#!/bin/sh # Ensure default assets are present. while true; do echo n; done | cp -Ri /www/default-assets/* /www/assets/ &> /dev/null # Ensure compatibility with previous version (config.yml was in the root directory) if [ -f "/www/config.yml" ]; then yes n | cp -i /www/config.yml /www/assets/ &> /dev/null fi # Install default config if no one is available. yes n | cp -i /www/default-assets/config.yml.dist /www/assets/config.yml &> /dev/null # Create symbolic link for hosting in subfolder. if [[ -n "${SUBFOLDER}" ]]; then ln -s /www "/www/$SUBFOLDER" chown -h $USER:$GROUP "/www/$SUBFOLDER" fi chown -R $UID:$GID /www/assets exec su-exec $UID:$GID darkhttpd /www/ --no-listing --port "$PORT"