mirror of https://github.com/jeecgboot/jeecg
JEECG 3.7.5 VUE+ElementUI SPA单页面应用版本发布
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Target Server Type : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 50037
Target Server Version : 50037
File Encoding : 65001
File Encoding : 65001
Date: 2018-05-16 17:40:31
Date: 2018-05-17 10:43:38
@ -2740,6 +2740,102 @@ INSERT INTO `test_rules` VALUES ('402881e56266f43101626722d1f50057', '管理员'
INSERT INTO `test_rules` VALUES ('402881e56266f4310162672405b80061', '李四', 'lisi', '2018-03-27 19:07:16', null, null, null, 'A01A02A01', 'A01', '1', 'lisi4', null, '笔记本', null, null);
INSERT INTO `test_rules` VALUES ('402881e56266f4310162672405b80061', '李四', 'lisi', '2018-03-27 19:07:16', null, null, null, 'A01A02A01', 'A01', '1', 'lisi4', null, '笔记本', null, null);
INSERT INTO `test_rules` VALUES ('402881e56266f4310162672b08880077', '张代浩', 'scott', '2018-03-27 19:14:56', null, null, null, 'A01A02A01A01', 'A01', '1', 'scott999', '999', '', '2018-03-08 00:00:00', null);
INSERT INTO `test_rules` VALUES ('402881e56266f4310162672b08880077', '张代浩', 'scott', '2018-03-27 19:14:56', null, null, null, 'A01A02A01A01', 'A01', '1', 'scott999', '999', '', '2018-03-08 00:00:00', null);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for tmp_tables
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tmp_tables`;
CREATE TABLE `tmp_tables` (
`id` int(100) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`wl_table_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
`xt_table_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of tmp_tables
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('1', 't_s_attachment', '系统上传附件表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('2', 't_s_base_user', '系统用户基础表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('3', 't_s_category', '系统分类表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('4', 't_s_data_log', '业务数据日志表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('5', 't_s_data_rule', '数据权限规则表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('6', 't_s_data_source', '系统多数据源表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('7', 't_s_depart', '系统组织机构');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('8', 't_s_function', '系统菜单权限');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('9', 't_s_icon', '系统图标');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('10', 't_s_log', '系统日志表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('11', 't_s_muti_lang', '国际化语法表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('12', 't_s_notice', '系统公告');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('13', 't_s_notice_authority_role', '系统公告角色关系表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('14', 't_s_notice_authority_user', '系统公告人员关系表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('15', 't_s_notice_read_user', '系统功能已读日志表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('16', 't_s_operation', '系统操作权限');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('17', 't_s_role', '系统角色表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('18', 't_s_role_function', '系统角色菜单关系表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('19', 't_s_role_org', '系统角色组织机构关系表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('20', 't_s_role_user', '系统角色用户关系表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('21', 't_s_sms', '消息中心');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('22', 't_s_sms_sql', '消息中心SQL');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('23', 't_s_sms_template', '消息中心模板');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('24', 't_s_sms_template_sql', '消息中心模板SQL');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('25', 't_s_timetask', '定时任务表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('26', 't_s_type', '字段表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('27', 't_s_typegroup', '字典类别');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('28', 't_s_user', '用户表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('29', 't_s_user_org', '用户组织机构关系表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('38', 'cgform_button', 'Online表单自定义按钮');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('39', 'cgform_button_sql', 'Online表单SQL增强');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('40', 'cgform_enhance_java', 'Online表单Java增强');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('41', 'cgform_enhance_js', 'Online表单JS增强');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('42', 'cgform_field', 'Online表单字段');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('43', 'cgform_ftl', 'Online表单样式');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('44', 'cgform_head', 'Online表单主表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('45', 'cgform_index', 'Online表单索引');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('46', 'cgform_template', 'Online表单模板');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('47', 'cgform_uploadfiles', 'Online表单上传文件');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('48', 'jform_cgdynamgraph_head', '移动报表配置主表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('49', 'jform_cgdynamgraph_item', '移动报表配置明细');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('50', 'jform_cgdynamgraph_param', '移动报表配置参数');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('51', 'jform_cgreport_head', '动态报表主表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('52', 'jform_cgreport_item', '动态报表字段');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('53', 'jform_cgreport_param', '动态报表参数');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('54', 'jform_graphreport_head', '移动图表配置主表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('55', 'jform_graphreport_item', '移动图表配置字段');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('56', 't_s_region', '地域表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('57', 'test_person', '测试用户表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('58', 'jform_contact', '合同表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('59', 'jform_contact_group', '通迅录分组');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('60', 'jform_employee_cost_claim', '员工费用报销申请信息表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('61', 'jform_employee_entry', '员工入职单');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('62', 'jform_employee_leave', '员工请假单');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('63', 'jform_employee_meals_cost', '员工餐费明细表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('64', 'jform_employee_other_cost', '员工其他费用明细表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('65', 'jform_employee_resignation', '员工离职单');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('66', 'jform_leave', '请假单');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('67', 'jform_order_customer', '订单客户');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('68', 'jform_order_main', '订单主表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('69', 'jform_order_ticket', '订单机票');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('70', 'jform_price1', '价格表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('71', 'jform_resume_degree_info', '教育经历');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('72', 'jform_resume_exp_info', '工作信息表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('73', 'jform_resume_info', '简历信息表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('74', 'jform_tree', '树DEMO');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('75', 'jeecg_custom_info', '客户信息');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('76', 'jeecg_custom_record', '客户记录');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('77', 'jeecg_demo', '演示DEMO');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('78', 'jeecg_order_custom', '订单客户表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('79', 'jeecg_order_main', '订单主表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('80', 'jeecg_order_product', '订单产品表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('81', 'jp_demo_activity', '插件活动表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('82', 'jp_demo_auth', '插件树DEMO');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('83', 'jp_demo_order_custom', '插件订单客户表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('84', 'jp_demo_order_main', '插件订单主表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('85', 'jp_demo_order_product', '插件订单产品表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('86', 'jp_inner_mail', '插件邮箱主表');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('87', 'jp_inner_mail_attach', '插件邮箱附件');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('88', 'jp_inner_mail_receiver', '插件邮件接收');
INSERT INTO `tmp_tables` VALUES ('89', 'jp_chat_message_his', '在线聊天消息记录表');
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for t_s_attachment
-- Table structure for t_s_attachment
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
@ -14309,6 +14405,10 @@ INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('402860816367f6c2016367f814990000', 'Chrome', '用
INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('402860816367fade016367fb7a3d0000', 'Chrome', '用户: admin[JEECG开源社区]common.login.success', '1', '本地', '2018-05-16 16:05:24', '1', '8a8ab0b246dc81120146dc8181950052', 'admin', '管理员');
INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('402860816367fade016367fb7a3d0000', 'Chrome', '用户: admin[JEECG开源社区]common.login.success', '1', '本地', '2018-05-16 16:05:24', '1', '8a8ab0b246dc81120146dc8181950052', 'admin', '管理员');
INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('402860816367fade016367fd372c0001', 'Chrome', '用户: admin[JEECG开源社区]common.login.success', '1', '本地', '2018-05-16 16:07:18', '1', '8a8ab0b246dc81120146dc8181950052', 'admin', '管理员');
INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('402860816367fade016367fd372c0001', 'Chrome', '用户: admin[JEECG开源社区]common.login.success', '1', '本地', '2018-05-16 16:07:18', '1', '8a8ab0b246dc81120146dc8181950052', 'admin', '管理员');
INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('40286081636801ad0163680246310000', 'Chrome', '用户: admin[JEECG开源社区]common.login.success', '1', '本地', '2018-05-16 16:12:49', '1', '8a8ab0b246dc81120146dc8181950052', 'admin', '管理员');
INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('40286081636801ad0163680246310000', 'Chrome', '用户: admin[JEECG开源社区]common.login.success', '1', '本地', '2018-05-16 16:12:49', '1', '8a8ab0b246dc81120146dc8181950052', 'admin', '管理员');
INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('40286081636beffb01636bf09b690000', 'Chrome', '用户: admin[JEECG开源社区]common.login.success', '1', '本地', '2018-05-17 10:32:00', '1', '8a8ab0b246dc81120146dc8181950052', 'admin', '管理员');
INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('40286081636beffb01636bf4e32d0001', 'Chrome', '错误异常: MySQLSyntaxErrorException,错误描述:Table \'jeecg_3_7_5.tmp_tables\' doesn\'t exist', '6', '本地', '2018-05-17 10:36:41', '3', '8a8ab0b246dc81120146dc8181950052', 'admin', '管理员');
INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('40286081636beffb01636bfa03cc000e', 'Chrome', '创建成功', '3', '本地', '2018-05-17 10:42:17', '1', '8a8ab0b246dc81120146dc8181950052', 'admin', '管理员');
INSERT INTO `t_s_log` VALUES ('40286081636beffb01636bfa1df5000f', 'Chrome', '删除成功', '4', '本地', '2018-05-17 10:42:23', '1', '8a8ab0b246dc81120146dc8181950052', 'admin', '管理员');
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for t_s_muti_lang
-- Table structure for t_s_muti_lang
Reference in New Issue