From 69767e978d7d8643d1d7c2e3de687c6c73c82610 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ibuler Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2016 10:40:17 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Add fake --- apps/fixtures/fake.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps/fixtures/fake.json b/apps/fixtures/fake.json index 20cc33075..4548820da 100644 --- a/apps/fixtures/fake.json +++ b/apps/fixtures/fake.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -[{"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 1, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Default", "comment": "Default user group for all user", "date_created": "2016-11-25T06:50:28Z", "created_by": "System"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 2, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Charles Hanson", "comment": "Nullam varius.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 3, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Karen Stephens", "comment": "Quisque ut erat.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 4, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Julie Evans", "comment": "Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 5, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Gregory Price", "comment": "Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 6, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Tammy Gutierrez", "comment": "Etiam justo.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 7, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Louise Wheeler", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 8, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Rachel Hansen", "comment": "Etiam faucibus cursus urna.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 9, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ruth Campbell", "comment": "Duis bibendum.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 10, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Jesse Peterson", "comment": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 11, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ruby Rose", "comment": "Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 12, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Donna Arnold", "comment": "Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 13, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Gary Harvey", "comment": "Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 14, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Pamela Palmer", "comment": "Mauris sit amet eros.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 15, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Mildred Harrison", "comment": "Phasellus sit amet erat.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 16, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Melissa King", "comment": "Pellentesque at nulla.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 17, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lillian Reed", "comment": "Nullam molestie nibh in lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 18, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Theresa Mills", "comment": "Duis bibendum, felis sed interdum venenatis, turpis enim blandit mi, in porttitor pede justo eu massa.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 19, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Dorothy Gardner", "comment": "Donec dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 20, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Tina Williamson", "comment": "Duis bibendum, felis sed interdum venenatis, turpis enim blandit mi, in porttitor pede justo eu massa.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 21, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Irene Jenkins", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 22, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kelly Kennedy", "comment": "Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 23, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Marilyn Ramos", "comment": "Pellentesque viverra pede ac diam.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 24, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Theresa Murray", "comment": "Integer pede justo, lacinia eget, tincidunt eget, tempus vel, pede.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 25, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kimberly Hunt", "comment": "Nulla tempus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 26, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Stephanie Barnes", "comment": "In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 27, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lisa Williamson", "comment": "Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 28, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Joyce Watson", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 29, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Jean Simmons", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis faucibus accumsan odio.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 30, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Frances Walker", "comment": "Integer ac leo.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 31, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Teresa Long", "comment": "Etiam faucibus cursus urna.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 32, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Anna Lopez", "comment": "Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 33, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Louise Bishop", "comment": "Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 34, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ruby Baker", "comment": "Donec ut dolor.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 35, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Phyllis Perkins", "comment": "Mauris lacinia sapien quis libero.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 36, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Sara Riley", "comment": "Praesent id massa id nisl venenatis lacinia.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 37, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Nicole Grant", "comment": "Curabitur gravida nisi at nibh.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 38, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Sharon Ward", "comment": "Morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 39, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Pamela Watson", "comment": "Phasellus sit amet erat.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 40, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Rebecca Little", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 41, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Diana Cooper", "comment": "Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 42, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Doris Martin", "comment": "Cras pellentesque volutpat dui.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 43, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Cheryl Peters", "comment": "Praesent lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 44, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Gloria Thompson", "comment": "Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, pretium quis, lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 45, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Jacqueline Porter", "comment": "Curabitur in libero ut massa volutpat convallis.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 46, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Mildred Kelly", "comment": "Duis mattis egestas metus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 47, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Shirley Kennedy", "comment": "In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 48, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Joyce Meyer", "comment": "Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 49, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kimberly Hart", "comment": "Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 50, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Louise Jordan", "comment": "Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 51, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Evelyn Willis", "comment": "Proin interdum mauris non ligula pellentesque ultrices.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 52, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Sara Shaw", "comment": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 53, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Dorothy Thomas", "comment": "Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 54, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Doris Evans", "comment": "In sagittis dui vel nisl.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 55, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Amy Hawkins", "comment": "Nulla ut erat id mauris vulputate elementum.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 56, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ruby James", "comment": "Proin at turpis a pede posuere nonummy.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 57, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Diane Owens", "comment": "Pellentesque viverra pede ac diam.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 58, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Patricia Larson", "comment": "Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 59, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Betty Montgomery", "comment": "Praesent lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 60, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Julia Cooper", "comment": "Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 61, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Catherine Moore", "comment": "Fusce consequat.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 62, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Mildred Rose", "comment": "Pellentesque eget nunc.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 63, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Cheryl Howell", "comment": "Nullam sit amet turpis elementum ligula vehicula consequat.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 64, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Barbara Green", "comment": "Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 65, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Shirley Robertson", "comment": "Nunc purus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 66, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Judith Castillo", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla dapibus dolor vel est.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 67, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Alice Reyes", "comment": "Morbi non lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 68, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Mary Stone", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 69, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Maria Mcdonald", "comment": "Proin eu mi.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 70, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Jennifer Hunter", "comment": "Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 71, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Joyce Robertson", "comment": "In eleifend quam a odio.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 72, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Frances Stevens", "comment": "Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, pretium quis, lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 73, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Matthew Jacobs", "comment": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 74, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Doris Vasquez", "comment": "Curabitur in libero ut massa volutpat convallis.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 75, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lori Moreno", "comment": "Praesent blandit.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 76, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Pamela Harris", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 77, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Patricia Williamson", "comment": "Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 78, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Denise Bradley", "comment": "Maecenas tincidunt lacus at velit.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 79, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Louise Montgomery", "comment": "In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 80, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Robin Riley", "comment": "Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 81, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Heather Hernandez", "comment": "Etiam vel augue.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 82, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Amanda Collins", "comment": "Maecenas tincidunt lacus at velit.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 83, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kathy Kelly", "comment": "Fusce consequat.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 84, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Emily Ryan", "comment": "Nam nulla.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 85, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ruby Peters", "comment": "Donec vitae nisi.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 86, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Amanda Woods", "comment": "Mauris lacinia sapien quis libero.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 87, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Patricia Baker", "comment": "Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 88, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kathleen Myers", "comment": "Quisque porta volutpat erat.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 89, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Theresa Black", "comment": "Cras non velit nec nisi vulputate nonummy.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 90, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Marilyn Howard", "comment": "Praesent blandit lacinia erat.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:44Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 91, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": 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"created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Integer tincidunt ante vel ipsum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 36, "fields": {"name": "Tina Lynch", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Deborah Ray", "phone": "8-(826)087-7821", "address": "Lakeport2 Cherokee Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Praesent id massa id nisl venenatis lacinia."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 37, "fields": {"name": "Helen Alvarez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Bonnie Ruiz", "phone": "0-(558)182-2338", "address": "Yountville069 Lindbergh Drive", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 38, "fields": {"name": "Kathleen Sanders", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Sandra Burns", "phone": "5-(069)884-2939", "address": "Corning64017 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"date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Donec vitae nisi."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 94, "fields": {"name": "Ruth Freeman", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Anna Morgan", "phone": "1-(802)814-9921", "address": "Oakland24980 Texas Court", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi a ipsum."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 95, "fields": {"name": "Louise Greene", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Linda Clark", "phone": "1-(715)563-0269", "address": "Villa Park69 Vahlen Lane", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla tellus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 96, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Boyd", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Ruby Perkins", "phone": "9-(683)488-8483", "address": "Upland2 Heath 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"Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 16, "fields": {"name": "Louise Wood", "username": "teresa", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.InZlc3RpYnVsdW0i.T6kOgaWPNOQhwvRxcDNwPInAoTWO8oQ6iipJWCyeZvs", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Proin risus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 17, "fields": {"name": "Debra Flores", "username": "catherine", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImFjIg.m7atEKEFx68VZmM2clat-RyHmCQmR0lrKJ2VrzecInw", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 18, "fields": {"name": "Martha Watson", "username": "tammy", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImFjY3Vtc2FuIg.NEwnlPlaG9Pa0nEXxhV8A18g-06uqxUCQ4zExhAPf3w", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Nunc nisl.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 19, "fields": {"name": "Cynthia Johnson", "username": "sharon", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImFtZXQi.k9EjNQL559Kyrp0ygulJ1FYqzM9PWKz9BZ7NqyeyH2o", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Morbi ut odio.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 20, "fields": {"name": "Julia Lynch", "username": "mildred", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImlkIg.lr9X3DQPFH2zptTUg3pRWbYLzWhfDYsw0w_q9pEod3I", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Proin risus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 21, "fields": {"name": "Doris Hanson", "username": "cheryl", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.InBvcnRhIg.pxvE3o1p_qKNAwmuEgAnFm5PtvPQtCGq4G9zw7PdnKM", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": 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"2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 28, "fields": {"name": "Ruth Lee", "username": "helen", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im5lYyI.LKXtwRVgPGpIFsCWDaqgz1FeQ0uuEIthkh3bbD8r6bI", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Suspendisse ornare consequat lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 29, "fields": {"name": "Shirley Williamson", "username": "debra", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImluIg.Ic5fwxER7rs8gBhvBb4XRyTlZASKuBxVJ42SHALzjZw", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Donec diam neque, vestibulum eget, vulputate ut, ultrices vel, augue.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 30, "fields": {"name": "Lisa Richardson", "username": "rachel", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImxpZ3VsYSI.aZGEVUuvvGP8M_brQEnU40wGGh4xDoW5jzwki7DPGg0", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", 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"Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 39, "fields": {"name": "Katherine Austin", "username": "amanda", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im1vcmJpIg.eiv33ldiYjx8DZLjUsoxipifqc1NZvZdR-xyFDq2ipc", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Duis ac nibh.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 40, "fields": {"name": "Nicole Richardson", "username": "christina", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImVsaXQi.a7GlyHrv2neaOA77QcRbPfCEGs0UbmGyg9cV3trKSCg", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Nulla facilisi.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 41, "fields": {"name": "Angela Gomez", "username": "patricia", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImRpY3R1bXN0Ig.owyqiwsx1v5W-7FCwPxXX8ieVl7N7sILLI3SaGMXdn8", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Donec dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, 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"pk": 78, "fields": {"name": "Rachel Mendoza", "username": "marie", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImlkIg.lr9X3DQPFH2zptTUg3pRWbYLzWhfDYsw0w_q9pEod3I", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Sed ante.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 79, "fields": {"name": "Laura Dixon", "username": "evelyn", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImRpYW0i.ptlstDxIX3roDa9-XgVcwFcuugOtvaVsjm7xvHG29s4", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Pellentesque at nulla.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 80, "fields": {"name": "Patricia Burton", "username": "amy", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Imp1c3RvIg.OGeg0BhoHWufHxSObxdYqHFC3zur8llMFj8veLxbAFY", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 81, 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"assets.assetgroup", "pk": 6, "fields": {"name": "Julia Mendoza", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Phasellus sit amet erat.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 7, "fields": {"name": "Rebecca Bishop", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Cras pellentesque volutpat dui.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 8, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Thomas", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 9, "fields": {"name": "Karen Rice", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 10, "fields": {"name": "Patricia Bowman", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Sed vel 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"date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Morbi non lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 16, "fields": {"name": "Diana Cooper", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Morbi ut odio.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 17, "fields": {"name": "Annie Richardson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 18, "fields": {"name": "Betty Bishop", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Sed accumsan felis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 19, "fields": {"name": "Jane Cunningham", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 20, "fields": {"name": "Karen Moreno", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Maecenas leo odio, condimentum id, luctus nec, molestie sed, justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 21, "fields": {"name": "Mildred Rice", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Curabitur gravida nisi at nibh.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 22, "fields": {"name": "Cheryl Chapman", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Morbi a ipsum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 23, "fields": {"name": "Emily Lynch", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, pretium quis, lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 24, "fields": {"name": "Janice Bowman", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 25, "fields": {"name": "Linda Carter", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 26, "fields": {"name": "Elizabeth West", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Phasellus sit amet erat.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 27, "fields": {"name": "Evelyn Duncan", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Suspendisse accumsan tortor quis turpis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 28, "fields": {"name": "Rebecca Moore", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Etiam vel augue.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 29, "fields": {"name": "Beverly Morales", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 30, "fields": {"name": "Janet Parker", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Etiam vel augue.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 31, "fields": {"name": "Kathy Powell", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 32, "fields": {"name": "Annie King", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Fusce posuere felis sed lacus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 33, "fields": {"name": "Diana Oliver", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Nam nulla.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 34, "fields": {"name": "Katherine Nichols", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 35, "fields": {"name": "Marie Reyes", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 36, "fields": {"name": "Judy King", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 37, "fields": {"name": "Laura Mills", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Quisque arcu libero, rutrum ac, lobortis vel, dapibus at, diam.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 38, "fields": {"name": "Denise Stewart", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Integer non velit.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 39, "fields": {"name": "Diane Long", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "In quis justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 40, "fields": {"name": "Diana Simpson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 41, "fields": {"name": "Deborah Sims", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Maecenas tincidunt lacus at velit.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 42, "fields": {"name": "Helen Willis", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Fusce consequat.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 43, "fields": {"name": "Shirley Murphy", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Aenean lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 44, "fields": {"name": "Kimberly Rose", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Nullam varius.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 45, "fields": {"name": "Julia Cunningham", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla dapibus dolor vel est.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 46, "fields": {"name": "Emily Barnes", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Nulla tempus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 47, "fields": {"name": "Jacqueline Moreno", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Integer ac neque.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 48, "fields": {"name": "Gloria Nelson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Morbi non lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 49, "fields": {"name": "Jean Porter", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Sed ante.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 50, "fields": {"name": "Rebecca Rivera", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 51, "fields": {"name": "Judith Hunt", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 52, "fields": {"name": "Paula Jones", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 53, "fields": {"name": "Ruth Larson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 54, "fields": {"name": "Nancy Williamson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 55, "fields": {"name": "Norma Rose", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 56, "fields": {"name": "Theresa Watkins", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Integer ac neque.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 57, "fields": {"name": "Margaret Lewis", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Maecenas leo odio, condimentum id, luctus nec, molestie sed, justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 58, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Flores", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 59, "fields": {"name": "Nicole Wheeler", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 60, "fields": {"name": "Sandra Meyer", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Fusce posuere felis sed lacus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 61, "fields": {"name": "Julie Gilbert", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 62, "fields": {"name": "Anna Fowler", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Duis bibendum, felis sed interdum venenatis, turpis enim blandit mi, in porttitor pede justo eu massa.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 63, "fields": {"name": "Ruth Rivera", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 64, "fields": {"name": "Janet Myers", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Etiam faucibus cursus urna.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 65, "fields": {"name": "Lisa Day", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 66, "fields": {"name": "Virginia Mills", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Maecenas tincidunt lacus at velit.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 67, "fields": {"name": "Debra Russell", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 68, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Mcdonald", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 69, "fields": {"name": "Nancy Gilbert", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Integer pede justo, lacinia eget, tincidunt eget, tempus vel, pede.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 70, "fields": {"name": "Robin Lawrence", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Morbi a ipsum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 71, "fields": {"name": "Sandra Holmes", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Integer tincidunt ante vel ipsum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 72, "fields": {"name": "Sandra Taylor", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 73, "fields": {"name": "Nancy Fox", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 74, 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"assets.assetgroup", "pk": 83, "fields": {"name": "Andrea Cunningham", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Morbi non quam nec dui luctus rutrum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 84, "fields": {"name": "Karen Hanson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Donec posuere metus vitae ipsum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 85, "fields": {"name": "Jacqueline Diaz", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 86, "fields": {"name": "Lois Franklin", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 87, "fields": {"name": "Rebecca Howard", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Curabitur convallis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 88, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Ellis", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Proin at turpis a pede posuere nonummy.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 89, "fields": {"name": "Marilyn Collins", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 90, "fields": {"name": "Barbara Martinez", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Integer tincidunt ante vel ipsum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 91, "fields": {"name": "Ruby Gordon", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Nam dui.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 92, "fields": {"name": "Paula Wallace", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Duis consequat dui nec nisi volutpat eleifend.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 93, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Murray", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Cras pellentesque volutpat dui.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 94, "fields": {"name": "Elizabeth Warren", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Nullam molestie nibh in lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 95, "fields": {"name": "Heather Rogers", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Maecenas tincidunt lacus at velit.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 96, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Moreno", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 97, "fields": {"name": "Phyllis Wood", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "In eleifend quam a odio.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 98, "fields": {"name": "Catherine Mcdonald", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 99, "fields": {"name": "Donna Griffin", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 100, "fields": {"name": "Emily Ramos", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-25T15:09:51Z", "comment": "Nunc purus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 101, 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{"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 7, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Gloria West", "comment": "Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.815Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 8, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Barbara Carroll", "comment": "Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.817Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 9, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Betty Webb", "comment": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.820Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 10, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Jerry Miller", "comment": "Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.822Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 11, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Carol Lawrence", "comment": "In congue.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.824Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 12, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Julie Young", "comment": "Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.827Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 13, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Harry Walker", "comment": "Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.830Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 14, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lois Nichols", "comment": "Nunc nisl.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.833Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 15, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Tammy Hill", "comment": "Nulla ut erat id mauris vulputate elementum.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.837Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 16, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Amy Hughes", "comment": "Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.841Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 17, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Sara Welch", "comment": "Donec dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.845Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 18, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Catherine Webb", "comment": "Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.850Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 19, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Tammy Morgan", "comment": "Suspendisse ornare consequat lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.853Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 20, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Shirley Martin", "comment": "Mauris lacinia sapien quis libero.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.856Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 21, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Helen Hamilton", "comment": "Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.860Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 22, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Anne Fowler", "comment": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.865Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 23, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Louise Tucker", "comment": "Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.868Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 24, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kathleen Davis", "comment": "Maecenas leo odio, condimentum id, luctus nec, molestie sed, justo.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.872Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 25, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Elizabeth Simmons", "comment": "Etiam justo.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.882Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 26, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Nicole Thompson", "comment": "Nulla mollis molestie lorem.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.886Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 27, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Virginia Porter", "comment": "Phasellus in felis.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.889Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 28, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Irene Rodriguez", "comment": "Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.893Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 29, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Mildred George", "comment": "Suspendisse ornare consequat lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.897Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 30, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Beverly Gordon", "comment": "Nullam porttitor lacus at turpis.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.901Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 31, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Melissa Hunt", "comment": "Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.904Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 32, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Carol Barnes", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.907Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 33, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Beverly Moreno", "comment": "Praesent lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.912Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 34, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Theresa Berry", "comment": "Morbi odio odio, elementum eu, interdum eu, tincidunt in, leo.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.916Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 35, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Denise Hill", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.919Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 36, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kelly Woods", "comment": "Vivamus tortor.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.922Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 37, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Tammy Matthews", "comment": "Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.925Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 38, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lisa Williamson", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.929Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 39, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Christina Gonzalez", "comment": "Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.934Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 40, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Laura Roberts", "comment": "Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.938Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 41, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Elizabeth Burns", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.941Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 42, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Maria Hernandez", "comment": "Duis bibendum.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.947Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 43, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ruth Boyd", "comment": "Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.951Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 44, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Doris Greene", "comment": "Nulla tellus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.954Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 45, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Brenda Burns", "comment": "Aenean fermentum.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.956Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 46, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Mary Peterson", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.958Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 47, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Janet Bennett", "comment": "Donec dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.961Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 48, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Christine Edwards", "comment": "Nulla nisl.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.965Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 49, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Alice Fisher", "comment": "Nullam sit amet turpis elementum ligula vehicula consequat.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.967Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 50, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ashley Holmes", "comment": "Etiam vel augue.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.972Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 51, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Diane Chavez", "comment": "Cras pellentesque volutpat dui.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.975Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 52, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lois Dunn", "comment": "Morbi odio odio, elementum eu, interdum eu, tincidunt in, leo.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.978Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 53, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Gloria Grant", "comment": "In blandit ultrices enim.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.982Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 54, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Dorothy Watson", "comment": "Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.985Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 55, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Mary Ruiz", "comment": "Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.988Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 56, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Nancy Snyder", "comment": "Nam nulla.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.992Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 57, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ruby Russell", "comment": "Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.995Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 58, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Carolyn Carroll", "comment": "Morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:26.998Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 59, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Amy Gray", "comment": "Ut tellus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.001Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 60, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Kimberly Jenkins", "comment": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.004Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 61, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Frances Stewart", "comment": "Pellentesque at nulla.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.006Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 62, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Amanda Howard", "comment": "Proin interdum mauris non ligula pellentesque ultrices.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.009Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 63, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Margaret Morris", "comment": "Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.012Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 64, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Julie Mills", "comment": "Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.014Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 65, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Sandra Bryant", "comment": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.016Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 66, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Gloria Myers", "comment": "Maecenas tincidunt lacus at velit.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.019Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 67, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Amy Moore", "comment": "Nunc purus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.022Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 68, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Ann Cunningham", "comment": "Quisque ut erat.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.024Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 69, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Joyce Bailey", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.026Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 70, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Judy Gray", "comment": "Integer a nibh.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.029Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 71, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Cynthia Black", "comment": "Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.031Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 72, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Margaret Foster", "comment": "Duis mattis egestas metus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.037Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 73, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Marie Nelson", "comment": "Nulla mollis molestie lorem.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.045Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 74, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Janet Kim", "comment": "Aliquam erat volutpat.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.048Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 75, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Katherine Hawkins", "comment": "Suspendisse 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"2016-11-27T08:11:27.109Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 96, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Gloria Wallace", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.113Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 97, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Patricia Medina", "comment": "Fusce congue, diam id ornare imperdiet, sapien urna pretium nisl, ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.116Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 98, "fields": {"is_discard": false, "discard_time": null, "name": "Lillian Lewis", "comment": "Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:27.119Z", "created_by": "admin"}}, {"model": "users.usergroup", "pk": 99, "fields": {"is_discard": false, 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"bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Jennifer Peters", "phone": "9-(495)236-7232", "address": "Tehama56 Arizona Road", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.076Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Cras pellentesque volutpat dui."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 16, "fields": {"name": "Jennifer Gonzalez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Diane Howell", "phone": "2-(289)351-3461", "address": "Lompoc830 Meadow Ridge Crossing", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.078Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nullam molestie nibh in lectus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 17, "fields": {"name": "Evelyn Ward", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Kathleen Gray", "phone": "6-(686)804-8085", "address": "Moreno Valley3 Gerald Place", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.079Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Fusce congue, diam id ornare imperdiet, sapien urna pretium nisl, ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 18, "fields": {"name": "Amy Hayes", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Kathryn Cruz", "phone": "7-(740)980-8390", "address": "Placerville213 Tony Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.081Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nunc purus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 19, "fields": {"name": "Lillian Stanley", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Martha Roberts", "phone": "7-(376)562-0551", "address": "Laguna Niguel84203 Red Cloud Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.082Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vivamus tortor."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 20, "fields": {"name": "Rebecca Matthews", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Virginia Stewart", "phone": "9-(111)107-1632", "address": "Willits73108 Bunting Plaza", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.084Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Aenean lectus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 21, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Howell", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Michelle Jacobs", "phone": "8-(798)305-7497", "address": "Palos Verdes Estates68 Lindbergh Place", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.085Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 22, "fields": {"name": "Martha Romero", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Judith Cox", "phone": "8-(253)763-1101", "address": "Nevada City8 Gerald Hill", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.086Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Suspendisse 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"2016-11-27T08:11:46.092Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 26, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Stone", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Anna Welch", "phone": "4-(653)554-4509", "address": "Gilroy3 Westridge Trail", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.094Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Sed ante."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 27, "fields": {"name": "Beverly Olson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Barbara Nelson", "phone": "5-(255)821-1224", "address": "Colton963 Maple Road", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.096Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 28, "fields": {"name": "Paula Turner", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Norma Chavez", "phone": "1-(309)363-1253", "address": "Tiburon4 Straubel Circle", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.098Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Aenean sit amet justo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 29, "fields": {"name": "Robin Ward", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Lori Woods", "phone": "5-(234)238-8971", "address": "San Dimas75 Debs Center", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.099Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 30, "fields": {"name": "Norma Cox", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Pamela Garza", "phone": "1-(792)670-2635", "address": "Culver City9034 Judy Way", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.101Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 31, "fields": {"name": "Marilyn Adams", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Louise Harvey", "phone": "3-(998)073-4390", "address": "Foster City309 Merrick Road", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.102Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 32, "fields": {"name": "Janice Knight", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Paula Price", "phone": "5-(063)381-6314", "address": "Laguna Woods86 Northview Avenue", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.104Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 33, "fields": {"name": "Elizabeth Marshall", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Mildred Reed", "phone": 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"Fake", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla dapibus dolor vel est."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 55, "fields": {"name": "Louise Willis", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Cheryl Johnston", "phone": "0-(462)716-8086", "address": "Moorpark9327 High Crossing Street", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.140Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 56, "fields": {"name": "Carolyn Thomas", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Norma Turner", "phone": "7-(008)385-1789", "address": "Mount Shasta23 Shelley Way", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.142Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Vestibulum quam sapien, varius ut, blandit non, interdum in, ante."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 57, 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"2016-11-27T08:11:46.147Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Pellentesque eget nunc."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 60, "fields": {"name": "Annie Ray", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Tina Bell", "phone": "9-(620)116-2035", "address": "Rio Vista64281 Pond Drive", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.149Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, pretium quis, lectus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 61, "fields": {"name": "Patricia Peterson", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Sara Miller", "phone": "7-(052)057-0414", "address": "Portola Valley5672 Warbler Trail", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.150Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Proin eu mi."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 62, "fields": {"name": "Christine Porter", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": 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"BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 81, "fields": {"name": "Janice Hansen", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Angela Carter", "phone": "8-(672)507-0842", "address": "Antioch546 Meadow Valley Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.203Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 82, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Hernandez", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Marie Warren", "phone": "6-(635)075-7963", "address": "Belvedere14278 Clyde Gallagher Junction", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.205Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u7535\u4fe1", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nulla tempus."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 83, "fields": {"name": "Linda Scott", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": 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"2016-11-27T08:11:46.236Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Proin interdum mauris non ligula pellentesque ultrices."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 94, "fields": {"name": "Donna Alexander", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Sara Ellis", "phone": "6-(405)589-3911", "address": "Lawndale6 Delladonna Way", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.239Z", "operator": "\u5317\u4eac\u8054\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Nullam porttitor lacus at turpis."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 95, "fields": {"name": "Ann Powell", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Joyce Stanley", "phone": "2-(830)952-1740", "address": "Auburn1 Cody Parkway", "intranet": "", "extranet": "", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.242Z", "operator": "BGP\u5168\u7f51\u901a", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Aenean auctor gravida sem."}}, {"model": "assets.idc", "pk": 96, "fields": {"name": "Janice Collins", "bandwidth": "200M", "contact": "Wanda 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"2016-11-27T08:11:46.276Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 10, "fields": {"name": "Frances Mendoza", "username": "deborah", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImRvbG9yIg.6-B7AtjwRtbLWBw3cOl1AmdKgGqNOg3JxMnsEk3sI-Y", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Morbi ut odio.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.278Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 11, "fields": {"name": "Diane Bowman", "username": "amy", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im51bGxhIg.FTT_U_lKC4cqONw96JU02zWnbRBUo6mQIO4v-HykDdQ", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Suspendisse accumsan tortor quis turpis.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.279Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 12, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Austin", "username": "teresa", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im5pc2wi.bGZH4pJ2wkHxRxfDvzi1ePhYmirT4ibQ-uvsullA4pE", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Praesent blandit.", 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"assets.adminuser", "pk": 27, "fields": {"name": "Jane Castillo", "username": "kathy", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImV0aWFtIg.QEs0SICruIrhYPzqpEG9iKLje7wzoW601XZyyGFsWnk", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Pellentesque eget nunc.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.305Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 28, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Lynch", "username": "jane", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im5hbSI.jEaDr7Y5DsPRdsS21cGYlPi-w3xgG8yJbKjJDhqbSDc", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Vestibulum sed magna at nunc commodo placerat.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.307Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 29, "fields": {"name": "Joan Knight", "username": "rachel", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.InBvdGVudGki.gVzkkI6p2yD2ovfIZrG88LPZYqWz3jIhPNRkRx2okDw", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Vivamus vel nulla eget eros elementum pellentesque.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.309Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 30, "fields": {"name": "Frances Fisher", "username": "tina", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImNvbnNlcXVhdCI.vLRDCJLof2aVuDu2Ozh-ogfuPPmKCcg9NxF47WcQqig", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Pellentesque eget nunc.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.311Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 31, "fields": {"name": "Maria Barnes", "username": "tammy", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im51bGxhIg.FTT_U_lKC4cqONw96JU02zWnbRBUo6mQIO4v-HykDdQ", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Nulla tellus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.312Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 32, "fields": {"name": "Diana Foster", "username": "ruby", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImN1bSI.ImVe-w9aP8Cgy63s9gjRbbkyMcPJjGesms-MUI7QKvE", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Nulla nisl.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.314Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 33, "fields": {"name": "Frances Parker", "username": "gloria", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImVnZXQi.GK-YPltMyh8RK55dYklRb8Wk7orCpwYZr2QMzH-3qTU", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.315Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 34, "fields": {"name": "Barbara Garza", "username": "cheryl", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImVyb3Mi.u6zpIQpfh7cgPYmscg5N0W9W6cx274KgMtp0pz5_OlY", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Aenean sit amet justo.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.317Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 35, "fields": {"name": "Anna Simpson", "username": "judith", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImhlbmRyZXJpdCI.w37x36SBpiyhDWKVAtj2fw-T7HIkb-qBU5LHWA03DMY", 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"assets.adminuser", "pk": 44, "fields": {"name": "Joan Arnold", "username": "angela", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImxlbyI.qTN86wuszuz1DJYzlN4xnIOKk4BnSDGx-SrJn18aLxE", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Etiam justo.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.332Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 45, "fields": {"name": "Bonnie Hernandez", "username": "nicole", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Imlwc3VtIg.rZpQHFzRecdHsQN3Et2YmLCm6zfPo_XFOeE-vz-CLe0", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.334Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 46, "fields": {"name": "Jean Sanders", "username": "barbara", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImF0Ig.KKCMSzsOJLvrGcheEd9SDxRwZhts01BoZ0xyuxHx4Y0", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Nam dui.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.335Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 47, "fields": {"name": "Mary Fisher", "username": "katherine", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im5lYyI.LKXtwRVgPGpIFsCWDaqgz1FeQ0uuEIthkh3bbD8r6bI", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.337Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 48, "fields": {"name": "Virginia Weaver", "username": "mildred", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImN1cmFiaXR1ciI.2ljW1YM6ByuGTBHXIP4tXMSyLF3MjpjpSrVJ0VNGFNY", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis faucibus accumsan odio.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.339Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 49, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Porter", "username": "virginia", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImF1Z3VlIg.crP2_jl_o91zD62WaHCevBI_9ScRk6cXhXtPdAVGOYQ", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.341Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 50, "fields": {"name": "Linda Frazier", "username": "maria", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im51bGxhIg.FTT_U_lKC4cqONw96JU02zWnbRBUo6mQIO4v-HykDdQ", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, pretium quis, lectus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.343Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 51, "fields": {"name": "Christine Lawson", "username": "doris", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImVnZXQi.GK-YPltMyh8RK55dYklRb8Wk7orCpwYZr2QMzH-3qTU", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Mauris enim leo, rhoncus sed, vestibulum sit amet, cursus id, turpis.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.345Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 52, "fields": {"name": "Heather Hall", "username": "linda", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im5vbiI.pwMNExwLCmk9BWKxw3hxw9K9h0YRh102FvLNRKTumRs", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.347Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 53, "fields": {"name": "Tina Ruiz", "username": "denise", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.InNpdCI.qhSlAh3rB-ai6rdQ-gxKBSFGhk-AbwiFe_CqQxSS3hM", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.349Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 54, "fields": {"name": "Donna Dunn", "username": "helen", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Imx1Y3R1cyI.HgJMJ_hzKIXE6FmvnIJpfQbY4kKS5qd1c2IJ_GxPdqQ", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.351Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 55, "fields": {"name": "Christine Johnson", "username": "cynthia", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im1hdXJpcyI.jcR8xjLt9WrET56Nes7q2CdkHYJAWb7Y2d--saQSumY", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.352Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 56, "fields": {"name": "Frances Phillips", "username": "margaret", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImxlY3R1cyI.7T1IUgQEmo1rg4yMJ17FiAP48rzB174UhQ0vFbK15QM", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.354Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 57, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Mitchell", "username": "donna", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.InBvcnR0aXRvciI.yYTCpVrahrmYF_MZecG2-63m96KAf7yAzZqmkq8J_V8", 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"assets.adminuser", "pk": 63, "fields": {"name": "Emily Kim", "username": "evelyn", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.InBsYWNlcmF0Ig.kxIB8lu5D1QiRe0-JXrZGDOGqVX4llGR36rV7ZidWTk", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.367Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 64, "fields": {"name": "Mary Harper", "username": "jane", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.InVsdHJpY2VzIg.7CaOCTzCJiIrdVZn5wu5ObQCcCWGmdmgQLjfJvP7IQY", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Etiam justo.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.368Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 65, "fields": {"name": "Susan Thomas", "username": "kathleen", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im9yY2ki.-H3gNP0GV0UZFR_MqKCCWMiaRDBQRRkfHxX2uojMk74", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Nam tristique tortor eu pede.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.369Z", 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"Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.375Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 69, "fields": {"name": "Denise Vasquez", "username": "jessica", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.InZlc3RpYnVsdW0i.T6kOgaWPNOQhwvRxcDNwPInAoTWO8oQ6iipJWCyeZvs", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.378Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 70, "fields": {"name": "Kathryn Rogers", "username": "deborah", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImF1Z3VlIg.crP2_jl_o91zD62WaHCevBI_9ScRk6cXhXtPdAVGOYQ", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis faucibus accumsan odio.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.380Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 71, 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"Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 82, "fields": {"name": "Ruth Cunningham", "username": "doris", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImVnZXQi.GK-YPltMyh8RK55dYklRb8Wk7orCpwYZr2QMzH-3qTU", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Nulla justo.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.408Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 83, "fields": {"name": "Theresa Fowler", "username": "rachel", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.InBvc3VlcmUi.HiqInzbNn9wLyMamRM3OfwBYJ9q4n297DvZzFFDwN7w", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Donec dapibus.", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.411Z", "created_by": "Fake"}}, {"model": "assets.adminuser", "pk": 84, "fields": {"name": "Diane Carr", "username": "anna", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.Im9kaW8i.1qhr1N7Gn0TJEa_Q7rIWvOTqqMKwFcHXP7BomzX7J7Q", "_private_key": null, "_public_key": "", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec 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"assets.systemuser", "pk": 99, "fields": {"name": "Barbara Palmer", "username": "karen", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.InRvcnRvciI.OPG_v82TxcKyRgsGZvElzMJ5qUJRa25waGugUWsE_8U", "protocol": "ssh", "_private_key": "", "_public_key": "", "as_default": false, "auto_push": true, "auto_update": true, "sudo": "/user/bin/whoami", "shell": "/bin/bash", "home": "", "uid": null, "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.683Z", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Etiam justo."}}, {"model": "assets.systemuser", "pk": 100, "fields": {"name": "Helen Stewart", "username": "donna", "_password": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ImxlY3R1cyI.7T1IUgQEmo1rg4yMJ17FiAP48rzB174UhQ0vFbK15QM", "protocol": "ssh", "_private_key": "", "_public_key": "", "as_default": false, "auto_push": true, "auto_update": true, "sudo": "/user/bin/whoami", "shell": "/bin/bash", "home": "", "uid": null, "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.685Z", "created_by": "Fake", "comment": "Integer ac neque."}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 1, "fields": {"name": "Default", "created_by": "", "date_created": "2016-11-25T06:50:28.627Z", "comment": "Default asset group", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 2, "fields": {"name": "Sandra Morgan", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.894Z", "comment": "Suspendisse accumsan tortor quis turpis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 3, "fields": {"name": "Theresa Banks", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.895Z", "comment": "Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 4, "fields": {"name": "Joan Armstrong", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.896Z", "comment": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 5, "fields": {"name": "Wanda Watson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.898Z", "comment": "Vivamus tortor.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 6, "fields": {"name": "Sharon Moreno", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.899Z", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis faucibus accumsan odio.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 7, "fields": {"name": "Cynthia Garza", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.900Z", "comment": "Donec semper sapien a libero.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 8, "fields": {"name": "Heather Payne", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.901Z", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 9, "fields": {"name": "Beverly Moreno", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.904Z", "comment": "Integer ac leo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 10, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Cox", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.905Z", "comment": "In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 11, "fields": {"name": "Joan Morales", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.907Z", "comment": "Nulla mollis molestie lorem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 12, "fields": {"name": "Laura Sanchez", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.909Z", "comment": "Duis aliquam convallis nunc.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 13, "fields": {"name": "Carolyn Vasquez", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.910Z", "comment": "Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 14, "fields": {"name": "Janet Collins", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.912Z", "comment": "Proin at turpis a pede posuere nonummy.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 15, "fields": {"name": "Alice Fox", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.913Z", "comment": "Integer tincidunt ante vel ipsum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 16, "fields": {"name": "Dorothy Howard", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.915Z", "comment": "Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 17, "fields": {"name": "Lisa Sanders", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.916Z", "comment": "Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 18, "fields": {"name": "Brenda Smith", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.918Z", "comment": "Donec diam neque, vestibulum eget, vulputate ut, ultrices vel, augue.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 19, "fields": {"name": "Phyllis Ferguson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.920Z", "comment": "Morbi non quam nec dui luctus rutrum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 20, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Burns", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.921Z", "comment": "Fusce posuere felis sed lacus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 21, "fields": {"name": "Nicole Ward", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.923Z", "comment": "Quisque porta volutpat erat.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 22, "fields": {"name": "Heather Hayes", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.925Z", "comment": "Suspendisse potenti.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 23, "fields": {"name": "Ruby Scott", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.926Z", "comment": "Donec semper sapien a 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"assets.assetgroup", "pk": 28, "fields": {"name": "Carol Cooper", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.934Z", "comment": "Quisque arcu libero, rutrum ac, lobortis vel, dapibus at, diam.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 29, "fields": {"name": "Jacqueline Palmer", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.936Z", "comment": "Pellentesque eget nunc.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 30, "fields": {"name": "Doris Robinson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.937Z", "comment": "Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 31, "fields": {"name": "Marie Evans", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.939Z", "comment": "Fusce congue, diam id ornare imperdiet, sapien urna pretium nisl, ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 32, "fields": {"name": "Tina Thompson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.941Z", "comment": "Donec ut dolor.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 33, "fields": {"name": "Jean Myers", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.943Z", "comment": "Etiam faucibus cursus urna.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 34, "fields": {"name": "Pamela Harris", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.946Z", "comment": "In blandit ultrices enim.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 35, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Hawkins", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.948Z", "comment": "Nullam orci pede, venenatis non, sodales sed, tincidunt eu, felis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 36, "fields": {"name": "Helen Phillips", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.949Z", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 37, "fields": {"name": "Anna Cunningham", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.952Z", "comment": "Nam dui.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 38, "fields": {"name": "Janice Mills", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.955Z", "comment": "In sagittis dui vel nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 39, "fields": {"name": "Melissa Porter", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.957Z", "comment": "Nunc nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 40, "fields": {"name": "Frances Carroll", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.959Z", "comment": "Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 41, "fields": {"name": "Lois Ortiz", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.964Z", "comment": "Etiam 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"created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.976Z", "comment": "Quisque porta volutpat erat.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 47, "fields": {"name": "Judy Fuller", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.978Z", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 48, "fields": {"name": "Julie Gray", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.981Z", "comment": "Maecenas leo odio, condimentum id, luctus nec, molestie sed, justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 49, "fields": {"name": "Marilyn Garrett", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.982Z", "comment": "Cras non velit nec nisi vulputate nonummy.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 50, "fields": {"name": "Sara Mcdonald", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.983Z", "comment": "Aenean lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 51, "fields": {"name": "Diane Richards", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.984Z", "comment": "Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 52, "fields": {"name": "Louise Fernandez", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.985Z", "comment": "Proin risus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 53, "fields": {"name": "Gloria Day", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.987Z", "comment": "Nullam molestie nibh in lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 54, "fields": {"name": "Stephanie Snyder", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.988Z", "comment": "Integer aliquet, massa id lobortis convallis, tortor risus dapibus augue, vel accumsan tellus nisi eu orci.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 55, "fields": {"name": "Betty Fields", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.989Z", "comment": "Phasellus in felis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 56, "fields": {"name": "Nicole Bradley", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.990Z", "comment": "Aliquam non mauris.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 57, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Reyes", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.992Z", "comment": "Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 58, "fields": {"name": "Gloria Black", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.993Z", "comment": "Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 59, "fields": {"name": "Andrea Morales", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.994Z", "comment": "Duis consequat dui nec nisi volutpat eleifend.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 60, "fields": {"name": "Sarah Armstrong", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.996Z", "comment": "Integer a nibh.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 61, "fields": {"name": "Teresa Carr", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.997Z", "comment": "Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 62, "fields": {"name": "Anne Adams", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.998Z", "comment": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 63, "fields": {"name": "Jennifer Sanders", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:45.999Z", "comment": "In eleifend quam a odio.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 64, "fields": {"name": "Teresa Hudson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.000Z", "comment": "Phasellus in felis.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 65, "fields": {"name": "Nancy Hunter", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.001Z", "comment": "Nullam varius.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 66, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Burns", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.002Z", "comment": "Vestibulum rutrum rutrum neque.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 67, "fields": {"name": "Linda Arnold", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.004Z", "comment": "Vestibulum rutrum rutrum neque.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 68, "fields": {"name": "Tammy Cooper", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.005Z", "comment": "Aenean auctor gravida sem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 69, "fields": {"name": "Kimberly Peters", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.007Z", "comment": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 70, "fields": {"name": "Mildred Wagner", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.010Z", "comment": "Morbi ut odio.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 71, "fields": {"name": "Emily Walker", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.012Z", "comment": "Donec semper sapien a libero.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 72, "fields": {"name": "Frances Romero", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.014Z", "comment": "Morbi ut odio.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 73, "fields": {"name": "Ann Cooper", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.015Z", "comment": "Maecenas leo odio, condimentum id, luctus nec, molestie sed, justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 74, "fields": {"name": "Christina Wood", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.016Z", "comment": "Aenean auctor gravida sem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 75, "fields": {"name": "Kelly Knight", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.017Z", "comment": "Vestibulum rutrum rutrum neque.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 76, "fields": {"name": "Judith Ferguson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.019Z", "comment": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 77, "fields": {"name": "Christina Thomas", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.020Z", "comment": "Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 78, "fields": {"name": "Lois Lawrence", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.021Z", "comment": "Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 79, "fields": {"name": "Phyllis Nelson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.023Z", "comment": "Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 80, "fields": {"name": "Helen Chavez", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.024Z", "comment": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 81, "fields": {"name": "Angela Dean", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.025Z", "comment": "Integer ac leo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 82, "fields": {"name": "Kathy Stewart", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.026Z", "comment": "Fusce consequat.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 83, "fields": {"name": "Lois Carpenter", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.028Z", "comment": "Nulla mollis molestie lorem.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 84, "fields": {"name": "Michelle Holmes", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.029Z", "comment": "Aliquam non mauris.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 85, "fields": {"name": "Denise Stanley", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.030Z", "comment": "Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 86, "fields": {"name": "Marie Alexander", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.031Z", "comment": "Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 87, "fields": {"name": "Jean Burke", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.032Z", "comment": "Aenean fermentum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 88, "fields": {"name": "Teresa Bowman", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.033Z", "comment": "Donec ut dolor.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 89, "fields": {"name": "Elizabeth Griffin", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.034Z", "comment": "Aenean sit amet justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 90, "fields": {"name": "Heather Murray", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.035Z", "comment": "Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 91, "fields": {"name": "Amanda Gonzales", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.037Z", "comment": "Maecenas rhoncus aliquam lacus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 92, "fields": {"name": "Beverly West", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.038Z", "comment": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 93, "fields": {"name": "Jean Fernandez", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.040Z", "comment": "Duis bibendum.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 94, "fields": {"name": "Sharon George", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.042Z", "comment": "Duis aliquam convallis nunc.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 95, "fields": {"name": "Janet Gomez", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.043Z", "comment": "Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 96, "fields": {"name": "Bonnie George", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.045Z", "comment": "Vestibulum rutrum rutrum neque.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 97, "fields": {"name": "Andrea Bowman", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.047Z", "comment": "In quis justo.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 98, "fields": {"name": "Dorothy Knight", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.048Z", "comment": "Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 99, "fields": {"name": "Marilyn Lawson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.050Z", "comment": "Aenean lectus.", "system_users": []}}, {"model": "assets.assetgroup", "pk": 100, "fields": {"name": "Amy Henderson", "created_by": "Fake", "date_created": "2016-11-27T08:11:46.051Z", "comment": "Fusce congue, diam id ornare imperdiet, 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