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2024-06-03 06:19:43 +00:00
"ShareUser": "ForUser",
"ShareUserHelpText": "If left blank, everyone could join the session.",
"GetShareUser": "Enter username",
"UploadSuccess": "Upload success",
"MustSelectOneFile": "Must select one file",
"MustOneFile": "Only support to select one file",
"DownloadSuccess": "Download success",
"Download": "Download",
"Upload": "Upload",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"UploadTitle": "file upload",
"UploadTips": "Drag file here or click to upload",
"Share": "Share",
"CopyShareURLSuccess": "Copy Share URL Success",
"ThemeConfig": "Theme",
"OnlineUsers": "Online Users",
"User": "User",
"VerifyCode": "Verify Code",
"LinkAddr": "Link",
"ExpiredTime": "Expired",
"SelectAction": "Select",
"CreateSuccess": "Success",
"CreateLink": "Create Share Link",
"CopyLink": "Copy Link Address and Code",
"NoLink": "No Link",
"ConfirmBtn": "Confirm",
"Settings": "Settings",
"Theme": "Theme",
"SelectTheme": "Select Theme",
"ThemeColors": "Theme Colors",
"ExceedTransferSize": "exceed max transfer size",
"WaitFileTransfer": "Wait file transfer to finish",
"EndFileTransfer": "File transfer end",
"ReadOnly": "Read-Only",
"Writable" : "Writable",
"ActionPerm": "Actions",
"Self": "Self",
"RemoveShareUser": "You have been removed from the shared session.",
"JoinShare": "Join Session",
"LeaveShare": "Leave Session",
"Remove": "Remove",
"RemoveShareUserConfirm": "Are you sure to remove the user from the shared session?",
"Minute": "Minute",
"Minutes": "Minutes",
"PauseSession" : "Pause Session",
"ResumeSession" : "Resume Session",
"SyncUserPreferenceSuccess": "Sync user preference success",
"SyncUserPreferenceFailed": "Sync user preference failed",
"Sync": "Sync",
"InputVerifyCode": "Input Verify Code"