/** * Helper functions that override Hexo built-in helpers. * * @example * <%- _list_archives() %> * <%- _list_categories() %> * <%- _list_tags() %> * <%- _toc(content) %> * <%- _js(url, defer, async) %> * <%- _css(url) %> * <%- _partial(url) %> */ const cheerio = require('cheerio'); const { existsSync } = require('fs'); const { relative, dirname, join, extname } = require('path'); const __archives = []; const __categories = []; const __tags = []; module.exports = function (hexo) { hexo.extend.helper.register('_list_archives', function () { if (__archives.length) { return __archives; } const $ = cheerio.load(this.list_archives(), { decodeEntities: false }); $('.archive-list-item').each(function () { __archives.push({ url: $(this).find('.archive-list-link').attr('href'), name: $(this).find('.archive-list-link').text(), count: $(this).find('.archive-list-count').text() }); }); return __archives; }); hexo.extend.helper.register('_list_categories', function () { if (__categories.length) { return __categories; } const $ = cheerio.load(this.list_categories({ depth: 2 }), { decodeEntities: false }); function traverse(root) { const categories = []; root.find('> .category-list-item').each(function () { const category = { url: $(this).find('> .category-list-link').attr('href'), name: $(this).find('> .category-list-link').text(), count: $(this).find('> .category-list-count').text() }; if ($(this).find('> .category-list-child').length) { category['children'] = traverse($(this).find('> .category-list-child')); } categories.push(category); }); return categories; } __categories.push(...traverse($('.category-list'))); return __categories; }); hexo.extend.helper.register('_list_tags', function () { if (__tags.length) { return __tags; } const $ = cheerio.load(this.list_tags(), { decodeEntities: false }); $('.tag-list-item').each(function () { __tags.push({ url: $(this).find('.tag-list-link').attr('href'), name: $(this).find('.tag-list-link').text(), count: $(this).find('.tag-list-count').text() }); }); return __tags; }); /** * Export a tree of headings of an article * { * "1": { * "id": "How-to-enable-table-of-content-for-a-post", * "index": "1" * }, * "2": { * "1": { * "1": { * "id": "Third-level-title", * "index": "2.1.1" * }, * "id": "Second-level-title", * "index": "2.1" * }, * "2": { * "id": "Another-second-level-title", * "index": "2.2" * }, * "id": "First-level-title", * "index": "2" * } * } */ hexo.extend.helper.register('_toc', (content) => { const $ = cheerio.load(content, { decodeEntities: false }); const toc = {}; const levels = [0, 0, 0]; // Get top 3 headings that are present in the content const tags = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map(i => 'h' + i).filter(h => $(h).length > 0).slice(0, 3); if (tags.length === 0) { return toc; } $(tags.join(',')).each(function () { const level = tags.indexOf(this.name); const id = $(this).attr('id'); const text = $(this).text(); for (let i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) { if (i > level) { levels[i] = 0; } else if (i < level) { if (levels[i] === 0) { // if headings start with a lower level heading, set the former heading index to 1 // e.g. h3, h2, h1, h2, h3 => 1.1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, 2.1.1 levels[i] = 1; } } else { levels[i] += 1; } } let node = toc; for (let i of levels.slice(0, level + 1)) { if (!node.hasOwnProperty(i)) { node[i] = {}; } node = node[i]; } node.id = id; node.text = text; node.index = levels.slice(0, level + 1).join('.'); }); return toc; }); hexo.extend.helper.register('_js', function (url, defer = false, async = false) { const urlFor = hexo.extend.helper.get('url_for').bind(this); if (!url.endsWith('.js') && !url.includes('?')) { url += '.js'; } return ``; }); hexo.extend.helper.register('_css', function (url) { const urlFor = hexo.extend.helper.get('url_for').bind(this); if (!url.endsWith('.css') && !url.includes('?')) { url += '.css'; } return ``; }); hexo.extend.helper.register('_partial', function (name, locals, options = {}) { const { md5, partial, view_dir, page } = this; const currentView = this.filename.substring(view_dir.length); let _locals = Object.assign({}, locals, { layout: false }); let { path } = hexo.theme.getView(join(dirname(currentView), name)) || hexo.theme.getView(name); path = join(view_dir, path.substring(0, path.length - extname(path).length) + '.locals.js'); if (!existsSync(path)) { // fallback to default partial return partial(name, locals, options); } _locals = require(path)(this, _locals); if (_locals === null) { // partial should be empty return ''; } if (_locals === false) { // do not cache this fragment return partial(name, locals, options); } const language = page.lang || page.language; const fragment = relative(view_dir, path.substring(0, path.length - '.locals.js'.length)); const cacheId = [fragment, language, md5(JSON.stringify(_locals))].join('-'); return partial(name, _locals, { cache: cacheId, only: options.only || false }); }); }