fix: LDAP 自动创建的用户有多余的空格

xinwen 2021-03-19 17:18:32 +08:00 committed by 老广
parent 9fc1ae7b6d
commit adf5c4a7b9
1 changed files with 34 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -27,6 +27,39 @@ class LDAPAuthorizationBackend(LDAPBackend):
is_valid = getattr(user, 'is_valid', None)
return is_valid or is_valid is None
def get_or_build_user(self, username, ldap_user):
This must return a (User, built) 2-tuple for the given LDAP user.
username is the Django-friendly username of the user. ldap_user.dn is
the user's DN and ldap_user.attrs contains all of their LDAP
The returned User object may be an unsaved model instance.
model = self.get_user_model()
if self.settings.USER_QUERY_FIELD:
query_field = self.settings.USER_QUERY_FIELD
query_value = ldap_user.attrs[self.settings.USER_ATTR_MAP[query_field]][0]
query_value = query_value.strip()
lookup = query_field
query_field = model.USERNAME_FIELD
query_value = username.lower()
lookup = "{}__iexact".format(query_field)
user = model.objects.get(**{lookup: query_value})
except model.DoesNotExist:
user = model(**{query_field: query_value})
built = True
built = False
return (user, built)
def pre_check(self, username, password):
if not settings.AUTH_LDAP:
error = 'Not enabled auth ldap'
@ -128,6 +161,7 @@ class LDAPUser(_LDAPUser):
for field, attr in self.settings.USER_ATTR_MAP.items():
value = self.attrs[attr][0]
value = value.strip()
if attr.lower() == 'useraccountcontrol' \
and field == 'is_active' and value:
value = int(value) & LDAP_AD_ACCOUNT_DISABLE \