title: Profile Sidebar Widget date: 2018-02-01 categories: - Widgets tags: - Getting Started widgets: - type: profile position: right author: hulatocat author_title: A GitHub Octocat location: GitHub Inc. avatar: https://octodex.github.com/images/hula_loop_octodex03.gif gravatar: follow_link: https://octodex.github.com/hulatocat social_links: Github: icon: fab fa-github url: 'http://github.com/' Icarus: icon: fas fa-palette url: 'http://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus' --- Icarus offers a way to showcase yourself using the profile sidebar widget. To use this widget, simply add the following lines to the widgets section of your `_config.yml`: {% codeblock lang:yaml _config.yml %} - type: profile position: # show in left or right sidebar author: # your name author_title: # your title location: # where are you avatar: # path or url to your avatar image gravatar: # your gravatar email follow_link: # path or url to any page you want social_links: # add links to your social network here {% endcodeblock%} There are two things that you should note: - If you want to [Gravatar](https://en.gravatar.com/), fill in your email in the `gravatar` field. Otherwise, leave it blank or it will override the avatar setting. - The `social_links` field accepts an array of links which are either shown as text link or icon link: - Text link ```yml social_links: Facebook: http://facebook.com Twitter: http://twitter.com ``` - Icon link ```yml social_links: Facebook: icon: fab fa-facebook url: http://facebook.com Twitter: icon: fab fa-twitter url: http://twitter.com ``` The `icon` here refers to the [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/) icon class name by default, which you can find in the Font Awesome icon details page.