
314 lines
11 KiB

* Insight search plugin
* @author PPOffice { @link https://github.com/ppoffice }
function loadInsight(config, translation) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const $main = $('.searchbox');
const $input = $main.find('.searchbox-input');
const $container = $main.find('.searchbox-body');
function section(title) {
return $('<section>').addClass('searchbox-result-section').append($('<header>').text(title));
function merge(ranges) {
let last;
const result = [];
ranges.forEach(r => {
if (!last || r[0] > last[1]) {
result.push(last = r);
} else if (r[1] > last[1]) {
last[1] = r[1];
return result;
function findAndHighlight(text, matches, maxlen) {
if (!Array.isArray(matches) || !matches.length || !text) {
return maxlen ? text.slice(0, maxlen) : text;
const testText = text.toLowerCase();
const indices = matches.map(match => {
const index = testText.indexOf(match.toLowerCase());
if (!match || index === -1) {
return null;
return [index, index + match.length];
}).filter(match => {
return match !== null;
}).sort((a, b) => {
return a[0] - b[0] || a[1] - b[1];
if (!indices.length) {
return text;
let result = ''; let last = 0;
const ranges = merge(indices);
const sumRange = [ranges[0][0], ranges[ranges.length - 1][1]];
if (maxlen && maxlen < sumRange[1]) {
last = sumRange[0];
for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
const range = ranges[i];
result += text.slice(last, Math.min(range[0], sumRange[0] + maxlen));
if (maxlen && range[0] >= sumRange[0] + maxlen) {
result += '<em>' + text.slice(range[0], range[1]) + '</em>';
last = range[1];
if (i === ranges.length - 1) {
if (maxlen) {
result += text.slice(range[1], Math.min(text.length, sumRange[0] + maxlen + 1));
} else {
result += text.slice(range[1]);
return result;
function searchItem(icon, title, slug, preview, url) {
title = title != null && title !== '' ? title : translation.untitled;
return `<a class="searchbox-result-item" href="${url}">
<span class="searchbox-result-icon">
<i class="fa fa-${icon}" />
<span class="searchbox-result-content">
<span class="searchbox-result-title">
${slug ? '<span class="searchbox-result-title-secondary">(' + slug + ')</span>' : ''}
${preview ? '<span class="searchbox-result-preview">' + preview + '</span>' : ''}
function sectionFactory(keywords, type, array) {
let $searchItems;
if (array.length === 0) return null;
const sectionTitle = translation[type.toLowerCase()];
switch (type) {
case 'POSTS':
case 'PAGES':
$searchItems = array.map(item => {
const title = findAndHighlight(item.title, keywords);
const text = findAndHighlight(item.text, keywords, 100);
return searchItem('file', title, null, text, item.link);
case 'TAGS':
$searchItems = array.map(item => {
const name = findAndHighlight(item.name, keywords);
const slug = findAndHighlight(item.slug, keywords);
return searchItem(type === 'CATEGORIES' ? 'folder' : 'tag', name, slug, null, item.link);
return null;
return section(sectionTitle).append($searchItems);
function parseKeywords(keywords) {
return keywords.split(' ').filter(keyword => {
return !!keyword;
}).map(keyword => {
return keyword.toLowerCase();
* Judge if a given post/page/category/tag contains all of the keywords.
* @param Object obj Object to be weighted
* @param Array<String> fields Object's fields to find matches
function filter(keywords, obj, fields) {
const keywordArray = parseKeywords(keywords);
const containKeywords = keywordArray.filter(keyword => {
const containFields = fields.filter(field => {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, field)) {
return false;
if (obj[field].toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) > -1) {
return true;
return false;
if (containFields.length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
return containKeywords.length === keywordArray.length;
function filterFactory(keywords) {
return {
post: function(obj) {
return filter(keywords, obj, ['title', 'text']);
page: function(obj) {
return filter(keywords, obj, ['title', 'text']);
category: function(obj) {
return filter(keywords, obj, ['name', 'slug']);
tag: function(obj) {
return filter(keywords, obj, ['name', 'slug']);
* Calculate the weight of a matched post/page/category/tag.
* @param Object obj Object to be weighted
* @param Array<String> fields Object's fields to find matches
* @param Array<Integer> weights Weight of every field
function weight(keywords, obj, fields, weights) {
let value = 0;
parseKeywords(keywords).forEach(keyword => {
const pattern = new RegExp(keyword, 'img'); // Global, Multi-line, Case-insensitive
fields.forEach((field, index) => {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, field)) {
const matches = obj[field].match(pattern);
value += matches ? matches.length * weights[index] : 0;
return value;
function weightFactory(keywords) {
return {
post: function(obj) {
return weight(keywords, obj, ['title', 'text'], [3, 1]);
page: function(obj) {
return weight(keywords, obj, ['title', 'text'], [3, 1]);
category: function(obj) {
return weight(keywords, obj, ['name', 'slug'], [1, 1]);
tag: function(obj) {
return weight(keywords, obj, ['name', 'slug'], [1, 1]);
function search(json, keywords) {
const weights = weightFactory(keywords);
const filters = filterFactory(keywords);
const posts = json.posts;
const pages = json.pages;
const tags = json.tags;
const categories = json.categories;
return {
posts: posts.filter(filters.post).sort((a, b) => { return weights.post(b) - weights.post(a); }).slice(0, 5),
pages: pages.filter(filters.page).sort((a, b) => { return weights.page(b) - weights.page(a); }).slice(0, 5),
categories: categories.filter(filters.category).sort((a, b) => { return weights.category(b) - weights.category(a); }).slice(0, 5),
tags: tags.filter(filters.tag).sort((a, b) => { return weights.tag(b) - weights.tag(a); }).slice(0, 5)
function searchResultToDOM(keywords, searchResult) {
for (const key in searchResult) {
key.toUpperCase(), searchResult[key]));
function scrollTo($item) {
if ($item.length === 0) return;
const wrapperHeight = $container[0].clientHeight;
const itemTop = $item.position().top - $container.scrollTop();
const itemBottom = $item[0].clientHeight + $item.position().top;
if (itemBottom > wrapperHeight + $container.scrollTop()) {
$container.scrollTop(itemBottom - $container[0].clientHeight);
if (itemTop < 0) {
function selectItemByDiff(value) {
const $items = $.makeArray($container.find('.searchbox-result-item'));
let prevPosition = -1;
$items.forEach((item, index) => {
if ($(item).hasClass('active')) {
prevPosition = index;
const nextPosition = ($items.length + prevPosition + value) % $items.length;
function gotoLink($item) {
if ($item && $item.length) {
location.href = $item.attr('href');
$.getJSON(config.contentUrl, json => {
if (location.hash.trim() === '#insight-search') {
$input.on('input', function() {
const keywords = $(this).val();
searchResultToDOM(keywords, search(json, keywords));
let touch = false;
$(document).on('click focus', '.navbar-main .search', () => {
}).on('click touchend', '.searchbox-result-item', function(e) {
if (e.type !== 'click' && !touch) {
touch = false;
}).on('click touchend', '.searchbox-close', e => {
if (e.type !== 'click' && !touch) {
$('.navbar-main').css('pointer-events', 'none');
setTimeout(() => {
$('.navbar-main').css('pointer-events', 'auto');
}, 400);
touch = false;
}).on('keydown', e => {
if (!$main.hasClass('show')) return;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 27: // ESC
$main.removeClass('show'); break;
case 38: // UP
selectItemByDiff(-1); break;
case 40: // DOWN
selectItemByDiff(1); break;
case 13: // ENTER
gotoLink($container.find('.searchbox-result-item.active').eq(0)); break;
}).on('touchstart', e => {
touch = true;
}).on('touchmove', e => {
touch = false;