# Logo logo: css/images/logo.png # Empty this to unset logo # Header menu: Home: . Archives: archives Categories: categories Tags: tags About: about # Content excerpt_link: Read More fancybox: true # Profile profile: true # whether to show profile bar gravatar: false # whether to use gravatar with the email showlogo: false # whether to show the logo in the header # Sidebar sidebar: right # set to false if you don't want a sidebar widgets: - recent_posts - category - tag - tagcloud - archive thumbnail: true # Contacts contacts: github: http://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus twitter: '#' facebook: '#' dribbble: '#' rss: atom.xml # Links links: Hexo: http://hexo.io # CDN cdn: useso #If your site loads slowly change it to "google" , because "useso" is slow out of China # Miscellaneous google_site_verification: google_analytics: favicon: favicon.png twitter: google_plus: fb_admins: fb_app_id: