perf: 接口sql优化 /api/v1/index/

fangfang.dong 2023-06-28 16:02:31 +08:00 committed by Bryan
parent d3d8fcbbb3
commit 9ad8e53743
1 changed files with 27 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ class DateTimeMixin:
t = local_now() - timezone.timedelta(days=days)
return t
def date_start_end(self):
return, local_now().date()
def dates_list(self):
now = local_now()
@ -143,101 +147,36 @@ class DatesLoginMetricMixin:
operate_logs_queryset: OperateLog.objects
password_change_logs_queryset: PasswordChangeLog.objects
def get_cache_key(date, tp):
date_str = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
key = "SESSION_DATE_{}_{}_{}".format(, tp, date_str)
return key
def __get_data_from_cache(self, date, tp):
if date ==
return None
cache_key = self.get_cache_key(date, tp)
count = cache.get(cache_key)
return count
def __set_data_to_cache(self, date, tp, count):
cache_key = self.get_cache_key(date, tp)
cache.set(cache_key, count, 3600)
def get_date_start_2_end(d):
time_min = timezone.datetime.min.time()
time_max = timezone.datetime.max.time()
tz = timezone.get_current_timezone()
ds = timezone.datetime.combine(d, time_min).replace(tzinfo=tz)
de = timezone.datetime.combine(d, time_max).replace(tzinfo=tz)
return ds, de
def get_date_login_count(self, date):
count = self.__get_data_from_cache(date, tp)
if count is not None:
return count
ds, de = self.get_date_start_2_end(date)
count = UserLoginLog.objects.filter(datetime__range=(ds, de)).count()
self.__set_data_to_cache(date, tp, count)
return count
def get_dates_metrics_total_count_login(self):
data = []
for d in self.dates_list:
count = self.get_date_login_count(d)
if len(data) == 0:
data = [0]
return data
def get_date_user_count(self, date):
tp = "USER"
count = self.__get_data_from_cache(date, tp)
if count is not None:
return count
ds, de = self.get_date_start_2_end(date)
count = len(set(Session.objects.filter(date_start__range=(ds, de)).values_list('user_id', flat=True)))
self.__set_data_to_cache(date, tp, count)
return count
queryset = UserLoginLog.objects.filter(datetime__range=(self.date_start_end)) \
.values('datetime__date').annotate(id__count=Count(id)) \
map_date_logincount = {i['datetime__date']: i['id__count'] for i in queryset}
return [map_date_logincount.get(d, 0) for d in self.dates_list]
def get_dates_metrics_total_count_active_users(self):
data = []
for d in self.dates_list:
count = self.get_date_user_count(d)
return data
def get_date_asset_count(self, date):
tp = "ASSET"
count = self.__get_data_from_cache(date, tp)
if count is not None:
return count
ds, de = self.get_date_start_2_end(date)
count = len(set(Session.objects.filter(date_start__range=(ds, de)).values_list('asset', flat=True)))
self.__set_data_to_cache(date, tp, count)
return count
queryset = Session.objects.filter(date_start__range=(self.date_start_end)) \
.values('date_start__date') \
.annotate(id__count=Count('user_id', distinct=True)) \
map_date_usercount = {i['date_start__date']: i['id__count'] for i in queryset}
return [map_date_usercount.get(d, 0) for d in self.dates_list]
def get_dates_metrics_total_count_active_assets(self):
data = []
for d in self.dates_list:
count = self.get_date_asset_count(d)
return data
def get_date_session_count(self, date):
tp = "SESSION"
count = self.__get_data_from_cache(date, tp)
if count is not None:
return count
ds, de = self.get_date_start_2_end(date)
count = Session.objects.filter(date_start__range=(ds, de)).count()
self.__set_data_to_cache(date, tp, count)
return count
queryset = Session.objects.filter(date_start__range=(self.date_start_end)) \
.values('date_start__date') \
.annotate(id__count=Count('asset_id', distinct=True)) \
map_date_assetcount = {i['date_start__date']: i['id__count'] for i in queryset}
return [map_date_assetcount.get(d, 0) for d in self.dates_list]
def get_dates_metrics_total_count_sessions(self):
data = []
for d in self.dates_list:
count = self.get_date_session_count(d)
return data
queryset = Session.objects.filter(date_start__range=(self.date_start_end)) \
.values('date_start__date') \
.annotate(id__count=Count(id)) \
map_date_usercount = {i['date_start__date']: i['id__count'] for i in queryset}
return [map_date_usercount.get(d, 0) for d in self.dates_list]
def get_type_to_assets(self):