2022-02-25 11:23:59 +00:00
OpenID Connect relying party (RP) utilities
This modules defines utilities allowing to manipulate ID tokens and other common helpers.
import datetime as dt
from calendar import timegm
2022-08-04 06:40:33 +00:00
from urllib.parse import urlparse
2022-02-25 11:23:59 +00:00
from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, smart_bytes
from jwkest import JWKESTException
from jwkest.jwk import KEYS
from jwkest.jws import JWS
from django.conf import settings
from common.utils import get_logger
logger = get_logger(__file__)
def validate_and_return_id_token(jws, nonce=None, validate_nonce=True):
""" Validates the id_token according to the OpenID Connect specification. """
log_prompt = "Validate ID Token: {}"
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Get shared key'))
shared_key = settings.AUTH_OPENID_CLIENT_ID \
# Decodes the JSON Web Token and raise an error if the signature is invalid.
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Verify compact jwk'))
id_token = JWS().verify_compact(force_bytes(jws), _get_jwks_keys(shared_key))
except JWKESTException as e:
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Verify compact jwkest exception: {}'.format(str(e))))
# Validates the claims embedded in the id_token.
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Validate claims'))
_validate_claims(id_token, nonce=nonce, validate_nonce=validate_nonce)
return id_token
def _get_jwks_keys(shared_key):
""" Returns JWKS keys used to decrypt id_token values. """
# The OpenID Connect Provider (OP) uses RSA keys to sign/enrypt ID tokens and generate public
# keys allowing to decrypt them. These public keys are exposed through the 'jwks_uri' and should
# be used to decrypt the JWS - JSON Web Signature.
log_prompt = "Get jwks keys: {}"
jwks_keys = KEYS()
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Load from provider jwks endpoint'))
# Adds the shared key (which can correspond to the client_secret) as an oct key so it can be
# used for HMAC signatures.
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Add key'))
jwks_keys.add({'key': smart_bytes(shared_key), 'kty': 'oct'})
return jwks_keys
def _validate_claims(id_token, nonce=None, validate_nonce=True):
""" Validates the claims embedded in the JSON Web Token. """
log_prompt = "Validate claims: {}"
iss_parsed_url = urlparse(id_token['iss'])
provider_parsed_url = urlparse(settings.AUTH_OPENID_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT)
if iss_parsed_url.netloc != provider_parsed_url.netloc:
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Invalid issuer'))
raise SuspiciousOperation('Invalid issuer')
if isinstance(id_token['aud'], str):
id_token['aud'] = [id_token['aud']]
if settings.AUTH_OPENID_CLIENT_ID not in id_token['aud']:
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Invalid audience'))
raise SuspiciousOperation('Invalid audience')
if len(id_token['aud']) > 1 and 'azp' not in id_token:
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Incorrect id_token: azp'))
raise SuspiciousOperation('Incorrect id_token: azp')
if 'azp' in id_token and id_token['azp'] != settings.AUTH_OPENID_CLIENT_ID:
raise SuspiciousOperation('Incorrect id_token: azp')
utc_timestamp = timegm(dt.datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple())
if utc_timestamp > id_token['exp']:
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Signature has expired'))
raise SuspiciousOperation('Signature has expired')
if 'nbf' in id_token and utc_timestamp < id_token['nbf']:
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Incorrect id_token: nbf'))
raise SuspiciousOperation('Incorrect id_token: nbf')
# Verifies that the token was issued in the allowed timeframe.
if utc_timestamp > id_token['iat'] + settings.AUTH_OPENID_ID_TOKEN_MAX_AGE:
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Incorrect id_token: iat'))
raise SuspiciousOperation('Incorrect id_token: iat')
# Validate the nonce to ensure the request was not modified if applicable.
id_token_nonce = id_token.get('nonce', None)
if validate_nonce and settings.AUTH_OPENID_USE_NONCE and id_token_nonce != nonce:
logger.debug(log_prompt.format('Incorrect id_token: nonce'))
raise SuspiciousOperation('Incorrect id_token: nonce')