mirror of https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
perf: 修改登录
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ class AccountViewSet(OrgBulkModelViewSet):
'default': serializers.AccountSerializer,
rbac_perms = {
'verify_account': 'assets.test_account',
'partial_update': 'assets.change_accountsecret',
'su_from_accounts': 'assets.view_account',
'verify_account': 'accounts.test_account',
'partial_update': ['accounts.change_accountsecret', 'accounts.change_account'],
'su_from_accounts': 'accounts.view_account',
@action(methods=['get'], detail=False, url_path='su-from-accounts')
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ class AccountSecretsViewSet(RecordViewLogMixin, AccountViewSet):
http_method_names = ['get', 'options']
permission_classes = [RBACPermission, UserConfirmation.require(ConfirmType.MFA)]
rbac_perms = {
'list': 'assets.view_accountsecret',
'retrieve': 'assets.view_accountsecret',
'list': 'accounts.view_accountsecret',
'retrieve': 'accounts.view_accountsecret',
@ -77,5 +77,6 @@ class BaseAccountSerializer(AuthValidateMixin, BulkOrgResourceModelSerializer):
'date_verified', 'created_by', 'date_created',
extra_kwargs = {
'name': {'required': True},
'spec_info': {'label': _('Spec info')},
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from rest_framework.serializers import ValidationError
from rest_framework.views import APIView, Response
from common.utils import get_logger
from assets.tasks import test_assets_connectivity_manual
from assets.tasks import test_gateways_connectivity_manual
from orgs.mixins.api import OrgBulkModelViewSet
from .. import serializers
from ..models import Domain, Gateway
@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ class GatewayTestConnectionApi(SingleObjectMixin, APIView):
local_port = int(local_port)
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError({'port': _('Number required')})
task = test_assets_connectivity_manual.delay([gateway.id], local_port)
task = test_gateways_connectivity_manual([gateway.id], local_port)
return Response({'task': task.id})
@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
# ~*~ coding: utf-8 ~*~
from functools import partial
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from functools import partial
from django.db.models.signals import m2m_changed
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.generics import get_object_or_404
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.serializers import ValidationError
from assets.models import Asset
from common.const.http import POST
from common.utils import get_logger
from rbac.permissions import RBACPermission
from common.api import SuggestionMixin
from common.exceptions import SomeoneIsDoingThis
from common.const.http import POST
from common.const.signals import PRE_REMOVE, POST_REMOVE
from common.exceptions import SomeoneIsDoingThis
from common.utils import get_logger
from orgs.mixins import generics
from orgs.utils import current_org
from orgs.mixins.api import OrgBulkModelViewSet
from orgs.utils import current_org
from .. import serializers
from ..models import Node
from ..tasks import (
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ from ..tasks import (
logger = get_logger(__file__)
__all__ = [
'NodeViewSet', 'NodeAssetsApi', 'NodeAddAssetsApi',
@ -100,6 +102,10 @@ class NodeAddAssetsApi(generics.UpdateAPIView):
model = Node
serializer_class = serializers.NodeAssetsSerializer
instance = None
permission_classes = (RBACPermission,)
rbac_perms = {
'PUT': 'assets.add_assettonode',
def perform_update(self, serializer):
assets = serializer.validated_data.get('assets')
@ -111,6 +117,10 @@ class NodeRemoveAssetsApi(generics.UpdateAPIView):
model = Node
serializer_class = serializers.NodeAssetsSerializer
instance = None
permission_classes = (RBACPermission,)
rbac_perms = {
'PUT': 'assets.remove_assetfromnode',
def perform_update(self, serializer):
assets = serializer.validated_data.get('assets')
@ -129,6 +139,10 @@ class MoveAssetsToNodeApi(generics.UpdateAPIView):
model = Node
serializer_class = serializers.NodeAssetsSerializer
instance = None
permission_classes = (RBACPermission,)
rbac_perms = {
'PUT': 'assets.move_assettonode',
def perform_update(self, serializer):
assets = serializer.validated_data.get('assets')
@ -210,7 +224,7 @@ class NodeTaskCreateApi(generics.CreateAPIView):
if action == "refresh":
task = update_node_assets_hardware_info_manual.delay(node.id)
task = update_node_assets_hardware_info_manual(node.id)
task = test_node_assets_connectivity_manual.delay(node.id)
task = test_node_assets_connectivity_manual(node.id)
self.set_serializer_data(serializer, task)
@ -289,4 +289,5 @@ class Asset(NodesRelationMixin, AbsConnectivity, JMSOrgBaseModel):
('match_asset', _('Can match asset')),
('add_assettonode', _('Add asset to node')),
('move_assettonode', _('Move asset to node')),
('remove_assetfromnode', _('Remove asset from node'))
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class AssetAccountSerializer(
template = serializers.BooleanField(
default=False, label=_("Template"), write_only=True
name = serializers.CharField(max_length=128, required=False, label=_("Name"))
name = serializers.CharField(max_length=128, required=True, label=_("Name"))
class Meta:
model = Account
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ def on_node_pre_save(sender, instance: Node, **kwargs):
@merge_delay_run(ttl=5, key=key_by_org)
def test_assets_connectivity_handler(*assets):
def test_assets_connectivity_handler(assets=()):
task_name = gettext_noop("Test assets connectivity ")
test_assets_connectivity_task.delay(assets, task_name)
@merge_delay_run(ttl=5, key=key_by_org)
def gather_assets_facts_handler(*assets):
def gather_assets_facts_handler(assets=()):
if not assets:
logger.info("No assets to update hardware info")
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def gather_assets_facts_handler(*assets):
@merge_delay_run(ttl=5, key=key_by_org)
def ensure_asset_has_node(*assets):
def ensure_asset_has_node(assets=()):
asset_ids = [asset.id for asset in assets]
has_ids = Asset.nodes.through.objects \
.filter(asset_id__in=asset_ids) \
@ -60,16 +60,16 @@ def on_asset_create(sender, instance=None, created=False, **kwargs):
logger.info("Asset create signal recv: {}".format(instance))
# 获取资产硬件信息
auto_info = instance.auto_info
if auto_info.get('ping_enabled'):
logger.debug('Asset {} ping enabled, test connectivity'.format(instance.name))
if auto_info.get('gather_facts_enabled'):
logger.debug('Asset {} gather facts enabled, gather facts'.format(instance.name))
RELATED_NODE_IDS = '_related_node_ids'
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ def on_node_asset_change(sender, action, instance, reverse, pk_set, **kwargs):
if action in refused:
raise ValueError
logger.debug('Recv asset nodes change signal, recompute node assets amount')
mapper = {PRE_ADD: add, POST_REMOVE: sub}
if action not in mapper:
@ -34,12 +33,13 @@ def on_node_asset_change(sender, action, instance, reverse, pk_set, **kwargs):
node_ids = [instance.id]
node_ids = pk_set
def update_nodes_assets_amount(*node_ids):
def update_nodes_assets_amount(node_ids=()):
nodes = list(Node.objects.filter(id__in=node_ids))
logger.debug('Recv asset nodes change signal, recompute node assets amount')
logger.info('Update nodes assets amount: {} nodes'.format(len(node_ids)))
if len(node_ids) > 100:
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ node_assets_mapping_pub_sub = lazy(lambda: RedisPubSub('fm.node_asset_mapping'),
def expire_node_assets_mapping(*org_ids):
def expire_node_assets_mapping(org_ids=()):
logger.debug("Recv asset nodes changed signal, expire memery node asset mapping")
# 所有进程清除(自己的 memory 数据)
root_org_id = Organization.ROOT_ID
@ -43,18 +44,17 @@ def on_node_post_create(sender, instance, created, update_fields, **kwargs):
need_expire = False
if need_expire:
@receiver(post_delete, sender=Node)
def on_node_post_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
@receiver(m2m_changed, sender=Asset.nodes.through)
def on_node_asset_change(sender, instance, **kwargs):
logger.debug("Recv asset nodes changed signal, expire memery node asset mapping")
@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ from .common import *
from .automation import *
from .gather_facts import *
from .nodes_amount import *
from .ping_gateway import *
@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ def test_node_assets_connectivity_manual(node_id):
node = Node.objects.get(id=node_id)
task_name = gettext_noop("Test if the assets under the node are connectable ")
assets = node.get_all_assets()
return test_assets_connectivity_task.delay(*assets, task_name)
return test_assets_connectivity_task.delay(assets, task_name)
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# ~*~ coding: utf-8 ~*~
from celery import shared_task
from django.utils.translation import gettext_noop
from assets.const import AutomationTypes
from common.utils import get_logger
from orgs.utils import org_aware_func
from .common import quickstart_automation
logger = get_logger(__file__)
__all__ = [
def test_gateways_connectivity_task(assets, local_port, task_name=None):
from assets.models import PingAutomation
if task_name is None:
task_name = gettext_noop("Test gateways connectivity ")
task_name = PingAutomation.generate_unique_name(task_name)
task_snapshot = {'assets': [str(asset.id) for asset in assets], 'local_port': local_port}
quickstart_automation(task_name, AutomationTypes.ping_gateway, task_snapshot)
def test_gateways_connectivity_manual(gateway_ids, local_port):
from assets.models import Asset
gateways = Asset.objects.filter(id__in=gateway_ids)
task_name = gettext_noop("Test gateways connectivity ")
return test_gateways_connectivity_task.delay(gateways, local_port, task_name)
@ -41,7 +41,10 @@ def default_suffix_key(*args, **kwargs):
def key_by_org(*args, **kwargs):
return args[0].org_id
values = list(kwargs.values())
if not values:
return 'default'
return values[0][0].org_id
class EventLoopThread(threading.Thread):
@ -79,6 +82,15 @@ def cancel_or_remove_debouncer_task(cache_key):
def run_debouncer_func(cache_key, org, ttl, func, *args, **kwargs):
run_func_partial = functools.partial(_run_func_with_org, cache_key, org, func)
loop = _loop_thread.get_loop()
_debouncer = Debouncer(run_func_partial, lambda: True, ttl, loop=loop, executor=executor)
task = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(_debouncer(*args, **kwargs), loop=loop)
_loop_debouncer_func_task_cache[cache_key] = task
class Debouncer(object):
def __init__(self, callback, check, delay, loop=None, executor=None):
self.callback = callback
@ -113,12 +125,36 @@ def _run_func_with_org(key, org, func, *args, **kwargs):
_loop_debouncer_func_args_cache.pop(key, None)
def delay_run(ttl=5, key=None, merge_args=False):
def delay_run(ttl=5, key=None):
延迟执行函数, 在 ttl 秒内, 只执行最后一次
:param ttl:
:param key: 是否合并参数, 一个 callback
:param merge_args: 是否合并之前的参数, bool
def inner(func):
suffix_key_func = key if key else default_suffix_key
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from orgs.utils import get_current_org
org = get_current_org()
func_name = f'{func.__module__}_{func.__name__}'
key_suffix = suffix_key_func(*args)
cache_key = f'DELAY_RUN_{func_name}_{key_suffix}'
run_debouncer_func(cache_key, org, ttl, func, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return inner
def merge_delay_run(ttl=5, key=None):
延迟执行函数, 在 ttl 秒内, 只执行最后一次, 并且合并参数
:param ttl:
:param key: 是否合并参数, 一个 callback
@ -127,48 +163,43 @@ def delay_run(ttl=5, key=None, merge_args=False):
if len(sigs.parameters) != 1:
raise ValueError('func must have one arguments: %s' % func.__name__)
param = list(sigs.parameters.values())[0]
if not str(param).startswith('*') or param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
raise ValueError('func args must be startswith *: %s and not have **kwargs ' % func.__name__)
if not isinstance(param.default, tuple):
raise ValueError('func default must be tuple: %s' % param.default)
suffix_key_func = key if key else default_suffix_key
def wrapper(*args):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from orgs.utils import get_current_org
org = get_current_org()
func_name = f'{func.__module__}_{func.__name__}'
key_suffix = suffix_key_func(*args)
cache_key = f'DELAY_RUN_{func_name}_{key_suffix}'
new_arg = args
if merge_args:
values = _loop_debouncer_func_args_cache.get(cache_key, [])
new_arg = [*values, *args]
_loop_debouncer_func_args_cache[cache_key] = new_arg
key_suffix = suffix_key_func(*args, **kwargs)
cache_key = f'MERGE_DELAY_RUN_{func_name}_{key_suffix}'
cache_kwargs = _loop_debouncer_func_args_cache.get(cache_key, {})
run_func_partial = functools.partial(_run_func_with_org, cache_key, org, func)
loop = _loop_thread.get_loop()
_debouncer = Debouncer(run_func_partial, lambda: True, ttl,
loop=loop, executor=executor)
task = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(_debouncer(*new_arg),
_loop_debouncer_func_task_cache[cache_key] = task
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if not isinstance(v, (tuple, list, set)):
raise ValueError('func kwargs value must be list or tuple: %s %s' % (func.__name__, v))
if k not in cache_kwargs:
cache_kwargs[k] = v
elif isinstance(v, set):
cache_kwargs[k] = cache_kwargs[k].union(v)
cache_kwargs[k] = list(cache_kwargs[k]) + list(v)
_loop_debouncer_func_args_cache[cache_key] = cache_kwargs
run_debouncer_func(cache_key, org, ttl, func, *args, **cache_kwargs)
return wrapper
return inner
merge_delay_run = functools.partial(delay_run, merge_args=True)
def test_delay_run(*username):
def test_delay_run(username):
print("Hello, %s, now is %s" % (username, time.time()))
@delay_run(ttl=5, key=lambda *users: users[0][0], merge_args=True)
def test_merge_delay_run(*users):
@merge_delay_run(ttl=5, key=lambda users=(): users[0][0])
def test_merge_delay_run(users=()):
name = ','.join(users)
print("Hello, %s, now is %s" % (name, time.time()))
@ -179,8 +210,8 @@ def do_test():
print("start : %s" % time.time())
for i in range(100):
# test_delay_run('test', year=i)
test_merge_delay_run('test %s' % i)
test_merge_delay_run('best %s' % i)
test_merge_delay_run(users=['test %s' % i])
test_merge_delay_run(users=['best %s' % i])
test_delay_run('test run %s' % i)
end = time.time()
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from assets.signal_handlers.node_assets_mapping import expire_node_assets_mapping
from assets.signal_handlers.node_assets_mapping import expire_node_assets_mapping as _expire_node_assets_mapping
from orgs.caches import OrgResourceStatisticsCache
from orgs.models import Organization
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def expire_node_assets_mapping():
org_ids = [*org_ids, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000']
for org_id in org_ids:
def expire_org_resource_statistics_cache():
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:7e35d73f8576a0ea30a0da3886b24033f61f1019f6e15466d7b5904b5dd15ef9
size 136075
oid sha256:6a677ea531b36752e5d3cbfde37bd2667539390e12281b7a4c595fa4d65c1a8a
size 135351
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:1d3093d239e72a1ab35464fcdebd157330dbde7ae1cfd0f89a7d75c52eade900
size 111883
oid sha256:3ea4776e6efd07b7d818b5f64d68b14d0c1cbf089766582bd4c2b43e1b183bf8
size 111254
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ __all__ = ['JMSInventory']
class JMSInventory:
def __init__(self, assets, account_policy='privileged_first',
account_prefer='root,Administrator', host_callback=None):
account_prefer='root,Administrator', host_callback=None, exclude_localhost=False):
:param assets:
:param account_prefer: account username name if not set use account_policy
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class JMSInventory:
self.account_policy = account_policy
self.host_callback = host_callback
self.exclude_hosts = {}
self.exclude_localhost = exclude_localhost
def clean_assets(assets):
@ -117,7 +118,10 @@ class JMSInventory:
if host['jms_account'] and asset.platform.type == 'oracle':
host['jms_account']['mode'] = 'sysdba' if account.privileged else None
ansible_config = dict(automation.ansible_config)
ansible_config = dict(automation.ansible_config)
except Exception as e:
ansible_config = {}
ansible_connection = ansible_config.get('ansible_connection', 'ssh')
@ -204,6 +208,8 @@ class JMSInventory:
for host in hosts:
name = host.pop('name')
data['all']['hosts'][name] = host
if self.exclude_localhost and data['all']['hosts'].__contains__('localhost'):
data['all']['hosts'].update({'localhost': {'ansible_host': ''}})
return data
def write_to_file(self, path):
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import zipfile
from django.conf import settings
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from rest_framework import status
from orgs.mixins.api import OrgBulkModelViewSet
from ..exception import PlaybookNoValidEntry
@ -129,25 +130,25 @@ class PlaybookFileBrowserAPIView(APIView):
work_path = playbook.work_dir
file_key = request.data.get('key', '')
new_name = request.data.get('new_name', '')
if file_key in self.protected_files:
return Response({'msg': '{} can not be modified'.format(file_key)}, status=400)
if file_key in self.protected_files and new_name:
return Response({'msg': '{} can not be rename'.format(file_key)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
if os.path.dirname(file_key) == 'root':
file_key = os.path.basename(file_key)
new_name = request.data.get('new_name', '')
content = request.data.get('content', '')
is_directory = request.data.get('is_directory', False)
if not file_key or file_key == 'root':
return Response(status=400)
return Response(status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
file_path = os.path.join(work_path, file_key)
if new_name:
new_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), new_name)
if os.path.exists(new_file_path):
return Response({'msg': '{} already exists'.format(new_name)}, status=400)
return Response({'msg': '{} already exists'.format(new_name)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
os.rename(file_path, new_file_path)
file_path = new_file_path
@ -162,9 +163,9 @@ class PlaybookFileBrowserAPIView(APIView):
work_path = playbook.work_dir
file_key = request.query_params.get('key', '')
if not file_key:
return Response({'msg': 'key is required'}, status=400)
return Response({'msg': 'key is required'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
if file_key in self.protected_files:
return Response({'msg': ' {} can not be delete'.format(file_key)}, status=400)
return Response({'msg': ' {} can not be delete'.format(file_key)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
file_path = os.path.join(work_path, file_key)
if os.path.isdir(file_path):
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Generated by Django 3.2.16 on 2023-02-13 07:03
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import migrations
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('ops', '0027_auto_20230206_1927'),
operations = [
options={'ordering': ['date_created']},
unique_together={('name', 'org_id', 'creator')},
unique_together={('name', 'org_id', 'creator')},
unique_together={('name', 'org_id', 'creator')},
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ logger = get_logger(__file__)
class AdHoc(JMSOrgBaseModel):
id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, primary_key=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=128, verbose_name=_('Name'))
pattern = models.CharField(max_length=1024, verbose_name=_("Pattern"), default='all')
@ -42,4 +41,5 @@ class AdHoc(JMSOrgBaseModel):
return "{}: {}".format(self.module, self.args)
class Meta:
unique_together = [('name', 'org_id', 'creator')]
verbose_name = _("AdHoc")
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ class Job(JMSOrgBaseModel, PeriodTaskModelMixin):
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Job")
unique_together = [('name', 'org_id', 'creator')]
ordering = ['date_created']
@ -294,10 +295,20 @@ class JobExecution(JMSOrgBaseModel):
task_id = current_task.request.root_id
self.task_id = task_id
def check_danger_keywords(self):
lines = self.job.playbook.check_dangerous_keywords()
if len(lines) > 0:
for line in lines:
print('\033[31mThe {} line of the file \'{}\' contains the '
'dangerous keyword \'{}\'\033[0m'.format(line['line'], line['file'], line['keyword']))
raise Exception("Playbook contains dangerous keywords")
def start(self, **kwargs):
self.date_start = timezone.now()
if self.job.type == 'playbook':
runner = self.get_runner()
cb = runner.run(**kwargs)
@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ from ops.const import CreateMethods
from ops.exception import PlaybookNoValidEntry
from orgs.mixins.models import JMSOrgBaseModel
dangerous_keywords = (
class Playbook(JMSOrgBaseModel):
id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, primary_key=True)
@ -20,6 +27,27 @@ class Playbook(JMSOrgBaseModel):
vcs_url = models.CharField(max_length=1024, default='', verbose_name=_('VCS URL'), null=True, blank=True)
def check_dangerous_keywords(self):
result = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.work_dir):
for f in files:
if str(f).endswith('.yml') or str(f).endswith('.yaml'):
lines = self.search_keywords(os.path.join(root, f))
if len(lines) > 0:
for line in lines:
result.append({'file': f, 'line': line[0], 'keyword': line[1]})
return result
def search_keywords(file):
result = []
with open(file, 'r') as f:
for line_num, line in enumerate(f):
for keyword in dangerous_keywords:
if keyword in line.replace(' ', ''):
result.append((line_num, keyword))
return result
def entry(self):
work_dir = self.work_dir
@ -33,3 +61,7 @@ class Playbook(JMSOrgBaseModel):
def work_dir(self):
work_dir = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, "ops", "playbook", self.id.__str__())
return work_dir
class Meta:
unique_together = [('name', 'org_id', 'creator')]
ordering = ['date_created']
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import uuid
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from rest_framework import serializers
@ -14,6 +16,14 @@ class JobSerializer(BulkOrgResourceModelSerializer, PeriodTaskSerializerMixin):
run_after_save = serializers.BooleanField(label=_("Run after save"), default=False, required=False)
nodes = serializers.ListField(required=False, child=serializers.CharField())
date_last_run = serializers.DateTimeField(label=_('Date last run'), read_only=True)
name = serializers.CharField(label=_('Name'), max_length=128, allow_blank=True, required=False)
def to_internal_value(self, data):
instant = data.get('instant', False)
if instant:
_uid = str(uuid.uuid4()).split('-')[-1]
data['name'] = f'job-{_uid}'
return super().to_internal_value(data)
def get_request_user(self):
request = self.context.get('request')
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ model_cache_field_mapper = {
class OrgResourceStatisticsRefreshUtil:
def refresh_org_fields(*org_fields):
def refresh_org_fields(org_fields=()):
for org, cache_field_name in org_fields:
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class PermAccountUtil(AssetPermissionUtil):
alias_action_bit_mapper[alias] |= perm.actions
asset_accounts = asset.accounts.all()
asset_accounts = asset.accounts.all().active()
username_account_mapper = {account.username: account for account in asset_accounts}
cleaned_accounts_action_bit = defaultdict(int)
@ -89,11 +89,15 @@ class RoleViewSet(JMSModelViewSet):
class SystemRoleViewSet(RoleViewSet):
perm_model = SystemRole
def get_queryset(self):
return super().get_queryset().filter(scope='system')
class OrgRoleViewSet(RoleViewSet):
perm_model = OrgRole
def get_queryset(self):
return super().get_queryset().filter(scope='org')
@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
from smtplib import SMTPSenderRefused
from rest_framework.views import Response, APIView
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import send_mail, get_connection
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from rest_framework.views import Response, APIView
from common.utils import get_logger
from .. import serializers
from django.conf import settings
logger = get_logger(__file__)
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ class MailTestingAPI(APIView):
# if k.startswith('EMAIL'):
# setattr(settings, k, v)
subject = "Test"
subject = settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + "Test"
message = "Test smtp setting"
email_from = email_from or email_host_user
email_recipient = email_recipient or email_from
@ -68,4 +69,4 @@ class MailTestingAPI(APIView):
except Exception as e:
return Response({"error": str(e)}, status=400)
return Response({"msg": self.success_message.format(email_recipient)})
return Response({"msg": self.success_message.format(email_recipient)})
@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ class CommandViewSet(JMSBulkModelViewSet):
command_store = get_command_storage()
serializer_class = SessionCommandSerializer
filterset_class = CommandFilter
search_fields = ('input',)
model = Command
ordering_fields = ('timestamp',)
search_fields = ('input',)
ordering_fields = ('timestamp', 'risk_level')
def merge_all_storage_list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
merged_commands = []
@ -162,6 +162,12 @@ def default_chrome_driver_options():
# 禁用 扩展
# 忽略证书错误相关
# 禁用开发者工具
# 禁用 密码管理器弹窗
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ def check_pid_alive(pid) -> bool:
content = decode_content(csv_ret)
content_list = content.strip().split("\r\n")
if len(content_list) != 2:
print("check pid {} ret invalid: {}".format(pid, content))
return False
ret_pid = content_list[1].split(",")[1].strip('"')
return str(pid) == ret_pid
except Exception as e:
print("check pid {} err: {}".format(pid, e))
return False
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def wait_pid(pid):
ok = check_pid_alive(pid)
if not ok:
print("pid {} is not alive".format(pid))
@ -59,14 +59,12 @@ def check_pid_alive(pid) -> bool:
content = decode_content(csv_ret)
content_list = content.strip().split("\r\n")
if len(content_list) != 2:
print("check pid {} ret invalid: {}".format(pid, content))
return False
ret_pid = content_list[1].split(",")[1].strip('"')
return str(pid) == ret_pid
except Exception as e:
print("check pid {} err: {}".format(pid, e))
return False
@ -75,8 +73,7 @@ def wait_pid(pid):
ok = check_pid_alive(pid)
if not ok:
print("pid {} is not alive".format(pid))
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def main():
help="resource to generate"
parser.add_argument('-c', '--count', type=int, default=10000)
parser.add_argument('-c', '--count', type=int, default=1000)
parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch_size', type=int, default=100)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--org', type=str, default='')
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -44,5 +44,6 @@ class FakeDataGenerator:
using = end - start
from_size = created
created += len(batch)
print('Generate %s: %s-%s [{}s]' % (self.resource, from_size, created, using))
print('Generate %s: %s-%s [%s]' % (self.resource, from_size, created, using))
Reference in New Issue