカウント詳細",
+ "AssetAclCreate": "アセットログインルールを作成",
+ "AssetAclDetail": "資産ログインルール詳細",
+ "AssetAclList": "資産ログイン",
+ "AssetAclUpdate": "資産ログインルールの更新",
+ "AssetAddress": "資産(IP/ホスト名)",
+ "AssetAmount": "資産量",
+ "AssetAndNode": "資産/ノード",
+ "AssetBulkUpdateTips": "ネットワークデバイス、クラウドサービス、web、バッチでドメインを更新することはできません",
+ "AssetChangeSecretCreate": "アカウント作成・パスワード変更",
+ "AssetChangeSecretUpdate": "アカウントパスワードの更新",
+ "AssetData": "資産データ",
+ "AssetDetail": "アセット詳細",
+ "AssetList": "アセットリスト",
+ "AssetListHelpMessage": "左側は資産ツリーで、右クリックで新規作成、削除、ツリーノードの変更ができます。資産の認証もノード方式で組織されています。右側はそのノードの下にある資産です。",
+ "AssetLoginACLHelpMsg": "ユーザのログインIPと時間帯をもとに、アセットへのログインの承認可否を判断します",
+ "AssetLoginACLHelpText": "資産にログインする際、ユーザーのログインIPと時間帯を審査し、資産にログインできるかどうかを判断します",
+ "AssetName": "資産名称",
+ "AssetPermission": "アセット権限",
+ "AssetPermissionCreate": "資産認証ルールの作成",
+ "AssetPermissionDetail": "資産認証の詳細",
+ "AssetPermissionHelpMsg": "資産の承認は、ユーザーと資産を選択して、ユーザーがアクセスできるように資産を承認することができます。承認が完了すると、ユーザーはこれらの資産を簡単に閲覧できます。さらに、特定の権限位を設定して、ユーザーが資産に対する権限範囲をさらに定義することができます。",
+ "AssetPermissionRules": "資産承認ルール",
+ "AssetPermissionUpdate": "資産の認可ルール更新",
+ "AssetPermsAmount": "資産の承認数",
+ "AssetProtocolHelpText": "アセットサポートプロトコルはプラットフォームの制限を受けます。設定ボタンをクリックすると、プロトコルの設定を表示できます。更新が必要であれば、プラットフォームを更新してください",
+ "AssetTree": "アセットツリー",
+ "Assets": "アセット",
+ "AssetsAmount": "資産数",
+ "AssetsOfNumber": "アセット数",
+ "AssetsTotal": "総資産数",
+ "AssignedInfo": "承認情報",
+ "Assignee": "処理者",
+ "Assignees": "未処理の担当者",
+ "AttrName": "属性名",
+ "AttrValue": "プロパティ値",
+ "Audits": "監査台",
+ "Auth": "認証設定",
+ "AuthConfig": "資格認定構成",
+ "AuthLimit": "ログイン制限",
+ "AuthSAMLCertHelpText": "証明書キーをアップロードした後で保存し、SP Metadataを確認してください",
+ "AuthSAMLKeyHelpText": "SP 証明書とキーはIDPとの暗号化通信用です",
+ "AuthSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "左側のキーはSAML2ユーザーの属性で、右側の値は認証プラットフォームのユーザー属性です",
+ "AuthSecurity": "認証セキュリティ",
+ "AuthSettings": "認証の設定",
+ "AuthUserAttrMapHelpText": "左側のキーはJumpServerのユーザー属性であり、右側の値は認証プラットフォームのユーザー属性です",
+ "Authentication": "認証",
+ "AutoPush": "自動プッシュ",
+ "Automations": "自動化",
+ "AverageTimeCost": "平均所要時間",
+ "AwaitingMyApproval": "私の承認待ち",
+ "Azure": "Azure(中国)",
+ "Azure_Int": "アジュール(インターナショナル)",
+ "Backup": "バックアップ",
+ "BackupAccountsHelpText": "アカウント情報を外部にバックアップする。外部システムに保存するかメールを送信することもできます、セクション方式をサポートしています",
+ "BadConflictErrorMsg": "更新中です、しばらくお待ちください",
+ "BadRequestErrorMsg": "リクエストエラーです。入力内容を確認してください",
+ "BadRoleErrorMsg": "リクエストエラー、該当する操作権限がありません",
+ "BaiduCloud": "百度クラウド",
+ "BaseAccount": "アカウント",
+ "BaseAccountBackup": "アカウントバックアップ",
+ "BaseAccountChangeSecret": "アカウントのパスワード変更",
+ "BaseAccountDiscover": "アカウント収集",
+ "BaseAccountPush": "アカウントプッシュ",
+ "BaseAccountTemplate": "アカウントテンプレート",
+ "BaseApplets": "アプリケーション",
+ "BaseAssetAclList": "ログイン許可",
+ "BaseAssetList": "資産リスト",
+ "BaseAssetPermission": "資産承認",
+ "BaseCloudAccountList": "クラウドアカウントリスト",
+ "BaseCloudSync": "クラウド同期",
+ "BaseCmdACL": "コマンド認証",
+ "BaseCmdGroups": "コマンドグループ",
+ "BaseCommandFilterAclList": "コマンドフィルタ",
+ "BaseConnectMethodACL": "接続方法の承認",
+ "BaseFlowSetUp": "フロー設定",
+ "BaseJobManagement": "作業管理",
+ "BaseLoginLog": "ログインログ",
+ "BaseMyAssets": "私の資産",
+ "BaseOperateLog": "Actionログ",
+ "BasePort": "リスニングポート",
+ "BaseSessions": "会話",
+ "BaseStorage": "ストレージ",
+ "BaseStrategy": "戦略",
+ "BaseSystemTasks": "タスク",
+ "BaseTags": "タグ",
+ "BaseTerminal": "エンドポイント",
+ "BaseTickets": "ワークオーダーリスト",
+ "BaseUserLoginAclList": "ユーザーログイン",
+ "Basic": "基本設定",
+ "BasicInfo": "基本情報",
+ "BasicSetting": "基本設定",
+ "BasicSettings": "基本設定",
+ "BasicTools": "基本的なツール",
+ "BatchActivate": "一括アクティブ化",
+ "BatchApproval": "大量承認です",
+ "BatchCommand": "一括コマンド",
+ "BatchCommandNotExecuted": "未実行コマンド",
+ "BatchConsent": "一括同意",
+ "BatchDelete": "一括削除",
+ "BatchDeployment": "一括デプロイ",
+ "BatchDisable": "一括無効化",
+ "BatchProcessing": "バルク処理({number} アイテムが選択されています)",
+ "BatchReject": "一括拒否",
+ "BatchRemoval": "一括除去",
+ "BatchRetry": "一括リトライ",
+ "BatchScript": "バッチ スクリプト",
+ "BatchTest": "一括テスト",
+ "BatchUpdate": "ロット更新",
+ "BeforeChange": "変更前",
+ "Beian": "登記",
+ "BelongAll": "同時に含む",
+ "BelongTo": "任意に含む",
+ "Bind": "バインド",
+ "BindLabel": "関連タグ",
+ "BindResource": "関連リソース",
+ "BindSuccess": "バインディング成功",
+ "BlockedIPS": "ロックされたIP",
+ "BuiltinVariable": "組み込み変数",
+ "BulkClearErrorMsg": "一括クリアエラー:",
+ "BulkDeleteErrorMsg": "一括削除エラー:",
+ "BulkDeleteSuccessMsg": "一括削除成功",
+ "BulkDeploy": "一括展開",
+ "BulkRemoveErrorMsg": "一括削除エラー:",
+ "BulkRemoveSuccessMsg": "一括削除成功",
+ "BulkSyncErrorMsg": "一括同期エラー:",
+ "CACertificate": "CA 証明書",
+ "CAS": "CAS",
+ "CMPP2": "CMPP v2.0",
+ "CTYunPrivate": "天翼プライベートクラウド",
+ "CalculationResults": "cron 式のエラー",
+ "CallRecords": "つうわきろく",
+ "CanDragSelect": "マウスドラッグで時間帯を選択可能;未選択は全選択と同じです",
+ "Cancel": "キャンセル",
+ "CancelCollection": "お気に入りキャンセル",
+ "CancelTicket": "作業指示をキャンセルする",
+ "CannotAccess": "現在のページへのアクセスができません",
+ "Category": "カテゴリ",
+ "CeleryTaskLog": "セロリタスクノログ",
+ "Certificate": "証明書",
+ "CertificateKey": "クライアントキー",
+ "ChangeCredentials": "パスワードを変更",
+ "ChangeCredentialsHelpText": "定期的にアカウントキーのパスワードを変更します。アカウントはランダムにパスワードを生成し、目的の資産に同期します。同期が成功すれば、そのアカウントのパスワードを更新します",
+ "ChangeField": "フィールドの変更",
+ "ChangeOrganization": "組織の 변경",
+ "ChangePassword": "パスワード更新",
+ "ChangeReceiver": "メッセージ受信者の変更",
+ "ChangeSecretParams": "パスワード変更パラメータ",
+ "ChangeViewHelpText": "クリックして異なるビューを切り替え",
+ "Chat": "チャット",
+ "ChatAI": "スマートアンサー",
+ "ChatHello": "こんにちは!お手伝いできることがあれば何でもお申し付けください。",
+ "ChdirHelpText": "デフォルトの実行ディレクトリは実行ユーザーのホームディレクトリです",
+ "CheckAssetsAmount": "資産の数量を確認",
+ "CheckViewAcceptor": "受付人を見るにはクリック",
+ "CleanHelpText": "定期的なクリーンアップタスクは毎日午前2時に実行され、クリーンアップ後のデータは回復できません",
+ "Cleaning": "定期的にクリーニング",
+ "Clear": "クリア",
+ "ClearErrorMsg": "クリアに失敗:",
+ "ClearScreen": "画面クリア",
+ "ClearSecret": "暗号文のクリア",
+ "ClearSelection": "選択をクリア",
+ "ClearSuccessMsg": "クリアに成功",
+ "ClickCopy": "クリックでコピー",
+ "ClientCertificate": "クライアント証明書",
+ "Clipboard": "クリップボード",
+ "ClipboardCopyPaste": "クリップボードのコピーペースト",
+ "Clone": "クローン",
+ "Close": "閉じる",
+ "CloseConfirm": "閉じるのを確認",
+ "CloseConfirmMessage": "ファイルが変更されました、保存しますか?",
+ "CloseStatus": "完了",
+ "Closed": "完了",
+ "CloudAccountCreate": "クラウドプラットフォームアカウントを作成",
+ "CloudAccountDetail": "クラウドアカウントの詳細",
+ "CloudAccountList": "クラウドプラットフォームアカウント",
+ "CloudAccountUpdate": "クラウドプラットフォームのアカウントを更新",
+ "CloudCreate": "資産作成-クラウドプラットフォーム",
+ "CloudRegionTip": "地域が取得できませんでした。アカウントを確認してください",
+ "CloudSource": "同期ソース",
+ "CloudSync": "クラウド同期",
+ "CloudSyncConfig": "クラウド同期構成",
+ "CloudUpdate": "資産の更新-クラウドプラットフォーム",
+ "Clouds": "クラウド プラットフォーム",
+ "Cluster": "クラスター",
+ "CollectionSucceed": "お気に入り登録成功",
+ "Command": "コマンド",
+ "CommandConfirm": "コマンドの審査",
+ "CommandFilterACL": "コマンドフィルター",
+ "CommandFilterACLHelpMsg": "コマンドフィルタリングを使用して、どのコマンドを資産に対して送信できるかを制御することができます。設定したルールに従い、一部のコマンドは許可される一方で、他のコマンドは禁止されます。",
+ "CommandFilterACLHelpText": "コマンドフィルターを使用すると、コマンドが資産に送信できるかどうかを制御できます。設定したルールにより、一部のコマンドは許可され、他のコマンドは禁止されます。",
+ "CommandFilterAclCreate": "コマンドフィルタールールを作成",
+ "CommandFilterAclDetail": "コマンドフィルタールールの詳細",
+ "CommandFilterAclUpdate": "コマンドフィルタルールを更新する",
+ "CommandFilterRuleContentHelpText": "コマンドを一行ずつ",
+ "CommandFilterRules": "コマンドフィルター規則",
+ "CommandGroup": "コマンドグループ",
+ "CommandGroupCreate": "コマンドグループを作成",
+ "CommandGroupDetail": "コマンドグループ詳細",
+ "CommandGroupList": "コマンドグループ",
+ "CommandGroupUpdate": "コマンドグループを更新",
+ "CommandStorage": "コマンドストレージ",
+ "CommandStorageUpdate": "コマンドストレージを更新",
+ "Commands": "指令の記録",
+ "CommandsTotal": "コマンド記録の総数",
+ "Comment": "注釈",
+ "CommentHelpText": "注:コメント情報はLunaページのユーザー権限アセットツリーでホバー表示され、一般ユーザーが表示できます。機密情報を記入しないでください。",
+ "CommunityEdition": "コミュニティ版",
+ "Component": "コンポーネント",
+ "ComponentMonitor": "コンポーネントの監視",
+ "Components": "コンポーネントリスト",
+ "ConceptContent": "あなたにはPythonインタープリタのように行動してほしい。Pythonのコードを提供しますので、それを実行してください。説明は一切不要です。コードの出力以外では何も反応しないでください。",
+ "ConceptTitle": "🤔 Python インタープリター",
+ "Config": "設定",
+ "Configured": "設定済み",
+ "Confirm": "確認",
+ "ConfirmPassword": "パスワードの確認",
+ "Connect": "接続",
+ "ConnectAssets": "接続資産",
+ "ConnectMethod": "接続方法",
+ "ConnectMethodACLHelpMsg": "接続方式でフィルタリングすることで、ユーザーが特定の接続方式で資産にログインできるかどうかを制御できます。あなたが設定したルールに基づき、一部の接続方法は許可され、他の接続方法は禁止されます(全域で有効)。",
+ "ConnectMethodACLHelpText": "接続方法のフィルタリングにより、ユーザーが特定の接続方法を使用して資産にログインできるかどうかを制御できます。設定したルールにより、いくつかの接続方法は許可され、他の接続方法は禁止されます。",
+ "ConnectMethodAclCreate": "接続方式制御の作成",
+ "ConnectMethodAclDetail": "接続方法の詳細制御",
+ "ConnectMethodAclList": "接続方法",
+ "ConnectMethodAclUpdate": "接続方法のコントロールを更新",
+ "ConnectWebSocketError": "WebSocketへの接続に失敗",
+ "ConnectionDropped": "接続が切断された",
+ "ConnectionToken": "接続トークン",
+ "ConnectionTokenList": "コネクショントークンは、認証情報とアセット接続を組み合わせて用いるもので、ユーザーが一键でアセットにログインすることを支援します。現在対応しているコンポーネントにはKoKo、Lion、Magnus、Razorなどがあります。",
+ "Console": "コンソール",
+ "Consult": "コンサルティング",
+ "ContainAttachment": "添付ファイル付き",
+ "Containers": "コンテナ",
+ "Contains": "含む",
+ "Continue": "続ける",
+ "ConvenientOperate": "Action操作.",
+ "Copy": "コピー",
+ "CopySuccess": "コピーサクセス",
+ "Corporation": "会社",
+ "Create": "作成",
+ "CreateAccessKey": "アクセスキーの作成",
+ "CreateAccountTemplate": "アカウントテンプレート作成",
+ "CreateCommandStorage": "コマンドストレージを作成する",
+ "CreateEndpoint": "エンドポイントを作成",
+ "CreateEndpointRule": "エンドポイントルールの作成",
+ "CreateErrorMsg": "作成に失敗しました",
+ "CreateNode": "ノードの作成",
+ "CreatePlaybook": "Playbookの作成",
+ "CreateReplayStorage": "オブジェクトストレージの作成",
+ "CreateSuccessMsg": "作成成功",
+ "CreateUserContent": "ユーザーコンテンツの作成",
+ "CreateUserSetting": "ユーザーコンテンツを作成",
+ "Created": "作成済み",
+ "CreatedBy": "作成者",
+ "CriticalLoad": "重大",
+ "CronExpression": "crontab完全表現",
+ "Crontab": "定時実行タスク",
+ "CrontabDiffError": "定期実行の間隔が10分以上であることをご確認ください!",
+ "CrontabHelpText": "同時にintervalとcrontabを設定した場合、crontabが優先されます",
+ "CrontabHelpTip": "例えば:日曜日の03:05に実行 <5 3 * * 0>
5桁のlinux crontab表現を使用 (オンラインツール)
+ "CrontabOfCreateUpdatePage": "例:毎週日曜日の03:05に実行 <5 3 * * 0>
5桁のLinux crontab表現を使用してください <分 時 日 月 星期> (オンラインツール)
+ "CurrentConnectionUsers": "現在のセッションユーザー数",
+ "CurrentConnections": "現在のコネクション数",
+ "CurrentUserVerify": "現在のユーザーを検証",
+ "Custom": "カスタマイズ",
+ "CustomCol": "カスタムリストフィールド",
+ "CustomCreate": "資産作成-カスタマイズ",
+ "CustomFields": "カスタム属性",
+ "CustomFile": "カスタムファイルを指定されたディレクトリ(data/sms/に置き、config.txt内で設定項目SMS_CUSTOM_FILE_MD5=<ファイルmd5値>を有効化してください。",
+ "CustomHelpMessage": "カスタムタイプの資産で、リモートアプリケーションに依存しています。システム設定でリモートアプリケーションを設定してください",
+ "CustomParams": "左側はメッセージプラットフォームが受信したパラメーターで、右側はJumpServerのパラメーターをフォーマット待ちです。最終結果は次の通りです:
{\"phone_numbers\": \"123,134\", \"content\": \"認証コード: 666666\"}",
+ "CustomUpdate": "アセット更新-カスタム",
+ "CustomUser": "カスタムユーザー",
+ "CycleFromWeek": "周期は週から",
+ "CyclePerform": "定期実行",
+ "Danger": "危険",
+ "DangerCommand": "危険なコマンド",
+ "DangerousCommandNum": "危険なコマンド数",
+ "Dashboard": "ダッシュボード",
+ "DataLastUsed": "さいごしようび",
+ "Database": "データベース",
+ "DatabaseCreate": "資産-データベースの作成",
+ "DatabasePort": "データベースプロトコルポート",
+ "DatabaseUpdate": "資産-データベースの更新",
+ "Date": "日付",
+ "DateCreated": "作成時間",
+ "DateEnd": "終了日",
+ "DateExpired": "失効日",
+ "DateFinished": "完了日",
+ "DateJoined": "作成日",
+ "DateLast24Hours": "最近一日",
+ "DateLast3Months": "最近三か月",
+ "DateLastHarfYear": "過去半年",
+ "DateLastLogin": "最後にログインした日",
+ "DateLastMonth": "最近一ヶ月",
+ "DateLastSync": "最終同期日",
+ "DateLastWeek": "最新の一週間",
+ "DateLastYear": "最近一年",
+ "DatePasswordLastUpdated": "最終パスワード更新日",
+ "DateStart": "開始日",
+ "DateSync": "同期日",
+ "DateUpdated": "更新日",
+ "Datetime": "日時",
+ "Day": "日",
+ "DeclassificationLogNum": "パスワード変更ログ数",
+ "DefaultDatabase": "デフォルトのデータベース",
+ "DefaultPort": "デフォルトポート",
+ "Delete": "削除",
+ "DeleteConfirmMessage": "一度削除すると復元はできません、続けますか?",
+ "DeleteErrorMsg": "削除に失敗",
+ "DeleteNode": "ノードを削除",
+ "DeleteOrgMsg": "ユーザー、ユーザーグループ、アセット、ノード、ラベル、ドメイン、アセットの認可",
+ "DeleteOrgTitle": "以下の組織内の情報が削除されたことを確認してください",
+ "DeleteReleasedAssets": "リリースされたアセットの削除",
+ "DeleteSelected": "選択した項目を削除する",
+ "DeleteSuccess": "削除成功",
+ "DeleteSuccessMsg": "削除成功",
+ "DeleteWarningMsg": "削除してもよろしいですか",
+ "Deploy": "デプロイ",
+ "Description": "説明",
+ "DestinationIP": "目的のアドレス",
+ "DestinationPort": "目的ポート",
+ "Detail": "詳細",
+ "DeviceCreate": "資産作成 - ネットワークデバイス",
+ "DeviceUpdate": "資産の更新-ネットワークデバイス",
+ "Digit": "数字",
+ "DingTalk": "ディーングトーク",
+ "DingTalkOAuth": "ディンディン認証",
+ "DingTalkTest": "テスト",
+ "Disable": "無効化",
+ "DisableSelected": "選択を無効にする",
+ "DisableSuccessMsg": "無効化成功",
+ "DiscoverAccounts": "アカウント収集",
+ "DiscoverAccountsHelpText": "資産上のアカウント情報を収集します。収集したアカウント情報は、システムにインポートして一元管理が可能です",
+ "DiscoveredAccountList": "収集したアカウント",
+ "DisplayName": "名前",
+ "Docs": "文書",
+ "Download": "ダウンロード",
+ "DownloadCenter": "ダウンロードセンター",
+ "DownloadFTPFileTip": "現在のActionでは、ファイルは記録されず、またはファイルサイズが閾値(デフォルトは100M)を超える、またはまだ対応するストレージに保存されていない",
+ "DownloadImportTemplateMsg": "テンプレートをダウンロードで作成",
+ "DownloadReplay": "ビデオのダウンロード",
+ "DownloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "更新テンプレートをダウンロード",
+ "DragUploadFileInfo": "ここにファイルをドラッグするか、ここをクリックしてアップロードしてください",
+ "DropConfirmMsg": "ノード: {src} を {dst} に移動しますか?",
+ "Duplicate": "ダブリケート",
+ "DuplicateFileExists": "同名のファイルのアップロードは許可されていません、同名のファイルを削除してください",
+ "Duration": "時間",
+ "DynamicUsername": "ダイナミックユーザー名",
+ "Edit": "編集",
+ "EditRecipient": "受取人の編集",
+ "Edition": "バージョン",
+ "Email": "メールボックス",
+ "EmailContent": "メールコンテンツのカスタマイズ",
+ "EmailTemplate": "メールテンプレート",
+ "EmailTemplateHelpTip": "メールテンプレートはメールを送るためのテンプレートで、メールの件名のプレフィックスとメールの内容を含む",
+ "EmailTest": "接続テスト",
+ "Empty": "空",
+ "Enable": "有効化",
+ "EnableDomain": "ドメインの有効化",
+ "EnableKoKoSSHHelpText": "起動時にアセットに接続すると、 SSH Client の起動方法が表示されます",
+ "Endpoint": "サーバーエンドポイント",
+ "EndpointListHelpMessage": "サービスエンドポイントはユーザーがサービスにアクセスするアドレス(ポート)で、ユーザーが資産に接続する際、エンドポイントルールと資産ラベルに基づいてサービスエンドポイントを選択し、アクセスポイントを設定して分散接続資産を実現します",
+ "EndpointRuleListHelpMessage": "サーバーエンドポイント選択策略については、現在2つの方式をサポートしています:
+ "EndpointRules": "エンドポイントのルール",
+ "Endpoints": "サーバーエンドポイント",
+ "Endswith": "...で終わる",
+ "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo1": "この値が1以上であることを確認してください",
+ "EnterForSearch": "Enterキーを押して検索",
+ "EnterRunUser": "実行ユーザーの入力",
+ "EnterRunningPath": "実行パスを入力",
+ "EnterToContinue": "Enter を押して入力を続ける",
+ "EnterUploadPath": "アップロードパスを入力してください",
+ "Enterprise": "エンタープライズエディション",
+ "EnterpriseEdition": "エンタープライズエディション",
+ "Equal": "等しい",
+ "Error": "エラー",
+ "ErrorMsg": "エラー",
+ "EsDisabled": "ノードが利用できません、管理者に連絡してください",
+ "EsIndex": "es はデフォルト index:jumpserverを提供します。日付でインデックスを作成する設定が有効な場合、入力値はインデックスのプレフィックスとして使用されます",
+ "EsUrl": "特殊文字 `#` は含むことができません;例: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
+ "Every": "毎",
+ "Exclude": "除外",
+ "ExcludeAsset": "スキップされた資産",
+ "ExcludeSymbol": "文字の除外",
+ "ExecCloudSyncErrorMsg": "クラウドアカウントの設定が完全でないので、更新して再試行してください",
+ "Execute": "実行",
+ "ExecuteOnce": "一度実行する",
+ "ExecutionDetail": "Action詳細",
+ "ExecutionList": "実行リスト",
+ "ExistError": "この要素は既に存在します",
+ "Existing": "既に存在しています",
+ "ExpirationTimeout": "有効期限タイムアウト(秒)",
+ "Expire": " 期限切れ",
+ "Expired": "有効期限",
+ "Export": "エクスポート",
+ "ExportAll": "全てをエクスポート",
+ "ExportOnlyFiltered": "検索結果のみをエクスポート",
+ "ExportOnlySelectedItems": "選択オプションのみをエクスポート",
+ "ExportRange": "エクスポート範囲",
+ "FC": "Fusion Compute",
+ "Failed": "失敗",
+ "FailedAsset": "失敗した資産",
+ "FaviconTip": "ヒント:ウェブサイトのアイコン(推奨画像サイズ:16px*16px)",
+ "Features": "機能設定",
+ "FeiShu": "フェイシュ",
+ "FeiShuOAuth": "Feishu認証",
+ "FeiShuTest": "テスト",
+ "FieldRequiredError": "このフィールドは必須項目です",
+ "FileExplorer": "ファイルブラウズ",
+ "FileManagement": "ファイル",
+ "FileNameTooLong": "ファイル名が長すぎます",
+ "FileSizeExceedsLimit": "ファイルサイズが制限を超えています",
+ "FileTransfer": "ファイル転送",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips1": "Assetまたはノードを選択",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips2": "実行アカウントを選択し、コマンドを入力",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips3": "転送、結果の表示",
+ "FileTransferNum": "ファイル転送数",
+ "FileType": "ファイルタイプ",
+ "Filename": "ファイル名",
+ "FingerPrint": "指紋",
+ "Finished": "完了",
+ "FinishedTicket": "工事の完了",
+ "FirstLogin": "初回ログイン",
+ "FlowSetUp": "プロセス設定",
+ "Footer": "フッター",
+ "ForgotPasswordURL": "パスワード忘れのリンク",
+ "FormatError": "形式エラー",
+ "Friday": "金曜日",
+ "From": "から",
+ "FromTicket": "ワークオーダーから",
+ "FullName": "全称",
+ "FullySynchronous": "資産の完全な同期",
+ "FullySynchronousHelpTip": "アセットの条件がマッチングポリシーのルールを満たしていない場合、そのアセットを同期し続けますか",
+ "GCP": "Google Cloud",
+ "GPTCreate": "アセット作成-GPT",
+ "GPTUpdate": "資産を更新-GPT",
+ "Gateway": "ゲートウェイ",
+ "GatewayCreate": "ゲートウェイの作成",
+ "GatewayList": "ゲートウェイリスト",
+ "GatewayPlatformHelpText": "ゲートウェイプラットフォームは、Gatewayで始まるプラットフォームのみ選択可能です。",
+ "GatewayUpdate": "ゲートウェイの更新",
+ "General": "基本",
+ "GeneralAccounts": "一般アカウント",
+ "GeneralSetting": "汎用設定",
+ "Generate": "生成",
+ "GenerateAccounts": "アカウント再生成",
+ "GenerateSuccessMsg": "アカウント作成成功",
+ "GenericSetting": "汎用設定",
+ "GoHomePage": "ホームページへ行く",
+ "Goto": "へ移動",
+ "GrantedAssets": "資産の承認",
+ "GreatEqualThan": "以上または等しい",
+ "GroupsAmount": "ユーザーグループ",
+ "HTTPSRequiredForSupport": "HTTPS サポートが必要で、それを有効にする",
+ "HandleTicket": "ワークオーダーを処理",
+ "Hardware": "ハードウェア情報",
+ "HardwareInfo": "ハードウェア情報",
+ "HasImportErrorItemMsg": "インポートに失敗した項目があります、左側の x をクリックして失敗原因を確認し、テーブルを編集した後、失敗した項目を再度インポートできます",
+ "Help": "ヘルプ",
+ "HelpDocumentTip": "ウェブサイトのナビゲーションバーのURLを変更できます ヘルプ -> ドキュメント",
+ "HelpSupportTip": "ウェブサイトのナビゲーションバーのURLを変更できます。ヘルプ->サポート",
+ "HighLoad": "高い",
+ "HistoricalSessionNum": "歴史的なセッション数",
+ "History": "履歴記録",
+ "HistoryDate": "日付",
+ "HistoryPassword": "過去のパスワード",
+ "HistoryRecord": "履歴記録",
+ "Host": "資産",
+ "HostCreate": "資産-ホストの作成",
+ "HostDeployment": "リリースマシンのデプロイ",
+ "HostList": "ホストリスト",
+ "HostUpdate": "資産-ホストの更新",
+ "HostnameStrategy": "資産ホスト名の生成に使用します。例:1. インスタンス名 (instanceDemo); 2. インスタンス名と部分IP(後ろ2桁) (instanceDemo-250.1)",
+ "Hour": "時間",
+ "HuaweiCloud": "華為雲",
+ "HuaweiPrivateCloud": "华为プライベートクラウド",
+ "IAgree": "私は同意します",
+ "ID": "ID",
+ "IP": "IP",
+ "IPLoginLimit": "IPログイン制限",
+ "IPMatch": "IPマッチング",
+ "IPNetworkSegment": "IP範囲",
+ "IPType": "IPタイプ",
+ "Id": "ID",
+ "IdeaContent": "あなたがLinuxターミナルとして機能することを望んでいます。私はコマンドを入力し、あなたはターミナルが表示すべき内容を回答します。ターミナルの出力はユニークなコードブロック内でだけ応答してほしい、その他ではない。説明を書かないでください。何かをあなたに伝える必要があるとき、私はテキストを大括弧{備考テキスト}の中に置きます。",
+ "IdeaTitle": "🌱 Linux 端末",
+ "IdpMetadataHelpText": "IDP Metadata URLとIDP MetadataXMLのパラメータのうち、一つだけ選択すればよいです。 IDP Metadata URLは優先順位が高い",
+ "IdpMetadataUrlHelpText": "IDP Metadataをリモートアドレスから読み込むのを拒否",
+ "ImageName": "イメージ名",
+ "Images": "画像",
+ "Import": "インポート",
+ "ImportAll": "全てをインポート",
+ "ImportFail": "インポートに失敗しました",
+ "ImportLdapUserTip": "LDAP設定を先に送信してからインポートを進めてください",
+ "ImportLdapUserTitle": "LDAPユーザーリスト",
+ "ImportLicense": "ライセンスのインポート",
+ "ImportLicenseTip": "ライセンスをインポートしてください",
+ "ImportMessage": "対応するタイプのページにデータをインポートする為に移動してください",
+ "ImportOrg": "組織をインポート",
+ "InActiveAsset": "最近ログインされていない",
+ "InActiveUser": "最近ログインしていない",
+ "InAssetDetail": "資産詳細でアカウント情報を更新",
+ "Inactive": "禁用",
+ "Index": "インデックス",
+ "Info": "情報",
+ "InformationModification": "情報変更",
+ "InheritPlatformConfig": "プラットフォーム設定からの継承、変更する場合は、プラットフォームの設定を変更してください。",
+ "InitialDeploy": "初期化デプロイ",
+ "Input": "入力",
+ "InputEmailAddress": "正しいメールアドレスを入力してください",
+ "InputMessage": "メッセージを入力...",
+ "InputPhone": "携帯電話番号を入力してください",
+ "InstanceAddress": "インスタンスのアドレス",
+ "InstanceName": "インスタンス名",
+ "InstancePlatformName": "インスタンスプラットフォーム名",
+ "Interface": "ネットワークインターフェース",
+ "InterfaceSettings": "インターフェースの設定",
+ "Interval": "間隔",
+ "IntervalOfCreateUpdatePage": "単位:時間",
+ "InvalidJson": "合法的なJSONではありません",
+ "InviteSuccess": "招待が成功しました。",
+ "InviteUser": "ユーザーを招待",
+ "InviteUserInOrg": "ユーザーをこの組織に招待する",
+ "Ip": "IP",
+ "IpDomain": "IP ドメイン",
+ "IpGroup": "IPグループ",
+ "IpGroupHelpText": "*はすべてに一致します。例えば:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
+ "IpType": "IP タイプ",
+ "IsActive": "Activate",
+ "IsAlwaysUpdate": "最新の資産を保持",
+ "IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTip": "同期タスクを実行するたびに、資産情報(ホスト名、ip、プラットフォーム、ドメイン、ノードなど)を同期更新するかどうか",
+ "IsFinished": "完了",
+ "IsLocked": "一時停止しますか",
+ "IsSuccess": "成功",
+ "IsSyncAccountHelpText": "収集が完了すると、収集したアカウントが資産に同期されます",
+ "IsSyncAccountLabel": "資産に同期",
+ "JDCloud": "京東クラウド",
+ "Job": "ジョブ",
+ "JobCenter": "Actionセンター",
+ "JobCreate": "ジョブ作成",
+ "JobDetail": "作業詳細",
+ "JobExecutionLog": "作業ログ",
+ "JobManagement": "作業管理",
+ "JobUpdate": "アップデート作業",
+ "KingSoftCloud": "Kingsoftクラウド",
+ "KokoSetting": "KoKo 設定",
+ "LAN": "LAN",
+ "LDAPUser": "LDAP ユーザー",
+ "LOWER_CASE_REQUIRED": "小文字を含む必要があります",
+ "Label": "タグ",
+ "LabelCreate": "タグを作成",
+ "LabelInputFormatValidation": "タグの形式が間違っています。正しい形式は:name:valueです。",
+ "LabelList": "タグリスト",
+ "LabelUpdate": "タグを更新",
+ "Language": "言語",
+ "LarkOAuth": "Lark 認証",
+ "Last30": "最近30回",
+ "Last30Days": "過去30日間",
+ "Last7Days": "過去7日間",
+ "LastPublishedTime": "最終公開時間",
+ "Ldap": "LDAP",
+ "LdapBulkImport": "ユーザーのインポート",
+ "LdapConnectTest": "接続テスト",
+ "LdapLoginTest": "ログインテスト",
+ "Length": "長さ",
+ "LessEqualThan": "以下または等しい",
+ "LevelApproval": "レベル承認",
+ "License": "ライセンス",
+ "LicenseExpired": "ライセンスが期限切れ",
+ "LicenseFile": "ライセンスファイル",
+ "LicenseForTest": "テスト用ライセンス。このライセンスはテスト(PoC)とデモンストレーションにのみ使用されます",
+ "LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "資産の数量がライセンスの数量制限を超えています",
+ "LicenseWillBe": "ライセンスは間もなく ",
+ "Loading": "読み込み中",
+ "LockedIP": "IP {count} つがロックされました",
+ "Log": "ログ",
+ "LogData": "ログデータ",
+ "LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "成功したログインログ数",
+ "Logging": "ログ記録",
+ "LoginAssetConfirm": "資産ログインレビュー",
+ "LoginAssetToday": "本日のアクティブな資産数",
+ "LoginAssets": "アクティブな資産",
+ "LoginConfirm": "ログインレビュー",
+ "LoginConfirmUser": "ログインレビュー担当者",
+ "LoginCount": "ログイン回数",
+ "LoginDate": "ログイン日",
+ "LoginFailed": "ログイン失敗",
+ "LoginFrom": "ログイン元",
+ "LoginImageTip": "ヒント:これは企業版ユーザーのログイン画面で表示されます(推奨画像サイズ:492*472px)",
+ "LoginLog": "ログインログ",
+ "LoginLogTotal": "ログイン成功ログ数",
+ "LoginNum": "ログイン数",
+ "LoginPasswordSetting": "ログインパスワード",
+ "LoginRequiredMsg": "アカウントはログアウトしました、再度ログインしてください",
+ "LoginSSHKeySetting": "SSH公開鍵のログイン",
+ "LoginSucceeded": "ログイン成功",
+ "LoginTitleTip": "ヒント:企業版ユーザーのSSHログイン KoKo ログインページに表示されます(例:JumpServerオープンソースバスチオンへようこそ)",
+ "LoginUserRanking": "ログインアカウントランキング",
+ "LoginUserToday": "今日のログインユーザー数",
+ "LoginUsers": "アクティブなアカウント",
+ "LogoIndexTip": "ヒント:管理ページの左上に表示されます(推奨画像サイズ:185px*55px)",
+ "LogoLogoutTip": "ヒント:これは、エンタープライズ版ユーザーのWebターミナルページに表示されます(推奨画像サイズ:82px*82px)",
+ "Logout": "ログアウト",
+ "LogsAudit": "ログ監査",
+ "Lowercase": "小文字",
+ "LunaSetting": "Luna 設定",
+ "MFAErrorMsg": "MFAエラー、確認してください",
+ "MFAOfUserFirstLoginPersonalInformationImprovementPage": "多要素認証を有効にしてアカウントをより安全にします。
+ "MFAOfUserFirstLoginUserGuidePage": "あなたと会社の安全を保つために、アカウント、パスワード、鍵などの重要な機密情報を適切に管理してください。(例:複雑なパスワードの設定、そして多要素認証の有効化)
+ "MIN_LENGTH_ERROR": "パスワードの長さは少なくとも {0} 文字でなければなりません",
+ "MailRecipient": "メール受信者",
+ "MailSend": "メール送信",
+ "ManualAccount": "手動アカウント",
+ "ManualAccountTip": "ログイン時に手動でユーザー名/パスワードを入力",
+ "ManualExecution": "手動で実行",
+ "ManyChoose": "複数選択可能",
+ "MarkAsRead": "既読マーク",
+ "Marketplace": "アプリマーケット",
+ "Match": "マッチング",
+ "MatchIn": "...にて",
+ "MatchResult": "マッチング結果",
+ "MatchedCount": "マッチング結果",
+ "Members": "メンバー",
+ "MenuAccountTemplates": "アカウントテンプレート",
+ "MenuAccounts": "アカウント管理",
+ "MenuAcls": "アクセスコントロール",
+ "MenuAssets": "資産管理",
+ "MenuMore": "もっと...",
+ "MenuPermissions": "管理",
+ "MenuUsers": "ユーザー管理",
+ "Message": "メッセージ",
+ "MessageType": "メッセージタイプ",
+ "MfaLevel": "マルチファクター認証",
+ "Min": "分",
+ "MinLengthError": "パスワードは少なくとも {0} 文字必要です",
+ "MinNumber30": "数字は30以上でなければならない",
+ "Modify": "修正",
+ "Module": "モジュール",
+ "Monday": "月曜日",
+ "Monitor": "監視",
+ "Month": "月",
+ "More": "もっと",
+ "MoreActions": "More Action",
+ "MoveAssetToNode": "アセットをノードに移動",
+ "MsgSubscribe": "メッセージの購読",
+ "MyAssets": "私の資産",
+ "MyTickets": "私が始めた",
+ "NUMBER_REQUIRED": "数字を含める必要があります",
+ "Name": "名称",
+ "NavHelp": "ナビゲーションバーリンク",
+ "Navigation": "ナビゲーション",
+ "NeedReLogin": "再ログインが必要",
+ "New": "新規作成",
+ "NewChat": "新しいチャット",
+ "NewCount": "新規追加",
+ "NewCron": "Cronの生成",
+ "NewDirectory": "新しいディレクトリを作成",
+ "NewFile": "新規ファイル",
+ "NewPassword": "新しいパスワード",
+ "NewPublicKey": "新しい SSH 公開鍵",
+ "NewSSHKey": "SSH公開鍵",
+ "NewSecret": "新しい暗号文",
+ "NewSyncCount": "新規同期",
+ "Next": "次へ",
+ "No": "いいえ",
+ "NoAccountFound": "アカウントが見つかりません",
+ "NoContent": "内容がありません",
+ "NoData": "データなし",
+ "NoFiles": "ファイルなし",
+ "NoLog": "ログがありません",
+ "NoPermission": "権限なし",
+ "NoPermission403": "403 権限がありません",
+ "NoPermissionInGlobal": "全体的に権限がありません",
+ "NoPermissionVew": "現在のページを表示する権限がありません",
+ "NoPublished": "未発表",
+ "NoResourceImport": "インポートできるリソースがありません",
+ "NoSQLProtocol": "非リレーショナルデータベース",
+ "NoSystemUserWasSelected": "選択されていないシステムユーザー",
+ "NoUnreadMsg": "未読メッセージなし",
+ "Node": "ノード",
+ "NodeAmount": "ノード数",
+ "NodeInformation": "ノード情報",
+ "NodeOfNumber": "ノード数",
+ "NodeSearchStrategy": "ノード検索戦略",
+ "NormalLoad": "正常",
+ "NotEqual": "等しくない",
+ "NotSet": "設定されていません",
+ "NotSpecialEmoji": "特殊な絵文字の入力は許されません",
+ "Nothing": "無",
+ "NotificationConfiguration": "通知設定",
+ "Notifications": "通知設定",
+ "Now": "現在",
+ "Number": "番号",
+ "NumberOfVisits": "アクセス回数",
+ "OAuth2": "OAuth2",
+ "OAuth2LogoTip": "ヒント:認証サービスプロバイダ(推奨画像サイズ: 64px*64px)",
+ "OIDC": "OIDC",
+ "ObjectNotFoundOrDeletedMsg": "該当するリソースが見つからないか削除されています",
+ "ObjectStorage": "オブジェクトストレージ",
+ "Offline": "オフライン",
+ "OfflineSelected": "選択したものをオフライン",
+ "OfflineSuccessMsg": "正常にサインアウト",
+ "OfflineUpload": "オフラインアップロード",
+ "OldPassword": "旧パスワード",
+ "OldPublicKey": "旧 SSH 公開鍵",
+ "OldSecret": "オリジナル暗号文",
+ "OneAssignee": "一次審査員",
+ "OneAssigneeType": "一次受理者タイプ",
+ "OneClickReadMsg": "すべてを既読にしますか?",
+ "OnlineSession": "オンラインユーザー",
+ "OnlineSessionHelpMsg": "現在のセッションをオフラインにすることはできません。そのため、現在のユーザーがオンラインセッションです。現在、Webでログインするユーザーだけが記録されます。",
+ "OnlineSessions": "オンラインセッション数",
+ "OnlineUserDevices": "オンラインユーザーデバイス",
+ "OnlyInitialDeploy": "初期設定のみ",
+ "OnlyMailSend": "現在、メール送信のみをサポートしています",
+ "OnlySearchCurrentNodePerm": "現在のノードの認可のみを検索",
+ "Open": "開く",
+ "OpenCommand": "コマンドを開く",
+ "OpenStack": "OpenStack",
+ "OpenStatus": "審査中",
+ "OpenTicket": "ワークオーダーの作成",
+ "OperateLog": "操作ログ",
+ "OperationLogNum": "Actionログ数",
+ "Options": "オプション",
+ "OrgAdmin": "管理",
+ "OrgAuditor": "組織監査員",
+ "OrgName": "Actionグループの名前",
+ "OrgRole": "組織の役職",
+ "OrgRoleHelpMsg": "組織ロールは、プラットフォーム内の各組織に合わせてカスタマイズされたロールです。これらのロールは、ユーザーを特定の組織に招待する際に割り当てられ、彼らがその組織内での権限とアクセスレベルを規定します。システムロールとは異なり、組織ロールはカスタマイズ可能で、それぞれ割り当てられた組織の範囲内でのみ適用されます。",
+ "OrgRoleHelpText": "組織ロールは、現在の組織内でのユーザーのロールです",
+ "OrgRoles": "組織の役割",
+ "OrgUser": "組織のユーザー",
+ "OrganizationCreate": "組織の作成",
+ "OrganizationDetail": "組織の詳細",
+ "OrganizationList": "組織管理",
+ "OrganizationManage": "組織管理",
+ "OrganizationUpdate": "組織を更新",
+ "OrgsAndRoles": "組織とロール",
+ "Other": "その他の設定",
+ "Output": "出力",
+ "Overview": "概要",
+ "PageNext": "次のページ",
+ "PagePrev": "前のページ",
+ "Params": "パラメータ",
+ "ParamsHelpText": "パスワード変更パラメータ設定、現在はプラットフォーム種別がホストのアセットにのみ適用。",
+ "PassKey": "Passkey",
+ "Passkey": "Passkey",
+ "PasskeyAddDisableInfo": "認証ソースは {source} で、Passkeyの追加はサポートされていません",
+ "Passphrase": "キーコード",
+ "Password": "パスワード",
+ "PasswordAndSSHKey": "認証設定",
+ "PasswordChangeLog": "パスワード変更ログ",
+ "PasswordExpired": "パスワードが期限切れ",
+ "PasswordPlaceholder": "パスワードを入力してください",
+ "PasswordRecord": "パスワード履歴",
+ "PasswordRule": "パスワードルール",
+ "PasswordSecurity": "パスワードセキュリティ",
+ "PasswordStrategy": "暗号文生成戦略",
+ "PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "パスワードは間もなく ",
+ "PasswordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "日後に期限切れとなりますので、早急にパスワードの変更をお願いします。",
+ "Paste": "ペースト",
+ "Pause": "停止",
+ "PauseTaskSendSuccessMsg": "停止タスクが発行されていますので、しばらくしてから再度更新してください。",
+ "Pending": "未処理",
+ "Periodic": "定期的にAction ",
+ "PermAccount": "認証済みアカウント",
+ "PermAction": "Actionを承認する",
+ "PermUserList": "ユーザーへの承認",
+ "PermissionCompany": "会社に権限を与える",
+ "PermissionName": "承認ルール名",
+ "Permissions": "権限",
+ "PersonalInformationImprovement": "個人情報の完全化",
+ "PersonalSettings": "個人設定",
+ "Phone": "携帯電話",
+ "Plan": "計画",
+ "Platform": "プラットフォーム",
+ "PlatformCreate": "プラットフォームの作成",
+ "PlatformDetail": "プラットフォーム詳細",
+ "PlatformList": "プラットフォームリスト",
+ "PlatformPageHelpMsg": "プラットフォームはアセットの分類であり、例えば:Windows、Linux、ネットワーク機器等。プラットフォーム上でいくつかの設定を指定することもでき、プロトコルやゲートウェイ等を設定し、アセット上の特定の機能を有効にするか否かを決定できます。",
+ "PlatformProtocolConfig": "プラットフォームプロトコル設定",
+ "PlatformUpdate": "プラットフォームを更新",
+ "PlaybookDetail": "Playbook詳細",
+ "PlaybookManage": "Playbook管理",
+ "PlaybookUpdate": "Playbookを更新",
+ "PleaseAgreeToTheTerms": "規約に同意してください",
+ "PleaseSelect": "選択してくださ",
+ "PolicyName": "ポリシー名称",
+ "Port": "ポート",
+ "Ports": "ポート",
+ "Preferences": "好みの設定",
+ "PrepareSyncTask": "同期タスクの実行準備中...",
+ "Primary": "主な",
+ "PrimaryProtocol": "主要協議は、資産にとって最も基本的で最も一般的に使用されるプロトコルであり、1つのみ設定でき、必ず設定する必要があります",
+ "Priority": "優先順位",
+ "PriorityHelpMessage": "1-100、1最低優先度、100最高優先度。複数のユーザーを許可する場合、優先度の高いシステムユーザーはデフォルトのログインユーザーになります",
+ "PrivateCloud": "プライベートクラウド",
+ "PrivateIp": "プライベート IP",
+ "PrivateKey": "秘密鍵",
+ "Privileged": "特権アカウント",
+ "PrivilegedFirst": "優先的な特権アカウント",
+ "PrivilegedOnly": "特権アカウントのみ",
+ "PrivilegedTemplate": "特別な権限の",
+ "Product": "商品",
+ "ProfileSetting": "個人情報設定",
+ "Project": "プロジェクト名",
+ "Prompt": "プロンプトワード",
+ "Proportion": "占有率",
+ "ProportionOfAssetTypes": "資産タイプの比率",
+ "Protocol": "協定",
+ "Protocols": "契約",
+ "Provider": "供給業者",
+ "Proxy": "代理",
+ "PublicCloud": "パブリッククラウド",
+ "PublicIp": "パブリック IP",
+ "PublicKey": "公開鍵",
+ "Publish": "公開",
+ "PublishAllApplets": "すべてのアプリを公開",
+ "PublishStatus": "公開状態",
+ "Push": "プッシュ",
+ "PushAccount": "アカウントプッシュ",
+ "PushAccountsHelpText": "既存のアカウントを資産に推し進めます。アカウントをプッシュする際、アカウントが既に存在する場合は、パスワードを更新し、存在しない場合は、アカウントを新規作成します",
+ "PushParams": "パラメータをプッシュ",
+ "Qcloud": "テンセントクラウド",
+ "QcloudLighthouse": "テンセントクラウド(ライトウェイトアプリケーションサーバー)",
+ "QingYunPrivateCloud": "青云プライベートクラウド",
+ "Queue": "キュー",
+ "QuickAdd": "迅速に追加",
+ "QuickJob": "ショートカットコマンド",
+ "QuickUpdate": "クイックアップデート",
+ "Radius": "Radius",
+ "Ranking": "ランキング",
+ "RazorNotSupport": "RDPクライアントセッション、現時点でサポートされていません",
+ "ReLogin": "再ログイン",
+ "ReLoginTitle": "現在のサードパーティーログインユーザー(CAS/SAML)はMFAにバインドされておらず、パスワードチェックをサポートしていません。再度ログインしてください。",
+ "RealTimeData": "リアルタイムデータ",
+ "Reason": "理由",
+ "Receivers": "受取人",
+ "RecentLogin": "最近のログイン",
+ "RecentSession": "最近の会話",
+ "RecentlyUsed": "最近使用",
+ "Recipient": "受取人",
+ "RecipientHelpText": "受信者 A と B が同時に設定されている場合、アカウントの暗号文は 2 つの部分に分割されます。受信者が 1 つだけ設定されている場合、キーは分割されません。",
+ "RecipientServer": "受信サーバー",
+ "Reconnect": "再接続",
+ "Refresh": "更新",
+ "RefreshHardware": "ハードウェア情報の更新",
+ "Regex": "正規表現",
+ "Region": "地域",
+ "RegularlyPerform": "定期実行",
+ "Reject": "拒否",
+ "Rejected": "拒否されました",
+ "ReleaseAssets": "資産の同期及び解放",
+ "ReleaseAssetsHelpTips": "タスク終了時に、このタスクを通じて同期され、すでにクラウドでリリースされたアセットを自動的に削除しますか",
+ "ReleasedCount": "リリース済み",
+ "RelevantApp": "アプリケーション",
+ "RelevantAsset": "資産",
+ "RelevantAssignees": "関連受理者",
+ "RelevantCommand": "Command",
+ "RelevantSystemUser": "システムユーザー",
+ "RemoteAddr": "リモートアドレス",
+ "Remove": "削除",
+ "RemoveAssetFromNode": "ノードから資産を削除",
+ "RemoveSelected": "選択したものを削除",
+ "RemoveSuccessMsg": "削除成功",
+ "RemoveWarningMsg": "削除してもよろしいですか",
+ "Rename": "名前変更",
+ "RenameNode": "ノードの名前を変更",
+ "ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUserWithThis": "アセットの管理者を交換する",
+ "Replay": "再生",
+ "ReplaySession": "セッションのリプレイ",
+ "ReplayStorage": "オブジェクトストレージ",
+ "ReplayStorageCreateUpdateHelpMessage": "注意:現在、SFTPストレージはアカウントバックアップのみをサポートし、映像ストレージはサポートしていません。",
+ "ReplayStorageUpdate": "オブジェクトストレージを更新",
+ "Reply": "返信",
+ "RequestAssetPerm": "アセット承認の申請",
+ "RequestPerm": "Action申請",
+ "RequestTickets": "ワークオーダーの申請",
+ "RequiredAssetOrNode": "少なくとも一つの資産またはノードを選択してください",
+ "RequiredContent": "コマンドを入力してください",
+ "RequiredEntryFile": "このファイルは実行のエントリポイントとして存在する必要があります",
+ "RequiredRunas": "実行ユーザーを入力",
+ "RequiredSystemUserErrMsg": "アカウントを選択してください",
+ "RequiredUploadFile": "ファイルをアップロードしてください!",
+ "Reset": "復元",
+ "ResetAndDownloadSSHKey": "キーをリセットしてダウンロード",
+ "ResetMFA": "MFAをリセット",
+ "ResetMFAWarningMsg": "ユーザーのMFAをリセットしますか?",
+ "ResetMFAdSuccessMsg": "MFAのリセットに成功し、ユーザーは再度MFAを設定できるようになりました",
+ "ResetPassword": "パスワードリセット",
+ "ResetPasswordNextLogin": "次回のログインでパスワードの変更が必要",
+ "ResetPasswordSuccessMsg": "ユーザーにパスワードリセットメッセージを送信しました",
+ "ResetPasswordWarningMsg": "ユーザーパスワードのリセットメールを送信してもよろしいですか",
+ "ResetPublicKeyAndDownload": "SSHキーをリセットしてダウンロード",
+ "ResetSSHKey": "SSHキーのリセット",
+ "ResetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "メール送信タスクが提出されました。ユーザーは後でリセットキーのメールを受け取ります",
+ "ResetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "ユーザーのSSH Keyをリセットするメールを送信してもよろしいですか?",
+ "Resource": "リソース",
+ "ResourceType": "リソースタイプ",
+ "RestoreButton": "デフォルトに戻す",
+ "RestoreDefault": "デフォルトの復元",
+ "RestoreDialogMessage": "デフォルトの初期化を復元してもよろしいですか?",
+ "RestoreDialogTitle": "確認してよろしいですか",
+ "Result": "結果",
+ "Resume": "回復",
+ "ResumeTaskSendSuccessMsg": "リカバリータスクが発行されました、しばらくしてから更新してご確認ください",
+ "Retry": "再試行",
+ "RetrySelected": "選択したものを再試行",
+ "Reviewer": "承認者",
+ "Role": "役割",
+ "RoleCreate": "ロール作成",
+ "RoleDetail": "ロールの詳細",
+ "RoleInfo": "ロール情報",
+ "RoleList": "役割リスト",
+ "RoleUpdate": "ロールの更新",
+ "RoleUsers": "権限ユーザー",
+ "Rows": "行",
+ "Rule": "条件",
+ "RuleCount": "条件の数",
+ "RuleDetail": "ルール詳細",
+ "RuleRelation": "条件関係",
+ "RuleRelationHelpTip": "そして:すべての条件が満たされたときのみ、そのActionが実行されます; or:条件が一つでも満たされれば、そのActionが実行されます",
+ "RuleSetting": "条件設定",
+ "Rules": "規則",
+ "Run": "Action",
+ "RunAgain": "再実行",
+ "RunAs": "実行ユーザー",
+ "RunCommand": "コマンドの実行",
+ "RunJob": "ジョブを実行",
+ "RunSucceed": "タスクが成功",
+ "RunTaskManually": "手動で実行",
+ "RunasHelpText": "実行スクリプトのユーザー名を入力してください",
+ "RunasPolicy": "アカウント戦略",
+ "RunasPolicyHelpText": "現在の資産にはこの実行ユーザーがいない場合、どのアカウント選択戦略を採用するか。スキップ:実行しない。特権アカウントを優先:特権アカウントがあれば最初に特権アカウントを選び、なければ一般アカウントを選ぶ。特権アカウントのみ:特権アカウントからのみ選択し、なければ実行しない",
+ "Running": "実行中",
+ "RunningPath": "実行パス",
+ "RunningPathHelpText": "スクリプトの実行パスを記入してください、この設定はシェルスクリプトのみ有効です",
+ "RunningTimes": "最近5回の実行時間",
+ "SCP": "Deeptrustクラウドプラットフォーム",
+ "SMS": "ショートメッセージ",
+ "SMSProvider": "メッセージサービスプロバイダ",
+ "SMTP": "メールサーバ",
+ "SPECIAL_CHAR_REQUIRED": "特別な文字を含む必要があります",
+ "SSHKey": "SSHキー",
+ "SSHKeyOfProfileSSHUpdatePage": "下のボタンをクリックしてSSH公開鍵をリセットおよびダウンロードするか、あなたのSSH公開鍵をコピーして提出できます。",
+ "SSHPort": "SSH ポート",
+ "SSHSecretKey": "SSHキー",
+ "SafeCommand": "セキュアコマンド",
+ "SameAccount": "同名アカウント",
+ "SameAccountTip": "権限を持つユーザーのユーザー名と同じアカウント",
+ "SameTypeAccountTip": "同じユーザー名、鍵の種類のアカウントがすでに存在しています",
+ "Saturday": "土曜日",
+ "Save": "保存",
+ "SaveAdhoc": "コマンドを保存する",
+ "SaveAndAddAnother": "保存して続けて追加する",
+ "SaveCommand": "コマンド保存",
+ "SaveCommandSuccess": "保存コマンド成功",
+ "SaveSetting": "同期設定",
+ "SaveSuccess": "保存成功",
+ "SaveSuccessContinueMsg": "作成に成功し、内容を更新した後、追加できます",
+ "ScrollToBottom": "下部までスクロール",
+ "ScrollToTop": "トップにスクロール",
+ "Search": "検索",
+ "SearchAncestorNodePerm": "現在のノードと親ノードの権限を同時に検索",
+ "Secret": "パスワード",
+ "SecretKey": "キー",
+ "SecretKeyStrategy": "パスワードポリシー",
+ "Secure": "安全",
+ "Security": "セキュリティ設定",
+ "Select": "選択",
+ "SelectAdhoc": "コマンドの選択",
+ "SelectAll": "全選択",
+ "SelectAtLeastOneAssetOrNodeErrMsg": "アセットまたはノードは少なくとも一つ選択してください",
+ "SelectAttrs": "属性の選択",
+ "SelectByAttr": "プロパティフィルタ",
+ "SelectCreateMethod": "作り方を選ぶ",
+ "SelectFile": "ファイル選択",
+ "SelectKeyOrCreateNew": "タグキーを選択するか、新しいものを作成します",
+ "SelectLabelFilter": "タグを選択して検索",
+ "SelectProperties": "属性を選択",
+ "SelectProvider": "プラットフォームの選択",
+ "SelectProviderMsg": "クラウドプラットフォームを選択してください",
+ "SelectResource": "リソースを選択",
+ "SelectTemplate": "テンプレートを選択",
+ "SelectValueOrCreateNew": "タグの値を選択または新規作成",
+ "Selected": "選択済み",
+ "Selection": "選択可能",
+ "Selector": "セレクタ",
+ "Send": "送信",
+ "SendVerificationCode": "認証コードを送信",
+ "SerialNumber": "シリアルナンバー",
+ "Server": "サービス",
+ "ServerAccountKey": "サービスアカウントキー",
+ "ServerError": "サーバーエラー",
+ "ServerTime": "サーバータイム",
+ "Session": "コンバセーション",
+ "SessionCommands": "セッションアクション",
+ "SessionConnectTrend": "セッションの接続トレンド",
+ "SessionData": "セッションデータ",
+ "SessionDetail": "セッションの詳細",
+ "SessionID": "セッションID",
+ "SessionJoinRecords": "協力記録",
+ "SessionList": "セッション記録",
+ "SessionMonitor": "監視",
+ "SessionOffline": "過去のセッション",
+ "SessionOnline": "オンラインセッション",
+ "SessionSecurity": "セッションセキュリティ",
+ "SessionState": "セッションステータス",
+ "SessionTerminate": "セッション終了",
+ "SessionTrend": "セッショントレンド",
+ "Sessions": "会話管理",
+ "SessionsAudit": "セッション監査",
+ "SessionsNum": "セッション数",
+ "Set": "設定済み",
+ "SetDingTalk": "ディングトーク認証の設定",
+ "SetFailed": "設定失敗",
+ "SetFeiShu": "フェイスブック認証の設定",
+ "SetMFA": "MFA 認証",
+ "SetSuccess": "設定成功",
+ "SetToDefault": "デフォルトに設定",
+ "Setting": "設定",
+ "SettingInEndpointHelpText": "システム設定/コンポーネント設定/サーバーエンドポイントでサービスのアドレスとポートを設定してください",
+ "Settings": "システム設定",
+ "Share": "共有",
+ "Show": "表示",
+ "ShowAssetAllChildrenNode": "すべての子ノードの資産を表示",
+ "ShowAssetOnlyCurrentNode": "現在のノードアセットのみを表示",
+ "ShowNodeInfo": "ノードの詳細を表示",
+ "SignChannelNum": "署名チャネル番号",
+ "SiteMessage": "内部メール",
+ "SiteMessageList": "内部メール",
+ "SiteURLTip": "例えば:",
+ "Skip": "現在の資産を無視する",
+ "Skipped": "スキップ済み",
+ "Slack": "Slack",
+ "SlackOAuth": "Slack認証",
+ "Source": "源泉",
+ "SourceIP": "ソースアドレス",
+ "SourcePort": "Source Port",
+ "Spec": "指定",
+ "SpecAccount": "指定アカウント",
+ "SpecAccountTip": "指定したユーザー名で承認アカウントを選択",
+ "SpecialSymbol": "特殊文字",
+ "SpecificInfo": "特別情報",
+ "SshKeyFingerprint": "SSH フィンガープリント",
+ "Startswith": "...で始まる",
+ "State": "状態",
+ "StateClosed": "閉じられた",
+ "StatePrivate": "プライベート",
+ "Status": "状況",
+ "StatusGreen": "最近の状態は良好",
+ "StatusRed": "前回のタスク実行は失敗しました",
+ "StatusYellow": "最近、実行に失敗があり。",
+ "Step": "ステップ",
+ "Stop": "停止",
+ "StopLogOutput": "ask Canceled:現在のタスク(currentTaskId)は手動で停止されました。各タスクの進行状況が異なるため、以下はタスクの最終実行結果です。実行が失敗した場合は、タスクが正常に停止されました。",
+ "Storage": "ストレージ",
+ "StorageSetting": "ストレージ設定",
+ "Strategy": "ポリシー",
+ "StrategyCreate": "ポリシーの作成",
+ "StrategyDetail": "ポリシー詳細",
+ "StrategyHelpTip": "戦略の優先度に基づいて資産(たとえばプラットフォーム)のユニークな属性を認識します。資産の属性(つまりノード)が複数設定可能な場合、戦略のすべてのアクションが実行されます。",
+ "StrategyList": "ポリシーリスト",
+ "StrategyUpdate": "ポリシーの更新",
+ "SuEnabled": "有効スイッチ",
+ "SuFrom": "こちらからの切り替え",
+ "Submit": "送信",
+ "SubscriptionID": "サブスクリプションの承認ID",
+ "Success": "成功",
+ "Success/Total": "成功/合計数",
+ "SuccessAsset": "成功な資産",
+ "SuccessfulOperation": "操作成功",
+ "Summary": "まとめ",
+ "Summary(success/total)": "概要(成功/総数)",
+ "Sunday": "日曜日",
+ "SuperAdmin": "スーパー管理者",
+ "SuperOrgAdmin": "スーパー管理者+組織管理",
+ "Support": "サポート",
+ "SupportedProtocol": "サポートされているプロトコル",
+ "SupportedProtocolHelpText": "資産がサポートするプロトコルを設定します。設定ボタンをクリックして、プロトコルのカスタム設定を変更することができます。例えば、SFTPディレクトリやRDP ADドメインなど",
+ "SwitchPage": "ビューを切り替える",
+ "SwitchToUser": "Suユーザー",
+ "SwitchToUserListTips": "次のユーザーからアセットに接続すると、現在のシステムユーザーログインを使用して切り替えます。",
+ "SymbolSet": "特殊記号集合",
+ "SymbolSetHelpText": "このタイプのデータベースでサポートされている特殊記号の集合を入力してください。生成されたランダムパスワードにこのようなデータベースでサポートされていない特殊文字があると、変更計画は失敗します",
+ "Sync": "同期する",
+ "SyncAction": "同期アクション",
+ "SyncDelete": "同期削除",
+ "SyncDeleteSelected": "選択を同期削除",
+ "SyncErrorMsg": "同期失敗:",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskCreate": "同期タスクを作成",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskDetail": "同期タスクの詳細",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryAssetList": "インスタンスリストの同期",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryList": "履歴リストの同期",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskList": "同期タスクリスト",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskUpdate": "同期タスクの更新",
+ "SyncManual": "手動同期",
+ "SyncOnline": "オンライン同期",
+ "SyncProtocolToAsset": "同期プロトコルを資産へ",
+ "SyncRegion": "地域を同期",
+ "SyncSelected": "選択した同期",
+ "SyncSetting": "同期設定",
+ "SyncStrategy": "同期方針",
+ "SyncSuccessMsg": "同期成功",
+ "SyncTask": "同期化シスクリプト",
+ "SyncTiming": "タイミング同期",
+ "SyncUpdateAccountInfo": "アカウント情報の同期更新",
+ "SyncUser": "ユーザー同期",
+ "SyncedCount": "同期済み",
+ "SystemError": "システムエラー",
+ "SystemRole": "システムロール",
+ "SystemRoleHelpMsg": "システムロールはすべての組織に一般的に適用可能なプラットフォーム内の役割です。これらのロールでは、システム全体のユーザーに対して特定の権限とアクセスレベルを定義することができます。システムロールの変更は、このプラットフォームを使用するすべての組織に影響を与えます。",
+ "SystemRoles": "システムロール",
+ "SystemSetting": "システム設定",
+ "SystemTasks": "タスクリスト",
+ "SystemTools": "システムツール",
+ "TableColSetting": "表示属性列の選択",
+ "TableSetting": "テーブル環境設定",
+ "TagCreate": "ラベルの作成",
+ "TagInputFormatValidation": "ラベルの形式が間違っています、正しい形式は:name:value",
+ "TagList": "タグ一覧",
+ "TagUpdate": "タグの更新",
+ "Tags": "ラベル",
+ "TailLog": "ログの追跡",
+ "Target": "目標",
+ "TargetResources": "目標リソース",
+ "Task": "タスク",
+ "TaskDetail": "タスクの詳細",
+ "TaskDone": "ジョブ終了",
+ "TaskID": "タスク ID",
+ "TaskList": "タスク一覧",
+ "TaskMonitor": "タスクモニタリング",
+ "TechnologyConsult": "技術相談",
+ "TempPasswordTip": "一時的なパスワードの有効期間は300秒で、使用後すぐに無効になります",
+ "TempToken": "一時的なパスワード",
+ "TemplateAdd": "テンプレート追加",
+ "TemplateCreate": "テンプレート作成",
+ "TemplateHelpText": "テンプレートを選択して追加すると、資産の下に存在しないアカウントが自動的に作成され、プッシュされます",
+ "TemplateManagement": "テンプレート管理",
+ "TencentCloud": "テンセントクラウド",
+ "Terminal": "コンポーネント設定",
+ "TerminalDetail": "コンポーネントの詳細",
+ "TerminalUpdate": "端末の更新",
+ "TerminalUpdateStorage": "ターミナルストレージの更新",
+ "Terminate": "終了",
+ "TerminateTaskSendSuccessMsg": "タスクの中断が指示されました、少々お待ちください。",
+ "TermsAndConditions": "規約と条件",
+ "Test": "テスト",
+ "TestAccountConnective": "テストアカウントの接続性を確認",
+ "TestAssetsConnective": "アセットの接続性をテスト",
+ "TestConnection": "接続テスト",
+ "TestGatewayHelpMessage": "NATポートマッピングを使用している場合は、sshが実際にリッスンしているポートに設定してください",
+ "TestGatewayTestConnection": "ゲートウェイへの接続テスト",
+ "TestLdapLoginTitle": "LDAP ユーザーログインテスト",
+ "TestNodeAssetConnectivity": "テスト資産ノードの接続性",
+ "TestPortErrorMsg": "ポートエラー、再入力してください",
+ "TestSelected": "選択したテスト",
+ "TestSuccessMsg": "テスト成功",
+ "Thursday": "木曜日",
+ "Ticket": "チケット",
+ "TicketDetail": "作業詳細",
+ "TicketFlow": "ワークフロー",
+ "TicketFlowCreate": "承認フローの作成",
+ "TicketFlowUpdate": "承認フローを更新",
+ "Tickets": "チケットリスト",
+ "Time": "時間",
+ "TimeDelta": "運用時間",
+ "TimeExpression": "時間表現",
+ "Timeout": "タイムアウト",
+ "TimeoutHelpText": "この値が-1の場合、タイムアウト時間を指定しない",
+ "Timer": "定期的にAction",
+ "Title": "タイトル",
+ "To": "至",
+ "Today": "今日",
+ "TodayFailedConnections": "今日の接続失敗数",
+ "Token": "トークン",
+ "Total": "合計",
+ "TotalJobFailed": "実行に失敗したジョブ数",
+ "TotalJobLog": "タスク実行総数",
+ "TotalJobRunning": "実行中のジョブ数",
+ "TotalSyncAsset": "同期資産数(個)",
+ "TotalSyncRegion": "同期地域数(個)",
+ "TotalSyncStrategy": "バインドポリシー数(個)",
+ "Transfer": "転送",
+ "TriggerMode": "トリガーメソッド",
+ "True": "はい",
+ "Tuesday": "火曜日",
+ "TwoAssignee": "二次受理者",
+ "TwoAssigneeType": "二次受信者タイプ",
+ "Type": "タイプ",
+ "TypeTree": "タイプツリー",
+ "Types": "タイプ",
+ "UCloud": "UCloud(ユウコクデ)",
+ "UPPER_CASE_REQUIRED": "大文字を含む必要があります",
+ "UnFavoriteSucceed": "取消收藏成功",
+ "UnSyncCount": "未同期化",
+ "Unbind": "解除",
+ "UnbindHelpText": "このユーザーはローカル認証源であり、解除できません",
+ "Unblock": "ロック解除",
+ "UnblockSelected": "選択解除",
+ "UnblockSuccessMsg": "解除成功",
+ "UnblockUser": "ユーザーのロック解除",
+ "Uninstall": "アンインストール",
+ "UniqueError": "以下の属性は一つだけ設定できます",
+ "UnlockSuccessMsg": "アンロックに成功しました",
+ "UnselectedOrg": "組織が選択されていません",
+ "UnselectedUser": "ユーザーが選択されていません",
+ "UpDownload": "アップロードダウンロード",
+ "Update": "更新",
+ "UpdateAccount": "アカウントを更新",
+ "UpdateAccountTemplate": "アカウントテンプレートの更新",
+ "UpdateAssetDetail": "より多くの情報を設定",
+ "UpdateAssetUserToken": "アカウント認証情報を更新",
+ "UpdateEndpoint": "エンドポイントを更新",
+ "UpdateEndpointRule": "エンドポイントルールの更新",
+ "UpdateErrorMsg": "更新失敗",
+ "UpdateNodeAssetHardwareInfo": "ノードアセットのハードウェア情報を更新する",
+ "UpdatePlatformHelpText": "更新が行われるのは、資産の元のプラットフォームタイプと選択したプラットフォームタイプが一致した場合のみで、更新前後のプラットフォームタイプが異なる場合には更新されません。",
+ "UpdateSSHKey": "SSH公開鍵を更新する",
+ "UpdateSelected": "選択したものを更新",
+ "UpdateSuccessMsg": "更新成功",
+ "Updated": "更新済み",
+ "Upload": "アップロード",
+ "UploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "アップロード可能なのは csv/xlsx のみで、10Mを超えないこと",
+ "UploadDir": "アップロードディレクトリ",
+ "UploadFileLthHelpText": "{limit}MB以下のファイルのみアップロード可能",
+ "UploadHelpText": "次のサンプル構造ディレクトリを含む .zip ファイルをアップロードしてください。",
+ "UploadPlaybook": "Playbookのアップロード",
+ "UploadSucceed": "アップロード成功",
+ "UploadZipTips": "zip形式のファイルをアップロードしてください",
+ "Uploading": "ファイルアップロード中",
+ "Uppercase": "大文字",
+ "UseProtocol": "利用規約",
+ "UseSSL": "SSL/TLSの使用",
+ "User": "ユーザー",
+ "UserAclLists": "ユーザーログインルール",
+ "UserAssetActivity": "アカウント/アクティブアセット状況",
+ "UserCreate": "ユーザーを作成する",
+ "UserData": "ユーザーデータ",
+ "UserDetail": "ユーザーの詳細",
+ "UserGroupCreate": "ユーザーグループの作成",
+ "UserGroupDetail": "ユーザーグループ詳細",
+ "UserGroupList": "ユーザーグループ",
+ "UserGroupUpdate": "ユーザーグループを更新",
+ "UserGroups": "ユーザーグループ",
+ "UserList": "ユーザーリスト",
+ "UserLoginACLHelpMsg": "システムにログインする際に、ユーザーのログイン IP と時間帯を検証して、システムにログインできるかどうかを判断します(全体に適用)",
+ "UserLoginACLHelpText": "システムにログインする際、ユーザーのログインIPと時間帯を審査し、ログイン可能かどうかを判断します",
+ "UserLoginAclCreate": "ユーザーログイン制御を作成",
+ "UserLoginAclDetail": "ユーザーログインコントロール詳細",
+ "UserLoginAclList": "ユーザーログイン",
+ "UserLoginAclUpdate": "ユーザーログイン制御の更新",
+ "UserLoginLimit": "ユーザーログイン制限",
+ "UserLoginTrend": "アカウントログインの傾向",
+ "UserPasswordChangeLog": "ユーザーパスワード変更ログ",
+ "UserSession": "ユーザーセッション",
+ "UserSwitchFrom": "から切り替え",
+ "UserUpdate": "ユーザーの更新",
+ "Username": "ユーザー名",
+ "UsernamePlaceholder": "ユーザー名を入力してください",
+ "Users": "ユーザー",
+ "UsersAmount": "ユーザー",
+ "UsersAndUserGroups": "ユーザー/ユーザーグループ",
+ "UsersTotal": "総ユーザー数",
+ "Valid": "有効",
+ "Variable": "変数",
+ "VariableHelpText": "コマンド中で {{ key }} を使用して内蔵変数を読み取ることができます",
+ "VaultHCPMountPoint": "Vault サーバのマウントポイント、デフォルトはjumpserver",
+ "VaultHelpText": "1. セキュリティ上の理由により、設定ファイルで Vault ストレージをオンにする必要があります。
2. オンにした後、他の設定を入力してテストを行います。
3. データ同期を行います。同期は一方向です。ローカルデータベースからリモートの Vault にのみ同期します。同期が終了すればローカルデータベースはパスワードを保管していませんので、データのバックアップをお願いします。
4. Vault の設定を二度変更した後はサービスを再起動する必要があります。",
+ "VerificationCodeSent": "認証コードが送信されました",
+ "VerifySignTmpl": "認証コードのSMSテンプレート",
+ "Version": "バージョン",
+ "View": "閲覧",
+ "ViewMore": "もっと見る",
+ "ViewPerm": "認可を表示",
+ "ViewSecret": "暗号文を見る",
+ "VirtualAccountDetail": "バーチャルアカウントの詳細",
+ "VirtualAccountHelpMsg": "仮想アカウントは特定の目的で資産に接続する専用アカウントです。",
+ "VirtualAccountUpdate": "仮想アカウントの更新",
+ "VirtualAccounts": "仮想アカウント",
+ "VirtualApp": "仮想アプリケーション",
+ "VirtualAppDetail": "仮想アプリケーションの詳細",
+ "VirtualApps": "仮想アプリケーション",
+ "Volcengine": "ヴォルケーノエンジン",
+ "Warning": "警告",
+ "WeChat": "WeChat",
+ "WeCom": "企業WeChat",
+ "WeComOAuth": "企業WeChat認証",
+ "WeComTest": "テスト",
+ "WebCreate": "資産作成-Web",
+ "WebHelpMessage": "Webタイプの資産はリモートアプリケーションに依存しています。システム設定でリモートアプリケーションを設定してください",
+ "WebSocketDisconnect": "WebSocket 切断",
+ "WebTerminal": "Web端末",
+ "WebUpdate": "アップデートアセット-Web",
+ "Wednesday": "水曜日",
+ "Week": "週",
+ "WeekAdd": "今週の新規追加",
+ "WeekOrTime": "週間/時間",
+ "WildcardsAllowed": "許可されるワイルドカード",
+ "WindowsPushHelpText": "Windows資産はキーシーンを推進することは現在サポートしていません。",
+ "WordSep": "",
+ "Workbench": "ワークベンチ",
+ "Workspace": "ワークスペース",
+ "Yes": "は",
+ "YourProfile": "個人情報",
+ "ZStack": "ZStack",
+ "Zone": "エリア",
+ "ZoneCreate": "エリアを作成",
+ "ZoneEnabled": "ゲートウェイを有効にする",
+ "ZoneHelpMessage": "エリアとはアセットの位置で、データセンターやパブリッククラウド、あるいはVPCが該当します。エリアにはゲートウェイを設定でき、ネットワークが直接接続できない場合、ゲートウェイを経由してアセットにログインすることができます",
+ "ZoneList": "地域リスト",
+ "ZoneUpdate": "更新エリア",
+ "disallowSelfUpdateFields": "現在のフィールドを自分で変更することは許可されていません",
+ "forceEnableMFAHelpText": "強制的に有効化すると、ユーザーは自分で無効化することができません。",
+ "removeWarningMsg": "削除してもよろしいですか"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/i18n/lina/zh.json b/apps/i18n/lina/zh.json
index 2e4ebe05b..abd9de723 100644
--- a/apps/i18n/lina/zh.json
+++ b/apps/i18n/lina/zh.json
@@ -1,1408 +1,1408 @@
- "ACLs": "访问控制",
- "APIKey": "API Key",
- "AWS_China": "AWS(中国)",
- "AWS_Int": "AWS(国际)",
- "About": "关于",
- "Accept": "同意",
- "AccessIP": "IP 白名单",
- "AccessKey": "访问密钥",
- "AccountAmount": "账号数量",
- "AccountBackup": "账号备份",
- "AccountBackupCreate": "创建账号备份",
- "AccountBackupDetail": "账号备份详情",
- "AccountBackupList": "账号备份列表",
- "AccountBackupUpdate": "更新账号备份",
- "AccountChangeSecret": "账号改密",
- "AccountChangeSecretDetail": "账号改密详情",
- "AccountDeleteConfirmMsg": "删除账号,是否继续?",
- "AccountExportTips": "导出信息中包含账号密文涉及敏感信息,导出的格式为一个加密的zip文件(若没有设置加密密码,请前往个人信息中设置文件加密密码)。",
- "AccountDiscoverDetail": "账号发现详情",
- "AccountDiscoverList": "账号发现",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskCreate": "创建账号发现任务",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskList": "账号发现任务",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskUpdate": "更新账号发现任务",
- "Account": "账号",
- "AccountList": "账号列表",
- "AccountPolicy": "账号策略",
- "AccountPolicyHelpText": "创建时对于不符合要求的账号,如:密钥类型不合规,唯一键约束,可选择以上策略。",
- "AccountPushCreate": "创建账号推送",
- "AccountPushDetail": "账号推送详情",
- "AccountPushList": "账号推送",
- "AccountPushUpdate": "更新账号推送",
- "AccountStorage": "账号存储",
- "AccountTemplate": "账号模版",
- "AccountTemplateList": "账号模版列表",
- "AccountTemplateUpdateSecretHelpText": "账号列表展示通过模版创建的账号。更新密文时,会更新通过模版所创建账号的密文。",
- "Accounts": "账号",
- "Action": "动作",
- "ActionCount": "动作数量",
- "ActionSetting": "动作设置",
- "Actions": "操作",
- "ActionsTips": "各个权限作用协议不尽相同,点击权限后面的图标查看",
- "Activate": "激活",
- "ActivateSelected": "激活所选",
- "ActivateSuccessMsg": "激活成功",
- "Active": "激活中",
- "ActiveAsset": "近期被登录过",
- "ActiveAssetRanking": "登录资产排名",
- "ActiveUser": "近期登录过",
- "ActiveUsers": "活跃用户",
- "Activity": "活动",
- "Add": "新增",
- "AddAccount": "新增账号",
- "AddAccountByTemplate": "从模板添加账号",
- "AddAccountResult": "账号批量添加结果",
- "AddAllMembersWarningMsg": "你确定要添加全部成员?",
- "AddAsset": "添加资产",
- "AddAssetInDomain": "在域中添加资产",
- "AddAssetToNode": "添加资产到节点",
- "AddAssetToThisPermission": "添加资产",
- "AddGatewayInDomain": "在域中添加网关",
- "AddInDetailText": "创建或更新成功后,添加详细信息",
- "AddNode": "添加节点",
- "AddNodeToThisPermission": "添加节点",
- "AddPassKey": "添加 Passkey(通行密钥)",
- "AddRolePermissions": "创建/更新成功后,详情中添加权限",
- "AddSuccessMsg": "添加成功",
- "AddUserGroupToThisPermission": "添加用户组",
- "AddUserToThisPermission": "添加用户",
- "Address": "地址",
- "AdhocCreate": "创建命令",
- "AdhocDetail": "命令详情",
- "AdhocManage": "脚本管理",
- "AdhocUpdate": "更新命令",
- "Advanced": "高级设置",
- "AfterChange": "变更后",
- "AjaxError404": "404 请求错误",
- "AlibabaCloud": "阿里云",
- "Aliyun": "阿里云",
- "All": "全部",
- "AllAccountTip": "资产上已添加的所有账号",
- "AllAccounts": "所有账号",
- "AllClickRead": "全部已读",
- "AllMembers": "全部成员",
- "AllowInvalidCert": "忽略证书检查",
- "Announcement": "公告",
- "AnonymousAccount": "匿名账号",
- "AnonymousAccountTip": "连接资产时不使用用户名和密码,仅支持 web类型 和 自定义类型 的资产",
- "ApiKey": "API Key",
- "ApiKeyList": "使用 Api key 签名请求头进行认证,每个请求的头部是不一样的, 相对于 Token 方式,更加安全,请查阅文档使用;
为降低泄露风险,Secret 仅在生成时可以查看, 每个用户最多支持创建 10 个",
- "ApiKeyWarning": "为降低 AccessKey 泄露的风险,只在创建时提供 Secret,后续不可再进行查询,请妥善保存。",
- "AppEndpoint": "应用接入地址",
- "AppOps": "任务中心",
- "AppProvider": "应用提供者",
- "AppProviderDetail": "应用提供者详情",
- "AppletDetail": "远程应用",
- "AppletHelpText": "在上传过程中,如果应用不存在,则创建该应用;如果已存在,则进行应用更新。",
- "AppletHostCreate": "添加远程应用发布机",
- "AppletHostDetail": "远程应用发布机详情",
- "AppletHostSelectHelpMessage": "连接资产时,应用发布机选择是随机的(但优先选择上次使用的),如果想为某个资产固定发布机,可以指定标签 <发布机:发布机名称> 或 ;
连接该发布机选择账号时,以下情况会选择用户的 同名账号 或 专有账号(js开头),否则使用公用账号(jms开头):
1. 发布机和应用都支持并发;
2. 发布机支持并发,应用不支持并发,当前应用没有使用专有账号;
3. 发布机不支持并发,应用支持并发或不支持,没有任一应用使用专有账号;
注意: 应用支不支持并发是开发者决定,主机支不支持是发布机配置中的 单用户单会话决定",
- "AppletHostUpdate": "更新远程应用发布机",
- "AppletHostZoneHelpText": "这里的网域属于 System 组织",
- "AppletHosts": "应用发布机",
- "Applets": "远程应用",
- "Applicant": "申请人",
- "Applications": "应用管理",
- "ApplyAsset": "申请资产",
- "ApplyFromCMDFilterRule": "命令过滤规则",
- "ApplyFromSession": "会话",
- "ApplyInfo": "申请信息",
- "ApplyLoginAccount": "登录账号",
- "ApplyLoginAsset": "登录资产",
- "ApplyLoginUser": "登录用户",
- "ApplyRunAsset": "申请运行的资产",
- "ApplyRunCommand": "申请运行的命令",
- "ApplyRunUser": "申请运行的用户",
- "Appoint": "指定",
- "ApprovaLevel": "审批信息",
- "ApprovalLevel": "审批级别",
- "ApprovalProcess": "审批流程",
- "ApprovalSelected": "批量审批",
- "Approved": "已同意",
- "ApproverNumbers": "审批人数量",
- "ApsaraStack": "阿里云专有云",
- "Asset": "资产",
- "AssetAccount": "账号列表",
- "AssetAccountDetail": "账号详情",
- "AssetAclCreate": "创建资产登录规则",
- "AssetAclDetail": "资产登录规则详情",
- "AssetAclList": "资产登录",
- "AssetAclUpdate": "更新资产登录规则",
- "AssetAddress": "资产(IP/主机名)",
- "AssetAmount": "资产数量",
- "AssetAndNode": "资产/节点",
- "AssetBulkUpdateTips": "网络设备、云服务、web,不支持批量更新网域",
- "AssetChangeSecretCreate": "创建账号改密",
- "AssetChangeSecretUpdate": "更新账号改密",
- "AssetData": "资产数据",
- "AssetDetail": "资产详情",
- "AssetList": "资产列表",
- "AssetListHelpMessage": "左侧是资产树,右击可以新建、删除、更改树节点,授权资产也是以节点方式组织的,右侧是属于该节点下的资产\n",
- "AssetLoginACLHelpMsg": "登录资产时,可以根据用户的登录 IP 和时间段进行审核,判断是否可以登录资产",
- "AssetLoginACLHelpText": "登录资产时,可以根据用户的登录 IP 和时间段进行审核,判断是否可以登录资产",
- "AssetName": "资产名称",
- "AssetPermission": "资产授权",
- "AssetPermissionCreate": "创建资产授权规则",
- "AssetPermissionDetail": "资产授权详情",
- "AssetPermissionHelpMsg": "资产授权允许您选择用户和资产,将资产授权给用户以便访问。一旦授权完成,用户便可便捷地浏览这些资产。此外,您还可以设置特定的权限位,以进一步定义用户对资产的权限范围。",
- "AssetPermissionRules": "资产授权规则",
- "AssetPermissionUpdate": "更新资产授权规则",
- "AssetPermsAmount": "资产授权数量",
- "AssetProtocolHelpText": "资产支持的协议受平台限制,点击设置按钮可以查看协议的设置。 如果需要更新,请更新平台",
- "AssetTree": "资产树",
- "Assets": "资产管理",
- "AssetsAmount": "资产数量",
- "AssetsOfNumber": "资产数",
- "AssetsTotal": "资产总数",
- "AssignedInfo": "审批信息",
- "Assignee": "处理人",
- "Assignees": "待处理人",
- "AttrName": "属性名",
- "AttrValue": "属性值",
- "Audits": "审计台",
- "Auth": "认证设置",
- "AuthConfig": "配置认证",
- "AuthLimit": "登录限制",
- "AuthSAMLCertHelpText": "上传证书密钥后保存, 然后查看 SP Metadata",
- "AuthSAMLKeyHelpText": "SP 证书和密钥 是用来和 IDP 加密通信的",
- "AuthSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "左侧的键为 SAML2 用户属性,右侧的值为认证平台用户属性",
- "AuthSecurity": "认证安全",
- "AuthSettings": "认证配置",
- "AuthUserAttrMapHelpText": "左侧的键为 JumpServer 用户属性,右侧的值为认证平台用户属性",
- "Authentication": "认证",
- "AutoPush": "自动推送",
- "Automations": "自动化",
- "AverageTimeCost": "平均花费时间",
- "AwaitingMyApproval": "待我审批",
- "Azure": "Azure (中国)",
- "Azure_Int": "Azure (国际)",
- "Backup": "备份",
- "BackupAccountsHelpText": "备份账号信息到外部。可以存储到外部系统或发送邮件,支持分段方式",
- "BadConflictErrorMsg": "正在刷新中,请稍后再试",
- "BadRequestErrorMsg": "请求错误,请检查填写内容",
- "BadRoleErrorMsg": "请求错误,无该操作权限",
- "BaiduCloud": "百度云",
- "BaseAccount": "账号",
- "BaseAccountBackup": "账号备份",
- "BaseAccountChangeSecret": "账号改密",
- "BaseAccountDiscover": "账号采集",
- "BaseAccountPush": "账号推送",
- "BaseAccountTemplate": "账号模版",
- "BaseApplets": "应用",
- "BaseAssetAclList": "登录授权",
- "BaseAssetList": "资产列表",
- "BaseAssetPermission": "资产授权",
- "BaseCloudAccountList": "云账号列表",
- "BaseCloudSync": "云同步",
- "BaseCmdACL": "命令授权",
- "BaseCmdGroups": "命令组",
- "BaseCommandFilterAclList": "命令过滤",
- "BaseConnectMethodACL": "连接方式授权",
- "BaseFlowSetUp": "流程设置",
- "BaseJobManagement": "作业管理",
- "BaseLoginLog": "登录日志",
- "BaseMyAssets": "我的资产",
- "BaseOperateLog": "操作日志",
- "BasePort": "监听端口",
- "BaseSessions": "会话",
- "BaseStorage": "存储",
- "BaseStrategy": "策略",
- "BaseSystemTasks": "任务",
- "BaseTags": "标签",
- "BaseTerminal": "终端",
- "BaseTickets": "工单列表",
- "BaseUserLoginAclList": "用户登录",
- "Basic": "基本设置",
- "BasicInfo": "基本信息",
- "BasicSettings": "基本设置",
- "BatchConsent": "批量同意",
- "BatchDeployment": "批量部署",
- "BatchProcessing": "批量处理(选中 {number} 项)",
- "BatchReject": "批量拒绝",
- "BatchTest": "批量测试",
- "BeforeChange": "变更前",
- "Beian": "备案",
- "BelongAll": "同时包含",
- "BelongTo": "任意包含",
- "Bind": "绑定",
- "BindLabel": "绑定标签",
- "BindResource": "关联资源",
- "BindSuccess": "绑定成功",
- "BlockedIPS": "已锁定的 IP",
- "BuiltinVariable": "内置变量",
- "BulkClearErrorMsg": "批量清除失败:",
- "BulkDeleteErrorMsg": "批量删除失败:",
- "BulkDeleteSuccessMsg": "批量删除成功",
- "BulkDeploy": "批量部署",
- "BulkRemoveErrorMsg": "批量移除失败:",
- "BulkRemoveSuccessMsg": "批量移除成功",
- "BulkSyncErrorMsg": "批量同步失败:",
- "CACertificate": "CA 证书",
- "CAS": "CAS",
- "CMPP2": "CMPP v2.0",
- "CalculationResults": "cron 表达式错误",
- "CallRecords": "调用记录",
- "CanDragSelect": "可拖动鼠标选择时间段;未选择等同全选",
- "Cancel": "取消",
- "CancelCollection": "取消收藏",
- "CancelTicket": "取消工单",
- "CannotAccess": "无法访问当前页面",
- "Category": "类别",
- "CeleryTaskLog": "Celery任务日志",
- "Certificate": "证书",
- "CertificateKey": "客户端密钥",
- "ChangeCredentials": "账号改密",
- "ChangeCredentialsHelpText": "定时修改账号密钥密码。账号随机生成密码,并同步到目标资产,如果同步成功,更新该账号的密码",
- "ChangeField": "变更字段",
- "ChangeOrganization": "更改组织",
- "ChangePassword": "更新密码",
- "ChangeSecretParams": "改密参数",
- "ChangeViewHelpText": "点击切换不同视图",
- "Chat": "聊天",
- "ChatAI": "智能问答",
- "ChatHello": "你好!我能为你提供什么帮助?",
- "ChdirHelpText": "默认执行目录为执行用户的 home 目录",
- "CheckAssetsAmount": "校对资产数量",
- "CheckViewAcceptor": "点击查看受理人",
- "CleanHelpText": "定期清理任务会在 每天凌晨 2 点执行, 清理后的数据将无法恢复",
- "Cleaning": "定期清理",
- "Clear": "清除",
- "ClearErrorMsg": "清除失败:",
- "ClearScreen": "清屏",
- "ClearSecret": "清除密文",
- "ClearSelection": "清空选择",
- "ClearSuccessMsg": "清除成功",
- "ClickCopy": "点击复制",
- "ClientCertificate": "客户端证书",
- "Clipboard": "剪贴板",
- "ClipboardCopyPaste": "剪贴板复制粘贴",
- "Clone": "克隆",
- "Close": "关闭",
- "CloseConfirm": "确认关闭",
- "CloseConfirmMessage": "文件发生变化,是否保存?",
- "CloseStatus": "已完成",
- "Closed": "已完成",
- "CloudAccountCreate": "创建云平台账号",
- "CloudAccountDetail": "云平台账号详情",
- "CloudAccountList": "云平台账号",
- "CloudAccountUpdate": "更新云平台账号",
- "CloudCreate": "创建资产-云平台",
- "CloudRegionTip": "未获取到地域,请检查账号",
- "CloudSource": "同步源",
- "CloudSync": "云同步",
- "CloudSyncConfig": "云同步配置",
- "CloudUpdate": "更新资产-云平台",
- "Cluster": "集群",
- "CollectionSucceed": "收藏成功",
- "Command": "命令",
- "CommandConfirm": "命令复核",
- "CommandFilterACL": "命令过滤",
- "CommandFilterACLHelpMsg": "通过命令过滤,您可以控制命令是否可以发送到资产上。根据您设定的规则,某些命令可以被放行,而另一些命令则被禁止。",
- "CommandFilterACLHelpText": "通过命令过滤,您可以控制命令是否可以发送到资产上。根据您设定的规则,某些命令可以被放行,而另一些命令则被禁止",
- "CommandFilterAclCreate": "创建命令过滤规则",
- "CommandFilterAclDetail": "命令过滤规则详情",
- "CommandFilterAclUpdate": "更新命令过滤规则",
- "CommandFilterRuleContentHelpText": "每行一个命令",
- "CommandFilterRules": "命令过滤器规则",
- "CommandGroup": "命令组",
- "CommandGroupCreate": "创建命令组",
- "CommandGroupDetail": "命令组详情",
- "CommandGroupList": "命令组",
- "CommandGroupUpdate": "更新命令组",
- "CommandStorage": "命令存储",
- "CommandStorageUpdate": "更新命令存储",
- "Commands": "命令记录",
- "CommandsTotal": "命令记录总数",
- "Comment": "备注",
- "CommentHelpText": "注意:备注信息会在 Luna 页面的用户授权资产树中进行悬停显示,普通用户可以查看,请不要填写敏感信息。",
- "CommunityEdition": "社区版",
- "Component": "组件",
- "ComponentMonitor": "组件监控",
- "Components": "组件列表",
- "ConceptContent": "我想让你像一个 Python 解释器一样行事。我将给你 Python 代码,你将执行它。不要提供任何解释。除了代码的输出,不要用任何东西来回应。",
- "ConceptTitle": "🤔 Python 解释器 ",
- "Config": "配置",
- "Configured": "已配置",
- "Confirm": "确认",
- "ConfirmPassword": "确认密码",
- "Connect": "连接",
- "ConnectAssets": "连接资产",
- "ConnectMethod": "连接方式",
- "ConnectMethodACLHelpMsg": "通过连接方式过滤,您可以控制用户是否可以使用某种连接方式登录到资产上。根据您设定的规则,某些连接方式可以被放行,而另一些连接方式则被禁止(全局生效)。",
- "ConnectMethodACLHelpText": "通过连接方式过滤,您可以控制用户是否可以使用某种连接方式登录到资产上。根据您设定的规则,某些连接方式可以被放行,而另一些连接方式则被禁止。",
- "ConnectMethodAclCreate": "创建连接方式控制",
- "ConnectMethodAclDetail": "连接方式控制详情",
- "ConnectMethodAclList": "连接方式",
- "ConnectMethodAclUpdate": "更新连接方式控制",
- "ConnectWebSocketError": "连接 WebSocket 失败",
- "ConnectionDropped": "连接已断开",
- "ConnectionToken": "连接令牌",
- "ConnectionTokenList": "连接令牌是将身份验证和连接资产结合起来使用的一种认证信息,支持用户一键登录到资产,目前支持的组件包括:KoKo、Lion、Magnus、Razor 等",
- "Console": "控制台",
- "Consult": "咨询",
- "ContainAttachment": "含附件",
- "Containers": "容器",
- "Contains": "包含",
- "Continue": "继续",
- "ConvenientOperate": "便捷操作",
- "Copy": "复制",
- "CopySuccess": "复制成功",
- "Corporation": "公司",
- "Create": "创建",
- "CreateAccessKey": "创建访问密钥",
- "CreateAccountTemplate": "创建账号模版",
- "CreateCommandStorage": "创建命令存储",
- "CreateEndpoint": "创建端点",
- "CreateEndpointRule": "创建端点规则",
- "CreateErrorMsg": "创建失败",
- "CreateNode": "创建节点",
- "CreatePlaybook": "创建 Playbook",
- "CreateReplayStorage": "创建对象存储",
- "CreateSuccessMsg": "创建成功",
- "CreateUserContent": "创建用户内容",
- "CreateUserSetting": "创建用户内容",
- "Created": "已创建",
- "CreatedBy": "创建者",
- "CriticalLoad": "严重",
- "CronExpression": "crontab完整表达式",
- "Crontab": "定时任务",
- "CrontabDiffError": "请确保定期执行的时间间隔不少于十分钟!",
- "CrontabHelpText": "如果同时设置了 interval 和 crontab,则优先考虑 crontab",
- "CrontabHelpTip": "例如:每周日 03:05 执行 <5 3 * * 0>
使用 5 位 linux crontab 表达式 (在线工具)
- "CrontabOfCreateUpdatePage": "例如:每周日 03:05 执行 <5 3 * * 0>
使用5位 Linux crontab 表达式 <分 时 日 月 星期> (在线工具)
- "CurrentConnectionUsers": "当前会话用户数",
- "CurrentConnections": "当前连接数",
- "CurrentUserVerify": "验证当前用户",
- "Custom": "自定义",
- "CustomCol": "自定义列表字段",
- "CustomCreate": "创建资产-自定义",
- "CustomFields": "自定义属性",
- "CustomFile": "请将自定义的文件放到指定目录下(data/sms/,并在 config.txt 中启用配置项 SMS_CUSTOM_FILE_MD5=<文件md5值>",
- "CustomHelpMessage": "自定义类型资产,依赖于远程应用,请前往系统设置在远程应用中配置",
- "CustomParams": "左侧为短信平台接收的参数,右侧为JumpServer待格式化参数,最终如下:
{\"phone_numbers\": \"123,134\", \"content\": \"验证码为: 666666\"}",
- "CustomUpdate": "更新资产-自定义",
- "CustomUser": "自定义用户",
- "CycleFromWeek": "周期从星期",
- "CyclePerform": "周期执行",
- "Danger": "危险",
- "DangerCommand": "危险命令",
- "DangerousCommandNum": "危险命令数",
- "Dashboard": "仪表盘",
- "Database": "数据库",
- "DatabaseCreate": "创建资产-数据库",
- "DatabasePort": "数据库协议端口",
- "DatabaseUpdate": "更新资产-数据库",
- "Date": "日期",
- "DateCreated": "创建时间",
- "DateEnd": "结束日期",
- "DateExpired": "失效日期",
- "DateFinished": "完成日期",
- "DateJoined": "创建日期",
- "DateLast24Hours": "最近一天",
- "DateLast3Months": "最近三月",
- "DateLastHarfYear": "最近半年",
- "DateLastLogin": "最后登录日期",
- "DateLastMonth": "最近一月",
- "DateLastSync": "最后同步日期",
- "DataLastUsed": "最后使用日期",
- "DateLastWeek": "最近一周",
- "DateLastYear": "最近一年",
- "DatePasswordLastUpdated": "最后更新密码日期",
- "DateStart": "开始日期",
- "DateSync": "同步日期",
- "DateUpdated": "更新日期",
- "Datetime": "日期时间",
- "Day": "日",
- "DeclassificationLogNum": "改密日志数",
- "DefaultDatabase": "默认数据库",
- "DefaultPort": "默认端口",
- "Delete": "删除",
- "DeleteConfirmMessage": "删除后无法恢复,是否继续?",
- "DeleteErrorMsg": "删除失败",
- "DeleteNode": "删除节点",
- "DeleteOrgMsg": "用户,用户组,资产,节点,标签,网域,资产授权",
- "DeleteOrgTitle": "请确保组织内的以下资源已删除",
- "DeleteReleasedAssets": "删除已释放资产",
- "DeleteSelected": "删除所选",
- "DeleteSuccess": "删除成功",
- "DeleteSuccessMsg": "删除成功",
- "DeleteWarningMsg": "你确定要删除",
- "Deploy": "部署",
- "Description": "描述",
- "DestinationIP": "目的地址",
- "DestinationPort": "目的端口",
- "Detail": "详情",
- "DeviceCreate": "创建资产-网络设备",
- "DeviceUpdate": "更新资产-网络设备",
- "Digit": "数字",
- "DingTalk": "钉钉",
- "DingTalkOAuth": "钉钉认证",
- "DingTalkTest": "测试",
- "Disable": "禁用",
- "DisableSelected": "禁用所选",
- "DisableSuccessMsg": "禁用成功",
- "DisplayName": "名称",
- "Docs": "文档",
- "Download": "下载",
- "DownloadCenter": "下载中心",
- "DownloadFTPFileTip": "当前动作不记录文件,或者文件大小超过阈值(默认100M),或者还未保存到对应存储中",
- "DownloadImportTemplateMsg": "下载创建模板",
- "DownloadReplay": "下载录像",
- "DownloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "下载更新模板",
- "DragUploadFileInfo": "将文件拖到此处,或点击此处上传",
- "DropConfirmMsg": "你想移动节点: {src} 到 {dst} 下吗?",
- "Duplicate": "副本",
- "DuplicateFileExists": "不允许上传同名文件,请删除同名文件",
- "Duration": "时长",
- "DynamicUsername": "动态用户名",
- "Edit": "编辑",
- "EditRecipient": "编辑接收人",
- "Edition": "版本",
- "Email": "邮箱",
- "EmailContent": "邮件内容定制",
- "EmailTemplate": "邮件模版",
- "EmailTemplateHelpTip": "邮件模版是用于发送邮件的模版,包括邮件标题前缀和邮件内容",
- "EmailTest": "测试连接",
- "Empty": "空",
- "Enable": "启用",
- "EnableDomain": "启用网域",
- "EnableKoKoSSHHelpText": "开启时连接资产会显示 SSH Client 拉起方式",
- "Endpoint": "服务端点",
- "EndpointListHelpMessage": "服务端点是用户访问服务的地址(端口),当用户在连接资产时,会根据端点规则和资产标签选择服务端点,作为访问入口建立连接,实现分布式连接资产",
- "EndpointRuleListHelpMessage": "对于服务端点选择策略,目前支持两种:
2、通过资产标签选择端点,标签名固定是 endpoint,值是端点的名称。
两种方式优先使用标签匹配,因为 IP 段可能冲突,标签方式是作为规则的补充存在的。",
- "EndpointRules": "端点规则",
- "Endpoints": "服务端点",
- "Endswith": "以...结尾",
- "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo1": "请确保该值大于或者等于 1",
- "EnterForSearch": "按下 Enter 进行搜索",
- "EnterRunUser": "输入运行用户",
- "EnterRunningPath": "输入运行路径",
- "EnterToContinue": "按下 Enter 继续输入",
- "EnterUploadPath": "输入上传路径",
- "Enterprise": "企业版",
- "EnterpriseEdition": "企业版",
- "Equal": "等于",
- "Error": "错误",
- "ErrorMsg": "错误",
- "EsDisabled": "节点不可用, 请联系管理员",
- "EsIndex": "es 提供默认 index:jumpserver。如果开启按日期建立索引,那么输入的值会作为索引前缀",
- "EsUrl": "不能包含特殊字符 `#`;eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
- "Every": "每",
- "Exclude": "不包含",
- "ExcludeAsset": "跳过的资产",
- "ExcludeSymbol": "排除字符",
- "ExecCloudSyncErrorMsg": "云账号配置不完整,请更新后重试",
- "Execute": "执行",
- "ExecuteOnce": "执行一次",
- "ExecutionDetail": "执行详情",
- "ExecutionList": "执行记录",
- "ExistError": "这个元素已经存在",
- "Existing": "已存在",
- "ExpirationTimeout": "过期超时时间(秒)",
- "Expire": " 过期",
- "Expired": "过期时间",
- "Export": "导出",
- "ExportAll": "导出所有",
- "ExportOnlyFiltered": "仅导出搜索结果",
- "ExportOnlySelectedItems": "仅导出选择项",
- "ExportRange": "导出范围",
- "FC": "Fusion Compute",
- "Failed": "失败",
- "FailedAsset": "失败的资产",
- "FaviconTip": "提示:网站图标(建议图片大小为: 16px*16px)",
- "Features": "功能设置",
- "FeiShu": "飞书",
- "FeiShuOAuth": "飞书认证",
- "FeiShuTest": "测试",
- "FieldRequiredError": "此字段是必填项",
- "FileExplorer": "文件管理",
- "FileManagement": "文件管理",
- "FileNameTooLong": "文件名太长",
- "FileSizeExceedsLimit": "文件大小超出限制",
- "FileTransfer": "文件传输",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips1": "选择一个资产或节点",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips2": "选择运行帐户并输入命令",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips3": "传输,显示输出结果",
- "FileTransferNum": "文件传输数",
- "FileType": "文件类型",
- "Filename": "文件名",
- "FingerPrint": "指纹",
- "Finished": "完成",
- "FinishedTicket": "完成工单",
- "FirstLogin": "首次登录",
- "FlowSetUp": "流程设置",
- "Footer": "页脚",
- "ForgotPasswordURL": "忘记密码链接",
- "FormatError": "格式错误",
- "Friday": "周五",
- "From": "从",
- "FromTicket": "来自工单",
- "FullName": "全称",
- "FullySynchronous": "资产完全同步",
- "FullySynchronousHelpTip": "当资产条件不满足匹配政策规则时是否继续同步该资产",
- "GCP": "谷歌云",
- "GPTCreate": "创建资产-GPT",
- "GPTUpdate": "更新资产-GPT",
- "Gateway": "网关",
- "GatewayCreate": "创建网关",
- "GatewayList": "网关列表",
- "GatewayPlatformHelpText": "网关平台只能选择以 Gateway 开头的平台",
- "GatewayUpdate": "更新网关",
- "DiscoverAccounts": "账号发现",
- "DiscoverAccountsHelpText": "收集资产上的账号信息。收集后的账号信息可以导入到系统中,方便统一管理",
- "DiscoveredAccountList": "发现的账号",
- "General": "基本",
- "GeneralAccounts": "普通账号",
- "GeneralSetting": "通用配置",
- "Generate": "生成",
- "GenerateAccounts": "重新生成账号",
- "GenerateSuccessMsg": "账号生成成功",
- "GoHomePage": "去往首页",
- "Goto": "转到",
- "GrantedAssets": "授权的资产",
- "GreatEqualThan": "大于等于",
- "GroupsAmount": "用户组",
- "HTTPSRequiredForSupport": "需要 HTTPS 支持,才能开启",
- "HandleTicket": "处理工单",
- "Hardware": "硬件信息",
- "HardwareInfo": "硬件信息",
- "HasImportErrorItemMsg": "存在导入失败项,点击左侧 x 查看失败原因,点击表格编辑后,可以继续导入失败项",
- "Help": "帮助",
- "HighLoad": "较高",
- "HistoricalSessionNum": "历史会话数",
- "History": "历史记录",
- "HistoryDate": "日期",
- "HistoryPassword": "历史密码",
- "HistoryRecord": "历史记录",
- "Host": "资产",
- "HostCreate": "创建资产-主机",
- "HostDeployment": "发布机部署",
- "HostList": "主机列表",
- "HostUpdate": "更新资产-主机",
- "HostnameStrategy": "用于生成资产主机名。例如:1. 实例名称 (instanceDemo);2. 实例名称和部分IP(后两位) (instanceDemo-250.1)",
- "Hour": "小时",
- "HuaweiCloud": "华为云",
- "HuaweiPrivateCloud": "华为私有云",
- "IAgree": "我同意",
- "ID": "ID",
- "IP": "IP",
- "IPLoginLimit": "IP 登录限制",
- "IPMatch": "IP 匹配",
- "IPNetworkSegment": "IP网段",
- "IPType": "IP 类型",
- "Id": "ID",
- "IdeaContent": "我想让你充当一个 Linux 终端。我将输入命令,你将回答终端应该显示的内容。我希望你只在一个独特的代码块内回复终端输出,而不是其他。不要写解释。当我需要告诉你一些事情时,我会把文字放在大括号里{备注文本}。",
- "IdeaTitle": "🌱 Linux 终端",
- "IdpMetadataHelpText": "IDP Metadata URL 和 IDP MetadataXML参数二选一即可,IDP MetadataURL的优先级高",
- "IdpMetadataUrlHelpText": "从远端地址中加载 IDP Metadata",
- "ImageName": "镜像名",
- "Images": "图片",
- "Import": "导入",
- "ImportAll": "导入全部",
- "ImportFail": "导入失败",
- "ImportLdapUserTip": "请先提交LDAP配置再进行导入",
- "ImportLdapUserTitle": "LDAP 用户列表",
- "ImportLicense": "导入许可证",
- "ImportLicenseTip": "请导入许可证",
- "ImportMessage": "请前往对应类型的页面导入数据",
- "ImportOrg": "导入组织",
- "InActiveAsset": "近期未被登录",
- "InActiveUser": "近期未登录过",
- "InAssetDetail": "在资产详情中更新账号信息",
- "Inactive": "禁用",
- "Index": "索引",
- "Info": "信息",
- "InformationModification": "信息更改",
- "InheritPlatformConfig": "继承自平台配置,如需更改,请更改平台中的配置。",
- "InitialDeploy": "初始化部署",
- "Input": "输入",
- "InputEmailAddress": "请输入正确的邮箱地址",
- "InputMessage": "输入消息...",
- "InputPhone": "请输入手机号码",
- "InstanceAddress": "实例地址",
- "InstanceName": "实例名称",
- "InstancePlatformName": "实例平台名称",
- "Interface": "网络接口",
- "InterfaceSettings": "界面设置",
- "Interval": "间隔",
- "IntervalOfCreateUpdatePage": "单位:时",
- "InvalidJson": "不是合法 JSON",
- "InviteSuccess": "邀请成功",
- "InviteUser": "邀请用户",
- "InviteUserInOrg": "邀请用户加入此组织",
- "Ip": "IP",
- "IpDomain": "IP 域",
- "IpGroup": "IP 组",
- "IpGroupHelpText": "* 表示匹配所有。例如:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
- "IpType": "IP 类型",
- "IsActive": "激活",
- "IsAlwaysUpdate": "资产保持最新",
- "IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTip": "每次执行同步任务时是否同步更新资产信息,包括主机名、ip、平台、域、节点等",
- "IsFinished": "完成",
- "IsLocked": "是否暂停",
- "IsSuccess": "成功",
- "IsSyncAccountHelpText": "收集完成后会把发现的账号同步到资产",
- "IsSyncAccountLabel": "同步到资产",
- "JDCloud": "京东云",
- "Job": "作业",
- "JobCenter": "作业中心",
- "JobCreate": "创建作业",
- "JobDetail": "作业详情",
- "JobExecutionLog": "作业日志",
- "JobManagement": "作业管理",
- "JobUpdate": "更新作业",
- "KingSoftCloud": "金山云",
- "KokoSetting": "KoKo 配置",
- "LAN": "局域网",
- "LDAPUser": "LDAP 用户",
- "LOWER_CASE_REQUIRED": "必须包含小写字母",
- "Language": "语言",
- "LarkOAuth": "Lark 认证",
- "Last30": "最近 30 次",
- "Last30Days": "近30天",
- "Last7Days": "近7天",
- "LastPublishedTime": "最后发布时间",
- "Ldap": "LDAP",
- "LdapBulkImport": "用户导入",
- "LdapConnectTest": "测试连接",
- "LdapLoginTest": "测试登录",
- "Length": "长度",
- "LessEqualThan": "小于等于",
- "LevelApproval": "级审批",
- "License": "许可证",
- "LicenseExpired": "许可证已经过期",
- "LicenseFile": "许可证文件",
- "LicenseForTest": "测试用途许可证, 本许可证仅用于 测试(PoC)和演示",
- "LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "资产数量已经超过许可证数量限制",
- "LicenseWillBe": "许可证即将在 ",
- "Loading": "加载中",
- "LockedIP": "已锁定 IP {count} 个",
- "Log": "日志",
- "LogData": "日志数据",
- "LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "成功登录日志数",
- "Logging": "日志记录",
- "LoginAssetConfirm": "资产登录复核",
- "LoginAssetToday": "今日活跃资产数",
- "LoginAssets": "活跃资产",
- "LoginConfirm": "登录复核",
- "LoginConfirmUser": "登录复核 受理人",
- "LoginCount": "登录次数",
- "LoginDate": "登录日期",
- "LoginFailed": "登录失败",
- "LoginFrom": "登录来源",
- "LoginImageTip": "提示:将会显示在企业版用户登录页面(建议图片大小为: 492*472px)",
- "LoginLog": "登录日志",
- "LoginLogTotal": "登录日志数",
- "LoginNum": "登录数",
- "LoginPasswordSetting": "登录密码",
- "LoginRequiredMsg": "账号已退出,请重新登录",
- "LoginSSHKeySetting": "登录 SSH 公钥",
- "LoginSucceeded": "登录成功",
- "LoginTitleTip": "提示:将会显示在企业版用户 SSH 登录 KoKo 登录页面(eg: 欢迎使用JumpServer开源堡垒机)",
- "LoginUserRanking": "登录账号排名",
- "LoginUserToday": "今日登录用户数",
- "LoginUsers": "活跃账号",
- "LogoIndexTip": "提示:将会显示在管理页面左上方(建议图片大小为: 185px*55px)",
- "LogoLogoutTip": "提示:将会显示在企业版用户的 Web 终端页面(建议图片大小为:82px*82px)",
- "Logout": "退出登录",
- "LogsAudit": "日志审计",
- "Lowercase": "小写字母",
- "LunaSetting": "Luna 配置",
- "MFAErrorMsg": "MFA错误,请检查",
- "MFAOfUserFirstLoginPersonalInformationImprovementPage": "启用多因子认证,使账号更加安全。
- "MFAOfUserFirstLoginUserGuidePage": "为了保护您和公司的安全,请妥善保管您的账户、密码和密钥等重要敏感信息;(如:设置复杂密码,并启用多因子认证)
- "MIN_LENGTH_ERROR": "密码长度至少为 {0} 位",
- "MailRecipient": "邮件收件人",
- "MailSend": "邮件发送",
- "ManualAccount": "手动账号",
- "ManualAccountTip": "登录时手动输入 用户名/密码",
- "ManualExecution": "手动执行",
- "ManyChoose": "可多选",
- "MarkAsRead": "标记已读",
- "Marketplace": "应用市场",
- "Match": "匹配",
- "MatchIn": "在...中",
- "MatchResult": "匹配结果",
- "MatchedCount": "匹配结果",
- "Members": "成员",
- "MenuAccountTemplates": "账号模版",
- "MenuAccounts": "账号管理",
- "MenuAcls": "访问控制",
- "MenuAssets": "资产管理",
- "MenuMore": "其它",
- "MenuPermissions": "授权管理",
- "MenuUsers": "用户管理",
- "Message": "消息",
- "MessageType": "消息类型",
- "MfaLevel": "多因子认证",
- "Min": "分钟",
- "MinNumber30": "数字必须大于或等于 30",
- "Modify": "修改",
- "Module": "模块",
- "Monday": "周一",
- "Monitor": "监控",
- "Month": "月",
- "More": "更多",
- "MoreActions": "更多操作",
- "MoveAssetToNode": "移动资产到节点",
- "MsgSubscribe": "消息订阅",
- "MyAssets": "我的资产",
- "MyTickets": "我发起的",
- "NUMBER_REQUIRED": "必须包含数字",
- "Name": "名称",
- "NavHelp": "导航栏链接",
- "Navigation": "导航",
- "NeedReLogin": "需要重新登录",
- "New": "新建",
- "NewChat": "新聊天",
- "NewCount": "新增",
- "NewCron": "生成 Cron",
- "NewDirectory": "新建目录",
- "NewFile": "新建文件",
- "NewPassword": "新密码",
- "NewPublicKey": "新 SSH 公钥",
- "NewSSHKey": "SSH 公钥",
- "NewSecret": "新密文",
- "NewSyncCount": "新同步",
- "Next": "下一步",
- "No": "否",
- "NoAccountFound": "未找到帐户",
- "NoContent": "暂无内容",
- "NoData": "暂无数据",
- "NoFiles": "暂无文件",
- "NoLog": "无日志",
- "NoPermission": "暂无权限",
- "NoPermission403": "403 暂无权限",
- "NoPermissionInGlobal": "全局无权限",
- "NoPermissionVew": "没有权限查看当前页面",
- "NoUnreadMsg": "暂无未读消息",
- "Node": "节点",
- "NodeInformation": "节点信息",
- "NodeOfNumber": "节点数",
- "NodeSearchStrategy": "节点搜索策略",
- "NormalLoad": "正常",
- "NotEqual": "不等于",
- "NotSet": "未设置",
- "NotSpecialEmoji": "不允许输入特殊表情符号",
- "Nothing": "无",
- "NotificationConfiguration": "通知设置",
- "Notifications": "通知设置",
- "Now": "现在",
- "Number": "编号",
- "NumberOfVisits": "访问次数",
- "OAuth2": "OAuth2",
- "OAuth2LogoTip": "提示:认证服务提供商(建议图片大小为: 64px*64px)",
- "OIDC": "OIDC",
- "ObjectNotFoundOrDeletedMsg": "没有找到对应资源或者已被删除",
- "ObjectStorage": "对象存储",
- "Offline": "离线",
- "OfflineSelected": "下线所选",
- "OfflineSuccessMsg": "下线成功",
- "OfflineUpload": "离线上传",
- "OldPassword": "原密码",
- "OldPublicKey": "旧 SSH 公钥",
- "OldSecret": "原密文",
- "OneAssignee": "一级受理人",
- "OneAssigneeType": "一级受理人类型",
- "OneClickReadMsg": "你确定全部标记为已读吗?",
- "OnlineSession": "在线用户",
- "OnlineSessionHelpMsg": "无法下线当前会话,因为该会话是当前用户的在线会话。当前只记录以 Web 方式登录的用户。",
- "OnlineSessions": "在线会话数",
- "OnlineUserDevices": "在线用户设备",
- "OnlyInitialDeploy": "仅初始化配置",
- "OnlyMailSend": "当前只支持邮件发送",
- "OnlySearchCurrentNodePerm": "仅搜索当前节点的授权",
- "Open": "打开",
- "OpenCommand": "打开命令",
- "OpenStack": "OpenStack",
- "OpenStatus": "审批中",
- "OpenTicket": "创建工单",
- "OperateLog": "操作日志",
- "OperationLogNum": "操作日志数",
- "Options": "选项",
- "OrgAdmin": "组织管理员",
- "OrgAuditor": "组织审计员",
- "OrgName": "授权组织名称",
- "OrgRole": "组织角色",
- "OrgRoleHelpMsg": "组织角色是为平台内的各个组织量身定制的角色。 这些角色是在邀请用户加入特定组织时分配的,并规定他们在该组织内的权限和访问级别。 与系统角色不同,组织角色是可自定义的,并且仅适用于它们所分配到的组织范围内。",
- "OrgRoleHelpText": "组织角色是用户在当前组织中的角色",
- "OrgRoles": "组织角色",
- "OrgUser": "组织用户",
- "OrganizationCreate": "创建组织",
- "OrganizationDetail": "组织详情",
- "OrganizationList": "组织管理",
- "OrganizationManage": "组织管理",
- "OrganizationUpdate": "更新组织",
- "OrgsAndRoles": "组织和角色",
- "Other": "其它设置",
- "Output": "输出",
- "Overview": "概览",
- "PageNext": "下一页",
- "PagePrev": "上一页",
- "Params": "参数",
- "ParamsHelpText": "改密参数设置,目前仅对平台种类为主机的资产生效。",
- "PassKey": "Passkey",
- "Passkey": "Passkey",
- "PasskeyAddDisableInfo": "你的认证来源是 {source}, 不支持添加 Passkey",
- "Passphrase": "密钥密码",
- "Password": "密码",
- "PasswordAndSSHKey": "认证设置",
- "PasswordChangeLog": "改密日志",
- "PasswordExpired": "密码过期了",
- "PasswordPlaceholder": "请输入密码",
- "PasswordRecord": "密码记录",
- "PasswordRule": "密码规则",
- "PasswordSecurity": "密码安全",
- "PasswordStrategy": "密文生成策略",
- "PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "密码即将在 ",
- "PasswordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "天 后过期,请尽快修改您的密码。",
- "Paste": "粘贴",
- "Pause": "暂停",
- "PauseTaskSendSuccessMsg": "暂停任务已下发,请稍后刷新查看",
- "Pending": "待处理",
- "Periodic": "定期执行 ",
- "PermAccount": "授权账号",
- "PermAction": "授权动作",
- "PermUserList": "授权用户",
- "PermissionCompany": "授权公司",
- "PermissionName": "授权规则名称",
- "Permissions": "权限",
- "PersonalInformationImprovement": "个人信息完善",
- "PersonalSettings": "个人设置",
- "Phone": "手机",
- "Plan": "计划",
- "Platform": "平台",
- "PlatformCreate": "创建平台",
- "PlatformDetail": "平台详情",
- "PlatformList": "平台列表",
- "PlatformPageHelpMsg": "平台是资产的分类,例如:Windows、Linux、网络设备等。也可以在平台上指定一些配置,如 协议,网关 等,决定资产上是否启用某些功能。",
- "PlatformProtocolConfig": "平台协议配置",
- "PlatformUpdate": "更新平台",
- "PlaybookDetail": "Playbook详情",
- "PlaybookManage": "Playbook管理",
- "PlaybookUpdate": "更新Playbook",
- "PleaseAgreeToTheTerms": "请同意条款",
- "PleaseSelect": "请选择",
- "PolicyName": "策略名称",
- "Port": "端口",
- "Ports": "端口",
- "Preferences": "偏好设置",
- "PrepareSyncTask": "准备执行同步任务中...",
- "Primary": "主要的",
- "Priority": "优先级",
- "PrivateCloud": "私有云",
- "PrivateIp": "私有 IP",
- "PrivateKey": "私钥",
- "Privileged": "特权账号",
- "PrivilegedFirst": "优先特权账号",
- "PrivilegedOnly": "仅特权账号",
- "PrivilegedTemplate": "特权的",
- "Product": "产品",
- "ProfileSetting": "个人信息设置",
- "Project": "项目名",
- "Prompt": "提示词",
- "Proportion": "占比",
- "ProportionOfAssetTypes": "资产类型占比",
- "Protocol": "协议",
- "Protocols": "协议",
- "Provider": "供应商",
- "Proxy": "代理",
- "PublicCloud": "公有云",
- "PublicIp": "公有 IP",
- "PublicKey": "公钥",
- "Publish": "发布",
- "PublishAllApplets": "发布所有应用",
- "PublishStatus": "发布状态",
- "Push": "推送",
- "PushAccount": "推送账号",
- "PushAccountsHelpText": "推送已有账号到资产上。推送账号时,如果账号已存在,会更新账号的密码,如果账号不存在,会创建账号",
- "PushParams": "推送参数",
- "Qcloud": "腾讯云",
- "QcloudLighthouse": "腾讯云(轻量应用服务器)",
- "QingYunPrivateCloud": "青云私有云",
- "Queue": "队列",
- "QuickAdd": "快速添加",
- "QuickJob": "快捷命令",
- "QuickUpdate": "快速更新",
- "Radius": "Radius",
- "Ranking": "排名",
- "RazorNotSupport": "RDP 客户端会话, 暂不支持监控",
- "ReLogin": "重新登录",
- "ReLoginTitle": "当前三方登录用户(CAS/SAML),未绑定 MFA 且不支持密码校验,请重新登录。",
- "RealTimeData": "实时数据",
- "Reason": "原因",
- "Receivers": "接收人",
- "RecentLogin": "最近登录",
- "RecentSession": "最近会话",
- "RecentlyUsed": "最近使用",
- "Recipient": "接收人",
- "RecipientHelpText": "如果同时设置了收件人A和B,账号的密文将被拆分为两部分;如果只设置了一个收件人,密钥则不会被拆分。",
- "RecipientServer": "接收服务器",
- "Reconnect": "重新连接",
- "Refresh": "刷新",
- "RefreshHardware": "更新硬件信息",
- "Regex": "正则表达式",
- "Region": "地域",
- "RegularlyPerform": "定期执行",
- "Reject": "拒绝",
- "Rejected": "已拒绝",
- "ReleaseAssets": "同步释放资产",
- "ReleaseAssetsHelpTips": "是否在任务结束时,自动删除通过此任务同步下来且已经在云上释放的资产",
- "ReleasedCount": "已释放",
- "RelevantApp": "应用",
- "RelevantAsset": "资产",
- "RelevantAssignees": "相关受理人",
- "RelevantCommand": "命令",
- "RelevantSystemUser": "系统用户",
- "RemoteAddr": "远端地址",
- "Remove": "移除",
- "RemoveAssetFromNode": "从节点移除资产",
- "RemoveSelected": "移除所选",
- "RemoveSuccessMsg": "移除成功",
- "RemoveWarningMsg": "你确定要移除",
- "Rename": "重命名",
- "RenameNode": "重命名节点",
- "ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUserWithThis": "替换资产的管理员",
- "Replay": "回放",
- "ReplaySession": "回放会话",
- "ReplayStorage": "对象存储",
- "ReplayStorageCreateUpdateHelpMessage": "注意:目前 SFTP 存储仅支持账号备份,暂不支持录像存储。",
- "ReplayStorageUpdate": "更新对象存储",
- "Reply": "回复",
- "RequestAssetPerm": "申请资产授权",
- "RequestPerm": "授权申请",
- "RequestTickets": "申请工单",
- "RequiredAssetOrNode": "请至少选择一个资产或节点",
- "RequiredContent": "请输入命令",
- "RequiredEntryFile": "此文件作为运行的入口文件,必须存在",
- "RequiredRunas": "请输入运行用户",
- "RequiredSystemUserErrMsg": "请选择账号",
- "RequiredUploadFile": "请上传文件!",
- "Reset": "还原",
- "ResetAndDownloadSSHKey": "重置并下载密钥",
- "ResetMFA": "重置MFA",
- "ResetMFAWarningMsg": "你确定要重置用户的 MFA 吗?",
- "ResetMFAdSuccessMsg": "重置MFA成功, 用户可以重新设置MFA了",
- "ResetPassword": "重置密码",
- "ResetPasswordNextLogin": "下次登录须修改密码",
- "ResetPasswordSuccessMsg": "已向用户发送重置密码消息",
- "ResetPasswordWarningMsg": "你确定要发送重置用户密码的邮件吗",
- "ResetPublicKeyAndDownload": "重置并下载SSH密钥",
- "ResetSSHKey": "重置SSH密钥",
- "ResetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "发送邮件任务已提交, 用户稍后会收到重置密钥邮件",
- "ResetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "你确定要发送重置用户的SSH Key的邮件吗?",
- "Resource": "资源",
- "ResourceType": "资源类型",
- "RestoreButton": "恢复默认",
- "RestoreDefault": "恢复默认",
- "RestoreDialogMessage": "您确定要恢复默认初始化吗?",
- "RestoreDialogTitle": "你确认吗",
- "Result": "结果",
- "Resume": "恢复",
- "ResumeTaskSendSuccessMsg": "恢复任务已下发,请稍后刷新查看",
- "Retry": "重试",
- "RetrySelected": "重试所选",
- "Reviewer": "审批人",
- "Role": "角色",
- "RoleCreate": "创建角色",
- "RoleDetail": "角色详情",
- "RoleInfo": "角色信息",
- "RoleList": "角色列表",
- "RoleUpdate": "更新角色",
- "RoleUsers": "授权用户",
- "Rows": "行",
- "Rule": "条件",
- "RuleCount": "条件数量",
- "RuleDetail": "规则详情",
- "RuleRelation": "条件关系",
- "RuleRelationHelpTip": "并且:只有当所有条件都满足时才会执行该动作; or:只要满足一个条件就会执行该动作",
- "RuleSetting": "条件设置",
- "Rules": "规则",
- "Run": "执行",
- "RunAgain": "再次执行",
- "RunAs": "运行用户",
- "RunCommand": "运行命令",
- "RunJob": "运行作业",
- "RunSucceed": "任务执行成功",
- "RunTaskManually": "手动执行",
- "RunasHelpText": "填写运行脚本的用户名",
- "RunasPolicy": "账号策略",
- "RunasPolicyHelpText": "当前资产上没此运行用户时,采取什么账号选择策略。跳过:不执行。优先特权账号:如果有特权账号先选特权账号,如果没有就选普通账号。仅特权账号:只从特权账号中选择,如果没有则不执行",
- "Running": "运行中",
- "RunningPath": "运行路径",
- "RunningPathHelpText": "填写脚本的运行路径,此设置仅 shell 脚本生效",
- "RunningTimes": "最近5次运行时间",
- "SCP": "深信服云平台",
- "SMS": "短信",
- "SMSProvider": "短信服务商",
- "SMTP": "邮件服务器",
- "SPECIAL_CHAR_REQUIRED": "必须包含特殊字符",
- "SSHKey": "SSH密钥",
- "SSHKeyOfProfileSSHUpdatePage": "你可以点击下面的按钮重置并下载密钥,或者复制你的 SSH 公钥并提交。",
- "SSHPort": "SSH 端口",
- "SSHSecretKey": "SSH 密钥",
- "SafeCommand": "安全命令",
- "SameAccount": "同名账号",
- "SameAccountTip": "与被授权人用户名相同的账号",
- "SameTypeAccountTip": "相同用户名、密钥类型的账号已存在",
- "Saturday": "周六",
- "Save": "保存",
- "SaveAdhoc": "保存命令",
- "SaveAndAddAnother": "保存并继续添加",
- "SaveCommand": "保存命令 ",
- "SaveCommandSuccess": "保存命令成功",
- "SaveSetting": "同步设置",
- "SaveSuccess": "保存成功",
- "SaveSuccessContinueMsg": "创建成功,更新内容后可以继续添加",
- "ScrollToBottom": "滚动到底部",
- "ScrollToTop": "滚动到顶部",
- "Search": "搜索",
- "SearchAncestorNodePerm": "同时搜索当前节点和祖先节点的授权",
- "Secret": "密码",
- "SecretKey": "密钥",
- "SecretKeyStrategy": "密码策略",
- "Secure": "安全",
- "Security": "安全设置",
- "Select": "选择",
- "SelectAdhoc": "选择命令",
- "SelectAll": "全选",
- "SelectAtLeastOneAssetOrNodeErrMsg": "资产或者节点至少选择一项",
- "SelectAttrs": "选择属性",
- "SelectByAttr": "属性筛选",
- "SelectFile": "选择文件",
- "SelectKeyOrCreateNew": "选择标签键或创建新的",
- "SelectLabelFilter": "选择标签筛选",
- "SelectProperties": "选择属性",
- "SelectProvider": "选择平台",
- "SelectProviderMsg": "请选择一个云平台",
- "SelectResource": "选择资源",
- "SelectTemplate": "选择模版",
- "SelectValueOrCreateNew": "选择标签值或创建新的",
- "Selected": "已选择",
- "Selection": "可选择",
- "Selector": "选择器",
- "Send": "发送",
- "SendVerificationCode": "发送验证码",
- "SerialNumber": "序列号",
- "Server": "服务",
- "ServerAccountKey": "服务账号密钥",
- "ServerError": "服务器错误",
- "ServerTime": "服务器时间",
- "IntegrationApplication": "服务对接",
- "Session": "会话",
- "SessionCommands": "会话命令",
- "SessionConnectTrend": "会话连接趋势",
- "SessionData": "会话数据",
- "SessionDetail": "会话详情",
- "SessionID": "会话ID",
- "SessionJoinRecords": "协作记录",
- "SessionList": "会话记录",
- "SessionMonitor": "监控",
- "SessionOffline": "历史会话",
- "SessionOnline": "在线会话",
- "SessionSecurity": "会话安全",
- "SessionState": "会话状态",
- "SessionTerminate": "会话终断",
- "SessionTrend": "会话趋势",
- "Sessions": "会话管理",
- "SessionsAudit": "会话审计",
- "SessionsNum": "会话数",
- "Set": "已设置",
- "SetDingTalk": "设置钉钉认证",
- "SetFailed": "设置失败",
- "SetFeiShu": "设置飞书认证",
- "SetMFA": "MFA 认证",
- "SetSuccess": "设置成功",
- "SetToDefault": "设为默认",
- "Setting": "设置",
- "SettingInEndpointHelpText": "在 系统设置 / 组件设置 / 服务端点 中配置服务地址和端口",
- "Settings": "系统设置",
- "Share": "分享",
- "Show": "显示",
- "ShowAssetAllChildrenNode": "显示所有子节点资产",
- "ShowAssetOnlyCurrentNode": "仅显示当前节点资产",
- "ShowNodeInfo": "显示节点详情",
- "SignChannelNum": "签名通道号",
- "SiteMessage": "站内信",
- "SiteMessageList": "站内信",
- "SiteURLTip": "例如:",
- "Skip": "忽略当前资产",
- "Skipped": "已跳过",
- "Slack": "Slack",
- "SlackOAuth": "Slack 认证",
- "Source": "来源",
- "SourceIP": "源地址",
- "SourcePort": "源端口",
- "Spec": "指定",
- "SpecAccount": "指定账号",
- "SpecAccountTip": "指定用户名选择授权账号",
- "SpecialSymbol": "特殊字符",
- "SpecificInfo": "特殊信息",
- "SshKeyFingerprint": "SSH 指纹",
- "Startswith": "以...开头",
- "State": "状态",
- "StateClosed": "已关闭",
- "StatePrivate": "私有",
- "Status": "状态",
- "StatusGreen": "近期状态良好",
- "StatusRed": "上一次任务执行失败",
- "StatusYellow": "近期存在在执行失败",
- "Step": "步骤",
- "Stop": "停止",
- "StopLogOutput": "Task Canceled:当前任务(currentTaskId)已手动停止,由于每个任务的执行进度不一样,下面是任务最终的执行结果,执行失败表示已成功停止任务执行。",
- "Storage": "存储",
- "StorageSetting": "存储设置",
- "Strategy": "策略",
- "StrategyCreate": "创建策略",
- "StrategyDetail": "策略详情",
- "StrategyHelpTip": "根据策略优先级识别资产(例如平台)的独特属性; 当资产的属性(如节点)可以配置为多个时,策略的所有动作都会被执行。",
- "StrategyList": "策略列表",
- "StrategyUpdate": "更新策略",
- "SuEnabled": "启用账号切换",
- "SuFrom": "切换自",
- "Submit": "提交",
- "SubscriptionID": "订阅授权 ID",
- "Success": "成功",
- "Success/Total": "成功/总数",
- "SuccessAsset": "成功的资产",
- "SuccessfulOperation": "操作成功",
- "Summary": "汇总",
- "Summary(success/total)": "概况( 成功/总数 )",
- "Sunday": "周日",
- "SuperAdmin": "超级管理员",
- "SuperOrgAdmin": "超级管理员+组织管理员",
- "Support": "支持",
- "SupportedProtocol": "支持的协议",
- "SupportedProtocolHelpText": "设置资产支持的协议,点击设置按钮可以为协议修改自定义配置,如 SFTP 目录,RDP AD 域等",
- "Sync": "同步",
- "SyncAction": "同步动作",
- "SyncDelete": "同步删除",
- "SyncDeleteSelected": "同步删除所选",
- "SyncErrorMsg": "同步失败: ",
- "SyncInstanceTaskCreate": "创建同步任务",
- "SyncInstanceTaskDetail": "同步任务详情",
- "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryAssetList": "同步实例列表",
- "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryList": "同步历史列表",
- "SyncInstanceTaskList": "同步任务列表",
- "SyncInstanceTaskUpdate": "更新同步任务",
- "SyncManual": "手动同步",
- "SyncOnline": "在线同步",
- "SyncProtocolToAsset": "同步协议到资产",
- "SyncRegion": "正在同步地域",
- "SyncSelected": "同步所选",
- "SyncSetting": "同步设置",
- "SyncStrategy": "同步策略",
- "SyncSuccessMsg": "同步成功",
- "SyncTask": "同步任务",
- "SyncTiming": "定时同步",
- "SyncUpdateAccountInfo": "同步更新账号信息",
- "SyncUser": "同步用户",
- "SyncedCount": "已同步",
- "SystemError": "系统错误",
- "SystemRole": "系统角色",
- "SystemRoleHelpMsg": "系统角色是平台内所有组织普遍适用的角色。 这些角色允许您为整个系统的用户定义特定的权限和访问级别。 对系统角色的更改将影响使用该平台的所有组织。",
- "SystemRoles": "系统角色",
- "SystemSetting": "系统设置",
- "SystemTasks": "任务列表",
- "SystemTools": "系统工具",
- "TableColSetting": "选择可见属性列",
- "TableSetting": "表格偏好",
- "TagCreate": "创建标签",
- "TagInputFormatValidation": "标签格式错误,正确格式为:name:value",
- "TagList": "标签列表",
- "TagUpdate": "更新标签",
- "Tags": "标签",
- "TailLog": "追踪日志",
- "Target": "目标",
- "TargetResources": "目标资源",
- "Task": "任务",
- "TaskDetail": "任务详情",
- "TaskDone": "任务结束",
- "TaskID": "任务 ID",
- "TaskList": "任务列表",
- "TaskMonitor": "任务监控",
- "TechnologyConsult": "技术咨询",
- "TempPasswordTip": "临时密码有效期为 300 秒,使用后立刻失效",
- "TempToken": "临时密码",
- "TemplateAdd": "模版添加",
- "TemplateCreate": "创建模版",
- "TemplateHelpText": "选择模版添加时,会自动创建资产下不存在的账号并推送",
- "TemplateManagement": "模版管理",
- "TencentCloud": "腾讯云",
- "Terminal": "组件设置",
- "TerminalDetail": "组件详情",
- "TerminalUpdate": "更新终端",
- "TerminalUpdateStorage": "更新终端存储",
- "Terminate": "终断",
- "TerminateTaskSendSuccessMsg": "终断任务已下发,请稍后刷新查看",
- "TermsAndConditions": "条款和条件",
- "Test": "测试",
- "TestAccountConnective": "测试账号可连接性",
- "TestAssetsConnective": "测试资产可连接性",
- "TestConnection": "测试连接",
- "TestGatewayHelpMessage": "如果使用了nat端口映射,请设置为ssh真实监听的端口",
- "TestGatewayTestConnection": "测试连接网关",
- "TestLdapLoginTitle": "测试LDAP 用户登录",
- "TestNodeAssetConnectivity": "测试资产节点可连接性",
- "TestPortErrorMsg": "端口错误,请重新输入",
- "TestSelected": "测试所选",
- "TestSuccessMsg": "测试成功",
- "Thursday": "周四",
- "Ticket": "工单",
- "TicketDetail": "工单详情",
- "TicketFlow": "工单流",
- "TicketFlowCreate": "创建审批流",
- "TicketFlowUpdate": "更新审批流",
- "Tickets": "工单列表",
- "Time": "时间",
- "TimeDelta": "运行时间",
- "TimeExpression": "时间表达式",
- "Timeout": "超时",
- "TimeoutHelpText": "当此值为-1时,不指定超时时间",
- "Timer": "定时执行",
- "Title": "标题",
- "To": "至",
- "Today": "今天",
- "TodayFailedConnections": "今日连接失败数",
- "Token": "令牌",
- "Total": "总共",
- "TotalJobFailed": "执行失败作业数",
- "TotalJobLog": "作业执行总数",
- "TotalJobRunning": "运行中作业数",
- "TotalSyncAsset": "同步资产数(个)",
- "TotalSyncRegion": "同步地域数(个)",
- "TotalSyncStrategy": "绑定策略数(个)",
- "Transfer": "传输",
- "TriggerMode": "触发方式",
- "Tuesday": "周二",
- "TwoAssignee": "二级受理人",
- "TwoAssigneeType": "二级受理人类型",
- "Type": "类型",
- "TypeTree": "类型树",
- "Types": "类型",
- "UCloud": "优刻得(UCloud)",
- "UPPER_CASE_REQUIRED": "必须包含大写字母",
- "UnFavoriteSucceed": "取消收藏成功",
- "UnSyncCount": "未同步",
- "Unbind": "解绑",
- "UnbindHelpText": "本地用户为此认证来源用户,无法解绑",
- "Unblock": "解锁",
- "UnblockSelected": "解锁所选",
- "UnblockSuccessMsg": "解锁成功",
- "UnblockUser": "解锁用户",
- "Uninstall": "卸载",
- "UniqueError": "以下属性只能设置一个",
- "UnlockSuccessMsg": "解锁成功",
- "UnselectedOrg": "没有选择组织",
- "UnselectedUser": "没有选择用户",
- "UpDownload": "上传下载",
- "Update": "更新",
- "UpdateAccount": "更新账号",
- "UpdateAccountTemplate": "更新账号模版",
- "UpdateAssetDetail": "配置更多信息",
- "UpdateAssetUserToken": "更新账号认证信息",
- "UpdateEndpoint": "更新端点",
- "UpdateEndpointRule": "更新端点规则",
- "UpdateErrorMsg": "更新失败",
- "UpdateNodeAssetHardwareInfo": "更新节点资产硬件信息",
- "UpdatePlatformHelpText": "只有资产的原平台类型与所选平台类型相同时才会进行更新,若更新前后的平台类型不同则不会更新。",
- "UpdateSSHKey": "更新SSH公钥",
- "UpdateSelected": "更新所选",
- "UpdateSuccessMsg": "更新成功",
- "Updated": "已更新",
- "Upload": "上传",
- "UploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "只能上传 csv/xlsx, 且不超过 10M",
- "UploadDir": "上传目录",
- "UploadFileLthHelpText": "只能上传小于{limit}MB文件",
- "UploadHelpText": "请上传包含以下示例结构目录的 .zip 压缩文件",
- "UploadPlaybook": "上传 Playbook",
- "UploadSucceed": "上传成功",
- "UploadZipTips": "请上传 zip 格式的文件",
- "Uploading": "文件上传中",
- "Uppercase": "大写字母",
- "UseProtocol": "使用协议",
- "UseSSL": "使用 SSL/TLS",
- "User": "用户",
- "UserAclLists": "用户登录规则",
- "UserAssetActivity": "账号/资产活跃情况",
- "UserCreate": "创建用户",
- "UserData": "用户数据",
- "UserDetail": "用户详情",
- "UserGroupCreate": "创建用户组",
- "UserGroupDetail": "用户组详情",
- "UserGroupList": "用户组",
- "UserGroupUpdate": "更新用户组",
- "UserGroups": "用户组",
- "UserList": "用户列表",
- "UserLoginACLHelpMsg": "登录系统时,可以根据用户的登录 IP 和时间段进行审核,判断是否可以登录系统(全局生效)",
- "UserLoginACLHelpText": "登录系统时,可以根据用户的登录 IP 和时间段进行审核,判断是否可以登录",
- "UserLoginAclCreate": "创建用户登录控制",
- "UserLoginAclDetail": "用户登录控制详情",
- "UserLoginAclList": "用户登录",
- "UserLoginAclUpdate": "更新用户登录控制",
- "UserLoginLimit": "用户登录限制",
- "UserLoginTrend": "账号登录趋势",
- "UserPasswordChangeLog": "用户密码修改日志",
- "UserSession": "用户会话",
- "UserSwitchFrom": "切换自",
- "UserUpdate": "更新用户",
- "Username": "用户名",
- "UsernamePlaceholder": "请输入用户名",
- "Users": "用户",
- "UsersAmount": "用户",
- "UsersAndUserGroups": "用户/用户组",
- "UsersTotal": "用户总数",
- "Valid": "有效",
- "Variable": "变量",
- "VariableHelpText": "您可以在命令中使用 {{ key }} 读取内置变量",
- "VaultHCPMountPoint": "Vault 服务器的挂载点,默认为 jumpserver",
- "VaultHelpText": "1. 由于安全原因,需要配置文件中开启 Vault 存储。
2. 开启后,填写其他配置,进行测试。
3. 进行数据同步,同步是单向的,只会从本地数据库同步到远端 Vault,同步完成本地数据库不再存储密码,请备份好数据。
4. 二次修改 Vault 配置后需重启服务。",
- "VerificationCodeSent": "验证码已发送",
- "VerifySignTmpl": "验证码短信模板",
- "Version": "版本",
- "View": "查看",
- "ViewMore": "查看更多",
- "ViewPerm": "查看授权",
- "ViewSecret": "查看密文",
- "VirtualAccountDetail": "虚拟账号详情",
- "VirtualAccountHelpMsg": "虚拟账户是连接资产时具有特定用途的专用账户。",
- "VirtualAccountUpdate": "虚拟账号更新",
- "VirtualAccounts": "虚拟账号",
- "VirtualApp": "虚拟应用",
- "VirtualAppDetail": "虚拟应用详情",
- "VirtualApps": "虚拟应用",
- "Volcengine": "火山引擎",
- "Warning": "警告",
- "WeChat": "微信",
- "WeCom": "企业微信",
- "WeComOAuth": "企业微信认证",
- "WeComTest": "测试",
- "WebCreate": "创建资产-Web",
- "WebHelpMessage": "Web 类型资产依赖于远程应用,请前往系统设置在远程应用中配置",
- "WebSocketDisconnect": "WebSocket 断开",
- "WebTerminal": "Web终端",
- "WebUpdate": "更新资产-Web",
- "Wednesday": "周三",
- "Week": "周",
- "WeekAdd": "本周新增",
- "WeekOrTime": "星期/时间",
- "WildcardsAllowed": "允许的通配符",
- "WindowsPushHelpText": "windows 资产暂不支持推送密钥",
- "WordSep": "",
- "Workbench": "工作台",
- "Workspace": "工作空间",
- "Yes": "是",
- "YourProfile": "个人信息",
- "ZStack": "ZStack",
- "Zone": "网域",
- "ZoneCreate": "创建网域",
- "ZoneEnabled": "启用网关",
- "ZoneHelpMessage": "网域是资产所在的位置,可以是机房,公有云 或者 VPC。网域中可以设置网关,当网络不能直达的时候,可以使用网关跳转登录到资产",
- "ZoneList": "网域列表",
- "ZoneUpdate": "更新网域",
- "disallowSelfUpdateFields": "不允许自己修改当前字段",
- "forceEnableMFAHelpText": "如果强制启用,用户无法自行禁用",
- "removeWarningMsg": "你确定要移除",
- "TaskPath": "任务路径"
+ "ACLs": "访问控制",
+ "APIKey": "API Key",
+ "AWS_China": "AWS(中国)",
+ "AWS_Int": "AWS(国际)",
+ "About": "关于",
+ "Accept": "同意",
+ "AccessIP": "IP 白名单",
+ "AccessKey": "访问密钥",
+ "Account": "账号",
+ "AccountAmount": "账号数量",
+ "AccountBackup": "账号备份",
+ "AccountBackupCreate": "创建账号备份",
+ "AccountBackupDetail": "账号备份详情",
+ "AccountBackupList": "账号备份列表",
+ "AccountBackupUpdate": "更新账号备份",
+ "AccountChangeSecret": "账号改密",
+ "AccountChangeSecretDetail": "账号改密详情",
+ "AccountDeleteConfirmMsg": "删除账号,是否继续?",
+ "AccountDiscoverDetail": "账号发现详情",
+ "AccountDiscoverList": "账号发现",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskCreate": "创建账号发现任务",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskList": "账号发现任务",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskUpdate": "更新账号发现任务",
+ "AccountExportTips": "导出信息中包含账号密文涉及敏感信息,导出的格式为一个加密的zip文件(若没有设置加密密码,请前往个人信息中设置文件加密密码)。",
+ "AccountList": "账号列表",
+ "AccountPolicy": "账号策略",
+ "AccountPolicyHelpText": "创建时对于不符合要求的账号,如:密钥类型不合规,唯一键约束,可选择以上策略。",
+ "AccountPushCreate": "创建账号推送",
+ "AccountPushDetail": "账号推送详情",
+ "AccountPushList": "账号推送",
+ "AccountPushUpdate": "更新账号推送",
+ "AccountStorage": "账号存储",
+ "AccountTemplate": "账号模版",
+ "AccountTemplateList": "账号模版列表",
+ "AccountTemplateUpdateSecretHelpText": "账号列表展示通过模版创建的账号。更新密文时,会更新通过模版所创建账号的密文。",
+ "Accounts": "账号",
+ "Action": "动作",
+ "ActionCount": "动作数量",
+ "ActionSetting": "动作设置",
+ "Actions": "操作",
+ "ActionsTips": "各个权限作用协议不尽相同,点击权限后面的图标查看",
+ "Activate": "激活",
+ "ActivateSelected": "激活所选",
+ "ActivateSuccessMsg": "激活成功",
+ "Active": "激活中",
+ "ActiveAsset": "近期被登录过",
+ "ActiveAssetRanking": "登录资产排名",
+ "ActiveUser": "近期登录过",
+ "ActiveUsers": "活跃用户",
+ "Activity": "活动",
+ "Add": "新增",
+ "AddAccount": "新增账号",
+ "AddAccountByTemplate": "从模板添加账号",
+ "AddAccountResult": "账号批量添加结果",
+ "AddAllMembersWarningMsg": "你确定要添加全部成员?",
+ "AddAsset": "添加资产",
+ "AddAssetInDomain": "在域中添加资产",
+ "AddAssetToNode": "添加资产到节点",
+ "AddAssetToThisPermission": "添加资产",
+ "AddGatewayInDomain": "在域中添加网关",
+ "AddInDetailText": "创建或更新成功后,添加详细信息",
+ "AddNode": "添加节点",
+ "AddNodeToThisPermission": "添加节点",
+ "AddPassKey": "添加 Passkey(通行密钥)",
+ "AddRolePermissions": "创建/更新成功后,详情中添加权限",
+ "AddSuccessMsg": "添加成功",
+ "AddUserGroupToThisPermission": "添加用户组",
+ "AddUserToThisPermission": "添加用户",
+ "Address": "地址",
+ "AdhocCreate": "创建命令",
+ "AdhocDetail": "命令详情",
+ "AdhocManage": "脚本管理",
+ "AdhocUpdate": "更新命令",
+ "Advanced": "高级设置",
+ "AfterChange": "变更后",
+ "AjaxError404": "404 请求错误",
+ "AlibabaCloud": "阿里云",
+ "Aliyun": "阿里云",
+ "All": "全部",
+ "AllAccountTip": "资产上已添加的所有账号",
+ "AllAccounts": "所有账号",
+ "AllClickRead": "全部已读",
+ "AllMembers": "全部成员",
+ "AllowInvalidCert": "忽略证书检查",
+ "Announcement": "公告",
+ "AnonymousAccount": "匿名账号",
+ "AnonymousAccountTip": "连接资产时不使用用户名和密码,仅支持 web类型 和 自定义类型 的资产",
+ "ApiKey": "API Key",
+ "ApiKeyList": "使用 Api key 签名请求头进行认证,每个请求的头部是不一样的, 相对于 Token 方式,更加安全,请查阅文档使用;
为降低泄露风险,Secret 仅在生成时可以查看, 每个用户最多支持创建 10 个",
+ "ApiKeyWarning": "为降低 AccessKey 泄露的风险,只在创建时提供 Secret,后续不可再进行查询,请妥善保存。",
+ "AppEndpoint": "应用接入地址",
+ "AppOps": "任务中心",
+ "AppProvider": "应用提供者",
+ "AppProviderDetail": "应用提供者详情",
+ "AppletDetail": "远程应用",
+ "AppletHelpText": "在上传过程中,如果应用不存在,则创建该应用;如果已存在,则进行应用更新。",
+ "AppletHostCreate": "添加远程应用发布机",
+ "AppletHostDetail": "远程应用发布机详情",
+ "AppletHostSelectHelpMessage": "连接资产时,应用发布机选择是随机的(但优先选择上次使用的),如果想为某个资产固定发布机,可以指定标签 <发布机:发布机名称> 或 ;
连接该发布机选择账号时,以下情况会选择用户的 同名账号 或 专有账号(js开头),否则使用公用账号(jms开头):
1. 发布机和应用都支持并发;
2. 发布机支持并发,应用不支持并发,当前应用没有使用专有账号;
3. 发布机不支持并发,应用支持并发或不支持,没有任一应用使用专有账号;
注意: 应用支不支持并发是开发者决定,主机支不支持是发布机配置中的 单用户单会话决定",
+ "AppletHostUpdate": "更新远程应用发布机",
+ "AppletHostZoneHelpText": "这里的网域属于 System 组织",
+ "AppletHosts": "应用发布机",
+ "Applets": "远程应用",
+ "Applicant": "申请人",
+ "Applications": "应用管理",
+ "ApplyAsset": "申请资产",
+ "ApplyFromCMDFilterRule": "命令过滤规则",
+ "ApplyFromSession": "会话",
+ "ApplyInfo": "申请信息",
+ "ApplyLoginAccount": "登录账号",
+ "ApplyLoginAsset": "登录资产",
+ "ApplyLoginUser": "登录用户",
+ "ApplyRunAsset": "申请运行的资产",
+ "ApplyRunCommand": "申请运行的命令",
+ "ApplyRunUser": "申请运行的用户",
+ "Appoint": "指定",
+ "ApprovaLevel": "审批信息",
+ "ApprovalLevel": "审批级别",
+ "ApprovalProcess": "审批流程",
+ "ApprovalSelected": "批量审批",
+ "Approved": "已同意",
+ "ApproverNumbers": "审批人数量",
+ "ApsaraStack": "阿里云专有云",
+ "Asset": "资产",
+ "AssetAccount": "账号列表",
+ "AssetAccountDetail": "账号详情",
+ "AssetAclCreate": "创建资产登录规则",
+ "AssetAclDetail": "资产登录规则详情",
+ "AssetAclList": "资产登录",
+ "AssetAclUpdate": "更新资产登录规则",
+ "AssetAddress": "资产(IP/主机名)",
+ "AssetAmount": "资产数量",
+ "AssetAndNode": "资产/节点",
+ "AssetBulkUpdateTips": "网络设备、云服务、web,不支持批量更新网域",
+ "AssetChangeSecretCreate": "创建账号改密",
+ "AssetChangeSecretUpdate": "更新账号改密",
+ "AssetData": "资产数据",
+ "AssetDetail": "资产详情",
+ "AssetList": "资产列表",
+ "AssetListHelpMessage": "左侧是资产树,右击可以新建、删除、更改树节点,授权资产也是以节点方式组织的,右侧是属于该节点下的资产\n",
+ "AssetLoginACLHelpMsg": "登录资产时,可以根据用户的登录 IP 和时间段进行审核,判断是否可以登录资产",
+ "AssetLoginACLHelpText": "登录资产时,可以根据用户的登录 IP 和时间段进行审核,判断是否可以登录资产",
+ "AssetName": "资产名称",
+ "AssetPermission": "资产授权",
+ "AssetPermissionCreate": "创建资产授权规则",
+ "AssetPermissionDetail": "资产授权详情",
+ "AssetPermissionHelpMsg": "资产授权允许您选择用户和资产,将资产授权给用户以便访问。一旦授权完成,用户便可便捷地浏览这些资产。此外,您还可以设置特定的权限位,以进一步定义用户对资产的权限范围。",
+ "AssetPermissionRules": "资产授权规则",
+ "AssetPermissionUpdate": "更新资产授权规则",
+ "AssetPermsAmount": "资产授权数量",
+ "AssetProtocolHelpText": "资产支持的协议受平台限制,点击设置按钮可以查看协议的设置。 如果需要更新,请更新平台",
+ "AssetTree": "资产树",
+ "Assets": "资产管理",
+ "AssetsAmount": "资产数量",
+ "AssetsOfNumber": "资产数",
+ "AssetsTotal": "资产总数",
+ "AssignedInfo": "审批信息",
+ "Assignee": "处理人",
+ "Assignees": "待处理人",
+ "AttrName": "属性名",
+ "AttrValue": "属性值",
+ "Audits": "审计台",
+ "Auth": "认证设置",
+ "AuthConfig": "配置认证",
+ "AuthLimit": "登录限制",
+ "AuthSAMLCertHelpText": "上传证书密钥后保存, 然后查看 SP Metadata",
+ "AuthSAMLKeyHelpText": "SP 证书和密钥 是用来和 IDP 加密通信的",
+ "AuthSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "左侧的键为 SAML2 用户属性,右侧的值为认证平台用户属性",
+ "AuthSecurity": "认证安全",
+ "AuthSettings": "认证配置",
+ "AuthUserAttrMapHelpText": "左侧的键为 JumpServer 用户属性,右侧的值为认证平台用户属性",
+ "Authentication": "认证",
+ "AutoPush": "自动推送",
+ "Automations": "自动化",
+ "AverageTimeCost": "平均花费时间",
+ "AwaitingMyApproval": "待我审批",
+ "Azure": "Azure (中国)",
+ "Azure_Int": "Azure (国际)",
+ "Backup": "备份",
+ "BackupAccountsHelpText": "备份账号信息到外部。可以存储到外部系统或发送邮件,支持分段方式",
+ "BadConflictErrorMsg": "正在刷新中,请稍后再试",
+ "BadRequestErrorMsg": "请求错误,请检查填写内容",
+ "BadRoleErrorMsg": "请求错误,无该操作权限",
+ "BaiduCloud": "百度云",
+ "BaseAccount": "账号",
+ "BaseAccountBackup": "账号备份",
+ "BaseAccountChangeSecret": "账号改密",
+ "BaseAccountDiscover": "账号采集",
+ "BaseAccountPush": "账号推送",
+ "BaseAccountTemplate": "账号模版",
+ "BaseApplets": "应用",
+ "BaseAssetAclList": "登录授权",
+ "BaseAssetList": "资产列表",
+ "BaseAssetPermission": "资产授权",
+ "BaseCloudAccountList": "云账号列表",
+ "BaseCloudSync": "云同步",
+ "BaseCmdACL": "命令授权",
+ "BaseCmdGroups": "命令组",
+ "BaseCommandFilterAclList": "命令过滤",
+ "BaseConnectMethodACL": "连接方式授权",
+ "BaseFlowSetUp": "流程设置",
+ "BaseJobManagement": "作业管理",
+ "BaseLoginLog": "登录日志",
+ "BaseMyAssets": "我的资产",
+ "BaseOperateLog": "操作日志",
+ "BasePort": "监听端口",
+ "BaseSessions": "会话",
+ "BaseStorage": "存储",
+ "BaseStrategy": "策略",
+ "BaseSystemTasks": "任务",
+ "BaseTags": "标签",
+ "BaseTerminal": "终端",
+ "BaseTickets": "工单列表",
+ "BaseUserLoginAclList": "用户登录",
+ "Basic": "基本设置",
+ "BasicInfo": "基本信息",
+ "BasicSettings": "基本设置",
+ "BatchConsent": "批量同意",
+ "BatchDeployment": "批量部署",
+ "BatchProcessing": "批量处理(选中 {number} 项)",
+ "BatchReject": "批量拒绝",
+ "BatchTest": "批量测试",
+ "BeforeChange": "变更前",
+ "Beian": "备案",
+ "BelongAll": "同时包含",
+ "BelongTo": "任意包含",
+ "Bind": "绑定",
+ "BindLabel": "绑定标签",
+ "BindResource": "关联资源",
+ "BindSuccess": "绑定成功",
+ "BlockedIPS": "已锁定的 IP",
+ "BuiltinVariable": "内置变量",
+ "BulkClearErrorMsg": "批量清除失败:",
+ "BulkDeleteErrorMsg": "批量删除失败:",
+ "BulkDeleteSuccessMsg": "批量删除成功",
+ "BulkDeploy": "批量部署",
+ "BulkRemoveErrorMsg": "批量移除失败:",
+ "BulkRemoveSuccessMsg": "批量移除成功",
+ "BulkSyncErrorMsg": "批量同步失败:",
+ "CACertificate": "CA 证书",
+ "CAS": "CAS",
+ "CMPP2": "CMPP v2.0",
+ "CalculationResults": "cron 表达式错误",
+ "CallRecords": "调用记录",
+ "CanDragSelect": "可拖动鼠标选择时间段;未选择等同全选",
+ "Cancel": "取消",
+ "CancelCollection": "取消收藏",
+ "CancelTicket": "取消工单",
+ "CannotAccess": "无法访问当前页面",
+ "Category": "类别",
+ "CeleryTaskLog": "Celery任务日志",
+ "Certificate": "证书",
+ "CertificateKey": "客户端密钥",
+ "ChangeCredentials": "账号改密",
+ "ChangeCredentialsHelpText": "定时修改账号密钥密码。账号随机生成密码,并同步到目标资产,如果同步成功,更新该账号的密码",
+ "ChangeField": "变更字段",
+ "ChangeOrganization": "更改组织",
+ "ChangePassword": "更新密码",
+ "ChangeSecretParams": "改密参数",
+ "ChangeViewHelpText": "点击切换不同视图",
+ "Chat": "聊天",
+ "ChatAI": "智能问答",
+ "ChatHello": "你好!我能为你提供什么帮助?",
+ "ChdirHelpText": "默认执行目录为执行用户的 home 目录",
+ "CheckAssetsAmount": "校对资产数量",
+ "CheckViewAcceptor": "点击查看受理人",
+ "CleanHelpText": "定期清理任务会在 每天凌晨 2 点执行, 清理后的数据将无法恢复",
+ "Cleaning": "定期清理",
+ "Clear": "清除",
+ "ClearErrorMsg": "清除失败:",
+ "ClearScreen": "清屏",
+ "ClearSecret": "清除密文",
+ "ClearSelection": "清空选择",
+ "ClearSuccessMsg": "清除成功",
+ "ClickCopy": "点击复制",
+ "ClientCertificate": "客户端证书",
+ "Clipboard": "剪贴板",
+ "ClipboardCopyPaste": "剪贴板复制粘贴",
+ "Clone": "克隆",
+ "Close": "关闭",
+ "CloseConfirm": "确认关闭",
+ "CloseConfirmMessage": "文件发生变化,是否保存?",
+ "CloseStatus": "已完成",
+ "Closed": "已完成",
+ "CloudAccountCreate": "创建云平台账号",
+ "CloudAccountDetail": "云平台账号详情",
+ "CloudAccountList": "云平台账号",
+ "CloudAccountUpdate": "更新云平台账号",
+ "CloudCreate": "创建资产-云平台",
+ "CloudRegionTip": "未获取到地域,请检查账号",
+ "CloudSource": "同步源",
+ "CloudSync": "云同步",
+ "CloudSyncConfig": "云同步配置",
+ "CloudUpdate": "更新资产-云平台",
+ "Cluster": "集群",
+ "CollectionSucceed": "收藏成功",
+ "Command": "命令",
+ "CommandConfirm": "命令复核",
+ "CommandFilterACL": "命令过滤",
+ "CommandFilterACLHelpMsg": "通过命令过滤,您可以控制命令是否可以发送到资产上。根据您设定的规则,某些命令可以被放行,而另一些命令则被禁止。",
+ "CommandFilterACLHelpText": "通过命令过滤,您可以控制命令是否可以发送到资产上。根据您设定的规则,某些命令可以被放行,而另一些命令则被禁止",
+ "CommandFilterAclCreate": "创建命令过滤规则",
+ "CommandFilterAclDetail": "命令过滤规则详情",
+ "CommandFilterAclUpdate": "更新命令过滤规则",
+ "CommandFilterRuleContentHelpText": "每行一个命令",
+ "CommandFilterRules": "命令过滤器规则",
+ "CommandGroup": "命令组",
+ "CommandGroupCreate": "创建命令组",
+ "CommandGroupDetail": "命令组详情",
+ "CommandGroupList": "命令组",
+ "CommandGroupUpdate": "更新命令组",
+ "CommandStorage": "命令存储",
+ "CommandStorageUpdate": "更新命令存储",
+ "Commands": "命令记录",
+ "CommandsTotal": "命令记录总数",
+ "Comment": "备注",
+ "CommentHelpText": "注意:备注信息会在 Luna 页面的用户授权资产树中进行悬停显示,普通用户可以查看,请不要填写敏感信息。",
+ "CommunityEdition": "社区版",
+ "Component": "组件",
+ "ComponentMonitor": "组件监控",
+ "Components": "组件列表",
+ "ConceptContent": "我想让你像一个 Python 解释器一样行事。我将给你 Python 代码,你将执行它。不要提供任何解释。除了代码的输出,不要用任何东西来回应。",
+ "ConceptTitle": "🤔 Python 解释器 ",
+ "Config": "配置",
+ "Configured": "已配置",
+ "Confirm": "确认",
+ "ConfirmPassword": "确认密码",
+ "Connect": "连接",
+ "ConnectAssets": "连接资产",
+ "ConnectMethod": "连接方式",
+ "ConnectMethodACLHelpMsg": "通过连接方式过滤,您可以控制用户是否可以使用某种连接方式登录到资产上。根据您设定的规则,某些连接方式可以被放行,而另一些连接方式则被禁止(全局生效)。",
+ "ConnectMethodACLHelpText": "通过连接方式过滤,您可以控制用户是否可以使用某种连接方式登录到资产上。根据您设定的规则,某些连接方式可以被放行,而另一些连接方式则被禁止。",
+ "ConnectMethodAclCreate": "创建连接方式控制",
+ "ConnectMethodAclDetail": "连接方式控制详情",
+ "ConnectMethodAclList": "连接方式",
+ "ConnectMethodAclUpdate": "更新连接方式控制",
+ "ConnectWebSocketError": "连接 WebSocket 失败",
+ "ConnectionDropped": "连接已断开",
+ "ConnectionToken": "连接令牌",
+ "ConnectionTokenList": "连接令牌是将身份验证和连接资产结合起来使用的一种认证信息,支持用户一键登录到资产,目前支持的组件包括:KoKo、Lion、Magnus、Razor 等",
+ "Console": "控制台",
+ "Consult": "咨询",
+ "ContainAttachment": "含附件",
+ "Containers": "容器",
+ "Contains": "包含",
+ "Continue": "继续",
+ "ConvenientOperate": "便捷操作",
+ "Copy": "复制",
+ "CopySuccess": "复制成功",
+ "Corporation": "公司",
+ "Create": "创建",
+ "CreateAccessKey": "创建访问密钥",
+ "CreateAccountTemplate": "创建账号模版",
+ "CreateCommandStorage": "创建命令存储",
+ "CreateEndpoint": "创建端点",
+ "CreateEndpointRule": "创建端点规则",
+ "CreateErrorMsg": "创建失败",
+ "CreateNode": "创建节点",
+ "CreatePlaybook": "创建 Playbook",
+ "CreateReplayStorage": "创建对象存储",
+ "CreateSuccessMsg": "创建成功",
+ "CreateUserContent": "创建用户内容",
+ "CreateUserSetting": "创建用户内容",
+ "Created": "已创建",
+ "CreatedBy": "创建者",
+ "CriticalLoad": "严重",
+ "CronExpression": "crontab完整表达式",
+ "Crontab": "定时任务",
+ "CrontabDiffError": "请确保定期执行的时间间隔不少于十分钟!",
+ "CrontabHelpText": "如果同时设置了 interval 和 crontab,则优先考虑 crontab",
+ "CrontabHelpTip": "例如:每周日 03:05 执行 <5 3 * * 0>
使用 5 位 linux crontab 表达式 (在线工具)
+ "CrontabOfCreateUpdatePage": "例如:每周日 03:05 执行 <5 3 * * 0>
使用5位 Linux crontab 表达式 <分 时 日 月 星期> (在线工具)
+ "CurrentConnectionUsers": "当前会话用户数",
+ "CurrentConnections": "当前连接数",
+ "CurrentUserVerify": "验证当前用户",
+ "Custom": "自定义",
+ "CustomCol": "自定义列表字段",
+ "CustomCreate": "创建资产-自定义",
+ "CustomFields": "自定义属性",
+ "CustomFile": "请将自定义的文件放到指定目录下(data/sms/,并在 config.txt 中启用配置项 SMS_CUSTOM_FILE_MD5=<文件md5值>",
+ "CustomHelpMessage": "自定义类型资产,依赖于远程应用,请前往系统设置在远程应用中配置",
+ "CustomParams": "左侧为短信平台接收的参数,右侧为JumpServer待格式化参数,最终如下:
{\"phone_numbers\": \"123,134\", \"content\": \"验证码为: 666666\"}",
+ "CustomUpdate": "更新资产-自定义",
+ "CustomUser": "自定义用户",
+ "CycleFromWeek": "周期从星期",
+ "CyclePerform": "周期执行",
+ "Danger": "危险",
+ "DangerCommand": "危险命令",
+ "DangerousCommandNum": "危险命令数",
+ "Dashboard": "仪表盘",
+ "DataLastUsed": "最后使用日期",
+ "Database": "数据库",
+ "DatabaseCreate": "创建资产-数据库",
+ "DatabasePort": "数据库协议端口",
+ "DatabaseUpdate": "更新资产-数据库",
+ "Date": "日期",
+ "DateCreated": "创建时间",
+ "DateEnd": "结束日期",
+ "DateExpired": "失效日期",
+ "DateFinished": "完成日期",
+ "DateJoined": "创建日期",
+ "DateLast24Hours": "最近一天",
+ "DateLast3Months": "最近三月",
+ "DateLastHarfYear": "最近半年",
+ "DateLastLogin": "最后登录日期",
+ "DateLastMonth": "最近一月",
+ "DateLastSync": "最后同步日期",
+ "DateLastWeek": "最近一周",
+ "DateLastYear": "最近一年",
+ "DatePasswordLastUpdated": "最后更新密码日期",
+ "DateStart": "开始日期",
+ "DateSync": "同步日期",
+ "DateUpdated": "更新日期",
+ "Datetime": "日期时间",
+ "Day": "日",
+ "DeclassificationLogNum": "改密日志数",
+ "DefaultDatabase": "默认数据库",
+ "DefaultPort": "默认端口",
+ "Delete": "删除",
+ "DeleteConfirmMessage": "删除后无法恢复,是否继续?",
+ "DeleteErrorMsg": "删除失败",
+ "DeleteNode": "删除节点",
+ "DeleteOrgMsg": "用户,用户组,资产,节点,标签,网域,资产授权",
+ "DeleteOrgTitle": "请确保组织内的以下资源已删除",
+ "DeleteReleasedAssets": "删除已释放资产",
+ "DeleteSelected": "删除所选",
+ "DeleteSuccess": "删除成功",
+ "DeleteSuccessMsg": "删除成功",
+ "DeleteWarningMsg": "你确定要删除",
+ "Deploy": "部署",
+ "Description": "描述",
+ "DestinationIP": "目的地址",
+ "DestinationPort": "目的端口",
+ "Detail": "详情",
+ "DeviceCreate": "创建资产-网络设备",
+ "DeviceUpdate": "更新资产-网络设备",
+ "Digit": "数字",
+ "DingTalk": "钉钉",
+ "DingTalkOAuth": "钉钉认证",
+ "DingTalkTest": "测试",
+ "Disable": "禁用",
+ "DisableSelected": "禁用所选",
+ "DisableSuccessMsg": "禁用成功",
+ "DiscoverAccounts": "账号发现",
+ "DiscoverAccountsHelpText": "收集资产上的账号信息。收集后的账号信息可以导入到系统中,方便统一管理",
+ "DiscoveredAccountList": "发现的账号",
+ "DisplayName": "名称",
+ "Docs": "文档",
+ "Download": "下载",
+ "DownloadCenter": "下载中心",
+ "DownloadFTPFileTip": "当前动作不记录文件,或者文件大小超过阈值(默认100M),或者还未保存到对应存储中",
+ "DownloadImportTemplateMsg": "下载创建模板",
+ "DownloadReplay": "下载录像",
+ "DownloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "下载更新模板",
+ "DragUploadFileInfo": "将文件拖到此处,或点击此处上传",
+ "DropConfirmMsg": "你想移动节点: {src} 到 {dst} 下吗?",
+ "Duplicate": "副本",
+ "DuplicateFileExists": "不允许上传同名文件,请删除同名文件",
+ "Duration": "时长",
+ "DynamicUsername": "动态用户名",
+ "Edit": "编辑",
+ "EditRecipient": "编辑接收人",
+ "Edition": "版本",
+ "Email": "邮箱",
+ "EmailContent": "邮件内容定制",
+ "EmailTemplate": "邮件模版",
+ "EmailTemplateHelpTip": "邮件模版是用于发送邮件的模版,包括邮件标题前缀和邮件内容",
+ "EmailTest": "测试连接",
+ "Empty": "空",
+ "Enable": "启用",
+ "EnableDomain": "启用网域",
+ "EnableKoKoSSHHelpText": "开启时连接资产会显示 SSH Client 拉起方式",
+ "Endpoint": "服务端点",
+ "EndpointListHelpMessage": "服务端点是用户访问服务的地址(端口),当用户在连接资产时,会根据端点规则和资产标签选择服务端点,作为访问入口建立连接,实现分布式连接资产",
+ "EndpointRuleListHelpMessage": "对于服务端点选择策略,目前支持两种:
2、通过资产标签选择端点,标签名固定是 endpoint,值是端点的名称。
两种方式优先使用标签匹配,因为 IP 段可能冲突,标签方式是作为规则的补充存在的。",
+ "EndpointRules": "端点规则",
+ "Endpoints": "服务端点",
+ "Endswith": "以...结尾",
+ "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo1": "请确保该值大于或者等于 1",
+ "EnterForSearch": "按下 Enter 进行搜索",
+ "EnterRunUser": "输入运行用户",
+ "EnterRunningPath": "输入运行路径",
+ "EnterToContinue": "按下 Enter 继续输入",
+ "EnterUploadPath": "输入上传路径",
+ "Enterprise": "企业版",
+ "EnterpriseEdition": "企业版",
+ "Equal": "等于",
+ "Error": "错误",
+ "ErrorMsg": "错误",
+ "EsDisabled": "节点不可用, 请联系管理员",
+ "EsIndex": "es 提供默认 index:jumpserver。如果开启按日期建立索引,那么输入的值会作为索引前缀",
+ "EsUrl": "不能包含特殊字符 `#`;eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
+ "Every": "每",
+ "Exclude": "不包含",
+ "ExcludeAsset": "跳过的资产",
+ "ExcludeSymbol": "排除字符",
+ "ExecCloudSyncErrorMsg": "云账号配置不完整,请更新后重试",
+ "Execute": "执行",
+ "ExecuteOnce": "执行一次",
+ "ExecutionDetail": "执行详情",
+ "ExecutionList": "执行记录",
+ "ExistError": "这个元素已经存在",
+ "Existing": "已存在",
+ "ExpirationTimeout": "过期超时时间(秒)",
+ "Expire": " 过期",
+ "Expired": "过期时间",
+ "Export": "导出",
+ "ExportAll": "导出所有",
+ "ExportOnlyFiltered": "仅导出搜索结果",
+ "ExportOnlySelectedItems": "仅导出选择项",
+ "ExportRange": "导出范围",
+ "FC": "Fusion Compute",
+ "Failed": "失败",
+ "FailedAsset": "失败的资产",
+ "FaviconTip": "提示:网站图标(建议图片大小为: 16px*16px)",
+ "Features": "功能设置",
+ "FeiShu": "飞书",
+ "FeiShuOAuth": "飞书认证",
+ "FeiShuTest": "测试",
+ "FieldRequiredError": "此字段是必填项",
+ "FileExplorer": "文件管理",
+ "FileManagement": "文件管理",
+ "FileNameTooLong": "文件名太长",
+ "FileSizeExceedsLimit": "文件大小超出限制",
+ "FileTransfer": "文件传输",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips1": "选择一个资产或节点",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips2": "选择运行帐户并输入命令",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips3": "传输,显示输出结果",
+ "FileTransferNum": "文件传输数",
+ "FileType": "文件类型",
+ "Filename": "文件名",
+ "FingerPrint": "指纹",
+ "Finished": "完成",
+ "FinishedTicket": "完成工单",
+ "FirstLogin": "首次登录",
+ "FlowSetUp": "流程设置",
+ "Footer": "页脚",
+ "ForgotPasswordURL": "忘记密码链接",
+ "FormatError": "格式错误",
+ "Friday": "周五",
+ "From": "从",
+ "FromTicket": "来自工单",
+ "FullName": "全称",
+ "FullySynchronous": "资产完全同步",
+ "FullySynchronousHelpTip": "当资产条件不满足匹配政策规则时是否继续同步该资产",
+ "GCP": "谷歌云",
+ "GPTCreate": "创建资产-GPT",
+ "GPTUpdate": "更新资产-GPT",
+ "Gateway": "网关",
+ "GatewayCreate": "创建网关",
+ "GatewayList": "网关列表",
+ "GatewayPlatformHelpText": "网关平台只能选择以 Gateway 开头的平台",
+ "GatewayUpdate": "更新网关",
+ "General": "基本",
+ "GeneralAccounts": "普通账号",
+ "GeneralSetting": "通用配置",
+ "Generate": "生成",
+ "GenerateAccounts": "重新生成账号",
+ "GenerateSuccessMsg": "账号生成成功",
+ "GoHomePage": "去往首页",
+ "Goto": "转到",
+ "GrantedAssets": "授权的资产",
+ "GreatEqualThan": "大于等于",
+ "GroupsAmount": "用户组",
+ "HTTPSRequiredForSupport": "需要 HTTPS 支持,才能开启",
+ "HandleTicket": "处理工单",
+ "Hardware": "硬件信息",
+ "HardwareInfo": "硬件信息",
+ "HasImportErrorItemMsg": "存在导入失败项,点击左侧 x 查看失败原因,点击表格编辑后,可以继续导入失败项",
+ "Help": "帮助",
+ "HighLoad": "较高",
+ "HistoricalSessionNum": "历史会话数",
+ "History": "历史记录",
+ "HistoryDate": "日期",
+ "HistoryPassword": "历史密码",
+ "HistoryRecord": "历史记录",
+ "Host": "资产",
+ "HostCreate": "创建资产-主机",
+ "HostDeployment": "发布机部署",
+ "HostList": "主机列表",
+ "HostUpdate": "更新资产-主机",
+ "HostnameStrategy": "用于生成资产主机名。例如:1. 实例名称 (instanceDemo);2. 实例名称和部分IP(后两位) (instanceDemo-250.1)",
+ "Hour": "小时",
+ "HuaweiCloud": "华为云",
+ "HuaweiPrivateCloud": "华为私有云",
+ "IAgree": "我同意",
+ "ID": "ID",
+ "IP": "IP",
+ "IPLoginLimit": "IP 登录限制",
+ "IPMatch": "IP 匹配",
+ "IPNetworkSegment": "IP网段",
+ "IPType": "IP 类型",
+ "Id": "ID",
+ "IdeaContent": "我想让你充当一个 Linux 终端。我将输入命令,你将回答终端应该显示的内容。我希望你只在一个独特的代码块内回复终端输出,而不是其他。不要写解释。当我需要告诉你一些事情时,我会把文字放在大括号里{备注文本}。",
+ "IdeaTitle": "🌱 Linux 终端",
+ "IdpMetadataHelpText": "IDP Metadata URL 和 IDP MetadataXML参数二选一即可,IDP MetadataURL的优先级高",
+ "IdpMetadataUrlHelpText": "从远端地址中加载 IDP Metadata",
+ "ImageName": "镜像名",
+ "Images": "图片",
+ "Import": "导入",
+ "ImportAll": "导入全部",
+ "ImportFail": "导入失败",
+ "ImportLdapUserTip": "请先提交LDAP配置再进行导入",
+ "ImportLdapUserTitle": "LDAP 用户列表",
+ "ImportLicense": "导入许可证",
+ "ImportLicenseTip": "请导入许可证",
+ "ImportMessage": "请前往对应类型的页面导入数据",
+ "ImportOrg": "导入组织",
+ "InActiveAsset": "近期未被登录",
+ "InActiveUser": "近期未登录过",
+ "InAssetDetail": "在资产详情中更新账号信息",
+ "Inactive": "禁用",
+ "Index": "索引",
+ "Info": "信息",
+ "InformationModification": "信息更改",
+ "InheritPlatformConfig": "继承自平台配置,如需更改,请更改平台中的配置。",
+ "InitialDeploy": "初始化部署",
+ "Input": "输入",
+ "InputEmailAddress": "请输入正确的邮箱地址",
+ "InputMessage": "输入消息...",
+ "InputPhone": "请输入手机号码",
+ "InstanceAddress": "实例地址",
+ "InstanceName": "实例名称",
+ "InstancePlatformName": "实例平台名称",
+ "IntegrationApplication": "服务对接",
+ "Interface": "网络接口",
+ "InterfaceSettings": "界面设置",
+ "Interval": "间隔",
+ "IntervalOfCreateUpdatePage": "单位:时",
+ "InvalidJson": "不是合法 JSON",
+ "InviteSuccess": "邀请成功",
+ "InviteUser": "邀请用户",
+ "InviteUserInOrg": "邀请用户加入此组织",
+ "Ip": "IP",
+ "IpDomain": "IP 域",
+ "IpGroup": "IP 组",
+ "IpGroupHelpText": "* 表示匹配所有。例如:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
+ "IpType": "IP 类型",
+ "IsActive": "激活",
+ "IsAlwaysUpdate": "资产保持最新",
+ "IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTip": "每次执行同步任务时是否同步更新资产信息,包括主机名、ip、平台、域、节点等",
+ "IsFinished": "完成",
+ "IsLocked": "是否暂停",
+ "IsSuccess": "成功",
+ "IsSyncAccountHelpText": "收集完成后会把发现的账号同步到资产",
+ "IsSyncAccountLabel": "同步到资产",
+ "JDCloud": "京东云",
+ "Job": "作业",
+ "JobCenter": "作业中心",
+ "JobCreate": "创建作业",
+ "JobDetail": "作业详情",
+ "JobExecutionLog": "作业日志",
+ "JobManagement": "作业管理",
+ "JobUpdate": "更新作业",
+ "KingSoftCloud": "金山云",
+ "KokoSetting": "KoKo 配置",
+ "LAN": "局域网",
+ "LDAPUser": "LDAP 用户",
+ "LOWER_CASE_REQUIRED": "必须包含小写字母",
+ "Language": "语言",
+ "LarkOAuth": "Lark 认证",
+ "Last30": "最近 30 次",
+ "Last30Days": "近30天",
+ "Last7Days": "近7天",
+ "LastPublishedTime": "最后发布时间",
+ "Ldap": "LDAP",
+ "LdapBulkImport": "用户导入",
+ "LdapConnectTest": "测试连接",
+ "LdapLoginTest": "测试登录",
+ "Length": "长度",
+ "LessEqualThan": "小于等于",
+ "LevelApproval": "级审批",
+ "License": "许可证",
+ "LicenseExpired": "许可证已经过期",
+ "LicenseFile": "许可证文件",
+ "LicenseForTest": "测试用途许可证, 本许可证仅用于 测试(PoC)和演示",
+ "LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "资产数量已经超过许可证数量限制",
+ "LicenseWillBe": "许可证即将在 ",
+ "Loading": "加载中",
+ "LockedIP": "已锁定 IP {count} 个",
+ "Log": "日志",
+ "LogData": "日志数据",
+ "LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "成功登录日志数",
+ "Logging": "日志记录",
+ "LoginAssetConfirm": "资产登录复核",
+ "LoginAssetToday": "今日活跃资产数",
+ "LoginAssets": "活跃资产",
+ "LoginConfirm": "登录复核",
+ "LoginConfirmUser": "登录复核 受理人",
+ "LoginCount": "登录次数",
+ "LoginDate": "登录日期",
+ "LoginFailed": "登录失败",
+ "LoginFrom": "登录来源",
+ "LoginImageTip": "提示:将会显示在企业版用户登录页面(建议图片大小为: 492*472px)",
+ "LoginLog": "登录日志",
+ "LoginLogTotal": "登录日志数",
+ "LoginNum": "登录数",
+ "LoginPasswordSetting": "登录密码",
+ "LoginRequiredMsg": "账号已退出,请重新登录",
+ "LoginSSHKeySetting": "登录 SSH 公钥",
+ "LoginSucceeded": "登录成功",
+ "LoginTitleTip": "提示:将会显示在企业版用户 SSH 登录 KoKo 登录页面(eg: 欢迎使用JumpServer开源堡垒机)",
+ "LoginUserRanking": "登录账号排名",
+ "LoginUserToday": "今日登录用户数",
+ "LoginUsers": "活跃账号",
+ "LogoIndexTip": "提示:将会显示在管理页面左上方(建议图片大小为: 185px*55px)",
+ "LogoLogoutTip": "提示:将会显示在企业版用户的 Web 终端页面(建议图片大小为:82px*82px)",
+ "Logout": "退出登录",
+ "LogsAudit": "日志审计",
+ "Lowercase": "小写字母",
+ "LunaSetting": "Luna 配置",
+ "MFAErrorMsg": "MFA错误,请检查",
+ "MFAOfUserFirstLoginPersonalInformationImprovementPage": "启用多因子认证,使账号更加安全。
+ "MFAOfUserFirstLoginUserGuidePage": "为了保护您和公司的安全,请妥善保管您的账户、密码和密钥等重要敏感信息;(如:设置复杂密码,并启用多因子认证)
+ "MIN_LENGTH_ERROR": "密码长度至少为 {0} 位",
+ "MailRecipient": "邮件收件人",
+ "MailSend": "邮件发送",
+ "ManualAccount": "手动账号",
+ "ManualAccountTip": "登录时手动输入 用户名/密码",
+ "ManualExecution": "手动执行",
+ "ManyChoose": "可多选",
+ "MarkAsRead": "标记已读",
+ "Marketplace": "应用市场",
+ "Match": "匹配",
+ "MatchIn": "在...中",
+ "MatchResult": "匹配结果",
+ "MatchedCount": "匹配结果",
+ "Members": "成员",
+ "MenuAccountTemplates": "账号模版",
+ "MenuAccounts": "账号管理",
+ "MenuAcls": "访问控制",
+ "MenuAssets": "资产管理",
+ "MenuMore": "其它",
+ "MenuPermissions": "授权管理",
+ "MenuUsers": "用户管理",
+ "Message": "消息",
+ "MessageType": "消息类型",
+ "MfaLevel": "多因子认证",
+ "Min": "分钟",
+ "MinNumber30": "数字必须大于或等于 30",
+ "Modify": "修改",
+ "Module": "模块",
+ "Monday": "周一",
+ "Monitor": "监控",
+ "Month": "月",
+ "More": "更多",
+ "MoreActions": "更多操作",
+ "MoveAssetToNode": "移动资产到节点",
+ "MsgSubscribe": "消息订阅",
+ "MyAssets": "我的资产",
+ "MyTickets": "我发起的",
+ "NUMBER_REQUIRED": "必须包含数字",
+ "Name": "名称",
+ "NavHelp": "导航栏链接",
+ "Navigation": "导航",
+ "NeedReLogin": "需要重新登录",
+ "New": "新建",
+ "NewChat": "新聊天",
+ "NewCount": "新增",
+ "NewCron": "生成 Cron",
+ "NewDirectory": "新建目录",
+ "NewFile": "新建文件",
+ "NewPassword": "新密码",
+ "NewPublicKey": "新 SSH 公钥",
+ "NewSSHKey": "SSH 公钥",
+ "NewSecret": "新密文",
+ "NewSyncCount": "新同步",
+ "Next": "下一步",
+ "No": "否",
+ "NoAccountFound": "未找到帐户",
+ "NoContent": "暂无内容",
+ "NoData": "暂无数据",
+ "NoFiles": "暂无文件",
+ "NoLog": "无日志",
+ "NoPermission": "暂无权限",
+ "NoPermission403": "403 暂无权限",
+ "NoPermissionInGlobal": "全局无权限",
+ "NoPermissionVew": "没有权限查看当前页面",
+ "NoUnreadMsg": "暂无未读消息",
+ "Node": "节点",
+ "NodeInformation": "节点信息",
+ "NodeOfNumber": "节点数",
+ "NodeSearchStrategy": "节点搜索策略",
+ "NormalLoad": "正常",
+ "NotEqual": "不等于",
+ "NotSet": "未设置",
+ "NotSpecialEmoji": "不允许输入特殊表情符号",
+ "Nothing": "无",
+ "NotificationConfiguration": "通知设置",
+ "Notifications": "通知设置",
+ "Now": "现在",
+ "Number": "编号",
+ "NumberOfVisits": "访问次数",
+ "OAuth2": "OAuth2",
+ "OAuth2LogoTip": "提示:认证服务提供商(建议图片大小为: 64px*64px)",
+ "OIDC": "OIDC",
+ "ObjectNotFoundOrDeletedMsg": "没有找到对应资源或者已被删除",
+ "ObjectStorage": "对象存储",
+ "Offline": "离线",
+ "OfflineSelected": "下线所选",
+ "OfflineSuccessMsg": "下线成功",
+ "OfflineUpload": "离线上传",
+ "OldPassword": "原密码",
+ "OldPublicKey": "旧 SSH 公钥",
+ "OldSecret": "原密文",
+ "OneAssignee": "一级受理人",
+ "OneAssigneeType": "一级受理人类型",
+ "OneClickReadMsg": "你确定全部标记为已读吗?",
+ "OnlineSession": "在线用户",
+ "OnlineSessionHelpMsg": "无法下线当前会话,因为该会话是当前用户的在线会话。当前只记录以 Web 方式登录的用户。",
+ "OnlineSessions": "在线会话数",
+ "OnlineUserDevices": "在线用户设备",
+ "OnlyInitialDeploy": "仅初始化配置",
+ "OnlyMailSend": "当前只支持邮件发送",
+ "OnlySearchCurrentNodePerm": "仅搜索当前节点的授权",
+ "Open": "打开",
+ "OpenCommand": "打开命令",
+ "OpenStack": "OpenStack",
+ "OpenStatus": "审批中",
+ "OpenTicket": "创建工单",
+ "OperateLog": "操作日志",
+ "OperationLogNum": "操作日志数",
+ "Options": "选项",
+ "OrgAdmin": "组织管理员",
+ "OrgAuditor": "组织审计员",
+ "OrgName": "授权组织名称",
+ "OrgRole": "组织角色",
+ "OrgRoleHelpMsg": "组织角色是为平台内的各个组织量身定制的角色。 这些角色是在邀请用户加入特定组织时分配的,并规定他们在该组织内的权限和访问级别。 与系统角色不同,组织角色是可自定义的,并且仅适用于它们所分配到的组织范围内。",
+ "OrgRoleHelpText": "组织角色是用户在当前组织中的角色",
+ "OrgRoles": "组织角色",
+ "OrgUser": "组织用户",
+ "OrganizationCreate": "创建组织",
+ "OrganizationDetail": "组织详情",
+ "OrganizationList": "组织管理",
+ "OrganizationManage": "组织管理",
+ "OrganizationUpdate": "更新组织",
+ "OrgsAndRoles": "组织和角色",
+ "Other": "其它设置",
+ "Output": "输出",
+ "Overview": "概览",
+ "PageNext": "下一页",
+ "PagePrev": "上一页",
+ "Params": "参数",
+ "ParamsHelpText": "改密参数设置,目前仅对平台种类为主机的资产生效。",
+ "PassKey": "Passkey",
+ "Passkey": "Passkey",
+ "PasskeyAddDisableInfo": "你的认证来源是 {source}, 不支持添加 Passkey",
+ "Passphrase": "密钥密码",
+ "Password": "密码",
+ "PasswordAndSSHKey": "认证设置",
+ "PasswordChangeLog": "改密日志",
+ "PasswordExpired": "密码过期了",
+ "PasswordPlaceholder": "请输入密码",
+ "PasswordRecord": "密码记录",
+ "PasswordRule": "密码规则",
+ "PasswordSecurity": "密码安全",
+ "PasswordStrategy": "密文生成策略",
+ "PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "密码即将在 ",
+ "PasswordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "天 后过期,请尽快修改您的密码。",
+ "Paste": "粘贴",
+ "Pause": "暂停",
+ "PauseTaskSendSuccessMsg": "暂停任务已下发,请稍后刷新查看",
+ "Pending": "待处理",
+ "Periodic": "定期执行 ",
+ "PermAccount": "授权账号",
+ "PermAction": "授权动作",
+ "PermUserList": "授权用户",
+ "PermissionCompany": "授权公司",
+ "PermissionName": "授权规则名称",
+ "Permissions": "权限",
+ "PersonalInformationImprovement": "个人信息完善",
+ "PersonalSettings": "个人设置",
+ "Phone": "手机",
+ "Plan": "计划",
+ "Platform": "平台",
+ "PlatformCreate": "创建平台",
+ "PlatformDetail": "平台详情",
+ "PlatformList": "平台列表",
+ "PlatformPageHelpMsg": "平台是资产的分类,例如:Windows、Linux、网络设备等。也可以在平台上指定一些配置,如 协议,网关 等,决定资产上是否启用某些功能。",
+ "PlatformProtocolConfig": "平台协议配置",
+ "PlatformUpdate": "更新平台",
+ "PlaybookDetail": "Playbook详情",
+ "PlaybookManage": "Playbook管理",
+ "PlaybookUpdate": "更新Playbook",
+ "PleaseAgreeToTheTerms": "请同意条款",
+ "PleaseSelect": "请选择",
+ "PolicyName": "策略名称",
+ "Port": "端口",
+ "Ports": "端口",
+ "Preferences": "偏好设置",
+ "PrepareSyncTask": "准备执行同步任务中...",
+ "Primary": "主要的",
+ "Priority": "优先级",
+ "PrivateCloud": "私有云",
+ "PrivateIp": "私有 IP",
+ "PrivateKey": "私钥",
+ "Privileged": "特权账号",
+ "PrivilegedFirst": "优先特权账号",
+ "PrivilegedOnly": "仅特权账号",
+ "PrivilegedTemplate": "特权的",
+ "Product": "产品",
+ "ProfileSetting": "个人信息设置",
+ "Project": "项目名",
+ "Prompt": "提示词",
+ "Proportion": "占比",
+ "ProportionOfAssetTypes": "资产类型占比",
+ "Protocol": "协议",
+ "Protocols": "协议",
+ "Provider": "供应商",
+ "Proxy": "代理",
+ "PublicCloud": "公有云",
+ "PublicIp": "公有 IP",
+ "PublicKey": "公钥",
+ "Publish": "发布",
+ "PublishAllApplets": "发布所有应用",
+ "PublishStatus": "发布状态",
+ "Push": "推送",
+ "PushAccount": "推送账号",
+ "PushAccountsHelpText": "推送已有账号到资产上。推送账号时,如果账号已存在,会更新账号的密码,如果账号不存在,会创建账号",
+ "PushParams": "推送参数",
+ "Qcloud": "腾讯云",
+ "QcloudLighthouse": "腾讯云(轻量应用服务器)",
+ "QingYunPrivateCloud": "青云私有云",
+ "Queue": "队列",
+ "QuickAdd": "快速添加",
+ "QuickJob": "快捷命令",
+ "QuickUpdate": "快速更新",
+ "Radius": "Radius",
+ "Ranking": "排名",
+ "RazorNotSupport": "RDP 客户端会话, 暂不支持监控",
+ "ReLogin": "重新登录",
+ "ReLoginTitle": "当前三方登录用户(CAS/SAML),未绑定 MFA 且不支持密码校验,请重新登录。",
+ "RealTimeData": "实时数据",
+ "Reason": "原因",
+ "Receivers": "接收人",
+ "RecentLogin": "最近登录",
+ "RecentSession": "最近会话",
+ "RecentlyUsed": "最近使用",
+ "Recipient": "接收人",
+ "RecipientHelpText": "如果同时设置了收件人A和B,账号的密文将被拆分为两部分;如果只设置了一个收件人,密钥则不会被拆分。",
+ "RecipientServer": "接收服务器",
+ "Reconnect": "重新连接",
+ "Refresh": "刷新",
+ "RefreshHardware": "更新硬件信息",
+ "Regex": "正则表达式",
+ "Region": "地域",
+ "RegularlyPerform": "定期执行",
+ "Reject": "拒绝",
+ "Rejected": "已拒绝",
+ "ReleaseAssets": "同步释放资产",
+ "ReleaseAssetsHelpTips": "是否在任务结束时,自动删除通过此任务同步下来且已经在云上释放的资产",
+ "ReleasedCount": "已释放",
+ "RelevantApp": "应用",
+ "RelevantAsset": "资产",
+ "RelevantAssignees": "相关受理人",
+ "RelevantCommand": "命令",
+ "RelevantSystemUser": "系统用户",
+ "RemoteAddr": "远端地址",
+ "Remove": "移除",
+ "RemoveAssetFromNode": "从节点移除资产",
+ "RemoveSelected": "移除所选",
+ "RemoveSuccessMsg": "移除成功",
+ "RemoveWarningMsg": "你确定要移除",
+ "Rename": "重命名",
+ "RenameNode": "重命名节点",
+ "ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUserWithThis": "替换资产的管理员",
+ "Replay": "回放",
+ "ReplaySession": "回放会话",
+ "ReplayStorage": "对象存储",
+ "ReplayStorageCreateUpdateHelpMessage": "注意:目前 SFTP 存储仅支持账号备份,暂不支持录像存储。",
+ "ReplayStorageUpdate": "更新对象存储",
+ "Reply": "回复",
+ "RequestAssetPerm": "申请资产授权",
+ "RequestPerm": "授权申请",
+ "RequestTickets": "申请工单",
+ "RequiredAssetOrNode": "请至少选择一个资产或节点",
+ "RequiredContent": "请输入命令",
+ "RequiredEntryFile": "此文件作为运行的入口文件,必须存在",
+ "RequiredRunas": "请输入运行用户",
+ "RequiredSystemUserErrMsg": "请选择账号",
+ "RequiredUploadFile": "请上传文件!",
+ "Reset": "还原",
+ "ResetAndDownloadSSHKey": "重置并下载密钥",
+ "ResetMFA": "重置MFA",
+ "ResetMFAWarningMsg": "你确定要重置用户的 MFA 吗?",
+ "ResetMFAdSuccessMsg": "重置MFA成功, 用户可以重新设置MFA了",
+ "ResetPassword": "重置密码",
+ "ResetPasswordNextLogin": "下次登录须修改密码",
+ "ResetPasswordSuccessMsg": "已向用户发送重置密码消息",
+ "ResetPasswordWarningMsg": "你确定要发送重置用户密码的邮件吗",
+ "ResetPublicKeyAndDownload": "重置并下载SSH密钥",
+ "ResetSSHKey": "重置SSH密钥",
+ "ResetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "发送邮件任务已提交, 用户稍后会收到重置密钥邮件",
+ "ResetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "你确定要发送重置用户的SSH Key的邮件吗?",
+ "Resource": "资源",
+ "ResourceType": "资源类型",
+ "RestoreButton": "恢复默认",
+ "RestoreDefault": "恢复默认",
+ "RestoreDialogMessage": "您确定要恢复默认初始化吗?",
+ "RestoreDialogTitle": "你确认吗",
+ "Result": "结果",
+ "Resume": "恢复",
+ "ResumeTaskSendSuccessMsg": "恢复任务已下发,请稍后刷新查看",
+ "Retry": "重试",
+ "RetrySelected": "重试所选",
+ "Reviewer": "审批人",
+ "Role": "角色",
+ "RoleCreate": "创建角色",
+ "RoleDetail": "角色详情",
+ "RoleInfo": "角色信息",
+ "RoleList": "角色列表",
+ "RoleUpdate": "更新角色",
+ "RoleUsers": "授权用户",
+ "Rows": "行",
+ "Rule": "条件",
+ "RuleCount": "条件数量",
+ "RuleDetail": "规则详情",
+ "RuleRelation": "条件关系",
+ "RuleRelationHelpTip": "并且:只有当所有条件都满足时才会执行该动作; or:只要满足一个条件就会执行该动作",
+ "RuleSetting": "条件设置",
+ "Rules": "规则",
+ "Run": "执行",
+ "RunAgain": "再次执行",
+ "RunAs": "运行用户",
+ "RunCommand": "运行命令",
+ "RunJob": "运行作业",
+ "RunSucceed": "任务执行成功",
+ "RunTaskManually": "手动执行",
+ "RunasHelpText": "填写运行脚本的用户名",
+ "RunasPolicy": "账号策略",
+ "RunasPolicyHelpText": "当前资产上没此运行用户时,采取什么账号选择策略。跳过:不执行。优先特权账号:如果有特权账号先选特权账号,如果没有就选普通账号。仅特权账号:只从特权账号中选择,如果没有则不执行",
+ "Running": "运行中",
+ "RunningPath": "运行路径",
+ "RunningPathHelpText": "填写脚本的运行路径,此设置仅 shell 脚本生效",
+ "RunningTimes": "最近5次运行时间",
+ "SCP": "深信服云平台",
+ "SMS": "短信",
+ "SMSProvider": "短信服务商",
+ "SMTP": "邮件服务器",
+ "SPECIAL_CHAR_REQUIRED": "必须包含特殊字符",
+ "SSHKey": "SSH密钥",
+ "SSHKeyOfProfileSSHUpdatePage": "你可以点击下面的按钮重置并下载密钥,或者复制你的 SSH 公钥并提交。",
+ "SSHPort": "SSH 端口",
+ "SSHSecretKey": "SSH 密钥",
+ "SafeCommand": "安全命令",
+ "SameAccount": "同名账号",
+ "SameAccountTip": "与被授权人用户名相同的账号",
+ "SameTypeAccountTip": "相同用户名、密钥类型的账号已存在",
+ "Saturday": "周六",
+ "Save": "保存",
+ "SaveAdhoc": "保存命令",
+ "SaveAndAddAnother": "保存并继续添加",
+ "SaveCommand": "保存命令 ",
+ "SaveCommandSuccess": "保存命令成功",
+ "SaveSetting": "同步设置",
+ "SaveSuccess": "保存成功",
+ "SaveSuccessContinueMsg": "创建成功,更新内容后可以继续添加",
+ "ScrollToBottom": "滚动到底部",
+ "ScrollToTop": "滚动到顶部",
+ "Search": "搜索",
+ "SearchAncestorNodePerm": "同时搜索当前节点和祖先节点的授权",
+ "Secret": "密码",
+ "SecretKey": "密钥",
+ "SecretKeyStrategy": "密码策略",
+ "Secure": "安全",
+ "Security": "安全设置",
+ "Select": "选择",
+ "SelectAdhoc": "选择命令",
+ "SelectAll": "全选",
+ "SelectAtLeastOneAssetOrNodeErrMsg": "资产或者节点至少选择一项",
+ "SelectAttrs": "选择属性",
+ "SelectByAttr": "属性筛选",
+ "SelectFile": "选择文件",
+ "SelectKeyOrCreateNew": "选择标签键或创建新的",
+ "SelectLabelFilter": "选择标签筛选",
+ "SelectProperties": "选择属性",
+ "SelectProvider": "选择平台",
+ "SelectProviderMsg": "请选择一个云平台",
+ "SelectResource": "选择资源",
+ "SelectTemplate": "选择模版",
+ "SelectValueOrCreateNew": "选择标签值或创建新的",
+ "Selected": "已选择",
+ "Selection": "可选择",
+ "Selector": "选择器",
+ "Send": "发送",
+ "SendVerificationCode": "发送验证码",
+ "SerialNumber": "序列号",
+ "Server": "服务",
+ "ServerAccountKey": "服务账号密钥",
+ "ServerError": "服务器错误",
+ "ServerTime": "服务器时间",
+ "Session": "会话",
+ "SessionCommands": "会话命令",
+ "SessionConnectTrend": "会话连接趋势",
+ "SessionData": "会话数据",
+ "SessionDetail": "会话详情",
+ "SessionID": "会话ID",
+ "SessionJoinRecords": "协作记录",
+ "SessionList": "会话记录",
+ "SessionMonitor": "监控",
+ "SessionOffline": "历史会话",
+ "SessionOnline": "在线会话",
+ "SessionSecurity": "会话安全",
+ "SessionState": "会话状态",
+ "SessionTerminate": "会话终断",
+ "SessionTrend": "会话趋势",
+ "Sessions": "会话管理",
+ "SessionsAudit": "会话审计",
+ "SessionsNum": "会话数",
+ "Set": "已设置",
+ "SetDingTalk": "设置钉钉认证",
+ "SetFailed": "设置失败",
+ "SetFeiShu": "设置飞书认证",
+ "SetMFA": "MFA 认证",
+ "SetSuccess": "设置成功",
+ "SetToDefault": "设为默认",
+ "Setting": "设置",
+ "SettingInEndpointHelpText": "在 系统设置 / 组件设置 / 服务端点 中配置服务地址和端口",
+ "Settings": "系统设置",
+ "Share": "分享",
+ "Show": "显示",
+ "ShowAssetAllChildrenNode": "显示所有子节点资产",
+ "ShowAssetOnlyCurrentNode": "仅显示当前节点资产",
+ "ShowNodeInfo": "显示节点详情",
+ "SignChannelNum": "签名通道号",
+ "SiteMessage": "站内信",
+ "SiteMessageList": "站内信",
+ "SiteURLTip": "例如:",
+ "Skip": "忽略当前资产",
+ "Skipped": "已跳过",
+ "Slack": "Slack",
+ "SlackOAuth": "Slack 认证",
+ "Source": "来源",
+ "SourceIP": "源地址",
+ "SourcePort": "源端口",
+ "Spec": "指定",
+ "SpecAccount": "指定账号",
+ "SpecAccountTip": "指定用户名选择授权账号",
+ "SpecialSymbol": "特殊字符",
+ "SpecificInfo": "特殊信息",
+ "SshKeyFingerprint": "SSH 指纹",
+ "Startswith": "以...开头",
+ "State": "状态",
+ "StateClosed": "已关闭",
+ "StatePrivate": "私有",
+ "Status": "状态",
+ "StatusGreen": "近期状态良好",
+ "StatusRed": "上一次任务执行失败",
+ "StatusYellow": "近期存在在执行失败",
+ "Step": "步骤",
+ "Stop": "停止",
+ "StopLogOutput": "Task Canceled:当前任务(currentTaskId)已手动停止,由于每个任务的执行进度不一样,下面是任务最终的执行结果,执行失败表示已成功停止任务执行。",
+ "Storage": "存储",
+ "StorageSetting": "存储设置",
+ "Strategy": "策略",
+ "StrategyCreate": "创建策略",
+ "StrategyDetail": "策略详情",
+ "StrategyHelpTip": "根据策略优先级识别资产(例如平台)的独特属性; 当资产的属性(如节点)可以配置为多个时,策略的所有动作都会被执行。",
+ "StrategyList": "策略列表",
+ "StrategyUpdate": "更新策略",
+ "SuEnabled": "启用账号切换",
+ "SuFrom": "切换自",
+ "Submit": "提交",
+ "SubscriptionID": "订阅授权 ID",
+ "Success": "成功",
+ "Success/Total": "成功/总数",
+ "SuccessAsset": "成功的资产",
+ "SuccessfulOperation": "操作成功",
+ "Summary": "汇总",
+ "Summary(success/total)": "概况( 成功/总数 )",
+ "Sunday": "周日",
+ "SuperAdmin": "超级管理员",
+ "SuperOrgAdmin": "超级管理员+组织管理员",
+ "Support": "支持",
+ "SupportedProtocol": "支持的协议",
+ "SupportedProtocolHelpText": "设置资产支持的协议,点击设置按钮可以为协议修改自定义配置,如 SFTP 目录,RDP AD 域等",
+ "Sync": "同步",
+ "SyncAction": "同步动作",
+ "SyncDelete": "同步删除",
+ "SyncDeleteSelected": "同步删除所选",
+ "SyncErrorMsg": "同步失败: ",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskCreate": "创建同步任务",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskDetail": "同步任务详情",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryAssetList": "同步实例列表",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryList": "同步历史列表",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskList": "同步任务列表",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskUpdate": "更新同步任务",
+ "SyncManual": "手动同步",
+ "SyncOnline": "在线同步",
+ "SyncProtocolToAsset": "同步协议到资产",
+ "SyncRegion": "正在同步地域",
+ "SyncSelected": "同步所选",
+ "SyncSetting": "同步设置",
+ "SyncStrategy": "同步策略",
+ "SyncSuccessMsg": "同步成功",
+ "SyncTask": "同步任务",
+ "SyncTiming": "定时同步",
+ "SyncUpdateAccountInfo": "同步更新账号信息",
+ "SyncUser": "同步用户",
+ "SyncedCount": "已同步",
+ "SystemError": "系统错误",
+ "SystemRole": "系统角色",
+ "SystemRoleHelpMsg": "系统角色是平台内所有组织普遍适用的角色。 这些角色允许您为整个系统的用户定义特定的权限和访问级别。 对系统角色的更改将影响使用该平台的所有组织。",
+ "SystemRoles": "系统角色",
+ "SystemSetting": "系统设置",
+ "SystemTasks": "任务列表",
+ "SystemTools": "系统工具",
+ "TableColSetting": "选择可见属性列",
+ "TableSetting": "表格偏好",
+ "TagCreate": "创建标签",
+ "TagInputFormatValidation": "标签格式错误,正确格式为:name:value",
+ "TagList": "标签列表",
+ "TagUpdate": "更新标签",
+ "Tags": "标签",
+ "TailLog": "追踪日志",
+ "Target": "目标",
+ "TargetResources": "目标资源",
+ "Task": "任务",
+ "TaskDetail": "任务详情",
+ "TaskDone": "任务结束",
+ "TaskID": "任务 ID",
+ "TaskList": "任务列表",
+ "TaskMonitor": "任务监控",
+ "TaskPath": "任务路径",
+ "TechnologyConsult": "技术咨询",
+ "TempPasswordTip": "临时密码有效期为 300 秒,使用后立刻失效",
+ "TempToken": "临时密码",
+ "TemplateAdd": "模版添加",
+ "TemplateCreate": "创建模版",
+ "TemplateHelpText": "选择模版添加时,会自动创建资产下不存在的账号并推送",
+ "TemplateManagement": "模版管理",
+ "TencentCloud": "腾讯云",
+ "Terminal": "组件设置",
+ "TerminalDetail": "组件详情",
+ "TerminalUpdate": "更新终端",
+ "TerminalUpdateStorage": "更新终端存储",
+ "Terminate": "终断",
+ "TerminateTaskSendSuccessMsg": "终断任务已下发,请稍后刷新查看",
+ "TermsAndConditions": "条款和条件",
+ "Test": "测试",
+ "TestAccountConnective": "测试账号可连接性",
+ "TestAssetsConnective": "测试资产可连接性",
+ "TestConnection": "测试连接",
+ "TestGatewayHelpMessage": "如果使用了nat端口映射,请设置为ssh真实监听的端口",
+ "TestGatewayTestConnection": "测试连接网关",
+ "TestLdapLoginTitle": "测试LDAP 用户登录",
+ "TestNodeAssetConnectivity": "测试资产节点可连接性",
+ "TestPortErrorMsg": "端口错误,请重新输入",
+ "TestSelected": "测试所选",
+ "TestSuccessMsg": "测试成功",
+ "Thursday": "周四",
+ "Ticket": "工单",
+ "TicketDetail": "工单详情",
+ "TicketFlow": "工单流",
+ "TicketFlowCreate": "创建审批流",
+ "TicketFlowUpdate": "更新审批流",
+ "Tickets": "工单列表",
+ "Time": "时间",
+ "TimeDelta": "运行时间",
+ "TimeExpression": "时间表达式",
+ "Timeout": "超时",
+ "TimeoutHelpText": "当此值为-1时,不指定超时时间",
+ "Timer": "定时执行",
+ "Title": "标题",
+ "To": "至",
+ "Today": "今天",
+ "TodayFailedConnections": "今日连接失败数",
+ "Token": "令牌",
+ "Total": "总共",
+ "TotalJobFailed": "执行失败作业数",
+ "TotalJobLog": "作业执行总数",
+ "TotalJobRunning": "运行中作业数",
+ "TotalSyncAsset": "同步资产数(个)",
+ "TotalSyncRegion": "同步地域数(个)",
+ "TotalSyncStrategy": "绑定策略数(个)",
+ "Transfer": "传输",
+ "TriggerMode": "触发方式",
+ "Tuesday": "周二",
+ "TwoAssignee": "二级受理人",
+ "TwoAssigneeType": "二级受理人类型",
+ "Type": "类型",
+ "TypeTree": "类型树",
+ "Types": "类型",
+ "UCloud": "优刻得(UCloud)",
+ "UPPER_CASE_REQUIRED": "必须包含大写字母",
+ "UnFavoriteSucceed": "取消收藏成功",
+ "UnSyncCount": "未同步",
+ "Unbind": "解绑",
+ "UnbindHelpText": "本地用户为此认证来源用户,无法解绑",
+ "Unblock": "解锁",
+ "UnblockSelected": "解锁所选",
+ "UnblockSuccessMsg": "解锁成功",
+ "UnblockUser": "解锁用户",
+ "Uninstall": "卸载",
+ "UniqueError": "以下属性只能设置一个",
+ "UnlockSuccessMsg": "解锁成功",
+ "UnselectedOrg": "没有选择组织",
+ "UnselectedUser": "没有选择用户",
+ "UpDownload": "上传下载",
+ "Update": "更新",
+ "UpdateAccount": "更新账号",
+ "UpdateAccountTemplate": "更新账号模版",
+ "UpdateAssetDetail": "配置更多信息",
+ "UpdateAssetUserToken": "更新账号认证信息",
+ "UpdateEndpoint": "更新端点",
+ "UpdateEndpointRule": "更新端点规则",
+ "UpdateErrorMsg": "更新失败",
+ "UpdateNodeAssetHardwareInfo": "更新节点资产硬件信息",
+ "UpdatePlatformHelpText": "只有资产的原平台类型与所选平台类型相同时才会进行更新,若更新前后的平台类型不同则不会更新。",
+ "UpdateSSHKey": "更新SSH公钥",
+ "UpdateSelected": "更新所选",
+ "UpdateSuccessMsg": "更新成功",
+ "Updated": "已更新",
+ "Upload": "上传",
+ "UploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "只能上传 csv/xlsx, 且不超过 10M",
+ "UploadDir": "上传目录",
+ "UploadFileLthHelpText": "只能上传小于{limit}MB文件",
+ "UploadHelpText": "请上传包含以下示例结构目录的 .zip 压缩文件",
+ "UploadPlaybook": "上传 Playbook",
+ "UploadSucceed": "上传成功",
+ "UploadZipTips": "请上传 zip 格式的文件",
+ "Uploading": "文件上传中",
+ "Uppercase": "大写字母",
+ "UseProtocol": "使用协议",
+ "UseSSL": "使用 SSL/TLS",
+ "User": "用户",
+ "UserAclLists": "用户登录规则",
+ "UserAssetActivity": "账号/资产活跃情况",
+ "UserCreate": "创建用户",
+ "UserData": "用户数据",
+ "UserDetail": "用户详情",
+ "UserGroupCreate": "创建用户组",
+ "UserGroupDetail": "用户组详情",
+ "UserGroupList": "用户组",
+ "UserGroupUpdate": "更新用户组",
+ "UserGroups": "用户组",
+ "UserList": "用户列表",
+ "UserLoginACLHelpMsg": "登录系统时,可以根据用户的登录 IP 和时间段进行审核,判断是否可以登录系统(全局生效)",
+ "UserLoginACLHelpText": "登录系统时,可以根据用户的登录 IP 和时间段进行审核,判断是否可以登录",
+ "UserLoginAclCreate": "创建用户登录控制",
+ "UserLoginAclDetail": "用户登录控制详情",
+ "UserLoginAclList": "用户登录",
+ "UserLoginAclUpdate": "更新用户登录控制",
+ "UserLoginLimit": "用户登录限制",
+ "UserLoginTrend": "账号登录趋势",
+ "UserPasswordChangeLog": "用户密码修改日志",
+ "UserSession": "用户会话",
+ "UserSwitchFrom": "切换自",
+ "UserUpdate": "更新用户",
+ "Username": "用户名",
+ "UsernamePlaceholder": "请输入用户名",
+ "Users": "用户",
+ "UsersAmount": "用户",
+ "UsersAndUserGroups": "用户/用户组",
+ "UsersTotal": "用户总数",
+ "Valid": "有效",
+ "Variable": "变量",
+ "VariableHelpText": "您可以在命令中使用 {{ key }} 读取内置变量",
+ "VaultHCPMountPoint": "Vault 服务器的挂载点,默认为 jumpserver",
+ "VaultHelpText": "1. 由于安全原因,需要配置文件中开启 Vault 存储。
2. 开启后,填写其他配置,进行测试。
3. 进行数据同步,同步是单向的,只会从本地数据库同步到远端 Vault,同步完成本地数据库不再存储密码,请备份好数据。
4. 二次修改 Vault 配置后需重启服务。",
+ "VerificationCodeSent": "验证码已发送",
+ "VerifySignTmpl": "验证码短信模板",
+ "Version": "版本",
+ "View": "查看",
+ "ViewMore": "查看更多",
+ "ViewPerm": "查看授权",
+ "ViewSecret": "查看密文",
+ "VirtualAccountDetail": "虚拟账号详情",
+ "VirtualAccountHelpMsg": "虚拟账户是连接资产时具有特定用途的专用账户。",
+ "VirtualAccountUpdate": "虚拟账号更新",
+ "VirtualAccounts": "虚拟账号",
+ "VirtualApp": "虚拟应用",
+ "VirtualAppDetail": "虚拟应用详情",
+ "VirtualApps": "虚拟应用",
+ "Volcengine": "火山引擎",
+ "Warning": "警告",
+ "WeChat": "微信",
+ "WeCom": "企业微信",
+ "WeComOAuth": "企业微信认证",
+ "WeComTest": "测试",
+ "WebCreate": "创建资产-Web",
+ "WebHelpMessage": "Web 类型资产依赖于远程应用,请前往系统设置在远程应用中配置",
+ "WebSocketDisconnect": "WebSocket 断开",
+ "WebTerminal": "Web终端",
+ "WebUpdate": "更新资产-Web",
+ "Wednesday": "周三",
+ "Week": "周",
+ "WeekAdd": "本周新增",
+ "WeekOrTime": "星期/时间",
+ "WildcardsAllowed": "允许的通配符",
+ "WindowsPushHelpText": "windows 资产暂不支持推送密钥",
+ "WordSep": "",
+ "Workbench": "工作台",
+ "Workspace": "工作空间",
+ "Yes": "是",
+ "YourProfile": "个人信息",
+ "ZStack": "ZStack",
+ "Zone": "网域",
+ "ZoneCreate": "创建网域",
+ "ZoneEnabled": "启用网关",
+ "ZoneHelpMessage": "网域是资产所在的位置,可以是机房,公有云 或者 VPC。网域中可以设置网关,当网络不能直达的时候,可以使用网关跳转登录到资产",
+ "ZoneList": "网域列表",
+ "ZoneUpdate": "更新网域",
+ "disallowSelfUpdateFields": "不允许自己修改当前字段",
+ "forceEnableMFAHelpText": "如果强制启用,用户无法自行禁用",
+ "removeWarningMsg": "你确定要移除"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/i18n/lina/zh_hant.json b/apps/i18n/lina/zh_hant.json
index c1f8505bc..293d9485a 100644
--- a/apps/i18n/lina/zh_hant.json
+++ b/apps/i18n/lina/zh_hant.json
@@ -1,2285 +1,2285 @@
- "ACLs": "訪問控制",
- "APIKey": "API Key",
- "AWS_China": "AWS(中國)",
- "AWS_Int": "AWS(國際)",
- "About": "關於",
- "Accept": "同意",
- "AccessIP": "IP 白名單",
- "AccessKey": "訪問金鑰",
- "Account": "雲帳號",
- "AccountAmount": "帳號數量",
- "AccountBackup": "帳號備份",
- "AccountBackupCreate": "創建帳號備份",
- "AccountBackupDetail": "賬號備份詳情",
- "AccountBackupList": "賬號備份列表",
- "AccountBackupUpdate": "更新帳號備份",
- "AccountChangeSecret": "帳號改密",
- "AccountChangeSecretDetail": "帳號變更密碼詳情",
- "AccountDeleteConfirmMsg": "刪除帳號,是否繼續?",
- "AccountExportTips": "導出信息中包含賬號密文涉及敏感信息,導出的格式為一個加密的zip文件(若沒有設置加密密碼,請前往個人信息中設置文件加密密碼)。",
- "AccountDiscoverDetail": "帳號收集詳情",
- "AccountDiscoverList": "帳號收集",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskCreate": "創建賬號收集任務",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskExecutionList": "任務執行列表",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskList": "賬號收集任務",
- "AccountDiscoverTaskUpdate": "更新賬號收集任務",
- "AccountHelpText": "雲帳號是用來連接雲服務商的帳號,用於獲取雲服務商的資源資訊",
- "AccountHistoryHelpMessage": "記錄當前帳號的歷史版本",
- "AccountList": "雲帳號",
- "AccountName": "帳號名稱",
- "AccountPolicy": "帳號策略",
- "AccountPolicyHelpText": "創建時對於不符合要求的賬號,如:密鑰類型不合規,唯一鍵約束,可選擇以上策略。",
- "AccountPushCreate": "創建帳號推送",
- "AccountPushDetail": " Account Push Details",
- "AccountPushExecutionList": "賬號推送執行列表",
- "AccountPushList": "帳號推送",
- "AccountPushUpdate": "更新帳號推送",
- "AccountStorage": "帳號儲存",
- "AccountTemplate": "帳號模板",
- "AccountTemplateList": "帳號模板列表",
- "AccountTemplateUpdateSecretHelpText": "帳號列表展示通過模板創建的帳號。更新密文時,會更新通過模板所創建帳號的密文。",
- "AccountUpdate": "更新帳戶",
- "AccountUsername": "帳號(使用者名稱)",
- "Accounts": "帳號管理",
- "AccountsHelp": "所有帳號: 資產上已添加的所有帳號;
手動帳號: 使用者名稱/密碼 登入時手動輸入;
同名帳號: 與被授權人使用者名稱相同的帳號;",
- "Acl": "訪問控制",
- "Acls": "訪問控制",
- "Action": "動作",
- "ActionCount": "動作數量",
- "ActionSetting": "動作設置",
- "Actions": "操作",
- "ActionsTips": "各權限所適用的協定各不相同,點擊權限後面的圖示查看。",
- "Activate": "啟用",
- "ActivateSelected": "啟用所選",
- "ActivateSuccessMsg": "活化成功",
- "Active": "活躍",
- "ActiveAsset": "近期被登入過",
- "ActiveAssetRanking": "會話資產排名",
- "ActiveSelected": "啟用所選",
- "ActiveUser": "近期登入過",
- "ActiveUserAssetsRatioTitle": "占比統計",
- "ActiveUsers": "活躍用戶",
- "Activity": "活動",
- "AdDomain": "AD域名",
- "AdDomainHelpText": "提供給域用戶登入的AD域名",
- "Add": "新增",
- "AddAccount": "添加帳號",
- "AddAccountByTemplate": "從模板添加帳號",
- "AddAccountResult": "帳號批次添加結果",
- "AddAllMembersWarningMsg": "你確定要添加全部成員?",
- "AddAsset": "添加資產",
- "AddAssetInDomain": "添加資產",
- "AddAssetToNode": "添加資產到節點",
- "AddAssetToThisPermission": "添加資產",
- "AddFailMsg": "添加失敗",
- "AddGatewayInDomain": "添加網關",
- "AddInDetailText": "創建或更新成功後,添加詳細資訊",
- "AddNode": "添加節點",
- "AddNodeToThisPermission": "新增節點",
- "AddOrgMembers": "添加組織成員",
- "AddPassKey": "添加 Passkey(通行金鑰)",
- "AddRolePermissions": "建立/更新成功後,於詳情中新增權限",
- "AddSuccessMsg": "添加成功",
- "AddSystemUser": "添加系統用戶",
- "AddUserGroupToThisPermission": "新增使用者組",
- "AddUserToThisPermission": "新增使用者",
- "Address": "地址",
- "Addressee": "收件人",
- "AdhocCreate": "創建命令",
- "AdhocDetail": "命令詳情",
- "AdhocManage": "腳本管理",
- "AdhocUpdate": "更新命令",
- "Admin": "管理員",
- "AdminUser": "特權用戶",
- "AdminUserCreate": "創建管理用戶",
- "AdminUserDetail": "管理用戶詳情",
- "AdminUserList": "管理用戶",
- "AdminUserListHelpMessage": "特權用戶 是資產已存在的, 並且擁有 高級權限 的系統用戶, 如 root 或 擁有 `NOPASSWD: ALL` sudo 權限的用戶。 JumpServer 使用該用戶來 `推送系統用戶`、`獲取資產硬體資訊` 等。",
- "AdminUserUpdate": "更新管理用戶",
- "Advanced": "進階設定",
- "AfterChange": "變更後",
- "AjaxError404": "404 請求錯誤",
- "AlibabaCloud": "阿里雲",
- "Aliyun": "阿里雲",
- "All": "所有",
- "AllAccountTip": "資產上已添加的所有帳號",
- "AllAccounts": "所有帳號",
- "AllClickRead": "全部已讀",
- "AllMembers": "全部成員",
- "AllOrganization": "組織列表",
- "AllowInvalidCert": "忽略證書檢查",
- "Announcement": "公告",
- "AnonymousAccount": "匿名帳號",
- "AnonymousAccountTip": "連接資產時不使用使用者名稱和密碼,僅支持 web類型 和 自訂類型 的資產",
- "ApiKey": "API Key",
- "ApiKeyList": "使用 Api key 簽名請求頭進行認證,每個請求的頭部是不一樣的, 相對於 Token 方式,更加安全,請查閱文件使用;
為降低洩露風險,Secret 僅在生成時可以查看, 每個用戶最多支持創建 10 個",
- "ApiKeyWarning": "為降低 AccessKey 洩露的風險,只在創建時提供 Secret,後續不可再進行查詢,請妥善保存。",
- "App": "應用",
- "AppAmount": "應用數量",
- "AppAuth": "App認證",
- "AppEndpoint": "應用接入地址",
- "AppList": "應用列表",
- "AppOps": "任務中心",
- "AppProvider": "應用提供者",
- "AppProviderDetail": "應用提供者詳情",
- "AppletCreate": "創建遠程應用",
- "AppletDetail": "遠程應用",
- "AppletHelpText": "在上傳過程中,如果應用不存在,則創建該應用;如果已存在,則進行應用更新。",
- "AppletHostCreate": "添加遠程應用發布機",
- "AppletHostDetail": "遠程應用發布機詳情",
- "AppletHostSelectHelpMessage": "連接資產時,應用發布機選擇是隨機的(但優先選擇上次使用的),如果想為某個資產固定發布機,可以指定標籤 <發布機:發布機名稱> 或 ;
連接該發布機選擇帳號時,以下情況會選擇用戶的 同名帳號 或 專有帳號(js開頭),否則使用公用帳號(jms開頭):
1. 發布機和應用都支持並發;
2. 發布機支持並發,應用不支持並發,當前應用沒有使用專有帳號;
3. 發布機不支持並發,應用支持並發或不支持,沒有任一應用使用專有帳號;
注意: 應用支不支持並發是開發者決定,主機支不支持是發布機配置中的 單用戶單會話決定",
- "AppletHostUpdate": "更新遠程應用發布機",
- "AppletHostZoneHelpText": "這裡的網域屬於 System 組織",
- "AppletHosts": "應用發布機",
- "Applets": "遠程應用",
- "Applicant": "申請人",
- "ApplicationAccount": "應用帳號",
- "ApplicationDetail": "應用詳情",
- "ApplicationPermission": "應用授權",
- "ApplicationPermissionCreate": "創建應用授權規則",
- "ApplicationPermissionDetail": "應用授權詳情",
- "ApplicationPermissionRules": "應用授權規則",
- "ApplicationPermissionUpdate": "更新應用授權規則",
- "Applications": "應用管理",
- "ApplyAsset": "申請資產",
- "ApplyFromCMDFilterRule": "命令過濾規則",
- "ApplyFromSession": "會話",
- "ApplyInfo": "申請資訊",
- "ApplyLoginAccount": "登入帳號",
- "ApplyLoginAsset": "登入資產",
- "ApplyLoginUser": "登入用戶",
- "ApplyRunAsset": "申請運行的資產",
- "ApplyRunCommand": "申請運行的命令",
- "ApplyRunSystemUser": "申請運行的系統用戶",
- "ApplyRunUser": "申請運行的用戶",
- "Appoint": "指定",
- "ApprovaLevel": "審批資訊",
- "ApprovalLevel": "審批級別",
- "ApprovalProcess": "審批流程",
- "ApprovalSelected": "批次審批",
- "Approved": "已同意",
- "ApproverNumbers": "審批人數量",
- "ApsaraStack": "阿里雲專有雲",
- "Asset": "資產",
- "AssetAccount": "帳號列表",
- "AssetAccountDetail": "帳號詳情",
- "AssetAclCreate": "創建資產登入規則",
- "AssetAclDetail": "資產登入規則詳情",
- "AssetAclList": "資產登入",
- "AssetAclUpdate": "更新資產登入規則",
- "AssetAddress": "資產(IP/主機名)",
- "AssetAmount": "資產數量",
- "AssetAndNode": "資產和節點",
- "AssetBulkUpdateTips": "網路設備、雲服務、web,不支持批次更新網域",
- "AssetChangeSecretCreate": "創建帳號改密",
- "AssetChangeSecretUpdate": "更新帳號改密",
- "AssetCount": "資產數量",
- "AssetCreate": "創建資產",
- "AssetData": "資產數據",
- "AssetDetail": "資產詳情",
- "AssetHistoryAccount": "資產歷史帳號",
- "AssetList": "資產列表",
- "AssetListHelpMessage": "左側是資產樹,右擊可以新建、刪除、更改樹節點,授權資產也是以節點方式組織的,右側是屬於該節點下的資產\n",
- "AssetLoginACLHelpMsg": "登入資產時,可以根據用戶的登入 IP 和時間段進行審核,判斷是否可以登入資產",
- "AssetLoginACLHelpText": "登入資產時,可以依照使用者的登入 IP 和時間段進行審核,判斷是否可以登入資產",
- "AssetName": "資產名稱",
- "AssetNumber": "資產編號",
- "AssetPermission": "資產授權",
- "AssetPermissionCreate": "創建資產授權規則",
- "AssetPermissionDetail": "資產授權詳情",
- "AssetPermissionHelpMsg": "資產授權允許您選擇用戶和資產,將資產授權給用戶以便訪問。一旦授權完成,用戶便可便捷地瀏覽這些資產。此外,您還可以設置特定的權限位,以進一步定義用戶對資產的權限範圍。",
- "AssetPermissionList": "資產授權列表",
- "AssetPermissionRules": "資產授權規則",
- "AssetPermissionUpdate": "更新資產授權規則",
- "AssetPermsAmount": "資產授權數量",
- "AssetProtocolHelpText": "資產支持的協議受平台限制,點擊設置按鈕可以查看協議的設置。 如果需要更新,請更新平台",
- "AssetRatio": "資產占比統計",
- "AssetResultDetail": "資產結果",
- "AssetTree": "資產樹",
- "AssetUpdate": "更新資產",
- "AssetUserList": "資產用戶",
- "Assets": "資產管理",
- "AssetsAmount": "資產數量",
- "AssetsOfNumber": "資產數",
- "AssetsTotal": "資產總數",
- "AssignedInfo": "審批資訊",
- "AssignedMe": "待我審批",
- "AssignedTicketList": "待我審批",
- "Assignee": "處理人",
- "Assignees": "待處理人",
- "AssociateAssets": "關聯資產",
- "AssociateNodes": "關聯節點",
- "AssociateSystemUsers": "關聯系統用戶",
- "AttrName": "屬性名",
- "AttrValue": "屬性值",
- "Auditor": "審計員",
- "Audits": "審計台",
- "Auth": "認證設置",
- "AuthConfig": "配寘認證資訊",
- "AuthLimit": "登入限制",
- "AuthMethod": "認證方式",
- "AuthSAMLCertHelpText": "上傳證書金鑰後儲存, 然後查看 SP Metadata",
- "AuthSAMLKeyHelpText": "SP 證書和密鑰 是用來和 IDP 加密通訊的",
- "AuthSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "左側的鍵為 SAML2 使用者屬性,右側的值為認證平台使用者屬性",
- "AuthSecurity": "認證安全",
- "AuthSetting": "認證設置",
- "AuthSettings": "認證配置",
- "AuthUserAttrMapHelpText": "左側的鍵為 JumpServer 用戶屬性,右側的值為認證平台用戶屬性",
- "AuthUsername": "使用使用者名稱認證",
- "Authentication": "認證",
- "Author": "作者",
- "AutoCreate": "自動創建",
- "AutoEnabled": "啟用自動化",
- "AutoGenerateKey": "隨機生成密碼",
- "AutoPush": "自動推送",
- "Automations": "自動化",
- "AverageTimeCost": "平均花費時間",
- "AwaitingMyApproval": "待我審批",
- "Azure": "Azure (中國)",
- "Azure_Int": "Azure (國際)",
- "Backup": "備份",
- "BackupAccountsHelpText": "備份帳號資訊至外部。可以儲存到外部系統或寄送郵件,支援分段方式",
- "BadConflictErrorMsg": "正在刷新中,請稍後再試",
- "BadRequestErrorMsg": "請求錯誤,請檢查填寫內容",
- "BadRoleErrorMsg": "請求錯誤,無該操作權限",
- "BaiduCloud": "百度雲",
- "BaseAccount": "帳號",
- "BaseAccountBackup": "帳號備份",
- "BaseAccountChangeSecret": "帳號改密",
- "BaseAccountDiscover": "帳號採集",
- "BaseAccountPush": "帳號推送",
- "BaseAccountTemplate": "帳號模版",
- "BaseApplets": "應用",
- "BaseAssetAclList": "登入授權",
- "BaseAssetList": "資產列表",
- "BaseAssetPermission": "資產授權",
- "BaseCloudAccountList": "Cloud Account List",
- "BaseCloudSync": "雲端同步",
- "BaseCmdACL": "指令授權",
- "BaseCmdGroups": "命令組",
- "BaseCommandFilterAclList": "命令過濾",
- "BaseConnectMethodACL": "連接方式授權",
- "BaseFlowSetUp": "流程設定",
- "BaseJobManagement": "作業",
- "BaseLoginLog": "登入日誌",
- "BaseMyAssets": "我的資產",
- "BaseOperateLog": "操作日誌",
- "BasePlatform": "基礎平台",
- "BasePort": "監聽埠",
- "BaseSessions": "Session",
- "BaseStorage": "儲存",
- "BaseStrategy": "Policy",
- "BaseSystemTasks": "Action",
- "BaseTags": "標籤",
- "BaseTerminal": " Terminal",
- "BaseTickets": "工單列表",
- "BaseUserLoginAclList": "使用者登入",
- "Basic": "基本設置",
- "BasicInfo": "基本資訊",
- "BasicSettings": "基本設置",
- "BasicTools": "基本工具",
- "BatchActivate": "批次啟用",
- "BatchApproval": "批次審批",
- "BatchCommand": "批次命令",
- "BatchCommandNotExecuted": "未執行批次命令",
- "BatchConsent": "批次同意",
- "BatchDelete": "批次刪除",
- "BatchDeployment": "批量部署",
- "BatchDisable": "批次禁用",
- "BatchProcessing": "批次處理(選中 {number} 項)",
- "BatchReject": "批次拒絕",
- "BatchRemoval": "批次移除",
- "BatchRetry": "批次重試",
- "BatchScript": "批次腳本",
- "BatchTest": "批次測試",
- "BatchUpdate": "批次更新",
- "BeforeChange": "變更前",
- "Beian": "備案",
- "BelongAll": "同時包含",
- "BelongTo": "任意包含",
- "Bind": "綁定",
- "BindLabel": "關聯標籤",
- "BindResource": "關聯資源",
- "BindSuccess": "綁定成功",
- "BlockedIPS": "已鎖定的 IP",
- "Builtin": "內建",
- "BuiltinTree": "類型樹",
- "BuiltinVariable": "內建變數",
- "BulkClearErrorMsg": "批次清除失敗:",
- "BulkCreateStrategy": "創建時對於不符合要求的帳號,如:金鑰類型不合規,唯一鍵約束,可選擇以上策略。",
- "BulkDeleteErrorMsg": "批次刪除失敗: ",
- "BulkDeleteSuccessMsg": "批次刪除成功",
- "BulkDeploy": "批次部署",
- "BulkOffline": "批次下線",
- "BulkRemoveErrorMsg": "批次移除失敗: ",
- "BulkRemoveSuccessMsg": "批次移除成功",
- "BulkSyncDelete": "批次同步刪除",
- "BulkSyncErrorMsg": "批次同步失敗: ",
- "BulkTransfer": "批次傳輸",
- "BulkUnblock": "批次解鎖",
- "BulkUpdatePlatformHelpText": "只有資產的原平台類型與所選平台類型相同時才會進行更新,若更新前後的平台類型不同則不會更新。",
- "BulkVerify": "批次測試可連接性",
- "CACertificate": "CA 證書",
- "CAS": "CAS",
- "CASSetting": "CAS 配置",
- "CMPP2": "CMPP v2.0",
- "CTYunPrivate": "天翼私有雲",
- "CalculationResults": "呼叫記錄",
- "CallRecords": "調用記錄",
- "CanDragSelect": "可拖動滑鼠選擇時間段;未選擇等同全選",
- "Cancel": "取消",
- "CancelCollection": "取消收藏",
- "CancelTicket": "取消工單",
- "CannotAccess": "無法訪問當前頁面",
- "Cas": "CAS設置",
- "Category": "類別",
- "CeleryTaskLog": "Celery任務日誌",
- "Certificate": "證書",
- "CertificateKey": "用戶端金鑰",
- "ChangeCredentials": "帳號改密",
- "ChangeCredentialsHelpText": "定時修改帳號密鑰密碼。帳號隨機生成密碼,並同步到目標資產,如果同步成功,更新該帳號的密碼",
- "ChangeField": "變更欄位",
- "ChangeOrganization": "更改組織",
- "ChangePassword": "更改密碼",
- "ChangeReceiver": "修改消息接收人",
- "ChangeSecretParams": "改密參數",
- "ChangeViewHelpText": "點擊切換不同視圖",
- "Charset": "字元集",
- "Chat": "聊天",
- "ChatAI": "智慧問答",
- "ChatHello": "你好!我能為你提供什麼幫助?",
- "ChdirHelpText": "默認執行目錄為執行用戶的 home 目錄",
- "CheckAssetsAmount": "校對資產數量",
- "CheckViewAcceptor": "點擊查看受理人",
- "ChinaRed": "中國紅",
- "ClassicGreen": "經典綠",
- "CleanHelpText": "定期清理任務會在 每天凌晨 2 點執行, 清理後的數據將無法恢復",
- "Cleaning": "定期清理",
- "Clear": "清除",
- "ClearErrorMsg": "清除失敗:",
- "ClearScreen": "清除螢幕",
- "ClearSecret": "清除密文",
- "ClearSelection": "清空選擇",
- "ClearSuccessMsg": "清除成功",
- "ClickCopy": "點擊複製",
- "ClientCertificate": "用戶端證書",
- "ClipBoard": "剪切板",
- "Clipboard": "剪貼簿",
- "ClipboardCopyPaste": "剪貼簿複製貼上",
- "Clone": "複製",
- "Close": "關閉",
- "CloseConfirm": "確認關閉",
- "CloseConfirmMessage": "文件發生變化,是否保存?",
- "CloseStatus": "已完成",
- "Closed": "已完成",
- "Cloud": "雲管中心",
- "CloudAccountCreate": "建立雲平台帳號",
- "CloudAccountDetail": "雲平台帳號詳情",
- "CloudAccountList": "雲平台帳號",
- "CloudAccountUpdate": "更新雲平台帳號",
- "CloudCenter": "雲管中心",
- "CloudCreate": "創建資產-雲平台",
- "CloudPlatform": "雲平台",
- "CloudRegionTip": "未取得地區資訊,請檢查帳號",
- "CloudSource": "同步源",
- "CloudSync": "雲同步",
- "CloudSyncConfig": "雲同步配寘",
- "CloudUpdate": "更新資產-雲平台",
- "Clouds": "雲平台",
- "Cluster": "集群",
- "CmdFilter": "命令過濾器",
- "CollapseSidebar": "收起側邊欄",
- "CollectHardwareInfo": "啟用收集硬體資訊",
- "CollectionSucceed": "收藏成功",
- "Command": "命令",
- "Command filter": "命令過濾器",
- "CommandConfirm": "命令覆核",
- "CommandExecutions": "命令執行",
- "CommandFilterACL": "命令過濾",
- "CommandFilterACLHelpMsg": "通過命令過濾,您可以控制命令是否可以發送到資產上。根據您設定的規則,某些命令可以被放行,而另一些命令則被禁止。",
- "CommandFilterACLHelpText": "透過命令過濾,您可以控制命令是否可以發送到資產上。根據您設定的規則,某些命令可以被放行,而另一些命令則被禁止",
- "CommandFilterAclCreate": "創建命令過濾規則",
- "CommandFilterAclDetail": "命令過濾規則詳情",
- "CommandFilterAclUpdate": "更新命令過濾規則",
- "CommandFilterCreate": "創建命令過濾器",
- "CommandFilterDetail": "命令過濾器詳情",
- "CommandFilterHelpMessage": "系統用戶支持綁定多個命令過濾器實現禁止輸入某些命令的效果;過濾器中可配置多個規則,在使用該系統用戶連接資產時,輸入的命令按照過濾器中配置的規則優先度生效。
- "CommandFilterList": "命令過濾規則",
- "CommandFilterRuleContentHelpText": "每行一個命令",
- "CommandFilterRulePriorityHelpText": "優先度可選範圍為1-100,1最低優先度,100最高優先度",
- "CommandFilterRules": "命令過濾器規則",
- "CommandFilterRulesCreate": "創建命令過濾器規則",
- "CommandFilterRulesUpdate": "更新命令過濾器規則",
- "CommandFilterUpdate": "更新命令過濾器",
- "CommandGroup": "命令組",
- "CommandGroupCreate": "創建命令組",
- "CommandGroupDetail": "命令組詳情",
- "CommandGroupList": "命令組",
- "CommandGroupUpdate": "更新命令組",
- "CommandStorage": "指令儲存",
- "CommandStorageUpdate": "更新命令儲存",
- "Commands": "命令記錄",
- "CommandsTotal": "命令記錄總數",
- "Comment": "備註",
- "CommentHelpText": "注意:備註資訊會在 Luna 頁面的用戶授權資產樹中進行懸停顯示,普通用戶可以查看,請不要填寫敏感資訊。",
- "CommonUser": "普通用戶",
- "CommunityEdition": "社區版",
- "Component": "組件",
- "ComponentMonitor": "組件監控",
- "Components": "組件列表",
- "ConceptContent": "我想讓你像一個 Python 解釋器一樣行事。我將給你 Python 代碼,你將執行它。不要提供任何解釋。除了代碼的輸出,不要用任何東西來回應。",
- "ConceptTitle": "🤔 Python 解釋器 ",
- "Config": "配置",
- "Configured": "已配置",
- "Confirm": "確認",
- "ConfirmPassword": "確認密碼",
- "Connect": "連接",
- "ConnectAssets": "連接資產",
- "ConnectMethod": "連接方式",
- "ConnectMethodACLHelpMsg": "透過連接方式過濾,您可以控制用戶是否可以使用某種連接方式登入到資產上。根據您設定的規則,某些連接方式可以被放行,而另一些連接方式則被禁止(全局生效)。",
- "ConnectMethodACLHelpText": "您可以透過篩選連接方式,控制使用者能否使用特定方式登入到資產上。根據您設定的規則,有些連接方式可被允許,而其他連接方式則被禁止。",
- "ConnectMethodAclCreate": "創建連接方式控制",
- "ConnectMethodAclDetail": "連接方式控制詳情",
- "ConnectMethodAclList": "連接方式",
- "ConnectMethodAclUpdate": "更新連接方式控制",
- "ConnectUsers": "連接帳號",
- "ConnectWebSocketError": "連接 WebSocket 失敗",
- "ConnectionDropped": "連接已斷開",
- "ConnectionToken": "連接令牌",
- "ConnectionTokenList": "連接令牌是將身份驗證和連接資產結合起來使用的一種認證資訊,支持用戶一鍵登入到資產,目前支持的組件包括:KoKo、Lion、Magnus、Razor 等",
- "Connectivity": "可連接",
- "Console": "控制台",
- "Consult": "諮詢",
- "ContainAttachment": "含附件",
- "Containers": "容器",
- "Contains": "包含",
- "Content": "內容",
- "Continue": "繼續",
- "ContinueImport": "繼續導入",
- "ConvenientOperate": "便捷操作",
- "Copy": "複製",
- "CopySuccess": "複製成功",
- "Corporation": "公司",
- "Correlation": "關聯",
- "Cpu": "CPU",
- "Create": "創建",
- "CreateAccessKey": "創建訪問金鑰",
- "CreateAccountTemplate": "創建帳號模板",
- "CreateCommandStorage": "創建命令儲存",
- "CreateEndpoint": "創建端點",
- "CreateEndpointRule": "創建端點規則",
- "CreateErrorMsg": "建立失敗",
- "CreateNode": "創建節點",
- "CreateOrgMsg": "請去組織詳情內添加用戶",
- "CreatePlaybook": "創建 Playbook",
- "CreateReplayStorage": "創建對象儲存",
- "CreateSuccessMsg": "建立成功",
- "CreateUserContent": "創建用戶內容",
- "CreateUserSetting": "創建用戶內容",
- "Created": "已創建",
- "CreatedBy": "創建者",
- "CriticalLoad": "嚴重",
- "CronExpression": "crontab完整表達式",
- "Crontab": "定時任務",
- "CrontabDiffError": "請確保定期執行的時間間隔不少於十分鐘!",
- "CrontabHelpText": "如果同時設定了 interval 和 crontab,則優先考慮 crontab",
- "CrontabHelpTip": "例如:每週日 03:05 執行 <5 3 * * 0>
使用 5 位 linux crontab 表達式 (線上工具)
- "CrontabHelpTips": "eg:每週日 03:05 執行 <5 3 * * 0>
提示: 使用5位 Linux crontab 表達式 <分 時 日 月 星期> (線上工具)
注意: 如果同時設置了定期執行和週期執行,優先使用定期執行",
- "CrontabOfCreateUpdatePage": "例如:每週日 03:05 執行 <5 3 * * 0>
使用5位 Linux crontab 表達式 <分 時 日 月 星期> (線上工具)
- "CurrentConnectionUsers": "當前會話用戶數",
- "CurrentConnections": "當前連接數",
- "CurrentUserVerify": "驗證當前用戶",
- "Custom": "自訂",
- "CustomCol": "自訂列表欄位",
- "CustomCreate": "創建資產-自訂",
- "CustomFields": "自訂屬性",
- "CustomFile": "請將自訂的文件放到指定目錄下(data/sms/,並在 config.txt 中啟用配置項 SMS_CUSTOM_FILE_MD5=<文件md5值>",
- "CustomHelpMessage": "自訂類型資產,依賴於遠程應用,請前往系統設置在遠程應用中配置",
- "CustomParams": "左側為簡訊平台接收的參數,右側為JumpServer待格式化參數,最終如下:
{\"phone_numbers\": \"123,134\", \"content\": \"驗證碼為: 666666\"}",
- "CustomTree": "自訂樹",
- "CustomType": "自訂類型",
- "CustomUpdate": "更新資產-自訂",
- "CustomUser": "自訂用戶",
- "CycleFromWeek": "周期從星期",
- "CyclePerform": "週期執行",
- "DBInfo": "資料庫資訊",
- "Danger": "危險",
- "DangerCommand": "危險命令",
- "DangerousCommandNum": "危險命令數",
- "Dashboard": "儀錶盤",
- "Database": "資料庫",
- "DatabaseApp": "資料庫",
- "DatabaseAppCount": "資料庫應用數量",
- "DatabaseAppCreate": "創建資料庫應用",
- "DatabaseAppDetail": "資料庫詳情",
- "DatabaseAppPermission": "資料庫授權",
- "DatabaseAppPermissionCreate": "創建資料庫授權規則",
- "DatabaseAppPermissionDetail": "資料庫授權詳情",
- "DatabaseAppPermissionUpdate": "更新資料庫授權規則",
- "DatabaseAppUpdate": "資料庫應用更新",
- "DatabaseCreate": "創建資產-資料庫",
- "DatabaseId": "資料庫Id",
- "DatabasePort": "資料庫協議埠",
- "DatabaseProtocol": "資料庫協議",
- "DatabaseUpdate": "更新資產-資料庫",
- "Date": "日期",
- "DateCreated": "創建日期",
- "DateEnd": "結束日期",
- "DateExpired": "失效日期",
- "DateFinished": "完成時間",
- "DateJoined": "創建日期",
- "DateLast24Hours": "最近一天",
- "DateLast3Months": "最近三月",
- "DateLastHarfYear": "最近半年",
- "DateLastLogin": "最後登入日期",
- "DateLastMonth": "最近一月",
- "DateLastRun": "上次運行日期",
- "DateLastSync": "最後同步日期",
- "DataLastUsed": "最後使用日期",
- "DateLastWeek": "最近一週",
- "DateLastYear": "最近一年",
- "DatePasswordLastUpdated": "最後更新密碼日期",
- "DatePasswordUpdated": "密碼更新日期",
- "DateStart": "開始日期",
- "DateSync": "同步日期",
- "DateUpdated": "更新日期",
- "Datetime": "日期時間",
- "Day": "日",
- "DeactiveSelected": "禁用所選",
- "DeclassificationLogNum": "改密日誌數",
- "Default": "預設的",
- "DefaultDatabase": "默認資料庫",
- "DefaultPort": "默認埠",
- "DefaultProtocol": "默認協議, 添加資產時預設會選擇",
- "Defaults": "預設值",
- "Delete": "刪除",
- "DeleteConfirmMessage": "刪除後無法恢復,是否繼續?",
- "DeleteErrorMsg": "刪除失敗",
- "DeleteFile": "刪除文件",
- "DeleteNode": "刪除節點",
- "DeleteOrgMsg": "用戶,用戶組,資產,節點,標籤,網域,資產授權",
- "DeleteOrgTitle": "請確保組織內的以下資訊已刪除",
- "DeleteReleasedAssets": "刪除已釋放資產",
- "DeleteSelected": "刪除所選",
- "DeleteSuccess": "刪除成功",
- "DeleteSuccessMsg": "刪除成功",
- "DeleteWarningMsg": "你確定要刪除",
- "DeliveryTime": "發送時間",
- "Deploy": "部署",
- "DescribeOfGuide": "歡迎使用JumpServer堡壘機系統,獲取更多資訊請點擊",
- "Description": "描述",
- "DestinationIP": "目的地址",
- "DestinationPort": "目的埠",
- "Detail": "詳情",
- "Device": "網路設備",
- "DeviceCreate": "創建資產-網路設備",
- "DeviceUpdate": "更新資產-網路設備",
- "Digit": "數字",
- "DingTalk": "釘釘",
- "DingTalkOAuth": "釘釘認證",
- "DingTalkTest": "測試",
- "Disable": "禁用",
- "DisableSelected": "停用所選",
- "DisableSuccessMsg": "禁用成功",
- "DisabledAsset": "禁用的",
- "DisabledUser": "禁用的",
- "Disk": "硬碟",
- "DisplayName": "名稱",
- "Docs": "文件",
- "Domain": "網域",
- "DomainCreate": "創建網域",
- "DomainDetail": "網域詳情",
- "DomainEnabled": "啟用網域",
- "DomainHelpMessage": "網域功能是為了解決部分環境(如:混合雲)無法直接連接而新增的功能,原理是通過網關伺服器進行跳轉登入。JMS => 網域網關 => 目標資產",
- "DomainList": "網域列表",
- "DomainUpdate": "更新網域",
- "Download": "下載",
- "DownloadCenter": "下載中心",
- "DownloadFTPFileTip": "當前動作不記錄文件,或者檔案大小超過閾值(默認100M),或者還未保存到對應儲存中",
- "DownloadImportTemplateMsg": "下載創建模板",
- "DownloadReplay": "下載錄影",
- "DownloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "下載更新範本",
- "DragUploadFileInfo": " 將檔案拖曳至此處,或點擊此處上傳",
- "DropConfirmMsg": "你想移動節點: {src} 到 {dst} 下嗎?",
- "DryRun": "測試運行",
- "Duplicate": "Copy",
- "DuplicateFileExists": "不允許上傳同名文件,請刪除同名文件",
- "Duration": "時長",
- "DynamicUsername": "動態使用者名稱",
- "Edit": "編輯",
- "EditRecipient": "編輯接收人",
- "Edition": "版本",
- "Email": "信箱",
- "EmailContent": "郵件內容訂製",
- "EmailTemplate": " Email Template",
- "EmailTemplateHelpTip": "郵件模版是用於發送郵件的模版,包括郵件標題前綴和郵件內容",
- "EmailTest": "測試連線",
- "Empty": "空",
- "Enable": "啟用",
- "EnableDomain": "啟用網域",
- "EnableKoKoSSHHelpText": "開啟時連接資產會顯示 SSH Client 拉起方式",
- "EnableVaultStorage": "開啟 Vault 儲存",
- "Endpoint": "服務端點",
- "EndpointListHelpMessage": "服務端點是用戶訪問服務的地址(埠),當用戶在連接資產時,會根據端點規則和資產標籤選擇服務端點,作為訪問入口建立連接,實現分布式連接資產",
- "EndpointRuleListHelpMessage": "對於服務端點選擇策略,目前支持兩種:
2、通過資產標籤選擇端點,標籤名固定是 endpoint,值是端點的名稱。
兩種方式優先使用標籤匹配,因為 IP 段可能衝突,標籤方式是作為規則的補充存在的。",
- "EndpointRules": "端點規則",
- "Endpoints": "服務端點",
- "Endswith": "以...結尾",
- "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo1": "請確保該值大於或者等於 1",
- "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo3": "請確保該值大於或者等於 3",
- "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo5": "請確保該值大於或者等於 5",
- "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo6": "請確保該值大於或者等於 6",
- "EnterForSearch": "按下 Enter 進行搜索",
- "EnterMessage": "請輸入問題, Enter 發送",
- "EnterRunUser": "輸入運行用戶",
- "EnterRunningPath": "輸入運行路徑",
- "EnterToContinue": "按下 Enter 繼續輸入",
- "EnterUploadPath": "輸入上傳路徑",
- "Enterprise": "企業版",
- "EnterpriseEdition": "企業版",
- "Equal": "等於",
- "Error": "錯誤",
- "ErrorMsg": "錯誤",
- "EsDisabled": "節點不可用, 請聯絡管理員",
- "EsIndex": "es 提供預設 index:jumpserver。如果開啟按日期建立索引,那麼輸入的值會作為索引前綴",
- "EsUrl": "不能包含特殊字符 `#`;eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
- "Every": "每",
- "Example": "例: {example}",
- "Exclude": "不包含",
- "ExcludeAsset": "跳過的資產",
- "ExcludeSymbol": "排除字元",
- "ExecCloudSyncErrorMsg": "雲帳號配置不完整,請更新後重試",
- "Execute": "執行",
- "ExecuteCycle": "執行週期",
- "ExecuteFailedCommand": "執行失敗命令",
- "ExecuteOnce": "執行一次",
- "Execution": "執行歷史",
- "ExecutionDetail": "執行詳情",
- "ExecutionList": "執行列表",
- "ExecutionTimes": "執行次數",
- "ExistError": "這個元素已經存在",
- "Existing": "已存在",
- "ExpectedNextExecuteTime": "預計下次執行時間",
- "ExpirationTimeout": "過期超時時間(秒)",
- "Expire": " 過期",
- "Expired": "過期時間",
- "Export": "匯出",
- "ExportAll": "匯出所有",
- "ExportOnlyFiltered": "僅匯出搜索結果",
- "ExportOnlySelectedItems": "僅匯出選擇項",
- "ExportRange": "匯出範圍",
- "FAILURE": "失敗",
- "FC": "Fusion Compute",
- "Failed": "失敗",
- "FailedAsset": "失敗的資產",
- "False": "否",
- "FaviconTip": "提示:網站圖示(建議圖片大小為: 16px*16px)",
- "Feature": "功能",
- "Features": "功能設定",
- "FeiShu": "飛書",
- "FeiShuOAuth": "飛書認證",
- "FeiShuTest": "測試",
- "FieldRequiredError": "此欄位為必填項",
- "FileEncryptionPassword": "文件加密密碼",
- "FileExplorer": " File Browsing",
- "FileManagement": "文件管理",
- "FileManager": "文件管理",
- "FileNameTooLong": "檔案名太長",
- "FileSizeExceedsLimit": "檔案大小超出限制",
- "FileTransfer": "文件傳輸",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips1": "選擇一個資產或節點",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips2": "選擇執行帳戶並輸入命令",
- "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips3": "傳輸,顯示輸出結果",
- "FileTransferNum": "文件傳輸數",
- "FileType": "文件類型",
- "Filename": "檔案名",
- "FingerPrint": "指紋",
- "Finished": "完成",
- "FinishedTicket": "完成工單",
- "FirstLogin": "首次登入",
- "FlowDetail": "流程詳情",
- "FlowSetUp": "流程設置",
- "Footer": "頁尾",
- "ForgotPasswordURL": "忘記密碼連結",
- "FormatError": "格式錯誤",
- "Friday": "週五",
- "From": "從",
- "FromTicket": "來自工單",
- "FtpLog": "FTP日誌",
- "FullName": "全稱",
- "FullySynchronous": "資產完全同步",
- "FullySynchronousHelpTip": "當資產條件不滿足配對政策規則時是否繼續同步該資產",
- "FullySynchronousHelpTips": "當資產條件不滿足匹配策略規則時,是否繼續同步此類資產",
- "GCP": "Google雲",
- "GPTCreate": "創建資產-GPT",
- "GPTUpdate": "更新資產-GPT",
- "Gateway": "網關",
- "GatewayCreate": "創建網關",
- "GatewayList": "網關列表",
- "GatewayPlatformHelpText": "網關平台只能選擇以 Gateway 開頭的平台",
- "GatewayProtocolHelpText": "SSH網關,支持代理SSH,RDP和VNC",
- "GatewayUpdate": "更新網關",
- "DiscoverAccounts": "帳號收集",
- "DiscoverAccountsHelpText": "收集資產上的賬號資訊。收集後的賬號資訊可以導入到系統中,方便統一",
- "DiscoveredAccountList": "Collected accounts",
- "General": "基本",
- "GeneralAccounts": "普通帳號",
- "GeneralSetting": "General Settings",
- "Generate": "生成",
- "GenerateAccounts": "重新生成帳號",
- "GenerateSuccessMsg": "帳號生成成功",
- "GoHomePage": "去往首頁",
- "Goto": "轉到",
- "GrantedAssets": "授權的資產",
- "GreatEqualThan": "大於等於",
- "GroupsAmount": "使用者組",
- "GroupsHelpMessage": "請輸入用戶組,多個用戶組使用逗號分隔(需填寫已存在的用戶組)",
- "Guide": "嚮導",
- "HTTPSRequiredForSupport": "需要 HTTPS 支援,才能開啟",
- "HandleTicket": "處理工單",
- "Hardware": "硬體資訊",
- "HardwareInfo": "硬體資訊",
- "HasImportErrorItemMsg": "存在匯入失敗項,點擊左側 x 檢視失敗原因,點擊表格編輯後,可以繼續匯入失敗項",
- "HasRead": "是否已讀",
- "Help": "幫助",
- "HighLoad": "較高",
- "HistoricalSessionNum": "歷史會話數",
- "History": "執行歷史",
- "HistoryDate": "日期",
- "HistoryPassword": "歷史密碼",
- "HistoryRecord": "歷史紀錄",
- "Home": "家目錄",
- "HomeHelpMessage": "默認家目錄 /home/系統使用者名稱: /home/username",
- "HomePage": "首頁",
- "Host": "資產",
- "HostCreate": "創建資產-主機",
- "HostDeployment": "發布機部署",
- "HostList": "主機列表",
- "HostProtocol": "主機協議",
- "HostUpdate": "更新資產-主機",
- "Hostname": "主機名",
- "HostnameStrategy": "用於生成資產主機名。例如:1. 實例名稱 (instanceDemo);2. 實例名稱和部分IP(後兩位) (instanceDemo-250.1)",
- "Hosts": "主機",
- "Hour": "小時",
- "HuaweiCloud": "華為雲",
- "HuaweiPrivateCloud": "Huawei Private Cloud",
- "HuaweiPrivatecloud": "華為私有雲",
- "IAgree": "我同意",
- "ID": "ID",
- "IP": "IP",
- "IP/Host": "IP/主機",
- "IPLoginLimit": "IP 登入限制",
- "IPMatch": "IP 匹配",
- "IPNetworkSegment": "IP網段",
- "IPType": "IP 類型",
- "Icon": "圖示",
- "Id": "ID",
- "IdeaContent": "我想讓你充當一個 Linux 終端。我將輸入命令,你將回答終端應該顯示的內容。我希望你只在一個獨特的代碼塊內回復終端輸出,而不是其他。不要寫解釋。當我需要告訴你一些事情時,我會把文字放在大括號裡{備註文本}。",
- "IdeaTitle": "🌱 Linux 終端",
- "IdpMetadataHelpText": "IDP metadata URL 和 IDP metadata XML參數二選一即可,IDP metadata URL的優先度高",
- "IdpMetadataUrlHelpText": "從遠端地址中載入 IDP Metadata",
- "IgnoreCase": "忽略大小寫",
- "ImageName": "鏡像名",
- "Images": "圖片",
- "Import": "導入",
- "ImportAll": "導入全部",
- "ImportFail": "導入失敗",
- "ImportLdapUserTip": "請先提交LDAP配置再進行匯入",
- "ImportLdapUserTitle": "LDAP 使用者列表",
- "ImportLicense": "導入許可證",
- "ImportLicenseTip": "請導入許可證",
- "ImportMessage": "請前往對應類型的頁面導入數據",
- "ImportOrg": "導入組織",
- "ImprovePersonalInformation": "完善個人資訊",
- "InActiveAsset": "近期未被登入",
- "InActiveUser": "近期未登入過",
- "InAssetDetail": "在資產詳情中更新帳號資訊",
- "Inactive": "禁用",
- "Include": "包含",
- "Index": "首頁",
- "Info": "提示",
- "InformationModification": "資訊變更",
- "Inherit": "繼承",
- "InheritPlatformConfig": "繼承自平台配置,如需更改,請更改平台中的配置。",
- "InitialDeploy": "初始化安裝部署",
- "Input": "輸入",
- "InputEmailAddress": "請輸入正確的信箱地址",
- "InputMessage": "輸入消息...",
- "InputNumber": "請輸入數字類型",
- "InputPhone": "請輸入手機號碼",
- "InsecureCommandAlert": "危險命令告警",
- "InsecureCommandNotifyToSubscription": "危險命令通知已升級到消息訂閱中,支持更多通知方式",
- "InstanceAddress": "實例地址",
- "InstanceName": "實例名稱",
- "InstancePlatformName": "實例平台名稱",
- "Interface": "網路介面",
- "InterfaceSettings": "界面設置",
- "Interval": "間隔",
- "IntervalOfCreateUpdatePage": "單位:時",
- "Invalid": "無效",
- "InvalidJson": "不是合法 JSON",
- "Invalidity": "無效",
- "Invite": "邀請",
- "InviteSuccess": "邀請成功",
- "InviteUser": "邀請用戶",
- "InviteUserInOrg": "邀請用戶加入此組織",
- "Ip": "IP",
- "IpDomain": "IP 域",
- "IpGroup": "IP 群組",
- "IpGroupHelpText": "* 代表匹配所有。例如:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
- "IpType": "IP 類型",
- "IsActive": "啟用",
- "IsAlwaysUpdate": "資產保持最新",
- "IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTip": "是否在每次執行同步任務時同步更新資產資訊,包含主機名稱、ip、平台、域、節點等",
- "IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTips": "每次執行同步任務時,是否同步更新資產的資訊,包括主機名、IP、系統平台、網域、節點等資訊",
- "IsFinished": "完成",
- "IsLocked": "是否暫停",
- "IsSuccess": "是否成功",
- "IsSyncAccountHelpText": "收集完成後會把收集的帳號同步到資產",
- "IsSyncAccountLabel": "同步到資產",
- "JDCloud": "京東雲",
- "JMSSSO": "SSO Token 登入",
- "Job": "作業",
- "JobCenter": "作業中心",
- "JobCreate": "創建作業",
- "JobDetail": "作業詳情",
- "JobExecutionLog": "作業日誌",
- "JobList": "作業管理",
- "JobManagement": "作業",
- "JobName": "作業名稱",
- "JobType": "作業類型",
- "JobUpdate": "更新作業",
- "Key": "鍵",
- "KingSoftCloud": "金山雲",
- "KokoSetting": "KoKo 配置",
- "KokoSettingUpdate": "Koko 配置設置",
- "KubernetesApp": "Kubernetes",
- "KubernetesAppCount": "Kubernetes應用數量",
- "KubernetesAppCreate": "創建Kubernetes",
- "KubernetesAppDetail": "Kubernetes詳情",
- "KubernetesAppPermission": "Kubernetes授權",
- "KubernetesAppPermissionCreate": "創建Kubernetes授權規則",
- "KubernetesAppPermissionDetail": "Kubernetes授權詳情",
- "KubernetesAppPermissionUpdate": "更新Kubernetes授權規則",
- "KubernetesAppUpdate": "更新Kubernetes",
- "LAN": "區域網路",
- "LDAPServerInfo": "LDAP 伺服器",
- "LDAPUser": "LDAP 用戶",
- "LOWER_CASE_REQUIRED": "須包含小寫字母",
- "Label": "標籤",
- "LabelCreate": "創建標籤",
- "LabelInputFormatValidation": "標籤格式錯誤,正確格式為:name:value",
- "LabelList": "標籤列表",
- "LabelUpdate": "更新標籤",
- "Language": "語言",
- "LarkOAuth": "Lark 認證",
- "Last30": "最近 30 次",
- "Last30Days": "近30天",
- "Last7Days": "近7天",
- "LastPublishedTime": "最後發布時間",
- "LatestSessions": "最近登入記錄",
- "LatestSessions10": "最近10次登入",
- "LatestTop10": "TOP 10",
- "Ldap": "LDAP",
- "LdapBulkImport": "使用者匯入",
- "LdapConnectTest": "Test Connection",
- "LdapLoginTest": "測試登入",
- "Length": "長度",
- "LessEqualThan": "小於等於",
- "LevelApproval": "級審批",
- "License": "許可證",
- "LicenseDetail": "許可證詳情",
- "LicenseExpired": "許可證已經過期",
- "LicenseFile": "許可證文件",
- "LicenseForTest": "測試用途許可證, 本許可證僅用於 測試(PoC)和示範",
- "LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "資產數量已經超過許可證數量限制",
- "LicenseWillBe": "許可證即將在 ",
- "LinuxAdminUser": "Linux 特權用戶",
- "LinuxUserAffiliateGroup": "用戶附屬組",
- "LoadStatus": "負載狀態",
- "Loading": "載入中",
- "LockedIP": "已鎖定 IP {count} 個",
- "Log": "日誌",
- "LogData": "日誌數據",
- "LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "成功登入日誌數",
- "Logging": "日誌記錄",
- "Login": "用戶登入",
- "LoginAssetConfirm": "資產登入覆核",
- "LoginAssetToday": "今日活躍資產數",
- "LoginAssets": "活躍資產",
- "LoginCity": "登入城市",
- "LoginConfig": "登入配置",
- "LoginConfirm": "登入覆核",
- "LoginConfirmUser": "登錄複核 受理人",
- "LoginCount": "登入次數",
- "LoginDate": "登入日期",
- "LoginFailed": "登入失敗",
- "LoginFrom": "登入來源",
- "LoginIP": "登入IP",
- "LoginImageTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版使用者登入頁面(建議圖片大小為: 492*472px)",
- "LoginLog": "登入日誌",
- "LoginLogTotal": "登入成功日誌數",
- "LoginModeHelpMessage": "如果選擇手動登入模式,使用者名稱和密碼可以不填寫",
- "LoginModel": "登入模式",
- "LoginNum": "登入數",
- "LoginOption": "登入選項",
- "LoginOverview": "會話統計",
- "LoginPasswordSetting": "登入密碼設定",
- "LoginRequiredMsg": "帳號已退出,請重新登入",
- "LoginSSHKeySetting": "登入 SSH 公鑰",
- "LoginSucceeded": "登入成功",
- "LoginTitleTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版使用者 SSH 登入 KoKo 登入頁面(eg: 歡迎使用JumpServer開源堡壘機)",
- "LoginTo": "登入了",
- "LoginUserRanking": "會話用戶排名",
- "LoginUserToday": "今日登入用戶數",
- "LoginUsers": "活躍帳號",
- "LogoIndexTip": "提示:將會顯示在管理頁面左上方(建議圖片大小為: 185px*55px)",
- "LogoLogoutTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版使用者的 Web 終端頁面(建議圖片大小為:82px*82px)",
- "Logout": "退出登入",
- "LogsAudit": "日誌審計",
- "Lowercase": "小寫字母",
- "LunaSetting": "Luna 設定",
- "LunaSettingUpdate": "Luna 配置設置",
- "MFA": "MFA",
- "MFAConfirm": "MFA 認證",
- "MFAErrorMsg": "MFA錯誤,請檢查",
- "MFAOfUserFirstLoginPersonalInformationImprovementPage": "啟用多因子認證,使帳號更加安全。
- "MFAOfUserFirstLoginUserGuidePage": "為了保護您和公司的安全,請妥善保管您的帳戶、密碼和金鑰等重要敏感資訊;(如:設置複雜密碼,並啟用多因子認證)
- "MFARequireForSecurity": "為了安全請輸入MFA",
- "MFAVerify": "驗證 MFA",
- "MIN_LENGTH_ERROR": "密碼最小長度 {0} 位",
- "MailRecipient": "郵件收件人",
- "MailSend": "郵件發送",
- "ManualAccount": "手動帳號",
- "ManualAccountTip": "登入時手動輸入 使用者名稱/密碼",
- "ManualExecution": "手動執行",
- "ManualInput": "手動輸入",
- "ManyChoose": "可多選",
- "MarkAsRead": "標記已讀",
- "Marketplace": "應用市場",
- "Match": "匹配",
- "MatchIn": "在...中",
- "MatchResult": "匹配結果",
- "MatchedCount": "匹配結果",
- "Material": "內容",
- "Members": "成員",
- "Memory": "記憶體",
- "MenuAccountTemplates": "帳號模版",
- "MenuAccounts": "帳號",
- "MenuAcls": "訪問控制",
- "MenuAssets": "資產管理",
- "MenuMore": "其他",
- "MenuPermissions": "授權管理",
- "MenuUsers": "使用者管理",
- "Message": "消息",
- "MessageSub": "消息訂閱",
- "MessageSubscription": "消息訂閱",
- "MessageType": "消息類型",
- "Meta": "元數據",
- "MfaLevel": "多因子認證",
- "Min": "分鐘",
- "MinNumber30": "數字必須大於或等於 30",
- "Model": "型號",
- "Modify": "修改",
- "ModifySSHKey": "修改 SSH Key",
- "ModifyTheme": "修改主題",
- "Module": "模組",
- "Monday": "週一",
- "Monitor": "監控",
- "Month": "月",
- "Monthly": "按月",
- "More": "更多選項",
- "MoreActions": "更多操作",
- "MoveAssetToNode": "移動資產到節點",
- "MsgSubscribe": "消息訂閱",
- "MyApps": "我的應用",
- "MyAssets": "我的資產",
- "MyTickets": "我發起的",
- "NUMBER_REQUIRED": "須包含數字",
- "Name": "名稱",
- "NavHelp": "導航欄連結",
- "Navigation": "導航",
- "NeedAddAppsOrSystemUserErrMsg": "需要添加應用或系統用戶",
- "NeedReLogin": "需要重新登入",
- "NeedSpecifiedFile": "需上傳指定格式文件",
- "Network": "網路",
- "New": "新建",
- "NewChat": "新聊天",
- "NewCount": "新增",
- "NewCron": "Generate Cron",
- "NewDirectory": "新建目錄",
- "NewFile": "新建文件",
- "NewPassword": "新密碼",
- "NewPublicKey": "新 SSH 公鑰",
- "NewSSHKey": "SSH 公鑰",
- "NewSecret": "新金鑰",
- "NewSyncCount": "新同步",
- "Next": "下一步",
- "No": "否",
- "NoAccountFound": "沒有找到帳戶",
- "NoContent": "暫無內容",
- "NoData": "暫無數據",
- "NoFiles": "暫無文件",
- "NoInputCommand": "未輸入命令",
- "NoLicense": "暫無許可證",
- "NoLog": "No Log",
- "NoPermission": "暫無權限",
- "NoPermission403": "403 暫無權限",
- "NoPermissionInGlobal": " Global No Permission",
- "NoPermissionVew": "沒有權限查看當前頁面",
- "NoPublished": "未發布",
- "NoResourceImport": "沒有資源可導入",
- "NoSQLProtocol": "非關係資料庫",
- "NoSystemUserWasSelected": "未選擇系統用戶",
- "NoUnreadMsg": "暫無未讀消息",
- "Node": "節點",
- "NodeAmount": "節點數量",
- "NodeInformation": "節點資訊",
- "NodeOfNumber": "節點數",
- "NodeSearchStrategy": "節點搜索策略",
- "NormalLoad": "正常",
- "NotEqual": "不等於",
- "NotSet": "未設置",
- "NotSpecialEmoji": "不允許輸入特殊表情符號",
- "Nothing": "無",
- "NotificationConfiguration": "通知設定",
- "Notifications": "通知",
- "Now": "現在",
- "Num": "數",
- "Number": "編號",
- "NumberOfVisits": "訪問次數",
- "OAuth2": "OAuth2",
- "OAuth2LogoTip": "提示:認證服務提供商(建議圖片大小為: 64px*64px)",
- "OIDC": "OIDC",
- "OTP": "MFA (OTP)",
- "ObjectNotFoundOrDeletedMsg": "沒有找到對應資源或者已被刪除",
- "ObjectStorage": "物件儲存",
- "Offline": "離線",
- "OfflineSelected": "Action所選",
- "OfflineSuccessMsg": "下線成功",
- "OfflineUpload": "離線上傳",
- "OldPassword": "原密碼",
- "OldPublicKey": "舊 SSH 公鑰",
- "OldSSHKey": "原來SSH公鑰",
- "OldSecret": "原金鑰",
- "On/Off": "啟/停",
- "OneAssignee": "一級受理人",
- "OneAssigneeType": "一級受理人類型",
- "OneClickRead": "當前已讀",
- "OneClickReadMsg": "你確定要全部標記為已讀嗎?",
- "OnlineSession": "在線用戶",
- "OnlineSessionHelpMsg": "無法下線當前會話,因為該會話是當前用戶的在線會話。當前只記錄以 Web 方式登入的用戶。",
- "OnlineSessions": "在線會話數",
- "OnlineUserDevices": "在線用戶設備",
- "OnlineUsers": "在線帳號",
- "OnlyInitialDeploy": "僅初始化配置",
- "OnlyLatestVersion": "僅最新版本",
- "OnlyMailSend": "當前只支持郵件發送",
- "OnlySearchCurrentNodePerm": "僅搜索當前節點的授權",
- "Open": "打開",
- "OpenCommand": "打開命令",
- "OpenId": "OpenID設置",
- "OpenStack": "OpenStack",
- "OpenStatus": "審批中",
- "OpenTicket": "創建工單",
- "OperateLog": "操作日誌",
- "OperateRecord": "操作記錄",
- "OperationLogNum": "操作日誌數",
- "Ops": "任務",
- "Options": "選項",
- "OracleDBNameHelpText": "提示:填寫 Oracle 資料庫的SID或服務名稱(Service Name)",
- "OrgAdmin": "組織管理員",
- "OrgAuditor": "組織審計員",
- "OrgName": "授權組織名稱",
- "OrgRole": "組織角色",
- "OrgRoleHelpMsg": "組織角色為平台內的各個組織量身訂做的角色。 這些角色是在邀請用戶加入特定組織時分配的,並規定他們在該組織內的權限和訪問等級。 與系統角色不同,組織角色可以自行定義,並且只適用於他們所分配到的組織範圍內。",
- "OrgRoleHelpText": "組織角色是用戶在當前組織中的角色",
- "OrgRoles": "組織角色",
- "OrgUser": "組織用戶",
- "OrganizationCreate": "創建組織",
- "OrganizationDetail": "組織詳情",
- "OrganizationList": "組織管理",
- "OrganizationLists": "組織列表",
- "OrganizationManage": "組織",
- "OrganizationMembership": "組織成員",
- "OrganizationUpdate": "更新組織",
- "OrgsAndRoles": "組織和角色",
- "Os": "操作系統",
- "Other": "其它設置",
- "OtherAuth": "其它認證",
- "OtherProtocol": "其它協議",
- "OtherRules": "其它規則",
- "Others": "其它",
- "Output": "輸出",
- "Overview": "概覽",
- "PENDING": "等待中",
- "PageNext": "下一頁",
- "PagePrev": "上一頁",
- "Parameter": "參數",
- "Params": "參數",
- "ParamsHelpText": "改密參數設置,目前僅對平台種類為主機的資產生效。",
- "PassKey": "Passkey",
- "Passkey": "Passkey",
- "PasskeyAddDisableInfo": "你的認證來源是 {source}, 不支持添加 Passkey",
- "Passphrase": "金鑰密碼",
- "Password": "密碼",
- "PasswordAndSSHKey": "認證設置",
- "PasswordChangeLog": "改密日誌",
- "PasswordCheckRule": "密碼強弱規則",
- "PasswordConfirm": "密碼認證",
- "PasswordExpired": "密碼過期了",
- "PasswordHelpMessage": "密碼或金鑰密碼",
- "PasswordLength": "密碼長度",
- "PasswordOrToken": "密碼 / 令牌",
- "PasswordPlaceholder": "請輸入密碼",
- "PasswordRecord": "密碼記錄",
- "PasswordRequireForSecurity": "為了安全請輸入密碼",
- "PasswordRule": "密碼規則",
- "PasswordSecurity": "密碼安全",
- "PasswordSelector": "密碼輸入框選擇器",
- "PasswordStrategy": "密文生成策略",
- "PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "密碼即將在 ",
- "PasswordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "天後過期,請盡快修改您的密碼。",
- "PasswordWithoutSpecialCharHelpText": "不能包含特殊字元",
- "Paste": "黏貼",
- "Pause": "暫停",
- "PauseTaskSendSuccessMsg": "暫停任務已下發,請稍後刷新查看",
- "Pending": "待處理",
- "Periodic": "定期執行",
- "PeriodicPerform": "定時執行",
- "Perm": "授權",
- "PermAccount": "授權帳號",
- "PermAction": "授權Action",
- "PermName": "授權名稱",
- "PermUserList": "授權用戶",
- "PermissionCompany": "授權公司",
- "PermissionName": "授權規則名稱",
- "Permissions": "權限",
- "Perms": "權限管理",
- "PersonalInformationImprovement": "個人資訊完善",
- "PersonalSettings": "個人設定",
- "Phone": "手機號碼",
- "Plan": "計劃",
- "Platform": "系統平台",
- "PlatformCreate": "創建系統平台",
- "PlatformDetail": "系統平台詳情",
- "PlatformList": "平台列表",
- "PlatformPageHelpMsg": "平台是資產的分類,例如:Windows、Linux、網路裝置等。也可以在平台上指定某些設定,如 協定,閘道 等,決定是否啟用資產上的某些功能。",
- "PlatformProtocolConfig": "平台協議配置",
- "PlatformSimple": "平台",
- "PlatformUpdate": "更新系統平台",
- "PlaybookDetail": "Playbook詳情",
- "PlaybookManage": "Playbook管理",
- "PlaybookUpdate": "更新Playbook",
- "PleaseAgreeToTheTerms": "請同意條款",
- "PleaseClickLeftApplicationToViewApplicationAccount": "應用帳號列表,點擊左側應用進行查看",
- "PleaseClickLeftAssetToViewAssetAccount": "資產帳號列表,點擊左側資產進行查看",
- "PleaseClickLeftAssetToViewGatheredUser": "收集用戶列表,點擊左側資產進行查看",
- "PleaseSelect": "請選擇",
- "PolicyName": "策略名稱",
- "Port": "端口",
- "Ports": "埠",
- "Preferences": "偏好設定",
- "PrepareSyncTask": "準備執行同步任務中...",
- "Primary": "主要",
- "PrimaryProtocol": "主要協議, 資產最基本最常用的協議,只能且必須設置一個",
- "Priority": "優先等級",
- "PriorityHelpMessage": "1-100, 1最低優先度,100最高優先度。授權多個用戶時,高優先度的系統用戶將會作為默認登入用戶",
- "PrivateCloud": "私有雲",
- "PrivateIp": "私有 IP",
- "PrivateKey": "私鑰",
- "Privileged": "特權帳號",
- "PrivilegedFirst": "優先特權帳號",
- "PrivilegedOnly": "僅特權帳號",
- "PrivilegedTemplate": "特權的",
- "Product": "產品",
- "Profile": "個人資訊",
- "ProfileSetting": "個人資訊設置",
- "Project": "項目名",
- "Prompt": "提示詞",
- "Proportion": "占比",
- "ProportionOfAssetTypes": "資產類型占比",
- "Protocol": "協議",
- "Protocols": "協議",
- "ProtocolsEnabled": "啟用協議",
- "ProtocolsGroup": "協議",
- "Provider": "雲服務商",
- "Proxy": "代理",
- "Public": "公共的",
- "PublicCloud": "公有雲",
- "PublicIp": "固定IP",
- "PublicKey": "公鑰",
- "PublicProtocol": "如果是公共協議在連接資產時會顯示",
- "Publish": "發布",
- "PublishAllApplets": "發布所有應用",
- "PublishStatus": "發布狀態",
- "Push": "推送",
- "PushAccount": "推送帳號",
- "PushAccountsHelpText": "將現有帳號推送到資產上。推送帳號時,如果帳號已存在,會更新帳號的密碼,如果帳號不存在,則會創建帳號",
- "PushAllSystemUsersToAsset": "推送所有系統用戶到資產",
- "PushParams": "推送參數",
- "PushSelected": "推送所選",
- "PushSelectedSystemUsersToAsset": "推送所選系統用戶到資產",
- "PushSystemUserNow": "推送系統用戶",
- "Qcloud": "騰訊雲",
- "QcloudLighthouse": "騰訊雲(輕量應用伺服器)",
- "QingYunPrivateCloud": " QingCloud Private Cloud",
- "QingyunPrivatecloud": "青雲私有雲",
- "Queue": "隊列",
- "QuickAccess": "快速訪問",
- "QuickAdd": "快速添加",
- "QuickJob": "快捷命令",
- "QuickSelect": "快速選擇",
- "QuickTest": "測試",
- "QuickUpdate": "快速更新",
- "RDBProtocol": "關係型資料庫",
- "RUNNING": "運行中",
- "Radius": "Radius",
- "Ranking": "排名",
- "RazorNotSupport": "RDP 用戶端會話, 暫不支持監控",
- "ReLogin": "重新登入",
- "ReLoginErr": "登入時長已超過 5 分鐘,請重新登入",
- "ReLoginTitle": "當前三方登入用戶(CAS/SAML),未綁定 MFA 且不支持密碼校驗,請重新登入。",
- "RealTimeData": "即時數據",
- "Reason": "原因",
- "Receivers": "接收人",
- "RecentLogin": "最近登入",
- "RecentSession": "最近會話",
- "RecentlyUsed": "最近使用",
- "Recipient": "接收人",
- "RecipientHelpText": "如果同時設定了收件人A和B,帳號的密文將被拆分為兩部分;如果只設定了一個收件人,密鑰則不會被拆分。",
- "RecipientServer": "接收伺服器",
- "Reconnect": "重新連接",
- "Refresh": "刷新",
- "RefreshHardware": "更新硬體資訊",
- "Regex": "正則表達式",
- "Region": "地域",
- "RegularlyPerform": "定期執行",
- "Reject": "拒絕",
- "Rejected": "已拒絕",
- "RelAnd": "與",
- "RelNot": "非",
- "RelOr": "或",
- "Relation": "關係",
- "ReleaseAssets": "同步釋放資產",
- "ReleaseAssetsHelpTips": "是否在任務結束時,自動删除通過此任務同步下來且已經在雲上釋放的資產",
- "ReleasedCount": "已釋放",
- "RelevantApp": "應用",
- "RelevantAsset": "資產",
- "RelevantAssignees": "相關受理人",
- "RelevantCommand": "命令",
- "RelevantSystemUser": "系統用戶",
- "RemoteAddr": "遠端地址",
- "RemoteApp": "遠程應用",
- "RemoteAppDetail": "遠程應用詳情",
- "RemoteAppListHelpMessage": "使用此功能前,請確保已將應用載入器上傳到應用伺服器並成功發布為一個 RemoteApp 應用 下載應用載入器",
- "RemoteAppPermission": "遠程應用授權",
- "RemoteAppPermissionCreate": "創建遠程應用授權規則",
- "RemoteAppPermissionDetail": "遠程應用授權詳情",
- "RemoteAppPermissionUpdate": "更新遠程應用授權規則",
- "RemoteAppUpdate": "更新遠程應用",
- "RemoteApps": "遠程應用",
- "RemoteType": "應用類型",
- "Remove": "移除",
- "RemoveAssetFromNode": "從節點移除資產",
- "RemoveFromCurrentNode": "從節點移除",
- "RemoveSelected": "移除所選",
- "RemoveSuccessMsg": "移除成功",
- "RemoveWarningMsg": "你確定要移除",
- "Rename": "重命名",
- "RenameNode": "重命名節點",
- "ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUser": "替換節點資產的管理員",
- "ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUserWithThis": "替換資產的管理員",
- "Replay": "回放",
- "ReplaySession": "回放會話",
- "ReplayStorage": "Object Storage",
- "ReplayStorageCreateUpdateHelpMessage": "注意:目前 SFTP 儲存僅支持帳號備份,暫不支持錄影儲存。",
- "ReplayStorageUpdate": "更新對象儲存",
- "Reply": "回覆",
- "RequestApplicationPerm": "申請應用授權",
- "RequestAssetPerm": "申請資產授權",
- "RequestPerm": "授權申請",
- "RequestTickets": "申請工單",
- "Required": "必需的",
- "RequiredAssetOrNode": "請至少選擇一個資產或節點",
- "RequiredContent": "請輸入命令",
- "RequiredEntryFile": "此文件作為運行的入口文件,必須存在",
- "RequiredProtocol": "必需協議, 添加資產時必須選擇, 可以設置多個",
- "RequiredRunas": "請輸入運行用戶",
- "RequiredSystemUserErrMsg": "請選擇帳號",
- "RequiredUploadFile": "請上傳文件!",
- "Reset": "還原",
- "ResetAndDownloadSSHKey": "重設並下載金鑰",
- "ResetMFA": "重置MFA",
- "ResetMFAWarningMsg": "你確定要重置用戶的 MFA 嗎?",
- "ResetMFAdSuccessMsg": "重設MFA成功, 使用者可以重新設置MFA了",
- "ResetPassword": "重設密碼",
- "ResetPasswordNextLogin": " Password must be changed at next login",
- "ResetPasswordSuccessMsg": "已向使用者發送重設密碼訊息",
- "ResetPasswordWarningMsg": "你確定要發送重設使用者密碼的電子郵件嗎",
- "ResetPublicKeyAndDownload": "重設並下載SSH金鑰",
- "ResetSSHKey": "重設SSH金鑰",
- "ResetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "發送郵件任務已提交,用戶稍後會收到重置密鑰郵件",
- "ResetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "你確定要傳送重置用戶的SSH Key的郵件嗎?",
- "Resource": "資源",
- "ResourceType": "資源類型",
- "Resources": "資源",
- "RestoreButton": "恢復默認",
- "RestoreDefault": "恢復默認",
- "RestoreDialogMessage": "您確定要恢復成預設初始化嗎?",
- "RestoreDialogTitle": "你確定嗎",
- "Result": "結果",
- "Resume": "恢復",
- "ResumeTaskSendSuccessMsg": "恢復任務已下發,請稍後刷新查看",
- "Retry": "重試",
- "RetrySelected": "重新嘗試所選",
- "Reviewer": "審批人",
- "Revise": "修改",
- "Role": "角色",
- "RoleCreate": "創建角色",
- "RoleDetail": "角色詳情",
- "RoleInfo": "角色資訊",
- "RoleList": "角色列表",
- "RolePerms": "角色權限",
- "RoleUpdate": "更新角色",
- "RoleUsers": "授權用戶",
- "Rows": "列",
- "Rule": "條件",
- "RuleCount": "條件數量",
- "RuleDetail": "規則詳情",
- "RuleRelation": "條件關係",
- "RuleRelationHelpTip": "和:只有在所有條件全部滿足時,才會執行該 Action; 或:只要有一個條件達成就會執行該 Action ",
- "RuleRelationHelpTips": "且:當所有條件都滿足時,才會執行動作;或:有一個條件滿足,就會執行動作",
- "RuleSetting": "條件設置",
- "Rules": "規則",
- "Run": "運行",
- "RunAgain": "再次執行",
- "RunAs": "執行使用者",
- "RunCommand": "運行命令",
- "RunJob": "運行作業",
- "RunSucceed": "任務執行成功",
- "RunTaskManually": "手動執行",
- "RunUser": "運行用戶",
- "RunasHelpText": "填寫運行腳本的使用者名稱",
- "RunasPolicy": "帳號策略",
- "RunasPolicyHelpText": "當前資產上沒此運行用戶時,採取什麼帳號選擇策略。跳過:不執行。優先特權帳號:如果有特權帳號先選特權帳號,如果沒有就選普通帳號。僅特權帳號:只從特權帳號中選擇,如果沒有則不執行",
- "Running": "正在運行中的Vault 伺服器掛載點,預設為 jumpserver",
- "RunningPath": "運行路徑",
- "RunningPathHelpText": "填寫腳本的運行路徑,此設置僅 shell 腳本生效",
- "RunningTimes": " Last 5 run times",
- "SAML2Auth": "SAML2 認證",
- "SCP": "深信服雲平台",
- "SFTPHelpMessage": "SFTP 的起始路徑,家目錄可以填: HOME.
支持變數: ${ACCOUNT} 連接的帳號使用者名稱, ${USER} 當前用戶使用者名稱, 如 /tmp/${ACCOUNT}",
- "SMS": "簡訊",
- "SMSProvider": "簡訊服務商",
- "SMTP": "郵件伺服器",
- "SSHKey": "SSH金鑰",
- "SSHKeyOfProfileSSHUpdatePage": "複製你的公鑰到這裡",
- "SSHKeySetting": "SSH公鑰設置",
- "SSHPort": "SSH 埠",
- "SSHSecretKey": "SSH 金鑰",
- "SSO": "單點認證",
- "SUCCESS": "成功",
- "SafeCommand": "安全命令",
- "SameAccount": "同名帳號",
- "SameAccountTip": "與被授權人使用者名稱相同的帳號",
- "SameTypeAccountTip": "相同使用者名稱、金鑰類型的帳號已存在",
- "Saturday": "週六",
- "Save": "保存",
- "SaveAdhoc": "保存命令",
- "SaveAndAddAnother": "保存並繼續添加",
- "SaveCommand": "保存命令 ",
- "SaveCommandSuccess": "保存命令成功",
- "SaveSetting": "同步設定",
- "SaveSuccess": "保存成功",
- "SaveSuccessContinueMsg": "創建成功,更新內容後可以繼續添加",
- "Scope": "類別",
- "ScriptDetail": "腳本詳情",
- "ScrollToBottom": "滾動到底部",
- "ScrollToTop": "滾動到頂部",
- "Search": "搜索",
- "SearchAncestorNodePerm": "同時搜索當前節點和祖先節點的授權",
- "Secret": "密碼",
- "SecretKey": "金鑰",
- "SecretKeyStrategy": "密碼策略",
- "SecretType": "密文類型",
- "Secure": "安全",
- "Security": "安全設定",
- "SecurityInsecureCommand": "開啟後,當資產上有危險命令執行時,會發送郵件告警通知",
- "SecurityInsecureCommandEmailReceiver": "多個信箱時,以半形逗號','分隔",
- "SecuritySetting": "安全設定",
- "Select": "選擇",
- "SelectAccount": "選擇帳號",
- "SelectAdhoc": "選擇命令",
- "SelectAll": "全選",
- "SelectAtLeastOneAssetOrNodeErrMsg": "資產或者節點至少選擇一項",
- "SelectAttrs": "選擇屬性",
- "SelectByAttr": "屬性篩選",
- "SelectCreateMethod": "選擇創建方式",
- "SelectFile": "選擇文件",
- "SelectKeyOrCreateNew": "選擇標籤鍵或創建新的",
- "SelectLabelFilter": "選擇標籤搜索",
- "SelectProperties": "選擇屬性",
- "SelectProvider": "選擇平台",
- "SelectProviderMsg": "請選擇一個雲平臺",
- "SelectResource": "選擇資源",
- "SelectTemplate": "選擇模板",
- "SelectValueOrCreateNew": "選擇標籤值或創建新的",
- "Selected": "已選擇",
- "Selection": "可選擇",
- "Selector": "選擇器",
- "Send": "發送",
- "SendVerificationCode": "發送驗證碼",
- "Sender": "發送人",
- "Senior": "高級",
- "SerialNumber": "序號",
- "Server": "服務",
- "ServerAccountKey": "服務帳號金鑰",
- "ServerError": "伺服器錯誤",
- "ServerTime": "伺服器時間",
- "ServiceRatio": "組件負載統計",
- "Session": "會話",
- "SessionCommands": "會話指令",
- "SessionConnectTrend": "會話連接趨勢",
- "SessionData": "會話數據",
- "SessionDetail": "會話詳情",
- "SessionID": "會話ID",
- "SessionJoinRecords": "協作記錄",
- "SessionList": "會話記錄",
- "SessionMonitor": "監控",
- "SessionOffline": "歷史會話",
- "SessionOnline": "在線會話",
- "SessionSecurity": "會話安全",
- "SessionState": "會話狀態",
- "SessionTerminate": "會話終斷",
- "SessionTrend": "會話趨勢",
- "Sessions": "會話管理",
- "SessionsAudit": "會話審計",
- "SessionsNum": "會話數",
- "Set": "已設置",
- "SetAdDomainNoDisabled": "使用特權帳號在資產上創建普通帳號,如果設置了AD域名不能修改(Windows)",
- "SetDingTalk": "設定DingTalk認證",
- "SetFailed": "設置失敗",
- "SetFeiShu": "設定飛書認證",
- "SetMFA": "設置多因子認證",
- "SetPublicKey": "設置SSH公鑰",
- "SetStatus": "設置狀態",
- "SetSuccess": "設置成功",
- "SetToDefault": "設為默認",
- "Setting": "設置",
- "SettingInEndpointHelpText": "在 系統設置 / 組件設置 / 服務端點 中配置服務地址和埠",
- "Settings": "系統設置",
- "Share": "分享",
- "Show": "顯示",
- "ShowAssetAllChildrenNode": "顯示所有子節點資產",
- "ShowAssetOnlyCurrentNode": "僅顯示當前節點資產",
- "ShowNodeInfo": "顯示節點詳情",
- "SignChannelNum": "簽名通道號",
- "SignaturesAndTemplates": "Signatures and Templates",
- "SiteMessage": "站內信",
- "SiteMessageList": "站內信",
- "SiteURLTip": "例如:",
- "Skip": "跳過",
- "Skipped": "已跳過",
- "Slack": "Slack",
- "SlackOAuth": "Slack 認證",
- "Source": "來源",
- "SourceIP": "源地址",
- "SourcePort": "源埠",
- "Spec": "指定",
- "SpecAccount": "指定帳號",
- "SpecAccountTip": "指定使用者名稱選擇授權帳號",
- "SpecialSymbol": "特殊字元",
- "SpecificInfo": "特殊資訊",
- "SshKeyFingerprint": "SSH 指紋",
- "SshPort": "SSH 埠",
- "Startswith": "以...開頭",
- "State": "狀態",
- "StateClosed": "已關閉",
- "StatePrivate": "私有",
- "Status": "狀態",
- "StatusGreen": "近期狀態良好",
- "StatusRed": "上一次任務執行失敗",
- "StatusYellow": "近期存在在執行失敗",
- "Step": "步驟",
- "Stop": "停止",
- "StopJob": "停止作業",
- "StopLogOutput": "任務已取消:當前任務(currentTaskId)已被手動停止。由於每個任務的執行進度不同,以下是任務的最終執行結果。執行失敗表示任務已成功停止。",
- "Storage": "儲存設置",
- "StorageConfiguration": "儲存配置",
- "StorageSetting": "儲存設定",
- "Strategy": "策略",
- "StrategyCreate": "創建策略",
- "StrategyDetail": "策略詳情",
- "StrategyHelpTip": "Identify unique properties (e.g., platforms) of assets based on policy priority; When the properties of assets (such as nodes) can be configured to multiple, all actions of the policy will be executed.",
- "StrategyHelpTips": "根據策略優先度確定資產的唯一屬性(如平台),當資產屬性(如節點)可配置多個的時候,所有策略的動作都會被執行",
- "StrategyList": "策略列表",
- "StrategyUpdate": "更新策略",
- "SuEnabled": "啟用帳號切換",
- "SuFrom": "切換自",
- "Subject": "主題",
- "Submit": "提交",
- "SubmitSelector": "提交按鈕選擇器",
- "Subscription": "消息訂閱",
- "SubscriptionID": "訂閱授權ID",
- "Success": "成功",
- "Success/Total": "成功/總數",
- "SuccessAsset": "成功的資產",
- "SuccessfulOperation": "操作成功",
- "SudoHelpMessage": "使用逗號分隔多個命令,如: /bin/whoami,/sbin/ifconfig",
- "Summary": "彙總",
- "Summary(success/total)": "概況( 成功/總數 )",
- "Sunday": "週日",
- "SuperAdmin": "超級管理員",
- "SuperOrgAdmin": "超級管理員+組織管理員",
- "Support": "支持",
- "SupportedProtocol": "支持的協議",
- "SupportedProtocolHelpText": "設置資產支持的協議,點擊設置按鈕可以為協議修改自訂配置,如 SFTP 目錄,RDP AD 域等",
- "SwitchPage": "切換視圖",
- "SwitchToUser": "Su 用戶",
- "SwitchToUserListTips": "透過以下用戶連接資產時,會使用當前系統用戶登入再進行切換。",
- "SymbolSet": "特殊符號集合",
- "SymbolSetHelpText": "請輸入此類型資料庫支持的特殊符號集合,若生成的隨機密碼中有此類資料庫不支持的特殊字元,改密計劃將會失敗",
- "Sync": "同步",
- "SyncAction": "同步動作",
- "SyncDelete": "同步刪除",
- "SyncDeleteSelected": "同步刪除所選",
- "SyncErrorMsg": "同步失敗:",
- "SyncInstanceTaskCreate": "創建同步任務",
- "SyncInstanceTaskDetail": "同步任務詳情",
- "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryAssetList": "同步實例列表",
- "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryList": "同步歷史列表",
- "SyncInstanceTaskList": "同步任務列表",
- "SyncInstanceTaskUpdate": "更新同步任務",
- "SyncManual": "手動同步",
- "SyncOnline": "線上同步",
- "SyncProtocolToAsset": "同步協議到資產",
- "SyncRegion": "正在同步地域",
- "SyncSelected": "同步所選",
- "SyncSetting": "同步設定",
- "SyncStrategy": "同步策略",
- "SyncSuccessMsg": "同步成功",
- "SyncTask": "同步任務",
- "SyncTiming": "定時同步",
- "SyncUpdateAccountInfo": "同步更新帳號資訊",
- "SyncUser": "同步用戶",
- "SyncedCount": "已同步",
- "SystemError": "系統錯誤",
- "SystemMessageSubscription": "系統消息訂閱",
- "SystemRole": "系統角色",
- "SystemRoleHelpMsg": "系統角色是平台內所有組織普遍適用的角色。 這些角色允許您為整個系統的用戶定義特定的權限和訪問級別。 對系統角色的變更將影響使用該平台的所有組織。",
- "SystemRoles": "系統角色",
- "SystemSetting": "系統設置",
- "SystemTasks": "任務列表",
- "SystemTools": "系統工具",
- "SystemUser": "系統用戶",
- "SystemUserAmount": "系統用戶數量",
- "SystemUserCreate": "創建系統用戶",
- "SystemUserDetail": "系統用戶詳情",
- "SystemUserId": "系統用戶Id",
- "SystemUserList": "系統用戶",
- "SystemUserListHelpMessage": "系統用戶 是JumpServer 登入資產時使用的帳號,如 root `ssh root@host`,而不是使用該使用者名稱登入資產(ssh admin@host)`;
特權用戶 是資產已存在的, 並且擁有 高級權限 的系統用戶, JumpServer 使用該用戶來 `推送系統用戶`、`獲取資產硬體資訊` 等;普通用戶 可以在資產上預先存在,也可以由 特權用戶 來自動創建。",
- "SystemUserName": "系統使用者名稱",
- "SystemUserUpdate": "更新系統用戶",
- "SystemUsers": "系統用戶",
- "TableColSetting": "選擇可見屬性列",
- "TableColSettingInfo": "請選擇您想顯示的列表詳細資訊。",
- "TableSetting": "表單偏好",
- "TagCreate": "創建標籤",
- "TagInputFormatValidation": "Label format error, correct format is: name:value",
- "TagList": "標籤列表",
- "TagUpdate": "更新標籤",
- "Tags": "標籤",
- "TailLog": "追蹤日誌",
- "Target": "目標",
- "TargetResources": "目標資源",
- "Task": "任務",
- "TaskCenter": "任務中心",
- "TaskDetail": "任務詳情",
- "TaskDispatch": "任務下發成功",
- "TaskDone": "任務結束",
- "TaskID": "任務 ID",
- "TaskList": "工作列表",
- "TaskMonitor": "任務監控",
- "TechnologyConsult": "技術諮詢",
- "TempPassword": "臨時密碼有效期為 300 秒,使用後立刻失效",
- "TempPasswordTip": "臨時密碼有效時間為 300 秒,使用後立即失效",
- "TempToken": "臨時密碼",
- "Template": "模板管理",
- "TemplateAdd": "模板添加",
- "TemplateCreate": "創建模板",
- "TemplateDetail": "模板詳情",
- "TemplateHelpText": "選擇模板添加時,會自動創建資產下不存在的帳號並推送",
- "TemplateManagement": "模板管理",
- "TemplateUpdate": "更新模板",
- "Templates": "模板管理",
- "TencentCloud": "騰訊雲",
- "Terminal": "組件設置",
- "TerminalDetail": "組件詳情",
- "TerminalStat": "CPU/記憶體/磁碟",
- "TerminalUpdate": "更新終端機",
- "TerminalUpdateStorage": "更新終端儲存",
- "Terminate": "終端",
- "TerminateTaskSendSuccessMsg": "終斷任務已下發,請稍後刷新查看",
- "TermsAndConditions": "條款和條件",
- "Test": "測試",
- "TestAccountConnective": "測試帳號可連接性",
- "TestAllSystemUsersConnective": "測試所有系統用戶可連接性",
- "TestAssetsConnective": "測試資產可連接性",
- "TestConnection": "測試連接",
- "TestGatewayHelpMessage": "如果使用了nat埠映射,請設置為ssh真實監聽的埠",
- "TestGatewayTestConnection": "測試連接網關",
- "TestLdapLoginTitle": "測試LDAP 使用者登入",
- "TestMultiPort": "多個埠用,分隔",
- "TestNodeAssetConnectivity": "測試資產節點可連接性",
- "TestParam": "參數",
- "TestPortErrorMsg": "埠錯誤,請重新輸入",
- "TestSelected": "測試所選",
- "TestSelectedSystemUsersConnective": "測試所選系統用戶可連接性",
- "TestSuccessMsg": "測試成功",
- "ThisPeriodic": "這是一個週期作業",
- "Thursday": "週四",
- "Ticket": "工單",
- "TicketCreate": "創建工單",
- "TicketDetail": "工單詳情",
- "TicketFlow": "工單流",
- "TicketFlowCreate": "創建審批流",
- "TicketFlowUpdate": "更新審批流",
- "Tickets": "工單列表",
- "TicketsDone": "已辦工單",
- "TicketsNew": "提交工單",
- "TicketsTodo": "待辦工單",
- "Time": "時間",
- "TimeDelta": "運行時間",
- "TimeExpression": "時間表示式",
- "Timeout": "超時(秒)",
- "TimeoutHelpText": "當此值為-1時,不指定超時時間",
- "Timer": "定時執行",
- "TimerPeriod": "定時執行週期",
- "TimesWeekUnit": "次/周",
- "Title": "Title",
- "To": "至",
- "Today": "今天",
- "TodayFailedConnections": "今日會話失敗數",
- "Token": "令牌",
- "TopAssetsOfWeek": "周資產 TOP10",
- "TopUsersOfWeek": "周用戶 TOP10",
- "Total": "總數",
- "TotalJobFailed": "執行失敗作業數",
- "TotalJobLog": "作業執行總數",
- "TotalJobRunning": "運行中作業數",
- "TotalSyncAsset": "同步資產數(個)",
- "TotalSyncRegion": "同步地域數(個)",
- "TotalSyncStrategy": "綁定策略數(個)",
- "Transfer": "傳輸",
- "TriggerMode": "觸發方式",
- "True": "是",
- "Tuesday": "週二",
- "TwoAssignee": "二級受理人",
- "TwoAssigneeType": "二級受理人類型",
- "Type": "類型",
- "TypeTree": "類型樹",
- "Types": "類型",
- "UCloud": "UCloud優刻得",
- "UPPER_CASE_REQUIRED": "須包含大寫字母",
- "UnFavoriteSucceed": "取消收藏成功",
- "UnSyncCount": "未同步",
- "Unbind": "解綁",
- "UnbindHelpText": "本地用戶為此認證來源用戶,無法解綁",
- "Unblock": "解鎖",
- "UnblockSelected": "解鎖所選",
- "UnblockSuccessMsg": "解鎖成功",
- "UnblockUser": "解鎖用戶",
- "Uninstall": "卸載",
- "UniqueError": "以下屬性只能設置一個",
- "Unknown": "未知",
- "UnlockSuccessMsg": "解鎖成功",
- "Unreachable": "不可連接",
- "UnselectedAssets": "未選擇資產或所選擇的資產不支持SSH協議連接",
- "UnselectedNodes": "未選擇節點",
- "UnselectedOrg": "No organization selected",
- "UnselectedUser": "沒有選擇使用者",
- "UpDownload": "上傳下載",
- "Update": "更新",
- "UpdateAccount": "更新帳號",
- "UpdateAccountTemplate": "更新帳號模板",
- "UpdateAssetDetail": "配置更多資訊",
- "UpdateAssetUserToken": "更新帳號認證資訊",
- "UpdateEndpoint": "更新端點",
- "UpdateEndpointRule": "更新端點規則",
- "UpdateErrorMsg": "更新失敗",
- "UpdateMFA": "更改多因子認證",
- "UpdateNodeAssetHardwareInfo": "更新節點資產硬體資訊",
- "UpdatePassword": "更新密碼",
- "UpdatePlatformHelpText": "只有資產的原平台類型與所選平台類型相同時才會進行更新,若更新前後的平台類型不同則不會更新。",
- "UpdateSSHKey": "更新SSH公鑰",
- "UpdateSecret": "更新密文",
- "UpdateSelected": "Update selected",
- "UpdateSuccessMsg": "Update successful",
- "Updated": "已更新",
- "UpdatedBy": "更新者",
- "Upload": "上傳",
- "UploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "只能上傳 csv/xlsx, 且不超過 10M",
- "UploadDir": "上傳目錄",
- "UploadFailed": "上傳失敗",
- "UploadFileLthHelpText": "只能上傳小於{limit}MB檔案",
- "UploadHelpText": "請上傳包含以下範例結構目錄的 .zip 壓縮文件",
- "UploadPlaybook": "上傳 Playbook",
- "UploadSucceed": "上傳成功",
- "UploadZipTips": "請上傳 zip 格式的文件",
- "Uploading": "文件上傳中",
- "Uppercase": "大寫字母",
- "UseParameterDefine": "定義參數",
- "UseProtocol": "使用協議",
- "UseSSL": "使用 SSL/TLS",
- "User": "用戶",
- "UserAclDetail": "用戶登入規則詳情",
- "UserAclList": "用戶登入",
- "UserAclLists": "用戶登入規則",
- "UserAssetActivity": "用戶/資產活躍情況",
- "UserCreate": "創建用戶",
- "UserData": "使用者資料",
- "UserDetail": "用戶詳情",
- "UserFirstLogin": "首次登入",
- "UserGroupCreate": "創建用戶組",
- "UserGroupDetail": "用戶組詳情",
- "UserGroupList": "用戶組",
- "UserGroupUpdate": "更新用戶組",
- "UserGroups": "用戶組",
- "UserGuide": "用戶嚮導",
- "UserIP": "登入 IP",
- "UserInformation": "用戶資訊",
- "UserList": "用戶列表",
- "UserLoginACL": "用戶登入",
- "UserLoginACLCreate": "創建用戶登入規則",
- "UserLoginACLDetail": "用戶登入限制",
- "UserLoginACLHelpMsg": "登入系統時,可以根據用戶的登入 IP 和時間段進行審核,判斷是否可以登入系統(全局生效)",
- "UserLoginACLHelpText": "登入系統時,可以根據使用者的登入 IP 和時間段進行審核,判斷是否可以登入",
- "UserLoginACLUpdate": "更新用戶登入規則",
- "UserLoginAclCreate": "創建用戶登入控制",
- "UserLoginAclDetail": "用戶登入控制詳情",
- "UserLoginAclList": "用戶登入",
- "UserLoginAclUpdate": "更新用戶登入控制",
- "UserLoginLimit": "用戶登入限制",
- "UserLoginTrend": "帳號登入趨勢",
- "UserName": "姓名",
- "UserNameSelector": "使用者名稱輸入框選擇器",
- "UserPage": "用戶視圖",
- "UserPasswordChangeLog": "用戶密碼修改日誌",
- "UserProfile": "個人資訊",
- "UserRatio": "用戶占比統計",
- "UserSession": "用戶會話",
- "UserSetting": "偏好設置",
- "UserSwitch": "用戶切換",
- "UserSwitchFrom": "切換自",
- "UserUpdate": "更新用戶",
- "UserUsername": "用戶(使用者名稱)",
- "Username": "使用者名稱",
- "UsernameHelpMessage": "使用者名稱是動態的,登入資產時使用當前用戶的使用者名稱登入",
- "UsernameOfCreateUpdatePage": "目標主機上用戶的使用者名稱;如果已️存在,修改用戶密碼;如果不存在,添加用戶並設置密碼;",
- "UsernamePlaceholder": " 請輸入使用者名稱",
- "Users": "用戶",
- "UsersAmount": " Users",
- "UsersAndUserGroups": "User/User Group",
- "UsersTotal": "用戶總數",
- "Valid": "有效",
- "Validity": "有效",
- "Value": "值",
- "Variable": "變數",
- "VariableHelpText": "您可以在命令中使用 {{ key }} 讀取內建變數",
- "Vault": "密碼匣子",
- "VaultHCPMountPoint": "重新嘗試所選",
- "VaultHelpText": "1. 由於安全原因,需要配置文件中開啟 Vault 儲存。
2. 開啟後,填寫其他配置,進行測試。
3. 進行數據同步,同步是單向的,只會從本地資料庫同步到遠端 Vault,同步完成本地資料庫不再儲存密碼,請備份好數據。
4. 二次修改 Vault 配置後需重啟服務。",
- "Vendor": "製造商",
- "VerificationCodeSent": "驗證碼已發送",
- "VerifySignTmpl": "驗證碼簡訊模板",
- "Version": "版本",
- "View": "查看",
- "ViewMore": "查看更多",
- "ViewPerm": "查看授權",
- "ViewSecret": "查看密文",
- "VirtualAccountDetail": "虛擬帳號詳情",
- "VirtualAccountHelpMsg": "虛擬帳戶是連接資產時具有特定用途的專用帳戶。",
- "VirtualAccountUpdate": "虛擬帳號更新",
- "VirtualAccounts": "虛擬帳號",
- "VirtualApp": "虛擬應用",
- "VirtualAppDetail": "虛擬應用詳情",
- "VirtualApps": "虛擬應用",
- "Volcengine": "火山引擎",
- "Warning": "警告",
- "WeChat": "微信",
- "WeCom": "企業微信",
- "WeComOAuth": "企業微信認證",
- "WeComTest": "測試",
- "WebCreate": "創建資產-Web",
- "WebFTP": "文件管理",
- "WebHelpMessage": "Web 類型資產依賴於遠程應用,請前往系統設置在遠程應用中配置",
- "WebSocketDisconnect": "WebSocket 斷開",
- "WebTerminal": "Web終端",
- "WebUpdate": "更新資產-Web",
- "Wednesday": "週三",
- "Week": "週",
- "WeekAdd": "本週新增",
- "WeekOrTime": "星期/時間",
- "Weekly": "按周",
- "WildcardsAllowed": "允許的萬用字元",
- "WindowsAdminUser": "Windows 特權用戶",
- "WindowsPushHelpText": "windows 資產暫不支持推送金鑰",
- "WordSep": "",
- "WorkBench": "工作檯",
- "Workbench": "工作檯",
- "Workspace": "工作空間",
- "Yes": "是",
- "YourProfile": "個人資訊",
- "ZStack": "ZStack",
- "Zone": "網域",
- "ZoneCreate": "創建網域",
- "ZoneEnabled": "啟用閘道器",
- "ZoneHelpMessage": "網域是資產所在的位置,可以是機房,公有雲 或者 VPC。網域中可以設置網關,當網路不能直達的時候,可以使用網關跳轉登入到資產",
- "ZoneList": "網域列表",
- "ZoneUpdate": "更新網域",
- "account": "帳號資訊",
- "accountKey": "帳戶金鑰",
- "accountName": "帳戶名稱",
- "action": "動作",
- "actionsTips": "各個權限作用協議不盡相同,點擊權限後面的圖示查看",
- "activateSuccessMsg": "啟用成功",
- "active": "啟用中",
- "addAssetToThisPermission": "添加資產",
- "addDatabaseAppToThisPermission": "添加資料庫應用",
- "addK8sAppToThisPermission": "添加Kubernetes應用",
- "addNodeToThisPermission": "添加節點",
- "addRemoteAppToThisPermission": "添加遠程應用",
- "addRolePermissions": "創建/更新成功後,詳情中添加權限",
- "addSystemUserToThisPermission": "添加系統用戶",
- "addUserGroupToThisPermission": "添加用戶組",
- "addUserToThisPermission": "添加用戶",
- "admin_users_amount": "特權用戶",
- "alive": "在線",
- "all": "全部",
- "appName": "應用名稱",
- "appPath": "應用路徑",
- "appType": "應用類型",
- "app_perms_amount": "應用授權",
- "application": "請輸入逗號分割的應用名稱組",
- "applications_amount": "應用",
- "apply_login_account": "申請登入帳號",
- "apply_login_asset": "申請登入資產",
- "apply_login_system_user": "申請登入系統用戶",
- "apply_login_user": "申請登入用戶",
- "appoint": "指定",
- "appsCount": "應用數量",
- "appsList": "應用列表",
- "assetAndNode": "資產/節點",
- "assetCount": "資產數量",
- "assetPermissionRules": "資產授權規則",
- "asset_ip_group": "資產IP",
- "asset_perms_amount": "資產授權",
- "assets_amount": "資產",
- "associateApplication": "關聯應用",
- "authCASAttrMap": "用戶屬性映射",
- "authLdap": "啟用LDAP認證",
- "authLdapBindDn": "綁定DN",
- "authLdapBindPassword": "密碼",
- "authLdapSearchFilter": "可能的選項是(cn或uid或sAMAccountName=%(user)s)",
- "authLdapSearchOu": "使用|分隔各OU",
- "authLdapServerUri": "LDAP地址",
- "authLdapUserAttrMap": "用戶屬性映射代表怎樣將LDAP中用戶屬性映射到jumpserver用戶上,username, name,email 是jumpserver的屬性",
- "authSAML2AdvancedSettings": "高級配置",
- "authSAML2MetadataUrl": "IDP metadata URL",
- "authSAML2Xml": "IDP metadata XML",
- "authSAMLCertHelpText": "上傳證書金鑰後保存, 然後查看 SP Metadata",
- "authSAMLKeyHelpText": "SP 證書和金鑰 是用來和 IDP 加密通信的",
- "authSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "左側的鍵為 SAML2 用戶屬性,右側的值為認證平台用戶屬性",
- "authUserAttrMap": "用戶屬性映射",
- "authUserAttrMapHelpText": "左側的鍵為 JumpServer 用戶屬性,右側的值為認證平台用戶屬性",
- "auto": "自動",
- "basicSetting": "基本設置",
- "become": "Become",
- "bind": "綁定",
- "bucket": "桶名稱",
- "calculationResults": "cron 表達式錯誤",
- "chrome": "Chrome",
- "chrome_password": "登入密碼",
- "chrome_target": "目標URL",
- "chrome_username": "登入帳號",
- "clickhouse": "ClickHouse",
- "clipboardCopy": "剪切板複製",
- "clipboardCopyPaste": "剪貼板複製黏貼",
- "clipboardPaste": "剪切板黏貼",
- "cloneFrom": "副本",
- "cloud": "雲應用",
- "cluster": "集群",
- "clusterHelpTextMessage": "例如:",
- "command": "命令",
- "commandStorage": "命令儲存",
- "command_filter_list": "命令過濾器列表",
- "comment": "備註",
- "common": "普通",
- "communityEdition": "社區版",
- "connect": "連接",
- "consult": "諮詢",
- "containerName": "容器名稱",
- "contents": "內容",
- "createBy": "創建者",
- "createErrorMsg": "創建失敗",
- "createSuccessMsg": "導入創建成功,總共:{count}",
- "createdBy": "創辦人",
- "created_by": "創建者",
- "cronExpression": "crontab完整表達式",
- "crontabDiffError": "請確保定期執行的時間間隔不少於十分鐘!",
- "custom": "自訂",
- "custom_cmdline": "運行參數",
- "custom_password": "登入密碼",
- "custom_target": "目標地址",
- "custom_username": "登入帳號",
- "cycleFromWeek": "週期從星期",
- "database": "資料庫",
- "databaseApp": "資料庫應用",
- "databasePermissionRules": "資料庫授權規則",
- "date": "日期",
- "dateCreated": "創建日期",
- "dateEnd": "結束日期",
- "dateExpired": "失效日期",
- "dateFinished": "完成日期",
- "dateLastLogin": "最後登入日期",
- "date_created": "創建時間",
- "date_joined": "創建日期",
- "datetime": "日期",
- "day": "日",
- "db": "資料庫應用",
- "deleteErrorMsg": "刪除失敗",
- "deleteFailedMsg": "刪除失敗",
- "deleteSuccessMsg": "刪除成功",
- "deleteWarningMsg": "你確定要刪除",
- "detail": "詳情",
- "dingTalkTest": "測試",
- "disableSuccessMsg": "禁用成功",
- "disallowSelfUpdateFields": "不允許自己修改當前欄位",
- "docType": "文件類型",
- "download": "下載",
- "downloadFile": "下載文件",
- "downloadImportTemplateMsg": "下載創建模板",
- "downloadReplay": "下載錄影",
- "downloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "下載更新模板",
- "dragUploadFileInfo": "將文件拖到此處,或點擊此處上傳",
- "duration": "時長",
- "emailCustomUserCreatedBody": "提示: 創建用戶時,發送設置密碼郵件的內容",
- "emailCustomUserCreatedHonorific": "提示: 創建用戶時,發送設置密碼郵件的敬語 (例如: 您好)",
- "emailCustomUserCreatedSignature": "提示: 郵件的署名 (例如: jumpserver)",
- "emailCustomUserCreatedSubject": "提示: 創建用戶時,發送設置密碼郵件的主題 (例如: 創建用戶成功)",
- "emailEmailFrom": "",
- "emailHost": "SMTP主機",
- "emailHostPassword": "提示:一些郵件提供商需要輸入的是Token",
- "emailHostUser": "SMTP帳號",
- "emailPort": "SMTP埠",
- "emailRecipient": "提示:僅用來作為測試郵件收件人",
- "emailSubjectPrefix": "提示: 一些關鍵字可能會被郵件提供商攔截,如 跳板機、JumpServer",
- "emailTest": "測試連接",
- "emailUserSSL": "如果SMTP埠是465,通常需要啟用SSL",
- "emailUserTLS": "如果SMTP埠是587,通常需要啟用TLS",
- "enableOAuth2Auth": "開啟 OAuth2 認證",
- "endPoint": "端點",
- "endpointSuffix": "端點後綴",
- "esDocType": "es 默認文件類型:command",
- "esIndex": "es 提供默認 index:jumpserver。如果開啟按日期建立索引,那麼輸入的值會作為索引前綴",
- "esUrl": "不能包含特殊字元 `#`;eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
- "every": "每",
- "everyMonth": "每月",
- "executeOnce": "執行一次",
- "execution": "執行歷史",
- "executionDetail": "執行歷史詳情",
- "failed": "失敗",
- "failedConditions": "沒有達到條件的結果!",
- "favicon": "網站圖示",
- "faviconTip": "提示:網站圖示(建議圖片大小為: 16px*16px)",
- "feiShuTest": "測試",
- "fieldRequiredError": "這個欄位是必填項",
- "fileType": "文件類型",
- "forceEnableMFAHelpText": "如果強制啟用,用戶無法自行禁用",
- "from": "從",
- "fromTicket": "來自工單",
- "fuzzySearch": "支持模糊搜索",
- "getErrorMsg": "獲取失敗",
- "go": "執行",
- "goto": "轉到",
- "grantedAccounts": "授權的帳號",
- "grantedApplications": "授權的應用",
- "grantedAssets": "授權的資產",
- "grantedDatabases": "授權的資料庫",
- "grantedK8Ss": "授權的Kubernetes",
- "grantedRemoteApps": "授權的遠程應用",
- "groups_amount": "用戶組",
- "hasImportErrorItemMsg": "存在導入失敗項,點擊左側 x 查看失敗原因,點擊表格編輯後,可以繼續導入失敗項",
- "helpDocument": "文件連結",
- "helpDocumentTip": "可以更改網站導航欄 幫助 -> 文件 的網址",
- "helpSupport": "支持連結",
- "helpSupportTip": "可以更改網站導航欄 幫助 -> 支持 的網址",
- "history": "歷史記錄",
- "host": "資產",
- "hostName": "主機名",
- "hostname_group": "資產名",
- "hosts": "主機",
- "hour": "小時",
- "httpPort": "HTTP埠",
- "id": "ID",
- "import": "導入",
- "importLdapUserTip": "請先提交LDAP配置再進行導入",
- "importLdapUserTitle": "LDAP 用戶列表",
- "inTotal": "總共",
- "index": "索引",
- "info": "資訊",
- "inputPhone": "請輸入手機號碼",
- "insecureCommandEmailUpdate": "點我設置",
- "instantAdhoc": "即時命令",
- "ip": "IP",
- "ipGroupHelpText": "* 表示匹配所有。例如:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
- "ip_group": "IP 組",
- "ips": "請輸入逗號分割的IP位址組",
- "isEffective": "已生效的",
- "isSuccess": "成功",
- "isValid": "有效",
- "is_locked": "是否暫停",
- "join": "加入",
- "k8s": "Kubernetes",
- "k8sPermissionRules": "Kubernetes授權規則",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "lastCannotBeDeleteMsg": "最後一項,不能被刪除",
- "lastDay": "本月最後一天",
- "lastExecutionOutput": "最後執行輸出",
- "lastRun": "最後運行",
- "lastRunFailedHosts": "最後運行失敗的主機",
- "lastRunSuccessHosts": "最後運行成功的主機",
- "lastWeek": "本月最後一個星期",
- "lastWorking": "最近的那個工作日",
- "latestVersion": "最新版本",
- "ldapBulkImport": "用戶導入",
- "ldapConnectTest": "測試連接",
- "ldapLoginTest": "測試登入",
- "loginFrom": "登入來源",
- "loginImage": "登入頁面圖片",
- "loginImageTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版用戶登入頁面(建議圖片大小為: 492*472px)",
- "loginTitle": "登入頁面標題",
- "loginTitleTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版用戶 SSH 登入 KoKo 登入頁面(eg: 歡迎使用JumpServer開源堡壘機)",
- "login_confirm_user": "登入覆核 受理人",
- "logoIndex": "Logo (帶文字)",
- "logoIndexTip": "提示:將會顯示在管理頁面左上方(建議圖片大小為: 185px*55px)",
- "logoLogout": "Logo (不帶文字)",
- "logoLogoutTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版用戶的 Web 終端頁面(建議圖片大小為:82px*82px)",
- "manyChoose": "可多選",
- "mariadb": "MariaDB",
- "min": "分鐘",
- "mongodb": "MongoDB",
- "month": "月",
- "mysql": "Mysql",
- "mysql_workbench": "MySQL Workbench",
- "mysql_workbench_ip": "資料庫IP",
- "mysql_workbench_name": "資料庫名",
- "mysql_workbench_password": "資料庫密碼",
- "mysql_workbench_port": "資料庫埠",
- "mysql_workbench_username": "資料庫帳號",
- "name": "名稱",
- "needUpdatePasswordNextLogin": "下次登入須修改密碼",
- "newCron": "生成 Cron",
- "noAlive": "離線",
- "noAnnouncement": "暫無公告",
- "nodeCount": "節點數量",
- "notAlphanumericUnderscore": "只能輸入字母、數字、下劃線",
- "notParenthesis": "不能包含 ( )",
- "num": "號",
- "objectStorage": "對象儲存",
- "officialWebsite": "官網連結",
- "officialWebsiteTip": "可以更改網站導航欄 幫助 -> 官網 的網址",
- "onlyCSVFilesTips": "僅支持csv文件導入",
- "options": "選項",
- "oracle": "Oracle",
- "other": "其它設置",
- "output": "輸出",
- "password": "密碼",
- "passwordAccount": "密碼帳號",
- "passwordExpired": "密碼過期了",
- "passwordOrPassphrase": "密碼或金鑰密碼",
- "passwordPlaceholder": "請輸入密碼",
- "passwordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "密碼即將在 ",
- "passwordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "天 後過期,請盡快修改您的密碼。",
- "pattern": "模式",
- "pause": "暫停",
- "permAccount": "授權帳號",
- "port": "埠",
- "postgresql": "PostgreSQL",
- "priority": "優先度",
- "privilegeFirst": "優先選擇特權帳號",
- "privilegeOnly": "僅選擇特權帳號",
- "protocol": "協議",
- "ranking": "排名",
- "ratio": "比例",
- "redis": "Redis",
- "refreshFail": "刷新失敗",
- "refreshLdapCache": "刷新Ldap快取,請稍後",
- "refreshLdapUser": "刷新快取",
- "refreshPermissionCache": "刷新授權快取",
- "refreshSuccess": "刷新成功",
- "region": "地域",
- "remoteAddr": "遠端地址",
- "remoteApp": "遠程應用",
- "remoteAppCount": "遠程應用數量",
- "remoteAppPermissionRules": "遠程應用授權規則",
- "remote_app": "遠程應用",
- "removeErrorMsg": "移除失敗: ",
- "removeFromOrgWarningMsg": "你確定從組織移除 ",
- "removeSuccessMsg": "移除成功",
- "removeWarningMsg": "你確定要移除",
- "replay": "重播",
- "replaySession": "重播會話",
- "replayStorage": "錄影儲存",
- "reply": "回復",
- "requiredHasUserNameMapped": "必須包含 username 欄位的映射,如 { 'uid': 'username' }",
- "resetDingTalk": "解綁釘釘",
- "resetDingTalkLoginSuccessMsg": "重設成功, 用戶可以重新綁定釘釘了",
- "resetDingTalkLoginWarningMsg": "你確定要解綁用戶的 釘釘 嗎?",
- "resetMFA": "重設MFA",
- "resetMFAWarningMsg": "你確定要重設用戶的 MFA 嗎?",
- "resetMFAdSuccessMsg": "重設MFA成功, 用戶可以重新設置MFA了",
- "resetPassword": "重設密碼",
- "resetPasswordSuccessMsg": "已向用戶發送重設密碼消息",
- "resetPasswordWarningMsg": "你確定要發送重設用戶密碼的郵件嗎",
- "resetSSHKey": "重設SSH金鑰",
- "resetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "發送郵件任務已提交, 用戶稍後會收到重設金鑰郵件",
- "resetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "你確定要發送重設用戶的SSH Key的郵件嗎?",
- "resetWechat": "解綁企業微信",
- "resetWechatLoginSuccessMsg": "重設成功, 用戶可以重新綁定企業微信了",
- "resetWechatLoginWarningMsg": "你確定要解綁用戶的 企業微信 嗎?",
- "restoreDialogMessage": "您確定要恢復默認初始化嗎?",
- "restoreDialogTitle": "你確認嗎",
- "resume": "恢復",
- "reviewer": "審批人",
- "riskLevel": "風險等級",
- "rows": "行",
- "run": "執行",
- "runAs": "運行用戶",
- "runSucceed": "任務執行成功",
- "runTimes": "執行次數",
- "running": "運行中",
- "runningPath": "運行路徑",
- "runningTimes": "最近5次執行時間",
- "saveSuccessContinueMsg": "創建成功,更新內容後可以繼續添加",
- "script": "腳本列表",
- "securityCommandExecution": "批次命令",
- "securityLoginLimitCount": "限制登入失敗次數",
- "securityLoginLimitTime": "禁止登入時間間隔",
- "securityMaxIdleTime": "連接最大空閒時間",
- "securityMfaAuth": "多因子認證",
- "securityPasswordExpirationTime": "密碼過期時間",
- "securityPasswordLowerCase": "必須包含小寫字母",
- "securityPasswordMinLength": "密碼最小長度",
- "securityPasswordNumber": "必須包含數字字元",
- "securityPasswordSpecialChar": "必須包含特殊字元",
- "securityPasswordUpperCase": "必須包含大寫字母",
- "securityServiceAccountRegistration": "組件註冊",
- "selectAssetsMessage": "選擇左側資產, 選擇運行的系統用戶,批次執行命令",
- "selectedAssets": "已選擇資產:",
- "send": "發送",
- "session": "會話",
- "sessionActiveCount": "在線會話數量",
- "sessionMonitor": "監控",
- "sessionTerminate": "會話終斷",
- "setDingTalk": "設置釘釘認證",
- "setFeiShu": "設置飛書認證",
- "setLark": "設置 Lark 認證",
- "setSlack": "設置 Slack 認證",
- "setWeCom": "設置企業微信認證",
- "setting": "設置",
- "siteUrl": "當前站點URL",
- "skip": "忽略當前資產",
- "sqlserver": "SQLServer",
- "sshKeyFingerprint": "SSH 指紋",
- "sshPort": "SSH埠",
- "sshkey": "sshkey",
- "sshkeyAccount": "金鑰帳號",
- "startEvery": "開始,每",
- "stat": "成功/失敗/總",
- "status": "狀態",
- "storage": "儲存",
- "success": "成功",
- "sync": "同步",
- "systemCpuLoad": "CPU負載",
- "systemDiskUsedPercent": "硬碟使用率",
- "systemMemoryUsedPercent": "記憶體使用率",
- "systemUser": "系統用戶",
- "systemUserCount": "系統用戶",
- "system_user": "系統用戶",
- "system_users_amount": "系統用戶",
- "system_users_name_group": "系統使用者名稱",
- "system_users_protocol_group": "系統用戶協議",
- "system_users_username_group": "系統使用者名稱",
- "target": "目標",
- "taskDetail": "任務詳情",
- "taskName": "任務名稱",
- "taskVersions": "任務各版本",
- "tasks": "任務",
- "technologyConsult": "技術諮詢",
- "terminalAssetListPageSize": "資產分頁每頁數量",
- "terminalAssetListSortBy": "資產列表排序",
- "terminalDetail": "終端詳情",
- "terminalHeartbeatInterval": "心跳間隔",
- "terminalPasswordAuth": "密碼認證",
- "terminalPublicKeyAuth": "金鑰認證",
- "terminalSessionKeepDuration": "會話保留時長",
- "terminalTelnetRegex": "Telnet 成功正則表達式",
- "terminalUpdate": "更新終端",
- "terminalUpdateStorage": "更新終端儲存",
- "terminate": "終斷",
- "test": "測試",
- "testHelpText": "請輸入目的地址進行測試",
- "testLdapLoginSubtitle": "請先提交LDAP配置再進行測試登入",
- "testLdapLoginTitle": "測試LDAP 用戶登入",
- "the": "第",
- "time": "時間",
- "timeDelta": "運行時間",
- "timeExpression": "時間表達式",
- "timePeriod": "時段",
- "timeout": "超時",
- "title": "標題",
- "tokenHTTPMethod": "Token 獲取方法",
- "total": "總共",
- "totalVersions": "版本數量",
- "type": "類型",
- "unbind": "解綁",
- "unblock": "解鎖",
- "unblockSuccessMsg": "解鎖成功",
- "unblockUser": "解鎖用戶",
- "unselectedOrg": "沒有選擇組織",
- "unselectedUser": "沒有選擇用戶",
- "upDownload": "上傳下載",
- "updateAccountMsg": "請更新系統用戶的帳號資訊",
- "updateErrorMsg": "更新失敗",
- "updateSelected": "更新所選",
- "updateSuccessMsg": "更新成功",
- "uploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "只能上傳 csv/xlsx, 且不超過 10M",
- "uploadFile": "上傳文件",
- "uploadFileLthHelpText": "只能上傳小於{limit}MB文件",
- "uploadZipTips": "請上傳 zip 格式的文件",
- "user": "用戶",
- "userCount": "用戶數量",
- "userGroupCount": "用戶組數量",
- "userGuideUrl": "用戶嚮導URL",
- "username": "使用者名稱",
- "usernamePlaceholder": "請輸入使用者名稱",
- "username_group": "使用者名稱",
- "users": "用戶",
- "usersAndUserGroups": "用戶/用戶組",
- "users_amount": "用戶",
- "version": "版本",
- "versionDetail": "版本詳情",
- "versionRunExecution": "執行歷史",
- "vmware_client": "vSphere Client",
- "vmware_password": "登入密碼",
- "vmware_target": "目標地址",
- "vmware_username": "登入帳號",
- "weComTest": "測試",
- "week": "周",
- "weekOf": "周的星期",
- "wildcardsAllowed": "允許的通配符"
+ "ACLs": "訪問控制",
+ "APIKey": "API Key",
+ "AWS_China": "AWS(中國)",
+ "AWS_Int": "AWS(國際)",
+ "About": "關於",
+ "Accept": "同意",
+ "AccessIP": "IP 白名單",
+ "AccessKey": "訪問金鑰",
+ "Account": "雲帳號",
+ "AccountAmount": "帳號數量",
+ "AccountBackup": "帳號備份",
+ "AccountBackupCreate": "創建帳號備份",
+ "AccountBackupDetail": "賬號備份詳情",
+ "AccountBackupList": "賬號備份列表",
+ "AccountBackupUpdate": "更新帳號備份",
+ "AccountChangeSecret": "帳號改密",
+ "AccountChangeSecretDetail": "帳號變更密碼詳情",
+ "AccountDeleteConfirmMsg": "刪除帳號,是否繼續?",
+ "AccountDiscoverDetail": "帳號收集詳情",
+ "AccountDiscoverList": "帳號收集",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskCreate": "創建賬號收集任務",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskExecutionList": "任務執行列表",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskList": "賬號收集任務",
+ "AccountDiscoverTaskUpdate": "更新賬號收集任務",
+ "AccountExportTips": "導出信息中包含賬號密文涉及敏感信息,導出的格式為一個加密的zip文件(若沒有設置加密密碼,請前往個人信息中設置文件加密密碼)。",
+ "AccountHelpText": "雲帳號是用來連接雲服務商的帳號,用於獲取雲服務商的資源資訊",
+ "AccountHistoryHelpMessage": "記錄當前帳號的歷史版本",
+ "AccountList": "雲帳號",
+ "AccountName": "帳號名稱",
+ "AccountPolicy": "帳號策略",
+ "AccountPolicyHelpText": "創建時對於不符合要求的賬號,如:密鑰類型不合規,唯一鍵約束,可選擇以上策略。",
+ "AccountPushCreate": "創建帳號推送",
+ "AccountPushDetail": " Account Push Details",
+ "AccountPushExecutionList": "賬號推送執行列表",
+ "AccountPushList": "帳號推送",
+ "AccountPushUpdate": "更新帳號推送",
+ "AccountStorage": "帳號儲存",
+ "AccountTemplate": "帳號模板",
+ "AccountTemplateList": "帳號模板列表",
+ "AccountTemplateUpdateSecretHelpText": "帳號列表展示通過模板創建的帳號。更新密文時,會更新通過模板所創建帳號的密文。",
+ "AccountUpdate": "更新帳戶",
+ "AccountUsername": "帳號(使用者名稱)",
+ "Accounts": "帳號管理",
+ "AccountsHelp": "所有帳號: 資產上已添加的所有帳號;
手動帳號: 使用者名稱/密碼 登入時手動輸入;
同名帳號: 與被授權人使用者名稱相同的帳號;",
+ "Acl": "訪問控制",
+ "Acls": "訪問控制",
+ "Action": "動作",
+ "ActionCount": "動作數量",
+ "ActionSetting": "動作設置",
+ "Actions": "操作",
+ "ActionsTips": "各權限所適用的協定各不相同,點擊權限後面的圖示查看。",
+ "Activate": "啟用",
+ "ActivateSelected": "啟用所選",
+ "ActivateSuccessMsg": "活化成功",
+ "Active": "活躍",
+ "ActiveAsset": "近期被登入過",
+ "ActiveAssetRanking": "會話資產排名",
+ "ActiveSelected": "啟用所選",
+ "ActiveUser": "近期登入過",
+ "ActiveUserAssetsRatioTitle": "占比統計",
+ "ActiveUsers": "活躍用戶",
+ "Activity": "活動",
+ "AdDomain": "AD域名",
+ "AdDomainHelpText": "提供給域用戶登入的AD域名",
+ "Add": "新增",
+ "AddAccount": "添加帳號",
+ "AddAccountByTemplate": "從模板添加帳號",
+ "AddAccountResult": "帳號批次添加結果",
+ "AddAllMembersWarningMsg": "你確定要添加全部成員?",
+ "AddAsset": "添加資產",
+ "AddAssetInDomain": "添加資產",
+ "AddAssetToNode": "添加資產到節點",
+ "AddAssetToThisPermission": "添加資產",
+ "AddFailMsg": "添加失敗",
+ "AddGatewayInDomain": "添加網關",
+ "AddInDetailText": "創建或更新成功後,添加詳細資訊",
+ "AddNode": "添加節點",
+ "AddNodeToThisPermission": "新增節點",
+ "AddOrgMembers": "添加組織成員",
+ "AddPassKey": "添加 Passkey(通行金鑰)",
+ "AddRolePermissions": "建立/更新成功後,於詳情中新增權限",
+ "AddSuccessMsg": "添加成功",
+ "AddSystemUser": "添加系統用戶",
+ "AddUserGroupToThisPermission": "新增使用者組",
+ "AddUserToThisPermission": "新增使用者",
+ "Address": "地址",
+ "Addressee": "收件人",
+ "AdhocCreate": "創建命令",
+ "AdhocDetail": "命令詳情",
+ "AdhocManage": "腳本管理",
+ "AdhocUpdate": "更新命令",
+ "Admin": "管理員",
+ "AdminUser": "特權用戶",
+ "AdminUserCreate": "創建管理用戶",
+ "AdminUserDetail": "管理用戶詳情",
+ "AdminUserList": "管理用戶",
+ "AdminUserListHelpMessage": "特權用戶 是資產已存在的, 並且擁有 高級權限 的系統用戶, 如 root 或 擁有 `NOPASSWD: ALL` sudo 權限的用戶。 JumpServer 使用該用戶來 `推送系統用戶`、`獲取資產硬體資訊` 等。",
+ "AdminUserUpdate": "更新管理用戶",
+ "Advanced": "進階設定",
+ "AfterChange": "變更後",
+ "AjaxError404": "404 請求錯誤",
+ "AlibabaCloud": "阿里雲",
+ "Aliyun": "阿里雲",
+ "All": "所有",
+ "AllAccountTip": "資產上已添加的所有帳號",
+ "AllAccounts": "所有帳號",
+ "AllClickRead": "全部已讀",
+ "AllMembers": "全部成員",
+ "AllOrganization": "組織列表",
+ "AllowInvalidCert": "忽略證書檢查",
+ "Announcement": "公告",
+ "AnonymousAccount": "匿名帳號",
+ "AnonymousAccountTip": "連接資產時不使用使用者名稱和密碼,僅支持 web類型 和 自訂類型 的資產",
+ "ApiKey": "API Key",
+ "ApiKeyList": "使用 Api key 簽名請求頭進行認證,每個請求的頭部是不一樣的, 相對於 Token 方式,更加安全,請查閱文件使用;
為降低洩露風險,Secret 僅在生成時可以查看, 每個用戶最多支持創建 10 個",
+ "ApiKeyWarning": "為降低 AccessKey 洩露的風險,只在創建時提供 Secret,後續不可再進行查詢,請妥善保存。",
+ "App": "應用",
+ "AppAmount": "應用數量",
+ "AppAuth": "App認證",
+ "AppEndpoint": "應用接入地址",
+ "AppList": "應用列表",
+ "AppOps": "任務中心",
+ "AppProvider": "應用提供者",
+ "AppProviderDetail": "應用提供者詳情",
+ "AppletCreate": "創建遠程應用",
+ "AppletDetail": "遠程應用",
+ "AppletHelpText": "在上傳過程中,如果應用不存在,則創建該應用;如果已存在,則進行應用更新。",
+ "AppletHostCreate": "添加遠程應用發布機",
+ "AppletHostDetail": "遠程應用發布機詳情",
+ "AppletHostSelectHelpMessage": "連接資產時,應用發布機選擇是隨機的(但優先選擇上次使用的),如果想為某個資產固定發布機,可以指定標籤 <發布機:發布機名稱> 或 ;
連接該發布機選擇帳號時,以下情況會選擇用戶的 同名帳號 或 專有帳號(js開頭),否則使用公用帳號(jms開頭):
1. 發布機和應用都支持並發;
2. 發布機支持並發,應用不支持並發,當前應用沒有使用專有帳號;
3. 發布機不支持並發,應用支持並發或不支持,沒有任一應用使用專有帳號;
注意: 應用支不支持並發是開發者決定,主機支不支持是發布機配置中的 單用戶單會話決定",
+ "AppletHostUpdate": "更新遠程應用發布機",
+ "AppletHostZoneHelpText": "這裡的網域屬於 System 組織",
+ "AppletHosts": "應用發布機",
+ "Applets": "遠程應用",
+ "Applicant": "申請人",
+ "ApplicationAccount": "應用帳號",
+ "ApplicationDetail": "應用詳情",
+ "ApplicationPermission": "應用授權",
+ "ApplicationPermissionCreate": "創建應用授權規則",
+ "ApplicationPermissionDetail": "應用授權詳情",
+ "ApplicationPermissionRules": "應用授權規則",
+ "ApplicationPermissionUpdate": "更新應用授權規則",
+ "Applications": "應用管理",
+ "ApplyAsset": "申請資產",
+ "ApplyFromCMDFilterRule": "命令過濾規則",
+ "ApplyFromSession": "會話",
+ "ApplyInfo": "申請資訊",
+ "ApplyLoginAccount": "登入帳號",
+ "ApplyLoginAsset": "登入資產",
+ "ApplyLoginUser": "登入用戶",
+ "ApplyRunAsset": "申請運行的資產",
+ "ApplyRunCommand": "申請運行的命令",
+ "ApplyRunSystemUser": "申請運行的系統用戶",
+ "ApplyRunUser": "申請運行的用戶",
+ "Appoint": "指定",
+ "ApprovaLevel": "審批資訊",
+ "ApprovalLevel": "審批級別",
+ "ApprovalProcess": "審批流程",
+ "ApprovalSelected": "批次審批",
+ "Approved": "已同意",
+ "ApproverNumbers": "審批人數量",
+ "ApsaraStack": "阿里雲專有雲",
+ "Asset": "資產",
+ "AssetAccount": "帳號列表",
+ "AssetAccountDetail": "帳號詳情",
+ "AssetAclCreate": "創建資產登入規則",
+ "AssetAclDetail": "資產登入規則詳情",
+ "AssetAclList": "資產登入",
+ "AssetAclUpdate": "更新資產登入規則",
+ "AssetAddress": "資產(IP/主機名)",
+ "AssetAmount": "資產數量",
+ "AssetAndNode": "資產和節點",
+ "AssetBulkUpdateTips": "網路設備、雲服務、web,不支持批次更新網域",
+ "AssetChangeSecretCreate": "創建帳號改密",
+ "AssetChangeSecretUpdate": "更新帳號改密",
+ "AssetCount": "資產數量",
+ "AssetCreate": "創建資產",
+ "AssetData": "資產數據",
+ "AssetDetail": "資產詳情",
+ "AssetHistoryAccount": "資產歷史帳號",
+ "AssetList": "資產列表",
+ "AssetListHelpMessage": "左側是資產樹,右擊可以新建、刪除、更改樹節點,授權資產也是以節點方式組織的,右側是屬於該節點下的資產\n",
+ "AssetLoginACLHelpMsg": "登入資產時,可以根據用戶的登入 IP 和時間段進行審核,判斷是否可以登入資產",
+ "AssetLoginACLHelpText": "登入資產時,可以依照使用者的登入 IP 和時間段進行審核,判斷是否可以登入資產",
+ "AssetName": "資產名稱",
+ "AssetNumber": "資產編號",
+ "AssetPermission": "資產授權",
+ "AssetPermissionCreate": "創建資產授權規則",
+ "AssetPermissionDetail": "資產授權詳情",
+ "AssetPermissionHelpMsg": "資產授權允許您選擇用戶和資產,將資產授權給用戶以便訪問。一旦授權完成,用戶便可便捷地瀏覽這些資產。此外,您還可以設置特定的權限位,以進一步定義用戶對資產的權限範圍。",
+ "AssetPermissionList": "資產授權列表",
+ "AssetPermissionRules": "資產授權規則",
+ "AssetPermissionUpdate": "更新資產授權規則",
+ "AssetPermsAmount": "資產授權數量",
+ "AssetProtocolHelpText": "資產支持的協議受平台限制,點擊設置按鈕可以查看協議的設置。 如果需要更新,請更新平台",
+ "AssetRatio": "資產占比統計",
+ "AssetResultDetail": "資產結果",
+ "AssetTree": "資產樹",
+ "AssetUpdate": "更新資產",
+ "AssetUserList": "資產用戶",
+ "Assets": "資產管理",
+ "AssetsAmount": "資產數量",
+ "AssetsOfNumber": "資產數",
+ "AssetsTotal": "資產總數",
+ "AssignedInfo": "審批資訊",
+ "AssignedMe": "待我審批",
+ "AssignedTicketList": "待我審批",
+ "Assignee": "處理人",
+ "Assignees": "待處理人",
+ "AssociateAssets": "關聯資產",
+ "AssociateNodes": "關聯節點",
+ "AssociateSystemUsers": "關聯系統用戶",
+ "AttrName": "屬性名",
+ "AttrValue": "屬性值",
+ "Auditor": "審計員",
+ "Audits": "審計台",
+ "Auth": "認證設置",
+ "AuthConfig": "配寘認證資訊",
+ "AuthLimit": "登入限制",
+ "AuthMethod": "認證方式",
+ "AuthSAMLCertHelpText": "上傳證書金鑰後儲存, 然後查看 SP Metadata",
+ "AuthSAMLKeyHelpText": "SP 證書和密鑰 是用來和 IDP 加密通訊的",
+ "AuthSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "左側的鍵為 SAML2 使用者屬性,右側的值為認證平台使用者屬性",
+ "AuthSecurity": "認證安全",
+ "AuthSetting": "認證設置",
+ "AuthSettings": "認證配置",
+ "AuthUserAttrMapHelpText": "左側的鍵為 JumpServer 用戶屬性,右側的值為認證平台用戶屬性",
+ "AuthUsername": "使用使用者名稱認證",
+ "Authentication": "認證",
+ "Author": "作者",
+ "AutoCreate": "自動創建",
+ "AutoEnabled": "啟用自動化",
+ "AutoGenerateKey": "隨機生成密碼",
+ "AutoPush": "自動推送",
+ "Automations": "自動化",
+ "AverageTimeCost": "平均花費時間",
+ "AwaitingMyApproval": "待我審批",
+ "Azure": "Azure (中國)",
+ "Azure_Int": "Azure (國際)",
+ "Backup": "備份",
+ "BackupAccountsHelpText": "備份帳號資訊至外部。可以儲存到外部系統或寄送郵件,支援分段方式",
+ "BadConflictErrorMsg": "正在刷新中,請稍後再試",
+ "BadRequestErrorMsg": "請求錯誤,請檢查填寫內容",
+ "BadRoleErrorMsg": "請求錯誤,無該操作權限",
+ "BaiduCloud": "百度雲",
+ "BaseAccount": "帳號",
+ "BaseAccountBackup": "帳號備份",
+ "BaseAccountChangeSecret": "帳號改密",
+ "BaseAccountDiscover": "帳號採集",
+ "BaseAccountPush": "帳號推送",
+ "BaseAccountTemplate": "帳號模版",
+ "BaseApplets": "應用",
+ "BaseAssetAclList": "登入授權",
+ "BaseAssetList": "資產列表",
+ "BaseAssetPermission": "資產授權",
+ "BaseCloudAccountList": "Cloud Account List",
+ "BaseCloudSync": "雲端同步",
+ "BaseCmdACL": "指令授權",
+ "BaseCmdGroups": "命令組",
+ "BaseCommandFilterAclList": "命令過濾",
+ "BaseConnectMethodACL": "連接方式授權",
+ "BaseFlowSetUp": "流程設定",
+ "BaseJobManagement": "作業",
+ "BaseLoginLog": "登入日誌",
+ "BaseMyAssets": "我的資產",
+ "BaseOperateLog": "操作日誌",
+ "BasePlatform": "基礎平台",
+ "BasePort": "監聽埠",
+ "BaseSessions": "Session",
+ "BaseStorage": "儲存",
+ "BaseStrategy": "Policy",
+ "BaseSystemTasks": "Action",
+ "BaseTags": "標籤",
+ "BaseTerminal": " Terminal",
+ "BaseTickets": "工單列表",
+ "BaseUserLoginAclList": "使用者登入",
+ "Basic": "基本設置",
+ "BasicInfo": "基本資訊",
+ "BasicSettings": "基本設置",
+ "BasicTools": "基本工具",
+ "BatchActivate": "批次啟用",
+ "BatchApproval": "批次審批",
+ "BatchCommand": "批次命令",
+ "BatchCommandNotExecuted": "未執行批次命令",
+ "BatchConsent": "批次同意",
+ "BatchDelete": "批次刪除",
+ "BatchDeployment": "批量部署",
+ "BatchDisable": "批次禁用",
+ "BatchProcessing": "批次處理(選中 {number} 項)",
+ "BatchReject": "批次拒絕",
+ "BatchRemoval": "批次移除",
+ "BatchRetry": "批次重試",
+ "BatchScript": "批次腳本",
+ "BatchTest": "批次測試",
+ "BatchUpdate": "批次更新",
+ "BeforeChange": "變更前",
+ "Beian": "備案",
+ "BelongAll": "同時包含",
+ "BelongTo": "任意包含",
+ "Bind": "綁定",
+ "BindLabel": "關聯標籤",
+ "BindResource": "關聯資源",
+ "BindSuccess": "綁定成功",
+ "BlockedIPS": "已鎖定的 IP",
+ "Builtin": "內建",
+ "BuiltinTree": "類型樹",
+ "BuiltinVariable": "內建變數",
+ "BulkClearErrorMsg": "批次清除失敗:",
+ "BulkCreateStrategy": "創建時對於不符合要求的帳號,如:金鑰類型不合規,唯一鍵約束,可選擇以上策略。",
+ "BulkDeleteErrorMsg": "批次刪除失敗: ",
+ "BulkDeleteSuccessMsg": "批次刪除成功",
+ "BulkDeploy": "批次部署",
+ "BulkOffline": "批次下線",
+ "BulkRemoveErrorMsg": "批次移除失敗: ",
+ "BulkRemoveSuccessMsg": "批次移除成功",
+ "BulkSyncDelete": "批次同步刪除",
+ "BulkSyncErrorMsg": "批次同步失敗: ",
+ "BulkTransfer": "批次傳輸",
+ "BulkUnblock": "批次解鎖",
+ "BulkUpdatePlatformHelpText": "只有資產的原平台類型與所選平台類型相同時才會進行更新,若更新前後的平台類型不同則不會更新。",
+ "BulkVerify": "批次測試可連接性",
+ "CACertificate": "CA 證書",
+ "CAS": "CAS",
+ "CASSetting": "CAS 配置",
+ "CMPP2": "CMPP v2.0",
+ "CTYunPrivate": "天翼私有雲",
+ "CalculationResults": "呼叫記錄",
+ "CallRecords": "調用記錄",
+ "CanDragSelect": "可拖動滑鼠選擇時間段;未選擇等同全選",
+ "Cancel": "取消",
+ "CancelCollection": "取消收藏",
+ "CancelTicket": "取消工單",
+ "CannotAccess": "無法訪問當前頁面",
+ "Cas": "CAS設置",
+ "Category": "類別",
+ "CeleryTaskLog": "Celery任務日誌",
+ "Certificate": "證書",
+ "CertificateKey": "用戶端金鑰",
+ "ChangeCredentials": "帳號改密",
+ "ChangeCredentialsHelpText": "定時修改帳號密鑰密碼。帳號隨機生成密碼,並同步到目標資產,如果同步成功,更新該帳號的密碼",
+ "ChangeField": "變更欄位",
+ "ChangeOrganization": "更改組織",
+ "ChangePassword": "更改密碼",
+ "ChangeReceiver": "修改消息接收人",
+ "ChangeSecretParams": "改密參數",
+ "ChangeViewHelpText": "點擊切換不同視圖",
+ "Charset": "字元集",
+ "Chat": "聊天",
+ "ChatAI": "智慧問答",
+ "ChatHello": "你好!我能為你提供什麼幫助?",
+ "ChdirHelpText": "默認執行目錄為執行用戶的 home 目錄",
+ "CheckAssetsAmount": "校對資產數量",
+ "CheckViewAcceptor": "點擊查看受理人",
+ "ChinaRed": "中國紅",
+ "ClassicGreen": "經典綠",
+ "CleanHelpText": "定期清理任務會在 每天凌晨 2 點執行, 清理後的數據將無法恢復",
+ "Cleaning": "定期清理",
+ "Clear": "清除",
+ "ClearErrorMsg": "清除失敗:",
+ "ClearScreen": "清除螢幕",
+ "ClearSecret": "清除密文",
+ "ClearSelection": "清空選擇",
+ "ClearSuccessMsg": "清除成功",
+ "ClickCopy": "點擊複製",
+ "ClientCertificate": "用戶端證書",
+ "ClipBoard": "剪切板",
+ "Clipboard": "剪貼簿",
+ "ClipboardCopyPaste": "剪貼簿複製貼上",
+ "Clone": "複製",
+ "Close": "關閉",
+ "CloseConfirm": "確認關閉",
+ "CloseConfirmMessage": "文件發生變化,是否保存?",
+ "CloseStatus": "已完成",
+ "Closed": "已完成",
+ "Cloud": "雲管中心",
+ "CloudAccountCreate": "建立雲平台帳號",
+ "CloudAccountDetail": "雲平台帳號詳情",
+ "CloudAccountList": "雲平台帳號",
+ "CloudAccountUpdate": "更新雲平台帳號",
+ "CloudCenter": "雲管中心",
+ "CloudCreate": "創建資產-雲平台",
+ "CloudPlatform": "雲平台",
+ "CloudRegionTip": "未取得地區資訊,請檢查帳號",
+ "CloudSource": "同步源",
+ "CloudSync": "雲同步",
+ "CloudSyncConfig": "雲同步配寘",
+ "CloudUpdate": "更新資產-雲平台",
+ "Clouds": "雲平台",
+ "Cluster": "集群",
+ "CmdFilter": "命令過濾器",
+ "CollapseSidebar": "收起側邊欄",
+ "CollectHardwareInfo": "啟用收集硬體資訊",
+ "CollectionSucceed": "收藏成功",
+ "Command": "命令",
+ "Command filter": "命令過濾器",
+ "CommandConfirm": "命令覆核",
+ "CommandExecutions": "命令執行",
+ "CommandFilterACL": "命令過濾",
+ "CommandFilterACLHelpMsg": "通過命令過濾,您可以控制命令是否可以發送到資產上。根據您設定的規則,某些命令可以被放行,而另一些命令則被禁止。",
+ "CommandFilterACLHelpText": "透過命令過濾,您可以控制命令是否可以發送到資產上。根據您設定的規則,某些命令可以被放行,而另一些命令則被禁止",
+ "CommandFilterAclCreate": "創建命令過濾規則",
+ "CommandFilterAclDetail": "命令過濾規則詳情",
+ "CommandFilterAclUpdate": "更新命令過濾規則",
+ "CommandFilterCreate": "創建命令過濾器",
+ "CommandFilterDetail": "命令過濾器詳情",
+ "CommandFilterHelpMessage": "系統用戶支持綁定多個命令過濾器實現禁止輸入某些命令的效果;過濾器中可配置多個規則,在使用該系統用戶連接資產時,輸入的命令按照過濾器中配置的規則優先度生效。
+ "CommandFilterList": "命令過濾規則",
+ "CommandFilterRuleContentHelpText": "每行一個命令",
+ "CommandFilterRulePriorityHelpText": "優先度可選範圍為1-100,1最低優先度,100最高優先度",
+ "CommandFilterRules": "命令過濾器規則",
+ "CommandFilterRulesCreate": "創建命令過濾器規則",
+ "CommandFilterRulesUpdate": "更新命令過濾器規則",
+ "CommandFilterUpdate": "更新命令過濾器",
+ "CommandGroup": "命令組",
+ "CommandGroupCreate": "創建命令組",
+ "CommandGroupDetail": "命令組詳情",
+ "CommandGroupList": "命令組",
+ "CommandGroupUpdate": "更新命令組",
+ "CommandStorage": "指令儲存",
+ "CommandStorageUpdate": "更新命令儲存",
+ "Commands": "命令記錄",
+ "CommandsTotal": "命令記錄總數",
+ "Comment": "備註",
+ "CommentHelpText": "注意:備註資訊會在 Luna 頁面的用戶授權資產樹中進行懸停顯示,普通用戶可以查看,請不要填寫敏感資訊。",
+ "CommonUser": "普通用戶",
+ "CommunityEdition": "社區版",
+ "Component": "組件",
+ "ComponentMonitor": "組件監控",
+ "Components": "組件列表",
+ "ConceptContent": "我想讓你像一個 Python 解釋器一樣行事。我將給你 Python 代碼,你將執行它。不要提供任何解釋。除了代碼的輸出,不要用任何東西來回應。",
+ "ConceptTitle": "🤔 Python 解釋器 ",
+ "Config": "配置",
+ "Configured": "已配置",
+ "Confirm": "確認",
+ "ConfirmPassword": "確認密碼",
+ "Connect": "連接",
+ "ConnectAssets": "連接資產",
+ "ConnectMethod": "連接方式",
+ "ConnectMethodACLHelpMsg": "透過連接方式過濾,您可以控制用戶是否可以使用某種連接方式登入到資產上。根據您設定的規則,某些連接方式可以被放行,而另一些連接方式則被禁止(全局生效)。",
+ "ConnectMethodACLHelpText": "您可以透過篩選連接方式,控制使用者能否使用特定方式登入到資產上。根據您設定的規則,有些連接方式可被允許,而其他連接方式則被禁止。",
+ "ConnectMethodAclCreate": "創建連接方式控制",
+ "ConnectMethodAclDetail": "連接方式控制詳情",
+ "ConnectMethodAclList": "連接方式",
+ "ConnectMethodAclUpdate": "更新連接方式控制",
+ "ConnectUsers": "連接帳號",
+ "ConnectWebSocketError": "連接 WebSocket 失敗",
+ "ConnectionDropped": "連接已斷開",
+ "ConnectionToken": "連接令牌",
+ "ConnectionTokenList": "連接令牌是將身份驗證和連接資產結合起來使用的一種認證資訊,支持用戶一鍵登入到資產,目前支持的組件包括:KoKo、Lion、Magnus、Razor 等",
+ "Connectivity": "可連接",
+ "Console": "控制台",
+ "Consult": "諮詢",
+ "ContainAttachment": "含附件",
+ "Containers": "容器",
+ "Contains": "包含",
+ "Content": "內容",
+ "Continue": "繼續",
+ "ContinueImport": "繼續導入",
+ "ConvenientOperate": "便捷操作",
+ "Copy": "複製",
+ "CopySuccess": "複製成功",
+ "Corporation": "公司",
+ "Correlation": "關聯",
+ "Cpu": "CPU",
+ "Create": "創建",
+ "CreateAccessKey": "創建訪問金鑰",
+ "CreateAccountTemplate": "創建帳號模板",
+ "CreateCommandStorage": "創建命令儲存",
+ "CreateEndpoint": "創建端點",
+ "CreateEndpointRule": "創建端點規則",
+ "CreateErrorMsg": "建立失敗",
+ "CreateNode": "創建節點",
+ "CreateOrgMsg": "請去組織詳情內添加用戶",
+ "CreatePlaybook": "創建 Playbook",
+ "CreateReplayStorage": "創建對象儲存",
+ "CreateSuccessMsg": "建立成功",
+ "CreateUserContent": "創建用戶內容",
+ "CreateUserSetting": "創建用戶內容",
+ "Created": "已創建",
+ "CreatedBy": "創建者",
+ "CriticalLoad": "嚴重",
+ "CronExpression": "crontab完整表達式",
+ "Crontab": "定時任務",
+ "CrontabDiffError": "請確保定期執行的時間間隔不少於十分鐘!",
+ "CrontabHelpText": "如果同時設定了 interval 和 crontab,則優先考慮 crontab",
+ "CrontabHelpTip": "例如:每週日 03:05 執行 <5 3 * * 0>
使用 5 位 linux crontab 表達式 (線上工具)
+ "CrontabHelpTips": "eg:每週日 03:05 執行 <5 3 * * 0>
提示: 使用5位 Linux crontab 表達式 <分 時 日 月 星期> (線上工具)
注意: 如果同時設置了定期執行和週期執行,優先使用定期執行",
+ "CrontabOfCreateUpdatePage": "例如:每週日 03:05 執行 <5 3 * * 0>
使用5位 Linux crontab 表達式 <分 時 日 月 星期> (線上工具)
+ "CurrentConnectionUsers": "當前會話用戶數",
+ "CurrentConnections": "當前連接數",
+ "CurrentUserVerify": "驗證當前用戶",
+ "Custom": "自訂",
+ "CustomCol": "自訂列表欄位",
+ "CustomCreate": "創建資產-自訂",
+ "CustomFields": "自訂屬性",
+ "CustomFile": "請將自訂的文件放到指定目錄下(data/sms/,並在 config.txt 中啟用配置項 SMS_CUSTOM_FILE_MD5=<文件md5值>",
+ "CustomHelpMessage": "自訂類型資產,依賴於遠程應用,請前往系統設置在遠程應用中配置",
+ "CustomParams": "左側為簡訊平台接收的參數,右側為JumpServer待格式化參數,最終如下:
{\"phone_numbers\": \"123,134\", \"content\": \"驗證碼為: 666666\"}",
+ "CustomTree": "自訂樹",
+ "CustomType": "自訂類型",
+ "CustomUpdate": "更新資產-自訂",
+ "CustomUser": "自訂用戶",
+ "CycleFromWeek": "周期從星期",
+ "CyclePerform": "週期執行",
+ "DBInfo": "資料庫資訊",
+ "Danger": "危險",
+ "DangerCommand": "危險命令",
+ "DangerousCommandNum": "危險命令數",
+ "Dashboard": "儀錶盤",
+ "DataLastUsed": "最後使用日期",
+ "Database": "資料庫",
+ "DatabaseApp": "資料庫",
+ "DatabaseAppCount": "資料庫應用數量",
+ "DatabaseAppCreate": "創建資料庫應用",
+ "DatabaseAppDetail": "資料庫詳情",
+ "DatabaseAppPermission": "資料庫授權",
+ "DatabaseAppPermissionCreate": "創建資料庫授權規則",
+ "DatabaseAppPermissionDetail": "資料庫授權詳情",
+ "DatabaseAppPermissionUpdate": "更新資料庫授權規則",
+ "DatabaseAppUpdate": "資料庫應用更新",
+ "DatabaseCreate": "創建資產-資料庫",
+ "DatabaseId": "資料庫Id",
+ "DatabasePort": "資料庫協議埠",
+ "DatabaseProtocol": "資料庫協議",
+ "DatabaseUpdate": "更新資產-資料庫",
+ "Date": "日期",
+ "DateCreated": "創建日期",
+ "DateEnd": "結束日期",
+ "DateExpired": "失效日期",
+ "DateFinished": "完成時間",
+ "DateJoined": "創建日期",
+ "DateLast24Hours": "最近一天",
+ "DateLast3Months": "最近三月",
+ "DateLastHarfYear": "最近半年",
+ "DateLastLogin": "最後登入日期",
+ "DateLastMonth": "最近一月",
+ "DateLastRun": "上次運行日期",
+ "DateLastSync": "最後同步日期",
+ "DateLastWeek": "最近一週",
+ "DateLastYear": "最近一年",
+ "DatePasswordLastUpdated": "最後更新密碼日期",
+ "DatePasswordUpdated": "密碼更新日期",
+ "DateStart": "開始日期",
+ "DateSync": "同步日期",
+ "DateUpdated": "更新日期",
+ "Datetime": "日期時間",
+ "Day": "日",
+ "DeactiveSelected": "禁用所選",
+ "DeclassificationLogNum": "改密日誌數",
+ "Default": "預設的",
+ "DefaultDatabase": "默認資料庫",
+ "DefaultPort": "默認埠",
+ "DefaultProtocol": "默認協議, 添加資產時預設會選擇",
+ "Defaults": "預設值",
+ "Delete": "刪除",
+ "DeleteConfirmMessage": "刪除後無法恢復,是否繼續?",
+ "DeleteErrorMsg": "刪除失敗",
+ "DeleteFile": "刪除文件",
+ "DeleteNode": "刪除節點",
+ "DeleteOrgMsg": "用戶,用戶組,資產,節點,標籤,網域,資產授權",
+ "DeleteOrgTitle": "請確保組織內的以下資訊已刪除",
+ "DeleteReleasedAssets": "刪除已釋放資產",
+ "DeleteSelected": "刪除所選",
+ "DeleteSuccess": "刪除成功",
+ "DeleteSuccessMsg": "刪除成功",
+ "DeleteWarningMsg": "你確定要刪除",
+ "DeliveryTime": "發送時間",
+ "Deploy": "部署",
+ "DescribeOfGuide": "歡迎使用JumpServer堡壘機系統,獲取更多資訊請點擊",
+ "Description": "描述",
+ "DestinationIP": "目的地址",
+ "DestinationPort": "目的埠",
+ "Detail": "詳情",
+ "Device": "網路設備",
+ "DeviceCreate": "創建資產-網路設備",
+ "DeviceUpdate": "更新資產-網路設備",
+ "Digit": "數字",
+ "DingTalk": "釘釘",
+ "DingTalkOAuth": "釘釘認證",
+ "DingTalkTest": "測試",
+ "Disable": "禁用",
+ "DisableSelected": "停用所選",
+ "DisableSuccessMsg": "禁用成功",
+ "DisabledAsset": "禁用的",
+ "DisabledUser": "禁用的",
+ "DiscoverAccounts": "帳號收集",
+ "DiscoverAccountsHelpText": "收集資產上的賬號資訊。收集後的賬號資訊可以導入到系統中,方便統一",
+ "DiscoveredAccountList": "Collected accounts",
+ "Disk": "硬碟",
+ "DisplayName": "名稱",
+ "Docs": "文件",
+ "Domain": "網域",
+ "DomainCreate": "創建網域",
+ "DomainDetail": "網域詳情",
+ "DomainEnabled": "啟用網域",
+ "DomainHelpMessage": "網域功能是為了解決部分環境(如:混合雲)無法直接連接而新增的功能,原理是通過網關伺服器進行跳轉登入。JMS => 網域網關 => 目標資產",
+ "DomainList": "網域列表",
+ "DomainUpdate": "更新網域",
+ "Download": "下載",
+ "DownloadCenter": "下載中心",
+ "DownloadFTPFileTip": "當前動作不記錄文件,或者檔案大小超過閾值(默認100M),或者還未保存到對應儲存中",
+ "DownloadImportTemplateMsg": "下載創建模板",
+ "DownloadReplay": "下載錄影",
+ "DownloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "下載更新範本",
+ "DragUploadFileInfo": " 將檔案拖曳至此處,或點擊此處上傳",
+ "DropConfirmMsg": "你想移動節點: {src} 到 {dst} 下嗎?",
+ "DryRun": "測試運行",
+ "Duplicate": "Copy",
+ "DuplicateFileExists": "不允許上傳同名文件,請刪除同名文件",
+ "Duration": "時長",
+ "DynamicUsername": "動態使用者名稱",
+ "Edit": "編輯",
+ "EditRecipient": "編輯接收人",
+ "Edition": "版本",
+ "Email": "信箱",
+ "EmailContent": "郵件內容訂製",
+ "EmailTemplate": " Email Template",
+ "EmailTemplateHelpTip": "郵件模版是用於發送郵件的模版,包括郵件標題前綴和郵件內容",
+ "EmailTest": "測試連線",
+ "Empty": "空",
+ "Enable": "啟用",
+ "EnableDomain": "啟用網域",
+ "EnableKoKoSSHHelpText": "開啟時連接資產會顯示 SSH Client 拉起方式",
+ "EnableVaultStorage": "開啟 Vault 儲存",
+ "Endpoint": "服務端點",
+ "EndpointListHelpMessage": "服務端點是用戶訪問服務的地址(埠),當用戶在連接資產時,會根據端點規則和資產標籤選擇服務端點,作為訪問入口建立連接,實現分布式連接資產",
+ "EndpointRuleListHelpMessage": "對於服務端點選擇策略,目前支持兩種:
2、通過資產標籤選擇端點,標籤名固定是 endpoint,值是端點的名稱。
兩種方式優先使用標籤匹配,因為 IP 段可能衝突,標籤方式是作為規則的補充存在的。",
+ "EndpointRules": "端點規則",
+ "Endpoints": "服務端點",
+ "Endswith": "以...結尾",
+ "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo1": "請確保該值大於或者等於 1",
+ "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo3": "請確保該值大於或者等於 3",
+ "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo5": "請確保該值大於或者等於 5",
+ "EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo6": "請確保該值大於或者等於 6",
+ "EnterForSearch": "按下 Enter 進行搜索",
+ "EnterMessage": "請輸入問題, Enter 發送",
+ "EnterRunUser": "輸入運行用戶",
+ "EnterRunningPath": "輸入運行路徑",
+ "EnterToContinue": "按下 Enter 繼續輸入",
+ "EnterUploadPath": "輸入上傳路徑",
+ "Enterprise": "企業版",
+ "EnterpriseEdition": "企業版",
+ "Equal": "等於",
+ "Error": "錯誤",
+ "ErrorMsg": "錯誤",
+ "EsDisabled": "節點不可用, 請聯絡管理員",
+ "EsIndex": "es 提供預設 index:jumpserver。如果開啟按日期建立索引,那麼輸入的值會作為索引前綴",
+ "EsUrl": "不能包含特殊字符 `#`;eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
+ "Every": "每",
+ "Example": "例: {example}",
+ "Exclude": "不包含",
+ "ExcludeAsset": "跳過的資產",
+ "ExcludeSymbol": "排除字元",
+ "ExecCloudSyncErrorMsg": "雲帳號配置不完整,請更新後重試",
+ "Execute": "執行",
+ "ExecuteCycle": "執行週期",
+ "ExecuteFailedCommand": "執行失敗命令",
+ "ExecuteOnce": "執行一次",
+ "Execution": "執行歷史",
+ "ExecutionDetail": "執行詳情",
+ "ExecutionList": "執行列表",
+ "ExecutionTimes": "執行次數",
+ "ExistError": "這個元素已經存在",
+ "Existing": "已存在",
+ "ExpectedNextExecuteTime": "預計下次執行時間",
+ "ExpirationTimeout": "過期超時時間(秒)",
+ "Expire": " 過期",
+ "Expired": "過期時間",
+ "Export": "匯出",
+ "ExportAll": "匯出所有",
+ "ExportOnlyFiltered": "僅匯出搜索結果",
+ "ExportOnlySelectedItems": "僅匯出選擇項",
+ "ExportRange": "匯出範圍",
+ "FAILURE": "失敗",
+ "FC": "Fusion Compute",
+ "Failed": "失敗",
+ "FailedAsset": "失敗的資產",
+ "False": "否",
+ "FaviconTip": "提示:網站圖示(建議圖片大小為: 16px*16px)",
+ "Feature": "功能",
+ "Features": "功能設定",
+ "FeiShu": "飛書",
+ "FeiShuOAuth": "飛書認證",
+ "FeiShuTest": "測試",
+ "FieldRequiredError": "此欄位為必填項",
+ "FileEncryptionPassword": "文件加密密碼",
+ "FileExplorer": " File Browsing",
+ "FileManagement": "文件管理",
+ "FileManager": "文件管理",
+ "FileNameTooLong": "檔案名太長",
+ "FileSizeExceedsLimit": "檔案大小超出限制",
+ "FileTransfer": "文件傳輸",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips1": "選擇一個資產或節點",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips2": "選擇執行帳戶並輸入命令",
+ "FileTransferBootStepHelpTips3": "傳輸,顯示輸出結果",
+ "FileTransferNum": "文件傳輸數",
+ "FileType": "文件類型",
+ "Filename": "檔案名",
+ "FingerPrint": "指紋",
+ "Finished": "完成",
+ "FinishedTicket": "完成工單",
+ "FirstLogin": "首次登入",
+ "FlowDetail": "流程詳情",
+ "FlowSetUp": "流程設置",
+ "Footer": "頁尾",
+ "ForgotPasswordURL": "忘記密碼連結",
+ "FormatError": "格式錯誤",
+ "Friday": "週五",
+ "From": "從",
+ "FromTicket": "來自工單",
+ "FtpLog": "FTP日誌",
+ "FullName": "全稱",
+ "FullySynchronous": "資產完全同步",
+ "FullySynchronousHelpTip": "當資產條件不滿足配對政策規則時是否繼續同步該資產",
+ "FullySynchronousHelpTips": "當資產條件不滿足匹配策略規則時,是否繼續同步此類資產",
+ "GCP": "Google雲",
+ "GPTCreate": "創建資產-GPT",
+ "GPTUpdate": "更新資產-GPT",
+ "Gateway": "網關",
+ "GatewayCreate": "創建網關",
+ "GatewayList": "網關列表",
+ "GatewayPlatformHelpText": "網關平台只能選擇以 Gateway 開頭的平台",
+ "GatewayProtocolHelpText": "SSH網關,支持代理SSH,RDP和VNC",
+ "GatewayUpdate": "更新網關",
+ "General": "基本",
+ "GeneralAccounts": "普通帳號",
+ "GeneralSetting": "General Settings",
+ "Generate": "生成",
+ "GenerateAccounts": "重新生成帳號",
+ "GenerateSuccessMsg": "帳號生成成功",
+ "GoHomePage": "去往首頁",
+ "Goto": "轉到",
+ "GrantedAssets": "授權的資產",
+ "GreatEqualThan": "大於等於",
+ "GroupsAmount": "使用者組",
+ "GroupsHelpMessage": "請輸入用戶組,多個用戶組使用逗號分隔(需填寫已存在的用戶組)",
+ "Guide": "嚮導",
+ "HTTPSRequiredForSupport": "需要 HTTPS 支援,才能開啟",
+ "HandleTicket": "處理工單",
+ "Hardware": "硬體資訊",
+ "HardwareInfo": "硬體資訊",
+ "HasImportErrorItemMsg": "存在匯入失敗項,點擊左側 x 檢視失敗原因,點擊表格編輯後,可以繼續匯入失敗項",
+ "HasRead": "是否已讀",
+ "Help": "幫助",
+ "HighLoad": "較高",
+ "HistoricalSessionNum": "歷史會話數",
+ "History": "執行歷史",
+ "HistoryDate": "日期",
+ "HistoryPassword": "歷史密碼",
+ "HistoryRecord": "歷史紀錄",
+ "Home": "家目錄",
+ "HomeHelpMessage": "默認家目錄 /home/系統使用者名稱: /home/username",
+ "HomePage": "首頁",
+ "Host": "資產",
+ "HostCreate": "創建資產-主機",
+ "HostDeployment": "發布機部署",
+ "HostList": "主機列表",
+ "HostProtocol": "主機協議",
+ "HostUpdate": "更新資產-主機",
+ "Hostname": "主機名",
+ "HostnameStrategy": "用於生成資產主機名。例如:1. 實例名稱 (instanceDemo);2. 實例名稱和部分IP(後兩位) (instanceDemo-250.1)",
+ "Hosts": "主機",
+ "Hour": "小時",
+ "HuaweiCloud": "華為雲",
+ "HuaweiPrivateCloud": "Huawei Private Cloud",
+ "HuaweiPrivatecloud": "華為私有雲",
+ "IAgree": "我同意",
+ "ID": "ID",
+ "IP": "IP",
+ "IP/Host": "IP/主機",
+ "IPLoginLimit": "IP 登入限制",
+ "IPMatch": "IP 匹配",
+ "IPNetworkSegment": "IP網段",
+ "IPType": "IP 類型",
+ "Icon": "圖示",
+ "Id": "ID",
+ "IdeaContent": "我想讓你充當一個 Linux 終端。我將輸入命令,你將回答終端應該顯示的內容。我希望你只在一個獨特的代碼塊內回復終端輸出,而不是其他。不要寫解釋。當我需要告訴你一些事情時,我會把文字放在大括號裡{備註文本}。",
+ "IdeaTitle": "🌱 Linux 終端",
+ "IdpMetadataHelpText": "IDP metadata URL 和 IDP metadata XML參數二選一即可,IDP metadata URL的優先度高",
+ "IdpMetadataUrlHelpText": "從遠端地址中載入 IDP Metadata",
+ "IgnoreCase": "忽略大小寫",
+ "ImageName": "鏡像名",
+ "Images": "圖片",
+ "Import": "導入",
+ "ImportAll": "導入全部",
+ "ImportFail": "導入失敗",
+ "ImportLdapUserTip": "請先提交LDAP配置再進行匯入",
+ "ImportLdapUserTitle": "LDAP 使用者列表",
+ "ImportLicense": "導入許可證",
+ "ImportLicenseTip": "請導入許可證",
+ "ImportMessage": "請前往對應類型的頁面導入數據",
+ "ImportOrg": "導入組織",
+ "ImprovePersonalInformation": "完善個人資訊",
+ "InActiveAsset": "近期未被登入",
+ "InActiveUser": "近期未登入過",
+ "InAssetDetail": "在資產詳情中更新帳號資訊",
+ "Inactive": "禁用",
+ "Include": "包含",
+ "Index": "首頁",
+ "Info": "提示",
+ "InformationModification": "資訊變更",
+ "Inherit": "繼承",
+ "InheritPlatformConfig": "繼承自平台配置,如需更改,請更改平台中的配置。",
+ "InitialDeploy": "初始化安裝部署",
+ "Input": "輸入",
+ "InputEmailAddress": "請輸入正確的信箱地址",
+ "InputMessage": "輸入消息...",
+ "InputNumber": "請輸入數字類型",
+ "InputPhone": "請輸入手機號碼",
+ "InsecureCommandAlert": "危險命令告警",
+ "InsecureCommandNotifyToSubscription": "危險命令通知已升級到消息訂閱中,支持更多通知方式",
+ "InstanceAddress": "實例地址",
+ "InstanceName": "實例名稱",
+ "InstancePlatformName": "實例平台名稱",
+ "Interface": "網路介面",
+ "InterfaceSettings": "界面設置",
+ "Interval": "間隔",
+ "IntervalOfCreateUpdatePage": "單位:時",
+ "Invalid": "無效",
+ "InvalidJson": "不是合法 JSON",
+ "Invalidity": "無效",
+ "Invite": "邀請",
+ "InviteSuccess": "邀請成功",
+ "InviteUser": "邀請用戶",
+ "InviteUserInOrg": "邀請用戶加入此組織",
+ "Ip": "IP",
+ "IpDomain": "IP 域",
+ "IpGroup": "IP 群組",
+ "IpGroupHelpText": "* 代表匹配所有。例如:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
+ "IpType": "IP 類型",
+ "IsActive": "啟用",
+ "IsAlwaysUpdate": "資產保持最新",
+ "IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTip": "是否在每次執行同步任務時同步更新資產資訊,包含主機名稱、ip、平台、域、節點等",
+ "IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTips": "每次執行同步任務時,是否同步更新資產的資訊,包括主機名、IP、系統平台、網域、節點等資訊",
+ "IsFinished": "完成",
+ "IsLocked": "是否暫停",
+ "IsSuccess": "是否成功",
+ "IsSyncAccountHelpText": "收集完成後會把收集的帳號同步到資產",
+ "IsSyncAccountLabel": "同步到資產",
+ "JDCloud": "京東雲",
+ "JMSSSO": "SSO Token 登入",
+ "Job": "作業",
+ "JobCenter": "作業中心",
+ "JobCreate": "創建作業",
+ "JobDetail": "作業詳情",
+ "JobExecutionLog": "作業日誌",
+ "JobList": "作業管理",
+ "JobManagement": "作業",
+ "JobName": "作業名稱",
+ "JobType": "作業類型",
+ "JobUpdate": "更新作業",
+ "Key": "鍵",
+ "KingSoftCloud": "金山雲",
+ "KokoSetting": "KoKo 配置",
+ "KokoSettingUpdate": "Koko 配置設置",
+ "KubernetesApp": "Kubernetes",
+ "KubernetesAppCount": "Kubernetes應用數量",
+ "KubernetesAppCreate": "創建Kubernetes",
+ "KubernetesAppDetail": "Kubernetes詳情",
+ "KubernetesAppPermission": "Kubernetes授權",
+ "KubernetesAppPermissionCreate": "創建Kubernetes授權規則",
+ "KubernetesAppPermissionDetail": "Kubernetes授權詳情",
+ "KubernetesAppPermissionUpdate": "更新Kubernetes授權規則",
+ "KubernetesAppUpdate": "更新Kubernetes",
+ "LAN": "區域網路",
+ "LDAPServerInfo": "LDAP 伺服器",
+ "LDAPUser": "LDAP 用戶",
+ "LOWER_CASE_REQUIRED": "須包含小寫字母",
+ "Label": "標籤",
+ "LabelCreate": "創建標籤",
+ "LabelInputFormatValidation": "標籤格式錯誤,正確格式為:name:value",
+ "LabelList": "標籤列表",
+ "LabelUpdate": "更新標籤",
+ "Language": "語言",
+ "LarkOAuth": "Lark 認證",
+ "Last30": "最近 30 次",
+ "Last30Days": "近30天",
+ "Last7Days": "近7天",
+ "LastPublishedTime": "最後發布時間",
+ "LatestSessions": "最近登入記錄",
+ "LatestSessions10": "最近10次登入",
+ "LatestTop10": "TOP 10",
+ "Ldap": "LDAP",
+ "LdapBulkImport": "使用者匯入",
+ "LdapConnectTest": "Test Connection",
+ "LdapLoginTest": "測試登入",
+ "Length": "長度",
+ "LessEqualThan": "小於等於",
+ "LevelApproval": "級審批",
+ "License": "許可證",
+ "LicenseDetail": "許可證詳情",
+ "LicenseExpired": "許可證已經過期",
+ "LicenseFile": "許可證文件",
+ "LicenseForTest": "測試用途許可證, 本許可證僅用於 測試(PoC)和示範",
+ "LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "資產數量已經超過許可證數量限制",
+ "LicenseWillBe": "許可證即將在 ",
+ "LinuxAdminUser": "Linux 特權用戶",
+ "LinuxUserAffiliateGroup": "用戶附屬組",
+ "LoadStatus": "負載狀態",
+ "Loading": "載入中",
+ "LockedIP": "已鎖定 IP {count} 個",
+ "Log": "日誌",
+ "LogData": "日誌數據",
+ "LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "成功登入日誌數",
+ "Logging": "日誌記錄",
+ "Login": "用戶登入",
+ "LoginAssetConfirm": "資產登入覆核",
+ "LoginAssetToday": "今日活躍資產數",
+ "LoginAssets": "活躍資產",
+ "LoginCity": "登入城市",
+ "LoginConfig": "登入配置",
+ "LoginConfirm": "登入覆核",
+ "LoginConfirmUser": "登錄複核 受理人",
+ "LoginCount": "登入次數",
+ "LoginDate": "登入日期",
+ "LoginFailed": "登入失敗",
+ "LoginFrom": "登入來源",
+ "LoginIP": "登入IP",
+ "LoginImageTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版使用者登入頁面(建議圖片大小為: 492*472px)",
+ "LoginLog": "登入日誌",
+ "LoginLogTotal": "登入成功日誌數",
+ "LoginModeHelpMessage": "如果選擇手動登入模式,使用者名稱和密碼可以不填寫",
+ "LoginModel": "登入模式",
+ "LoginNum": "登入數",
+ "LoginOption": "登入選項",
+ "LoginOverview": "會話統計",
+ "LoginPasswordSetting": "登入密碼設定",
+ "LoginRequiredMsg": "帳號已退出,請重新登入",
+ "LoginSSHKeySetting": "登入 SSH 公鑰",
+ "LoginSucceeded": "登入成功",
+ "LoginTitleTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版使用者 SSH 登入 KoKo 登入頁面(eg: 歡迎使用JumpServer開源堡壘機)",
+ "LoginTo": "登入了",
+ "LoginUserRanking": "會話用戶排名",
+ "LoginUserToday": "今日登入用戶數",
+ "LoginUsers": "活躍帳號",
+ "LogoIndexTip": "提示:將會顯示在管理頁面左上方(建議圖片大小為: 185px*55px)",
+ "LogoLogoutTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版使用者的 Web 終端頁面(建議圖片大小為:82px*82px)",
+ "Logout": "退出登入",
+ "LogsAudit": "日誌審計",
+ "Lowercase": "小寫字母",
+ "LunaSetting": "Luna 設定",
+ "LunaSettingUpdate": "Luna 配置設置",
+ "MFA": "MFA",
+ "MFAConfirm": "MFA 認證",
+ "MFAErrorMsg": "MFA錯誤,請檢查",
+ "MFAOfUserFirstLoginPersonalInformationImprovementPage": "啟用多因子認證,使帳號更加安全。
+ "MFAOfUserFirstLoginUserGuidePage": "為了保護您和公司的安全,請妥善保管您的帳戶、密碼和金鑰等重要敏感資訊;(如:設置複雜密碼,並啟用多因子認證)
+ "MFARequireForSecurity": "為了安全請輸入MFA",
+ "MFAVerify": "驗證 MFA",
+ "MIN_LENGTH_ERROR": "密碼最小長度 {0} 位",
+ "MailRecipient": "郵件收件人",
+ "MailSend": "郵件發送",
+ "ManualAccount": "手動帳號",
+ "ManualAccountTip": "登入時手動輸入 使用者名稱/密碼",
+ "ManualExecution": "手動執行",
+ "ManualInput": "手動輸入",
+ "ManyChoose": "可多選",
+ "MarkAsRead": "標記已讀",
+ "Marketplace": "應用市場",
+ "Match": "匹配",
+ "MatchIn": "在...中",
+ "MatchResult": "匹配結果",
+ "MatchedCount": "匹配結果",
+ "Material": "內容",
+ "Members": "成員",
+ "Memory": "記憶體",
+ "MenuAccountTemplates": "帳號模版",
+ "MenuAccounts": "帳號",
+ "MenuAcls": "訪問控制",
+ "MenuAssets": "資產管理",
+ "MenuMore": "其他",
+ "MenuPermissions": "授權管理",
+ "MenuUsers": "使用者管理",
+ "Message": "消息",
+ "MessageSub": "消息訂閱",
+ "MessageSubscription": "消息訂閱",
+ "MessageType": "消息類型",
+ "Meta": "元數據",
+ "MfaLevel": "多因子認證",
+ "Min": "分鐘",
+ "MinNumber30": "數字必須大於或等於 30",
+ "Model": "型號",
+ "Modify": "修改",
+ "ModifySSHKey": "修改 SSH Key",
+ "ModifyTheme": "修改主題",
+ "Module": "模組",
+ "Monday": "週一",
+ "Monitor": "監控",
+ "Month": "月",
+ "Monthly": "按月",
+ "More": "更多選項",
+ "MoreActions": "更多操作",
+ "MoveAssetToNode": "移動資產到節點",
+ "MsgSubscribe": "消息訂閱",
+ "MyApps": "我的應用",
+ "MyAssets": "我的資產",
+ "MyTickets": "我發起的",
+ "NUMBER_REQUIRED": "須包含數字",
+ "Name": "名稱",
+ "NavHelp": "導航欄連結",
+ "Navigation": "導航",
+ "NeedAddAppsOrSystemUserErrMsg": "需要添加應用或系統用戶",
+ "NeedReLogin": "需要重新登入",
+ "NeedSpecifiedFile": "需上傳指定格式文件",
+ "Network": "網路",
+ "New": "新建",
+ "NewChat": "新聊天",
+ "NewCount": "新增",
+ "NewCron": "Generate Cron",
+ "NewDirectory": "新建目錄",
+ "NewFile": "新建文件",
+ "NewPassword": "新密碼",
+ "NewPublicKey": "新 SSH 公鑰",
+ "NewSSHKey": "SSH 公鑰",
+ "NewSecret": "新金鑰",
+ "NewSyncCount": "新同步",
+ "Next": "下一步",
+ "No": "否",
+ "NoAccountFound": "沒有找到帳戶",
+ "NoContent": "暫無內容",
+ "NoData": "暫無數據",
+ "NoFiles": "暫無文件",
+ "NoInputCommand": "未輸入命令",
+ "NoLicense": "暫無許可證",
+ "NoLog": "No Log",
+ "NoPermission": "暫無權限",
+ "NoPermission403": "403 暫無權限",
+ "NoPermissionInGlobal": " Global No Permission",
+ "NoPermissionVew": "沒有權限查看當前頁面",
+ "NoPublished": "未發布",
+ "NoResourceImport": "沒有資源可導入",
+ "NoSQLProtocol": "非關係資料庫",
+ "NoSystemUserWasSelected": "未選擇系統用戶",
+ "NoUnreadMsg": "暫無未讀消息",
+ "Node": "節點",
+ "NodeAmount": "節點數量",
+ "NodeInformation": "節點資訊",
+ "NodeOfNumber": "節點數",
+ "NodeSearchStrategy": "節點搜索策略",
+ "NormalLoad": "正常",
+ "NotEqual": "不等於",
+ "NotSet": "未設置",
+ "NotSpecialEmoji": "不允許輸入特殊表情符號",
+ "Nothing": "無",
+ "NotificationConfiguration": "通知設定",
+ "Notifications": "通知",
+ "Now": "現在",
+ "Num": "數",
+ "Number": "編號",
+ "NumberOfVisits": "訪問次數",
+ "OAuth2": "OAuth2",
+ "OAuth2LogoTip": "提示:認證服務提供商(建議圖片大小為: 64px*64px)",
+ "OIDC": "OIDC",
+ "OTP": "MFA (OTP)",
+ "ObjectNotFoundOrDeletedMsg": "沒有找到對應資源或者已被刪除",
+ "ObjectStorage": "物件儲存",
+ "Offline": "離線",
+ "OfflineSelected": "Action所選",
+ "OfflineSuccessMsg": "下線成功",
+ "OfflineUpload": "離線上傳",
+ "OldPassword": "原密碼",
+ "OldPublicKey": "舊 SSH 公鑰",
+ "OldSSHKey": "原來SSH公鑰",
+ "OldSecret": "原金鑰",
+ "On/Off": "啟/停",
+ "OneAssignee": "一級受理人",
+ "OneAssigneeType": "一級受理人類型",
+ "OneClickRead": "當前已讀",
+ "OneClickReadMsg": "你確定要全部標記為已讀嗎?",
+ "OnlineSession": "在線用戶",
+ "OnlineSessionHelpMsg": "無法下線當前會話,因為該會話是當前用戶的在線會話。當前只記錄以 Web 方式登入的用戶。",
+ "OnlineSessions": "在線會話數",
+ "OnlineUserDevices": "在線用戶設備",
+ "OnlineUsers": "在線帳號",
+ "OnlyInitialDeploy": "僅初始化配置",
+ "OnlyLatestVersion": "僅最新版本",
+ "OnlyMailSend": "當前只支持郵件發送",
+ "OnlySearchCurrentNodePerm": "僅搜索當前節點的授權",
+ "Open": "打開",
+ "OpenCommand": "打開命令",
+ "OpenId": "OpenID設置",
+ "OpenStack": "OpenStack",
+ "OpenStatus": "審批中",
+ "OpenTicket": "創建工單",
+ "OperateLog": "操作日誌",
+ "OperateRecord": "操作記錄",
+ "OperationLogNum": "操作日誌數",
+ "Ops": "任務",
+ "Options": "選項",
+ "OracleDBNameHelpText": "提示:填寫 Oracle 資料庫的SID或服務名稱(Service Name)",
+ "OrgAdmin": "組織管理員",
+ "OrgAuditor": "組織審計員",
+ "OrgName": "授權組織名稱",
+ "OrgRole": "組織角色",
+ "OrgRoleHelpMsg": "組織角色為平台內的各個組織量身訂做的角色。 這些角色是在邀請用戶加入特定組織時分配的,並規定他們在該組織內的權限和訪問等級。 與系統角色不同,組織角色可以自行定義,並且只適用於他們所分配到的組織範圍內。",
+ "OrgRoleHelpText": "組織角色是用戶在當前組織中的角色",
+ "OrgRoles": "組織角色",
+ "OrgUser": "組織用戶",
+ "OrganizationCreate": "創建組織",
+ "OrganizationDetail": "組織詳情",
+ "OrganizationList": "組織管理",
+ "OrganizationLists": "組織列表",
+ "OrganizationManage": "組織",
+ "OrganizationMembership": "組織成員",
+ "OrganizationUpdate": "更新組織",
+ "OrgsAndRoles": "組織和角色",
+ "Os": "操作系統",
+ "Other": "其它設置",
+ "OtherAuth": "其它認證",
+ "OtherProtocol": "其它協議",
+ "OtherRules": "其它規則",
+ "Others": "其它",
+ "Output": "輸出",
+ "Overview": "概覽",
+ "PENDING": "等待中",
+ "PageNext": "下一頁",
+ "PagePrev": "上一頁",
+ "Parameter": "參數",
+ "Params": "參數",
+ "ParamsHelpText": "改密參數設置,目前僅對平台種類為主機的資產生效。",
+ "PassKey": "Passkey",
+ "Passkey": "Passkey",
+ "PasskeyAddDisableInfo": "你的認證來源是 {source}, 不支持添加 Passkey",
+ "Passphrase": "金鑰密碼",
+ "Password": "密碼",
+ "PasswordAndSSHKey": "認證設置",
+ "PasswordChangeLog": "改密日誌",
+ "PasswordCheckRule": "密碼強弱規則",
+ "PasswordConfirm": "密碼認證",
+ "PasswordExpired": "密碼過期了",
+ "PasswordHelpMessage": "密碼或金鑰密碼",
+ "PasswordLength": "密碼長度",
+ "PasswordOrToken": "密碼 / 令牌",
+ "PasswordPlaceholder": "請輸入密碼",
+ "PasswordRecord": "密碼記錄",
+ "PasswordRequireForSecurity": "為了安全請輸入密碼",
+ "PasswordRule": "密碼規則",
+ "PasswordSecurity": "密碼安全",
+ "PasswordSelector": "密碼輸入框選擇器",
+ "PasswordStrategy": "密文生成策略",
+ "PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "密碼即將在 ",
+ "PasswordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "天後過期,請盡快修改您的密碼。",
+ "PasswordWithoutSpecialCharHelpText": "不能包含特殊字元",
+ "Paste": "黏貼",
+ "Pause": "暫停",
+ "PauseTaskSendSuccessMsg": "暫停任務已下發,請稍後刷新查看",
+ "Pending": "待處理",
+ "Periodic": "定期執行",
+ "PeriodicPerform": "定時執行",
+ "Perm": "授權",
+ "PermAccount": "授權帳號",
+ "PermAction": "授權Action",
+ "PermName": "授權名稱",
+ "PermUserList": "授權用戶",
+ "PermissionCompany": "授權公司",
+ "PermissionName": "授權規則名稱",
+ "Permissions": "權限",
+ "Perms": "權限管理",
+ "PersonalInformationImprovement": "個人資訊完善",
+ "PersonalSettings": "個人設定",
+ "Phone": "手機號碼",
+ "Plan": "計劃",
+ "Platform": "系統平台",
+ "PlatformCreate": "創建系統平台",
+ "PlatformDetail": "系統平台詳情",
+ "PlatformList": "平台列表",
+ "PlatformPageHelpMsg": "平台是資產的分類,例如:Windows、Linux、網路裝置等。也可以在平台上指定某些設定,如 協定,閘道 等,決定是否啟用資產上的某些功能。",
+ "PlatformProtocolConfig": "平台協議配置",
+ "PlatformSimple": "平台",
+ "PlatformUpdate": "更新系統平台",
+ "PlaybookDetail": "Playbook詳情",
+ "PlaybookManage": "Playbook管理",
+ "PlaybookUpdate": "更新Playbook",
+ "PleaseAgreeToTheTerms": "請同意條款",
+ "PleaseClickLeftApplicationToViewApplicationAccount": "應用帳號列表,點擊左側應用進行查看",
+ "PleaseClickLeftAssetToViewAssetAccount": "資產帳號列表,點擊左側資產進行查看",
+ "PleaseClickLeftAssetToViewGatheredUser": "收集用戶列表,點擊左側資產進行查看",
+ "PleaseSelect": "請選擇",
+ "PolicyName": "策略名稱",
+ "Port": "端口",
+ "Ports": "埠",
+ "Preferences": "偏好設定",
+ "PrepareSyncTask": "準備執行同步任務中...",
+ "Primary": "主要",
+ "PrimaryProtocol": "主要協議, 資產最基本最常用的協議,只能且必須設置一個",
+ "Priority": "優先等級",
+ "PriorityHelpMessage": "1-100, 1最低優先度,100最高優先度。授權多個用戶時,高優先度的系統用戶將會作為默認登入用戶",
+ "PrivateCloud": "私有雲",
+ "PrivateIp": "私有 IP",
+ "PrivateKey": "私鑰",
+ "Privileged": "特權帳號",
+ "PrivilegedFirst": "優先特權帳號",
+ "PrivilegedOnly": "僅特權帳號",
+ "PrivilegedTemplate": "特權的",
+ "Product": "產品",
+ "Profile": "個人資訊",
+ "ProfileSetting": "個人資訊設置",
+ "Project": "項目名",
+ "Prompt": "提示詞",
+ "Proportion": "占比",
+ "ProportionOfAssetTypes": "資產類型占比",
+ "Protocol": "協議",
+ "Protocols": "協議",
+ "ProtocolsEnabled": "啟用協議",
+ "ProtocolsGroup": "協議",
+ "Provider": "雲服務商",
+ "Proxy": "代理",
+ "Public": "公共的",
+ "PublicCloud": "公有雲",
+ "PublicIp": "固定IP",
+ "PublicKey": "公鑰",
+ "PublicProtocol": "如果是公共協議在連接資產時會顯示",
+ "Publish": "發布",
+ "PublishAllApplets": "發布所有應用",
+ "PublishStatus": "發布狀態",
+ "Push": "推送",
+ "PushAccount": "推送帳號",
+ "PushAccountsHelpText": "將現有帳號推送到資產上。推送帳號時,如果帳號已存在,會更新帳號的密碼,如果帳號不存在,則會創建帳號",
+ "PushAllSystemUsersToAsset": "推送所有系統用戶到資產",
+ "PushParams": "推送參數",
+ "PushSelected": "推送所選",
+ "PushSelectedSystemUsersToAsset": "推送所選系統用戶到資產",
+ "PushSystemUserNow": "推送系統用戶",
+ "Qcloud": "騰訊雲",
+ "QcloudLighthouse": "騰訊雲(輕量應用伺服器)",
+ "QingYunPrivateCloud": " QingCloud Private Cloud",
+ "QingyunPrivatecloud": "青雲私有雲",
+ "Queue": "隊列",
+ "QuickAccess": "快速訪問",
+ "QuickAdd": "快速添加",
+ "QuickJob": "快捷命令",
+ "QuickSelect": "快速選擇",
+ "QuickTest": "測試",
+ "QuickUpdate": "快速更新",
+ "RDBProtocol": "關係型資料庫",
+ "RUNNING": "運行中",
+ "Radius": "Radius",
+ "Ranking": "排名",
+ "RazorNotSupport": "RDP 用戶端會話, 暫不支持監控",
+ "ReLogin": "重新登入",
+ "ReLoginErr": "登入時長已超過 5 分鐘,請重新登入",
+ "ReLoginTitle": "當前三方登入用戶(CAS/SAML),未綁定 MFA 且不支持密碼校驗,請重新登入。",
+ "RealTimeData": "即時數據",
+ "Reason": "原因",
+ "Receivers": "接收人",
+ "RecentLogin": "最近登入",
+ "RecentSession": "最近會話",
+ "RecentlyUsed": "最近使用",
+ "Recipient": "接收人",
+ "RecipientHelpText": "如果同時設定了收件人A和B,帳號的密文將被拆分為兩部分;如果只設定了一個收件人,密鑰則不會被拆分。",
+ "RecipientServer": "接收伺服器",
+ "Reconnect": "重新連接",
+ "Refresh": "刷新",
+ "RefreshHardware": "更新硬體資訊",
+ "Regex": "正則表達式",
+ "Region": "地域",
+ "RegularlyPerform": "定期執行",
+ "Reject": "拒絕",
+ "Rejected": "已拒絕",
+ "RelAnd": "與",
+ "RelNot": "非",
+ "RelOr": "或",
+ "Relation": "關係",
+ "ReleaseAssets": "同步釋放資產",
+ "ReleaseAssetsHelpTips": "是否在任務結束時,自動删除通過此任務同步下來且已經在雲上釋放的資產",
+ "ReleasedCount": "已釋放",
+ "RelevantApp": "應用",
+ "RelevantAsset": "資產",
+ "RelevantAssignees": "相關受理人",
+ "RelevantCommand": "命令",
+ "RelevantSystemUser": "系統用戶",
+ "RemoteAddr": "遠端地址",
+ "RemoteApp": "遠程應用",
+ "RemoteAppDetail": "遠程應用詳情",
+ "RemoteAppListHelpMessage": "使用此功能前,請確保已將應用載入器上傳到應用伺服器並成功發布為一個 RemoteApp 應用 下載應用載入器",
+ "RemoteAppPermission": "遠程應用授權",
+ "RemoteAppPermissionCreate": "創建遠程應用授權規則",
+ "RemoteAppPermissionDetail": "遠程應用授權詳情",
+ "RemoteAppPermissionUpdate": "更新遠程應用授權規則",
+ "RemoteAppUpdate": "更新遠程應用",
+ "RemoteApps": "遠程應用",
+ "RemoteType": "應用類型",
+ "Remove": "移除",
+ "RemoveAssetFromNode": "從節點移除資產",
+ "RemoveFromCurrentNode": "從節點移除",
+ "RemoveSelected": "移除所選",
+ "RemoveSuccessMsg": "移除成功",
+ "RemoveWarningMsg": "你確定要移除",
+ "Rename": "重命名",
+ "RenameNode": "重命名節點",
+ "ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUser": "替換節點資產的管理員",
+ "ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUserWithThis": "替換資產的管理員",
+ "Replay": "回放",
+ "ReplaySession": "回放會話",
+ "ReplayStorage": "Object Storage",
+ "ReplayStorageCreateUpdateHelpMessage": "注意:目前 SFTP 儲存僅支持帳號備份,暫不支持錄影儲存。",
+ "ReplayStorageUpdate": "更新對象儲存",
+ "Reply": "回覆",
+ "RequestApplicationPerm": "申請應用授權",
+ "RequestAssetPerm": "申請資產授權",
+ "RequestPerm": "授權申請",
+ "RequestTickets": "申請工單",
+ "Required": "必需的",
+ "RequiredAssetOrNode": "請至少選擇一個資產或節點",
+ "RequiredContent": "請輸入命令",
+ "RequiredEntryFile": "此文件作為運行的入口文件,必須存在",
+ "RequiredProtocol": "必需協議, 添加資產時必須選擇, 可以設置多個",
+ "RequiredRunas": "請輸入運行用戶",
+ "RequiredSystemUserErrMsg": "請選擇帳號",
+ "RequiredUploadFile": "請上傳文件!",
+ "Reset": "還原",
+ "ResetAndDownloadSSHKey": "重設並下載金鑰",
+ "ResetMFA": "重置MFA",
+ "ResetMFAWarningMsg": "你確定要重置用戶的 MFA 嗎?",
+ "ResetMFAdSuccessMsg": "重設MFA成功, 使用者可以重新設置MFA了",
+ "ResetPassword": "重設密碼",
+ "ResetPasswordNextLogin": " Password must be changed at next login",
+ "ResetPasswordSuccessMsg": "已向使用者發送重設密碼訊息",
+ "ResetPasswordWarningMsg": "你確定要發送重設使用者密碼的電子郵件嗎",
+ "ResetPublicKeyAndDownload": "重設並下載SSH金鑰",
+ "ResetSSHKey": "重設SSH金鑰",
+ "ResetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "發送郵件任務已提交,用戶稍後會收到重置密鑰郵件",
+ "ResetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "你確定要傳送重置用戶的SSH Key的郵件嗎?",
+ "Resource": "資源",
+ "ResourceType": "資源類型",
+ "Resources": "資源",
+ "RestoreButton": "恢復默認",
+ "RestoreDefault": "恢復默認",
+ "RestoreDialogMessage": "您確定要恢復成預設初始化嗎?",
+ "RestoreDialogTitle": "你確定嗎",
+ "Result": "結果",
+ "Resume": "恢復",
+ "ResumeTaskSendSuccessMsg": "恢復任務已下發,請稍後刷新查看",
+ "Retry": "重試",
+ "RetrySelected": "重新嘗試所選",
+ "Reviewer": "審批人",
+ "Revise": "修改",
+ "Role": "角色",
+ "RoleCreate": "創建角色",
+ "RoleDetail": "角色詳情",
+ "RoleInfo": "角色資訊",
+ "RoleList": "角色列表",
+ "RolePerms": "角色權限",
+ "RoleUpdate": "更新角色",
+ "RoleUsers": "授權用戶",
+ "Rows": "列",
+ "Rule": "條件",
+ "RuleCount": "條件數量",
+ "RuleDetail": "規則詳情",
+ "RuleRelation": "條件關係",
+ "RuleRelationHelpTip": "和:只有在所有條件全部滿足時,才會執行該 Action; 或:只要有一個條件達成就會執行該 Action ",
+ "RuleRelationHelpTips": "且:當所有條件都滿足時,才會執行動作;或:有一個條件滿足,就會執行動作",
+ "RuleSetting": "條件設置",
+ "Rules": "規則",
+ "Run": "運行",
+ "RunAgain": "再次執行",
+ "RunAs": "執行使用者",
+ "RunCommand": "運行命令",
+ "RunJob": "運行作業",
+ "RunSucceed": "任務執行成功",
+ "RunTaskManually": "手動執行",
+ "RunUser": "運行用戶",
+ "RunasHelpText": "填寫運行腳本的使用者名稱",
+ "RunasPolicy": "帳號策略",
+ "RunasPolicyHelpText": "當前資產上沒此運行用戶時,採取什麼帳號選擇策略。跳過:不執行。優先特權帳號:如果有特權帳號先選特權帳號,如果沒有就選普通帳號。僅特權帳號:只從特權帳號中選擇,如果沒有則不執行",
+ "Running": "正在運行中的Vault 伺服器掛載點,預設為 jumpserver",
+ "RunningPath": "運行路徑",
+ "RunningPathHelpText": "填寫腳本的運行路徑,此設置僅 shell 腳本生效",
+ "RunningTimes": " Last 5 run times",
+ "SAML2Auth": "SAML2 認證",
+ "SCP": "深信服雲平台",
+ "SFTPHelpMessage": "SFTP 的起始路徑,家目錄可以填: HOME.
支持變數: ${ACCOUNT} 連接的帳號使用者名稱, ${USER} 當前用戶使用者名稱, 如 /tmp/${ACCOUNT}",
+ "SMS": "簡訊",
+ "SMSProvider": "簡訊服務商",
+ "SMTP": "郵件伺服器",
+ "SSHKey": "SSH金鑰",
+ "SSHKeyOfProfileSSHUpdatePage": "複製你的公鑰到這裡",
+ "SSHKeySetting": "SSH公鑰設置",
+ "SSHPort": "SSH 埠",
+ "SSHSecretKey": "SSH 金鑰",
+ "SSO": "單點認證",
+ "SUCCESS": "成功",
+ "SafeCommand": "安全命令",
+ "SameAccount": "同名帳號",
+ "SameAccountTip": "與被授權人使用者名稱相同的帳號",
+ "SameTypeAccountTip": "相同使用者名稱、金鑰類型的帳號已存在",
+ "Saturday": "週六",
+ "Save": "保存",
+ "SaveAdhoc": "保存命令",
+ "SaveAndAddAnother": "保存並繼續添加",
+ "SaveCommand": "保存命令 ",
+ "SaveCommandSuccess": "保存命令成功",
+ "SaveSetting": "同步設定",
+ "SaveSuccess": "保存成功",
+ "SaveSuccessContinueMsg": "創建成功,更新內容後可以繼續添加",
+ "Scope": "類別",
+ "ScriptDetail": "腳本詳情",
+ "ScrollToBottom": "滾動到底部",
+ "ScrollToTop": "滾動到頂部",
+ "Search": "搜索",
+ "SearchAncestorNodePerm": "同時搜索當前節點和祖先節點的授權",
+ "Secret": "密碼",
+ "SecretKey": "金鑰",
+ "SecretKeyStrategy": "密碼策略",
+ "SecretType": "密文類型",
+ "Secure": "安全",
+ "Security": "安全設定",
+ "SecurityInsecureCommand": "開啟後,當資產上有危險命令執行時,會發送郵件告警通知",
+ "SecurityInsecureCommandEmailReceiver": "多個信箱時,以半形逗號','分隔",
+ "SecuritySetting": "安全設定",
+ "Select": "選擇",
+ "SelectAccount": "選擇帳號",
+ "SelectAdhoc": "選擇命令",
+ "SelectAll": "全選",
+ "SelectAtLeastOneAssetOrNodeErrMsg": "資產或者節點至少選擇一項",
+ "SelectAttrs": "選擇屬性",
+ "SelectByAttr": "屬性篩選",
+ "SelectCreateMethod": "選擇創建方式",
+ "SelectFile": "選擇文件",
+ "SelectKeyOrCreateNew": "選擇標籤鍵或創建新的",
+ "SelectLabelFilter": "選擇標籤搜索",
+ "SelectProperties": "選擇屬性",
+ "SelectProvider": "選擇平台",
+ "SelectProviderMsg": "請選擇一個雲平臺",
+ "SelectResource": "選擇資源",
+ "SelectTemplate": "選擇模板",
+ "SelectValueOrCreateNew": "選擇標籤值或創建新的",
+ "Selected": "已選擇",
+ "Selection": "可選擇",
+ "Selector": "選擇器",
+ "Send": "發送",
+ "SendVerificationCode": "發送驗證碼",
+ "Sender": "發送人",
+ "Senior": "高級",
+ "SerialNumber": "序號",
+ "Server": "服務",
+ "ServerAccountKey": "服務帳號金鑰",
+ "ServerError": "伺服器錯誤",
+ "ServerTime": "伺服器時間",
+ "ServiceRatio": "組件負載統計",
+ "Session": "會話",
+ "SessionCommands": "會話指令",
+ "SessionConnectTrend": "會話連接趨勢",
+ "SessionData": "會話數據",
+ "SessionDetail": "會話詳情",
+ "SessionID": "會話ID",
+ "SessionJoinRecords": "協作記錄",
+ "SessionList": "會話記錄",
+ "SessionMonitor": "監控",
+ "SessionOffline": "歷史會話",
+ "SessionOnline": "在線會話",
+ "SessionSecurity": "會話安全",
+ "SessionState": "會話狀態",
+ "SessionTerminate": "會話終斷",
+ "SessionTrend": "會話趨勢",
+ "Sessions": "會話管理",
+ "SessionsAudit": "會話審計",
+ "SessionsNum": "會話數",
+ "Set": "已設置",
+ "SetAdDomainNoDisabled": "使用特權帳號在資產上創建普通帳號,如果設置了AD域名不能修改(Windows)",
+ "SetDingTalk": "設定DingTalk認證",
+ "SetFailed": "設置失敗",
+ "SetFeiShu": "設定飛書認證",
+ "SetMFA": "設置多因子認證",
+ "SetPublicKey": "設置SSH公鑰",
+ "SetStatus": "設置狀態",
+ "SetSuccess": "設置成功",
+ "SetToDefault": "設為默認",
+ "Setting": "設置",
+ "SettingInEndpointHelpText": "在 系統設置 / 組件設置 / 服務端點 中配置服務地址和埠",
+ "Settings": "系統設置",
+ "Share": "分享",
+ "Show": "顯示",
+ "ShowAssetAllChildrenNode": "顯示所有子節點資產",
+ "ShowAssetOnlyCurrentNode": "僅顯示當前節點資產",
+ "ShowNodeInfo": "顯示節點詳情",
+ "SignChannelNum": "簽名通道號",
+ "SignaturesAndTemplates": "Signatures and Templates",
+ "SiteMessage": "站內信",
+ "SiteMessageList": "站內信",
+ "SiteURLTip": "例如:",
+ "Skip": "跳過",
+ "Skipped": "已跳過",
+ "Slack": "Slack",
+ "SlackOAuth": "Slack 認證",
+ "Source": "來源",
+ "SourceIP": "源地址",
+ "SourcePort": "源埠",
+ "Spec": "指定",
+ "SpecAccount": "指定帳號",
+ "SpecAccountTip": "指定使用者名稱選擇授權帳號",
+ "SpecialSymbol": "特殊字元",
+ "SpecificInfo": "特殊資訊",
+ "SshKeyFingerprint": "SSH 指紋",
+ "SshPort": "SSH 埠",
+ "Startswith": "以...開頭",
+ "State": "狀態",
+ "StateClosed": "已關閉",
+ "StatePrivate": "私有",
+ "Status": "狀態",
+ "StatusGreen": "近期狀態良好",
+ "StatusRed": "上一次任務執行失敗",
+ "StatusYellow": "近期存在在執行失敗",
+ "Step": "步驟",
+ "Stop": "停止",
+ "StopJob": "停止作業",
+ "StopLogOutput": "任務已取消:當前任務(currentTaskId)已被手動停止。由於每個任務的執行進度不同,以下是任務的最終執行結果。執行失敗表示任務已成功停止。",
+ "Storage": "儲存設置",
+ "StorageConfiguration": "儲存配置",
+ "StorageSetting": "儲存設定",
+ "Strategy": "策略",
+ "StrategyCreate": "創建策略",
+ "StrategyDetail": "策略詳情",
+ "StrategyHelpTip": "Identify unique properties (e.g., platforms) of assets based on policy priority; When the properties of assets (such as nodes) can be configured to multiple, all actions of the policy will be executed.",
+ "StrategyHelpTips": "根據策略優先度確定資產的唯一屬性(如平台),當資產屬性(如節點)可配置多個的時候,所有策略的動作都會被執行",
+ "StrategyList": "策略列表",
+ "StrategyUpdate": "更新策略",
+ "SuEnabled": "啟用帳號切換",
+ "SuFrom": "切換自",
+ "Subject": "主題",
+ "Submit": "提交",
+ "SubmitSelector": "提交按鈕選擇器",
+ "Subscription": "消息訂閱",
+ "SubscriptionID": "訂閱授權ID",
+ "Success": "成功",
+ "Success/Total": "成功/總數",
+ "SuccessAsset": "成功的資產",
+ "SuccessfulOperation": "操作成功",
+ "SudoHelpMessage": "使用逗號分隔多個命令,如: /bin/whoami,/sbin/ifconfig",
+ "Summary": "彙總",
+ "Summary(success/total)": "概況( 成功/總數 )",
+ "Sunday": "週日",
+ "SuperAdmin": "超級管理員",
+ "SuperOrgAdmin": "超級管理員+組織管理員",
+ "Support": "支持",
+ "SupportedProtocol": "支持的協議",
+ "SupportedProtocolHelpText": "設置資產支持的協議,點擊設置按鈕可以為協議修改自訂配置,如 SFTP 目錄,RDP AD 域等",
+ "SwitchPage": "切換視圖",
+ "SwitchToUser": "Su 用戶",
+ "SwitchToUserListTips": "透過以下用戶連接資產時,會使用當前系統用戶登入再進行切換。",
+ "SymbolSet": "特殊符號集合",
+ "SymbolSetHelpText": "請輸入此類型資料庫支持的特殊符號集合,若生成的隨機密碼中有此類資料庫不支持的特殊字元,改密計劃將會失敗",
+ "Sync": "同步",
+ "SyncAction": "同步動作",
+ "SyncDelete": "同步刪除",
+ "SyncDeleteSelected": "同步刪除所選",
+ "SyncErrorMsg": "同步失敗:",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskCreate": "創建同步任務",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskDetail": "同步任務詳情",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryAssetList": "同步實例列表",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskHistoryList": "同步歷史列表",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskList": "同步任務列表",
+ "SyncInstanceTaskUpdate": "更新同步任務",
+ "SyncManual": "手動同步",
+ "SyncOnline": "線上同步",
+ "SyncProtocolToAsset": "同步協議到資產",
+ "SyncRegion": "正在同步地域",
+ "SyncSelected": "同步所選",
+ "SyncSetting": "同步設定",
+ "SyncStrategy": "同步策略",
+ "SyncSuccessMsg": "同步成功",
+ "SyncTask": "同步任務",
+ "SyncTiming": "定時同步",
+ "SyncUpdateAccountInfo": "同步更新帳號資訊",
+ "SyncUser": "同步用戶",
+ "SyncedCount": "已同步",
+ "SystemError": "系統錯誤",
+ "SystemMessageSubscription": "系統消息訂閱",
+ "SystemRole": "系統角色",
+ "SystemRoleHelpMsg": "系統角色是平台內所有組織普遍適用的角色。 這些角色允許您為整個系統的用戶定義特定的權限和訪問級別。 對系統角色的變更將影響使用該平台的所有組織。",
+ "SystemRoles": "系統角色",
+ "SystemSetting": "系統設置",
+ "SystemTasks": "任務列表",
+ "SystemTools": "系統工具",
+ "SystemUser": "系統用戶",
+ "SystemUserAmount": "系統用戶數量",
+ "SystemUserCreate": "創建系統用戶",
+ "SystemUserDetail": "系統用戶詳情",
+ "SystemUserId": "系統用戶Id",
+ "SystemUserList": "系統用戶",
+ "SystemUserListHelpMessage": "系統用戶 是JumpServer 登入資產時使用的帳號,如 root `ssh root@host`,而不是使用該使用者名稱登入資產(ssh admin@host)`;
特權用戶 是資產已存在的, 並且擁有 高級權限 的系統用戶, JumpServer 使用該用戶來 `推送系統用戶`、`獲取資產硬體資訊` 等;普通用戶 可以在資產上預先存在,也可以由 特權用戶 來自動創建。",
+ "SystemUserName": "系統使用者名稱",
+ "SystemUserUpdate": "更新系統用戶",
+ "SystemUsers": "系統用戶",
+ "TableColSetting": "選擇可見屬性列",
+ "TableColSettingInfo": "請選擇您想顯示的列表詳細資訊。",
+ "TableSetting": "表單偏好",
+ "TagCreate": "創建標籤",
+ "TagInputFormatValidation": "Label format error, correct format is: name:value",
+ "TagList": "標籤列表",
+ "TagUpdate": "更新標籤",
+ "Tags": "標籤",
+ "TailLog": "追蹤日誌",
+ "Target": "目標",
+ "TargetResources": "目標資源",
+ "Task": "任務",
+ "TaskCenter": "任務中心",
+ "TaskDetail": "任務詳情",
+ "TaskDispatch": "任務下發成功",
+ "TaskDone": "任務結束",
+ "TaskID": "任務 ID",
+ "TaskList": "工作列表",
+ "TaskMonitor": "任務監控",
+ "TechnologyConsult": "技術諮詢",
+ "TempPassword": "臨時密碼有效期為 300 秒,使用後立刻失效",
+ "TempPasswordTip": "臨時密碼有效時間為 300 秒,使用後立即失效",
+ "TempToken": "臨時密碼",
+ "Template": "模板管理",
+ "TemplateAdd": "模板添加",
+ "TemplateCreate": "創建模板",
+ "TemplateDetail": "模板詳情",
+ "TemplateHelpText": "選擇模板添加時,會自動創建資產下不存在的帳號並推送",
+ "TemplateManagement": "模板管理",
+ "TemplateUpdate": "更新模板",
+ "Templates": "模板管理",
+ "TencentCloud": "騰訊雲",
+ "Terminal": "組件設置",
+ "TerminalDetail": "組件詳情",
+ "TerminalStat": "CPU/記憶體/磁碟",
+ "TerminalUpdate": "更新終端機",
+ "TerminalUpdateStorage": "更新終端儲存",
+ "Terminate": "終端",
+ "TerminateTaskSendSuccessMsg": "終斷任務已下發,請稍後刷新查看",
+ "TermsAndConditions": "條款和條件",
+ "Test": "測試",
+ "TestAccountConnective": "測試帳號可連接性",
+ "TestAllSystemUsersConnective": "測試所有系統用戶可連接性",
+ "TestAssetsConnective": "測試資產可連接性",
+ "TestConnection": "測試連接",
+ "TestGatewayHelpMessage": "如果使用了nat埠映射,請設置為ssh真實監聽的埠",
+ "TestGatewayTestConnection": "測試連接網關",
+ "TestLdapLoginTitle": "測試LDAP 使用者登入",
+ "TestMultiPort": "多個埠用,分隔",
+ "TestNodeAssetConnectivity": "測試資產節點可連接性",
+ "TestParam": "參數",
+ "TestPortErrorMsg": "埠錯誤,請重新輸入",
+ "TestSelected": "測試所選",
+ "TestSelectedSystemUsersConnective": "測試所選系統用戶可連接性",
+ "TestSuccessMsg": "測試成功",
+ "ThisPeriodic": "這是一個週期作業",
+ "Thursday": "週四",
+ "Ticket": "工單",
+ "TicketCreate": "創建工單",
+ "TicketDetail": "工單詳情",
+ "TicketFlow": "工單流",
+ "TicketFlowCreate": "創建審批流",
+ "TicketFlowUpdate": "更新審批流",
+ "Tickets": "工單列表",
+ "TicketsDone": "已辦工單",
+ "TicketsNew": "提交工單",
+ "TicketsTodo": "待辦工單",
+ "Time": "時間",
+ "TimeDelta": "運行時間",
+ "TimeExpression": "時間表示式",
+ "Timeout": "超時(秒)",
+ "TimeoutHelpText": "當此值為-1時,不指定超時時間",
+ "Timer": "定時執行",
+ "TimerPeriod": "定時執行週期",
+ "TimesWeekUnit": "次/周",
+ "Title": "Title",
+ "To": "至",
+ "Today": "今天",
+ "TodayFailedConnections": "今日會話失敗數",
+ "Token": "令牌",
+ "TopAssetsOfWeek": "周資產 TOP10",
+ "TopUsersOfWeek": "周用戶 TOP10",
+ "Total": "總數",
+ "TotalJobFailed": "執行失敗作業數",
+ "TotalJobLog": "作業執行總數",
+ "TotalJobRunning": "運行中作業數",
+ "TotalSyncAsset": "同步資產數(個)",
+ "TotalSyncRegion": "同步地域數(個)",
+ "TotalSyncStrategy": "綁定策略數(個)",
+ "Transfer": "傳輸",
+ "TriggerMode": "觸發方式",
+ "True": "是",
+ "Tuesday": "週二",
+ "TwoAssignee": "二級受理人",
+ "TwoAssigneeType": "二級受理人類型",
+ "Type": "類型",
+ "TypeTree": "類型樹",
+ "Types": "類型",
+ "UCloud": "UCloud優刻得",
+ "UPPER_CASE_REQUIRED": "須包含大寫字母",
+ "UnFavoriteSucceed": "取消收藏成功",
+ "UnSyncCount": "未同步",
+ "Unbind": "解綁",
+ "UnbindHelpText": "本地用戶為此認證來源用戶,無法解綁",
+ "Unblock": "解鎖",
+ "UnblockSelected": "解鎖所選",
+ "UnblockSuccessMsg": "解鎖成功",
+ "UnblockUser": "解鎖用戶",
+ "Uninstall": "卸載",
+ "UniqueError": "以下屬性只能設置一個",
+ "Unknown": "未知",
+ "UnlockSuccessMsg": "解鎖成功",
+ "Unreachable": "不可連接",
+ "UnselectedAssets": "未選擇資產或所選擇的資產不支持SSH協議連接",
+ "UnselectedNodes": "未選擇節點",
+ "UnselectedOrg": "No organization selected",
+ "UnselectedUser": "沒有選擇使用者",
+ "UpDownload": "上傳下載",
+ "Update": "更新",
+ "UpdateAccount": "更新帳號",
+ "UpdateAccountTemplate": "更新帳號模板",
+ "UpdateAssetDetail": "配置更多資訊",
+ "UpdateAssetUserToken": "更新帳號認證資訊",
+ "UpdateEndpoint": "更新端點",
+ "UpdateEndpointRule": "更新端點規則",
+ "UpdateErrorMsg": "更新失敗",
+ "UpdateMFA": "更改多因子認證",
+ "UpdateNodeAssetHardwareInfo": "更新節點資產硬體資訊",
+ "UpdatePassword": "更新密碼",
+ "UpdatePlatformHelpText": "只有資產的原平台類型與所選平台類型相同時才會進行更新,若更新前後的平台類型不同則不會更新。",
+ "UpdateSSHKey": "更新SSH公鑰",
+ "UpdateSecret": "更新密文",
+ "UpdateSelected": "Update selected",
+ "UpdateSuccessMsg": "Update successful",
+ "Updated": "已更新",
+ "UpdatedBy": "更新者",
+ "Upload": "上傳",
+ "UploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "只能上傳 csv/xlsx, 且不超過 10M",
+ "UploadDir": "上傳目錄",
+ "UploadFailed": "上傳失敗",
+ "UploadFileLthHelpText": "只能上傳小於{limit}MB檔案",
+ "UploadHelpText": "請上傳包含以下範例結構目錄的 .zip 壓縮文件",
+ "UploadPlaybook": "上傳 Playbook",
+ "UploadSucceed": "上傳成功",
+ "UploadZipTips": "請上傳 zip 格式的文件",
+ "Uploading": "文件上傳中",
+ "Uppercase": "大寫字母",
+ "UseParameterDefine": "定義參數",
+ "UseProtocol": "使用協議",
+ "UseSSL": "使用 SSL/TLS",
+ "User": "用戶",
+ "UserAclDetail": "用戶登入規則詳情",
+ "UserAclList": "用戶登入",
+ "UserAclLists": "用戶登入規則",
+ "UserAssetActivity": "用戶/資產活躍情況",
+ "UserCreate": "創建用戶",
+ "UserData": "使用者資料",
+ "UserDetail": "用戶詳情",
+ "UserFirstLogin": "首次登入",
+ "UserGroupCreate": "創建用戶組",
+ "UserGroupDetail": "用戶組詳情",
+ "UserGroupList": "用戶組",
+ "UserGroupUpdate": "更新用戶組",
+ "UserGroups": "用戶組",
+ "UserGuide": "用戶嚮導",
+ "UserIP": "登入 IP",
+ "UserInformation": "用戶資訊",
+ "UserList": "用戶列表",
+ "UserLoginACL": "用戶登入",
+ "UserLoginACLCreate": "創建用戶登入規則",
+ "UserLoginACLDetail": "用戶登入限制",
+ "UserLoginACLHelpMsg": "登入系統時,可以根據用戶的登入 IP 和時間段進行審核,判斷是否可以登入系統(全局生效)",
+ "UserLoginACLHelpText": "登入系統時,可以根據使用者的登入 IP 和時間段進行審核,判斷是否可以登入",
+ "UserLoginACLUpdate": "更新用戶登入規則",
+ "UserLoginAclCreate": "創建用戶登入控制",
+ "UserLoginAclDetail": "用戶登入控制詳情",
+ "UserLoginAclList": "用戶登入",
+ "UserLoginAclUpdate": "更新用戶登入控制",
+ "UserLoginLimit": "用戶登入限制",
+ "UserLoginTrend": "帳號登入趨勢",
+ "UserName": "姓名",
+ "UserNameSelector": "使用者名稱輸入框選擇器",
+ "UserPage": "用戶視圖",
+ "UserPasswordChangeLog": "用戶密碼修改日誌",
+ "UserProfile": "個人資訊",
+ "UserRatio": "用戶占比統計",
+ "UserSession": "用戶會話",
+ "UserSetting": "偏好設置",
+ "UserSwitch": "用戶切換",
+ "UserSwitchFrom": "切換自",
+ "UserUpdate": "更新用戶",
+ "UserUsername": "用戶(使用者名稱)",
+ "Username": "使用者名稱",
+ "UsernameHelpMessage": "使用者名稱是動態的,登入資產時使用當前用戶的使用者名稱登入",
+ "UsernameOfCreateUpdatePage": "目標主機上用戶的使用者名稱;如果已️存在,修改用戶密碼;如果不存在,添加用戶並設置密碼;",
+ "UsernamePlaceholder": " 請輸入使用者名稱",
+ "Users": "用戶",
+ "UsersAmount": " Users",
+ "UsersAndUserGroups": "User/User Group",
+ "UsersTotal": "用戶總數",
+ "Valid": "有效",
+ "Validity": "有效",
+ "Value": "值",
+ "Variable": "變數",
+ "VariableHelpText": "您可以在命令中使用 {{ key }} 讀取內建變數",
+ "Vault": "密碼匣子",
+ "VaultHCPMountPoint": "重新嘗試所選",
+ "VaultHelpText": "1. 由於安全原因,需要配置文件中開啟 Vault 儲存。
2. 開啟後,填寫其他配置,進行測試。
3. 進行數據同步,同步是單向的,只會從本地資料庫同步到遠端 Vault,同步完成本地資料庫不再儲存密碼,請備份好數據。
4. 二次修改 Vault 配置後需重啟服務。",
+ "Vendor": "製造商",
+ "VerificationCodeSent": "驗證碼已發送",
+ "VerifySignTmpl": "驗證碼簡訊模板",
+ "Version": "版本",
+ "View": "查看",
+ "ViewMore": "查看更多",
+ "ViewPerm": "查看授權",
+ "ViewSecret": "查看密文",
+ "VirtualAccountDetail": "虛擬帳號詳情",
+ "VirtualAccountHelpMsg": "虛擬帳戶是連接資產時具有特定用途的專用帳戶。",
+ "VirtualAccountUpdate": "虛擬帳號更新",
+ "VirtualAccounts": "虛擬帳號",
+ "VirtualApp": "虛擬應用",
+ "VirtualAppDetail": "虛擬應用詳情",
+ "VirtualApps": "虛擬應用",
+ "Volcengine": "火山引擎",
+ "Warning": "警告",
+ "WeChat": "微信",
+ "WeCom": "企業微信",
+ "WeComOAuth": "企業微信認證",
+ "WeComTest": "測試",
+ "WebCreate": "創建資產-Web",
+ "WebFTP": "文件管理",
+ "WebHelpMessage": "Web 類型資產依賴於遠程應用,請前往系統設置在遠程應用中配置",
+ "WebSocketDisconnect": "WebSocket 斷開",
+ "WebTerminal": "Web終端",
+ "WebUpdate": "更新資產-Web",
+ "Wednesday": "週三",
+ "Week": "週",
+ "WeekAdd": "本週新增",
+ "WeekOrTime": "星期/時間",
+ "Weekly": "按周",
+ "WildcardsAllowed": "允許的萬用字元",
+ "WindowsAdminUser": "Windows 特權用戶",
+ "WindowsPushHelpText": "windows 資產暫不支持推送金鑰",
+ "WordSep": "",
+ "WorkBench": "工作檯",
+ "Workbench": "工作檯",
+ "Workspace": "工作空間",
+ "Yes": "是",
+ "YourProfile": "個人資訊",
+ "ZStack": "ZStack",
+ "Zone": "網域",
+ "ZoneCreate": "創建網域",
+ "ZoneEnabled": "啟用閘道器",
+ "ZoneHelpMessage": "網域是資產所在的位置,可以是機房,公有雲 或者 VPC。網域中可以設置網關,當網路不能直達的時候,可以使用網關跳轉登入到資產",
+ "ZoneList": "網域列表",
+ "ZoneUpdate": "更新網域",
+ "account": "帳號資訊",
+ "accountKey": "帳戶金鑰",
+ "accountName": "帳戶名稱",
+ "action": "動作",
+ "actionsTips": "各個權限作用協議不盡相同,點擊權限後面的圖示查看",
+ "activateSuccessMsg": "啟用成功",
+ "active": "啟用中",
+ "addAssetToThisPermission": "添加資產",
+ "addDatabaseAppToThisPermission": "添加資料庫應用",
+ "addK8sAppToThisPermission": "添加Kubernetes應用",
+ "addNodeToThisPermission": "添加節點",
+ "addRemoteAppToThisPermission": "添加遠程應用",
+ "addRolePermissions": "創建/更新成功後,詳情中添加權限",
+ "addSystemUserToThisPermission": "添加系統用戶",
+ "addUserGroupToThisPermission": "添加用戶組",
+ "addUserToThisPermission": "添加用戶",
+ "admin_users_amount": "特權用戶",
+ "alive": "在線",
+ "all": "全部",
+ "appName": "應用名稱",
+ "appPath": "應用路徑",
+ "appType": "應用類型",
+ "app_perms_amount": "應用授權",
+ "application": "請輸入逗號分割的應用名稱組",
+ "applications_amount": "應用",
+ "apply_login_account": "申請登入帳號",
+ "apply_login_asset": "申請登入資產",
+ "apply_login_system_user": "申請登入系統用戶",
+ "apply_login_user": "申請登入用戶",
+ "appoint": "指定",
+ "appsCount": "應用數量",
+ "appsList": "應用列表",
+ "assetAndNode": "資產/節點",
+ "assetCount": "資產數量",
+ "assetPermissionRules": "資產授權規則",
+ "asset_ip_group": "資產IP",
+ "asset_perms_amount": "資產授權",
+ "assets_amount": "資產",
+ "associateApplication": "關聯應用",
+ "authCASAttrMap": "用戶屬性映射",
+ "authLdap": "啟用LDAP認證",
+ "authLdapBindDn": "綁定DN",
+ "authLdapBindPassword": "密碼",
+ "authLdapSearchFilter": "可能的選項是(cn或uid或sAMAccountName=%(user)s)",
+ "authLdapSearchOu": "使用|分隔各OU",
+ "authLdapServerUri": "LDAP地址",
+ "authLdapUserAttrMap": "用戶屬性映射代表怎樣將LDAP中用戶屬性映射到jumpserver用戶上,username, name,email 是jumpserver的屬性",
+ "authSAML2AdvancedSettings": "高級配置",
+ "authSAML2MetadataUrl": "IDP metadata URL",
+ "authSAML2Xml": "IDP metadata XML",
+ "authSAMLCertHelpText": "上傳證書金鑰後保存, 然後查看 SP Metadata",
+ "authSAMLKeyHelpText": "SP 證書和金鑰 是用來和 IDP 加密通信的",
+ "authSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "左側的鍵為 SAML2 用戶屬性,右側的值為認證平台用戶屬性",
+ "authUserAttrMap": "用戶屬性映射",
+ "authUserAttrMapHelpText": "左側的鍵為 JumpServer 用戶屬性,右側的值為認證平台用戶屬性",
+ "auto": "自動",
+ "basicSetting": "基本設置",
+ "become": "Become",
+ "bind": "綁定",
+ "bucket": "桶名稱",
+ "calculationResults": "cron 表達式錯誤",
+ "chrome": "Chrome",
+ "chrome_password": "登入密碼",
+ "chrome_target": "目標URL",
+ "chrome_username": "登入帳號",
+ "clickhouse": "ClickHouse",
+ "clipboardCopy": "剪切板複製",
+ "clipboardCopyPaste": "剪貼板複製黏貼",
+ "clipboardPaste": "剪切板黏貼",
+ "cloneFrom": "副本",
+ "cloud": "雲應用",
+ "cluster": "集群",
+ "clusterHelpTextMessage": "例如:",
+ "command": "命令",
+ "commandStorage": "命令儲存",
+ "command_filter_list": "命令過濾器列表",
+ "comment": "備註",
+ "common": "普通",
+ "communityEdition": "社區版",
+ "connect": "連接",
+ "consult": "諮詢",
+ "containerName": "容器名稱",
+ "contents": "內容",
+ "createBy": "創建者",
+ "createErrorMsg": "創建失敗",
+ "createSuccessMsg": "導入創建成功,總共:{count}",
+ "createdBy": "創辦人",
+ "created_by": "創建者",
+ "cronExpression": "crontab完整表達式",
+ "crontabDiffError": "請確保定期執行的時間間隔不少於十分鐘!",
+ "custom": "自訂",
+ "custom_cmdline": "運行參數",
+ "custom_password": "登入密碼",
+ "custom_target": "目標地址",
+ "custom_username": "登入帳號",
+ "cycleFromWeek": "週期從星期",
+ "database": "資料庫",
+ "databaseApp": "資料庫應用",
+ "databasePermissionRules": "資料庫授權規則",
+ "date": "日期",
+ "dateCreated": "創建日期",
+ "dateEnd": "結束日期",
+ "dateExpired": "失效日期",
+ "dateFinished": "完成日期",
+ "dateLastLogin": "最後登入日期",
+ "date_created": "創建時間",
+ "date_joined": "創建日期",
+ "datetime": "日期",
+ "day": "日",
+ "db": "資料庫應用",
+ "deleteErrorMsg": "刪除失敗",
+ "deleteFailedMsg": "刪除失敗",
+ "deleteSuccessMsg": "刪除成功",
+ "deleteWarningMsg": "你確定要刪除",
+ "detail": "詳情",
+ "dingTalkTest": "測試",
+ "disableSuccessMsg": "禁用成功",
+ "disallowSelfUpdateFields": "不允許自己修改當前欄位",
+ "docType": "文件類型",
+ "download": "下載",
+ "downloadFile": "下載文件",
+ "downloadImportTemplateMsg": "下載創建模板",
+ "downloadReplay": "下載錄影",
+ "downloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "下載更新模板",
+ "dragUploadFileInfo": "將文件拖到此處,或點擊此處上傳",
+ "duration": "時長",
+ "emailCustomUserCreatedBody": "提示: 創建用戶時,發送設置密碼郵件的內容",
+ "emailCustomUserCreatedHonorific": "提示: 創建用戶時,發送設置密碼郵件的敬語 (例如: 您好)",
+ "emailCustomUserCreatedSignature": "提示: 郵件的署名 (例如: jumpserver)",
+ "emailCustomUserCreatedSubject": "提示: 創建用戶時,發送設置密碼郵件的主題 (例如: 創建用戶成功)",
+ "emailEmailFrom": "",
+ "emailHost": "SMTP主機",
+ "emailHostPassword": "提示:一些郵件提供商需要輸入的是Token",
+ "emailHostUser": "SMTP帳號",
+ "emailPort": "SMTP埠",
+ "emailRecipient": "提示:僅用來作為測試郵件收件人",
+ "emailSubjectPrefix": "提示: 一些關鍵字可能會被郵件提供商攔截,如 跳板機、JumpServer",
+ "emailTest": "測試連接",
+ "emailUserSSL": "如果SMTP埠是465,通常需要啟用SSL",
+ "emailUserTLS": "如果SMTP埠是587,通常需要啟用TLS",
+ "enableOAuth2Auth": "開啟 OAuth2 認證",
+ "endPoint": "端點",
+ "endpointSuffix": "端點後綴",
+ "esDocType": "es 默認文件類型:command",
+ "esIndex": "es 提供默認 index:jumpserver。如果開啟按日期建立索引,那麼輸入的值會作為索引前綴",
+ "esUrl": "不能包含特殊字元 `#`;eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
+ "every": "每",
+ "everyMonth": "每月",
+ "executeOnce": "執行一次",
+ "execution": "執行歷史",
+ "executionDetail": "執行歷史詳情",
+ "failed": "失敗",
+ "failedConditions": "沒有達到條件的結果!",
+ "favicon": "網站圖示",
+ "faviconTip": "提示:網站圖示(建議圖片大小為: 16px*16px)",
+ "feiShuTest": "測試",
+ "fieldRequiredError": "這個欄位是必填項",
+ "fileType": "文件類型",
+ "forceEnableMFAHelpText": "如果強制啟用,用戶無法自行禁用",
+ "from": "從",
+ "fromTicket": "來自工單",
+ "fuzzySearch": "支持模糊搜索",
+ "getErrorMsg": "獲取失敗",
+ "go": "執行",
+ "goto": "轉到",
+ "grantedAccounts": "授權的帳號",
+ "grantedApplications": "授權的應用",
+ "grantedAssets": "授權的資產",
+ "grantedDatabases": "授權的資料庫",
+ "grantedK8Ss": "授權的Kubernetes",
+ "grantedRemoteApps": "授權的遠程應用",
+ "groups_amount": "用戶組",
+ "hasImportErrorItemMsg": "存在導入失敗項,點擊左側 x 查看失敗原因,點擊表格編輯後,可以繼續導入失敗項",
+ "helpDocument": "文件連結",
+ "helpDocumentTip": "可以更改網站導航欄 幫助 -> 文件 的網址",
+ "helpSupport": "支持連結",
+ "helpSupportTip": "可以更改網站導航欄 幫助 -> 支持 的網址",
+ "history": "歷史記錄",
+ "host": "資產",
+ "hostName": "主機名",
+ "hostname_group": "資產名",
+ "hosts": "主機",
+ "hour": "小時",
+ "httpPort": "HTTP埠",
+ "id": "ID",
+ "import": "導入",
+ "importLdapUserTip": "請先提交LDAP配置再進行導入",
+ "importLdapUserTitle": "LDAP 用戶列表",
+ "inTotal": "總共",
+ "index": "索引",
+ "info": "資訊",
+ "inputPhone": "請輸入手機號碼",
+ "insecureCommandEmailUpdate": "點我設置",
+ "instantAdhoc": "即時命令",
+ "ip": "IP",
+ "ipGroupHelpText": "* 表示匹配所有。例如:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
+ "ip_group": "IP 組",
+ "ips": "請輸入逗號分割的IP位址組",
+ "isEffective": "已生效的",
+ "isSuccess": "成功",
+ "isValid": "有效",
+ "is_locked": "是否暫停",
+ "join": "加入",
+ "k8s": "Kubernetes",
+ "k8sPermissionRules": "Kubernetes授權規則",
+ "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
+ "lastCannotBeDeleteMsg": "最後一項,不能被刪除",
+ "lastDay": "本月最後一天",
+ "lastExecutionOutput": "最後執行輸出",
+ "lastRun": "最後運行",
+ "lastRunFailedHosts": "最後運行失敗的主機",
+ "lastRunSuccessHosts": "最後運行成功的主機",
+ "lastWeek": "本月最後一個星期",
+ "lastWorking": "最近的那個工作日",
+ "latestVersion": "最新版本",
+ "ldapBulkImport": "用戶導入",
+ "ldapConnectTest": "測試連接",
+ "ldapLoginTest": "測試登入",
+ "loginFrom": "登入來源",
+ "loginImage": "登入頁面圖片",
+ "loginImageTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版用戶登入頁面(建議圖片大小為: 492*472px)",
+ "loginTitle": "登入頁面標題",
+ "loginTitleTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版用戶 SSH 登入 KoKo 登入頁面(eg: 歡迎使用JumpServer開源堡壘機)",
+ "login_confirm_user": "登入覆核 受理人",
+ "logoIndex": "Logo (帶文字)",
+ "logoIndexTip": "提示:將會顯示在管理頁面左上方(建議圖片大小為: 185px*55px)",
+ "logoLogout": "Logo (不帶文字)",
+ "logoLogoutTip": "提示:將會顯示在企業版用戶的 Web 終端頁面(建議圖片大小為:82px*82px)",
+ "manyChoose": "可多選",
+ "mariadb": "MariaDB",
+ "min": "分鐘",
+ "mongodb": "MongoDB",
+ "month": "月",
+ "mysql": "Mysql",
+ "mysql_workbench": "MySQL Workbench",
+ "mysql_workbench_ip": "資料庫IP",
+ "mysql_workbench_name": "資料庫名",
+ "mysql_workbench_password": "資料庫密碼",
+ "mysql_workbench_port": "資料庫埠",
+ "mysql_workbench_username": "資料庫帳號",
+ "name": "名稱",
+ "needUpdatePasswordNextLogin": "下次登入須修改密碼",
+ "newCron": "生成 Cron",
+ "noAlive": "離線",
+ "noAnnouncement": "暫無公告",
+ "nodeCount": "節點數量",
+ "notAlphanumericUnderscore": "只能輸入字母、數字、下劃線",
+ "notParenthesis": "不能包含 ( )",
+ "num": "號",
+ "objectStorage": "對象儲存",
+ "officialWebsite": "官網連結",
+ "officialWebsiteTip": "可以更改網站導航欄 幫助 -> 官網 的網址",
+ "onlyCSVFilesTips": "僅支持csv文件導入",
+ "options": "選項",
+ "oracle": "Oracle",
+ "other": "其它設置",
+ "output": "輸出",
+ "password": "密碼",
+ "passwordAccount": "密碼帳號",
+ "passwordExpired": "密碼過期了",
+ "passwordOrPassphrase": "密碼或金鑰密碼",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "請輸入密碼",
+ "passwordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "密碼即將在 ",
+ "passwordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "天 後過期,請盡快修改您的密碼。",
+ "pattern": "模式",
+ "pause": "暫停",
+ "permAccount": "授權帳號",
+ "port": "埠",
+ "postgresql": "PostgreSQL",
+ "priority": "優先度",
+ "privilegeFirst": "優先選擇特權帳號",
+ "privilegeOnly": "僅選擇特權帳號",
+ "protocol": "協議",
+ "ranking": "排名",
+ "ratio": "比例",
+ "redis": "Redis",
+ "refreshFail": "刷新失敗",
+ "refreshLdapCache": "刷新Ldap快取,請稍後",
+ "refreshLdapUser": "刷新快取",
+ "refreshPermissionCache": "刷新授權快取",
+ "refreshSuccess": "刷新成功",
+ "region": "地域",
+ "remoteAddr": "遠端地址",
+ "remoteApp": "遠程應用",
+ "remoteAppCount": "遠程應用數量",
+ "remoteAppPermissionRules": "遠程應用授權規則",
+ "remote_app": "遠程應用",
+ "removeErrorMsg": "移除失敗: ",
+ "removeFromOrgWarningMsg": "你確定從組織移除 ",
+ "removeSuccessMsg": "移除成功",
+ "removeWarningMsg": "你確定要移除",
+ "replay": "重播",
+ "replaySession": "重播會話",
+ "replayStorage": "錄影儲存",
+ "reply": "回復",
+ "requiredHasUserNameMapped": "必須包含 username 欄位的映射,如 { 'uid': 'username' }",
+ "resetDingTalk": "解綁釘釘",
+ "resetDingTalkLoginSuccessMsg": "重設成功, 用戶可以重新綁定釘釘了",
+ "resetDingTalkLoginWarningMsg": "你確定要解綁用戶的 釘釘 嗎?",
+ "resetMFA": "重設MFA",
+ "resetMFAWarningMsg": "你確定要重設用戶的 MFA 嗎?",
+ "resetMFAdSuccessMsg": "重設MFA成功, 用戶可以重新設置MFA了",
+ "resetPassword": "重設密碼",
+ "resetPasswordSuccessMsg": "已向用戶發送重設密碼消息",
+ "resetPasswordWarningMsg": "你確定要發送重設用戶密碼的郵件嗎",
+ "resetSSHKey": "重設SSH金鑰",
+ "resetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "發送郵件任務已提交, 用戶稍後會收到重設金鑰郵件",
+ "resetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "你確定要發送重設用戶的SSH Key的郵件嗎?",
+ "resetWechat": "解綁企業微信",
+ "resetWechatLoginSuccessMsg": "重設成功, 用戶可以重新綁定企業微信了",
+ "resetWechatLoginWarningMsg": "你確定要解綁用戶的 企業微信 嗎?",
+ "restoreDialogMessage": "您確定要恢復默認初始化嗎?",
+ "restoreDialogTitle": "你確認嗎",
+ "resume": "恢復",
+ "reviewer": "審批人",
+ "riskLevel": "風險等級",
+ "rows": "行",
+ "run": "執行",
+ "runAs": "運行用戶",
+ "runSucceed": "任務執行成功",
+ "runTimes": "執行次數",
+ "running": "運行中",
+ "runningPath": "運行路徑",
+ "runningTimes": "最近5次執行時間",
+ "saveSuccessContinueMsg": "創建成功,更新內容後可以繼續添加",
+ "script": "腳本列表",
+ "securityCommandExecution": "批次命令",
+ "securityLoginLimitCount": "限制登入失敗次數",
+ "securityLoginLimitTime": "禁止登入時間間隔",
+ "securityMaxIdleTime": "連接最大空閒時間",
+ "securityMfaAuth": "多因子認證",
+ "securityPasswordExpirationTime": "密碼過期時間",
+ "securityPasswordLowerCase": "必須包含小寫字母",
+ "securityPasswordMinLength": "密碼最小長度",
+ "securityPasswordNumber": "必須包含數字字元",
+ "securityPasswordSpecialChar": "必須包含特殊字元",
+ "securityPasswordUpperCase": "必須包含大寫字母",
+ "securityServiceAccountRegistration": "組件註冊",
+ "selectAssetsMessage": "選擇左側資產, 選擇運行的系統用戶,批次執行命令",
+ "selectedAssets": "已選擇資產:",
+ "send": "發送",
+ "session": "會話",
+ "sessionActiveCount": "在線會話數量",
+ "sessionMonitor": "監控",
+ "sessionTerminate": "會話終斷",
+ "setDingTalk": "設置釘釘認證",
+ "setFeiShu": "設置飛書認證",
+ "setLark": "設置 Lark 認證",
+ "setSlack": "設置 Slack 認證",
+ "setWeCom": "設置企業微信認證",
+ "setting": "設置",
+ "siteUrl": "當前站點URL",
+ "skip": "忽略當前資產",
+ "sqlserver": "SQLServer",
+ "sshKeyFingerprint": "SSH 指紋",
+ "sshPort": "SSH埠",
+ "sshkey": "sshkey",
+ "sshkeyAccount": "金鑰帳號",
+ "startEvery": "開始,每",
+ "stat": "成功/失敗/總",
+ "status": "狀態",
+ "storage": "儲存",
+ "success": "成功",
+ "sync": "同步",
+ "systemCpuLoad": "CPU負載",
+ "systemDiskUsedPercent": "硬碟使用率",
+ "systemMemoryUsedPercent": "記憶體使用率",
+ "systemUser": "系統用戶",
+ "systemUserCount": "系統用戶",
+ "system_user": "系統用戶",
+ "system_users_amount": "系統用戶",
+ "system_users_name_group": "系統使用者名稱",
+ "system_users_protocol_group": "系統用戶協議",
+ "system_users_username_group": "系統使用者名稱",
+ "target": "目標",
+ "taskDetail": "任務詳情",
+ "taskName": "任務名稱",
+ "taskVersions": "任務各版本",
+ "tasks": "任務",
+ "technologyConsult": "技術諮詢",
+ "terminalAssetListPageSize": "資產分頁每頁數量",
+ "terminalAssetListSortBy": "資產列表排序",
+ "terminalDetail": "終端詳情",
+ "terminalHeartbeatInterval": "心跳間隔",
+ "terminalPasswordAuth": "密碼認證",
+ "terminalPublicKeyAuth": "金鑰認證",
+ "terminalSessionKeepDuration": "會話保留時長",
+ "terminalTelnetRegex": "Telnet 成功正則表達式",
+ "terminalUpdate": "更新終端",
+ "terminalUpdateStorage": "更新終端儲存",
+ "terminate": "終斷",
+ "test": "測試",
+ "testHelpText": "請輸入目的地址進行測試",
+ "testLdapLoginSubtitle": "請先提交LDAP配置再進行測試登入",
+ "testLdapLoginTitle": "測試LDAP 用戶登入",
+ "the": "第",
+ "time": "時間",
+ "timeDelta": "運行時間",
+ "timeExpression": "時間表達式",
+ "timePeriod": "時段",
+ "timeout": "超時",
+ "title": "標題",
+ "tokenHTTPMethod": "Token 獲取方法",
+ "total": "總共",
+ "totalVersions": "版本數量",
+ "type": "類型",
+ "unbind": "解綁",
+ "unblock": "解鎖",
+ "unblockSuccessMsg": "解鎖成功",
+ "unblockUser": "解鎖用戶",
+ "unselectedOrg": "沒有選擇組織",
+ "unselectedUser": "沒有選擇用戶",
+ "upDownload": "上傳下載",
+ "updateAccountMsg": "請更新系統用戶的帳號資訊",
+ "updateErrorMsg": "更新失敗",
+ "updateSelected": "更新所選",
+ "updateSuccessMsg": "更新成功",
+ "uploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "只能上傳 csv/xlsx, 且不超過 10M",
+ "uploadFile": "上傳文件",
+ "uploadFileLthHelpText": "只能上傳小於{limit}MB文件",
+ "uploadZipTips": "請上傳 zip 格式的文件",
+ "user": "用戶",
+ "userCount": "用戶數量",
+ "userGroupCount": "用戶組數量",
+ "userGuideUrl": "用戶嚮導URL",
+ "username": "使用者名稱",
+ "usernamePlaceholder": "請輸入使用者名稱",
+ "username_group": "使用者名稱",
+ "users": "用戶",
+ "usersAndUserGroups": "用戶/用戶組",
+ "users_amount": "用戶",
+ "version": "版本",
+ "versionDetail": "版本詳情",
+ "versionRunExecution": "執行歷史",
+ "vmware_client": "vSphere Client",
+ "vmware_password": "登入密碼",
+ "vmware_target": "目標地址",
+ "vmware_username": "登入帳號",
+ "weComTest": "測試",
+ "week": "周",
+ "weekOf": "周的星期",
+ "wildcardsAllowed": "允許的通配符"
\ No newline at end of file