const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const yaml = require('js-yaml'); const logger = require('hexo-log')(); const Schema = require('js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/schema'); const Type = require('js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/type'); const rootSpec = require('../specs/_config.yml'); const { projectName, is } = require('../specs/common'); const { type, required, condition, defaultValue, description } = require('../specs/common').descriptor; const UNDEFINED = Symbol('undefined'); const CONFIG_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../..', '_config.yml'); const YAML_SCHEMA = new Schema({ include: [ require('js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/schema/default_full') ], implicit: [ new Type(',2002:null', { kind: 'scalar', resolve(data) { if (data === null) { return true; } const max = data.length; return (max === 1 && data === '~') || (max === 4 && (data === 'null' || data === 'Null' || data === 'NULL')); }, construct: () => null, predicate: object => object === null, represent: { empty: function () { return ''; } }, defaultStyle: 'empty' }) ] }); function toPlainObject(object, depth) { if (object === null || (!is.object(object) && !is.array(object))) { return object; } if (depth <= 0) { return is.array(object) ? '[Array]' : '[Object]'; } if (is.array(object)) { const result = []; for (let child of object) { result.push(toPlainObject(child, depth - 1)); } return result; } const result = {}; for (let key in object) { result[key] = toPlainObject(object[key], depth - 1); } for (let key of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object)) { result[key.toString()] = toPlainObject(object[key], depth - 1); } return result; } function isValidSpec(spec) { if (!spec.hasOwnProperty(type)) { return false; } return true; } function checkPrecondition(spec, parameter) { if (!spec.hasOwnProperty(condition)) { return true; } try { if (spec[condition](parameter) === true) { return true; } } catch (e) { } return false; } function createDefaultConfig(spec, parentConfig = null) { if (!isValidSpec(spec)) { return UNDEFINED; } if (!checkPrecondition(spec, parentConfig)) { return UNDEFINED; } if (spec.hasOwnProperty(defaultValue)) { return spec[defaultValue]; } const types = is.array(spec[type]) ? spec[type] : [spec[type]]; if (types.includes('object')) { let defaults = UNDEFINED; for (let key in spec) { if (typeof (key) === 'symbol' || key === '*') { continue; } const value = createDefaultConfig(spec[key], defaults); if (value !== UNDEFINED) { if (defaults === UNDEFINED) { defaults = {}; } if (spec[key].hasOwnProperty(description)) { defaults['#' + key] = spec[key][description]; } defaults[key] = value; } } return defaults; } else if (types.includes('array') && spec.hasOwnProperty('*')) { return [createDefaultConfig(spec['*'], {})]; } return UNDEFINED; } function dumpConfig(config, path) { const configYaml = yaml.safeDump(config, { indent: 4, lineWidth: 1024, schema: YAML_SCHEMA }).replace(/^(\s*)\'#.*?\':\s*\'*(.*?)\'*$/mg, '$1# $2'); fs.writeFileSync(path, configYaml); } function validateConfigVersion(config, spec) { function getMajorVersion(version) { try { return parseInt(version.split('.')[0]); } catch (e) { logger.error(`Configuration version number ${version} is malformed.`); } return null; } if (!config.hasOwnProperty('version')) { logger.error('Failed to get the version number of the configuration file.'); logger.warn('You are probably using a previous version of confiugration.'); logger.warn(`Please be noted that it may not work in the newer versions of ${projectName}.`); return false; } const specMajorVersion = getMajorVersion(spec.version[defaultValue]); const configMajorVersion = getMajorVersion(config.version); if (configMajorVersion === null || specMajorVersion === null) { return false; } if (configMajorVersion < specMajorVersion) { logger.warn('You are using a previous version of confiugration.'); logger.warn(`Please be noted that it may not work in the newer versions of ${projectName}.`); return false; } if (configMajorVersion > specMajorVersion) { logger.warn('You are probably using a more recent version of confiugration.'); logger.warn(`Please be noted that it may not work in the previous versions of ${projectName}.`); return false; } return true; } function validateConfigType(config, specTypes) { specTypes = is.array(specTypes) ? specTypes : [specTypes]; for (let specType of specTypes) { if (is[specType](config)) { return specType; } } logger.error(`Config ${toPlainObject(config, 2)} do not match types ${specTypes}`); return null; } const INVALID_SPEC = Symbol(); const MISSING_REQUIRED = Symbol(); const INVALID_TYPE = Symbol(); function validateConfigAndWarn(config, spec, parentConfig, configPath = []) { const result = validateConfig(config, spec, parentConfig, configPath); if (result !== true) { const pathString = configPath.join('.'); const specTypes = is.array(spec[type]) ? spec[type] : [spec[type]]; switch(result) { case INVALID_SPEC: logger.error(`Invalid specification! The specification '${pathString}' does not have a [type] field:`); logger.error('The specification of this configuration is:'); logger.error(JSON.stringify(toPlainObject(spec, 2), null, 4)); break; case MISSING_REQUIRED: logger.error(`Configuration '${pathString}' in required by the specification but is missing from the configuration!`); logger.error('The specification of this configuration is:'); logger.error(JSON.stringify(toPlainObject(spec, 2), null, 4)); break; case INVALID_TYPE: logger.error(`Type mismatch! Configuration '${pathString}' is not the '${specTypes.join(' or ')}' type.`); logger.error('The configuration value is:'); logger.error(JSON.stringify(toPlainObject(config, 2), null, 4)); logger.error('The specification of this configuration is:'); logger.error(JSON.stringify(toPlainObject(spec, 2), null, 4)); break; } } return result; } function validateConfig(config, spec, parentConfig = null, configPath = []) { if (!isValidSpec(spec)) { return INVALID_SPEC; } if (!checkPrecondition(spec, parentConfig)) { return true; } if (typeof(config) === 'undefined' || config === null) { if (spec[required] === true) { return MISSING_REQUIRED; } return true; } const configType = validateConfigType(config, spec[type]); if (configType === null) { return INVALID_TYPE; } if (configType === 'array' && spec.hasOwnProperty('*')) { for (let i = 0; i < config.length; i++) { if (!validateConfigAndWarn(config[i], spec['*'], config, configPath.concat(`[${i}]`))) { return false; } } } else if (configType === 'object') { for (let key in spec) { if (key === '*') { for (let configKey in config) { if (!validateConfigAndWarn(config[configKey], spec['*'], config, configPath.concat(configKey))) { return false; } } } else { if (!validateConfigAndWarn(config[key], spec[key], config, configPath.concat(key))) { return false; } } } } return true; }'Checking if the configuration file exists...'); if (!fs.existsSync(CONFIG_PATH)) { const relativePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), CONFIG_PATH); logger.warn(`${relativePath} is not found. We are creating one for you...`); dumpConfig(createDefaultConfig(rootSpec), CONFIG_PATH);`${relativePath} is created. Please restart Hexo to apply changes.`); process.exit(0); }'Validating the configuration file...'); const config = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(CONFIG_PATH)); if (!validateConfigVersion(config, rootSpec)) {`To let ${projectName} create a fresh configuration file for you, please delete or rename the following file:`);; } else { validateConfigAndWarn(config, rootSpec); }