mirror of https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
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278 lines
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from typing import Callable
from django.db.models import F, Count, Q
from django.apps import apps
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ugettext
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission as DjangoPermission
from django.contrib.auth.models import ContentType as DjangoContentType
from common.tree import TreeNode
from .. import const
Scope = const.Scope
__all__ = ['Permission', 'ContentType']
class ContentType(DjangoContentType):
class Meta:
proxy = True
class PermissionTreeUtil:
get_permissions: Callable
def __init__(self, permissions, scope, check_disabled=False):
self.permissions = self.prefetch_permissions(permissions)
self.all_permissions = self.prefetch_permissions(
self.check_disabled = check_disabled
def prefetch_permissions(perms):
return perms.select_related('content_type') \
.annotate(app=F('content_type__app_label')) \
def _create_apps_tree_nodes(self):
app_counts = self.all_permissions.values('app')\
app_checked_counts = self.permissions.values('app')\
app_checked_counts_mapper = {
i['app']: i['count']
for i in app_checked_counts
all_apps = apps.get_app_configs()
apps_name_mapper = {
app.name: app.verbose_name
for app in all_apps if hasattr(app, 'verbose_name')
nodes = []
for i in app_counts:
app = i['app']
total_counts = i['count']
check_counts = app_checked_counts_mapper.get(app, 0)
name = apps_name_mapper.get(app, app)
full_name = f'{name}({check_counts}/{total_counts})'
node = TreeNode(**{
'id': app,
'name': full_name,
'title': name,
'pId': '$ROOT$',
'isParent': True,
'open': False,
'chkDisabled': self.check_disabled,
'checked': total_counts == check_counts,
'iconSkin': '',
'meta': {
'type': 'app',
return nodes
def _create_models_tree_nodes(self):
content_types = ContentType.objects.all()
model_counts = self.all_permissions \
.values('model', 'app', 'content_type') \
.order_by('content_type') \
model_check_counts = self.permissions \
.values('content_type', 'model') \
.order_by('content_type') \
model_counts_mapper = {
i['content_type']: i['count']
for i in model_counts
model_check_counts_mapper = {
i['content_type']: i['count']
for i in model_check_counts
nodes = []
for ct in content_types:
total_counts = model_counts_mapper.get(ct.id, 0)
if total_counts == 0:
check_counts = model_check_counts_mapper.get(ct.id, 0)
model_id = f'{ct.app_label}_{ct.model}'
name = f'{ct.name}({check_counts}/{total_counts})'
node = TreeNode(**{
'id': model_id,
'name': name,
'title': name,
'pId': ct.app_label,
'chkDisabled': self.check_disabled,
'isParent': True,
'open': False,
'checked': total_counts == check_counts,
'meta': {
'type': 'model',
return nodes
def _get_permission_name(p, content_types_name_mapper):
code_name = p.codename
action_mapper = {
'add': ugettext('Create'),
'view': ugettext('View'),
'change': ugettext('Update'),
'delete': ugettext('Delete')
name = ''
ct = ''
if 'add_' in p.codename:
name = action_mapper['add']
ct = code_name.replace('add_', '')
elif 'view_' in p.codename:
name = action_mapper['view']
ct = code_name.replace('view_', '')
elif 'change_' in p.codename:
name = action_mapper['change']
ct = code_name.replace('change_', '')
elif 'delete' in code_name:
name = action_mapper['delete']
ct = code_name.replace('delete_', '')
if ct in content_types_name_mapper:
name += content_types_name_mapper[ct]
name = p.name
return name
def _create_perms_tree_nodes(self):
permissions_id = self.permissions.values_list('id', flat=True)
nodes = []
content_types = ContentType.objects.all()
content_types_name_mapper = {ct.model: ct.name for ct in content_types}
for p in self.all_permissions:
model_id = f'{p.app}_{p.model}'
name = self._get_permission_name(p, content_types_name_mapper)
node = TreeNode(**{
'id': p.id,
'name': name + '({})'.format(p.app_label_codename),
'title': p.name,
'pId': model_id,
'isParent': False,
'chkDisabled': self.check_disabled,
'iconSkin': 'file',
'checked': p.id in permissions_id,
'open': False,
'meta': {
'type': 'perm',
return nodes
def _create_root_tree_node(self):
total_counts = self.all_permissions.count()
check_counts = self.permissions.count()
node = TreeNode(**{
'id': '$ROOT$',
'name': f'所有权限({check_counts}/{total_counts})',
'title': '所有权限',
'pId': '',
'chkDisabled': self.check_disabled,
'isParent': True,
'checked': total_counts == check_counts,
'open': True,
'meta': {
'type': 'root',
return node
def create_tree_nodes(self):
nodes = [self._create_root_tree_node()]
apps_nodes = self._create_apps_tree_nodes()
models_nodes = self._create_models_tree_nodes()
perms_nodes = self._create_perms_tree_nodes()
nodes += apps_nodes + models_nodes + perms_nodes
return nodes
class Permission(DjangoPermission):
""" 权限类 """
class Meta:
proxy = True
verbose_name = _('Permission')
def to_perms(cls, queryset):
perms = queryset.values_list(
'content_type__app_label', 'codename'
perms = list(set(["%s.%s" % (ct, codename) for ct, codename in perms]))
return sorted(perms)
def app_label_codename(self):
return '%s.%s' % (self.content_type.app_label, self.codename)
def get_define_permissions_q(cls, defines):
:param defines: [(app, model, codename),]
if not defines:
return None
q = Q()
for define in defines:
app_label, model, actions, resource, *args = list(define)
kwargs = {}
if app_label != '*':
kwargs['content_type__app_label'] = app_label
if model != '*':
kwargs['content_type__model'] = model
actions_list = [a.strip() for a in actions.split(',')]
actions_regex = '|'.join(actions_list)
if actions == '*' and resource == '*':
elif actions == '*' and resource != '*':
kwargs['codename__iregex'] = r'[a-z]+_{}'.format(resource)
elif actions != '*' and resource == '*':
kwargs['codename__iregex'] = r'({})_\w+'.format(actions_regex)
kwargs['codename__iregex'] = r'({})_{}'.format(actions_regex, resource)
q |= Q(**kwargs)
return q
def clean_permissions(cls, permissions, scope=Scope.system):
if scope == Scope.org:
excludes = const.org_exclude_permissions
excludes = const.system_exclude_permissions
q = cls.get_define_permissions_q(excludes)
if q:
permissions = permissions.exclude(q)
return permissions
def create_tree_nodes(permissions, scope, check_disabled=False):
util = PermissionTreeUtil(permissions, scope, check_disabled)
return util.create_tree_nodes()
def get_permissions(cls, scope):
permissions = cls.objects.all()
permissions = cls.clean_permissions(permissions, scope=scope)
return permissions