perf: 修改过滤的 q

ibuler 2023-05-18 13:14:32 +08:00
parent 7c850a8a1e
commit 4e5ab5a605
5 changed files with 181 additions and 92 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from common.api import JMSBulkModelViewSet
from ..models import LoginACL
from .. import serializers
from ..filters import LoginAclFilter
from ..models import LoginACL
__all__ = ['LoginACLViewSet']
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class LoginACLViewSet(JMSBulkModelViewSet):
filterset_class = LoginAclFilter
search_fields = ('name',)
serializer_class = serializers.LoginACLSerializer

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
from rest_framework.generics import CreateAPIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from common.db.fields import JSONManyToManyField
from common.utils import reverse, lazyproperty
from orgs.utils import tmp_to_org
from .. import serializers
@ -36,9 +35,9 @@ class LoginAssetCheckAPI(CreateAPIView):
# 用户满足的 acls
queryset = LoginAssetACL.objects.all()
q = JSONManyToManyField.get_filter_q(LoginAssetACL, 'users', user)
q = LoginAssetACL.users.get_filter_q(LoginAssetACL, 'users', user)
queryset = queryset.filter(q)
q = JSONManyToManyField.get_filter_q(LoginAssetACL, 'assets', asset)
q = LoginAssetACL.assets.get_filter_q(LoginAssetACL, 'assets', asset)
queryset = queryset.filter(q)
account_username = self.serializer.validated_data.get('account_username')
queryset = queryset.filter(accounts__contains=account_username)

View File

@ -3,19 +3,20 @@
import ipaddress
import json
import logging
import re
from django.apps import apps
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator, MaxValueValidator
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from rest_framework.utils.encoders import JSONEncoder
from common.local import add_encrypted_field_set
from common.utils import signer, crypto
from common.utils import signer, crypto, contains_ip
from .validators import PortRangeValidator
__all__ = [
@ -321,58 +322,82 @@ class RelatedManager:
return q
def _get_filter_attrs_q(self, value, to_model):
filters = Q()
# 特殊情况有这几种,
# 1. 像 资产中的 type 和 category集成自 Platform。所以不能直接查询
# 2. 像 资产中的 nodes不是简单的 m2m是树 的关系
# 3. 像 用户中的 orgs 也不是简单的 m2m也是计算出来的
# get_filter_{}_attr_q 处理复杂的
custom_attr_filter = getattr(to_model, "get_json_filter_attr_q", None)
for attr in value["attrs"]:
if not isinstance(attr, dict):
name = attr.get('name')
val = attr.get('value')
match = attr.get('match', 'exact')
if name is None or val is None:
print("Has custom filter: {}".format(custom_attr_filter))
if custom_attr_filter:
custom_filter_q = custom_attr_filter(name, val, match)
print("Custom filter: {}".format(custom_filter_q))
if custom_filter_q:
filters &= custom_filter_q
if match == 'ip_in':
q = self.get_ip_in_q(name, val)
elif match in ("exact", "contains", "startswith", "endswith", "regex", "gte", "lte", "gt", "lt"):
lookup = "{}__{}".format(name, match)
q = Q(**{lookup: val})
elif match == "not":
q = ~Q(**{name: val})
elif match == "m2m":
if not isinstance(val, list):
val = [val]
q = Q(**{"{}__in".format(name): val})
elif match == "in" and isinstance(val, list):
if '*' not in val:
lookup = "{}__in".format(name)
q = Q(**{lookup: val})
q = Q()
if val == '*':
q = Q()
q = Q(**{name: val})
filters &= q
return filters
def _get_queryset(self):
model = apps.get_model(
to_model = apps.get_model(
value = self.value
if hasattr(to_model, "get_queryset"):
queryset = to_model.get_queryset()
queryset = to_model.objects.all()
if not value or not isinstance(value, dict):
return model.objects.none()
return queryset.none()
if value["type"] == "all":
return model.objects.all()
return queryset
elif value["type"] == "ids" and isinstance(value.get("ids"), list):
return model.objects.filter(id__in=value["ids"])
return queryset.filter(id__in=value["ids"])
elif value["type"] == "attrs" and isinstance(value.get("attrs"), list):
filters = Q()
excludes = Q()
for attr in value["attrs"]:
if not isinstance(attr, dict):
name = attr.get('name')
val = attr.get('value')
match = attr.get('match', 'exact')
rel = attr.get('rel', 'and')
if name is None or val is None:
if match == 'ip_in':
q = self.get_ip_in_q(name, val)
elif match in ("exact", "contains", "startswith", "endswith", "regex"):
lookup = "{}__{}".format(name, match)
q = Q(**{lookup: val})
elif match == "not":
q = ~Q(**{name: val})
elif match == "in" and isinstance(val, list):
if '*' not in val:
lookup = "{}__in".format(name)
q = Q(**{lookup: val})
q = Q()
if val == '*':
q = Q()
q = Q(**{name: val})
if rel == 'or':
filters |= q
elif rel == 'not':
excludes |= q
filters &= q
return model.objects.filter(filters).exclude(excludes)
q = self._get_filter_attrs_q(value, to_model)
return queryset.filter(q)
return model.objects.none()
return queryset.none()
def get_attr_q(self):
q = self._get_filter_attrs_q(self.value)
return q
def all(self):
return self._get_queryset()
@ -415,40 +440,68 @@ class JSONManyToManyDescriptor:
value = value.value
def test_is(self):
print("Self.field is", self.field)
print("Self.field to",
print("Self.field model", self.field.model)
print("Self.field column", self.field.column)
print("Self.field to", self.field.__dict__)
def is_match(self, obj, attr_rules):
# m2m 的情况
# 自定义的情况:比如 nodes, category
res = True
to_model = apps.get_model(
src_model = self.field.model
field_name =
custom_attr_filter = getattr(src_model, "get_filter_{}_attr_q".format(field_name), None)
def attr_to_regex(attr):
name, value, match = attr['name'], attr['value'], attr['match']
if match == 'contains':
return r'.*{}.*'.format(escape_regex(value))
elif match == 'startswith':
return r'^{}.*'.format(escape_regex(value))
elif match == 'endswith':
return r'.*{}$'.format(escape_regex(value))
elif match == 'regex':
return value
elif match == 'not':
return r'^(?!^{}$)'.format(escape_regex(value))
elif match == 'in':
values = '|'.join(map(escape_regex, value))
return r'^(?:{})$'.format(values)
return r'^{}$'.format(escape_regex(value))
def is_match(self, attr_dict, attr_rules):
custom_q = Q()
for rule in attr_rules:
value = attr_dict.get(rule['name'], '')
regex = self.attr_to_regex(rule)
if not re.match(regex, value):
return False
return True
value = getattr(obj, rule['name'], '')
rule_value = rule.get('value', '')
rule_match = rule.get('match', 'exact')
if custom_attr_filter:
q = custom_attr_filter(rule['name'], rule_value, rule_match)
if q:
custom_q &= q
if rule_match == 'in':
res &= value in rule_value
elif rule_match == 'exact':
res &= value == rule_value
elif rule_match == 'contains':
res &= rule_value in value
elif rule_match == 'startswith':
res &= str(value).startswith(str(rule_value))
elif rule_match == 'endswith':
res &= str(value).endswith(str(rule_value))
elif rule_match == 'regex':
res &= re.match(rule_value, value)
elif rule_match == 'not':
res &= value != rule_value
elif rule['match'] == 'gte':
res &= value >= rule_value
elif rule['match'] == 'lte':
res &= value <= rule_value
elif rule['match'] == 'gt':
res &= value > rule_value
elif rule['match'] == 'lt':
res &= value < rule_value
elif rule['match'] == 'ip_in':
if isinstance(rule_value, str):
rule_value = [rule_value]
res &= contains_ip(value, rule_value)
elif rule['match'] == 'm2m':
if isinstance(value, Manager):
value = value.values_list('id', flat=True)
value = set(map(str, value))
rule_value = set(map(str, rule_value))
res &= rule_value.issubset(value)
logging.error("unknown match: {}".format(rule['match']))
res &= False
if not res:
return res
if custom_q:
res &= to_model.objects.filter(custom_q).filter(
return res
def get_filter_q(self, instance):
model_cls = self.field.model
@ -457,18 +510,12 @@ class JSONManyToManyDescriptor:
queryset_id_attrs = model_cls.objects \
.filter(**{'{}__type'.format(field_name): 'attrs'}) \
.values_list('id', '{}__attrs'.format(field_name))
instance_attr = {k: v for k, v in instance.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
ids = [str(_id) for _id, attr_rules in queryset_id_attrs if self.is_match(instance_attr, attr_rules)]
ids = [str(_id) for _id, attr_rules in queryset_id_attrs if self.is_match(instance, attr_rules)]
if ids:
q |= Q(id__in=ids)
return q
def escape_regex(s):
return re.sub('[.*+?^${}()|[\\]]', r'\\\g<0>', s)
class JSONManyToManyField(models.JSONField):
def __init__(self, to, *args, **kwargs): = to
@ -490,7 +537,7 @@ class JSONManyToManyField(models.JSONField):
e = ValueError(_(
"Invalid JSON data for JSONManyToManyField, should be like "
"{'type': 'all'} or {'type': 'ids', 'ids': []} "
"or {'type': 'attrs', 'attrs': [{'name': 'ip', 'match': 'exact', 'value': 'value', 'rel': 'and|or|not'}}"
"or {'type': 'attrs', 'attrs': [{'name': 'ip', 'match': 'exact', 'value': ''}}"
if not isinstance(val, dict):
raise e

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import ipaddress
import socket
from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address
@ -75,6 +76,23 @@ def contains_ip(ip, ip_group):
return False
def is_ip(self, ip, rule_value):
if rule_value == '*':
return True
elif '/' in rule_value:
network = ipaddress.ip_network(rule_value)
return ip in network.hosts()
elif '-' in rule_value:
start_ip, end_ip = rule_value.split('-')
start_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(start_ip)
end_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(end_ip)
return start_ip <= ip <= end_ip
elif len(rule_value.split('.')) == 4:
return ip == rule_value
return ip.startswith(rule_value)
def get_ip_city(ip):
if not ip or not isinstance(ip, str):
return _("Invalid address")

View File

@ -668,7 +668,33 @@ class MFAMixin:
return backend
class User(AuthMixin, TokenMixin, RoleMixin, MFAMixin, AbstractUser):
class JSONFilterMixin:
users = JSONManyToManyField('users.User', blank=True, null=True)
def get_json_filter_attr_q(name, value, match):
from rbac.models import RoleBinding
from orgs.utils import current_org
if name == 'system_roles':
user_id = RoleBinding.objects \
.filter(role__in=value, scope='system') \
.values_list('user_id', flat=True)
return models.Q(id__in=user_id)
elif name == 'org_roles':
kwargs = dict(role__in=value, scope='org')
if not current_org.is_root():
kwargs['org_id'] =
user_id = RoleBinding.objects.filter(**kwargs) \
.values_list('user_id', flat=True)
return models.Q(id__in=user_id)
return None
class User(AuthMixin, TokenMixin, RoleMixin, MFAMixin, JSONFilterMixin, AbstractUser):
class Source(models.TextChoices):
local = 'local', _('Local')
ldap = 'ldap', 'LDAP/AD'