mirror of https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
1249 lines
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1249 lines
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// ==ClosureCompiler==
// @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS
* @license Highcharts JS v4.0.1 (2014-04-24)
* (c) 2009-2013 Torstein Hønsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
// JSLint options:
/*global Highcharts, HighchartsAdapter, document, window, navigator, setInterval, clearInterval, clearTimeout, setTimeout, location, jQuery, $, console */
(function (Highcharts) {
Shorthands for often used function
* Mathematical Functionility
var PI = Math.PI,
deg2rad = (PI / 180), // degrees to radians
sin = Math.sin,
cos = Math.cos,
round = Math.round;
function perspective(points, angle2, angle1, origin) {
angle1 *= deg2rad;
angle2 *= deg2rad;
var result = [],
angle1 *= -1;
xe = origin.x;
ye = origin.y;
ze = (origin.z === 0 ? 0.0001 : origin.z) * (origin.vd || 25);
// some kind of minimum?
var s1 = sin(angle1),
c1 = cos(angle1),
s2 = sin(angle2),
c2 = cos(angle2);
var x, y, z, p;
Highcharts.each(points, function (point) {
x = point.x - xe;
y = point.y - ye;
z = point.z || 0;
p = {
x: c1 * x - s1 * z,
y: -s1 * s2 * x - c1 * s2 * z + c2 * y,
z: s1 * c2 * x + c1 * c2 * z + s2 * y
p.x = p.x * ((ze - p.z) / ze) + xe;
p.y = p.y * ((ze - p.z) / ze) + ye;
result.push({x: round(p.x), y: round(p.y), z: round(p.z)});
return result;
////// HELPER METHODS //////
var dFactor = (4 * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3) / (PI / 2);
function curveTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, start, end, dx, dy) {
var result = [];
if ((end > start) && (end - start > PI / 2 + 0.0001)) {
result = result.concat(curveTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, start, start + (PI / 2), dx, dy));
result = result.concat(curveTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, start + (PI / 2), end, dx, dy));
return result;
} else if ((end < start) && (start - end > PI / 2 + 0.0001)) {
result = result.concat(curveTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, start, start - (PI / 2), dx, dy));
result = result.concat(curveTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, start - (PI / 2), end, dx, dy));
return result;
} else {
var arcAngle = end - start;
return [
cx + (rx * cos(start)) - ((rx * dFactor * arcAngle) * sin(start)) + dx,
cy + (ry * sin(start)) + ((ry * dFactor * arcAngle) * cos(start)) + dy,
cx + (rx * cos(end)) + ((rx * dFactor * arcAngle) * sin(end)) + dx,
cy + (ry * sin(end)) - ((ry * dFactor * arcAngle) * cos(end)) + dy,
cx + (rx * cos(end)) + dx,
cy + (ry * sin(end)) + dy
Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.toLinePath = function (points, closed) {
var result = [];
// Put "L x y" for each point
Highcharts.each(points, function (point) {
result.push('L', point.x, point.y);
// Set the first element to M
result[0] = 'M';
// If it is a closed line, add Z
if (closed) {
return result;
////// CUBOIDS //////
Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.cuboid = function (shapeArgs) {
var result = this.g(),
paths = this.cuboidPath(shapeArgs);
result.front = this.path(paths[0]).attr({zIndex: paths[3], 'stroke-linejoin': 'round'}).add(result);
result.top = this.path(paths[1]).attr({zIndex: paths[4], 'stroke-linejoin': 'round'}).add(result);
result.side = this.path(paths[2]).attr({zIndex: paths[5], 'stroke-linejoin': 'round'}).add(result);
result.fillSetter = function (color) {
var c0 = color,
c1 = Highcharts.Color(color).brighten(0.1).get(),
c2 = Highcharts.Color(color).brighten(-0.1).get();
this.front.attr({fill: c0});
this.top.attr({fill: c1});
this.side.attr({fill: c2});
this.color = color;
return this;
result.opacitySetter = function (opacity) {
this.front.attr({opacity: opacity});
this.top.attr({opacity: opacity});
this.side.attr({opacity: opacity});
return this;
result.attr = function (args) {
if (args.shapeArgs || args.x) {
var shapeArgs = args.shapeArgs || args;
var paths = this.renderer.cuboidPath(shapeArgs);
this.front.attr({d: paths[0], zIndex: paths[3]});
this.top.attr({d: paths[1], zIndex: paths[4]});
this.side.attr({d: paths[2], zIndex: paths[5]});
} else {
Highcharts.SVGElement.prototype.attr.call(this, args);
return this;
result.animate = function (args, duration, complete) {
if (args.x && args.y) {
var paths = this.renderer.cuboidPath(args);
this.front.attr({zIndex: paths[3]}).animate({d: paths[0]}, duration, complete);
this.top.attr({zIndex: paths[4]}).animate({d: paths[1]}, duration, complete);
this.side.attr({zIndex: paths[5]}).animate({d: paths[2]}, duration, complete);
} else if (args.opacity) {
this.front.animate(args, duration, complete);
this.top.animate(args, duration, complete);
this.side.animate(args, duration, complete);
} else {
Highcharts.SVGElement.prototype.animate.call(this, args, duration, complete);
return this;
result.destroy = function () {
return null;
// Apply the Z index to the cuboid group
result.attr({ zIndex: -paths[3] });
return result;
Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.cuboidPath = function (shapeArgs) {
var x = shapeArgs.x,
y = shapeArgs.y,
z = shapeArgs.z,
h = shapeArgs.height,
w = shapeArgs.width,
d = shapeArgs.depth,
alpha = shapeArgs.alpha,
beta = shapeArgs.beta,
origin = shapeArgs.origin;
var pArr = [
{x: x, y: y, z: z},
{x: x + w, y: y, z: z},
{x: x + w, y: y + h, z: z},
{x: x, y: y + h, z: z},
{x: x, y: y + h, z: z + d},
{x: x + w, y: y + h, z: z + d},
{x: x + w, y: y, z: z + d},
{x: x, y: y, z: z + d}
pArr = perspective(pArr, alpha, beta, origin);
var path1, // FRONT
path2, // TOP OR BOTTOM
path3; // LEFT OR RIGHT
// front
path1 = [
'M', pArr[0].x, pArr[0].y,
'L', pArr[1].x, pArr[1].y,
'L', pArr[2].x, pArr[2].y,
'L', pArr[3].x, pArr[3].y,
var z1 = (pArr[0].z + pArr[1].z + pArr[2].z + pArr[3].z) / 4;
// top or bottom
var top = [
'M', pArr[0].x, pArr[0].y,
'L', pArr[7].x, pArr[7].y,
'L', pArr[6].x, pArr[6].y,
'L', pArr[1].x, pArr[1].y,
var bottom = [
'M', pArr[3].x, pArr[3].y,
'L', pArr[2].x, pArr[2].y,
'L', pArr[5].x, pArr[5].y,
'L', pArr[4].x, pArr[4].y,
if (pArr[7].y < pArr[1].y) {
path2 = top;
} else if (pArr[4].y > pArr[2].y) {
path2 = bottom;
} else {
path2 = [];
var z2 = (beta > 0 ? (pArr[0].z + pArr[7].z + pArr[6].z + pArr[1].z) / 4 : (pArr[3].z + pArr[2].z + pArr[5].z + pArr[4].z) / 4);
// side
var right = [
'M', pArr[1].x, pArr[1].y,
'L', pArr[2].x, pArr[2].y,
'L', pArr[5].x, pArr[5].y,
'L', pArr[6].x, pArr[6].y,
var left = [
'M', pArr[0].x, pArr[0].y,
'L', pArr[7].x, pArr[7].y,
'L', pArr[4].x, pArr[4].y,
'L', pArr[3].x, pArr[3].y,
if (pArr[6].x > pArr[1].x) {
path3 = right;
} else if (pArr[7].x < pArr[0].x) {
path3 = left;
} else {
path3 = [];
var z3 = (alpha > 0 ? (pArr[1].z + pArr[2].z + pArr[5].z + pArr[6].z) / 4 : (pArr[0].z + pArr[7].z + pArr[4].z + pArr[3].z) / 4);
return [path1, path2, path3, z1, z2, z3];
////// SECTORS //////
Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.arc3d = function (shapeArgs) {
shapeArgs.alpha *= deg2rad;
shapeArgs.beta *= deg2rad;
var result = this.g(),
paths = this.arc3dPath(shapeArgs),
renderer = result.renderer;
var zIndex = paths.zAll * 100;
result.shapeArgs = shapeArgs; // Store for later use
result.side1 = renderer.path(paths.side2).attr({zIndex: paths.zSide2}).add(result);
result.side2 = renderer.path(paths.side1).attr({zIndex: paths.zSide1}).add(result);
result.inn = renderer.path(paths.inn).attr({zIndex: paths.zInn}).add(result);
result.out = renderer.path(paths.out).attr({zIndex: paths.zOut}).add(result);
result.top = renderer.path(paths.top).attr({zIndex: paths.zTop}).add(result);
result.fillSetter = function (color) {
this.color = color;
var c0 = color,
c2 = Highcharts.Color(color).brighten(-0.1).get();
this.side1.attr({fill: c2});
this.side2.attr({fill: c2});
this.inn.attr({fill: c2});
this.out.attr({fill: c2});
this.top.attr({fill: c0});
return this;
result.animate = function (args, duration, complete) {
Highcharts.SVGElement.prototype.animate.call(this, args, duration, complete);
if (args.x && args.y) {
// Recreate
var result = this,
renderer = this.renderer,
shapeArgs = Highcharts.splat(args)[0];
shapeArgs.alpha *= deg2rad;
shapeArgs.beta *= deg2rad;
var paths = renderer.arc3dPath(shapeArgs);
result.shapeArgs = shapeArgs; // Store for later use
result.inn.attr({d: paths.inn, zIndex: paths.zInn});
result.out.attr({d: paths.out, zIndex: paths.zOut});
result.side1.attr({d: paths.side1, zIndex: paths.zSide2});
result.side2.attr({d: paths.side2, zIndex: paths.zSide1});
result.top.attr({d: paths.top, zIndex: paths.zTop});
result.attr({fill: result.color});
result.attr({zIndex: paths.zAll * 100});
return this;
result.zIndex = zIndex;
result.attr({zIndex: zIndex});
return result;
Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.arc3dPath = function (shapeArgs) {
var cx = shapeArgs.x,
cy = shapeArgs.y,
start = shapeArgs.start,
end = shapeArgs.end - 0.00001,
r = shapeArgs.r,
ir = shapeArgs.innerR,
d = shapeArgs.depth,
alpha = shapeArgs.alpha,
beta = shapeArgs.beta;
// Some Variables
var cs = cos(start),
ss = sin(start),
ce = cos(end),
se = sin(end),
rx = r * cos(beta),
ry = r * cos(alpha),
irx = ir * cos(beta),
iry = ir * cos(alpha),
dx = d * sin(beta),
dy = d * sin(alpha);
// TOP
var top = ['M', cx + (rx * cs), cy + (ry * ss)];
top = top.concat(curveTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, start, end, 0, 0));
top = top.concat([
'L', cx + (irx * ce), cy + (iry * se)
top = top.concat(curveTo(cx, cy, irx, iry, end, start, 0, 0));
top = top.concat(['Z']);
var midAngle = ((shapeArgs.start + shapeArgs.end) / 2);
var zIndex = ((sin(beta) * cos(midAngle)) + (sin(-alpha) * sin(-midAngle)));
var b = (beta > 0 ? PI / 2 : 0),
a = (alpha > 0 ? 0 : PI / 2);
var start2 = start > -b ? start : (end > -b ? -b : start),
end2 = end < PI - a ? end : (start < PI - a ? PI - a : end);
var out = ['M', cx + (rx * cos(start2)), cy + (ry * sin(start2))];
out = out.concat(curveTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, start2, end2, 0, 0));
out = out.concat([
'L', cx + (rx * cos(end2)) + dx, cy + (ry * sin(end2)) + dy
out = out.concat(curveTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, end2, start2, dx, dy));
out = out.concat(['Z']);
var inn = ['M', cx + (irx * cs), cy + (iry * ss)];
inn = inn.concat(curveTo(cx, cy, irx, iry, start, end, 0, 0));
inn = inn.concat([
'L', cx + (irx * cos(end)) + dx, cy + (iry * sin(end)) + dy
inn = inn.concat(curveTo(cx, cy, irx, iry, end, start, dx, dy));
inn = inn.concat(['Z']);
var side1 = [
'M', cx + (rx * cs), cy + (ry * ss),
'L', cx + (rx * cs) + dx, cy + (ry * ss) + dy,
'L', cx + (irx * cs) + dx, cy + (iry * ss) + dy,
'L', cx + (irx * cs), cy + (iry * ss),
var side2 = [
'M', cx + (rx * ce), cy + (ry * se),
'L', cx + (rx * ce) + dx, cy + (ry * se) + dy,
'L', cx + (irx * ce) + dx, cy + (iry * se) + dy,
'L', cx + (irx * ce), cy + (iry * se),
var mr = ir + ((r - ir) / 2);
var zTop = Math.abs(zIndex * 2 * mr),
zOut = zIndex * r,
zInn = zIndex * ir,
zSide1 = ((sin(beta) * cos(start)) + (sin(-alpha) * sin(-start))) * mr,
zSide2 = ((sin(beta) * cos(end)) + (sin(-alpha) * sin(-end))) * mr;
return {
top: top,
zTop: zTop * 100,
out: out,
zOut: zOut * 100,
inn: inn,
zInn: zInn * 100,
side1: side1,
zSide1: zSide1 * 100,
side2: side2,
zSide2: zSide2 * 100,
zAll: zIndex
// Shorthand to check the is3d flag
Highcharts.Chart.prototype.is3d = function () {
return this.options.chart.options3d && this.options.chart.options3d.enabled;
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Chart.prototype, 'isInsidePlot', function (proceed) {
if (this.is3d()) {
return true;
} else {
return proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Chart.prototype, 'init', function (proceed) {
var args = arguments;
args[1] = Highcharts.merge({
chart: {
options3d: {
enabled: false,
alpha: 0,
beta: 0,
depth: 100,
viewDistance: 25,
frame: {
bottom: { size: 1, color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' },
side: { size: 1, color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' },
back: { size: 1, color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' }
}, args[1]);
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(args, 1));
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Chart.prototype, 'setChartSize', function (proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
if (this.is3d()) {
var inverted = this.inverted,
clipBox = this.clipBox,
margin = this.margin,
x = inverted ? 'y' : 'x',
y = inverted ? 'x' : 'y',
w = inverted ? 'height' : 'width',
h = inverted ? 'width' : 'height';
clipBox[x] = -(margin[3] || 0);
clipBox[y] = -(margin[0] || 0);
clipBox[w] = this.chartWidth + (margin[3] || 0) + (margin[1] || 0);
clipBox[h] = this.chartHeight + (margin[0] || 0) + (margin[2] || 0);
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Chart.prototype, 'redraw', function (proceed) {
if (this.is3d()) {
// Set to force a redraw of all elements
this.isDirtyBox = true;
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
Highcharts.Chart.prototype.retrieveStacks = function () {
var stacks = {},
type = this.options.chart.type,
typeOptions = this.options.plotOptions[type],
stacking = typeOptions.stacking,
grouping = typeOptions.grouping,
i = 1;
if (grouping || !stacking) { return this.series; }
Highcharts.each(this.series, function (S) {
if (!stacks[S.options.stack || 0]) {
stacks[S.options.stack || 0] = { series: [S], position: i};
} else {
stacks[S.options.stack || 0].series.push(S);
stacks.totalStacks = i + 1;
return stacks;
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Axis.prototype, 'init', function (proceed) {
var args = arguments;
if (args[1].is3d()) {
args[2].tickWidth = Highcharts.pick(args[2].tickWidth, 0);
args[2].gridLineWidth = Highcharts.pick(args[2].gridLineWidth, 1);
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Axis.prototype, 'render', function (proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
// Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
if (!this.chart.is3d()) {
var chart = this.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
options3d = chart.options.chart.options3d,
alpha = options3d.alpha,
beta = options3d.beta * (chart.yAxis[0].opposite ? -1 : 1),
frame = options3d.frame,
fbottom = frame.bottom,
fback = frame.back,
fside = frame.side,
depth = options3d.depth,
height = this.height,
width = this.width,
left = this.left,
top = this.top;
var origin = {
x: chart.plotLeft + (chart.plotWidth / 2),
y: chart.plotTop + (chart.plotHeight / 2),
z: depth,
vd: options3d.viewDistance
if (this.horiz) {
if (this.axisLine) {
var bottomShape = {
x: left,
y: top + (chart.yAxis[0].reversed ? -fbottom.size : height),
z: 0,
width: width,
height: fbottom.size,
depth: depth,
alpha: alpha,
beta: beta,
origin: origin
if (!this.bottomFrame) {
this.bottomFrame = renderer.cuboid(bottomShape).attr({fill: fbottom.color, zIndex: (chart.yAxis[0].reversed && alpha > 0 ? 4 : -1)}).css({stroke: fbottom.color}).add();
} else {
} else {
var backShape = {
x: left,
y: top,
z: depth + 1,
width: width,
height: height + fbottom.size,
depth: fback.size,
alpha: alpha,
beta: beta,
origin: origin
if (!this.backFrame) {
this.backFrame = renderer.cuboid(backShape).attr({fill: fback.color, zIndex: -3}).css({stroke: fback.color}).add();
} else {
if (this.axisLine) {
var sideShape = {
x: (chart.yAxis[0].opposite ? width : 0) + left - fside.size,
y: top,
z: 0,
width: fside.size,
height: height + fbottom.size,
depth: depth + fback.size,
alpha: alpha,
beta: beta,
origin: origin
if (!this.sideFrame) {
this.sideFrame = renderer.cuboid(sideShape).attr({fill: fside.color, zIndex: -2}).css({stroke: fside.color}).add();
} else {
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Axis.prototype, 'getPlotLinePath', function (proceed) {
var path = proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
// Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
if (!this.chart.is3d()) {
return path;
if (path === null) { return path; }
var chart = this.chart,
options3d = chart.options.chart.options3d;
var d = options3d.depth;
options3d.origin = {
x: chart.plotLeft + (chart.plotWidth / 2),
y: chart.plotTop + (chart.plotHeight / 2),
z: d,
vd: options3d.viewDistance
var pArr = [
{ x: path[1], y: path[2], z : (this.horiz || this.opposite ? d : 0)},
{ x: path[1], y: path[2], z : d },
{ x: path[4], y: path[5], z : d },
{ x: path[4], y: path[5], z : (this.horiz || this.opposite ? 0 : d)}
var alpha = chart.options.inverted ? options3d.beta : options3d.alpha,
beta = chart.options.inverted ? options3d.alpha : options3d.beta;
beta *= (chart.yAxis[0].opposite ? -1 : 1);
pArr = perspective(pArr, alpha, beta, options3d.origin);
path = this.chart.renderer.toLinePath(pArr, false);
return path;
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Tick.prototype, 'getMarkPath', function (proceed) {
var path = proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
// Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
if (!this.axis.chart.is3d()) {
return path;
var chart = this.axis.chart,
options3d = chart.options.chart.options3d;
var origin = {
x: chart.plotLeft + (chart.plotWidth / 2),
y: chart.plotTop + (chart.plotHeight / 2),
z: options3d.depth,
vd: options3d.viewDistance
var pArr = [
{x: path[1], y: path[2], z: 0},
{x: path[4], y: path[5], z: 0}
var alpha = chart.inverted ? options3d.beta : options3d.alpha,
beta = chart.inverted ? options3d.alpha : options3d.beta;
beta *= (chart.yAxis[0].opposite ? -1 : 1);
pArr = perspective(pArr, alpha, beta, origin);
path = [
'M', pArr[0].x, pArr[0].y,
'L', pArr[1].x, pArr[1].y
return path;
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Tick.prototype, 'getLabelPosition', function (proceed) {
var pos = proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
// Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
if (!this.axis.chart.is3d()) {
return pos;
var chart = this.axis.chart,
options3d = chart.options.chart.options3d;
var origin = {
x: chart.plotLeft + (chart.plotWidth / 2),
y: chart.plotTop + (chart.plotHeight / 2),
z: options3d.depth,
vd: options3d.viewDistance
var alpha = chart.inverted ? options3d.beta : options3d.alpha,
beta = chart.inverted ? options3d.alpha : options3d.beta;
beta *= (chart.yAxis[0].opposite ? -1 : 1);
pos = perspective([{x: pos.x, y: pos.y, z: 0}], alpha, beta, origin)[0];
return pos;
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Axis.prototype, 'drawCrosshair', function (proceed) {
var args = arguments;
if (this.chart.is3d()) {
if (args[2]) {
args[2] = {
plotX: args[2].plotXold || args[2].plotX,
plotY: args[2].plotYold || args[2].plotY
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(args, 1));
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype, 'translate', function (proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
// Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
if (!this.chart.is3d()) {
var type = this.chart.options.chart.type,
series = this,
chart = series.chart,
options = chart.options,
typeOptions = options.plotOptions[type],
options3d = options.chart.options3d,
depth = typeOptions.depth || 25,
origin = {
x: chart.plotWidth / 2,
y: chart.plotHeight / 2,
z: options3d.depth,
vd: options3d.viewDistance
alpha = options3d.alpha,
beta = options3d.beta * (chart.yAxis[0].opposite ? -1 : 1);
var stack = typeOptions.stacking ? (this.options.stack || 0) : series._i;
var z = stack * (depth + (typeOptions.groupZPadding || 1));
if (typeOptions.grouping !== false) { z = 0; }
z += (typeOptions.groupZPadding || 1);
Highcharts.each(series.data, function (point) {
var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs,
tooltipPos = point.tooltipPos;
point.shapeType = 'cuboid';
shapeArgs.alpha = alpha;
shapeArgs.beta = beta;
shapeArgs.z = z;
shapeArgs.origin = origin;
shapeArgs.depth = depth;
// Translate the tooltip position in 3d space
tooltipPos = perspective([{ x: tooltipPos[0], y: tooltipPos[1], z: z }], alpha, beta, origin)[0];
point.tooltipPos = [tooltipPos.x, tooltipPos.y];
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype, 'animate', function (proceed) {
if (!this.chart.is3d()) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else {
var args = arguments,
init = args[1],
yAxis = this.yAxis,
series = this,
reversed = this.yAxis.reversed;
if (Highcharts.svg) { // VML is too slow anyway
if (init) {
Highcharts.each(series.data, function (point) {
point.height = point.shapeArgs.height;
point.shapeArgs.height = 1;
if (!reversed) {
if (point.stackY) {
point.shapeArgs.y = point.plotY + yAxis.translate(point.stackY);
} else {
point.shapeArgs.y = point.plotY + (point.negative ? -point.height : point.height);
} else { // run the animation
Highcharts.each(series.data, function (point) {
point.shapeArgs.height = point.height;
if (!reversed) {
point.shapeArgs.y = point.plotY - (point.negative ? point.height : 0);
// null value do not have a graphic
if (point.graphic) {
point.graphic.animate(point.shapeArgs, series.options.animation);
// delete this function to allow it only once
series.animate = null;
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype, 'init', function (proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
if (this.chart.is3d()) {
var grouping = this.chart.options.plotOptions.column.grouping,
stacking = this.chart.options.plotOptions.column.stacking,
z = this.options.zIndex;
if (!z) {
if (!(grouping !== undefined && !grouping) && stacking) {
var stacks = this.chart.retrieveStacks(),
stack = this.options.stack || 0,
i; // position within the stack
for (i = 0; i < stacks[stack].series.length; i++) {
if (stacks[stack].series[i] === this) {
z = (stacks.totalStacks * 10) - (10 * (stacks.totalStacks - stacks[stack].position)) - i;
this.options.zIndex = z;
function draw3DPoints(proceed) {
// Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
if (this.chart.is3d()) {
var grouping = this.chart.options.plotOptions.column.grouping;
if (grouping !== undefined && !grouping && this.group.zIndex !== undefined) {
this.group.attr({zIndex : (this.group.zIndex * 10)});
if (this.userOptions.borderColor === undefined) {
this.options.borderColor = this.color;
// Set the border color to the fill color to provide a smooth edge
Highcharts.each(this.data, function (point) {
var c = point.options.borderColor || point.color || point.series.userOptions.borderColor;
point.options.borderColor = c;
point.borderColor = c;
point.pointAttr[''].stroke = c;
// same bordercolor on hover and select
point.pointAttr.hover.stroke = c;
point.pointAttr.select.stroke = c;
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
if (Highcharts.seriesTypes.columnrange) {
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.columnrange.prototype, 'drawPoints', draw3DPoints);
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype, 'drawPoints', draw3DPoints);
Not supported
var defaultOptions = Highcharts.getOptions();
defaultOptions.plotOptions.cylinder = Highcharts.merge(defaultOptions.plotOptions.column);
var CylinderSeries = Highcharts.extendClass(Highcharts.seriesTypes.column, {
type: 'cylinder'
Highcharts.seriesTypes.cylinder = CylinderSeries;
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.cylinder.prototype, 'translate', function (proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
// Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
if (!this.chart.is3d()) {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
options = chart.options,
cylOptions = options.plotOptions.cylinder,
options3d = options.chart.options3d,
depth = cylOptions.depth || 0,
origin = {
x: chart.inverted ? chart.plotHeight / 2 : chart.plotWidth / 2,
y: chart.inverted ? chart.plotWidth / 2 : chart.plotHeight / 2,
z: options3d.depth,
vd: options3d.viewDistance
alpha = options3d.alpha;
var z = cylOptions.stacking ? (this.options.stack || 0) * depth : series._i * depth;
z += depth / 2;
if (cylOptions.grouping !== false) { z = 0; }
Highcharts.each(series.data, function (point) {
var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;
point.shapeType = 'arc3d';
shapeArgs.x += depth / 2;
shapeArgs.z = z;
shapeArgs.start = 0;
shapeArgs.end = 2 * PI;
shapeArgs.r = depth * 0.95;
shapeArgs.innerR = 0;
shapeArgs.depth = shapeArgs.height * (1 / sin((90 - alpha) * deg2rad)) - z;
shapeArgs.alpha = 90 - alpha;
shapeArgs.beta = 0;
shapeArgs.origin = origin;
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.pie.prototype, 'translate', function (proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
// Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
if (!this.chart.is3d()) {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
options = chart.options,
pieOptions = options.plotOptions.pie,
depth = pieOptions.depth || 0,
options3d = options.chart.options3d,
origin = {
x: chart.plotWidth / 2,
y: chart.plotHeight / 2,
z: options3d.depth
alpha = options3d.alpha,
beta = options3d.beta;
var z = pieOptions.stacking ? (this.options.stack || 0) * depth : series._i * depth;
z += depth / 2;
if (pieOptions.grouping !== false) { z = 0; }
Highcharts.each(series.data, function (point) {
point.shapeType = 'arc3d';
var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;
shapeArgs.z = z;
shapeArgs.depth = depth * 0.75;
shapeArgs.origin = origin;
shapeArgs.alpha = alpha;
shapeArgs.beta = beta;
var angle = (shapeArgs.end + shapeArgs.start) / 2;
point.slicedTranslation = {
translateX : round(cos(angle) * series.options.slicedOffset * cos(alpha * deg2rad)),
translateY : round(sin(angle) * series.options.slicedOffset * cos(alpha * deg2rad))
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.pie.prototype.pointClass.prototype, 'haloPath', function (proceed) {
return this.series.chart.is3d() ? [] : proceed.call(this);
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.pie.prototype, 'drawPoints', function (proceed) {
// Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
if (this.chart.is3d()) {
// Set the border color to the fill color to provide a smooth edge
Highcharts.each(this.data, function (point) {
var c = point.options.borderColor || point.color || point.series.userOptions.borderColor || point.series.color;
point.options.borderColor = c;
point.borderColor = c;
point.pointAttr[''].stroke = c;
// same bordercolor on hover and select
point.pointAttr.hover.stroke = c;
point.pointAttr.select.stroke = c;
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.pie.prototype, 'drawDataLabels', function (proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
// Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
if (!this.chart.is3d()) {
var series = this;
Highcharts.each(series.data, function (point) {
var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;
var r = shapeArgs.r,
d = shapeArgs.depth,
a1 = shapeArgs.alpha * deg2rad,
b1 = shapeArgs.beta * deg2rad,
a2 = (shapeArgs.start + shapeArgs.end) / 2;
if (point.connector) {
(-r * (1 - cos(b1)) * cos(a2)) + (cos(a2) > 0 ? sin(b1) * d : 0),
(-r * (1 - cos(a1)) * sin(a2)) + (sin(a2) > 0 ? sin(a1) * d : 0)
if (point.dataLabel) {
x: point.dataLabel.connX + (-r * (1 - cos(b1)) * cos(a2)) + (cos(a2) > 0 ? cos(b1) * d : 0) - (point.dataLabel.width / 2),
y: point.dataLabel.connY + (-r * (1 - cos(a1)) * sin(a2)) + (sin(a2) > 0 ? sin(a1) * d : 0) - (point.dataLabel.height / 2)
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.pie.prototype, 'addPoint', function (proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
if (this.chart.is3d()) {
// destroy (and rebuild) everything!!!
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.pie.prototype, 'animate', function (proceed) {
if (!this.chart.is3d()) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else {
var args = arguments,
init = args[1],
animation = this.options.animation,
center = this.center,
group = this.group,
markerGroup = this.markerGroup;
if (Highcharts.svg) { // VML is too slow anyway
if (animation === true) {
animation = {};
// Initialize the animation
if (init) {
// Scale down the group and place it in the center
this.oldtranslateX = group.translateX;
this.oldtranslateY = group.translateY;
attribs = {
translateX: center[0],
translateY: center[1],
scaleX: 0.001, // #1499
scaleY: 0.001
if (markerGroup) {
markerGroup.attrSetters = group.attrSetters;
// Run the animation
} else {
attribs = {
translateX: this.oldtranslateX,
translateY: this.oldtranslateY,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
group.animate(attribs, animation);
if (markerGroup) {
markerGroup.animate(attribs, animation);
// Delete this function to allow it only once
this.animate = null;
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.scatter.prototype, 'translate', function (proceed) {
//function translate3d(proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
if (!this.chart.is3d()) {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
options3d = series.chart.options.chart.options3d,
alpha = options3d.alpha,
beta = options3d.beta,
origin = {
x: chart.inverted ? chart.plotHeight / 2 : chart.plotWidth / 2,
y: chart.inverted ? chart.plotWidth / 2 : chart.plotHeight / 2,
z: options3d.depth,
vd: options3d.viewDistance
depth = options3d.depth,
zAxis = chart.options.zAxis || { min : 0, max: depth };
var rangeModifier = depth / (zAxis.max - zAxis.min);
Highcharts.each(series.data, function (point) {
var pCo = {
x: point.plotX,
y: point.plotY,
z: (point.z - zAxis.min) * rangeModifier
pCo = perspective([pCo], alpha, beta, origin)[0];
point.plotXold = point.plotX;
point.plotYold = point.plotY;
point.plotX = pCo.x;
point.plotY = pCo.y;
point.plotZ = pCo.z;
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.seriesTypes.scatter.prototype, 'init', function (proceed) {
var result = proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
if (this.chart.is3d()) {
// Add a third coordinate
this.pointArrayMap = ['x', 'y', 'z'];
// Set a new default tooltip formatter
var default3dScatterTooltip = 'x: <b>{point.x}</b><br/>y: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>z: <b>{point.z}</b><br/>';
if (this.userOptions.tooltip) {
this.tooltipOptions.pointFormat = this.userOptions.tooltip.pointFormat || default3dScatterTooltip;
} else {
this.tooltipOptions.pointFormat = default3dScatterTooltip;
return result;
* Extension to the VML Renderer
if (Highcharts.VMLRenderer) {
Highcharts.setOptions({animate: false});
Highcharts.VMLRenderer.prototype.cuboid = Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.cuboid;
Highcharts.VMLRenderer.prototype.cuboidPath = Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.cuboidPath;
Highcharts.VMLRenderer.prototype.toLinePath = Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.toLinePath;
Highcharts.VMLRenderer.prototype.createElement3D = Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.createElement3D;
Highcharts.VMLRenderer.prototype.arc3d = function (shapeArgs) {
var result = Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.arc3d.call(this, shapeArgs);
result.css({zIndex: result.zIndex});
return result;
Highcharts.VMLRenderer.prototype.arc3dPath = Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.arc3dPath;
// Draw the series in the reverse order
Highcharts.Chart.prototype.renderSeries = function () {
var serie,
i = this.series.length;
while (i--) {
serie = this.series[i];
if (serie.setTooltipPoints) {
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Axis.prototype, 'render', function (proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
// VML doesn't support a negative z-index
if (this.sideFrame) {
this.sideFrame.css({zIndex: 0});
this.sideFrame.front.attr({fill: this.sideFrame.color});
if (this.bottomFrame) {
this.bottomFrame.css({zIndex: 1});
this.bottomFrame.front.attr({fill: this.bottomFrame.color});
if (this.backFrame) {
this.backFrame.css({zIndex: 0});
this.backFrame.front.attr({fill: this.backFrame.color});