mirror of https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
Merge branch 'dev' of git.coding.net:jumpserver/jumpserver into dev
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from jumpserver.api import *
from jasset.models import ASSET_STATUS, ASSET_TYPE, ASSET_ENV, IDC, AssetRecord
from jperm.ansible_api import MyRunner
from jperm.perm_api import gen_resource
from jumpserver.templatetags.mytags import get_disk_info
def group_add_asset(group, asset_id=None, asset_ip=None):
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ def db_asset_alert(asset, username, alert_dic):
for group_id in value[1]:
group_name = AssetGroup.objects.get(id=int(group_id)).name
if old == new:
if sorted(old) == sorted(new):
alert_info = [field_name, ','.join(old), ','.join(new)]
@ -198,14 +199,17 @@ def write_excel(asset_all):
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('static/files/excels/%s' % file_name)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(u'CMDB数据')
worksheet.set_column('A:Z', 14)
title = [u'主机名', u'IP', u'IDC', u'MAC', u'远控IP', u'CPU', u'内存', u'硬盘', u'操作系统', u'机柜位置',
u'所属主机组', u'机器状态', u'备注']
worksheet.set_column('A:E', 15)
worksheet.set_column('F:F', 40)
worksheet.set_column('G:Z', 15)
title = [u'主机名', u'IP', u'IDC', u'所属主机组', u'操作系统', u'CPU', u'内存(G)', u'硬盘(G)',
u'机柜位置', u'MAC', u'远控IP', u'机器状态', u'备注']
for asset in asset_all:
group_list = []
for p in asset.group.all():
disk = get_disk_info(asset.disk)
group_all = '/'.join(group_list)
status = asset.get_status_display()
idc_name = asset.idc.name if asset.idc else u''
@ -213,13 +217,14 @@ def write_excel(asset_all):
system_version = asset.system_version if asset.idc else u''
system_os = unicode(system_type) + unicode(system_version)
alter_dic = [asset.hostname, asset.ip, idc_name, asset.mac, asset.remote_ip, asset.cpu, asset.memory,
asset.disk, system_os, asset.cabinet, group_all, status,
alter_dic = [asset.hostname, asset.ip, idc_name, group_all, system_os, asset.cpu, asset.memory,
disk, asset.cabinet, asset.mac, asset.remote_ip, status, asset.comment]
format = workbook.add_format()
format_title = workbook.add_format()
@ -308,18 +313,21 @@ def excel_to_db(excel_file):
def get_ansible_asset_info(asset_ip, setup_info):
disk_all = setup_info.get("ansible_devices")
print asset_ip
disk_need = {}
for disk_name, disk_info in disk_all.iteritems():
if disk_name.startswith('sd') or disk_name.startswith('hd') or disk_name.startswith('vd'):
disk_size = disk_info.get("size")
if 'M' in disk_size:
disk_format = round(float(disk_size[:-2]) / 1000, 0)
elif 'T' in disk_size:
disk_format = round(float(disk_size[:-2]) * 1000, 0)
disk_format = float(disk_size)
disk_need[disk_name] = disk_format
disk_all = setup_info.get("ansible_devices")
if disk_all:
for disk_name, disk_info in disk_all.iteritems():
print disk_name, disk_info
if disk_name.startswith('sd') or disk_name.startswith('hd') or disk_name.startswith('vd'):
disk_size = disk_info.get("size", '')
if 'M' in disk_size:
disk_format = round(float(disk_size[:-2]) / 1000, 0)
elif 'T' in disk_size:
disk_format = round(float(disk_size[:-2]) * 1000, 0)
disk_format = float(disk_size[:-2])
disk_need[disk_name] = disk_format
all_ip = setup_info.get("ansible_all_ipv4_addresses")
other_ip_list = all_ip.remove(asset_ip) if asset_ip in all_ip else []
other_ip = ','.join(other_ip_list) if other_ip_list else ''
@ -342,7 +350,7 @@ def get_ansible_asset_info(asset_ip, setup_info):
# asset_type = setup_info.get("ansible_system")
sn = setup_info.get("ansible_product_serial")
asset_info = [other_ip, mac, cpu, memory_format, disk, sn, system_type, system_version, brand, system_arch]
print asset_info
return asset_info
@ -357,6 +365,7 @@ def asset_ansible_update(obj_list, name=''):
asset_info = get_ansible_asset_info(asset.ip, setup_info)
print asset
other_ip, mac, cpu, memory, disk, sn, system_type, system_version, brand, system_arch = asset_info
asset_dic = {"other_ip": other_ip,
"mac": mac,
@ -419,10 +419,9 @@ def asset_detail(request):
if perm == 'user':
for user, role_dic in value.items():
user_perm.append([user, role_dic.get('role', '')])
elif perm == 'user_group':
elif perm == 'user_group' or perm == 'rule':
user_group_perm = value
elif perm == 'rule':
user_rule_perm = value
print perm_info
asset_record = AssetRecord.objects.filter(asset=asset).order_by('-alert_time')
@ -276,7 +276,9 @@ def get_push_info(push_id, arg):
def get_cpu_core(cpu_info):
return cpu_info.split('* ')[1] if cpu_info else ''
cpu_core = cpu_info.split('* ')[1] if cpu_info and '*' in cpu_info else cpu_info
return cpu_core
def get_disk_info(disk_info):
@ -287,6 +289,8 @@ def get_disk_info(disk_info):
for disk, size in disk_dic.items():
disk_size += size
disk_size = int(disk_size)
disk_size = ''
except Exception:
disk_size = ''
return disk_size
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -193,27 +193,29 @@
<div class="text-left">
{% if perm_info %}
<table class="table">
<td class="text-navy">授权用户</td>
<td class="text-navy">系统角色</td>
{% for perm in user_perm %}
<td class="text-navy"><a href="/juser/user_detail/?id={{ perm.0.id }}">{{ perm.0 }}</a></td>
<table class="table">
{% if perm.1 %}
{% for role in perm.1 %}
<td class="text-navy"><a href="/jperm/role/perm_role_detail/?id={{ role.id }}">{{ role }}</a></td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if user_perm %}
<table class="table">
<td class="text-navy">授权用户</td>
<td class="text-navy">系统角色</td>
{% for perm in user_perm %}
<td class="text-navy"><a href="/juser/user_detail/?id={{ perm.0.id }}">{{ perm.0 }}</a></td>
<table class="table">
{% if perm.1 %}
{% for role in perm.1 %}
<td class="text-navy"><a href="/jperm/role/perm_role_detail/?id={{ role.id }}">{{ role }}</a></td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if user_group_perm %}
<table class="table">
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
<div class="hr-line-dashed"></div>
{{ af.remote_ip|bootstrap_horizontal }}
<div class="hr-line-dashed"></div>
{{ af.mac|bootstrap_horizontal }}
{# <div class="hr-line-dashed"></div>#}
{# {{ af.port|bootstrap_horizontal }}#}
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<td class="text-center">{{ asset.group.all|group_str2 }}</td>
{# <td class="text-center">{{ asset.cpu }}|{{ asset.memory }}|{{ asset.disk }}</td>#}
<td class="text-center">{{ asset.system_type|default_if_none:"" }}{{ asset.system_version|default_if_none:"" }}</td>
<td class="text-center"> {{ asset.cpu|get_cpu_core }} </td>
<td class="text-center"> {{ asset.cpu|get_cpu_core|default_if_none:"" }} </td>
<td class="text-center"> {{ asset.memory }}{% if asset.memory %}G{% endif %}</td>
<td class="text-center"> {{ asset.disk|get_disk_info }}{% if asset.memory %}G{% endif %}</td>
<td class="text-center" data-editable='false'>
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@
<input type="button" id="asset_del" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" name="del_button" value="删除"/>
<a value="/jasset/asset_edit_batch/" type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-warning iframe">修改</a>
<input type="button" id="asset_update" class="btn btn-info btn-sm" name="update_button" value="更新"/>
<input type="button" id="asset_update_all" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" name="update_button" value="更新全部"/>
<input type="button" id="exec_cmd" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" name="exec_cmd" value="执行命令"/>
{# <input type="button" id="asset_update_all" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" name="update_button" value="更新全部"/>#}
<input type="button" id="exec_cmd" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" name="exec_cmd" value="执行命令"/>
{% include 'paginator.html' %}
@ -347,37 +347,40 @@
$('#asset_update').click(function () {
var asset_id_all = getIDall();
if (asset_id_all == ''){
return false;
if (confirm("更新全部资产信息?")) {
layer.msg('玩命更新中...', {time: 200000});
type: "post",
url: "/jasset/asset_update_batch/?arg=all",
success: function () {
else {
layer.msg('玩命更新中...', {time: 200000});
type: "post",
data: {asset_id_all: asset_id_all},
url: "/jasset/asset_update_batch/",
success: function () {
layer.msg('玩命更新中...', {time: 200000});
type: "post",
data: {asset_id_all: asset_id_all},
url: "/jasset/asset_update_batch/",
success: function () {
{# function update_tips(){#}
{# layer.tips('我是另外一个tips,只不过我长得跟之前那位稍有些不一样。', '吸附元素选择器', {#}
{# tips: [1, '#3595CC'],#}
{# time: 4000#}
{# $('#asset_update_all').click(function () {#}
{# layer.msg('玩命更新中...', {time: 200000});#}
{# $.ajax({#}
{# type: "post",#}
{# url: "/jasset/asset_update_batch/?arg=all",#}
{# success: function () {#}
{# parent.location.reload();#}
{# }#}
{# });#}
{# }#}
$('#asset_update_all').click(function () {
layer.msg('玩命更新中...', {time: 200000});
type: "post",
url: "/jasset/asset_update_batch/?arg=all",
success: function () {
{# });#}
function change_info(){
var args = $("#asset_form").serialize();
Reference in New Issue