mirror of https://github.com/Aidaho12/haproxy-wi
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264 lines
9.3 KiB
264 lines
9.3 KiB
import funct |
from configparser import ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation |
import os |
import cgi |
import sql |
path_config = "haproxy-webintarface.config" |
config = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation()) |
config.read(path_config) |
time_zone = config.get('main', 'time_zone') |
cgi_path = config.get('main', 'cgi_path') |
fullpath = config.get('main', 'fullpath') |
stats_port= config.get('haproxy', 'stats_port') |
haproxy_config_path = config.get('haproxy', 'haproxy_config_path') |
status_command = config.get('haproxy', 'status_command') |
hap_configs_dir = config.get('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir') |
form = cgi.FieldStorage() |
def get_overview(): |
USERS = sql.select_users() |
print('<table class="overview">') |
if funct.is_admin(): |
print('<tr class="overviewHead">' |
'<td class="padding10 first-collumn">Login</td>' |
'<td class="padding10">Email</td>' |
'<td class="padding10">Group</td>' |
'<td class="padding10">Role</td>' |
'<td style="width: 200px;">' |
'<span class="add-button">' |
'<a href="#" title="Show all users" id="show-all-users" style="color: #fff">' |
'Show all' |
'</a>' |
'</span>' |
'</td>' |
'</tr>') |
i = 0 |
style = "" |
for users in USERS: |
i = i + 1 |
if i is 4: |
style = 'style="display: none;" class="show-users"' |
print('<tr ' + style + '><td class="padding10 first-collumn">' + users[1] +'</td><td class="second-collumn">') |
print(users[2]+'</td><td>') |
GROUPS = sql.select_user_name_group(users[5]) |
for group in GROUPS: |
print(group) |
print('</td><td>') |
print(users[4]) |
print('</td><td></td></tr>') |
print('</table>') |
print('<table class="overview">' |
'<tr class="overviewHead">' |
'<td class="padding10 first-collumn"">Server</td>' |
'<td class="padding10">' |
'HAproxy status' |
'</td>' |
'<td class="padding10">' |
'Action' |
'</td>' |
'<td class="padding10">' |
'Last edit' |
'</td>' |
'<td></td>' |
'</tr>') |
listhap = sql.get_dick_permit() |
commands = [ "ps -Af |grep [h]aproxy |wc -l" ] |
commands1 = [ "ls -l %s |awk '{ print $6\" \"$7\" \"$8}'" % haproxy_config_path ] |
for server in listhap: |
print('<tr><td class="padding10 first-collumn"><a href="#%s" title="Go to %s status" style="color: #000">%s</a></td><td class="second-collumn">' % (server[1], server[1], server[1])) |
funct.ssh_command(server[2], commands, server_status="1") |
print('</td><td>') |
if funct.is_admin(): |
print('<a id="%s" class="start" title="Start HAproxy service" onclick = "if (! confirm(\'Start service?\')) return false;"><img src=/image/pic/start.png alt="start" class="icon"></a>' % server[2]) |
print('<a id="%s" class="stop" title="Stop HAproxy service" onclick = "return confirm(\'Stop service?\')"><img src=/image/pic/stop.png alt="start" class="icon"></a>' % server[2]) |
print('<a id="%s" class="restart" title="Restart HAproxy service" onclick = "if (! confirm(\'Restart service?\')) return false;"><img src=/image/pic/update.png alt="restart" class="icon"></a>' % server[2]) |
print('<a href="/app/configshow.py?serv=%s&open=open#conf" title="Show config"><img src=/image/pic/show.png alt="show" class="icon"></a>' % server[2]) |
print('<a href="/app/config.py?serv=%s&open=open#conf" title="Edit config"><img src=/image/pic/edit.png alt="edit" class="icon"></a>' % server[2]) |
print('<a href="/app/diff.py?serv=%s&open=open#diff" title="Compare config"><img src=/image/pic/compare.png alt="compare" class="icon"></a>' % server[2]) |
print('<a href="/app/map.py?serv=%s&open=open#map" title="Map listen/frontend/backend"><img src=/image/pic/map.png alt="map" class="icon"></a>' % server[2]) |
print('</td><td>') |
funct.ssh_command(server[2], commands1) |
print('</td><td></td></tr>') |
print('</table><table class="overview"><tr class="overviewHead">' |
'<td class="padding10 first-collumn" style="width: 15%;">Server</td>' |
'<td>' |
'HAproxy info' |
'</td>' |
'<td>' |
'Server status' |
'</td>' |
'</tr>') |
print('</td></tr>') |
commands = [ "cat " + haproxy_config_path + " |grep -E '^listen|^backend|^frontend' |grep -v stats |wc -l", |
"uname -smor", |
"haproxy -v |head -1", |
status_command + "|grep Active | sed 's/^[ \t]*//'" ] |
commands1 = [ "top -u haproxy -b -n 1" ] |
for server in sorted(listhap): |
print('<tr><td class="overviewTr first-collumn"><a name="'+server[1]+'"></a><h3 title="IP ' + server[2] + '">' + server[1] + ':</h3></td>') |
print('<td class="overviewTd"><span>Total listen/frontend/backend:</span><pre>') |
funct.ssh_command(server[2], commands) |
print('</pre></td><td class="overviewTd"><pre>') |
funct.ssh_command(server[2], commands1) |
print('</pre></td></tr>') |
print('<tr></table>') |
def get_map(serv): |
from datetime import datetime |
from pytz import timezone |
import networkx as nx |
import matplotlib |
matplotlib.use('Agg') |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
date = funct.get_data('config') |
cfg = hap_configs_dir + serv + "-" + date + ".cfg" |
print('<center>') |
print("<h3>Map from %s</h3><br />" % serv) |
G = nx.DiGraph() |
funct.get_config(serv, cfg) |
try: |
conf = open(cfg, "r") |
except IOError: |
print('<div class="alert alert-danger">Can\'t read import config file</div>') |
node = "" |
line_new2 = [1,""] |
i = 1200 |
k = 1200 |
j = 0 |
m = 0 |
for line in conf: |
if "listen" in line or "frontend" in line: |
if "stats" not in line: |
node = line |
i = i - 500 |
if line.find("backend") == 0: |
node = line |
i = i - 500 |
G.add_node(node,pos=(k,i),label_pos=(k,i+150)) |
if "bind" in line: |
bind = line.split(":") |
if stats_port not in bind[1]: |
bind[1] = bind[1].strip(' ') |
bind = bind[1].split("crt") |
node = node.strip(' \t\n\r') |
node = node + ":" + bind[0] |
G.add_node(node,pos=(k,i),label_pos=(k,i+150)) |
if "server " in line or "use_backend" in line or "default_backend" in line and "stats" not in line: |
if "timeout" not in line and "default-server" not in line and "#" not in line and "stats" not in line: |
i = i - 300 |
j = j + 1 |
if "check" in line: |
line_new = line.split("check") |
else: |
line_new = line.split("if ") |
if "server" in line: |
line_new1 = line_new[0].split("server") |
line_new[0] = line_new1[1] |
line_new2 = line_new[0].split(":") |
line_new[0] = line_new2[0] |
line_new[0] = line_new[0].strip(' \t\n\r') |
line_new2[1] = line_new2[1].strip(' \t\n\r') |
if j % 2 == 0: |
G.add_node(line_new[0],pos=(k+250,i-350),label_pos=(k+225,i-100)) |
else: |
G.add_node(line_new[0],pos=(k-250,i-50),label_pos=(k-225,i+180)) |
if line_new2[1] != "": |
G.add_edge(node, line_new[0], port=line_new2[1]) |
else: |
G.add_edge(node,line_new[0]) |
os.system("/bin/rm -f " + cfg) |
os.chdir(cgi_path) |
pos=nx.get_node_attributes(G,'pos') |
pos_label=nx.get_node_attributes(G,'label_pos') |
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'port') |
try: |
plt.figure(10,figsize=(9.5,15)) |
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=False, font_weight='bold', width=3, alpha=0.1,linewidths=5) |
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G,pos, node_color="skyblue", node_size=100, alpha=0.8, node_shape="p") |
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G,pos=pos_label, alpha=1, font_color="green", font_size=10) |
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G,pos, width=0.5,alpha=0.5, edge_color="#5D9CEB",arrows=False) |
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos,label_pos=0.5,font_color="blue", labels=edge_labels, font_size=8) |
plt.savefig("map.png") |
plt.show() |
except Exception as e: |
print('<div class="alert alert-danger">' + str(e) + '</div>') |
commands = [ "rm -f "+fullpath+"/map*.png", "mv %s/map.png %s/map%s.png" % (cgi_path, fullpath, date) ] |
funct.ssh_command("localhost", commands) |
print('<img src="/map%s.png" alt="map">' % date) |
def show_compare_configs(serv): |
import glob |
left = form.getvalue('left') |
right = form.getvalue('right') |
haproxy_configs_server = config.get('configs', 'haproxy_configs_server') |
print('<form action="diff.py#diff" method="get">') |
print('<center><h3><span style="padding: 20px;">Choose left</span><span style="padding: 110px;">Choose right</span></h3>') |
print('<p><select autofocus required name="left" id="left">') |
print('<option disabled selected>Choose version</option>') |
os.chdir(hap_configs_dir) |
for files in sorted(glob.glob('*.cfg')): |
ip = files.split("-") |
if serv == ip[0]: |
if left == files: |
selected = 'selected' |
else: |
selected = '' |
print('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>' % (files, selected, files)) |
print('</select>') |
print('<select autofocus required name="right" id="right">') |
print('<option disabled selected>Choose version</option>') |
for files in sorted(glob.glob('*.cfg')): |
ip = files.split("-") |
if serv == ip[0]: |
if right == files: |
selected = 'selected' |
else: |
selected = '' |
print('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>' % (files, selected, files)) |
print('</select>') |
print('<input type="hidden" value="%s" name="serv">' % serv) |
print('<input type="hidden" value="open" name="open">') |
print('<a class="ui-button ui-widget ui-corner-all" id="show" title="Compare" onclick="showCompare()">Show</a></p></form></center></center>') |
def comapre_show(): |
left = form.getvalue('left') |
right = form.getvalue('right') |
haproxy_configs_server = config.get('configs', 'haproxy_configs_server') |
hap_configs_dir = config.get('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir') |
commands = [ 'diff -ub %s%s %s%s' % (hap_configs_dir, left, hap_configs_dir, right) ] |
funct.ssh_command(haproxy_configs_server, commands, compare="1") |