title: Icarus User Guide - Widgets date: 2017-01-31 categories: - Widgets tags: - Icarus User Guide language: en toc: true sidebar: left: sticky: false right: sticky: true widgets: - position: left type: recent_posts - position: left type: links links: Hexo: 'https://hexo.io' Bulma: 'https://bulma.io' - position: left type: archives - position: left type: categories - position: left type: tags - position: left type: subscribe_email description: Subscribe to get the lastest update! feedburner_id: '' - position: right type: profile author: hulatocat author_title: A GitHub Octocat location: GitHub Inc. avatar: https://octodex.github.com/images/hula_loop_octodex03.gif avatar_rounded: false gravatar: follow_link: 'https://octodex.github.com/hulatocat' social_links: Github: icon: fab fa-github url: 'https://github.com/' Icarus: 'https://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus' - position: right type: toc ---
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This article covers some widgets supported by Icarus 3. If you need to display multiple widgets at once, simply add individual widget configuration to the `widgets` array. They will appear in the order of their definition. The `type` and `position` settings are required for every widget. Here is an example: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - type: ... # 挂件1 position: left ... - type: ... # 挂件2 position: right ... {% endcodeblock %} ## Profile You can showcase the post author/site admin information via the profile widget. Its configuration is list below: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: right type: profile # Author name author: hulatocat # Title of the author author_title: A GitHub Octocat # Author location/organization location: GitHub Inc. # URL of the avatar/profile picture avatar: https://octodex.github.com/images/hula_loop_octodex03.gif # Whether to show a round clip of the avatar avatar_rounded: false # The email address of the Gravatar service(if the `avatar` is not set) gravatar: # The follow link URL follow_link: 'https://octodex.github.com/hulatocat' # Social media link URLs social_links: Github: icon: fab fa-github url: 'https://github.com/' Icarus: 'https://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus' {% endcodeblock %} Some notes on the configuration: - If you wish to use [Gravatar](https://en.gravatar.com/) instead of the `avatar` setting as profile picture, you can fill in the Gravatar email address in `gravatar` and leave `avatar` empty; - There two possible formats for `social_links`: **Icon**: {% codeblock social_links lang:yaml %} : icon: url: {% endcodeblock %} **Text**: {% codeblock social_links lang:yaml %} : {% endcodeblock %} ## Table of Contents To show the table of contents of the current post, please add the following widget configuration to your theme's configuration file: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - type: toc position: left {% endcodeblock %} Then, add `toc: true` to the front-matter of the post you wish to display the widget: {% codeblock Post.md lang:yaml %} title: A post with the table of contents toc: true --- Post content... {% endcodeblock %} ## External Links You can display a list of external sites and links to them using the external links widget. An example of its configuration is listed below: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: left type: links # Name and URL of the external site links: Hexo: 'https://hexo.io' Bulma: 'https://bulma.io' {% endcodeblock %} ## Recent Posts Please use the following widget configuration to enable the recent posts widget: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: right type: recent_posts {% endcodeblock %} ## Archives Please use the following widget configuration to enable the archives widget: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: right type: archives {% endcodeblock %} ## Categories Please use the following widget configuration to enable the categories widget: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: right type: categories {% endcodeblock %} ## Tags Please use the following widget configuration to enable the tags widget: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: right type: tags {% endcodeblock %} ## Subscribe Email The email subscription feature of Icarus is provided by Google Feedburner. 1. To turn on this widget, please generate the RSS feed of your Hexo site using some Hexo plugins like [hexo-generator-feed](https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-generator-feed). 2. Then, log into [Google Feedburner](https://feedburner.google.com) and add your RSS feed. Click the "My Feeds" link on the top of the page when finished. Click your newly added feed on the "My Feeds" page. 3. Click the "Publicize" tab and then the "Email Subscription" link on the left side of the page. Click the "Activate" button and find the following information in the HTML code on the "Email Subscription" page: {% codeblock Google Feedburner URL %} https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=****** {% endcodeblock %} Copy the ID after `uri=` (e.g., `feedforall/ABCD`) to the `feedburner_id` setting in the widget configuration. {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: left type: subscribe_email # (Optional) One line of description text description: Subscribe to get the lastest update! feedburner_id: feedforall/ABCD {% endcodeblock %} ## Google AdSense Please log into [Google AdSense](https://www.google.com/adsense) and create a new AD. Then, copy the values of `data-ad-client` and `data-ad-slot` from the HTML code of the AD to the `client_id` and `slot_id` setting of the widget respectively. Here is an example: {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} widgets: - position: left type: adsense client_id: ca-pub-xxxxxxxx slot_id: xxxxxxx {% endcodeblock %}
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