
111 lines
3.6 KiB

import modules.server.server as server_mod
def ping_from_server(server_from: str, server_to: str, action: str) -> str:
stderr = ''
action_for_sending = ''
output1 = ''
if server_to == '':
return 'warning: enter a correct IP or DNS name'
if action == 'nettools_ping':
action_for_sending = 'ping -c 4 -W 1 -s 56 -O '
elif action == 'nettools_trace':
action_for_sending = 'tracepath -m 10 '
action_for_sending = action_for_sending + server_to
if server_from == 'localhost':
output, stderr = server_mod.subprocess_execute(action_for_sending)
action_for_sending = [action_for_sending]
output = server_mod.ssh_command(server_from, action_for_sending, raw=1, timeout=15)
if stderr != '':
return f'error: {stderr}'
for i in output:
if i == ' ' or i == '':
i = i.strip()
if 'PING' in i:
output1 += '<span style="color: var(--link-dark-blue); display: block; margin-top: -5px;">'
elif 'no reply' in i or 'no answer yet' in i or 'Too many hops' in i or '100% packet loss' in i:
output1 += '<span style="color: var(--red-color);">'
elif 'ms' in i and '100% packet loss' not in i:
output1 += '<span style="color: var(--green-color);">'
output1 += '<span>'
output1 += i + '</span><br />'
return output1
def telnet_from_server(server_from: str, server_to: str, port_to: str) -> str:
count_string = 0
stderr = ''
output1 = ''
if server_to == '':
return 'warning: enter a correct IP or DNS name'
if server_from == 'localhost':
action_for_sending = f'echo "exit"|nc {server_to} {port_to} -t -w 1s'
output, stderr = server_mod.subprocess_execute(action_for_sending)
action_for_sending = [f'echo "exit"|nc {server_to} {port_to} -t -w 1s']
output = server_mod.ssh_command(server_from, action_for_sending, raw=1)
if stderr != '':
return f'error: <b>{stderr[5:]}</b>'
for i in output:
if i == ' ':
i = i.strip()
if i == 'Ncat: Connection timed out.':
return f'error: <b>{i[5:]}</b>'
output1 += i + '<br>'
count_string += 1
if count_string > 1:
return output1
def nslookup_from_server(server_from: str, dns_name: str, record_type: str) -> str:
count_string = 0
stderr = ''
output1 = ''
if dns_name == '':
return 'warning: enter a correct DNS name'
action_for_sending = f'dig {dns_name} {record_type} |grep -e "SERVER\|{dns_name}"'
if server_from == 'localhost':
output, stderr = server_mod.subprocess_execute(action_for_sending)
action_for_sending = [action_for_sending]
output = server_mod.ssh_command(server_from, action_for_sending, raw=1)
if stderr != '':
return 'error: ' + stderr[5:-1]
output1 += f'<b style="display: block; margin-top:10px;">The <i style="color: var(--blue-color)">{dns_name}</i> domain has the following records:</b>'
for i in output:
if 'dig: command not found.' in i:
return 'error: Install bind-utils before using NSLookup'
if ';' in i and ';; SERVER:' not in i:
if 'SOA' in i and record_type != 'SOA':
return '<b style="color: red">There are not any records for this type'
if ';; SERVER:' in i:
i = i[10:]
output1 += '<br><b>From NS server:</b><br>'
i = i.strip()
output1 += '<i>' + i + '</i><br>'
count_string += 1
return output1