perf: 暂存

ibuler 2024-02-04 16:46:33 +08:00
parent 74dd6e97a2
commit 886cf6ed1f
6 changed files with 71 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ class BaseAutomationSerializer(PeriodTaskSerializerMixin, BulkOrgResourceModelSe
class Meta:
read_only_fields = [
'date_created', 'date_updated', 'created_by', 'periodic_display', 'executed_amount'
'date_created', 'date_updated', 'created_by',
'periodic_display', 'executed_amount'
fields = read_only_fields + [
'id', 'name', 'is_periodic', 'interval', 'crontab', 'comment',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from rest_framework import serializers
from assets.models import Asset, Node, BaseAutomation, AutomationExecution

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:9d4d85e83261024b7f2bf9a22cb597cf7c596d63e867c77ccf989bf395eda6b4
size 893
oid sha256:64f067fcfbca5cfbfd7e61d7e62b083c6e8b63971a01e386dc5c4b699a46d103
size 1085

View File

@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: accounts/serializers/account/
#: authentication/serializers/
msgid "Su from"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Switch from"
#: accounts/models/ assets/const/
#: settings/serializers/auth/ settings/serializers/auth/
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: terminal/models/component/
#: terminal/models/virtualapp/ users/serializers/
msgid "Is active"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Active"
#: accounts/models/ assets/models/
msgid "Auto push"
@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: accounts/serializers/account/
#: accounts/serializers/automations/
msgid "Executed amount"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Executions"
#: accounts/serializers/account/
#: accounts/serializers/automations/
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: accounts/serializers/account/ terminal/serializers/
msgid "Key password"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Passphrase"
#: accounts/serializers/account/
#: assets/serializers/asset/

View File

@ -8,34 +8,35 @@
"AccountBackup": "Account Backup",
"AccountBackupCreate": "Create Account Backup",
"AccountBackupUpdate": "Update Account Backup",
"AccountChangeSecret": "Change password",
"AccountChangeSecret": "Password Change",
"AccountCreate": "Create Account",
"AccountDeleteConfirmMsg": "Delete Account, continue?",
"AccountDetail": "Account Details",
"AccountExportTips": "The exported information contains sensitive information such as encrypted account numbers. The exported format is an encrypted zip file (if you have not set the encryption password, please go to Personal Info to set the file encryption password).",
"AccountGatherList": "Collection Task",
"AccountGatherTaskCreate": "Create Task",
"AccountGatherTaskList": "Account Collection",
"GatheredAccounts": "Collected Accounts",
"AccountGatherTaskList": "Account Collect",
"AccountGatherTaskUpdate": "Update Task",
"AccountList": "Cloud Account",
"AccountPolicy": "Account Policy",
"AccountPushCreate": "Account Push Creation",
"AccountPushExecutionList": "Action List",
"AccountPushExecutionList": "Execute History",
"AccountPushList": "Account Push",
"AccountPushUpdate": "Account Push Update",
"AccountStorage": "Account Storage",
"AccountTemplate": "Account Template",
"AccountTemplateUpdateSecretHelpText": "The account list shows the accounts created through the template. When the ciphertext is updated, the ciphertext of the accounts created through the template will be updated.",
"AccountUpdate": "Update Account",
"Accounts": "Account ",
"Accounts": "Account",
"Action": "Action",
"ActionCount": "Number of Actions",
"ActionCount": "Actions",
"ActionSetting": "Action Settings",
"Actions": "Action",
"ActionsTips": "The effects of each authority's agreement are different, click on the icon behind the authority to view",
"Activate": "Activate",
"ActivateSelected": "Activate selected",
"Active": "Activating",
"Active": "Active",
"ActiveAsset": "Recently Logged in",
"ActiveAssetRanking": "Login Asset Ranking",
"ActiveUser": "Logged in recently",
@ -81,15 +82,15 @@
"AppOps": "Task Center",
"AppProvider": "Application Providers",
"AppProviderDetail": "Application Provider Details",
"AppletDetail": "Remote Application",
"AppletDetail": "Remote Apps",
"AppletHelpText": "In the upload process, if the application does not exist, create the application; If it exists, update the application.",
"AppletHostCreate": "Add Remote Application Release Machine",
"AppletHostDetail": "Remote Application Publishing Machine Details",
"AppletHostDomainHelpText": "This domain belongs to the System Organization",
"AppletHostSelectHelpMessage": "When connecting to an asset, the selection of the application publishing machine is random (but the last used one is preferred). If you want to assign a specific publishing machine to an asset, you can tag it as <Publishing Machine: Publishing Machine Name> or <AppletHost: Publishing Machine Name>; <br>When selecting an account for the publishing machine, the following situations will choose the user's own <b>account with the same name or proprietary account (starting with js)</b>, otherwise use a public account (starting with jms):<br>&nbsp; 1. Both the publishing machine and application support concurrent;<br>&nbsp; 2. The publishing machine supports concurrent, but the application does not, and the current application does not use a proprietary account;<br>&nbsp; 3. The publishing machine does not support concurrent, the application either supports or does not support concurrent, and no application uses a proprietary account;<br> Note: Whether the application supports concurrent connections is decided by the developer, and whether the host supports concurrent connections is decided by the single user single session setting in the publishing machine configuration",
"AppletHostUpdate": "Update Remote App Publishing Machine",
"AppletHosts": "Application Release Machine",
"Applets": "Remote Application",
"AppletHosts": "Remote App Machine",
"Applets": "Remote Apps",
"Applicant": "Applicant",
"Applications": "Assets",
"ApplyAsset": "Apply for Assets",
@ -104,17 +105,17 @@
"ApprovalLevel": "Approval Level",
"ApprovalProcess": "Approval Process",
"Approved": "Agreed",
"ApproverNumbers": "Number of Approvers",
"ApproverNumbers": "Approvers",
"ApsaraStack": "Alibaba Cloud Private Cloud",
"Asset": "Asset",
"AssetAccount": "Account",
"AssetAccount": "Accounts",
"AssetAccountDetail": "Account Details",
"AssetAclCreate": "Create Asset Connect Rules",
"AssetAclDetail": "Asset Connect Rule Details",
"AssetAclList": "Asset Connect",
"AssetAclUpdate": "Update Asset Connect Rules",
"AssetAddress": "Asset (IP/Hostname)",
"AssetAmount": "Number of Assets",
"AssetAmount": "Assets",
"AssetAndNode": "Assets/Nodes",
"AssetBulkUpdateTips": "Network Devices, Cloud Services, Web, Batch Updating of Domains Not Supported",
"AssetChangeSecretCreate": "Create Account Password Change",
@ -145,13 +146,13 @@
"AttrName": "Attribute Name",
"AttrValue": "Attribute value",
"Audits": "Audit Console",
"Auth": "Authentication Settings",
"Auth": "Authentication",
"AuthLimit": "Login Restrictions",
"AuthSAMLCertHelpText": "Save after uploading the certificate key, then view SP Metadata",
"AuthSAMLKeyHelpText": "SP Certificates and keys are used for encrypted communication with IDP",
"AuthSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "The keys on the left are SAML2 user attributes, the values on the right are authentication platform user attributes",
"AuthSecurity": "Authentication Security",
"AuthSetting": "Authentication Settings",
"AuthSetting": "Authentication",
"AuthSettings": "Authentication Configuration",
"AuthUserAttrMapHelpText": "The Key on the Left Belongs to the JumpServer User Properties, and the Value on the Right Belongs to the Authentication Platform User Properties",
"Authentication": "Authentication",
@ -165,9 +166,9 @@
"BadRoleErrorMsg": "Request Error, No Permission for this Action",
"BaiduCloud": "Baidu Cloud",
"BasePort": "Listening Ports",
"Basic": "Basic Settings",
"Basic": "Basic",
"BasicInfo": "Basic Information",
"BasicSetting": "Basic Settings",
"BasicSetting": "Basic",
"BatchConsent": "Batch Approval",
"BatchProcessing": "Bulk Processing (Selected {Number} Items)",
"BatchReject": "Bulk Deny",
@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"Cleaning": "Regular Clean-up",
"Clear": "Clear",
"ClearScreen": "Clear Screen",
"ClearSecret": "Clear Ciphertext",
"ClearSecret": "Clear selected secret",
"ClearSelection": "Clear Selection",
"ClearSuccessMsg": "Clear Successful",
"ClickCopy": "Click to Copy",
@ -263,7 +264,7 @@
"Component": "Component",
"ComponentMonitor": "Component Monitoring",
"ConceptContent": "I want you to act like a Python interpreter. I will give you Python code, and you will execute it. Do not provide any explanations. Respond with nothing except the output of the code.",
"ConceptTitle": "🤔 Python Interpreter ",
"ConceptTitle": "🤔 Python Interpreter",
"Config": "Settings",
"Confirm": "Confirm",
"ConfirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
@ -304,7 +305,7 @@
"CriticalLoad": "Serious",
"CronExpression": "Complete crontab expression",
"CrontabOfCreateUpdatePage": "For example: Perform every Sunday at 03:05 <5 3 * * 0> <br/> Use 5-digit Linux crontab expressions <Min Hour Day Month Weekday> (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Online Tool</a>) <br/> If both regular execution and cycle execution are set, regular execution is prioritized",
"CurrentConnections": "Current Number of Connections",
"CurrentConnections": "Current Connections",
"CurrentUserVerify": "Verify Current User",
"Custom": "Custom",
"CustomCol": "Customize Display Columns",
@ -376,7 +377,7 @@
"DomainDetail": "Domain Details",
"DomainEnabled": "Enable Domain",
"DomainHelpMessage": "Domain Function Is Designed To Solve The Problem That Some Environments (Such As: Hybrid Cloud) Cannot Be Directly Connected, And A New Function Is Added. The Principle Is To Log In Through The Gateway Server. JMS => Domain Gateway => Target Assets",
"DomainList": "Domain",
"DomainList": "Domains",
"DomainUpdate": "Update Domain",
"Download": "Download",
"DownloadCenter": "Download Center",
@ -390,6 +391,7 @@
"Edit": "Edit",
"Edition": "Version",
"Email": "Email",
"FieldRequiredError": "This field is required",
"EmailContent": "Custom Email Content",
"EmailTest": "Test Connection",
"Empty": "Empty",
@ -413,16 +415,16 @@
"ErrorMsg": "Error",
"EsDisabled": "Node is unavailable, please contact administrator",
"EsIndex": "ES provides the default index: JumpServer. If indexing by date is enabled, the entered value will serve as the index prefix",
"EsUrl": "Cannot include special character `#`; eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
"EsUrl": "Cannot include special Char `#`; eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
"Every": "Every",
"Exclude": "Does Not Include",
"ExcludeAsset": "Skipped Assets",
"ExcludeSymbol": "Exclude Character",
"ExcludeSymbol": "Exclude Char",
"Execute": "Execute",
"ExecuteOnce": "Execute Once",
"Execution": "Execution History",
"ExecutionDetail": "Execution History Details",
"ExecutionList": "Execution List",
"ExecutionList": "Execute History",
"ExistError": "This Element Already Exists",
"Existing": "Already Exists",
"ExpirationTimeout": "Expiration Timeout (Seconds)",
@ -437,7 +439,7 @@
"Failed": "Failed",
"FailedAsset": "Failed Assets",
"FaviconTip": "Note: Website Icon (Suggested Image Size: 16px*16px)",
"Features": "Function settings",
"Features": "Features",
"FeiShu": "Feishu",
"FeiShuTest": "Test",
"FileManager": "File",
@ -455,6 +457,7 @@
"FormatError": "Format Error",
"Friday": "Friday",
"From": "From",
"TypeTree": "Type Tree",
"FromTicket": "From the work order",
"FullName": "Full name",
"FullySynchronous": "Assets completely synchronized",
@ -465,7 +468,7 @@
"GatewayCreate": "Create Gateway",
"GatewayList": "Gateway list",
"GatewayUpdate": "Update Gateway",
"GeneralAccounts": "General Account",
"GeneralAccounts": "General Accounts",
"Generate": "Generate",
"GenerateAccounts": "Regenerate Account",
"GenerateSuccessMsg": "Account Creation Successful",
@ -533,7 +536,7 @@
"InstanceName": "Instance Name",
"InstancePlatformName": "Instance Platform Name",
"Interface": "Network Interface",
"InterfaceSettings": "Interface Settings",
"InterfaceSettings": "Interface",
"IntervalOfCreateUpdatePage": "Unit: Hour",
"InvalidJson": "Invalid JSON",
"InviteSuccess": "Invitation Successful",
@ -583,13 +586,13 @@
"LicenseExpired": "The license has expired",
"LicenseFile": "License File",
"LicenseForTest": "Test Purpose License, This License is Only for Testing (PoC) and Demonstration",
"LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "The number of assets has exceeded the license limit",
"LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "The assets has exceeded the license limit",
"LicenseWillBe": "License Expiring Soon",
"Loading": "Loading",
"LockedIP": "Locked IP {count}",
"Log": "Log",
"LogData": "Log Data",
"LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "The number of successful login logs",
"LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "The successful login logs",
"Logging": "Log Record",
"LoginAssetConfirm": "Asset Connect Review",
"LoginAssetToday": "Today's Active Assets",
@ -607,13 +610,13 @@
"LoginSucceeded": "Login Successful",
"LoginTitleTip": "Note: It will be displayed on the enterprise edition user SSH login KoKo login page (e.g.: Welcome to use JumpServer Open Source Bastion)",
"LoginUserRanking": "Login Account Ranking",
"LoginUserToday": "Number of Accounts Logged in Today",
"LoginUserToday": "Accounts Logged in Today",
"LoginUsers": "Active Account",
"LogoIndexTip": "Tip: It will be displayed in the upper left corner of the page (Recommended image size: 185px*55px)",
"LogoLogoutTip": "Tip: It will be displayed on the web terminal page of Enterprise Edition users (recommended image size: 82px*82px)",
"Logout": "Logout",
"LogsAudit": "Log auditing",
"Lowercase": "Lowercase Letters",
"Lowercase": "Lowercase",
"LunaSettingUpdate": "Luna Configuration Settings",
"MFAErrorMsg": "MFA errors, please check",
"MFAOfUserFirstLoginPersonalInformationImprovementPage": "Enable multi-factor authentication to make your account more secure. <br/>After enabling, you will enter the multi-factor authentication binding process the next time you log in; you can also directly bind in (Personal Information->Quick Modification->Change Multi-factor Settings)!",
@ -673,7 +676,7 @@
"NoPermissionVew": "No Permission to View the Current Page",
"NoUnreadMsg": "No Unread Messages",
"Node": "Node",
"NodeAmount": "Number of Nodes",
"NodeAmount": "Nodes",
"NodeInformation": "Node Information",
"NodeSearchStrategy": "Node Search Strategy",
"NormalLoad": "Normal",
@ -681,7 +684,7 @@
"NotSet": "Not Set",
"NotSpecialEmoji": "Special Emoji Input Not Allowed",
"Nothing": "None",
"Notifications": "Notification Settings",
"Notifications": "Notification",
"Now": "Now",
"Number": "Number",
"NumberOfVisits": "Visits",
@ -708,20 +711,20 @@
"OpenStatus": "In Approval",
"OpenTicket": "Create a Ticket",
"OperateLog": "Operation Log",
"OperationLogNum": "Number of Operation Logs",
"OperationLogNum": "Operation Logs",
"OrgAdmin": "Organization Admin",
"OrgAuditor": "Organizational Auditors",
"OrgAuditor": "Org Auditors",
"OrgName": "Authorized Organization Name",
"OrgRole": "Organizational Roles",
"OrgRoleHelpText": "The organizational role is the user's role within the current organization",
"OrgRoles": "Organizational Role",
"OrgRole": "Org Roles",
"OrgRoleHelpText": "The Org role is the user's role within the current organization",
"OrgRoles": "Org Role",
"OrgUser": "Organize Users",
"OrganizationCreate": "Local Area Network",
"OrganizationDetail": "Organization Details",
"OrganizationList": "Organizational Management",
"OrganizationList": "Organizations",
"OrganizationLists": "Organization List",
"OrganizationUpdate": "Update Organization",
"Other": "Other Settings",
"Other": "Other",
"Output": "Output",
"Overview": "Overview",
"PageNext": "Next Page",
@ -739,8 +742,8 @@
"PasswordRecord": "Password Record",
"PasswordRule": "Password Rules",
"PasswordSecurity": "Password Security",
"PasswordStrategy": "Ciphertext Generation Strategy",
"PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "Password will be in ",
"PasswordStrategy": "Secret Strategy",
"PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "Password will be in",
"PasswordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "It will expire in days, please change your password as soon as possible.",
"Paste": "Paste",
"Pause": "Pause",
@ -775,7 +778,7 @@
"PrivilegedTemplate": "Privileged",
"Product": "Product",
"Profile": "Personal Information",
"ProfileSetting": "Personal Information Settings",
"ProfileSetting": "Personal Information",
"Project": "Project Name",
"Prompt": "Prompt",
"Proportion": "Proportion",
@ -930,7 +933,7 @@
"SecretKey": "Key",
"SecretKeyStrategy": "Password Policy",
"Secure": "Security",
"Security": "Security Settings",
"Security": "Security",
"Select": "Select",
"SelectAdhoc": "Select Command",
"SelectAll": "Select All",
@ -968,7 +971,7 @@
"SessionTrend": "Session Trends",
"Sessions": "Session管理",
"SessionsAudit": "Session Audit",
"SessionsNum": "Number of Sessions",
"SessionsNum": "Sessions",
"Set": "Configured",
"SetDingTalk": "Configure DingTalk Authentication",
"SetFailed": "Setting Failed",
@ -999,7 +1002,7 @@
"Spec": "Specify",
"SpecAccount": "Designated Account",
"SpecAccountTip": "Specify username to choose authorized account",
"SpecialSymbol": "Special Character",
"SpecialSymbol": "Special Char",
"SpecificInfo": "Special Information",
"SshKeyFingerprint": "SSH Fingerprint",
"Startswith": "Starts with...",
@ -1010,7 +1013,7 @@
"StatusRed": "Last Task Execution Failed",
"StatusYellow": "There have been recent failures",
"Stop": "Stop",
"StorageSetting": "Storage Settings",
"StorageSetting": "Storage",
"Strategy": "Strategy",
"StrategyCreate": "Create Policy",
"StrategyDetail": "Policy Details",
@ -1057,16 +1060,16 @@
"TaskDetail": "Task Details",
"TaskDone": "Task Finished",
"TaskID": "Task ID",
"TaskList": "Task List",
"TaskList": "System Tasks",
"TaskMonitor": "Task Monitoring",
"TechnologyConsult": "Technical Consultation",
"TempPassword": "The temporary password is valid for 300 seconds and becomes invalid immediately after use",
"Template": "Template",
"TemplateAdd": "Template Added",
"TemplateAdd": "Add from template",
"TemplateCreate": "Create Template",
"TemplateHelpText": "When selecting a template to add, accounts that do not exist under the asset will be automatically created and pushed",
"TencentCloud": "Tencent Cloud",
"Terminal": "Component Settings",
"Terminal": "Components",
"TerminalDetail": "Terminal Details",
"TerminalUpdate": "Update Terminal",
"TerminalUpdateStorage": "Update Terminal Storage",
@ -1091,7 +1094,7 @@
"TicketFlowUpdate": "Update Approval Flow",
"Tickets": "Work Order List",
"Time": "Time",
"TimeDelta": "Running Time",
"TimeDelta": "Time Cost",
"TimeExpression": "Time Expression",
"Timeout": "Timeout",
"TimeoutHelpText": "When this value is -1, no timeout is specified.",
@ -1102,9 +1105,9 @@
"TodayFailedConnections": "Failed Connections Today",
"Token": "Token",
"Total": "Total",
"TotalJobFailed": "Number of Failed Execution Actions",
"TotalJobLog": "Total Number of Job Executions",
"TotalJobRunning": "Number of Running Jobs",
"TotalJobFailed": "Failed Execution Actions",
"TotalJobLog": "Total Job Executions",
"TotalJobRunning": "Running Jobs",
"Transfer": "Transfer",
"Tuesday": "Tuesday",
"TwoAssignee": "Subscribe to Authorization ID",
@ -1144,7 +1147,7 @@
"UploadSucceed": "Upload Succeeded",
"UploadZipTips": "Please upload a file in zip format",
"Uploading": "Uploading File",
"Uppercase": "Uppercase Letter",
"Uppercase": "Uppercase",
"UseProtocol": "User Agreement",
"UseSSL": "Use SSL/TLS",
"User": "User",
@ -1169,15 +1172,15 @@
"UserLoginTrend": "Account Login Trend",
"UserProfile": "Personal Information",
"UserSession": "User Sessions",
"UserSetting": "Preference Settings",
"UserSetting": "Preference",
"UserUpdate": "Update User",
"Username": "Username",
"UsernamePlaceholder": "Please Enter Username",
"Users": "User",
"UsersAmount": "User",
"UsersAndUserGroups": "User/User Group",
"UsersTotal": "Total Number of Accounts",
"Valid": "Effective",
"UsersTotal": "Total Accounts",
"Valid": "Valid",
"Variable": "Variable",
"VariableHelpText": "You Can Use {{ key }} to Read Built-in Variables in Commands",
"VaultHelpText": "1. For security reasons, Vault storage must be enabled in the configuration file.<br>2. After enabled, fill in other configurations, and perform tests.<br>3. Carry out data synchronization, which is one-way, only syncing from the local database to the distant Vault, once synchronization is completed, the local database will no longer store passwords, please back up your data.<br>4. After modifying Vault configuration the second time, you need to restart the service.",

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"AccountPushCreate": "账号推送创建",
"AccountPushExecutionList": "执行列表",
"AccountPushList": "账号推送",
"FieldRequiredError": "此字段是必填项",
"AccountPushUpdate": "账号推送更新",
"AccountStorage": "账号存储",
"AccountTemplate": "账号模版",