@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
CREATE database if NOT EXISTS ` nacos ` default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci ;
use ` nacos ` ;
/ *
Navicat Premium Data Transfer
Source Server : mysql5 .7
Source Server Type : MySQL
Source Server Version : 50738
Source Host : 127.0 .0 .1 : 3306
Source Schema : nacos - os
Target Server Type : MySQL
Target Server Version : 50738
File Encoding : 65001
Date : 06 / 0 8 / 2022 15 : 12 : 35
* /
SET NAMES utf8mb4 ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for config_info
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ` config_info ` ;
CREATE TABLE ` config_info ` (
` id ` bigint ( 20 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT ' id ' ,
` data_id ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' data_id ' ,
` group_id ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
` content ` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' content ' ,
` md5 ` varchar ( 32 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' md5 ' ,
` gmt_create ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' COMMENT ' 创 建 时 间 ' ,
` gmt_modified ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' COMMENT ' 修 改 时 间 ' ,
` src_user ` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL COMMENT ' source user ' ,
` src_ip ` varchar ( 20 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' source ip ' ,
` app_name ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
` tenant_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' 租 户 字 段 ' ,
` c_desc ` varchar ( 256 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
` c_use ` varchar ( 64 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
` effect ` varchar ( 64 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
` type ` varchar ( 64 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
` c_schema ` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL ,
` encrypted_data_key ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' 加 密 key ' ,
UNIQUE INDEX ` uk_configinfo_datagrouptenant ` ( ` data_id ` , ` group_id ` , ` tenant_id ` ) USING BTREE
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of config_info
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 1 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: false\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', 'edb0e79d570edf341755caf3853f11e4', '2021-03-03 13:01:11', '2023-07-17 10:34:57', 'nacos', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'yaml', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 2 , ' jeecg . yaml ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' server : \ n tomcat : \ n max - swallow - size : - 1 \ n error : \ n include - exception : true \ n include - stacktrace : ALWAYS \ n include - message : ALWAYS \ n compression : \ n enabled : true \ n min - response - size : 1024 \ n mime - types : application / javascript , application / json , application / xml , text / html , text / xml , text / plain , text / css , image /*\nmanagement:\n health:\n mail:\n enabled: false\n endpoints:\n web:\n exposure:\n include: \"*\"\n health:\n sensitive: true\n endpoint:\n health:\n show-details: ALWAYS\nspring:\n servlet:\n multipart:\n max-file-size: 10MB\n max-request-size: 10MB\n mail:\n host: smtp.163.com\n username: jeecgos@163.com\n password: ??\n properties:\n mail:\n smtp:\n auth: true\n starttls:\n enable: true\n required: true\n quartz:\n job-store-type: jdbc\n initialize-schema: embedded\n auto-startup: false\n startup-delay: 1s\n overwrite-existing-jobs: true\n properties:\n org:\n quartz:\n scheduler:\n instanceName: MyScheduler\n instanceId: AUTO\n jobStore:\n class: org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore\n driverDelegateClass: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate\n tablePrefix: QRTZ_\n isClustered: true\n misfireThreshold: 12000\n clusterCheckinInterval: 15000\n threadPool:\n class: org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool\n threadCount: 10\n threadPriority: 5\n threadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread: true\n jackson:\n date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\n time-zone: GMT+8\n aop:\n proxy-target-class: true\n activiti:\n check-process-definitions: false\n async-executor-activate: false\n job-executor-activate: false\n jpa:\n open-in-view: false\n freemarker:\n suffix: .ftl\n content-type: text/html\n charset: UTF-8\n cache: false\n prefer-file-system-access: false\n template-loader-path:\n - classpath:/templates\n mvc:\n static-path-pattern: /**\n pathmatch:\n matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher\n resource:\n static-locations: classpath:/static/,classpath:/public/\n autoconfigure:\n exclude: com.alibaba.druid.spring.boot.autoconfigure.DruidDataSourceAutoConfigure\nmybatis-plus:\n mapper-locations: classpath*:org/jeecg/modules/**/ xml / * Mapper . xml \ n global - config : \ n banner : false \ n db - config : \ n id - type : ASSIGN_ID \ n table - underline : true \ n configuration : \ n call - setters - on - nulls : true ' , ' 2117 a96ba08e8fd0f66825e87416af27 ' , ' 2021 - 03 - 03 13 : 01 : 42 ' , ' 2022 - 0 8 - 05 13 : 12 : 21 ' , ' nacos ' , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' yaml ' , ' ' , NULL ) ;
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 3 , ' jeecg - gateway - router . json ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' [ { \ n \ "id\": \"jeecg-system\",\n \"order\": 0,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/sys/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/jmreport/**\",\n \"_genkey_3\": \"/online/**\",\n \"_genkey_4\": \"/generic/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb://jeecg-system\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-demo\",\n \"order\": 1,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/mock/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/test/**\",\n \"_genkey_2\": \"/bigscreen/template1/**\",\n \"_genkey_3\": \"/bigscreen/template2/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb://jeecg-demo\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-system-websocket\",\n \"order\": 2,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/websocket/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/newsWebsocket/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb:ws://jeecg-system\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-demo-websocket\",\n \"order\": 3,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/vxeSocket/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb:ws://jeecg-demo\" \ n } ] ' , ' be6548051d99309d7fa5ac4398404201 ' , ' 2021 - 03 - 03 13 : 02 : 14 ' , ' 2022 - 02 - 23 11 : 49 : 01 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' json ' , ' ' , NULL ) ;
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 11 , ' jeecg - sharding . yaml ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' spring : \ n shardingsphere : \ n datasource : \ n names : ds0 \ n ds0 : \ n driverClassName : com . mysql . cj . jdbc . Driver \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n props:\n sql-show: true\n rules:\n sharding:\n binding-tables: sys_log\n key-generators:\n snowflake:\n type: SNOWFLAKE\n props:\n worker-id: 123\n sharding-algorithms:\n table-classbased:\n props:\n strategy: standard\n algorithmClassName: org.jeecg.modules.test.sharding.algorithm.StandardModTableShardAlgorithm\n type: CLASS_BASED\n tables:\n sys_log:\n actual-data-nodes: ds0.sys_log$->{0..1}\n table-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-algorithm-name: table-classbased\n sharding-column: log_type', 'a93fa455c32cd37ca84631d2bbe13005', '2022-04-13 03:12:28', '2022-08-07 13:13:57', 'nacos', '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', '', '', '', '', '', 'yaml', '', NULL);
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 20 , ' jeecg - gateway - dev . yaml ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' jeecg : \ n route : \ n config : \ n # type : database nacos yml \ n data - type : database \ n data - id : jeecg - gateway - router \ nspring : \ n redis : \ n database : 0 \ n host : jeecg - boot - redis \ n port : 6379 \ n password : ' , ' d65267ddfda1b0c0f4462606195d1a5a ' , ' 2022 - 0 8 - 04 16 : 36 : 11 ' , ' 2023 - 04 - 17 06 : 05 : 15 ' , ' nacos ' , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' yaml ' , ' ' , NULL ) ;
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 22 , ' jeecg - sharding - multi . yaml ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' spring : \ n shardingsphere : \ n datasource : \ n names : ds0 , ds1 \ n ds0 : \ n driverClassName : com . mysql . cj . jdbc . Driver \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n username: root\n password: root\n ds1:\n driverClassName: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n url: jdbc:mysql://jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot2?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n username: root\n password: root\n props:\n sql-show: true\n rules:\n replica-query:\n load-balancers:\n round-robin:\n type: ROUND_ROBIN\n props:\n default: 0\n data-sources:\n prds:\n primary-data-source-name: ds0\n replica-data-source-names: ds1\n load-balancer-name: round_robin\n sharding:\n binding-tables:\n - sys_log\n key-generators:\n snowflake:\n type: SNOWFLAKE\n props:\n worker-id: 123\n sharding-algorithms:\n table-classbased:\n props:\n strategy: standard\n algorithmClassName: org.jeecg.modules.test.sharding.algorithm.StandardModTableShardAlgorithm\n type: CLASS_BASED\n database-inline:\n type: INLINE\n props:\n algorithm-expression: ds$->{operate_type % 2}\n tables:\n sys_log:\n actual-data-nodes: ds$->{0..1}.sys_log$->{0..1}\n database-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-column: operate_type\n sharding-algorithm-name: database-inline\n table-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-algorithm-name: table-classbased\n sharding-column: log_type', '0fc2b030ca8c0008f148c84ecbd2a8c7', '2022-08-07 06:09:01', '2022-08-07 13:03:52', 'nacos', '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', '', '', '', '', '', 'yaml', '', NULL);
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 29 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: true\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', '6c0ec1ace75d0341a1f83978c864c0b3', '2023-07-17 10:05:06', '2023-07-17 11:49:49', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', '', 'ac14ab82-51f8-4f0c-aa5b-25fb8384bfb6', '', '', '', 'yaml', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 30 , ' jeecg . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' server : \ n tomcat : \ n max - swallow - size : - 1 \ n error : \ n include - exception : true \ n include - stacktrace : ALWAYS \ n include - message : ALWAYS \ n compression : \ n enabled : true \ n min - response - size : 1024 \ n mime - types : application / javascript , application / json , application / xml , text / html , text / xml , text / plain , text / css , image /*\nmanagement:\n health:\n mail:\n enabled: false\n endpoints:\n web:\n exposure:\n include: \"*\"\n health:\n sensitive: true\n endpoint:\n health:\n show-details: ALWAYS\nspring:\n servlet:\n multipart:\n max-file-size: 10MB\n max-request-size: 10MB\n mail:\n host: smtp.163.com\n username: jeecgos@163.com\n password: ??\n properties:\n mail:\n smtp:\n auth: true\n starttls:\n enable: true\n required: true\n quartz:\n job-store-type: jdbc\n initialize-schema: embedded\n auto-startup: false\n startup-delay: 1s\n overwrite-existing-jobs: true\n properties:\n org:\n quartz:\n scheduler:\n instanceName: MyScheduler\n instanceId: AUTO\n jobStore:\n class: org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore\n driverDelegateClass: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate\n tablePrefix: QRTZ_\n isClustered: true\n misfireThreshold: 12000\n clusterCheckinInterval: 15000\n threadPool:\n class: org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool\n threadCount: 10\n threadPriority: 5\n threadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread: true\n jackson:\n date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\n time-zone: GMT+8\n aop:\n proxy-target-class: true\n activiti:\n check-process-definitions: false\n async-executor-activate: false\n job-executor-activate: false\n jpa:\n open-in-view: false\n freemarker:\n suffix: .ftl\n content-type: text/html\n charset: UTF-8\n cache: false\n prefer-file-system-access: false\n template-loader-path:\n - classpath:/templates\n mvc:\n static-path-pattern: /**\n pathmatch:\n matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher\n resource:\n static-locations: classpath:/static/,classpath:/public/\n autoconfigure:\n exclude: com.alibaba.druid.spring.boot.autoconfigure.DruidDataSourceAutoConfigure\nmybatis-plus:\n mapper-locations: classpath*:org/jeecg/modules/**/ xml / * Mapper . xml \ n global - config : \ n banner : false \ n db - config : \ n id - type : ASSIGN_ID \ n table - underline : true \ n configuration : \ n call - setters - on - nulls : true ' , ' 2117 a96ba08e8fd0f66825e87416af27 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 06 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 06 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , ' ' , ' ac14ab82 - 51 f8 - 4f 0 c - aa5b - 25 fb8384bfb6 ' , ' ' , NULL , NULL , ' yaml ' , NULL , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 31 , ' jeecg - gateway - router . json ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' [ { \ n \ "id\": \"jeecg-system\",\n \"order\": 0,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/sys/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/jmreport/**\",\n \"_genkey_3\": \"/online/**\",\n \"_genkey_4\": \"/generic/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb://jeecg-system\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-demo\",\n \"order\": 1,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/mock/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/test/**\",\n \"_genkey_2\": \"/bigscreen/template1/**\",\n \"_genkey_3\": \"/bigscreen/template2/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb://jeecg-demo\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-system-websocket\",\n \"order\": 2,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/websocket/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/newsWebsocket/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb:ws://jeecg-system\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-demo-websocket\",\n \"order\": 3,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/vxeSocket/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb:ws://jeecg-demo\" \ n } ] ' , ' be6548051d99309d7fa5ac4398404201 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 06 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 06 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , ' ' , ' ac14ab82 - 51 f8 - 4f 0 c - aa5b - 25 fb8384bfb6 ' , ' ' , NULL , NULL , ' json ' , NULL , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 32 , ' jeecg - sharding . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' spring : \ n shardingsphere : \ n datasource : \ n names : ds0 \ n ds0 : \ n driverClassName : com . mysql . cj . jdbc . Driver \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n props:\n sql-show: true\n rules:\n sharding:\n binding-tables: sys_log\n key-generators:\n snowflake:\n type: SNOWFLAKE\n props:\n worker-id: 123\n sharding-algorithms:\n table-classbased:\n props:\n strategy: standard\n algorithmClassName: org.jeecg.modules.test.sharding.algorithm.StandardModTableShardAlgorithm\n type: CLASS_BASED\n tables:\n sys_log:\n actual-data-nodes: ds0.sys_log$->{0..1}\n table-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-algorithm-name: table-classbased\n sharding-column: log_type', 'a93fa455c32cd37ca84631d2bbe13005', '2023-07-17 10:05:06', '2023-07-17 10:05:06', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', '', 'ac14ab82-51f8-4f0c-aa5b-25fb8384bfb6', '', NULL, NULL, 'yaml', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 33 , ' jeecg - gateway - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' jeecg : \ n route : \ n config : \ n # type : database nacos yml \ n data - type : nacos \ n data - id : jeecg - gateway - router \ nspring : \ n redis : \ n database : 0 \ n host : jeecg - boot - redis \ n port : 6379 \ n password : ' , ' eeb45ae799de89f4d789139de7a7d12d ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 06 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 11 : 49 : 21 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , ' ' , ' ac14ab82 - 51 f8 - 4f 0 c - aa5b - 25 fb8384bfb6 ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' yaml ' , ' ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` config_info ` VALUES ( 34 , ' jeecg - sharding - multi . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' spring : \ n shardingsphere : \ n datasource : \ n names : ds0 , ds1 \ n ds0 : \ n driverClassName : com . mysql . cj . jdbc . Driver \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n username: root\n password: root\n ds1:\n driverClassName: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n url: jdbc:mysql://jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot2?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n username: root\n password: root\n props:\n sql-show: true\n rules:\n replica-query:\n load-balancers:\n round-robin:\n type: ROUND_ROBIN\n props:\n default: 0\n data-sources:\n prds:\n primary-data-source-name: ds0\n replica-data-source-names: ds1\n load-balancer-name: round_robin\n sharding:\n binding-tables:\n - sys_log\n key-generators:\n snowflake:\n type: SNOWFLAKE\n props:\n worker-id: 123\n sharding-algorithms:\n table-classbased:\n props:\n strategy: standard\n algorithmClassName: org.jeecg.modules.test.sharding.algorithm.StandardModTableShardAlgorithm\n type: CLASS_BASED\n database-inline:\n type: INLINE\n props:\n algorithm-expression: ds$->{operate_type % 2}\n tables:\n sys_log:\n actual-data-nodes: ds$->{0..1}.sys_log$->{0..1}\n database-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-column: operate_type\n sharding-algorithm-name: database-inline\n table-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-algorithm-name: table-classbased\n sharding-column: log_type', '0fc2b030ca8c0008f148c84ecbd2a8c7', '2023-07-17 10:05:06', '2023-07-17 10:05:06', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', '', 'ac14ab82-51f8-4f0c-aa5b-25fb8384bfb6', '', NULL, NULL, 'yaml', NULL, '');
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for config_info_aggr
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ` config_info_aggr ` ;
CREATE TABLE ` config_info_aggr ` (
` id ` bigint ( 20 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT ' id ' ,
` data_id ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' data_id ' ,
` group_id ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' group_id ' ,
` datum_id ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' datum_id ' ,
` content ` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' 内 容 ' ,
` gmt_modified ` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT ' 修 改 时 间 ' ,
` app_name ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
` tenant_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' 租 户 字 段 ' ,
UNIQUE INDEX ` uk_configinfoaggr_datagrouptenantdatum ` ( ` data_id ` , ` group_id ` , ` tenant_id ` , ` datum_id ` ) USING BTREE
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of config_info_aggr
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for config_info_beta
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ` config_info_beta ` ;
CREATE TABLE ` config_info_beta ` (
` id ` bigint ( 20 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT ' id ' ,
` data_id ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' data_id ' ,
` group_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' group_id ' ,
` app_name ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' app_name ' ,
` content ` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' content ' ,
` beta_ips ` varchar ( 1024 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' betaIps ' ,
` md5 ` varchar ( 32 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' md5 ' ,
` gmt_create ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' COMMENT ' 创 建 时 间 ' ,
` gmt_modified ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' COMMENT ' 修 改 时 间 ' ,
` src_user ` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL COMMENT ' source user ' ,
` src_ip ` varchar ( 20 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' source ip ' ,
` tenant_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' 租 户 字 段 ' ,
` encrypted_data_key ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' 加 密 key ' ,
UNIQUE INDEX ` uk_configinfobeta_datagrouptenant ` ( ` data_id ` , ` group_id ` , ` tenant_id ` ) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_bin COMMENT = ' config_info_beta ' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of config_info_beta
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for config_info_tag
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ` config_info_tag ` ;
CREATE TABLE ` config_info_tag ` (
` id ` bigint ( 20 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT ' id ' ,
` data_id ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' data_id ' ,
` group_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' group_id ' ,
` tenant_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' tenant_id ' ,
` tag_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' tag_id ' ,
` app_name ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' app_name ' ,
` content ` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' content ' ,
` md5 ` varchar ( 32 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' md5 ' ,
` gmt_create ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' COMMENT ' 创 建 时 间 ' ,
` gmt_modified ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' COMMENT ' 修 改 时 间 ' ,
` src_user ` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL COMMENT ' source user ' ,
` src_ip ` varchar ( 20 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' source ip ' ,
` encrypted_data_key ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' 加 密 key ' ,
UNIQUE INDEX ` uk_configinfotag_datagrouptenanttag ` ( ` data_id ` , ` group_id ` , ` tenant_id ` , ` tag_id ` ) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_bin COMMENT = ' config_info_tag ' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of config_info_tag
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for config_tags_relation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ` config_tags_relation ` ;
CREATE TABLE ` config_tags_relation ` (
` id ` bigint ( 20 ) NOT NULL COMMENT ' id ' ,
` tag_name ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' tag_name ' ,
` tag_type ` varchar ( 64 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' tag_type ' ,
` data_id ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' data_id ' ,
` group_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' group_id ' ,
` tenant_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' tenant_id ' ,
` nid ` bigint ( 20 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
UNIQUE INDEX ` uk_configtagrelation_configidtag ` ( ` id ` , ` tag_name ` , ` tag_type ` ) USING BTREE ,
INDEX ` idx_tenant_id ` ( ` tenant_id ` ) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_bin COMMENT = ' config_tag_relation ' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of config_tags_relation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for group_capacity
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ` group_capacity ` ;
CREATE TABLE ` group_capacity ` (
` id ` bigint ( 20 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT ' 主 键 ID ' ,
` group_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' Group ID , 空 字 符 表 示 整 个 集 群 ' ,
` quota ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 配 额 , 0 表 示 使 用 默 认 值 ' ,
` usage ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 使 用 量 ' ,
` max_size ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 单 个 配 置 大 小 上 限 , 单 位 为 字 节 , 0 表 示 使 用 默 认 值 ' ,
` max_aggr_count ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 聚 合 子 配 置 最 大 个 数 , , 0 表 示 使 用 默 认 值 ' ,
` max_aggr_size ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 单 个 聚 合 数 据 的 子 配 置 大 小 上 限 , 单 位 为 字 节 , 0 表 示 使 用 默 认 值 ' ,
` max_history_count ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 最 大 变 更 历 史 数 量 ' ,
` gmt_create ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' COMMENT ' 创 建 时 间 ' ,
` gmt_modified ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' COMMENT ' 修 改 时 间 ' ,
UNIQUE INDEX ` uk_group_id ` ( ` group_id ` ) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_bin COMMENT = ' 集 群 、 各 Group 容 量 信 息 表 ' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of group_capacity
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for his_config_info
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ` his_config_info ` ;
CREATE TABLE ` his_config_info ` (
` id ` bigint ( 20 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
` nid ` bigint ( 20 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
` data_id ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL ,
` group_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL ,
` app_name ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' app_name ' ,
` content ` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL ,
` md5 ` varchar ( 32 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
` gmt_create ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' ,
` gmt_modified ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' ,
` src_user ` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL ,
` src_ip ` varchar ( 20 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
` op_type ` char ( 10 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
` tenant_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' 租 户 字 段 ' ,
` encrypted_data_key ` varchar ( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' 加 密 key ' ,
INDEX ` idx_gmt_create ` ( ` gmt_create ` ) USING BTREE ,
INDEX ` idx_gmt_modified ` ( ` gmt_modified ` ) USING BTREE ,
INDEX ` idx_did ` ( ` data_id ` ) USING BTREE
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of his_config_info
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 1 , 6 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: true\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', '6c0ec1ace75d0341a1f83978c864c0b3', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-14 10:42:27', NULL, '', 'U', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 1 , 7 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: true\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', '6c0ec1ace75d0341a1f83978c864c0b3', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-14 10:42:39', NULL, '', 'U', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 1 , 8 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot1?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: true\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', 'fea50747d3417741908a32f02f10e304', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-14 10:43:33', NULL, '', 'U', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 9 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: true\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', '6c0ec1ace75d0341a1f83978c864c0b3', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 09:50:49', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', 'I', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 10 , ' jeecg . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' server : \ n tomcat : \ n max - swallow - size : - 1 \ n error : \ n include - exception : true \ n include - stacktrace : ALWAYS \ n include - message : ALWAYS \ n compression : \ n enabled : true \ n min - response - size : 1024 \ n mime - types : application / javascript , application / json , application / xml , text / html , text / xml , text / plain , text / css , image /*\nmanagement:\n health:\n mail:\n enabled: false\n endpoints:\n web:\n exposure:\n include: \"*\"\n health:\n sensitive: true\n endpoint:\n health:\n show-details: ALWAYS\nspring:\n servlet:\n multipart:\n max-file-size: 10MB\n max-request-size: 10MB\n mail:\n host: smtp.163.com\n username: jeecgos@163.com\n password: ??\n properties:\n mail:\n smtp:\n auth: true\n starttls:\n enable: true\n required: true\n quartz:\n job-store-type: jdbc\n initialize-schema: embedded\n auto-startup: false\n startup-delay: 1s\n overwrite-existing-jobs: true\n properties:\n org:\n quartz:\n scheduler:\n instanceName: MyScheduler\n instanceId: AUTO\n jobStore:\n class: org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore\n driverDelegateClass: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate\n tablePrefix: QRTZ_\n isClustered: true\n misfireThreshold: 12000\n clusterCheckinInterval: 15000\n threadPool:\n class: org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool\n threadCount: 10\n threadPriority: 5\n threadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread: true\n jackson:\n date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\n time-zone: GMT+8\n aop:\n proxy-target-class: true\n activiti:\n check-process-definitions: false\n async-executor-activate: false\n job-executor-activate: false\n jpa:\n open-in-view: false\n freemarker:\n suffix: .ftl\n content-type: text/html\n charset: UTF-8\n cache: false\n prefer-file-system-access: false\n template-loader-path:\n - classpath:/templates\n mvc:\n static-path-pattern: /**\n pathmatch:\n matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher\n resource:\n static-locations: classpath:/static/,classpath:/public/\n autoconfigure:\n exclude: com.alibaba.druid.spring.boot.autoconfigure.DruidDataSourceAutoConfigure\nmybatis-plus:\n mapper-locations: classpath*:org/jeecg/modules/**/ xml / * Mapper . xml \ n global - config : \ n banner : false \ n db - config : \ n id - type : ASSIGN_ID \ n table - underline : true \ n configuration : \ n call - setters - on - nulls : true ' , ' 2117 a96ba08e8fd0f66825e87416af27 ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 0 9 : 50 : 49 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , 'I' , ' ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 11 , ' jeecg - gateway - router . json ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' [ { \ n \ "id\": \"jeecg-system\",\n \"order\": 0,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/sys/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/jmreport/**\",\n \"_genkey_3\": \"/online/**\",\n \"_genkey_4\": \"/generic/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb://jeecg-system\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-demo\",\n \"order\": 1,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/mock/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/test/**\",\n \"_genkey_2\": \"/bigscreen/template1/**\",\n \"_genkey_3\": \"/bigscreen/template2/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb://jeecg-demo\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-system-websocket\",\n \"order\": 2,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/websocket/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/newsWebsocket/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb:ws://jeecg-system\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-demo-websocket\",\n \"order\": 3,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/vxeSocket/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb:ws://jeecg-demo\" \ n } ] ' , ' be6548051d99309d7fa5ac4398404201 ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 0 9 : 50 : 49 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , 'I' , ' ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 12 , ' jeecg - sharding . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n shardingsphere : \ n datasource : \ n names : ds0 \ n ds0 : \ n driverClassName : com . mysql . cj . jdbc . Driver \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n props:\n sql-show: true\n rules:\n sharding:\n binding-tables: sys_log\n key-generators:\n snowflake:\n type: SNOWFLAKE\n props:\n worker-id: 123\n sharding-algorithms:\n table-classbased:\n props:\n strategy: standard\n algorithmClassName: org.jeecg.modules.test.sharding.algorithm.StandardModTableShardAlgorithm\n type: CLASS_BASED\n tables:\n sys_log:\n actual-data-nodes: ds0.sys_log$->{0..1}\n table-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-algorithm-name: table-classbased\n sharding-column: log_type', 'a93fa455c32cd37ca84631d2bbe13005', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 09:50:49', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', 'I', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 13 , ' jeecg - gateway - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' jeecg : \ n route : \ n config : \ n # type : database nacos yml \ n data - type : database \ n data - id : jeecg - gateway - router \ nspring : \ n redis : \ n database : 0 \ n host : jeecg - boot - redis \ n port : 6379 \ n password : ' , ' d65267ddfda1b0c0f4462606195d1a5a ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 0 9 : 50 : 49 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , 'I' , ' ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 14 , ' jeecg - sharding - multi . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n shardingsphere : \ n datasource : \ n names : ds0 , ds1 \ n ds0 : \ n driverClassName : com . mysql . cj . jdbc . Driver \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n username: root\n password: root\n ds1:\n driverClassName: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n url: jdbc:mysql://jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot2?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n username: root\n password: root\n props:\n sql-show: true\n rules:\n replica-query:\n load-balancers:\n round-robin:\n type: ROUND_ROBIN\n props:\n default: 0\n data-sources:\n prds:\n primary-data-source-name: ds0\n replica-data-source-names: ds1\n load-balancer-name: round_robin\n sharding:\n binding-tables:\n - sys_log\n key-generators:\n snowflake:\n type: SNOWFLAKE\n props:\n worker-id: 123\n sharding-algorithms:\n table-classbased:\n props:\n strategy: standard\n algorithmClassName: org.jeecg.modules.test.sharding.algorithm.StandardModTableShardAlgorithm\n type: CLASS_BASED\n database-inline:\n type: INLINE\n props:\n algorithm-expression: ds$->{operate_type % 2}\n tables:\n sys_log:\n actual-data-nodes: ds$->{0..1}.sys_log$->{0..1}\n database-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-column: operate_type\n sharding-algorithm-name: database-inline\n table-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-algorithm-name: table-classbased\n sharding-column: log_type', '0fc2b030ca8c0008f148c84ecbd2a8c7', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 09:50:49', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', 'I', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 15 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: true\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', '6c0ec1ace75d0341a1f83978c864c0b3', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 10:05:06', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', 'I', 'ac14ab82-51f8-4f0c-aa5b-25fb8384bfb6', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 16 , ' jeecg . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' server : \ n tomcat : \ n max - swallow - size : - 1 \ n error : \ n include - exception : true \ n include - stacktrace : ALWAYS \ n include - message : ALWAYS \ n compression : \ n enabled : true \ n min - response - size : 1024 \ n mime - types : application / javascript , application / json , application / xml , text / html , text / xml , text / plain , text / css , image /*\nmanagement:\n health:\n mail:\n enabled: false\n endpoints:\n web:\n exposure:\n include: \"*\"\n health:\n sensitive: true\n endpoint:\n health:\n show-details: ALWAYS\nspring:\n servlet:\n multipart:\n max-file-size: 10MB\n max-request-size: 10MB\n mail:\n host: smtp.163.com\n username: jeecgos@163.com\n password: ??\n properties:\n mail:\n smtp:\n auth: true\n starttls:\n enable: true\n required: true\n quartz:\n job-store-type: jdbc\n initialize-schema: embedded\n auto-startup: false\n startup-delay: 1s\n overwrite-existing-jobs: true\n properties:\n org:\n quartz:\n scheduler:\n instanceName: MyScheduler\n instanceId: AUTO\n jobStore:\n class: org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore\n driverDelegateClass: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate\n tablePrefix: QRTZ_\n isClustered: true\n misfireThreshold: 12000\n clusterCheckinInterval: 15000\n threadPool:\n class: org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool\n threadCount: 10\n threadPriority: 5\n threadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread: true\n jackson:\n date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\n time-zone: GMT+8\n aop:\n proxy-target-class: true\n activiti:\n check-process-definitions: false\n async-executor-activate: false\n job-executor-activate: false\n jpa:\n open-in-view: false\n freemarker:\n suffix: .ftl\n content-type: text/html\n charset: UTF-8\n cache: false\n prefer-file-system-access: false\n template-loader-path:\n - classpath:/templates\n mvc:\n static-path-pattern: /**\n pathmatch:\n matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher\n resource:\n static-locations: classpath:/static/,classpath:/public/\n autoconfigure:\n exclude: com.alibaba.druid.spring.boot.autoconfigure.DruidDataSourceAutoConfigure\nmybatis-plus:\n mapper-locations: classpath*:org/jeecg/modules/**/ xml / * Mapper . xml \ n global - config : \ n banner : false \ n db - config : \ n id - type : ASSIGN_ID \ n table - underline : true \ n configuration : \ n call - setters - on - nulls : true ' , ' 2117 a96ba08e8fd0f66825e87416af27 ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 06 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , 'I' , ' ac14ab82 - 51 f8 - 4f 0 c - aa5b - 25 fb8384bfb6 ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 17 , ' jeecg - gateway - router . json ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' [ { \ n \ "id\": \"jeecg-system\",\n \"order\": 0,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/sys/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/jmreport/**\",\n \"_genkey_3\": \"/online/**\",\n \"_genkey_4\": \"/generic/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb://jeecg-system\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-demo\",\n \"order\": 1,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/mock/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/test/**\",\n \"_genkey_2\": \"/bigscreen/template1/**\",\n \"_genkey_3\": \"/bigscreen/template2/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb://jeecg-demo\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-system-websocket\",\n \"order\": 2,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/websocket/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/newsWebsocket/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb:ws://jeecg-system\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-demo-websocket\",\n \"order\": 3,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/vxeSocket/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb:ws://jeecg-demo\" \ n } ] ' , ' be6548051d99309d7fa5ac4398404201 ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 06 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , 'I' , ' ac14ab82 - 51 f8 - 4f 0 c - aa5b - 25 fb8384bfb6 ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 18 , ' jeecg - sharding . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n shardingsphere : \ n datasource : \ n names : ds0 \ n ds0 : \ n driverClassName : com . mysql . cj . jdbc . Driver \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n props:\n sql-show: true\n rules:\n sharding:\n binding-tables: sys_log\n key-generators:\n snowflake:\n type: SNOWFLAKE\n props:\n worker-id: 123\n sharding-algorithms:\n table-classbased:\n props:\n strategy: standard\n algorithmClassName: org.jeecg.modules.test.sharding.algorithm.StandardModTableShardAlgorithm\n type: CLASS_BASED\n tables:\n sys_log:\n actual-data-nodes: ds0.sys_log$->{0..1}\n table-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-algorithm-name: table-classbased\n sharding-column: log_type', 'a93fa455c32cd37ca84631d2bbe13005', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 10:05:06', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', 'I', 'ac14ab82-51f8-4f0c-aa5b-25fb8384bfb6', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 19 , ' jeecg - gateway - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' jeecg : \ n route : \ n config : \ n # type : database nacos yml \ n data - type : database \ n data - id : jeecg - gateway - router \ nspring : \ n redis : \ n database : 0 \ n host : jeecg - boot - redis \ n port : 6379 \ n password : ' , ' d65267ddfda1b0c0f4462606195d1a5a ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 06 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , 'I' , ' ac14ab82 - 51 f8 - 4f 0 c - aa5b - 25 fb8384bfb6 ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 0 , 20 , ' jeecg - sharding - multi . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n shardingsphere : \ n datasource : \ n names : ds0 , ds1 \ n ds0 : \ n driverClassName : com . mysql . cj . jdbc . Driver \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n username: root\n password: root\n ds1:\n driverClassName: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n url: jdbc:mysql://jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot2?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n username: root\n password: root\n props:\n sql-show: true\n rules:\n replica-query:\n load-balancers:\n round-robin:\n type: ROUND_ROBIN\n props:\n default: 0\n data-sources:\n prds:\n primary-data-source-name: ds0\n replica-data-source-names: ds1\n load-balancer-name: round_robin\n sharding:\n binding-tables:\n - sys_log\n key-generators:\n snowflake:\n type: SNOWFLAKE\n props:\n worker-id: 123\n sharding-algorithms:\n table-classbased:\n props:\n strategy: standard\n algorithmClassName: org.jeecg.modules.test.sharding.algorithm.StandardModTableShardAlgorithm\n type: CLASS_BASED\n database-inline:\n type: INLINE\n props:\n algorithm-expression: ds$->{operate_type % 2}\n tables:\n sys_log:\n actual-data-nodes: ds$->{0..1}.sys_log$->{0..1}\n database-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-column: operate_type\n sharding-algorithm-name: database-inline\n table-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-algorithm-name: table-classbased\n sharding-column: log_type', '0fc2b030ca8c0008f148c84ecbd2a8c7', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 10:05:06', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', 'I', 'ac14ab82-51f8-4f0c-aa5b-25fb8384bfb6', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 23 , 21 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: true\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', '6c0ec1ace75d0341a1f83978c864c0b3', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 10:05:38', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', 'D', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 24 , 22 , ' jeecg . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' server : \ n tomcat : \ n max - swallow - size : - 1 \ n error : \ n include - exception : true \ n include - stacktrace : ALWAYS \ n include - message : ALWAYS \ n compression : \ n enabled : true \ n min - response - size : 1024 \ n mime - types : application / javascript , application / json , application / xml , text / html , text / xml , text / plain , text / css , image /*\nmanagement:\n health:\n mail:\n enabled: false\n endpoints:\n web:\n exposure:\n include: \"*\"\n health:\n sensitive: true\n endpoint:\n health:\n show-details: ALWAYS\nspring:\n servlet:\n multipart:\n max-file-size: 10MB\n max-request-size: 10MB\n mail:\n host: smtp.163.com\n username: jeecgos@163.com\n password: ??\n properties:\n mail:\n smtp:\n auth: true\n starttls:\n enable: true\n required: true\n quartz:\n job-store-type: jdbc\n initialize-schema: embedded\n auto-startup: false\n startup-delay: 1s\n overwrite-existing-jobs: true\n properties:\n org:\n quartz:\n scheduler:\n instanceName: MyScheduler\n instanceId: AUTO\n jobStore:\n class: org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore\n driverDelegateClass: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate\n tablePrefix: QRTZ_\n isClustered: true\n misfireThreshold: 12000\n clusterCheckinInterval: 15000\n threadPool:\n class: org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool\n threadCount: 10\n threadPriority: 5\n threadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread: true\n jackson:\n date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\n time-zone: GMT+8\n aop:\n proxy-target-class: true\n activiti:\n check-process-definitions: false\n async-executor-activate: false\n job-executor-activate: false\n jpa:\n open-in-view: false\n freemarker:\n suffix: .ftl\n content-type: text/html\n charset: UTF-8\n cache: false\n prefer-file-system-access: false\n template-loader-path:\n - classpath:/templates\n mvc:\n static-path-pattern: /**\n pathmatch:\n matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher\n resource:\n static-locations: classpath:/static/,classpath:/public/\n autoconfigure:\n exclude: com.alibaba.druid.spring.boot.autoconfigure.DruidDataSourceAutoConfigure\nmybatis-plus:\n mapper-locations: classpath*:org/jeecg/modules/**/ xml / * Mapper . xml \ n global - config : \ n banner : false \ n db - config : \ n id - type : ASSIGN_ID \ n table - underline : true \ n configuration : \ n call - setters - on - nulls : true ' , ' 2117 a96ba08e8fd0f66825e87416af27 ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 38 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , 'D' , ' ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 25 , 23 , ' jeecg - gateway - router . json ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' [ { \ n \ "id\": \"jeecg-system\",\n \"order\": 0,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/sys/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/jmreport/**\",\n \"_genkey_3\": \"/online/**\",\n \"_genkey_4\": \"/generic/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb://jeecg-system\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-demo\",\n \"order\": 1,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/mock/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/test/**\",\n \"_genkey_2\": \"/bigscreen/template1/**\",\n \"_genkey_3\": \"/bigscreen/template2/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb://jeecg-demo\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-system-websocket\",\n \"order\": 2,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/websocket/**\",\n \"_genkey_1\": \"/newsWebsocket/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb:ws://jeecg-system\"\n}, {\n \"id\": \"jeecg-demo-websocket\",\n \"order\": 3,\n \"predicates\": [{\n \"name\": \"Path\",\n \"args\": {\n \"_genkey_0\": \"/vxeSocket/**\"\n }\n }],\n \"filters\": [],\n \"uri\": \"lb:ws://jeecg-demo\" \ n } ] ' , ' be6548051d99309d7fa5ac4398404201 ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 38 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , 'D' , ' ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 26 , 24 , ' jeecg - sharding . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n shardingsphere : \ n datasource : \ n names : ds0 \ n ds0 : \ n driverClassName : com . mysql . cj . jdbc . Driver \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n props:\n sql-show: true\n rules:\n sharding:\n binding-tables: sys_log\n key-generators:\n snowflake:\n type: SNOWFLAKE\n props:\n worker-id: 123\n sharding-algorithms:\n table-classbased:\n props:\n strategy: standard\n algorithmClassName: org.jeecg.modules.test.sharding.algorithm.StandardModTableShardAlgorithm\n type: CLASS_BASED\n tables:\n sys_log:\n actual-data-nodes: ds0.sys_log$->{0..1}\n table-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-algorithm-name: table-classbased\n sharding-column: log_type', 'a93fa455c32cd37ca84631d2bbe13005', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 10:05:38', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', 'D', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 27 , 25 , ' jeecg - gateway - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' jeecg : \ n route : \ n config : \ n # type : database nacos yml \ n data - type : database \ n data - id : jeecg - gateway - router \ nspring : \ n redis : \ n database : 0 \ n host : jeecg - boot - redis \ n port : 6379 \ n password : ' , ' d65267ddfda1b0c0f4462606195d1a5a ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 05 : 38 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , 'D' , ' ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 28 , 26 , ' jeecg - sharding - multi . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n shardingsphere : \ n datasource : \ n names : ds0 , ds1 \ n ds0 : \ n driverClassName : com . mysql . cj . jdbc . Driver \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n username: root\n password: root\n ds1:\n driverClassName: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n url: jdbc:mysql://jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot2?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource\n username: root\n password: root\n props:\n sql-show: true\n rules:\n replica-query:\n load-balancers:\n round-robin:\n type: ROUND_ROBIN\n props:\n default: 0\n data-sources:\n prds:\n primary-data-source-name: ds0\n replica-data-source-names: ds1\n load-balancer-name: round_robin\n sharding:\n binding-tables:\n - sys_log\n key-generators:\n snowflake:\n type: SNOWFLAKE\n props:\n worker-id: 123\n sharding-algorithms:\n table-classbased:\n props:\n strategy: standard\n algorithmClassName: org.jeecg.modules.test.sharding.algorithm.StandardModTableShardAlgorithm\n type: CLASS_BASED\n database-inline:\n type: INLINE\n props:\n algorithm-expression: ds$->{operate_type % 2}\n tables:\n sys_log:\n actual-data-nodes: ds$->{0..1}.sys_log$->{0..1}\n database-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-column: operate_type\n sharding-algorithm-name: database-inline\n table-strategy:\n standard:\n sharding-algorithm-name: table-classbased\n sharding-column: log_type', '0fc2b030ca8c0008f148c84ecbd2a8c7', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 10:05:38', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', 'D', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 33 , 27 , ' jeecg - gateway - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' jeecg : \ n route : \ n config : \ n # type : database nacos yml \ n data - type : database \ n data - id : jeecg - gateway - router \ nspring : \ n redis : \ n database : 0 \ n host : jeecg - boot - redis \ n port : 6379 \ n password : ' , ' d65267ddfda1b0c0f4462606195d1a5a ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 10 : 30 : 23 ' , ' nacos ' , ' 192.168 .1 .129 ' , 'U' , ' ac14ab82 - 51 f8 - 4f 0 c - aa5b - 25 fb8384bfb6 ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 1 , 28 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: true\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', '6c0ec1ace75d0341a1f83978c864c0b3', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 10:34:30', 'nacos', '', 'U', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 1 , 29 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' DEFAULT_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: false\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', 'edb0e79d570edf341755caf3853f11e4', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 10:34:57', 'nacos', '', 'U', '', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 33 , 30 , ' jeecg - gateway - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' jeecg : \ n route : \ n config : \ n # type : database nacos yml \ n data - type : nacos \ n data - id : jeecg - gateway - router \ nspring : \ n redis : \ n database : 0 \ n host : jeecg - boot - redis \ n port : 6379 \ n password : ' , ' eeb45ae799de89f4d789139de7a7d12d ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 11 : 21 : 25 ' , ' nacos ' , ' 192.168 .1 .129 ' , 'U' , ' ac14ab82 - 51 f8 - 4f 0 c - aa5b - 25 fb8384bfb6 ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 29 , 31 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: true\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', '6c0ec1ace75d0341a1f83978c864c0b3', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 11:21:54', 'nacos', '', 'U', 'ac14ab82-51f8-4f0c-aa5b-25fb8384bfb6', '');
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 33 , 32 , ' jeecg - gateway - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' jeecg : \ n route : \ n config : \ n # type : database nacos yml \ n data - type : database \ n data - id : jeecg - gateway - router \ nspring : \ n redis : \ n database : 0 \ n host : jeecg - boot - redis \ n port : 6379 \ n password : ' , ' d65267ddfda1b0c0f4462606195d1a5a ' , ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' , ' 2023 - 07 - 17 11 : 49 : 21 ' , NULL , ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 ' , 'U' , ' ac14ab82 - 51 f8 - 4f 0 c - aa5b - 25 fb8384bfb6 ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` his_config_info ` VALUES ( 29 , 33 , ' jeecg - dev . yaml ' , ' JEECGDEV_GROUP ' , ' ' , ' spring : \ n datasource : \ n druid : \ n stat - view - servlet : \ n enabled : true \ n loginUsername : admin \ n loginPassword : 123456 \ n allow : \ n web - stat - filter : \ n enabled : true \ n dynamic : \ n druid : \ n initial - size : 5 \ n min - idle : 5 \ n maxActive : 20 \ n maxWait : 60000 \ n timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000 \ n minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 300000 \ n validationQuery : SELECT 1 FROM DUAL \ n testWhileIdle : true \ n testOnBorrow : false \ n testOnReturn : false \ n poolPreparedStatements : true \ n maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize : 20 \ n filters : stat , wall , slf4j \ n connectionProperties : druid . stat . mergeSql \ \ = true ; druid . stat . slowSqlMillis \ \ = 5000 \ n datasource : \ n master : \ n url : jdbc : mysql : //jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/jeecg-boot?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai\n username: root\n password: root\n driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver\n redis:\n database: 0\n host: jeecg-boot-redis\n password:\n port: 6379\n rabbitmq:\n host: jeecg-boot-rabbitmq\n username: guest\n password: guest\n port: 5672\n publisher-confirms: true\n publisher-returns: true\n virtual-host: /\n listener:\n simple:\n acknowledge-mode: manual\n concurrency: 1\n max-concurrency: 1\n retry:\n enabled: true\nminidao:\n base-package: org.jeecg.modules.jmreport.*,org.jeecg.modules.drag.*\njeecg:\n signatureSecret: dd05f1c54d63749eda95f9fa6d49v442a\n signUrls: /sys/dict/getDictItems/*,/sys/dict/loadDict/*,/sys/dict/loadDictOrderByValue/*,/sys/dict/loadDictItem/*,/sys/dict/loadTreeData,/sys/api/queryTableDictItemsByCode,/sys/api/queryFilterTableDictInfo,/sys/api/queryTableDictByKeys,/sys/api/translateDictFromTable,/sys/api/translateDictFromTableByKeys\n uploadType: local\n domainUrl:\n pc: http://localhost:3100\n app: http://localhost:8051\n path:\n upload: /opt/upFiles\n webapp: /opt/webapp\n shiro:\n excludeUrls: /test/jeecgDemo/demo3,/test/jeecgDemo/redisDemo/**,/category/**,/visual/**,/map/**,/jmreport/bigscreen2/**\n oss:\n endpoint: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com\n accessKey: ??\n secretKey: ??\n bucketName: jeecgdev\n staticDomain: ??\n elasticsearch:\n cluster-name: jeecg-ES\n cluster-nodes: jeecg-boot-es:9200\n check-enabled: false\n file-view-domain:\n minio:\n minio_url: http://minio.jeecg.com\n minio_name: ??\n minio_pass: ??\n bucketName: otatest\n jmreport:\n mode: dev\n is_verify_token: false\n verify_methods: remove,delete,save,add,update\n wps:\n domain: https://wwo.wps.cn/office/\n appid: ??\n appsecret: ??\n xxljob:\n enabled: false\n adminAddresses: http://jeecg-boot-xxljob:9080/xxl-job-admin\n appname: ${spring.application.name}\n accessToken: \'\'\n logPath: logs/jeecg/job/jobhandler/\n logRetentionDays: 30\n redisson:\n address: jeecg-boot-redis:6379\n password:\n type: STANDALONE\n enabled: true\nlogging:\n level:\n org.jeecg.modules.system.mapper : info\ncas:\n prefixUrl: http://localhost:8888/cas\nknife4j:\n production: false\n basic:\n enable: false\n username: jeecg\n password: jeecg1314\njustauth:\n enabled: true\n type:\n GITHUB:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/github/callback\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/wechat_enterprise/callback\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n redirect-uri: http://sso.test.com:8080/jeecg-boot/thirdLogin/dingtalk/callback\n cache:\n type: default\n prefix: \'demo::\'\n timeout: 1h\nthird-app:\n enabled: false\n type:\n WECHAT_ENTERPRISE:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??\n DINGTALK:\n enabled: false\n client-id: ??\n client-secret: ??\n agent-id: ??', 'edb0e79d570edf341755caf3853f11e4', '2010-05-05 00:00:00', '2023-07-17 11:49:49', NULL, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', 'U', 'ac14ab82-51f8-4f0c-aa5b-25fb8384bfb6', '');
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for permissions
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ` permissions ` ;
CREATE TABLE ` permissions ` (
` role ` varchar ( 50 ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL ,
` resource ` varchar ( 512 ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL ,
` action ` varchar ( 8 ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL ,
UNIQUE INDEX ` uk_role_permission ` ( ` role ` , ` resource ` , ` action ` ) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of permissions
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for roles
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CREATE TABLE ` roles ` (
` username ` varchar ( 50 ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL ,
` role ` varchar ( 50 ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL ,
UNIQUE INDEX ` uk_username_role ` ( ` username ` , ` role ` ) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of roles
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INSERT INTO ` roles ` VALUES ( ' nacos ' , ' ROLE_ADMIN ' ) ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for tenant_capacity
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ` tenant_capacity ` ;
CREATE TABLE ` tenant_capacity ` (
` id ` bigint ( 20 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT ' 主 键 ID ' ,
` tenant_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' Tenant ID ' ,
` quota ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 配 额 , 0 表 示 使 用 默 认 值 ' ,
` usage ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 使 用 量 ' ,
` max_size ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 单 个 配 置 大 小 上 限 , 单 位 为 字 节 , 0 表 示 使 用 默 认 值 ' ,
` max_aggr_count ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 聚 合 子 配 置 最 大 个 数 ' ,
` max_aggr_size ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 单 个 聚 合 数 据 的 子 配 置 大 小 上 限 , 单 位 为 字 节 , 0 表 示 使 用 默 认 值 ' ,
` max_history_count ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ' 最 大 变 更 历 史 数 量 ' ,
` gmt_create ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' COMMENT ' 创 建 时 间 ' ,
` gmt_modified ` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 2010 - 05 - 05 00 : 00 : 00 ' COMMENT ' 修 改 时 间 ' ,
UNIQUE INDEX ` uk_tenant_id ` ( ` tenant_id ` ) USING BTREE
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of tenant_capacity
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for tenant_info
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ` tenant_info ` ;
CREATE TABLE ` tenant_info ` (
` id ` bigint ( 20 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT ' id ' ,
` kp ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ' kp ' ,
` tenant_id ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' tenant_id ' ,
` tenant_name ` varchar ( 128 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' tenant_name ' ,
` tenant_desc ` varchar ( 256 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' tenant_desc ' ,
` create_source ` varchar ( 32 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' create_source ' ,
` gmt_create ` bigint ( 20 ) NOT NULL COMMENT ' 创 建 时 间 ' ,
` gmt_modified ` bigint ( 20 ) NOT NULL COMMENT ' 修 改 时 间 ' ,
UNIQUE INDEX ` uk_tenant_info_kptenantid ` ( ` kp ` , ` tenant_id ` ) USING BTREE ,
INDEX ` idx_tenant_id ` ( ` tenant_id ` ) USING BTREE
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of tenant_info
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INSERT INTO ` tenant_info ` VALUES ( 1 , '1' , ' ac14ab82 - 51 f8 - 4f 0 c - aa5b - 25 fb8384bfb6 ' , ' jeecg ' , ' jeecg 测 试 命 名 空 间 ' , ' nacos ' , 1653291038942 , 1653291038942 ) ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Table structure for users
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CREATE TABLE ` users ` (
` username ` varchar ( 50 ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL ,
` password ` varchar ( 500 ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL ,
` enabled ` tinyint ( 1 ) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( ` username ` ) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Records of users
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INSERT INTO ` users ` VALUES ( ' nacos ' , ' $2a$10$EuWPZHzz32dJN7jexM34MOeYirDdFAZm2kuWj7VEOJhhZkDrxfvUu ' , 1 ) ;