title: Icarus User Guide - Widgets date: 2017-01-31 categories: - Widgets tags: - Icarus User Guide language: en toc: true sidebar: left: sticky: false right: sticky: true widgets: - position: left type: recent_posts - position: left type: links links: Hexo: 'https://hexo.io' Bulma: 'https://bulma.io' - position: left type: archives - position: left type: categories - position: left type: tags - position: left type: subscribe_email description: Subscribe to get the lastest update! feedburner_id: '' - position: right type: profile author: hulatocat author_title: A GitHub Octocat location: GitHub Inc. avatar: https://octodex.github.com/images/hula_loop_octodex03.gif avatar_rounded: false gravatar: follow_link: 'https://octodex.github.com/hulatocat' social_links: Github: icon: fab fa-github url: 'https://github.com/' Icarus: 'https://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus' - position: right type: toc --- This article covers widgets supported by Icarus 3. To display multiple widgets at once, simply add individual widget configuration to the `widgets` array. They will appear in the order of their definitions. The `type` and `position` settings are required for every widget. Here is an example: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - type: ... # Widget 1 position: left ... - type: ... # Widget 2 position: right ... {% endcodeblock %}
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The following widgets are provided by ppoffice/hexo-component-inferno. Please refer to it for a complete list of supported plugins and their configuration details.
## Profile You can showcase the post author/site admin information via the profile widget. Its configuration is listed below: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: right type: profile # Author name author: hulatocat # Title of the author author_title: A GitHub Octocat # Author location/organization location: GitHub Inc. # URL of the avatar/profile picture avatar: https://octodex.github.com/images/hula_loop_octodex03.gif # Whether to show a round clip of the avatar avatar_rounded: false # The email address of the Gravatar service(if the `avatar` is not set) gravatar: # The follow link URL follow_link: 'https://octodex.github.com/hulatocat' # Social media link URLs social_links: Github: icon: fab fa-github url: 'https://github.com/' Icarus: 'https://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus' {% endcodeblock %} Some notes on the configuration: - If you wish to use [Gravatar](https://en.gravatar.com/) instead of `avatar` as your profile picture, fill in the Gravatar email address in the `gravatar` setting and leave `avatar` empty; - There two acceptable formats for `social_links`: **Icon**: {% codeblock social_links lang:yaml %} : icon: url: {% endcodeblock %} **Text**: {% codeblock social_links lang:yaml %} : {% endcodeblock %} ## Table of Contents To show the table of contents of the current post, add the following widget configuration to your theme configurations: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - type: toc position: left {% endcodeblock %} Then, add `toc: true` to the front-matter of your post: {% codeblock Post.md lang:yaml %} title: A post with the table of contents toc: true --- Post content... {% endcodeblock %} ## External Links You can display a list of external sites with the external links widget. An example configuration is listed below: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: left type: links # Name and URL of the external site links: Hexo: 'https://hexo.io' Bulma: 'https://bulma.io' {% endcodeblock %} ## Recent Posts Use the following configuration to enable the recent posts widget: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: right type: recent_posts {% endcodeblock %} ## Archives Use the following configuration to enable the archives widget: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: right type: archives {% endcodeblock %} ## Categories Use the following configuration to enable the categories widget: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: right type: categories {% endcodeblock %} ## Tags Use the following configuration to enable the tags widget: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: right type: tags {% endcodeblock %} ## Subscribe Email The email subscription feature of Icarus is provided by Google Feedburner. To enable this widget, take the following steps: 1. First, you need to generate the RSS feed of your Hexo site using a Hexo plugin like [hexo-generator-feed](https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-generator-feed). 2. Then, go to [Google Feedburner](https://feedburner.google.com), log into your Google account, and add your RSS feed by typing in the RSS feed address to the input box and click "Next". {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/feedburner-homepage.png 360 '"Homepage - Feedburner" "Homepage - Feedburner"' %}
3. Next, fill in the "Feed Title" on the next page. Click "Next" to continue customizing your feed or click "Skip directly to feed management" to finish. {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/feedburner-add-feed.png 360 '"Add Feed - Feedburner" "Add Feed - Feedburner"' %}
4. When finished adding the feed, click the "My Feeds" link on the top of the page. Click your newly added feed on the "My Feeds" page. {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/feedburner-feed-list.png 360 '"Feed List - Feedburner" "Feed List - Feedburner"' %}
5. Switch to the "Publicize" tab and click the "Email Subscription" link on the left side of the page. Enable "Email Subscription" by clicking the "Activate" button. {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/feedburner-activate-email.png 360 '"Activate Email Subscription - Feedburner" "Activate Email Subscription - Feedburner"' %}
6. Find the following information in the HTML code on the "Email Subscription" page: {% codeblock Google Feedburner URL %} https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=****** {% endcodeblock %} {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/feedburner-get-code.png 360 '"Get Code - Feedburner" "Get Code - Feedburner"' %}
Copy the ID after `uri=` (e.g., `feedforall/ABCD`) to the `feedburner_id` setting of the widget configuration: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: left type: subscribe_email # (Optional) One line of description text description: Subscribe to get the lastest update! feedburner_id: feedforall/ABCD {% endcodeblock %} ## Google AdSense Create a new AD on [Google AdSense](https://www.google.com/adsense). Then, copy the values of `data-ad-client` and `data-ad-slot` from the AD HTML code to the `client_id` and `slot_id` setting of the widget configuration, respectively. Here is an example: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: left type: adsense client_id: ca-pub-xxxxxxxx slot_id: xxxxxxx {% endcodeblock %}
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