2022-10-19 09:05:21 +00:00
# Generated by Django 3.2.14 on 2022-10-19 09:06
from django . db import migrations , models
import django . db . models . deletion
class Migration ( migrations . Migration ) :
dependencies = [
( ' assets ' , ' 0107_auto_20221019_1115 ' ) ,
operations = [
migrations . AlterModelOptions (
name = ' automationexecution ' ,
options = { ' verbose_name ' : ' Automation task execution ' } ,
) ,
migrations . AlterModelOptions (
name = ' baseautomation ' ,
options = { ' verbose_name ' : ' Automation task ' } ,
) ,
migrations . AlterModelOptions (
name = ' changesecretrecord ' ,
options = { ' verbose_name ' : ' Change secret record ' } ,
) ,
migrations . AlterModelOptions (
name = ' verifyaccountautomation ' ,
options = { ' verbose_name ' : ' Verify account automation ' } ,
) ,
migrations . RenameField (
model_name = ' changesecretautomation ' ,
old_name = ' password ' ,
new_name = ' secret ' ,
) ,
migrations . RemoveField (
model_name = ' baseautomation ' ,
name = ' updated_by ' ,
) ,
migrations . RemoveField (
model_name = ' changesecretautomation ' ,
name = ' password_strategy ' ,
) ,
migrations . RemoveField (
model_name = ' changesecretautomation ' ,
name = ' secret_types ' ,
) ,
migrations . RemoveField (
model_name = ' changesecretautomation ' ,
name = ' ssh_key ' ,
) ,
migrations . RemoveField (
model_name = ' changesecretautomation ' ,
name = ' ssh_key_strategy ' ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' changesecretautomation ' ,
name = ' secret_strategy ' ,
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field = models . CharField ( choices = [ ( ' specific ' , ' Specific ' ) , ( ' random_one ' , ' All assets use the same random password ' ) , ( ' random_all ' , ' All assets use different random password ' ) ] , default = ' specific ' , max_length = 16 , verbose_name = ' Secret strategy ' ) ,
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) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' changesecretautomation ' ,
name = ' secret_type ' ,
field = models . CharField ( choices = [ ( ' password ' , ' Password ' ) , ( ' ssh_key ' , ' SSH key ' ) , ( ' access_key ' , ' Access key ' ) , ( ' token ' , ' Token ' ) ] , default = ' password ' , max_length = 16 , verbose_name = ' Secret type ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AlterField (
model_name = ' automationexecution ' ,
name = ' automation ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , related_name = ' executions ' , to = ' assets.baseautomation ' , verbose_name = ' Automation task ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AlterField (
model_name = ' changesecretautomation ' ,
name = ' ssh_key_change_strategy ' ,
field = models . CharField ( choices = [ ( ' add ' , ' Append SSH KEY ' ) , ( ' set ' , ' Empty and append SSH KEY ' ) , ( ' set_jms ' , ' Replace (The key generated by JumpServer) ' ) ] , default = ' add ' , max_length = 16 , verbose_name = ' SSH key change strategy ' ) ,
) ,