From aa02c211fecd8cb3ec0d45187bc541d3cb82f0c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ibuler Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 22:16:15 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Modify inital data --- apps/fixtures/fake.json | 2 +- apps/fixtures/init.json | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps/fixtures/fake.json b/apps/fixtures/fake.json index 0ad65be15..c1440a0b7 100644 --- a/apps/fixtures/fake.json +++ b/apps/fixtures/fake.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -[{"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 1, "fields": {"name": "Default", "comment": "Default user group for all user", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:36.498Z", "created_by": "System"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 2, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Johnston", "comment": "Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.661Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 3, "fields": {"name": "George Fisher", "comment": "Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.665Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 4, "fields": {"name": "Jacqueline Holmes", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.668Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 5, "fields": {"name": "Matthew Ford", "comment": "Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.672Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 6, "fields": {"name": "Lois Howell", "comment": "Duis bibendum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.674Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 7, "fields": {"name": "Carol Gordon", "comment": "Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.677Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 8, "fields": {"name": "Jennifer Coleman", "comment": "Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.679Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 9, "fields": {"name": "Tina Riley", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.682Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 10, "fields": {"name": "Deborah Pierce", "comment": "Vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.684Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 11, "fields": {"name": "Maria Ross", "comment": "Morbi non quam nec dui luctus rutrum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.686Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 12, "fields": {"name": "Judy Hudson", "comment": "Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.688Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 13, "fields": {"name": "Juan Ortiz", "comment": "Proin eu mi.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.691Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 14, "fields": {"name": "Joyce Williams", "comment": "Integer ac neque.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.693Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 15, "fields": {"name": "Rachel Powell", "comment": "Fusce consequat.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.695Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 16, "fields": {"name": "Ashley Price", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.697Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 17, "fields": {"name": "Joan Williamson", "comment": "Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.699Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 18, "fields": {"name": "Nicole Woods", "comment": "Nulla tempus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.702Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 19, "fields": {"name": "Dorothy Scott", "comment": "Pellentesque eget nunc.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.704Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 20, "fields": {"name": "Cheryl Scott", "comment": "Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.706Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 21, "fields": {"name": "Susan Stevens", "comment": "Duis aliquam convallis nunc.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.708Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 22, "fields": {"name": "Jonathan Elliott", "comment": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.712Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 23, "fields": {"name": "Doris Hicks", "comment": "Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.714Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 24, "fields": {"name": "Amy Martinez", "comment": "Nulla ac enim.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.716Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 25, "fields": {"name": "Katherine Coleman", "comment": "Nullam varius.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.719Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 26, "fields": {"name": "Martha Lane", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.721Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 27, "fields": {"name": "Laura Perez", "comment": "Mauris ullamcorper purus sit amet nulla.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.723Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 28, "fields": {"name": "Frances Carroll", "comment": "Donec posuere metus vitae ipsum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.726Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 29, "fields": {"name": "Joyce Anderson", "comment": "Nullam varius.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.728Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 30, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Garrett", "comment": "Integer ac neque.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.730Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 31, "fields": {"name": "Marie Wheeler", "comment": "In blandit ultrices enim.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.734Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 32, "fields": {"name": "Ralph Fisher", "comment": "Integer a nibh.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.736Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 33, "fields": {"name": "Ruby Wright", "comment": "Praesent id massa id nisl venenatis lacinia.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.739Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 34, "fields": {"name": "Kathryn Thompson", "comment": "Ut tellus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.741Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 35, "fields": {"name": "Rose Palmer", "comment": "Nullam molestie nibh in lectus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.743Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 36, "fields": {"name": "Norma Armstrong", "comment": "Quisque erat eros, viverra eget, congue eget, semper rutrum, nulla.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.745Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 37, "fields": {"name": "Amy Wallace", "comment": "Duis ac nibh.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.748Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 38, "fields": {"name": "Kathy Nichols", "comment": "Donec dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.750Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 39, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Adams", "comment": "Nulla nisl.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.752Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 40, "fields": {"name": "Doris Lee", "comment": "Proin eu mi.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.755Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 41, "fields": {"name": "Alice Myers", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.758Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 42, "fields": {"name": "Patricia Thompson", "comment": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.761Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 43, "fields": {"name": "Barbara Berry", "comment": "Maecenas rhoncus aliquam lacus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.763Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 44, "fields": {"name": "Diane Larson", "comment": "Duis mattis egestas metus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.765Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 45, "fields": {"name": "Teresa Black", "comment": "Nullam orci pede, venenatis non, sodales sed, tincidunt eu, felis.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.768Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 46, "fields": {"name": "Christine Garrett", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.771Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 47, "fields": {"name": "Jane Burns", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.773Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 48, "fields": {"name": "Kelly Mendoza", "comment": "Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.775Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 49, "fields": {"name": "Kathleen Phillips", "comment": "Nulla ac enim.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.777Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 50, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Bennett", "comment": "Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.780Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 51, "fields": {"name": "Frances Campbell", "comment": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.782Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 52, "fields": {"name": "Cynthia Bradley", "comment": "Curabitur gravida nisi at nibh.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.784Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 53, "fields": {"name": "Alice Green", "comment": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.786Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 54, "fields": {"name": "Maria Smith", "comment": "Nulla nisl.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.788Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 55, "fields": {"name": "Emily Dunn", "comment": "Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.791Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 56, "fields": {"name": "Jean Cruz", "comment": "Donec ut dolor.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.794Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 57, "fields": {"name": "Mary Burke", "comment": "Sed sagittis.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.796Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 58, "fields": {"name": "Susan Hernandez", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla dapibus dolor vel est.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.798Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 59, "fields": {"name": "Debra Morris", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.800Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 60, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Garza", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.803Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 61, "fields": {"name": "Bonnie Jones", "comment": "Vestibulum sed magna at nunc commodo placerat.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.805Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 62, "fields": {"name": "Judy Davis", "comment": "Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.808Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 63, "fields": {"name": "Karen Harris", "comment": "Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.811Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 64, "fields": {"name": "Mildred Kelley", "comment": "Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.814Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 65, "fields": {"name": "Judith Mitchell", "comment": "Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.816Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 66, "fields": {"name": "Lillian Banks", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.818Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 67, "fields": {"name": "Lillian Gomez", "comment": "Donec dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.820Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 68, "fields": {"name": "Janice Rodriguez", "comment": "Nullam porttitor lacus at turpis.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.822Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 69, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Dixon", "comment": "Aenean auctor gravida sem.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.825Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 70, "fields": {"name": "Judy Wells", "comment": "Nulla tempus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.828Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 71, "fields": {"name": "Donna Hughes", "comment": "Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.831Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 72, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Campbell", "comment": "Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.833Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 73, "fields": {"name": "Lawrence Barnes", "comment": "Quisque ut erat.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.835Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 74, "fields": {"name": "Michelle Ramos", "comment": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.837Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 75, "fields": {"name": "Betty Wells", "comment": "Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.839Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 76, "fields": {"name": "Jacqueline Adams", "comment": "Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.841Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 77, "fields": {"name": "Lori Evans", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.843Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 78, "fields": {"name": "Christina Nguyen", "comment": "Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.846Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 79, "fields": {"name": "Jane Long", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.848Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 80, "fields": {"name": "Elizabeth Garrett", "comment": "Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, pretium quis, lectus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.851Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 81, "fields": {"name": "Frances Flores", "comment": "In eleifend quam a odio.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.853Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 82, "fields": {"name": "Bonnie Bowman", "comment": "Integer aliquet, massa id lobortis convallis, tortor risus dapibus augue, vel accumsan tellus nisi eu orci.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.855Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 83, "fields": {"name": "Robin Thomas", "comment": "Nulla nisl.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.857Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 84, "fields": {"name": "Phyllis Martinez", "comment": "Aenean sit amet justo.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.860Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 85, "fields": {"name": "Tammy West", "comment": "Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.863Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 86, "fields": {"name": "Kathryn Harrison", "comment": "Integer ac leo.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.865Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 87, "fields": {"name": "Denise Stanley", "comment": "Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.867Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 88, "fields": {"name": "Lois Foster", "comment": "Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.869Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 89, "fields": {"name": "Ann Vasquez", "comment": "Mauris sit amet eros.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.872Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 90, "fields": {"name": "Annie Clark", "comment": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.874Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 91, "fields": {"name": "Stephanie Richards", "comment": "Donec ut dolor.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.877Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 92, "fields": {"name": "Louise Robinson", "comment": "Aliquam erat volutpat.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.879Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 93, "fields": {"name": "Melissa Kim", "comment": "Aenean fermentum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.881Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 94, "fields": {"name": "Barbara Cooper", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.883Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 95, "fields": {"name": "Louise Hall", "comment": "Etiam justo.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.886Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 96, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Roberts", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.888Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 97, "fields": {"name": "Bonnie Lawrence", "comment": "In blandit ultrices enim.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.890Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 98, "fields": {"name": "Irene Perry", "comment": "Morbi odio odio, elementum eu, interdum eu, tincidunt in, leo.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.893Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 99, "fields": {"name": "Helen Alvarez", "comment": "Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.895Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 100, "fields": {"name": "Annie Bowman", "comment": "Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.898Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 101, "fields": {"name": "Mary Allen", "comment": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet.", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:03:50.900Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 1, "fields": {"name": "Sarah Garcia", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Lillian Woods", "phone": "9-(989)805-2918", "address": "Los Gatos38602 Artisan Crossing", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.578Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 2, "fields": {"name": "Sara Jacobs", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Karen Richardson", "phone": "1-(911)092-5399", "address": "Red Bluff16 Golf View Hill", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.580Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Praesent blandit."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 3, "fields": {"name": "Katherine Johnston", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Barbara Morrison", "phone": "1-(277)477-6778", "address": "Corte Madera17 Kinsman Pass", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.581Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 4, "fields": {"name": "Susan Henderson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Beverly Kim", "phone": "6-(700)332-5745", "address": "Vacaville1 Mccormick Terrace", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.583Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Duis bibendum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 5, "fields": {"name": "Virginia Murphy", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Debra Frazier", "phone": "0-(685)123-0909", "address": "Indian Wells20 High Crossing Court", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.584Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vivamus vel nulla eget eros elementum pellentesque."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 6, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Spencer", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Susan Hamilton", "phone": "8-(788)858-9745", "address": "Turlock629 Lien Parkway", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.585Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In congue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 7, "fields": {"name": "Doris Fuller", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ruby Dixon", "phone": "7-(611)985-8789", "address": "Corning6712 Sunbrook Crossing", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.587Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nunc purus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 8, "fields": {"name": "Rebecca West", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Denise Burton", "phone": "8-(681)023-6320", "address": "Yucca Valley0 Linden Place", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.588Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nunc purus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 9, "fields": {"name": "Judith Martin", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Paula Riley", "phone": "3-(953)498-9393", "address": "Mammoth Lakes394 Mosinee Drive", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.589Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Sed ante."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 10, "fields": {"name": "Mildred Graham", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Gloria Kelley", "phone": "4-(826)981-1294", "address": "El Segundo0475 Westport Place", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.591Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Quisque erat eros, viverra eget, congue eget, semper rutrum, nulla."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 11, "fields": {"name": "Betty Payne", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Martha Smith", "phone": "4-(077)936-4994", "address": "Tehachapi38097 Texas Crossing", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.593Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi ut odio."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 12, "fields": {"name": "Christina Olson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Evelyn Sanchez", "phone": "2-(403)747-5722", "address": "Dana Point083 Hallows Alley", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.595Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Quisque porta volutpat erat."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 13, "fields": {"name": "Rachel Evans", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Mildred Ferguson", "phone": "9-(718)282-1930", "address": "Lodi45 Park Meadow Park", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.596Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla nisl."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 14, "fields": {"name": "Kathleen Stanley", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Heather Dean", "phone": "2-(467)650-8119", "address": "Carson29 Sauthoff Drive", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.597Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Mauris sit amet eros."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 15, "fields": {"name": "Mildred Olson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Amy Woods", "phone": "0-(721)578-5551", "address": "Maricopa75 Twin Pines Crossing", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.599Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 16, "fields": {"name": "Martha Fox", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Nancy Hunt", "phone": "6-(751)553-7447", "address": "San Pablo18509 Starling Avenue", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.600Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi a ipsum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 17, "fields": {"name": "Mary Morgan", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Julia Garza", "phone": "3-(761)154-0695", "address": "Riverside6 Corscot Pass", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.601Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In eleifend quam a odio."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 18, "fields": {"name": "Laura Gilbert", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Joyce Reid", "phone": "1-(489)059-4526", "address": "Huron3 Westerfield Crossing", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.603Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Praesent blandit."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 19, "fields": {"name": "Sharon Gutierrez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Robin Graham", "phone": "9-(488)714-5225", "address": "Palm Desert15 Petterle Point", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.604Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum 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"network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.608Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 23, "fields": {"name": "Louise Gardner", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Theresa Dixon", "phone": "8-(285)789-4870", "address": "Napa12843 Forster Way", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.609Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 24, "fields": {"name": "Donna Lawrence", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Sandra Bryant", "phone": "2-(935)136-2730", "address": "La Ca\u00f1ada Flintridge87243 Crescent Oaks Avenue", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.611Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Etiam vel augue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", 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"comment": "Nulla tellus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 28, "fields": {"name": "Kelly Reid", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Sara Mcdonald", "phone": "5-(543)248-9479", "address": "Pinole64 Dorton Way", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.617Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 29, "fields": {"name": "Ruth Gray", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Heather Vasquez", "phone": "3-(725)241-1940", "address": "Paramount963 Shasta Road", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.618Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 30, "fields": {"name": "Elizabeth Jones", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Marilyn Castillo", "phone": "9-(571)254-8016", "address": "Hidden Hills24059 Clyde Gallagher Point", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.620Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec ut dolor."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 31, "fields": {"name": "Bonnie Watson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Marilyn Brooks", "phone": "1-(006)215-0363", "address": "Montebello58 Northland Way", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.621Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 32, "fields": {"name": "Lois Stewart", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ashley Flores", "phone": "4-(991)326-9366", "address": "Brawley27158 Fair Oaks Alley", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.623Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi a ipsum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 33, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Peterson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Susan Lawson", "phone": "5-(056)760-9786", "address": "Baldwin Park107 Briar Crest Drive", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.624Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Proin risus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 34, "fields": {"name": "Sarah Sullivan", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Christina Greene", "phone": "7-(850)229-0377", "address": "Cypress54 Hoepker Lane", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.626Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Quisque ut erat."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 35, "fields": {"name": "Jane Rodriguez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Robin Knight", "phone": "5-(352)755-6372", "address": "Antioch542 Tennyson Park", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.636Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 36, "fields": {"name": "Lois Brown", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Robin Riley", "phone": "1-(857)758-4309", "address": "Redding4239 Beilfuss Place", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.638Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi non quam nec dui luctus rutrum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 37, "fields": {"name": "Ann Kelly", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Evelyn Morales", "phone": "3-(877)185-2885", "address": "Culver City5980 Mallory Junction", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.640Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 38, "fields": {"name": "Ruth Wilson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ruby Medina", "phone": "0-(567)412-9481", "address": "Sonoma8579 Arkansas Point", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.641Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Suspendisse ornare consequat lectus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 39, "fields": {"name": "Diane Hayes", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Robin White", "phone": "8-(517)345-4223", "address": "Rancho Cucamonga5023 Sycamore Plaza", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.642Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Quisque erat eros, viverra eget, congue eget, semper rutrum, nulla."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 40, "fields": {"name": "Donna Martin", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Sandra Lynch", "phone": "2-(378)254-7616", "address": "St. Helena68 Grim Parkway", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.644Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec posuere metus vitae ipsum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 41, "fields": {"name": "Ashley Jenkins", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Teresa Black", "phone": "5-(485)633-6931", "address": "Pleasanton546 Ryan Pass", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.645Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Aenean lectus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 42, "fields": {"name": "Marilyn Butler", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Julie Hicks", "phone": "3-(960)818-5834", "address": "Sausalito72680 Maryland Parkway", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.646Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Quisque arcu libero, rutrum ac, lobortis vel, dapibus at, diam."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 43, "fields": {"name": "Angela Carpenter", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Lisa Holmes", "phone": "7-(830)614-5780", "address": "Camarillo32 Anzinger Alley", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.648Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 44, "fields": {"name": "Janice Medina", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Mary Anderson", "phone": "8-(137)407-5518", "address": "Lincoln51 Darwin Plaza", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.649Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Curabitur convallis."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 45, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Evans", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Sharon Carter", "phone": "0-(899)129-7470", "address": "Maywood3067 Troy Avenue", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.650Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Mauris enim leo, rhoncus sed, vestibulum sit amet, cursus id, turpis."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 46, "fields": {"name": "Joan Cruz", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Laura Mcdonald", "phone": "6-(790)029-1689", "address": "Burbank42678 Harper 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"fields": {"name": "Michelle Fox", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Diana Brown", "phone": "9-(428)218-1317", "address": "Corning0 Northland Avenue", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.656Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Etiam pretium iaculis justo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 50, "fields": {"name": "Katherine Greene", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Barbara Allen", "phone": "7-(478)112-1822", "address": "Fremont415 Johnson Avenue", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.657Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla ut erat id mauris vulputate elementum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 51, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Watkins", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Rebecca Spencer", "phone": "3-(088)780-4286", "address": "Lake Elsinore16473 Cherokee Park", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.659Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 52, "fields": {"name": "Evelyn Mendoza", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Carol Frazier", "phone": "9-(767)843-3362", "address": "Cerritos6 Raven Road", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.660Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi a ipsum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 53, "fields": {"name": "Catherine Jordan", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Theresa Fields", "phone": "3-(550)264-9110", "address": "Huron4 Carioca Lane", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.661Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nullam varius."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 54, "fields": {"name": "Andrea Arnold", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Janice Henry", "phone": 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"2016-09-08T03:04:17.669Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla mollis molestie lorem."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 60, "fields": {"name": "Julie Gonzales", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Julie Payne", "phone": "1-(290)664-5180", "address": "San Ramon861 Spenser Crossing", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.670Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Praesent id massa id nisl venenatis lacinia."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 61, "fields": {"name": "Linda Jackson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Janet Mason", "phone": "8-(818)915-4748", "address": "Yucaipa7 Sunnyside Hill", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.672Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Duis ac nibh."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 62, "fields": {"name": "Kathleen Garza", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Anna Garza", "phone": 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"comment": "Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 68, "fields": {"name": "Anne Greene", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Michelle Reid", "phone": "1-(416)221-9748", "address": "Dublin48967 Spaight Alley", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.681Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Integer a nibh."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 69, "fields": {"name": "Julia Hicks", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Kelly Allen", "phone": "9-(657)457-2642", "address": "La Habra Heights53682 Bunker Hill Avenue", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.682Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Duis bibendum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 70, "fields": {"name": "Alice Watkins", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Jane Berry", "phone": "4-(224)620-1407", "address": 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"BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vestibulum sed magna at nunc commodo placerat."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 76, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Adams", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Janet Ellis", "phone": "9-(597)492-3981", "address": "San Rafael621 Spaight Hill", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.692Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 77, "fields": {"name": "Carolyn Gardner", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Carolyn Henry", "phone": "8-(718)258-6746", "address": "Woodside08 Victoria Terrace", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.693Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Duis mattis egestas metus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 78, "fields": {"name": "Andrea Butler", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Norma Bell", "phone": "5-(405)151-6296", "address": "Shasta Lake57386 Springs Circle", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.694Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 79, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Scott", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ruby Ford", "phone": "9-(440)049-6700", "address": "La Ca\u00f1ada Flintridge5174 Nelson Circle", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.695Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Pellentesque eget nunc."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 80, "fields": {"name": "Kathy Hawkins", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Evelyn Gray", "phone": "8-(785)701-6664", "address": "Seaside362 Pine View Hill", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.697Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In congue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 81, "fields": {"name": "Jennifer Kennedy", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Susan Jacobs", "phone": "3-(470)242-5893", "address": "Marysville12936 Village Green Hill", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.698Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 82, "fields": {"name": "Andrea Bishop", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Kelly Bishop", "phone": "9-(838)134-8682", "address": "Delano248 North Way", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.700Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Praesent blandit."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 83, "fields": {"name": "Beverly Jenkins", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ann Anderson", "phone": "1-(622)378-6834", "address": "Danville320 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"\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Curabitur convallis."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 86, "fields": {"name": "Sarah Harrison", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Julia Little", "phone": "7-(117)040-4718", "address": "Apple Valley71 Hovde Place", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.705Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nullam molestie nibh in lectus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 87, "fields": {"name": "Cynthia Perkins", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Emily Garrett", "phone": "9-(407)716-3250", "address": "Lafayette8 Novick Circle", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.706Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nullam orci pede, venenatis non, sodales sed, tincidunt eu, felis."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 88, "fields": {"name": "Frances Crawford", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Paula Jordan", "phone": "6-(767)856-1779", "address": "Los Altos59 Nobel Center", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.708Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Integer ac leo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 89, "fields": {"name": "Denise Jackson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Paula Powell", "phone": "1-(714)929-3650", "address": "Port Hueneme8 Oakridge Center", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.709Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 90, "fields": {"name": "Katherine Fox", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Doris Washington", "phone": "6-(452)637-6093", "address": "Kingsburg6294 Schurz Lane", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.710Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla facilisi."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 91, "fields": {"name": "Catherine Jordan", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Louise Weaver", "phone": "3-(789)565-9624", "address": "Alturas054 Bunker Hill Plaza", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.712Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 92, "fields": {"name": "Lillian Howell", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ruth Jordan", "phone": "1-(088)412-0788", "address": "Pacific Grove9 Sage Way", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.713Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec ut dolor."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 93, "fields": {"name": "Kelly Murphy", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Virginia Simmons", "phone": "8-(344)877-8031", "address": "Ukiah13789 Rutledge Park", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.714Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Aenean fermentum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 94, "fields": {"name": "Mildred Sanchez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Jennifer Montgomery", "phone": "1-(853)653-5085", "address": "Laguna Woods5094 Stephen Pass", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.715Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Maecenas tincidunt lacus at velit."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 95, "fields": {"name": "Mary Matthews", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Beverly Mccoy", "phone": "5-(448)087-2874", "address": "Kerman861 Carey Road", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.716Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla justo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 96, "fields": {"name": "Angela Gibson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ashley Fox", "phone": "9-(368)523-3859", "address": "Temple City6983 Blue Bill Park Hill", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.718Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi non lectus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 97, "fields": {"name": "Marilyn Ross", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Louise Wilson", "phone": "0-(285)436-0947", "address": "Montclair68397 Nancy Place", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.719Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 98, "fields": {"name": "Judy Robertson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Anne Brown", "phone": "6-(433)915-0987", "address": "Madera59172 Victoria Circle", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-08T03:04:17.720Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Integer ac neque."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 99, "fields": 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"pk": 2, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ronald Myers", "comment": "Pellentesque viverra pede ac diam.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.400Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 3, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Joan Roberts", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.403Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 4, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lois Rice", "comment": "Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.406Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 5, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Fred Wright", "comment": "Proin at turpis a pede posuere nonummy.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.408Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, 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{"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lisa Miller", "comment": "Phasellus sit amet erat.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.418Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 11, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Sandra Peterson", "comment": "Nunc nisl.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.420Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 12, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lois Gray", "comment": "Pellentesque at nulla.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.422Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 13, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Amy Fowler", "comment": "Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.424Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 14, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Anna Banks", "comment": "Vestibulum sed 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"admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 19, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Teresa Bradley", "comment": "Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.436Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 20, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Margaret Harris", "comment": "Nulla ac enim.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.438Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 21, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Pamela Richards", "comment": "Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.440Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 22, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Jean Gray", "comment": "Etiam faucibus cursus urna.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.442Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 23, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Joyce Kennedy", "comment": "Sed ante.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.444Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 24, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Tammy Fuller", "comment": "Vestibulum quam sapien, varius ut, blandit non, interdum in, ante.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.446Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 25, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Brenda Holmes", "comment": "Etiam vel augue.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.449Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 26, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Marie Bowman", "comment": "Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.451Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 27, "fields": 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"Mauris sit amet eros.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.471Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 36, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Richard Fields", "comment": "Morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.473Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 37, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Jacqueline Powell", "comment": "Integer non velit.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.475Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 38, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kimberly Moore", "comment": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.478Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 39, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Janet Allen", "comment": "Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.484Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 40, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Marie Rice", "comment": "Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.487Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 41, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Betty Martin", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.488Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 42, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Jessica Hernandez", "comment": "Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.490Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 43, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Virginia Russell", "comment": "Mauris sit amet eros.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.492Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 44, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ruby Morrison", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.494Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 45, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Beverly Weaver", "comment": "Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.498Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 46, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Sarah Jacobs", "comment": "In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.500Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 47, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Shirley 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"2016-10-02T14:15:08.512Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 52, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Betty Lawrence", "comment": "Sed ante.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.520Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 53, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Sandra Fisher", "comment": "Duis mattis egestas metus.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.528Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 54, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Joyce Sims", "comment": "Aenean sit amet justo.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.531Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 55, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Melissa Washington", "comment": "Integer ac leo.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.533Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 56, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lori Nelson", "comment": "Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.535Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 57, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Virginia Jenkins", "comment": "Sed accumsan felis.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.538Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 58, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Paula Smith", "comment": "Fusce consequat.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.540Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 59, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Carol Rogers", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.543Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 60, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Katherine 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"2016-10-02T14:15:08.560Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 65, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kathy Gardner", "comment": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.562Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 66, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Katherine Alvarez", "comment": "Duis bibendum.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.564Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 67, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Christina Bennett", "comment": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.567Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 68, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Melissa Tucker", "comment": "Integer ac neque.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.570Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 69, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Nicole Peters", "comment": "Integer aliquet, massa id lobortis convallis, tortor risus dapibus augue, vel accumsan tellus nisi eu orci.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.573Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 70, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Marilyn Harris", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.576Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 71, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lillian Murphy", "comment": "Integer a nibh.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.578Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 72, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Nancy Payne", "comment": "Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.580Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 73, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Linda Snyder", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla dapibus dolor vel est.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.583Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 74, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kelly Schmidt", "comment": "Suspendisse ornare consequat lectus.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.586Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 75, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Donna White", "comment": "Nunc rhoncus dui vel sem.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.589Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 76, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Sharon Berry", "comment": "Praesent id massa id nisl venenatis lacinia.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.591Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 77, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Debra Washington", "comment": "Quisque erat eros, viverra eget, congue eget, semper rutrum, nulla.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.593Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 78, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Julia Powell", "comment": "Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.595Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 79, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ashley Robertson", "comment": "Duis 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"2016-10-02T14:15:08.606Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 84, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Carolyn Sullivan", "comment": "Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.610Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 85, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Mary Boyd", "comment": "Nunc rhoncus dui vel sem.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.612Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 86, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Virginia Porter", "comment": "Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.614Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 87, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Alice Lopez", "comment": "Quisque porta volutpat erat.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.616Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 88, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Susan Wright", "comment": "Aliquam non mauris.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.618Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 89, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Mark Schmidt", "comment": "Suspendisse accumsan tortor quis turpis.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.620Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 90, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lori Stewart", "comment": "Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.621Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 91, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Helen Daniels", "comment": "Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.623Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 92, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lori Lynch", "comment": "Integer non velit.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.625Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 93, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Laura Griffin", "comment": "Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.629Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 94, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Shirley Castillo", "comment": "Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.634Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 95, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Nicole Miller", "comment": "Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.636Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 96, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Patricia Wilson", "comment": "Sed accumsan felis.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.638Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 97, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Amy White", "comment": "Vestibulum sed magna at nunc commodo placerat.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.640Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 98, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Louise Flores", "comment": "Phasellus in felis.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.641Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 99, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Judy Ross", "comment": "Nulla ac enim.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.643Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 100, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Beverly Perkins", "comment": "In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:08.645Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 1, "fields": {"name": "Lois Kim", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Tammy Hughes", "phone": "0-(832)354-7472", "address": "Chino0 Eagle Crest Lane", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.647Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Quisque ut erat."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 2, "fields": {"name": "Susan Alvarez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Louise Fuller", "phone": "4-(752)720-5730", "address": "Chula Vista01 Johnson Terrace", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.648Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 3, "fields": {"name": "Ruby Lynch", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Amy Riley", "phone": "9-(307)603-0690", "address": "La Palma96584 Maple Wood Hill", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.650Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 4, "fields": {"name": "Lisa Lawson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Norma Ross", "phone": "8-(699)308-5243", "address": "Carpinteria71596 Hovde Terrace", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.651Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Duis bibendum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 5, "fields": {"name": "Rachel Jacobs", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Elizabeth 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magna at nunc commodo placerat."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 8, "fields": {"name": "Melissa Armstrong", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Jean Snyder", "phone": "9-(851)572-8807", "address": "Covina6215 6th Drive", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.658Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In congue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 9, "fields": {"name": "Jane Dean", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ann Hanson", "phone": "4-(756)953-8881", "address": "Seal Beach8 Fordem Street", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.660Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Integer ac neque."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 10, "fields": {"name": "Lillian Hall", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Alice Gibson", "phone": "5-(670)504-6577", "address": "San Mateo8 Daystar Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.661Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec dapibus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 11, "fields": {"name": "Cheryl Vasquez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Cheryl Sanders", "phone": "7-(507)313-4921", "address": "Portola Valley5 North Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.662Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vivamus tortor."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 12, "fields": {"name": "Lillian Washington", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Laura Black", "phone": "5-(434)988-2984", "address": "San Rafael54 Lighthouse Bay Point", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.664Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 13, "fields": {"name": "Christina Harvey", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Angela Hart", "phone": "2-(815)099-6565", "address": "Ventura03258 Kropf Park", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.665Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 14, "fields": {"name": "Heather Palmer", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Rachel King", "phone": "3-(231)768-5215", "address": "Claremont2 Little Fleur Court", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.666Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla tempus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 15, "fields": {"name": "Sharon Peterson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ashley Fernandez", "phone": "6-(922)389-5233", "address": "Alameda187 Monica Alley", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.668Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec ut dolor."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 16, "fields": {"name": "Jacqueline Perez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Dorothy Hansen", "phone": "0-(753)329-5779", "address": "El Segundo598 Novick Lane", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.669Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Maecenas leo odio, condimentum id, luctus nec, molestie sed, justo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 17, "fields": {"name": "Kelly Ryan", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Wanda White", "phone": "7-(661)598-9532", "address": "City of Commerce613 Corben Park", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.672Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Cras non velit nec nisi vulputate nonummy."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 18, "fields": {"name": "Diana Gibson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Laura Sims", "phone": "5-(763)621-3157", "address": "Susanville17 Johnson Plaza", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.676Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nullam sit amet turpis elementum ligula vehicula consequat."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 19, "fields": {"name": "Denise Ward", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Wanda Long", "phone": "1-(347)994-3607", "address": "Grass Valley26078 Butternut Center", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.679Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Curabitur convallis."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 20, "fields": {"name": "Debra Ferguson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Joyce Ramirez", "phone": "5-(037)764-4898", "address": "San Marcos96531 Eastlawn Hill", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.681Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 21, "fields": {"name": "Bonnie Frazier", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Linda Martin", "phone": "8-(824)097-9396", "address": "Riverbank8479 Scofield Lane", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.682Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Integer ac leo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 22, "fields": {"name": "Jane Butler", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ashley Miller", "phone": "4-(655)545-9492", "address": "Hawaiian Gardens9 High Crossing Hill", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.684Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Sed ante."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 23, "fields": {"name": "Gloria Brooks", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Mildred Roberts", "phone": "1-(130)869-4597", "address": "Fremont12 Laurel Plaza", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.685Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Phasellus in felis."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 24, "fields": {"name": "Diane Dunn", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Annie Jordan", "phone": "7-(396)552-0097", "address": "Etna4298 Mendota Point", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.687Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 25, "fields": {"name": "Nancy Parker", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Karen Martin", "phone": "8-(630)177-7966", "address": "Woodlake2506 Cascade Court", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.688Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Fusce posuere felis sed lacus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 26, "fields": {"name": "Gloria Harper", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Heather White", "phone": "9-(484)684-7145", "address": "Los Altos4 Eagan Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.690Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 27, "fields": {"name": "Teresa Brooks", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Christina Henderson", "phone": "8-(636)184-8154", "address": "Imperial Beach2 Browning Point", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.691Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi odio odio, elementum eu, interdum eu, tincidunt in, leo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 28, "fields": {"name": "Beverly Scott", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Michelle Bradley", "phone": "7-(304)806-8816", "address": "Benicia5301 Havey Center", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.692Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 29, "fields": {"name": "Anne Fields", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Teresa Armstrong", "phone": "0-(863)539-4584", "address": "Dixon459 Autumn Leaf Parkway", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.694Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Fusce congue, diam id ornare imperdiet, sapien urna pretium nisl, ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 30, "fields": {"name": "Lori Hart", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Heather Bishop", "phone": "7-(322)349-6080", "address": "Burbank80635 Continental Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.695Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 31, "fields": {"name": "Carolyn Mitchell", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Kathleen Montgomery", "phone": "9-(677)740-9794", "address": "San Jacinto2168 Westport Lane", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.697Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 32, "fields": {"name": "Linda Duncan", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Elizabeth Mills", "phone": "1-(797)182-0625", "address": "Healdsburg64097 Blackbird Road", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.698Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Suspendisse accumsan tortor quis turpis."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 33, "fields": {"name": "Emily Gonzales", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Wanda Perez", "phone": "4-(789)828-5195", "address": "Hemet5 Lotheville Street", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.699Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec diam neque, vestibulum eget, vulputate ut, ultrices vel, augue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 34, "fields": {"name": "Angela Nichols", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Wanda Smith", "phone": "4-(556)666-8835", "address": "San Jose23 Saint Paul Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.701Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Pellentesque at nulla."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 35, "fields": {"name": "Jessica Bennett", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Teresa Hawkins", "phone": "8-(740)108-5562", "address": "Highland7520 Claremont Plaza", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.703Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vestibulum quam sapien, varius ut, blandit non, interdum in, ante."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 36, "fields": 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"\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi ut odio."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 39, "fields": {"name": "Stephanie Gonzales", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Theresa Davis", "phone": "5-(306)394-9523", "address": "Cathedral City259 Pierstorff Hill", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.708Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Praesent blandit lacinia erat."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 40, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Gomez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Mary Martin", "phone": "4-(872)822-4443", "address": "Portola Valley7098 Drewry Hill", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.710Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Duis ac nibh."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 41, "fields": {"name": "Susan Wood", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Emily Powell", "phone": "1-(326)907-0574", "address": "Point Arena5471 Morning 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{"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 44, "fields": {"name": "Ruby Torres", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Betty Morales", "phone": "4-(254)134-6656", "address": "Woodland605 Monterey Avenue", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.715Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 45, "fields": {"name": "Kathy Romero", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Denise Mendoza", "phone": "6-(069)425-5578", "address": "Lemoore6 Pepper Wood Place", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.717Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 46, "fields": {"name": "Katherine Taylor", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Christine Simmons", "phone": "4-(050)742-5479", "address": 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"comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 49, "fields": {"name": "Jennifer Patterson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Bonnie Garrett", "phone": "9-(597)500-2374", "address": "Beverly Hills73 Londonderry Trail", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.723Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Praesent lectus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 50, "fields": {"name": "Joyce Austin", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Christina Torres", "phone": "2-(659)189-2200", "address": "Orange Cove3402 Cascade Place", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.724Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices 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"2016-10-02T14:15:32.752Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Etiam vel augue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 67, "fields": {"name": "Kelly Carr", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Robin Reid", "phone": "8-(001)804-1217", "address": "Wheatland38 Arkansas Alley", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.753Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Proin eu mi."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 68, "fields": {"name": "Mildred Riley", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Louise Gordon", "phone": "7-(185)548-0523", "address": "Oceanside61204 Jenifer Avenue", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.755Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 69, "fields": {"name": "Betty James", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Kathy Harvey", "phone": "5-(477)379-3477", "address": "Malibu4 Kenwood Pass", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.756Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 70, "fields": {"name": "Kathy Lawson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Lisa Andrews", "phone": "3-(436)521-4907", "address": "Oxnard85246 Comanche Center", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.757Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Praesent id massa id nisl venenatis lacinia."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 71, "fields": {"name": "Deborah Ford", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Sara Wagner", "phone": "1-(068)796-9397", "address": "Los Angeles5 Utah Court", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.758Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 72, "fields": {"name": "Christine West", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Linda Gutierrez", "phone": "6-(955)850-9803", "address": "Irvine38640 Jay Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.760Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 73, "fields": {"name": "Christina Mccoy", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Debra Cruz", "phone": "9-(972)845-0317", "address": "Pismo Beach60 David Lane", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.761Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, 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"assets.assetgroup", "pk": 45, "fields": {"name": "Emily Williamson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.576Z", "comment": "Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 46, "fields": {"name": "Jessica Wright", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.578Z", "comment": "Nunc nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 47, "fields": {"name": "Bonnie Hudson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.580Z", "comment": "In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 48, "fields": {"name": "Helen Mills", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.581Z", "comment": "Nunc rhoncus dui vel sem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 49, "fields": {"name": "Marie Cox", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": 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"date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.587Z", "comment": "Fusce posuere felis sed lacus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 55, "fields": {"name": "Sarah Jacobs", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.588Z", "comment": "Morbi ut odio.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 56, "fields": {"name": "Phyllis Holmes", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.589Z", "comment": "Quisque porta volutpat erat.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 57, "fields": {"name": "Judy Garza", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.590Z", "comment": "Donec vitae nisi.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 58, "fields": {"name": "Christine Edwards", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.592Z", "comment": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 59, "fields": {"name": "Barbara 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"system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 64, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Rice", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.599Z", "comment": "Integer ac neque.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 65, "fields": {"name": "Phyllis Jacobs", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.601Z", "comment": "Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 66, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Scott", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.602Z", "comment": "Integer tincidunt ante vel ipsum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 67, "fields": {"name": "Annie Martinez", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.603Z", "comment": "Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 68, "fields": {"name": "Rose Romero", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.605Z", "comment": "Nulla facilisi.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 69, "fields": {"name": "Judith Hansen", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.607Z", "comment": "Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 70, "fields": {"name": "Betty Edwards", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.608Z", "comment": "Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 71, "fields": {"name": "Julie Woods", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.609Z", "comment": "Donec ut dolor.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 72, "fields": {"name": "Christina Baker", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.610Z", "comment": "Aenean auctor gravida sem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 73, "fields": {"name": "Lillian Stanley", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.611Z", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 74, "fields": {"name": "Betty West", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.613Z", "comment": "Aenean lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 75, "fields": {"name": "Sharon Walker", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.614Z", "comment": "Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 76, "fields": {"name": "Bonnie Dixon", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.615Z", "comment": "Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 77, "fields": {"name": "Nancy Watson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.617Z", "comment": "Fusce consequat.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 78, "fields": {"name": "Barbara Warren", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.618Z", "comment": "Donec diam neque, vestibulum eget, vulputate ut, ultrices vel, augue.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 79, "fields": {"name": "Carol Russell", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.619Z", "comment": "Nulla ut erat id mauris vulputate elementum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 80, "fields": {"name": "Sandra Perry", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.620Z", "comment": "Proin eu mi.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 81, "fields": {"name": "Rachel Rivera", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-10-02T14:15:32.622Z", "comment": "Nulla tellus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 82, 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{"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 5, "fields": {"name": "Teresa Johnson", "comment": "Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 6, "fields": {"name": "Sharon Morgan", "comment": "Aenean sit amet justo.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 7, "fields": {"name": "Tina Mason", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 8, "fields": {"name": "Paula Marshall", "comment": "Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 9, "fields": {"name": "Ruby Crawford", "comment": "Nullam molestie nibh in lectus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 10, "fields": {"name": "Justin Robertson", "comment": "Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 11, "fields": {"name": "Ronald Perry", "comment": "Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 12, "fields": {"name": "Lois Armstrong", "comment": "Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 13, "fields": {"name": "Evelyn Stewart", "comment": "Proin interdum mauris non ligula pellentesque ultrices.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 14, "fields": {"name": "Shirley Fernandez", "comment": "Fusce congue, diam id ornare imperdiet, sapien urna pretium nisl, ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 15, "fields": {"name": "Kathryn Hunter", "comment": "Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 16, "fields": {"name": "Virginia Hart", "comment": "Etiam faucibus cursus urna.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 17, "fields": {"name": "Amy Miller", "comment": "Nulla ac enim.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 18, "fields": {"name": "Marie Long", "comment": "Etiam vel augue.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 19, "fields": {"name": "Martha Olson", "comment": "Mauris ullamcorper purus sit amet nulla.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 20, "fields": {"name": "Jennifer Powell", "comment": "Fusce consequat.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 21, "fields": {"name": "Sara Jackson", "comment": "Vivamus tortor.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 22, "fields": {"name": "Robin Meyer", "comment": "Sed ante.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 23, "fields": {"name": "Judith Gonzales", "comment": "Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 24, "fields": {"name": "Jean Patterson", "comment": "Nam tristique tortor eu pede.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 25, "fields": {"name": "Raymond Simmons", "comment": "Duis bibendum.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 26, "fields": {"name": "Mildred Nguyen", "comment": "Integer non velit.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 27, "fields": {"name": "Bonnie Flores", "comment": "Nullam porttitor lacus at turpis.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 28, "fields": {"name": "Elizabeth Fox", "comment": "Ut tellus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 29, "fields": {"name": "Rebecca Peters", "comment": "Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 30, "fields": {"name": "Helen Howell", "comment": "Cras pellentesque volutpat dui.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 31, "fields": {"name": "Christopher Armstrong", "comment": "Nulla facilisi.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 32, "fields": {"name": "Kathryn Schmidt", "comment": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 33, "fields": {"name": "Julia Reed", "comment": "Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 34, "fields": {"name": "Ann Lewis", "comment": "Curabitur in libero ut massa volutpat convallis.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 35, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Romero", "comment": "In sagittis dui vel nisl.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 36, "fields": {"name": "Jean Richards", "comment": "Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 37, "fields": {"name": "Jessica Spencer", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 38, "fields": {"name": "Linda Bowman", "comment": "Mauris ullamcorper purus sit amet nulla.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 39, "fields": {"name": "Sarah Cooper", "comment": "Vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 40, "fields": {"name": "Donna Mitchell", "comment": "Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 41, "fields": {"name": "Heather West", "comment": "Duis aliquam convallis nunc.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 42, "fields": {"name": "Lois Kennedy", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 43, "fields": {"name": "Louise Porter", "comment": "Quisque porta volutpat erat.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 44, "fields": {"name": "Lori Martin", "comment": "Duis aliquam convallis nunc.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 45, "fields": {"name": "Ruth Sullivan", "comment": "Curabitur gravida nisi at nibh.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 46, "fields": {"name": "Jacqueline Brown", "comment": "Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 47, "fields": {"name": "Margaret Larson", "comment": "Fusce congue, diam id ornare imperdiet, sapien urna pretium nisl, ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 48, "fields": {"name": "Karen Marshall", "comment": "Nullam sit amet turpis elementum ligula vehicula consequat.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 49, "fields": {"name": "Betty Carr", "comment": "Vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 50, "fields": {"name": "Debra Lane", "comment": "Integer ac neque.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 51, "fields": {"name": "Heather Payne", "comment": "Praesent blandit lacinia erat.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 52, "fields": {"name": "Gloria Jenkins", "comment": "Maecenas tincidunt lacus at velit.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 53, "fields": {"name": "Sara Lane", "comment": "Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 54, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Henry", "comment": "Proin at turpis a pede posuere nonummy.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 55, "fields": {"name": "Diana Dixon", "comment": "Ut tellus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 56, "fields": {"name": "Tina Graham", "comment": "Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 57, "fields": {"name": "Janice Flores", "comment": "Nulla justo.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 58, "fields": {"name": "Deborah Warren", "comment": "Sed sagittis.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 59, "fields": {"name": "Anne Carroll", "comment": "Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 60, "fields": {"name": "Betty Matthews", "comment": "Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 61, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Palmer", "comment": "Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 62, "fields": {"name": "Phyllis Shaw", "comment": "Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 63, "fields": {"name": "Lisa Schmidt", "comment": "Aenean auctor gravida sem.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 64, "fields": {"name": "Sandra Lewis", "comment": "Mauris enim leo, rhoncus sed, vestibulum sit amet, cursus id, turpis.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 65, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Burke", "comment": "In congue.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 66, "fields": {"name": "Anna Wallace", "comment": "Donec vitae nisi.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 67, "fields": {"name": "Julia Gutierrez", "comment": "Etiam vel augue.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 68, "fields": {"name": "Lori Phillips", "comment": "Sed accumsan felis.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 69, "fields": {"name": "Sandra Perez", "comment": "Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 70, "fields": {"name": "Maria Nichols", "comment": "Aenean fermentum.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 71, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Allen", "comment": "In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 72, "fields": {"name": "Karen Collins", "comment": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 73, "fields": {"name": "Theresa Harrison", "comment": "Nulla nisl.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 74, "fields": {"name": "Debra Carr", "comment": "Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 75, "fields": {"name": "Ashley Daniels", "comment": "Mauris ullamcorper purus sit amet nulla.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 76, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Matthews", "comment": "Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 77, "fields": {"name": "Nancy Green", "comment": "Proin eu mi.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 78, "fields": {"name": "Lisa Ferguson", "comment": "Nullam molestie nibh in lectus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 79, "fields": {"name": "Cynthia Washington", "comment": "Maecenas rhoncus aliquam lacus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 80, "fields": {"name": "Michelle Wells", "comment": "Nulla tempus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 81, "fields": {"name": "Sara Graham", "comment": "Etiam faucibus cursus urna.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 82, "fields": {"name": "Beverly Armstrong", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 83, "fields": {"name": "Andrea White", "comment": "Quisque porta volutpat erat.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 84, "fields": {"name": "Angela Edwards", "comment": "Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 85, "fields": {"name": "Julia Alexander", "comment": "Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 86, "fields": {"name": "Dorothy Ward", "comment": "In blandit ultrices enim.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 87, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Gonzalez", "comment": "Nunc purus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 88, "fields": {"name": "Alice Chapman", "comment": "Nam tristique tortor eu pede.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 89, "fields": {"name": "Margaret Powell", "comment": "In sagittis dui vel nisl.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 90, "fields": {"name": "Jessica Riley", "comment": "Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 91, "fields": {"name": "Cheryl Coleman", "comment": "Sed accumsan felis.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 92, "fields": {"name": "Diana Miller", "comment": "Donec vitae nisi.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 93, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Phillips", "comment": "Mauris lacinia sapien quis libero.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 94, "fields": {"name": "Dorothy Wood", "comment": "Etiam vel augue.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 95, "fields": {"name": "Deborah Ortiz", "comment": "Praesent blandit lacinia erat.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 96, "fields": {"name": "Debra Stevens", "comment": "Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 97, "fields": {"name": "Donna Lawson", "comment": "Integer non velit.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 98, "fields": {"name": "Anna Stewart", "comment": "Donec posuere metus vitae ipsum.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 99, "fields": {"name": "Cheryl Williamson", "comment": "Duis mattis egestas metus.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 100, "fields": {"name": "Carolyn Sanchez", "comment": "Pellentesque at nulla.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 101, "fields": {"name": "Deborah Reid", "comment": "Sed sagittis.", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:12Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 7, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Henry", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Bonnie Fields", "phone": "6-(107)118-3618", "address": "Ridgecrest08293 Bellgrove Junction", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 8, "fields": {"name": "Theresa Matthews", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Janet Marshall", "phone": "1-(158)666-7567", "address": "Burbank92540 Brown Road", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla nisl."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 9, "fields": {"name": "Linda Green", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Catherine Miller", "phone": "6-(186)047-7348", "address": "Shasta Lake0 Vernon Terrace", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Integer ac neque."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 10, "fields": {"name": "Donna Willis", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Lisa Mendoza", "phone": "9-(242)470-1639", "address": "Redondo Beach83027 Rigney Court", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", 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"comment": "Aliquam non mauris."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 32, "fields": {"name": "Doris Young", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Christina Lawren", "phone": "1-(624)334-5677", "address": "Orinda063 Lotheville Circle", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec ut dolor."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 33, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Gray", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Rebecca Mcdonald", "phone": "2-(150)996-8788", "address": "Rancho Palos Verdes280 Kensington Avenue", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 34, "fields": {"name": "Gloria Arnold", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Brenda Williams", "phone": "9-(230)324-2266", "address": "Pasadena4 School Crossing", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec dapibus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 35, "fields": {"name": "Julia Frazier", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Janice Welch", "phone": "1-(580)141-7916", "address": "El Segundo5 Brentwood Plaza", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Integer ac leo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 36, "fields": {"name": "Ruby Watson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Emily Cooper", "phone": "1-(291)494-9845", "address": "Los Angeles0 Pond Drive", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 37, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Morrison", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Nancy Schmidt", "phone": 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"operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Praesent blandit lacinia erat."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 40, "fields": {"name": "Jane Carr", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Norma Kennedy", "phone": "9-(026)075-3121", "address": "Dorris029 Sunnyside Place", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Ut tellus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 41, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Adams", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Karen Simmons", "phone": "0-(026)744-5786", "address": "Colusa9562 Starling Pass", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vestibulum rutrum rutrum neque."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 42, "fields": {"name": "Catherine Coleman", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Jean Ferguson", "phone": "7-(203)893-9201", "address": "Hughson483 American Hill", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Proin eu mi."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 43, "fields": {"name": "Christina Ford", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Anne Kelley", "phone": "7-(361)766-8108", "address": "Sonoma6517 Homewood Center", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Praesent blandit."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 44, "fields": {"name": "Ashley Clark", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Donna Weaver", "phone": "6-(865)303-2972", "address": "Williams59106 Judy Point", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In congue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 45, "fields": {"name": "Katherine Harper", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Deborah Baker", "phone": "2-(077)530-8128", "address": "Orange853 Cody Crossing", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 46, "fields": {"name": "Christine Boyd", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Stephanie Bailey", "phone": "8-(720)553-4835", "address": "Calistoga76913 Arapahoe Point", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In eleifend quam a odio."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 47, "fields": {"name": "Mildred Ramirez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Paula Chapman", "phone": "2-(230)486-4798", "address": "Roseville24 Pond Center", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo."}}, 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"created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Pellentesque eget nunc."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 51, "fields": {"name": "Sarah Cooper", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Katherine King", "phone": "2-(176)708-8202", "address": "Del Rey Oaks9 Clarendon Way", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Fusce posuere felis sed lacus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 52, "fields": {"name": "Rachel Gardner", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Margaret Simmons", "phone": "1-(556)814-2223", "address": "Stockton98067 Burning Wood Circle", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Quisque ut erat."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 53, "fields": {"name": "Ruth Crawford", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Denise Reynolds", "phone": "0-(111)540-6291", "address": "Benicia5 Nelson Center", "network": 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"2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nam dui."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 59, "fields": {"name": "Marie Gonzales", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Helen Gonzales", "phone": "9-(663)074-3567", "address": "Fremont1 Jenna Pass", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 60, "fields": {"name": "Annie Owens", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Robin Spencer", "phone": "9-(505)754-4001", "address": "Glendale954 Butterfield Street", "network": "\n192.168.1.20", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nam nulla."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 61, "fields": {"name": "Margaret Woods", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Nancy Webb", "phone": 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"created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nullam porttitor lacus at turpis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 12, "fields": {"name": "Robin Frazier", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "In sagittis dui vel nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 13, "fields": {"name": "Nicole Mason", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 14, "fields": {"name": "Sarah Lawson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nunc nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 15, "fields": {"name": "Carolyn Thomas", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Vestibulum quam sapien, varius ut, blandit non, interdum in, ante.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 16, "fields": {"name": "Sarah Taylor", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Etiam pretium iaculis justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 17, "fields": {"name": "Barbara Payne", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nulla facilisi.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 18, "fields": {"name": "Kelly Ryan", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 19, "fields": {"name": "Irene Gibson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nullam varius.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 20, "fields": {"name": "Helen Cole", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 21, "fields": {"name": "Barbara Watkins", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nam nulla.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 22, "fields": {"name": "Annie Martin", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nunc rhoncus dui vel sem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 23, "fields": {"name": "Kathleen Martin", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 24, "fields": {"name": "Cynthia George", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nullam sit amet turpis elementum ligula vehicula consequat.", "system_users": []}}, 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"comment": "Quisque arcu libero, rutrum ac, lobortis vel, dapibus at, diam.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 30, "fields": {"name": "Beverly Lewis", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 31, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Dixon", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 32, "fields": {"name": "Kathryn Roberts", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Cras pellentesque volutpat dui.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 33, "fields": {"name": "Diana Simmons", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Praesent blandit lacinia erat.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 34, "fields": {"name": "Lois 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"fields": {"name": "Shirley Stanley", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Maecenas leo odio, condimentum id, luctus nec, molestie sed, justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 40, "fields": {"name": "Kathleen Marshall", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Duis mattis egestas metus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 41, "fields": {"name": "Jennifer Ramos", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Mauris enim leo, rhoncus sed, vestibulum sit amet, cursus id, turpis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 42, "fields": {"name": "Betty Porter", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 43, "fields": {"name": "Cynthia Turner", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla dapibus dolor vel est.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 44, "fields": {"name": "Linda Simmons", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 45, "fields": {"name": "Amy Garrett", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Praesent id massa id nisl venenatis lacinia.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 46, "fields": {"name": "Marilyn Stevens", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Duis bibendum, felis sed interdum venenatis, turpis enim blandit mi, in porttitor pede justo eu massa.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 47, "fields": {"name": "Martha Chavez", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "In eleifend quam a odio.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 48, "fields": {"name": "Shirley Dean", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Integer non velit.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 49, "fields": {"name": "Margaret Brown", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 50, "fields": {"name": "Betty Watkins", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Donec posuere metus vitae ipsum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 51, "fields": {"name": "Patricia Bailey", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nullam varius.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 52, "fields": {"name": "Melissa Gonzales", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 53, "fields": {"name": "Janice Jordan", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 54, "fields": {"name": "Susan Johnson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 55, "fields": {"name": "Karen Johnson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 56, "fields": {"name": "Ruth Bowman", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 57, "fields": {"name": "Melissa Bishop", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 58, "fields": {"name": "Virginia Bowman", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 59, "fields": {"name": "Kimberly Reynolds", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Donec semper sapien a libero.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 60, "fields": {"name": "Mildred Bishop", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Suspendisse 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"comment": "Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 66, "fields": {"name": "Judy Fields", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Duis bibendum, felis sed interdum venenatis, turpis enim blandit mi, in porttitor pede justo eu massa.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 67, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Rivera", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 68, "fields": {"name": "Kathy Dixon", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 69, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Adams", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "In quis justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 70, "fields": {"name": "Annie Scott", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 71, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Wells", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 72, "fields": {"name": "Nicole Gilbert", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Praesent blandit.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 73, "fields": {"name": "Barbara Ramos", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Duis bibendum, felis sed interdum venenatis, turpis enim blandit mi, in porttitor pede justo eu massa.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 74, "fields": {"name": "Katherine Campbell", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nullam sit amet turpis elementum ligula vehicula consequat.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 75, "fields": {"name": "Julia Gordon", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Suspendisse accumsan tortor quis turpis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 76, "fields": {"name": "Shirley Lawson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nunc nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 77, "fields": {"name": "Catherine Gonzales", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Nam nulla.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 78, "fields": {"name": "Kathryn Chapman", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Integer non velit.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 79, "fields": {"name": "Carol Porter", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 80, "fields": {"name": "Cynthia Evans", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Integer aliquet, massa id lobortis convallis, tortor risus dapibus augue, vel accumsan tellus nisi eu orci.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 81, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Thompson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Aenean lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 82, "fields": {"name": "Michelle Perez", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 83, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Wilson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Morbi non lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 84, "fields": {"name": "Lori Wheeler", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 85, "fields": {"name": "Judith Lynch", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 86, "fields": {"name": "Alice James", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Curabitur in libero ut massa volutpat convallis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 87, "fields": {"name": "Norma Fuller", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-09-15T01:55:28Z", "comment": "Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 88, "fields": {"name": 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