@ -220,11 +220,14 @@ def host_add_batch(request):
if host == '':
j_ip, j_port, j_type, j_idc, j_groups, j_depts, j_active, j_comment = host.split()
j_type = login_types[j_type]
j_active = active_types[str(j_active)]
j_group = ast.literal_eval(j_groups)
j_dept = ast.literal_eval(j_depts)
if j_type not in ['LDAP', 'MAP']:
return httperror(request, u'没有%s这种登录方式!' %j_type)
j_type = login_types[j_type]
idc = IDC.objects.filter(name=j_idc)
if idc:
j_idc = idc[0].id
@ -326,6 +329,7 @@ def host_list(request):
dept = DEPT.objects.get(id=dept_id)
did = request.GET.get('did', '')
gid = request.GET.get('gid', '')
sid = request.GET.get('sid', '')
user_id = get_session_user_info(request)[0]
post_all = Asset.objects.all().order_by('ip')
@ -360,6 +364,27 @@ def host_list(request):
return httperror(request, u'没有这个小组!')
return my_render('jasset/host_list_nop.html', locals(), request)
elif sid:
if is_common_user(request):
return httperror(request, u'您无权查看!')
elif is_group_admin(request) and not verify(request, user_group=[sid]):
return httperror(request, u'您无权查看!')
posts, asset_groups = [], []
user_group = UserGroup.objects.filter(id=int(sid))
if user_group:
user_group = user_group[0]
for perm in user_group.sudoperm_set.all():
for asset_group in asset_groups:
posts = list(set(posts))
return httperror(request, u'没有这个sudo授权!')
return my_render('jasset/host_list_nop.html', locals(), request)
if is_super_user(request):
if keyword:
@ -619,7 +644,7 @@ def idc_del(request):
for i in range(int(len_list)):
key = "id_list[" + str(i) + "]"
idc_id = request.POST.get(key)
db_idc_delete(request, idc_id)
db_idc_delete(request, int(idc_id))
db_idc_delete(request, int(offset))
return HttpResponseRedirect('/jasset/idc_list/')
@ -677,18 +702,36 @@ def group_list(request):
gid = request.GET.get('gid')
sid = request.GET.get('sid')
if gid:
if is_common_user(request):
return httperror(request, u'您无权查看!')
elif is_group_admin(request) and not verify(request, user_group=[gid]):
return httperror(request, u'您无权查看!')
posts = []
user_group = UserGroup.objects.get(id=gid)
user_group = UserGroup.objects.filter(id=gid)
if user_group:
user_group = user_group[0]
perms = Perm.objects.filter(user_group=user_group)
for perm in perms:
elif sid:
if is_common_user(request):
return httperror(request, u'您无权查看!')
elif is_group_admin(request) and not verify(request, user_group=[sid]):
return httperror(request, u'您无权查看!')
posts = []
user_group = UserGroup.objects.get(id=sid)
perms = Perm.objects.filter(user_group=user_group)
for perm in perms:
user_group = UserGroup.objects.filter(id=sid)
if user_group:
user_group = user_group[0]
for perm in user_group.sudoperm_set.all():
posts = list(set(posts))
return httperror(request, u'没有此sudo授权!')
if is_super_user(request):
@ -712,20 +755,25 @@ def group_edit(request):
""" 修改主机组 """
header_title, path1, path2 = u'编辑主机组', u'资产管理', u'编辑主机组'
group_id = request.GET.get('id', '')
group = BisGroup.objects.get(id=group_id)
group = BisGroup.objects.filter(id=group_id)
if group:
group = group.first()
httperror(request, u'没有这个主机组!')
host_all = Asset.objects.all()
dept_id = get_user_dept(request)
dept_id = get_session_user_info(request)[3]
eposts = Asset.objects.filter(bis_group=group)
if is_super_user(request):
edept = DEPT.objects.all()
posts = [g for g in host_all if g not in eposts]
elif is_group_admin(request):
if not verify(request, asset_group=[group_id]):
if is_group_admin(request) and not verify(request, asset_group=[group_id]):
return httperror(request, '编辑失败, 您无权操作!')
dept = DEPT.objects.get(id=dept_id)
all_dept = Asset.objects.filter(dept=dept)
dept = DEPT.objects.filter(id=group.dept.id)
if dept:
dept = dept[0]
return httperror(request, u'没有这个部门!')
all_dept = dept.asset_set.all()
posts = [g for g in all_dept if g not in eposts]
if request.method == 'POST':