@ -118,26 +118,6 @@ class Task(PeriodTaskModelMixin, OrgModelMixin):
kwargs = {"callback": self.callback}
return name, task, args, kwargs
def last_success(self):
return self._last_adhocexecution(True, 'contacted')
def last_failure(self):
return self._last_adhocexecution(False, 'dark')
def _last_adhocexecution(self, is_success, key):
obj = AdHocExecution.objects.filter(task_id=self.id, is_success=is_success).order_by('-date_finished').first()
body = obj.summary and obj.summary.get(key)
if body:
asset, body = body.popitem()
if body:
action, body = body.popitem()
return asset, action, (body or '') and body.get('msg', '')
return asset, '', ''
return '', '', ''
def __str__(self):
return self.name + '@' + str(self.org_id)